Monday, December 04, 2006

La Fea Más Bella #159 12/4/06

  • Marcia reams Lety out for slapping Fern in front of everybody. Lety says it wasn't planned - "He lost control, I lost control -" Marcia snaps: "You never lose control, you are the human calculator, everything's intentional with you. He 'gave you the hand and you took the foot.' You give orders and do what you want, but you have no class." She mocks Lety for being Fern's shadow. "You think you're special with your fancy sports car and expensive restaurants, but you're just an employee, and Fernando's procurer! The owners here are the Mendiolas and the Villaroels! We could throw you out tomorrow."
  • Irma talks with her sad-sack bum of an ex, who showed up unexpectedly at her apartment. "Before you disappear for another 30 years, tell me where you live. And what about your brothers?" "Oh, I sleep here and there, wherever I fall. One of my brothers is in an asylum, the other has been dead 11 years, I don't even know where he's buried to put flowers on his grave." After this ultra-pathetic speech Irma says he can stay all day and have something to eat - she is going to work.

    She cries outside and then goes to Conceptos where she tells the surprised cuartel, "The cure (staying home) was worse than the illness."
  • PM is now a receptionist, it appears, and Simon misses her. He says he'll take his computer classes at lunch so they can be together after work.
  • Caro visits Lety in her office and asks if Lety's thought about going on the trip with her. "I want to go, get me out of here! My life is in pieces, I'm in hell."
  • Fern, his parents, Marcia, and Omar are in the meeting room discussing the wedding. Humberto and Teresita reveal their surprise gift: the palacial house Lety found for the happy couple. Marcia is drooling. Fern stretches his face into a rictus of false happy surprise.
  • Ariel overhears Alicia's call from the lawyer about the car and again proposes that he pimp her to his friends. She says she has solved her money problem. Ariel: "Are you getting the money in exchange for one night or several nights?" She takes umbrage. "It's not in exchange for anything, it's a loan." "You'll never pay it back, what's he getting in exchange?" "He's not depraved or sex obsessed, we have a pure relationship, we share everything." "Especially the bank account, how romantic!"

    Alicia calls Tomas, who is supervising his car being washed. She's been longing to see him, afraid he's forgotten her, crying, when can they get together? "Tonight. Can I pick you up at work?" "No! I'm going to the Conceptos party. Are you?" "No, I'd see that awful Mendiola and probably kill him." "Well, then come by at 10 pm, I'll cook you a delicious dinner." He mutters about the delicious and tasty - uh, dinner. "Tommy, any possibility you could send over the 500,000 pesos RIGHT NOW?" "Sorry, no, I'm playing golf."
  • In the boardroom Ariel ignores Humberto's suggestion that business be left to tomorrow's meeting ("Today is purely social!"). He insists on talking about Filmo Imagen, which he has discovered is in Lety's name. Fern defends Lety, Ariel pushes on, saying "You've basically given control of Conceptos to your assistant, that's our patrimony she's controlling!" Fern denies weakly and says Ariel has always hated Lety. Humberto suggests they ask her.

    Marcia fetches Lety, who stands her ground coolly, saying Filmo Imagen is indeed her boyfriend's company but he "gave" it to her because she understands finances well and has a good relationship with banks. Ariel asks about the sports car and Lety responds that due to good investments, Filmo Imagen's wealth grew by 52%. Humberto is satisfied, but Marcia insists they should have been informed. Lety responds: "Nowhere in my contract does it say I have to tell you about my personal life."

    Back in her office, she calls Tomas and recounts this harrowing interchange, saying she was humiliatedc by the interrogation, but her plans for tomorrow's meeting will not change. She'll be quitting, and they will all be in hell.
  • After the parental units leave to get ready for the party, Marcia tells Fern she is not satisfied by Lety's explanation. "OK, get out all the poison you carry around for Lety, just like your brother." "You're blind - you're so weak around her, she manages you like a puppet, and then hits you in front of all the employees! I can't believe you've fallen so low! What's happened to your image? You've become a clown! She's changed you, you're no longer the Fernando Mendiola I knew and loved. You spend your nights drinking and fighting..."

    "OK, you're right, I'm not the same man you loved, but you know what, this man right in front of you, this is the one you're going to marry. Does that suit you or not?" "Oh I understand, shall I serve it to you on a silver platter? Do you want to cancel the wedding? There's still time..." He weasels a bit and she says, "OK, you're not in love with me any more, but I'm in love with you and I want to marry the man in front of me." She leaves to get ready for the party.

    Omar says, "I thought you were going to cancel the wedding! How can you even think of that? You and I are in checkmate!" Omar's terrified of Ariel, but Fern says Lety saved their butts with her calm responses. "But the smell of suspicion is in the air! Tomorrow Marcia and Ariel will be combing over the balance sheet - it better be perfect." "Omar, haven't you noticed how Lety is winning the war over Alicia? It's because she's brilliant." Omar points out the Oxi is trying to suck 500,000 pesos out of Tomas and Fern broods over his money - passed to Lety, to Tomas, and now perhaps to Alicia.
  • Alicia demands that Marcia lend her money - she needs to buy groceries for dinner. "You're inviting me to dinner? Oh wait, no, ... Tomas? Do you realize Tomas doesn't own FI, Lety does?" Alicia is muy impactada and says she's going to faint. She recovers when Marcia said it was a present (she no doubt imagines she'll be recipient of the next business.) Marcia: "I'll lend you the money as an investment, since this dinner is a business affair."
  • Luigi tries to send Irmita home, but she refuses to go and says "I know without me you'd die." He admits it's true.
  • Alicia comes through with the party invitations. She gloats: the cuartel has not been invited, not the penguins, not the giraffe ... they point out she hasn't been invited either. She plants in their minds the possibility of crashing the event.
  • Caro repeats her offer to Lety and Lety again accepts. Fern badgers Lety about the balance sheet. She says she's worried about all the suspicion. He flatters her brilliant presentation. She says Ariel will keep investigating and find out about the FI loans. He repeats: only the perfect fake balance sheet will save their butts. After he leaves, she wonders if he deserves his help.


thanks for your recap for a minute there i was lost. I understand about 75% of what they are saying but sometimes they talk so fast. my first language is english even though i am hispanic so i mix up some words. well anyways thanks for the recap. by any chance do you know if they plan to sell the novela on dvd when it finishes airing? i hope so i will definitely buy it. i didn't see this novela from the begining but i caught it the day that lety and franando had there first night together (slept together) he was scared and wanted to back out but soon fell under lety's spell just as we all have. well anyways enough babling on thanks for the quick recap!!!

Thanks for your recap. It is so hard not knowing what was said. Wow, Marcia is really being a spiteful jerk these days. It will make it much easier if she gets dumped by Fernando. She is so enjoying being spiteful to Lety and wants to rub her face in the mud. I feel sorry for Fernando if he marries that harpie shrew. I couldn't believe how she wouldn't even let Omar go get Lety for the meeting. Marcia had to get her herself, like a child who can't wait for their sibling to get in trouble. I am so glad Lety is going away. That is what they all deserve, even Fernando. He should have broken his engagement and not put Lety through this grueling experience. They are going to be so shocked when she is gone. I can't wait for that episode.


Thanks for the great recap. Lety is the queen, all hail Lety! So cool, so least in public. I agree that she needs to get away from the noxious atmosphere at Conceptos. And while she's gone with Caro, hopefully, Fernando will be experiencing some of the spine "growing pains" that someone mentioned (Amanda? Julie?). I was really kind of disgusted with him last night, but I guess most of us revert to our childhood states when confronted with our parents, particularly when he's losing their company.

Mweh...up until now when people posted their suspicions about Fern and Marcia getting married after all I was skeptically...I felt sure Fer would break it off. After last night's episode I'm not so sure any more. If Fer hasn't decided to break it off two days before the wedding, then I suspect he's going to be carried through it by momentum if nothing else. I hope I'm wrong, we'll see... (And if you already know, please don't tell me :))

I can't even begin to speculate about what's going to happen at la junta de comité, except to say that at this point it looks as though it almost certainly won't turn out well...ahh the tangled web we weave ¿verdad?

I don't know for sure that it will be sold on DVD, but I bet there's a big market for it. I wouldn't want to buy the whole thing, but I'd love a "best moments of LFMB" DVD set. Until then, there's YouTube. :-)

I really enjoyed Fern's mock surprise over his parents' gift. It's at times like this that I can understand why everyone has such a crush on him. :)

Alicia has been calling Sara "giraffe" and Juana "penguin" for a while, but I think calling PM "possum" (or "opossum" if you prefer) and Lola "scarecrow" is new. And not particularly accurate.

Darn that Alicia, she may be the dumbest of the bunch, but she still keeps me reaching for my dictionary.

Someone in yesterday's comments asked if Irma was wearing a wig. It does kind of look like one, but I can't really tell. Here is a picture of her from a few decades ago, and here is something more recent (I'm not sure how recent).

Am I the only one who thinks Marcia looks like Fern's Mom?

Thanks for the recaps,

Thanks for those hyperlinks to Irma, Julie! very cool.
I do think it's a wig and they did a really crummy job. She could look FAR better than that.

Thanks for those hyperlinks to Irma, Julie! very cool.
I do think it's a wig and they did a really crummy job. She could look FAR better than that.

I agree Rhonda. Marcia and mama look enough alike to be real life mother and daughter.
Quite a prize you are getting there Marcia with Fern. I'm thinking by this point she would take almost anyone just to carry on with the super wedding!
Poor spineless Fernando! I still think he is gorgeous no matter what! I guess only after Lety leaves he will finally grow up?
Carrie L.

I think maybe Marcia could stand to grow a spine too. She'll bully a "mere employee" like Lety but she won't really stand up to Fern.

I felt like giving Marcia a good slap with her snotty comments to Letty. She is just asking to be humiliated and what the heck kind of woman openly tells a man she wants to marry him even knowing he doesn't love her.

I got into this one late and have managed to figure most things out but who is Caro and how does she fit in with all the others.

Carolina is a publicity consultant who sometimes does work for Conceptos. She gets along with the others, but somehow manages to stay neutral amidst all the intrigue. She is wise, intelligent, and kind - much too good for Conceptos, really - and seems to be taking Lety under her wing.

I agree, Marcia and Fern's mom look like they could be related. I thought they were until I paid more attention.

Regarding the first section of the recap: the writers love sarcasm, don't they? Boy, is Marcia going to be surprised when she finds out the Mendiolas and Villaroels DON'T own what she thinks they do. Jeanne

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And Carolina also she gets the coolest wardrobe!

I got creeped out by Fern's mother's alicia-like breast. Please, but those old babies away!

OMG those pics of Irmita are unbelievable. It doesnt even look like the same person. I'm the one who mentioned not IF she was wearing a wig. You can tell that it's a wig. And a kind of mullet-y one at that. Thanks for the links, they were fascinating. Sandy

I'm working tonight and it's one minute to seven..I know you all are sitting on the couch ticking down the seconds after "heridas" for the Lety blowout to begin! I'm with you in espiritu! I can't wait to get home and watch the tape...if they EVER get to that stupid junta de comite!!!

I got the biggest kick out of Alicia eating off the plates when they were brought out from the sala de juntos.

It is those kinds of little things that really help with character development.

I often wonder how much of what they do is scripted and how much is ad-libbed. Am I the only one?

Good point, Cathy. I would bet some of it is ad-libbed which is why it is so good. Fernando (Jaime) is so good at his part. What a great actor. His face is so expressive and all the extra things he does. That's why I love his character so much. I don't think I've had a crush on an actor since I was very young, but this character is so real to me. It's scary. All the characters are so real to me. The show affects my mood and leaves me with a heavy heart when things aren't going well. I think about the situations long after the show has ended and that doesn't happen with any other show.

Crazy for La Fea


I agree with you Lolita - the mother looks like some dance hall girl. Do you really need to pull out the push-up bra in your son's place of business? Come on.
Also, while I was re-watching Monday's episode I noticed that when Marcia was really agitated her forehead just made these tiny ripples - it looks like she's been botoxed to within an inch of her life.

Interesting. That would also explain why she doesn't blink often!

The 2010 discussion for Capitulos 159 & 160 is at this link.

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