Monday, December 04, 2006

Mundo de Fieras: 12/04/06 Lobster Boil

Today's tale of woe begins with MA at her mother's tomb, she is sobbing about how the information regarding her new-found status as the daughter of Clemente & sister of BSC Joselyn is not sitting well with MA. She is praying for her heart to be illuminated.

Joselyn is vowing to Miriam that she will get custody of lil Lui, by proving Gabe is an unfit father. She has a plan, oh yes she has a plan.

Our happy honeymooners, the now not so hot juvenile appearing JC & his totally enamoured wife Paulina are having breakfast and discussing the "Freak Show" Family Dinner of the night before, like "Geez, Tiberto is my brother." "Yeah and his mother, Delores, whacked my stepsister's Dad, oh and by the way Delores is also Karen's Tia", retorts Paulina. Thank you Paulina for Family History 101, for those of us without enough time to check your Family Tree at the LDS website. Paulina dances off and oh no....she has burned breakfast...oh well JC tells her their love is sustance enough. ****These two continue to annoy me at an alarming rate****

MA now goes to Gabe's departmento, to take lil Lui to "LEG CLASSES", however he is already with Joselyn at the hospital.

We see lil Lui in a therapy tub and the nurse give him one of those gel eye mask things. He puts it on and exclaims it is cool (as in temp not as in hip), I am not sure why unless, they are trying to retard early eye bags. Anyway he is all comfy in his big tube, when Mommy dearest creeps in and turns up the heat from a comfortable 32C (thats 89.6F) to 44C(112F), oh and she does turn on the bubbles too. Oh NO, Lui is overheating he is crying for one is coming, he is screaming, crying...Joselyn is standing around the corner with this really dazed look & I'm thinking (someone's been skipping their meds).

Now a quick cut to Gabe & MA, she has to be going....apparently without lil Lui there, things are awkward. Gabe brings up Leo and she says she is very happy, which is of course all Gabe ever wanted for her anyway..(NOT), there is a knock at the door and NO it is not Lobster Delivery, it is Clemente, now things are really awkward. Clemente wants to talk, but MA will have none of it and rushes out. Gabe tries to console Clemente with those cliches, like give it time.

Meanwhile flashback to the hospital, Lui is still flopping around and help is nowhere in site. I gotta say at this point, as annoying as I find this kid, this is a pretty disturbing scene and if it was on Law and Order, Joselyn's ass would be in jail before the next commercial. Alas this is telenovela world, where justice is never served until the Gran Finale. So Joselyn just keeps standing around the corner, twirling her hair in her red cocktail dress, with that cheshire cat grin. Finally, the nurse and an orderly or therapist run in. (hmmmm I wonder if they were playing hook-up while the kid cooked?) The kid is all red as they pull him out, he continues to scream, five more minutes and it woulda been lobster bibs and a keg of butter. Joselyn runs in and acts muy impacted.

Over at "Dos Hermanos Constructos", Paulina and JC show up giggling that they are a few minutes late, in that, "We're still on our Luna de Miel way", Tiberto can't wait to throw the term Hermano out there. JC is very cordial about the whole thing, when really you just know Tiberto gives semi normal folk that disquieting creep factor, like most zombies or living dead do, that thing where you just sense something is a little off, like right before they try to bite a chuck out of you.

Gabe gets a call while he is consoling Clemente...Yes the kid is still screaming. Meanwhile Miriam shows up at the hospital with her lawyer, they have taken pictures and you can see where this is going. They are going to sue for full custody of Lui. I don't really get how this could be Gabe's fault as he wasn't even at the hosptial and "Baby in "Whatever Happened to" was, but this is not the first time this TeleNovela has defied logic as well as general laws of physics.

Mayeya the weight challenged cook over at the Former Gabe house calls MA, who is now hanging out with Candelabra; Chatty Cathy I mean Mayeya tells MA the news about Lui and MA and Candelabra rush off to the hospital. Regina too gets a phone call while she is at Los Dos Hermanos Constructos and she tell Demian where she is going and she too rushes to the hospital. TeleNovelas are great for hospital scenes, the waiting rooms become instantly full of hand wringing individuals who all have back stories with each other, great tension.

So once we are at the hospital we have Regina, Gabe, Nic, MA, Candelabra, Joselyn, Miriam, Clemente & Leo, plus the entire cast of Rebelde, the Mexican National Soccer Team and the entire Mexican Congress taking a break from that standoff they've been having. It seems Lui has first degree burns and should be okay, provided no infection sets in. There is glaring all round and Clemente tries to make nice with MA, who just can't deal with the whole situation. She realizes that Joselyn knows MA is Clementes daughter and MA does not wish to make Joselyn suffer for it. Yeah that's it worry about Joselyn.

Time passes, Karen shows up at the newlyweds apartment and they all decide to go out together. Once in the lobby she feigns leaving her purse back in the apartment and the dumber than dirt newlyweds give her the key and she runs back upstairs where she promptly presses the key into a bar of soap she just happens to have stashed in her purse. How could you grow up with either Evil Karen as a stepsister or Demian as a father and just trust people at face value...Hello?

Meanwhile over at the Dark Mansion Demian & Regina are in the same room in their night clothes, thing seem to be going pretty well as at least he isn't raping her. Regina tells Demian the tale of lil Lui and Demian looks all concerned. She is pleased with his change. There is no physcial contact shown, for those of you who care, I do not know if Demian has gotten his groove on. I for one hope so.

The next morning Leo bring Gabe some coffee, Gabe is looking all wrinkeled having spent the night in the hospital waitng room. Gabe has a little conversation about how happy he is that Leo and MA are happy, cause her happiness is all Gabe cares about (NOT)...Leo is thrilled to hear the news.

Later Leo is at home with Candelabra getting his daily blessing and a big plate of pans (mexican pasteries), while getting ready to do his Taxi job. Hmmmm see I thought he was using either Meth, Cocaine or prescription diet pills to be working 25 hours a day, but I guess not cause he is gonna chow down on like 15 pasteries. Wait my theory may be correct Leo takes the pasteries over to MA's one room kitchen schoolhouse, were he gives them to the kids and I think he is gonna take the kids to see Lui, while the kids are outside, Leo flirts outragously with MA, giving her a couple of besos and telling her Te Quiro, yep Dude's on a drug high. MA giggles like a school girl rather than a school marm.

This of course is an excellent lead in to Miriam talking to Ingrid (yes, I am happy to report Miriam hasn't whacked Ingrid yet), Miriam is lamenting the whole MA/Clemente situation and how she doesn't want him amending his Will and leaving anything to his little Bastard; MA, it seems she wants Clemente to leave everything to Frederico's little Bastard; Joselyn. The conversation then turns to Leo, now Miriam really has something to lament, you just know she wonders if she can trade Joselyn to Candelabra for Leo, maybe throw in a dress or something hey I've got it give her a plus size Coyote fur jacket like the one Elsa sports.
Chunker Mayeya overhears the conversation and she is all shades of muy impacted.....
Chatty Cathy now has the information on the real madre de Leo, oooooops, this will either lead to yet more stress eating or the info spreading thru Naco Acres like a California Santa Anna wildfire.

Gabe and Nic are at a Judges office and the Judge gives total custody of Lobster Boy, I mean lil Lui to Joselyn. Of all the disturbing scenes, I found this to be the one that seared itself in my brain the deepest, for the love of God, doesn't money always win out in Mexico? How did Gabe's fortune not win out....huh huh? I just don't get it. Now if Demian has really changed maybe he'll give Gabe a free judge whacking.

The sorry state of affairs closes with Gabe crying by lil Lui hospital bed telling the kid that he has to go live with Joselyn. Kudos to lil Lui's acting skills here, cause the kid looked terrified.

If money can't buy off Judges and what not....what is this world coming too? I feel I've lost my moral compass


I've been wondering all along who Leo's father is? Poor Miriam wondering how Leo is such a good son and she obviously duymped the wrong kid when she kept wacko Jos. I know we suspend disbelief watching novelas and this one really pushes it with the casting. Jos is obviously in her 40's with slutty Karen in her 20's. Leo hav9ing just finished med school is probably only a few years older than Karen. Didn't anyone know Miriam was pregnant?

Ha, great recap as usual. I watched this episode, not having watched in a while, and I will say that I myself was muy impactada to see Jos pleased as punch that her progeny was squealing and simmering. Yikes, that little scene alone gave me nightmares. Oh, and I just adored Pau's work outfit...NOT. She looked smashing and all, but her cockeyed halter top, cheek leak shorts and CFM heels for a day at the office? Puhleeeeze.

See that's what I mean...this TeleNovela defies the Space/Time continum...
In real life..Tiberto is actually 2 years older than Delores (I don't know their real names), Leo is actually 1 month older than Gabe. Yeah I can't figure out Miriam's spawning habits either.

Great recap---Garcias for the giggles....much appreciated after a looong day. I agree about the casting in regards to the ages of the characters. I especially feel that Tib and ''his mommy'' look about the same age. Are they teasing us about Leo and MA?? Will she end up with Old Gabe???? Oh...I have a public service announcement about the CFM heels : Our Brazilian secretary wears them, and she recently fell and broke her kneecap while wearing said footgear. Her first question to the doctor : ''Can I still were heels?''~~~~Susanlynn, wearing CFM clogs and socks

Whoops...sorry ...long day...that's ''gracias'' and ''wear''~~~Susanlynn, too tired to be careful

Your recap had me giggling, but the posts tonight have me rolling with tears running down my face!
I do need some definitions here though. Please explain BSC and CFM?

As for Pau's hanging halter and chic cheeks, I thought whoever had done costuming for that scene had possibly just tied one on the night before and nobody noticed. I had to look twice myself to make sure it wasn't me who had sipped one too many sangrias at dinner last night.....go figure.

Well BSC is bat sh*t crazy....A medical term used to describe individual in various stages of psychosis...

Now I did not know what CFM stood for, but hey what is google for?
according the the stands for
Come f*ck me


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