Thursday, January 11, 2007

Heridas de Amor - Wed January 10 Guapo's Back!

Marisol warns Lilliana to be careful before she goes looking for the father of Sophia. It might turn out that Lilliana has to maintain him. Lilliana jokingly asks Marisol what she is going to with her. Lilliana informs Marisol about her plans to talk to Miranda.

Luciano advises a businessman Paolo by phone to not fall in love with Miranda, she is married to Alejandro. He also tells Paolo that the business will return to normal soon with AL at the helm. Vicente enters the office to tell Luciano that they have a problem; they were not the only ones who accused Cesar of fraud and abuse of confidence, Cesar’s business partners have also reported him. There is also arrest warrant out against Julio. Luciano is concerned. Vicente tells Luciano not to call Julio, so not to shock him, but instead warn Fab.

Pamela and Miranda discuss Bertha. Fab comes in agreeing that Bertha is despicable. He asks Miranda to go with him and the baby to Puerto Vallarta for the 1st part of his project. He wants her to go there and then on the London with him the week after next. She agrees to go but insists on taking Charo. Luciano calls in on Miranda's cell. He is looking for Fab. Fab gets on the phone and learns about the warrant for Julio. He is mad at Cesar.

Al enters his office. Luciano informs him that Paolo Rossi is interested in Miranda. He calls Miranda. She answers immediately drawing her guns asking if he is still with his girlfriend. Al tries to explain but Miranda isn’t buying it. He tells her she is right, he doesn't have arguments for what happened. He wants to see her. She tells him she is busy and to call later for a time. They hang up. AL talks to himself about finding a way to get back in her good graces so she will forgive him.

Cesar arrives at his apartment calling for Bertha and Lucas. They are not there. He pours himself some cognac and talks out loud that wants them to return at least so he can say goodbye to Bertha.

Fernanda comforts Julio who is rubbing his chest, sitting on the couch in the living room of the Mexico City mansion. She has ordered a pacemaker for him and it should be in tomorrow. Fab runs into the room to share the bad news that there is an arrest warrant out for Julio. When Julio hears that the order is out in his name his eyes widen and he falls back on the couch. The others all hover over him.

A week later Fernanda runs over the details about Julio with Pamela and Luciano. She thinks that Julio needs a transplant; he has been between life and death for the past week. Rebecca is strong Fern states but she worries Rebecca will get sick from worry. They start to discuss Fab and how well he has been doing as a “NEW” man. Pamela takes the opportunity to tell Fern that AL and Miranda haven’t seen or spoken to each other in a week. Pamela is worried about how strange Fab is looking at Miranda. She tells Fern about how Fab said he wanted to re-conquer Miranda at the Chocolate Party. Pamela tells Fern that last night Miranda told her that Miranda has everything in order and she doesn't think she will return from her trip. She is going to Puerto Vallarta with Fab and then later on to Europe. Pamela thinks Miranda is going to give Fab a second chance. Fern is impactada. Luciano is more impactado.

Amparo brings Renata a baby gift she made. Renata freezes seeing the gift and Amparo starts in on memories on what happened with Renata’s wedding dress. Renata tells her it’s not that, the gift is wonderful, it’s just that she is not sure if the baby is Juans or ….? Amparo comforts Renata with the story of how her nephews aren’t her kids but are just like her own. It’s more important to raise children than to conceive them. Renata is touched. They hug.

Fern calls Miranda and leaves a message urging Miranda not to leave with Fab. Pamela and Luciano stand and watch as she does. Pamela tells Fern that maybe Miranda should give a second chance to Fab, they were together since they were kids. Fern objects to that idea and argues besides Miranda is pregnant with Alejandros child. Luciano freaks on this revelation. Luciano tells the women that Alejandro immediately needs to know about the pregnancy. Luciano questions Pamela on why she didn’t tell him. Pamela answers that Miranda didn’t want Al to know and has asked everyone to not say anything. Luciano has his arms crossed, he is plenty pissed. He tells her that he is her husband, how could she hide something this important from him. Plus when Al finds out he is going to think that Luciano has also been hiding this information from him. Pamela weakly argues that Miranda is like her sister and and and. Before leaving the room, Luciano tells Pam that when Al returns he has to find out. Fern apologizes to Pamela for spilling the beans. Pamela goes to talk with Luciano.

Renata talks to herself in the mirror just like the crazy girl Veronica/Vera from Barrera de Amor. She wants her alter self to pay attention to what Amparo said. Renata wants her other self to understand that after today SHE is going to be in charge of her responsibilities. She is never going to see alter self again. She is going to live honestly and with clarity of her emotions. Juan comes in the room bearing gifts for the baby. Renata is excited to see him and they kiss. Veronica, from this telenovela, enters and they all look at the gifts together.

Luciano stands in the garden pouting. He stomps his foot when Pam approaches saying that he is disconcerted. He never knew there were these types of secrets between them! Pamela does her best to explain. Luciano looks off with a wrinkled forehead. He argues that Miranda can have a thousand arguments on why not to tell Alejandro, it doesn't matter she should have told him. Vicente walks up telling them they need to have a family meeting immediately. Cesar has just called him.

Fern is in the living room talking over Amparo’s life with Francisco and Amparo. Francisco wants her to live her life and he his. They laugh over the silly discussion. Pamela, Vicente and Luciano enter with the news that they need to have a family meeting.

Renata gets off the phone with Miranda. She tells Pamela that Miranda is furious with the news that Luciano knows about Mirandas pregnancy. Renata tells Pam that there is going to be a super fight when Miranda arrives. Pamela tells her not to worry, it was just an indiscretion of her mother, not she Pam who spilled the beans. Meanwhile Juan and Veronica talk over Sansons symptoms and how it is going for Sanson. Veronica wants to see Sanson.

Everyone is centered in the living room talking about Cesar. Juan has the floor, and argues that Cesar won’t kill anyone. Cesar is sick in the head but he is not a murderer. Cesar wants to make everyone afraid. Vicente wants everyone to be careful and to watch the main door of the house; make sure it is locked. Pamela agrees with Juan about how awful life is when you are worried someone is following you. Renata pipes up that this all sounds fine but let’s wait to hear what Miranda has to say.

Bertha gives Lucas little blue pills hidden in pieces of a hot dog. She talks to him as he happily eats up the treats. She tells him that she has no one else but him. They need to continue being free, like him. She cries as she continues. She calls the dog her son and that no one has been loyal to her like he has. No one is going to love the dog like her. Forgive her, he has to go with her, to be free. This is only going to hurt a little Lucas. She cries some more as she watches, but we don’t get to see thank gosh, as Lucas falls prey to the pills. She leans back on the Cesar’s couch as her cries settle down. She pours out the remaining pills into her hand. She looks at them but is interrupted by a sound of breaking glass. She gasps You! You!

We come back from the commercial break to see a boat being pushed down a river. It appears to be the Xochimilco Gardens and a typical boat that floats there. We see a man in black, a man pushing the boat with a large stick and someone sitting down. We see the boat tour through the area going somewhere but where?

Lucinao agrees to Miranda that he will not tell Al about the pregnancy. He warns Miranda that Alejandro won’t pardon her for this ever. Miranda, always argumentative, is not bothered by his comment and asks for what does she need Al’s pardon for anyway? Huh?! Huh?! Miranda goes on to say Alejandro doenst want to have children so why do I need his forgiveness? From behind we see Lilliana enter the mansion. She asks to speak to Miranda. The women stare at each other.

Francisco, Amparo and Roman talk over wine in a restaurant. I have to admit I did'nt pay much attention to this scene. Roman at one point calls Francisco his brother in law, cuñado. They laugh together, blah blah blah.

We see that it is Guapo who is dressed in black and Bertha is his hostage. She is the one sitting down with her hands tied and she is oddly still. At times we see Guapo holding a knife to her throat. The boat meanders down its path. This feels like a tourist video but the scenes turn from the river to a canal where the land on either side is decorated with baby dolls pinned and hung in the trees. It is the Island of Dolls (Isla de las Munecas). Eerie music plays. Baby dolls are everywhere; hung to trees, tied to tree trunks, or with their heads on stakes. The boats slams up into the land. The boat is named Bertha. Boats at the Xochimil Gardens are typically named after their owners wives, lovers or female loved ones. Guapo tells Bertha to quickly get off the boat. She is welcomed to his house. He tells her this is now her house Senora. This is what she deserves. He continues telling her, Darling this is how you will finish your days. We see him take his bad hand and hit it and stretch it out at the same time. The hand and arm work! He grabs her by the throat to kiss on her. Bertha looks horrified. Flash to scenes of more dolls in the trees and dolls heads on sticks.


Well well well. Finally Bertha gets hers. Actually, now that I've read about the island of the dolls, it all seems a lot less creepy... but last night I was thinking it was horrible enough to give me nightmares. Is this a well-known spot in Mexico, or would most Mexican viewers find it as disturbing as I did?

Its well known. At least the gardens are. They are a must see for any tourists list. The island of the dolls is less known since its in the gardens and your guide might skip showing it. But you are right about last night. They sure made everything look creepy. Who wouldnt be spooked seeing a dolls head pierced with stick?

Lynn, thank you for your great recap and for the fascinating information about Xochimilco Gardens and Isla de las Munecas. As luck would have it, I only saw the first half of the show, the part with all the talking, and the second half was pre-empted so I missed everything from the family meeting on. I hope they show some of the creepy Isla de las Munecas in Thursday's episode.

That Guapo! So his bad hand is good after all, eh? Well that explains how he was able to rape Bertha earlier. I was wondering about the logistics of that one. One hand to hold her down, the other hand to...never mind.

And poor Lucas!! Dogs and kids sure get the bad biz in these shows.

yeah too bad about the dog. Al wonders how he can get back in with Miranda, uh dude how about putting her above the psycho babe lawyer? I tried to imagine what would happen if I spent a few hours talking to some hot chick who declared her love for me, at her house, instead of going to meet my wife for a previously scheduled appointment. Divorce city, I am left with nothing. What an idiot. At least this fits with his background story of never being in love before, if he had, he would have learned some of these lessons long ago.

If Bertha hadn't killed her dog, he could have protected her against El Guapo. Maybe. (More likely Guapo would have smote him.) (Smited?)

Wow! Those gardens sound amazing. I hope I get to see them some day. These novelas can be quite educational (with the help of our knowledgeable friends here).

I only caught the last few minutes, but those dolls were some of the creepiest things I've ever seen. Then that boat with the colorful arch with Berta's name appears--it's like El Guapo is delivering Bertha to the underworld, her own "special hell." My knowledge of myth is hazy, but isn't there something about a ferryman and the river Styx? I was impressed. I wonder if that's the last we'll see of Bertha.

Finally...some action---I've never heard of the famous doll island of Mexico, so I was thinking ..Valley of the Dolls ...and...creepycreepycreepy.I remember thinking how much time and effort must have been spent setting up all those dolls. Sylvia, I have to ask, are you an engineer? The whole logistics of the rape thing made me wonder that...the logistics of this event never entered my mind.... However, I must admit to doing a lot of speculation on the dynamics of Luis and Hipolita's afternoon delight on the floor after the baptism....from a purely logistics standpoint , of course. Ferro- if my husband did what Al did , he'd be praying for divorce...I'd be thinking more like an ''island of the dolls'' fate for him. And, El Guaypo's house in the island of the dolls????...Does this mean that Bertha will spend her remaining days on earth as El Guaypo's love slave???? WOWEE There's a mental image I would like to erase.... and so go the days of our lives...p.s. Ferro,thought you might like to know ... Bozo and Hopeless just had a baby girl and are back together AGAIN...I watch this soap about once every other month and am able to keep up.~~~Susanlynn

Wow Susanlynn, if anyone ever needed an argument for why the close-ended format of Mexican novelas is better than the American way of keeping the shows on forever, you just provided it. I don't even remember what the actors who played Bozo and Hopeless even look like, I think it was more than 25 years ago when I saw that show with my mom. So they are a hot couple in their 50s having babies - wow sign me up for that. Not.

My guess is that we will never see Bertha again (in the next two days); whatever happens to her is left to our fertile and extremely morbid imaginations.

But I think it's safe to say that by now, she WISHES she'd caught rabies.

Ferro--oddly enough, there is an even older couple on that show who are still going strong...marlena and john [plus roman was part of a constant triangle with them]...but no babies happening in that storyline---every thing else, but no babies. I vote for being part of a hot couple into infinity babies after a certain point! If you're lucky, it should just get better! Look at Gabe , that old wolf!!! And Miriam was pretty randy in the beginning of ''Mundo''---but now she seems to have slowed down. Practice makes perfecto, and Bozo and Hopeless have had lots and lots of practice. teehee~~~Susanlynn, hopeful

You call her Marlena. I call her Electra-woman.

Julie---teehee---she's indestructible [like Duncan] whether she's playing Electra-woman or Marlena. She's like the Energizer bunny---she just keeps going and going and going.....~~Susanlynn

Angela: I was hit by the symbolism to the River Styx of the boat scene with the black clothes and Bertha's name done in untradtional, black flowers, and then all the foggy/steamy looking marshy areas. There are apparently 5 rivers according to mythology that separate Hades from the world of the living. Styx is "the river of hate". That certainly seems appropriate as ever for anything associated with Bertha.

Thanks Lynn, especially for the dolls thing. I would never have known that, hombre. Congrats on a finished novela! On to the caves!

I actually thought Bertha was hallucinating being on the boat with Guapo -- that she died from taking the pills and was now in her own personal hell with Guapo! I was surprised to find in the next episode that the whole thing was real.

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