Thursday, January 04, 2007

Heridas de Amor - Wed January 3, 2007

Rebecca doesn’t fall upon hearing that Bertha and Cesar were accomplices in Fabricio’s kidnapping. Instead she sits down acting like she too is having heart problems. She moans as if she is in immense pain while Julio pants from his real heart problems.

Pamela tells Miranda she doesn't agree with what Miranda plans to do; to go to the mini-Olympia to see if Alejandro will go. Miranda argues that it is for the best, she doesn’t want to have doubts about Alejandro. Miranda wishes that she could be the type of woman who acts in fits without thinking of anything, letting herself be carried away with emotion but she can’t. Miranda goes on to explain she is the type of person who has to have her emotions and thoughts clear. Pamela is impressed and she wishes she could be once again like Miranda. After this watershed moment Pamela decides she will accompany Miranda to the mini-Olympia.

Fabricio comes into Miranda’s room and asks her to watch the baby. Miranda is ecstatic to do so and cradles the baby in her arms. As Miranda talks to the baby Pamela watches on. Pamela watches happily at first but she changes her expression when Miranda starts to talk about her pain of not being able to conceive. Miranda begs Fab to never separate her from the child Enrique, the pain would kill her. Fab calls her his love and that will never happen. The child is hers also. God took the boys mother and he Fab wont be one to take Miranda away. Fab tells her again that the boy is hers as he kisses her on the forehead and hugs the three of them together. Pamela, looking at them from behind, gives a look of disbelief and leaves the room.

Charo sits outside on the back steps of the mansion talking to God. She asks God what she should do. Should she leave the San Llorentes and get a job far far away? She probably should have had this conversation while she was in the hospital but here she is debating her situation. Pamela walks up during Charo’s moment of need and hits pay dirt. Charo tells Pamela that Senorita Bertha and the man who killed Don Gonzalo were the ones who shot her. They are accomplices she confirms to Pamela. Charo begs Pamela to not tell anyone or they will kill her.

Fernanda walks through the kitchen with a baby bottle. Fabricio enters and thanks Fern for all her help with the baby. Fern tells him there is nothing to thank. If she couldn’t be a good mother to Miranda and Florencia she can at least be a good grandmother for Enrique. Fern takes the opportunity to ask Fab why he doesn’t call Julio papa. Fab tells her he cant, it wouldn’t be from his heart. Gonzalo took his fathers place after his father died. Thanks to Gonzalo he turned into the man he is, or isn’t, today. Fern doesn’t want Fab blaming Julio for not being more like a father because Julio didn’t even know he was Fab’s father. She discloses that Julio doesn’t have much more time to live, even with a pacemaker. Fab seems concerned by this revelation. He tells Fern he doesn’t want this news to be told to Julio and his mother. He doesn’t want his mother to be distressed and he doesn’t want Julio to think he is getting closer to him because of compassion. After Fern hears that she has gotten her way, she tells Fab that Florencia and Gonzalo would be proud of him for being a good son and for turning into an excellent father. I think she should have told Fab that he is a horrible father for dumping his kid with every woman in the house and for trying to score with his sister in law. She doesn't. Fab thinks they (G & F) would be proud of him for taking on his responsibilities, he is proud of himself.

Luciano, in Als/Gonzalos office, talks to Al on the phone. As soon as they hang up Vicente and Roman enter the office. Vicente tells Luciano that he got all, absolutely all, of the proof against Cesar. They have him in their hands. Roman tells how Luis Alberto and Nuria have been converted into witnesses. Roman had to work on it but they have agreed to be witnesses. First though, LA and Nuria want to talk with Alejandro alone. Vicente interrupts to say that those two will be in jail very soon. (Two who? N&LA or C&B?) . Roman asks if they are serious. Luciano says yes and questions if Roman has doubts. The men stare at each other.

Juan reviews Raul’s plans to go to Spain and deems that the curriculum looks good. He congratulates Raul and starts to fiddle with the school papers trying to shove them into a large manila envelope. Raul asks Juan a question about Joel and Juan answers him saying Joel? He has forgotten that he has a telenovela brother! Juan catches himself seconds afterward and yells Joooooeel! in recognition as he hits Raul with the envelope. Juan tries to cover his bases some more by explaining how Joel has always been an independent brother, etc…. Raul changes the subject and tells Juan that Carol is going to go with him. Raul explains that he has nothing going on with Carola but this would be a good opportunity for her to get ahead in life, meet more people and above all put land in between her and Juan. The brothers chuckle over the plan.

Luciano can’t believe whoever made projections and analysis of future markets. Vicente tells him it was Alejandro. He has learned to do most everything that Luciano does while Luciano has been away. Roman enters carrying boxes of documents he compiled working for Gonzalo and Cesar. He tells the men he can also testify if they want. Vicente thinks this will complicate things because it signifies he was an accomplice too. Roman argues that yes he was, but he wants to take responsibility for his actions. The information he provided Gonzalo and Cesar hurt a lot of people, especially the Dr. Fernanda. Luciano wants Lilliana to look over the documents and tell them how to organize everything; once again employing the services of the good lawyer. The men all agree Alejandro will be surprised, he deserves their loyalty.

Lilliana’s evil friend scolds her for being stupid about Al. Alejandro surprisingly shows up at Lilly’s house to tell her that he has been thinking over things… He realized that their problems are separate from those of Sofia. Please tell Sofia he will be there for her tomorrow. He turns and leaves and his footsteps resound loudly on the poorly constructed set. Lilliana looks relieved while evil friend is giddy.

Pamela goes to Miranda’s room where Miranda is lying on the bed with the baby. Pamela tells her what Charo told her. Bertha wanted the baby, Charo prevented her and so Guapo shot her. As they talk Miranda’s cell phone starts to ring. Miranda jokes to Pamela that it is none other than the devil, Bertha. She tells Bertha “Until I report you what do you want?” Bertha tells her she is at the hacienda and wants Miranda to meet her tomorrow. Miranda’s face freezes.

Miranda tells Pamela that she didn’t have enough time to tell Bertha anything. She worries about Bertha being in the hacienda and quickly calls Gabino to warn him. He hasn’t seen Bertha so Miranda tells him to leave the hacienda and go to the Hacienda of the Light so Bertha can’t find him. She asks him to tell Canito to close up the big house, and only give Bertha access to her room if she shows up. Miranda tells Pamela that Bertha is trying to scare everyone like she is a terrorist, hit and run. Bertha is either crazy or a cynic or both. The women agree that Berthas mental state is not good. (Side Note: Ive been wondering why they keep using the word cynic to describe someone. I have always taken the word to mean skeptic. Upon referencing a dictionary it looks like cynic also means someone who is sort of narcissitic. Or what do y'all think they mean when using this word?)

Cesar questions Bertha on why she lied to Miranda. Bertha gloats that she knows Miranda is making all sorts of calls to warn people. This makes her happy. Sanson rings the doorbell several times before Cesar gets up to answer. Sanson enters coughing to tell Cesar that some cops are watching the apartment building and have been doing so all day. Bertha touches her head with wide eyes as she listens. She is obviously shocked. Cesar meanwhile has a new hair cut and a particularly ugly half beard going on, part soul patch part Fu Man Chu. He smokes throughout his conversation with Sanson never minding Sansons’ coughs. He questions Sanson why this news is important. Sanson doesn’t know but the cops are taking pictures of who leaves and who enters. Cesar argues that the doorman would have told him if they were watching him. Sanson admits he is worried and thinks he shouldn’t come to see his patron (boss) anymore. Cesar snorts and agrees, he doesn’t want Sanson there anyway. Cesar tells Sanson he wants him to get a health checkup. Sansons bald head is sweating and he hasn’t stopped coughing since he came in but he acts confused when Cesar suggests he see a doctor. He assures Cesar that he doesn't have anything, just a little Ebola maybe but nothing else. Cesar questions if Sanson discovered Luis Alberto’s car. Yes Sanson has found Luis Alberto’s car at a hotel. He hands Cesar a piece of paper. Cesar pockets it and brings out his wallet giving Sanson money. He tells Sanson to go and he will look for him when he needs him.

Cesar admits to Bertha, after Sanson has left, that he doesn’t like what he has just heard. He doesn't know if he should go to the hacienda with Bertha or leave the country. Bertha rubs her head claiming it must have been a lie. Cesar semi agrees but he states he is going to take his precautions anyway. He asks if Bertha wants to stay in the apartment and she panics lunging for him in a fit of need. She whines for him not to leave. Cesar pushes her back and tells her she can bring her damn animal and they will stay in contact. Bertha comes in for a hug again and Cesar looses his temper. He pushes her away harder this time, snarling his teeth. He yells that he told her he would never touch her again after she got with Quasimodo; she repulses him. He goes on with fury about his disgust and hate. Her eyes get wide and she looks at him pathetically. He continues his tirade saying how he has a disgusting image in his mind of her that just the thought of it makes him want to vomit. She looks like she has never heard such words directed at her before. Her eyes droop with sadness and her jaw slacks open showing her shock. She looks defeated.

Fabricio enters Miranda’s bedroom asking where she is going. She is getting ready to go to the mini-Olympia. Charo enters at about the same time and Miranda tells her to get her things ready. They need to move her to a safer place. Fab whines when is this going to end Miranda?

Quick tourist scene of Villa Hermosa - Tabasco from a plane. Naty enters the office in the hacienda with a bundle in her arms. She sets the bundle down on Miranda’s desk and unwraps it. It’s THE gun. Naty talks to Gonzalo telling him that here is the gun … Bertha’s gun. The gun that Bertha used that night, and the same she is going to use to today. This is how it is written Patron and this is how it will be. She stumbles to the desk and puts the gun bundle in a drawer. Naty turns one last time to tell Gonzalo not to be despair. He will leave for the light soon. She turns back around and leaves before Gabino comes to look for her.

Everyone is yelling Sofia’s name at the mini-Olympia. Evil friend is excited to see that Alejandro has arrived. She tries to prove some point to Lilly about Al but Lilly rebuffs her. Soon Alejandro is seen winning a race against other fathers. He goes back after passing the finsih line to get Sofia and carry her high on his arm. Evil friend, who I have conveniently forgotten her name, tells Lilly she has never seen Sofia smile so big. She is really laying it on thick. Pamela and Miranda walk up to the festivities, and hesitate before joining the crowd. They see Alejandro. Pamela thinks this is enough but Miranda has to watch more. She has to see Alejandro in more painful episodes with a daughter she can never have. She can’t stop herself! Tracking Al has become an obsession for her. (OK those are my words not Miranda's.)

Nuria pleads to Father Santiago that she is scared. She doesn't know why but she just feels like something bad is going to happen! LA tries to talk her out of her bad premonitions. Santiago agrees that no one could find them.

As the women sit in the grandstand watching the events, Evil Friend Marisol tells Lilly to get with Alejandro and Sofia as soon as the celebration stops. Lilly rebuffs her again telling her she is crazy! Lilly is all strength in combating Marisol’s evil plans until she spots Miranda in the stands. (Quite a stadium for little kids, BTW.) Lilly freaks. She tells Marisol to check Miranda out as Pamela watches them. Lilly tells Marisol if Marisol had something to do with this she will kill her. She gets up and goes to sit by Miranda and Pamela. At first she is nice and I have hope she will come clean and find a truce, but no such luck. Miranda is her usual mean self telling Lilly she is there because Sofia called her; surely Lilly gave her Miranda’s number. Lilly denies it but Miranda won’t listen. Miranda tells Lilly that regardless they need to talk. Soon the mini-Olympia games that have been going on in the background are over. Alejandro has won the sack race and he throws Sofia in the air. The announcer tells the crowd its Sofia and her Papa! The crowd cheers for Sofia. Lilly tells Miranda that she would do whatever for her daughter. Miranda answers back that she knows. The announcer wants the mothers of the children who have won the Olympia to join their husbands and daughters on the awards platform. Miranda tells Lilly to go it’s her time.

Cesar yells at Bertha to hurry. If she doesn't he will go alone to visit Luis Alberto and Nuria. Bertha comes out of her room just as the doorbell rings. Its Julio and Rebecca announcing they are not there for a courtesy visit. Bertha mocks that Papa and Mama have come to say that Cesar is a bad boy for living with her right? Julio tells her to pipe down, they have a point with Cesar not with her, even though she caused it. They know that it was Cesar and his accomplice that kidnapped Fabricio. Bertha goes from mocking witch to weak woman as she puts her hand on her head. Her eyes follow Rebecca and Julio as they make their statements. Rebecca tells Cesar she wants him to return her jewels that they have had in the family for generations or she will report him and his accomplice.

Father Santiago tells Alejandro that LA and Nuria are ready to go. He tells Al to hurry and get there. LA states that AL better hurry up because they have to leave in 30 minutes. Nuria is freaking out telling the men about her premonitions and how her chest hurts. She thanks the Father for everything; she is never going to see him again. Santiago decides that this is the time to finally tell Nuria the truth; Tomasa was her grandmother. Nurias eyes widen in shock.

Alejandro, Sofia and Lilly stand at the winner’s platform. Miranda and Pamela stand nervously at the edge of the crowd. Evil friend, Marisol, slides over to Miranda and Pamela and greets them by acting like she doesn’t know who they are. She tells Miranda and Pamela that she is the aunt of Sofia as she points to Al, Lilly and Sofia. Pamela opens the door to trouble by pointing at Al and asking Marisol if He is the father of your niece? The door has been opened for Marisol’s evil plan. She tells M&P all sorts of untrue things like Lilly is seeing Al. Al will soon be getting a divorce and they will be getting married, blah blah blah. Miranda, as expected, falls for the trick and gets mad. She looks over to see Alejandro kissing on Sofia as Lilly gazes happily at them. Miranda has had it and excuses herself from the women.

Sofia’s friends compliment her on the handsomeness of her dad and his strength. No one stops the kids from thinking that Al is her dad. Miranda saunters up like a tiger about to devour its meal, eyeing Al with her death vision. She tells Al congratulations for his 1st place. Al is shocked to be busted. She tells him that she came because Sofia called her. Remember the call I got in the library? It was Sofia. Al weakly tells her that he was going to tell her but but but. Miranda continues undeterred. She tells Al that Bertha called her and that Bertha wants to meet them in the hacienda tonight. Miranda then puts her death ray on Lilly telling her to not look at her like that; she’s talking about family things that don’t concern her. Miranda finishes it off by asking Al to let her know if he will be there and she walk away. AL, who is wearing a silly medallion around his neck signifying his 1st place win, turns to Lilly to chew her out. He accuses her of orchestrating the scene with Miranda to separate him from his wife and for using her daughter to get at him. At that very moment they are called to take a photo. The three pose with Sofia shinning brightly; she got her way! While Al and Lilly look less than happy.

Rebecca pleads with Cesar that he couldn’t have sold all her jewelry! Certainly there are pieces they can recuperate! Cesar tells her to forget it. The jewels are gone to support his business. Julio gets seriously mad at Cesar telling him he doesn't have a business and he wont even get a pardon from God for what he has done to his mother. Cesar tells him he doesn't care. Julio taunts that LA split with all of Cesar’s capital, he will never see LA again. Cesar tells them he will get peso for peso from LA while Julio laughs. Rebecca regains her voice and tells Cesar she is going to report him and his accomplice to the law. Cesar slams out of the apartment as Bertha smirks from the couch. She laughingly tells Rebecca that was not the right way to confront Cesar. Julio and Bertha call Bertha a viper and leave. Bertha stares off in space.

Veronica and Renata go into Fabricio’s room. He is working on his laptop computer as he holds the baby. Veronica picks the baby up to coo at him. Veronica asks if Fab cares that she is HIV positive and holding the baby. Fab gives a public health message that you can’t pass HIV from kisses or hugs and much less for loving his child. No one should be discriminated for having the virus. Veronica is touched. Fab turns back to his laptop to look at an email a friend in Germany just sent him. He calls the girls attention to the email. It has a picture from a security camera from the building next to the assassinated cardiologists’ house which caught an unknown woman leaving the building. None of the occupants know this woman. The trio looks closer at the email picture. It’s Bertha!

Tomorrow what will Miranda do about Lilliana? Can we make it till the end of this show?


Lynn! You can make it! You have only one more episode to recap! And then, on to the next ridiculous monstrosity!

Maybe they'll talk less in "Dueles."

Thanks -

Thanks for the excellent recap, Lynn!!! Nothing says sexy like a guy in a potato sack race, no??? As for Miranda, either get rid of Al or have a smackdown with Lil....~~~Susanlynn, just wanting it all to end

Awesome recap. I will have to watch this episode to see Cesar's new facial hair look.

It's awful. I mean, it's worse than before. It just looks like someone made a mistake.

...Sleazar's facial hair, I mean.

Thank yall. Yes Cesar is sleazy-er than before if you can imagine that. Bertha is just looking haggard. And Miranda has married one idiot of a man. Hes just now, after the kissing incident, figuring out that he should leave Lilliana alone? Hello is anyone home?!

What about calling Bertha a cynic. Shes evil, she doesnt just think poorly of others. SO why would they be using that word? I guess Im hung up on good / exact translations today.

And I think we will be saying goodbye to Nuria and LA shortly. Unless Santiago has some guns under his clothes....

GREAT recap Lynn! Here are some thoughts on the word cynic...

From Wikipedia: "The Cynics...were an influential school of ancient philosophers. They rejected the social values of their time, often flouting conventions in shocking ways to prove their point. A popular conception of the intellectual characteristics is the modern sense of 'cynic,' implying a sneering disposition to disbelieve in the goodness of human motives and a contemptuous feeling of superiority."

So far very Bertha, wouldn't you say?

Wikipedia continues: "Their name is thought to be derived either from the building in Athens called Cynosarges, the earliest home of the school, or from the Greek word for a dog, "cyno", in contemptuous allusion to the uncouth, aggressive, mordant manners adopted by the members of the school. Whichever of these explanations is correct, it is noticeable that the Cynics agreed in taking a dog as their common badge or symbol..."

Lucas for example? I'm not sure if the telenovela writers analyzed Bertha's character in a classical sense, or whether they consciously installed Lucas as Bertha's pet or "familiar" because she is a cynic, but it is at least an intereting coincidence. Bertha is most certainly mordant with her biting sarcasm. Morder = to bite.

Wow! Very good Sylvia! Ok now Im getting the defenition. THank you for explaining it to me. Sure puts a different light on a word I have taken for granted. I was so caught in what I thought it meant I didnt take the time to research more. Plus your Lucas and Morder observations put the icing on the cake. Thank you!

Very interesting information about the word ''cynic'', Sylvia. I also think of a cynic as someone who is skeptical and does not believe in the good or positive in life which also is a pretty accurate description of Bertha....or ...we could just make it simple and describe her as an unfeeling bitchy psychopath. However, I must say that lately, I sometimes feel sorry for her...her life has been filled with hate and revenge and she looks pathitic, haggard, and empty now. Asi es asi sera. You reep what you sow, n'est-ce pas ???? On the other hand, I never feel any sympathy for dreadful Joslyn who is just plain BSC. Thanks for the interesting discussion . `~~~Susanlynn, feeling under the weather with the start of a cold , flu?????

Diana Bracho must be doing a great job if we can feel an iota of sympathy for her character. I always use that as a criterion for judging a good performance. Lynn, you did such a great and detailed job on your recap that I'm glad you didn't spend any more time on "cynic." I was happy to use my work time for such a good cause, heh heh.

Susanlynn, hope you're feeling better soon.

Actually, as far as I know, in Mexico the word cynic or "cinico" as used in this context [No seas tan cinico]means saying someone is sarcastic or flippant or sort of smart-alecky like. A cynical person might act like that, so it seems to make sense to me.

Thank God for all of you guys! That damn Bush speech from Wednesday threw off my tivo. I missed the last half hour of HDA and I could not bare to move on to the final two episodes without knowing first what happened on Wednesday.This is it....I will truly miss this fine cast and story.


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