Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Duelo - Wed Night - Sylvia to the rescue!

Hi Everone. I screwed up big time tonight. I didnt set the time right to record the show and I missed watching it. Luckily Sylvia said she could save the day! Muchas Gracias Sylvia! Yea to her for filling in!

Here are my words:
Deberia Haber - Should have. I should have checked that I was recording the show.
Flojera - Laziness. Laziness kept me from double checking that I was recording the show.
Tonteria - Stupidity. Not watching the show and failing to record it was a sign of stupidity.
Escarmentar - to learn ones lesson. (Carmels Word from last week) A good word for me tonight because I have learned my lesson!


No worries, I will do a quick and dirty version. Y'all have filled in for me plenty of times. If anyone else wants to do a thorough recap just let us know here and I'll step back. Otherwise I'll go ahead and post it.

Lynn, don't feel bad -- it could happen to anyone!

Yeah, Lynn, don't worry. I'm sure it will happen to all of us at some point.

My goodness, what a lot of apologies for a tiny mishap! And with this wonderful crew to cover for you! I'm sure you'd do what Sylvia did for you... no worries. I actually think it's amazing that y'all have been so reliable!!

I guess a little self flagellation never hurt anyone... This is such a great group. I like being in the company of people who work as hard as all these recappers do. Especially nice to know they have your back.

As for posting that I forgot, I decided to have fun with it once knew Sylvia would cover for me. Gave me a good opportunity to use some Vocabulary!

Lynn!!--Stop beating yourself up!!! You always do a stellar job. No one is one would like you if you were. ~~~Susanlynn, so far from perfect that she can't see it---appreciating all you do to translate these shows for those of us who can only understand 10% of the dialogue

I love your vocab words. You are very clever. For the record, I think missing the occasional recap is not a big deal. They WILL repeat themselves, over and over and over!!

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