Thursday, January 18, 2007

Duelo de Pasiones, Thursday January 18 - Alvaro is definitely loco

Malena (who turns out to be a seamstress) advised Mariana to tell Alvaro the truth about her daughter because Alvaro would find out sooner or later. Mariana said didn't dare risk upsetting Alvaro. "He gives me money every month. I need it to maintain my daughter."

Orlando asked Emilio if he was going to get engaged to Thelma. Emilio laughed and said no, "I think I am in love for the first time, and not exactly with Thelma." Orlando called Thelma and reported this conversation, but she scoffed that Emilio didn't mean it.

Alfonsina planted Soledad's bracelet in Jose's bed and pretended to find it while Hugo was there.

Hugo went to see Soledad and said Alvaro wanted her to accompany him, Sergio, and Adela to the hacienda. Soledad refused, saying she wanted to look for her daughter, so Hugo lied and said Alina was already at the hacienda with Alvaro.

Soledad worried about Alina, but Adela tried to reassure her, saying, "The boss loves the senorita Alina a lot."

Emilio phoned Alina and said he was thinking of her "every second, every minute, and every hour." He went to see Thelma, who welcomed him enthusiastically. Emilio said, "We need to talk very seriously. We can't continue. I'm in love and I'm going to begin a new relationship."

Thelma spluttered, asking how he could break up with her so easily, but Emilio refused to discuss it, saying, "If I've hurt you, I beg you, forgive me. It's better that I go."

After he left, Thelma told her aunt she didn't know who Emilio's new girlfriend was, "but I swear I'm going to find out. That damn woman is going to be sorry. And him too."

Emilio went home and told Angel (who was painting a landscape), "I am free, brother. Nothing will come between me and Alina."

The guys who were following Jose finally attacked him, took his money, and left him for dead. A man named Arcadio came along and helped him stagger away.

During Sofia's party, Alina received a call from Blanca, who said she and Elias were leaving tomorrow for Canada. She asked Alina to keep in touch and said, "Your godfather and I are always going to support you."

Alina went for a walk on the beach, mooning about Emilio. A man grabbed her and threw her to the ground, but Emilio suddenly appeared and rescued her. (That makes at least four people he's heroically punched since the show started.)

Luba (the witch) had a nightmare about a ghostly man telling her, "You killed my son. You are going to die." Luba woke up crying and prayed to the Virgin Mary, "You know I don't want to die. Help me."

The next day, Emilio bought a necklace for Alina and said he wanted to introduce her to his brother.

Alina returned to Blanca's house and found Alvaro waiting for her. She said, "What's going on, Papa?" and he said, "I dont want you to call me that. I am not your father." Stunned, Alina said, "My mother isn't capable of betraying you. This has to be a mistake."

Alvaro ordered Alina to come with him. She protested that she had made a promise to someone else (ie Emilio), but Alvaro exploded, "I'm not asking if you can or can't. I'm giving you an order!" He refused to let her make a phone call or collect her things.

Soledad reached the hacienda and realized Alina wasn't there. She exclaimed, "You deceived me! Where's my daughter?" Hugo said that he'd only followed Alvaro's orders.

Mariana went to see her daughter's doctor, who said, "I don't have good news. Marianita has leukemia." He said she needed a bone marrow transplant.

Arcadio asked Jose to go to Sierra Escondida (I didn't catch why, some sort of job, I think). Jose said he knew the place and there was a man there who wanted to kill him (Alvaro). Arcadio said, "Another?" I guess Jose agreed to go with him, because in the next scene they were on a bus together.

Emilio worried because he couldn't reach Alina by phone. He visited Sofia, who said, "This is strange. Alina never does this." He asked if Alina had other boyfriends, and Sofia said no, "She's never been in love till now. She's crazy for you, Emilio."

Alvaro, meanwhile, was telling Alina (unless I misunderstood), "I hate you and I reject you!" He locked her in a room for the night. Alina said to herself, "It's like a nightmare. Emilio!"

The next day, Alvaro took Alina to Luba's cave and told her, "You are going to live here! If you escape, your mother is going to pay the consequences!"

Luba dragged the sobbing Alina into the cave and said, "You're going to sleep here, and you're not going to bother me."

Emilio told Orlando Alina must not return his feelings, after all, because she had disappeared. Later he told Angel he would look for Alina at her parents' house.

Alvaro went to the hacienda, where Hugo gave him Soledad's bracelet, saying it had been found Jose's bed. Alvaro said, "Thank you. I have another proof of Soledad's deceit."

He asked Soledad, "What was this doing in Jose's room?" Soledad gave up trying to reason with him. She said, "It doesn't matter what you say or do to me, but Alina is another thing." Alvaro said she could see Alina tomorrow, "but if you rebel, you and she are going to be sorry."

Alina asked Luba to help her, but Luba said, "Do you want the boss to kill me?"

Alvaro took Soledad to Luba's cave. Alina and Soledad embraced, crying and babbling. Soledad looked at Alina's t-shirt and asked, "Why are you dressed this way?" Alvaro said, "This is how a Caporal's daughter dresses! You are living the way a Caporal's daughter lives." (Either Caporal is one of Jose's surnames or I'm missing something.) He shouted for Gaspar (Luba's simple-minded son), who dragged Alina back to the cave. Soledad slapped Alvaro and he knocked her to the ground.

Words from this episode:
esclava = a type of bracelet
averiguar = find out


Excellent recap Carmel! I howled at the end when Soledad asked Alina why she was dressed "this way," as if jeans and a t-shirt was the lowest! What a hoot.

My dictionary translates "caporal" as foreman or supervisor which I guess Jose was while he was boinking the bosses sister.

These people are absolute fools! Why oh why does every person submit to Don Loco?? It drives me nuts. And Alina's godparents...they see Alvaro losing it and they can't postpone their move to Canada??? It just doesn't make sense. Oh, wait, it's a telenovela, sense not required.

I love the vocab words, nice touch!

Aha, thank you -- my dictionary just gives caporal as "head, leader," which was not enlightening. ("This is how a leader's daughter dresses"??)

Don Loco -- yep, that's him!

As I posted on the last recap: this novela sports the dumbest bunch of nitwits I've yet seen. Not one of them has two braincells to rub together. All that money, power, and guns running headfirst into walls.

Thanks, Carmel--I especially appreciated the vocab words listed at the end. I need all the help I can get. By the way, can anyone tell me how to say ''Let me go'' in Spanish ? I've heard this many times in different novelas when someone is trying to get away from someone else but I must be spelling it wrong. Phonetically, it sounds to me like ''sweata may.'' Hugo looks familiar to me. Was he in another recent novela?? Also, Gaspar looks familiar , too. I think that Luba will turn into Alina's friend and protector because I think that Ana Martin usually plays goodies. Does Don Loco ALWAYS wear a cowboy hat?? They seem to like to showcase Pablo's many talents....See Pablo sing. See Pablo ride. See Pablo fight. See Pablo swim. See Pablo drive AND sing. See Pablo trying to get to second base. Maybe it should have been called ''Pablo's
Passiones.'' ~~~Susanlynn, not very impressed with sparks there

Sueltame. Its a command from soltar meaning to release. When you use a command the object of the command gets tagged at the end. Like "Dame" - Give me. So for soltar the command is "suelta" and then "me" is added at the end to show who wants to be released. Is that clear?

Carmel! Great recap! I think Luba is going to be the shinning star of this show.

Hey Melinama! I forgot to tag my recap yesterday. Thank you for taking care of that for me.

I saw at the end of Wed. notes someone asked about this show. Im also curious to know how well recieved this novela has been in Mexico. Will it start getting better? Does anyone know?

And thanks everyone for asking about my health. I think Im about to turn the corner and get better. Yeah! I had a repiratory infection/bronchial infection going on and man has it been tough!

I am also in the Emilio-Doesn't-Do-It-For-Me camp. Not sure why, he's handsome, a good voice, nice bod. Maybe "it's" missing because he's dumb and arrogant...and his teeth are too white and his hair is too perfect. I'd like to see him get knocked down some notches.

I think Hugo played Jose Luis the mean cop in Navidad Sin Fin. (I remember thinking he was a creep, but a hunky creep.) Gaspar I don't recognize. I was watching Alborada last night (DVD) and yes, Elias played Hippolita's dad and Blanca played the madam, very impressive Susanlynn. I would never have made those connections.

Lynn, thanks for mini-language lesson. It makes perfect sense. I am learning commands now and it's very confusing.

What a perfect assessment, "All that money, power, and guns running headfirst into walls." This one is difficult to watch (so far) so I keep using Chris's mantra, "to learn Spanish and to mock, to learn Spanish and to mock."

One more thing, Lynn and somebody else asked how Duelo did in Mexico. I remember reading in the Telenovela forum early on that someone said Duelo did average in the ratings. It started out low but then improved, possibly due to a scandal between the leads (Emilio and Alina I guess). I'm not sure what the scandal was but I believe they are now an item. Anyone got any info or dirt to add?

I don't have any dirt, sorry. My wife's relatives in Mexico knew all about Alborada and we had to keep telling them not to spill the beans, but since then they don't watch anything I've watched. So Emilio dumped Thelma, I was wondering how long she would live in denial. I guess she is still there, just in a different zip code. Yes Thelma, make the woman he loves suffer, that will surely drive him back to you! And the friend who keeps trying to get with her, grow a spine already. If he's just looking for some sex, well then I guess he's going about it the right way, but if he really likes her, um, why? Oh wait it's a TV show.
Also - I remember the Godmother telling Alina that the beach was dangerous but not going into detail, now we know! It is apparently Mexico's favorite spot for sexual assault. Emilio is like a comic book hero, devoting his life to keeping the beach safe from mashers. I would think the pattern would become clearer to the ladies: go to the beach, some dude tries to mess with you. Every time.
I think the catholic church is a sponsor of the network that makes these shows. I know catholicism is a huge part of Mexican culture, but I would go so far as to say that the Virgin is a cast member of every show, as much praying as everyone does.
Sylvia, whenever you mention watching Alborada, it makes me think of my 6 year old who will watch the same movie over and over and over. I picture you laying on the couch with the remote, blanket and teddy bear close at hand, yelling at whoever told you no AGAIN about having popcorn in the living room.
Lastly - have any of you seen the movie "A Night at the Roxbury" with Chris Kattan and Will Ferrell? It was critically reviled but beloved by Ferros. We love stupid comedy. Anyway, if you have seen it, then you will understand why every mention of the name Emilio makes me think "EMILIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO"

Thanks for the recap. I only watch the last 10 minutes before La Fea comes on, & have been reading the blogs to fill in the blanks. From what I've read and seen so far, that seems about as much as I could take of this show. At least I can get a few good laughs from you recappers.

I love the new vocab words added to the end of your blog. Very helpful for those of us who are still learning. So Sylvia, thanks for quoting Chris's "to learn and to mock". It about sums it up for this show.

BTW, Chris I loved "Night at the Roxbury" and have a co-worker Emilio and whenever he comes into the office that's how we greet him.

Lynn~~~Thank you so much. For some reason, I looked up ''release'' in my bilingual dictionary, but it did not give the word ''soltar.'' It's been driving me crazy because I've heard it a lot in the novelas, but I couldn't figure out the spelling. Lynn-YESS..that's where I saw Hugo...Navidad. As for illness, I check another forum [for Highlander: the series fans] and today a lot of people were posting about having had a horrible stomach bug that lasts 2 days and makes you lose 5 pounds..the hard, bad way...SO, BEWARE--WASH YOUR HANDS A LOT. My daughter, mother, and I all had sinusitis that held on for at least a week. This unseasonably warm weather we are having here is probably the culprit for all these nasty bugs. Which brings me to my reason for being here and for watching telenovelas...escape and laughter and stress relief. I have a job, a house, a husband, daughters, students, and I am the main caregiver of my 90 year old mother. I NEED SOME ESCAPE....SO..thanks for some giggles...keep them coming.~~~~Susanlynn, whose daughter was just made a vice president of her company and who now refers to herself as ''vice president in charge of grandma, laundry, and verb tenses''

Heh heh, yeah that's me all right, HANDS OFF the remote, sucker! Nobody gets between me and Don Luis Manrique y Arellano. If I could get myself some cocolbosh to go with that popcorn I'd be all set!

Speaking of cocolbosh, sounds like Susanlynn, VP of grandma, laundry, verbs tenses, students, house (and probably a LOT more) could use a dose of that good stuff. (Kidding aside, Susanlynn you sound like an angel. But maybe your halo is held up by tiny little horns?)

Carmel, thanks for the terrific recap and vocab tidbits! Everyone, thanks for the entertaining comments (the best part of Duelo).

I'm with you, too, Chris--learn Spanish and mock. I know how to say, "you're going to pay for that" perfectly now. Don Loco (aka Al) says that a half dozen times per episode, doesn't he? And, now Thelma's joining in the chorus.

One great thing about the deadly dialogue here--I can follow it because it is so repetitive, predictable and slow. Makes me feel almost competent!


Deadly dialogue <= completely moronic characters every single one.

Look at it this way, recappers: As blog mom I certainly absolve you of having to translate as they rehash the same things over and over. If you only recap the new stuff, it won't take long at all! More time to mock. Or do your laundry.

About "new stuff," I am wondering where the writers will go with this story. Surely Alvaro can't keep his wife and daughter prisoner for months on end. And after they escape, then what? He chases them for six months? That sure would be dull.

So my guess is that Emilio will marry Alina and set up a rival coffee plantation (or whatever it is Alvaro grows), giving Alvaro something new to fume over.

Te vas a arrepentir! You'll (or - you're going to) regret this! Is another one of those repetitive phrases. I've heard it in every single novela Ive watched.

I too like what carmel does with the words at the end of her recap. If that helps people I can start doing that too. Let us recappers know what works for the readers. Be our focus group!

Like Melinama pointed out, the repetitive conversation is easier to recap. Its a lot easier than the long winded speeches in Heridas. Plus these characters are so cartoonish in their depth that it leaves a lot of room for humor.

But I do long for the past days of Alborada. Where or where is Don Luis? Is he only to be found at your nearest Target in a neatly wrapped set of DVD's?

I think that Luba is going to have a hard time keeping Gaspar Manchild away from Alina. I have no idea where this show is headed. I'm still trying to figure out why Guaypo cut off Bertha and his fingers , where Angel,Daniel,and Francisco's first son went, how Joslyn manages to keep her eyes open, and why MA wore a supertight, tomato red ,full-length gown to a family dinner. Am I getting crankier and more sarcastic?? si y no ??..That was a rhetorical question. **Ferro--I love Will Ferrell. I saw ''Roxbury'' but can't remember Emilioooooooooooo. My favorite Ferrell character will always be his cheerleader opposite Cheri Oterio. **Sylvia--teehee.....I am in no way an angel, and I do have some little horns , but , luckily, my hairdo hides them. I'm just a slightly stressed out little devil. ~~~~ Susanlynn,learning and mocking and getting ready to go to Target to get Alborada with subtitles...As I tell family members : I don't smoke ,drink [much],or foolaround...I like to look at Fernando...give me a break...''there are worse things I could do''[Shoutout to Rizzo in ''Grease'']... rationalization is a handy thing

thank you carmel! great job at the recap.

chris, i believe the reason why La virgen keeps getting mentioned in the novelas is because she's a very big part of the mexican culture (not the church sponsoring). maybe it does, but generally speaking the mention of La virgen de guadalupe is a classic in mexican telenovelas.

add me to the club of emilio-doesn't-do-it-for-me. i think he looks machista and not very smart.

Yeah, I figured that Gaspar is probably going to get the hots for Alina. That's an issue in my work sometimes, and it might be amusing on television but it ain't in real life when you're the person in charge of dealing with angry parents....

Lynn, yes, yes, yes! Those little vocab tidbits are lovely! Thanks to any and all of you when you feel the spirit move you to include them! ('Specially slang)


Wonderful recap Carmel! Hey the vocab at the end,is a very nice thing...Thank You!
When I watch this show,every time I hear Emilio and Alina talk I think....Could this get any cornier!
As for Alvero, I can't believe he didn't love this girl(Alina)even a little bit over the years, to be handing out so much cruelty. I'm sure in time they will rehabilitate him, could anyone forgive all of this? And we are just getting started!

I'm trying to tell myself that all the characters are one-dimensional right now in order to get the roots of the story in place. Degrees of good/evil can then come out over time.

Regarding Roxbury, at one point the two brothers are trying to impress some girls at a club with a story of how they saw Emilio Estevez across the street one time and yelled out "Emilioooooooo!" to try and get his attention. "I was like 'Emilioooooooo'" "He totally yelled the Breakfast Clubber's name!" So stupid but so funny.

Hey!--guess what's on TBS Saturday at 4.15 pm and 1.00 am????--''A Night at the Roxbury.'' Has anyone seen ''Nacho Libre'' with Jack Black???..very estupido--He is a cook in a monastery/orphanage and decides to become one of those hooded Mexican wrestler.~~~Susanlynn

I have both of those on DVD, I will proudly/shamefully admit. Nacho Libre is a great movie. Also, since everyone here can find humor in bad shows (our reason for being here), both of these movies might appeal to any of you. Nacho Libre is great. From the same people who made Napoleon Dynamite.

I think it was Lynn who mentioned Alborada at Target. Is it captioned in Spanish? Movies don't have to be captioned by law, but some have subtitles in various languages. How about that one? I'd like to get it.


My favorite quote from the very weird Jack Black in ''Nacho Libre'' : ''Sometimes men wear the stretchy pants when they are in their's for fun.''~~~Susanlynn

Bravo...a fine two thumbs up...yes I love the guy who plays Alvaro...Mr. One Dimension...I still remember our first encounter..years ago, he was in a wheelchair chasing his good & noble wife with a whip...Ahhhh this is so promising...
Yes indeed Alvaro ranks near the top of my BSC scale...
& kudos to Alina what a fine blonde virgin, never been kissed...

I remember Sonar No Cuesta Nada that was a Venezuelan production, produced in Miami with an international cast. Karayme Lozano who is Mexican was the star and there were tons of Guadelupe scenes.

I remember when I went to esmas for the synopsis before the novela began I read some of the gossip stuff about Ludowicka Paleta and Pablo Montero. I don't know about him, but apparently she was married, with a small child and they had a flaming affair while making Duelo.




Schoolmarm Jeanne---FYI-----------BSC = Bat Sh** Crazy

OIC!!! (LOL!) A perfect description of ol' Ál.


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