Monday, January 15, 2007


I'm in finally! I had to create a separate account on blogger for this blog but at least I can post now. Caray! Caray! is the 4th blog I am an author on. I am the primary author on a blog about Minneapolis Crime (I live in an area of Minneapolis which has always had some crime problems but has experienced a boom in crime lately.) I also have a personal blog with my husband, Our House, which is how Melinama found me, I occasionally posted reviews of telenovelas there. The third blog is a political discussion blog called State of Nature, although I owe them a post.

Here's a list of all the novela's I've watched, at least the ones I can remember. I was in Venezuela off and on in the 80s and early 90s while I worked on first an undergrad then a grad degree in Poli Sci. My first novela was Topacio, with Grecia Colmenares and Victor Camera. Later I watched Por Estas Calles, which was a smash hit over there for while since it was very political at a very difficult time in the country's history. I think it was too political , too local and too long! so it's likely that it never got shown outside Venezuela. When I got back, I mostly watched the Mexican novelas on Univision: Agujetas de Color de Rosa, Marimar, Maria la del Barrio, Canaveral de Pasiones, Esmeralda, Prisionera de Amor, Sentimientos Ajenos, Vivo por Elena (then after a hiatus) La Madrastra, Sonar no Cuesta Nada, Peregrina and last Heridas de Amor, during which I started reading this blog.

I don't have the Fernando Colunga fever that other people seem to have here but maybe I will develop it when he is next on. Guy Ecker was more my speed and I'd like to see more of him.


Hello, Margaret! welcome aboard!

I am a fan of FC as well as Guy. I would love to see the two of them work together in a novela or something (that way I won't have to choose who to watch).

A girl can dream...;)

Fer f-e-v-e-r is that what it's called? After accidentally clicking onto the last 3 weeks of Alborada I'd wondered what happened to me. Thnx. Now I know. (I don't speak Spanish. Thanks for this site that I found back then.) [This is the first time I've posted here, btw, just roosting in the rafters up to now - I use the free internet at a library.]

Hi Margaret (and everyone else)..I am new to blogging (my 3rd one) but I have come across this site before and I just love it..I love the recaps and commentary... Margaret let me just say that I too saw Agujetas de Color de Rosa, Marimar, Esmeralda, Prisionera de Amor and Peregrina (that was probably the first I saw after a hiatus of several years)....anyway it will be cool reading another blogger.

P.S. I am very sorry if I am spoiled anything for anybody by mentioning the makeover...I didn't do it on purpose.

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