Saturday, January 20, 2007

Mundo de Fieras - Jan. 19, 2007 let the battles begin


* MA brings Otilia into the living room of the palace - everyone looks at them as Otilia starts to talk non-stop first to MA, then she says hello to Miriam and Karen, Miriam seems less than thrilled to see her. Gabriel tells Jossie that he would like to visit with their son before dinner and Jossie happily escorts him upstairs. MA looks disappointed and upset.

* In the bedroom nursery, Gabe hugs and kisses CB (for the sake of my own notetaking, I am naming the little lad "CB", abbreviation of his last name Cervantes Bravo). Jossie is all smiles and giggles as she watches the two together.

* Rogelio and Tiberio are drinking at their strip club, Rogelio brings up Dolores being in love with Nick - Tiberio hates that idea.

* Otilia expounds about her trips and the chefs who cooked such delicious meals - Miriam is bored and tells her politely to shut up about the past, she would rather live in the present. Jossie seconds the thought. Otilia changes the subject of her sermon to the competing design houses, and she makes the grand gesture of having a joint style show and Miriam can be the head designer. Miriam is unsure (hates the idea of working with Otilia) however Karen insists that it is a great idea and convinces her grandmother to agree to it. Once Miriam says okay, Otilia starts planning - Dolores gives her opinions - MA and Jossie roll their eyes at the same time.

* At MA's apartment, MA thanks Candy for agreeing to babysit LD for her. Candy leaves to get something from her apartment. MA walks into the other room for a minute. Just long enough for Gabriel to stroll in and start playing with LD. MA returns and is shocked and mortified to see Gabriel there - she asks what he is doing; he says playing with his son; she picks up LD and says he isn't your son and asks him to leave; Gabriel is focused, determined and stubborn and refuses to leave.

* JC and Pau are eating breakfast at their apartment. JC starts to stand up to finish getting ready for work and has a major dizzy spell.

* MA and Gabriel argue about whether Gabe is the father or not - Leo enters and overhears the argument - Leo sides with MA says that he is the father not Gabriel. Gabriel doesn't buy it and asks to speak with Leo alone. MA leaves with LD. Gabriel thanks Leo for all he had done for him and Luisito. Leo says you're welcome but it isn't necessary, he was doing his job. Gabriel brings the conversation back to the subject of LD's paternity - Leo says it is true he is the father - Gabriel doesn't believe Leo and thinks that he is covering in order to protect MA.

* Pau tries to convince her hubby JC to go to the hospital or Leo's clinic for an exam. JC kisses Pau and says he will be fine - he doesn't need to see a doctor.

* Soraya and Di are laughing as Otilia tells them about the dinner party last night at the palace, and the joint style show idea she got Miriam to agree to. They also discuss how MA is doing with her work and her son LD.

* In Candy's apartment, MA is venting her worries to Candy about the conversation Leo and Gabriel are having in her apartment as they watch LD play on the sofa.

* In MA's apartment, Leo and Gabriel are still deep in their conversation about why Leo feels the need to cover and protect for MA and LD. Leo tells Gabriel to go home and worry about Jossie and his son CB, and to give CB his last name. Gabriel tells Leo that he only loves one woman and that is MA, and then Gabriel leaves.

* Miriam and Ingrid are in the office talking about Otilia's style show idea.

* Otilia is back on-line blogging her advice column. Soraya interrupts her session to show her some new designs which gets Otilia thinking about the big style show again.

* In Candy's apartment, Candy and Elsa sit at the table - Elsa is frustrated about her poor luck in finding employment - Candy gives her support and blessing before Elsa leaves to try again. After Elsa leaves, the phone rings - it's Soraya.

* MA brings LD back to her apartment. As MA and Leo play with LD on the sofa, Leo informs MA about his conversation with Gabriel. They exchange worried serious looks.

* Gabriel is in his office thinking about what Leo just told him. Jossie and Karen enter - Jossie is so excited to start working at the construction company and asks if Karen can work there also - Karen explains that it will be part-time of course, and then tells Gabriel about her professors and her design classes in Paris. Gabriel agrees to the request. They happily leave the office.

* Candy visits MA and LD in MA's apartment. MA explains to Candy that she isn't about to give up her inheritance in anyway, and she will always keep the apartment as her own little refuge.

* Tiberio is in the home office working - he gets frustrated when he can't find something important and starts to yell and throw a fit. Dolores enters to try and calm him down and help - Tiberio yells at her to leave as he searches frantically for the important item. Finally he calms down when he finds it in the house complex model on the desk. Dolores smiles and then leaves.

* Demian and Regina are in Demian's business office talking. She is disgusted by his abusive jealousy and gives him an ultimatum. Demian changes into nice sweet Demian and apologizes. Regina smiles and accepts it. Demian asks Regina to lunch.

* Rogelio, alone in his office, thinks about Demian's offer and laughs to himself.

* Miriam, Jossie and Karen are gathered in Miriam's design office. Jossie and Karen talk about the plan against MA - Miriam isn't paying attention because she is more worried about her business. Jossie brings up Miriam's sale of her jewelry - Jossie and Karen both agree there will be no more jewelry sales to save the business. As they leave, Jossie frustrates her mom even more by mentioning that Otilia could just rise above her in business, and then she purrs.

* In her office, Otilia talks with Candy about modeling again for her big style show.

* Elsa is pounding the pavement and having no luck in finding work. She passes by a liquor store, stops to look at the bottles in the window, and then runs away fast.

* Dr. Leo is at his clinic examining a patient "Don Jose Luis." Leo listens to Don Jose Luis talk about his fears and need to get help in order to continue to work. Leo calms and comforts him, and then pulls out his cell phone to call AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) to make an appointment for Don Jose Luis.

* Dolores meets with Otilia, MA, Soraya and Di in Otilia's office. They agree to help MA become the best designer ever - MA happily accepts the assistance and says she also wants to rise above all her enemies.

* Jossie meets with Tiberio in Tib's office. Tiberio is still laughing and enchanted by the commotion of MA's return. Jossie changes his tune as she circles around him and convinces him and Rogelio to support her always.

* Rogelio wanders into Miriam's bedroom at the palace - he makes a bee-line straight for the wall safe. As he is opening the lock, Mayeya pokes her head in the doorway and spies on him taking more jewelry from the safe and putting it in his pockets. She sneaks away before he notices. He locks the safe and leaves hoping no one sees him.

* Jossie goes to meet with Demian in his office - she tells him her plan against MA and wants his support. He laughs and says he has to think about. Regina enters and interrupts. Demian wishes Jossie luck in her work at the company. Jossie leaves.

* In the kitchen at the palace, Mayeya (who can't keep a secret) tells Tweet what she just saw Rogelio doing in Miriam's bedroom. Mayeya is worried and asks Tweet for advice. Tweet says not to do anything at the moment and calms her down. She kisses him.

* MA meets with Gabriel in his office - MA thinks it is about work - he wants to discuss LD being his son - MA is frustrated and tells him to stop talking about it - Gabriel is determined and stubborn, he pulls her close, wraps his arms around her and as she tries to wriggle free, his lips overtake hers and she melts into kissing him. It only lasts briefly - MA breaks free and slaps Gabriel hard. She tells him never to try that again and flees from the office. She seeks privacy in her office to recollect herself and her strength.

* At the same time, Gabriel is sitting in his office, smiling, thinking MA does still love him. Jossie interrupts his thought bubble by bringing CB in for a visit. MA opens the door to the office and watches the happy family moment inside.

* MA returns to her office and thinks there is no way she will ever separate Gabriel from CB. Then she thinks about CB and starts to feel something strange in her gut instinct.

* Jossie and CB visit Karen in her office and Jossie tells her about their visit with Gabriel. Karen confides her thoughts about how her plan to get JC is progressing. Jossie and CB leave.

* Demian and Regina have a private lunch together at a restaurant. They kiss and then Regina's cell phone rings interrupting the moment. Regina just has to answer it. As soon as she says "Gabriel" and Gabriel starts to talk with her, Demian gets angry, hurt and jealous again. He yells for the check and says they will go back to the office because Gabriel is more important to her that he is. Demian storms out. Regina is in shock.

* JC has another dizzy spell in his office. As he braces himself on a desk, Karen enters to office. JC tries to recover his balance as he asks her what she's doing there. Pau enters at that moment - shocked to see Karen - and asks her the same question JC just asked. Karen explains how Gabriel agreed to let her have a part-time job there at the company.

* Nick meets with MA in her office - first they discuss business and her work then she brings up his love for Dolores - he says he declared his love for her but Tiberio is a huge road block for their relationship. MA explains Dolores' viewpoint as a mother.

* Regina cries as she enters Gabriel's office and tells him about Demian.

* Demian, in a foul mood, meets Jossie in his office. They exchange barbs and threats. As Jossie declares war between them, Gabriel bursts in and starts to attack Demian. Gabriel throws Demian out of the business and then he slugs his brother to the ground. As the fight starts to heat up, Regina enters to break it up.

PROGRAM NOTE: Univision Saturday movie for tomorrow, Jan. 20, is "Por La Libre", starring MLDB's Nandito Jr. and Alej Tomassi (Felipe, Alborada)


Thanks for the recap. Really good! But just a little correction todays Friday episode was number 79, Thursday's was 78.

Thanks for quick recap! This show has gotten to the, for me, comfortable spot where I don't like anybody so I don't care what happens to them and I can just enjoy the antics anytime I have a minute to watch!

Thanks muchisimo for subbing for me! Great recap and I've been wondering how Mariangela wouldn't have noticed the lighter hair and the features (that all babies have) that mirror his true mother's, Joselyn's! This is novela-land, so like the sign over the gate says "Dispense with reality all who enter here."

P.S. - Alejandro Tomassi is a fabulous actor, though not a typical romantic lead. I have seen him in Alborada (Felipe) and in El Manatial (Justo Ramirez) and opposite A. Robinson again in Bajo La Misma Piel (in which his talent was totally wasted and hidden under a bushel somewhere). That movie will be on my schedule for sure! Thanks for the heads up......

Great recap, Jody. Mundo just ended in Mexico. We are about 2 months behind so figure Mundo will go until the 3rd week in March or so.

I agree with Melinama. When this show started I thought I wouldn't like it because all the people were so awful. But now I'm enjoying it for the same reason - the extreme bitchery is a lot of fun.

you're all very welcome.

jardinera - it was my pleasure to do it. if you can (and it is still on) watch Alej play "claudio" on Amy la nina de la mochila azul. I believe it is on Univision Saturday and Sunday mornings at 8 a.m. central time.

jean - thanks for the note about how far behind we are from mexico. i was wondering about that.


Wow! Hey guys, I just found this place...very cool.

I study spanish (very intense for the last year) and watch lots of spanish tv. My favorite novela is Mundo and being able to read these recaps is really, really helpful to follow along for the parts that are still over my head. Some of you writers are very funny too, good stuff!

I love Alejandro Tomassi. He was great as Felipe in ''Alborada.'' Perfecto. He was the perfect friend/counselor for Luis. I loved to see him interact with all the other characters-Luis, Marcos, Cristobal, his wife, etc. He was always so confident, loyal, logical, calm ,and in control---just the kind of friend we all, handy with a stilletto to defend himself and his friends. I've caught him a few times on the Sat. AM show.~~~Susanlynn

Uh-oh...what's wrong with J C ???? ~~~Susanlynn

If anyone else on this show is going to die, I sure hope it isn't JC!!

Gabe Gabe Gabe....that lil smirk on your face at the end....Honestly I didn't think ya had it in ya.

MA was saying no no no, but her lips were also saying no no no...nevermind

It's true that nobody ever is "just dizzy," as any cough indicates a life-threatening condition. Can't wait to see what they'll saddle JC with.

I vote for "terminal hotness."

Julie---LOL--hotness is good, but let's not make it termninal because J.C. is one of the few people I can tolerate on this show. Perhaps the first ever male pregnancy storyline on a telenovela ?????~~~Susanlynn, liking J C...quiet, not crazy , guaypo even though he's blonde

Perhaps "terminal" could refer to his hotness posing a health risk to others. ;-)

I'm a couple of days behind - I don't understand how MA was in that little jacket and skirt during the day - then flash to night and she's got a red gown on - and then flash to Candy's and she's got the daytime outfit on again. Am I going Mundo Loca?

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