Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Why all the fretting over Lety and Fern?

A friend and fellow blogger, Terry Teachout, wrote this in his blog:

"Most commercial films are made on the assumption that audiences want to see moral struggle—but not too much of it.

"Much more often than not, we know as soon as the credits roll exactly what we're supposed to think the star ought to do (kiss the girl! give back the money!), and we spend the next hour and a half waiting for him to finally get around to doing it.

"When he does, we go home happy; if he doesn't, we go home feeling cheated, and tell all our friends to pick a different movie next weekend."

But in telenovelaland we have to wait months and months, or even a year!

Please try to enjoy the ride. Aldo is a right guy, even if he is kind of new-agey. And everything will work out, one way or the other. Don't gnash your teeth and lie awake at night!

Just a note from your concerned blog mother.


Oh wise blog mom, you are so right... as usual! After the fever-pitch action in the fall, I did spend the holidays sort of bummed about the general slowing down and then the whole 'Deep Thoughts By Aldo' track. But in the new year I have realized that as soon as this novela is over, we'll be bawling about how much we miss it. And, oh yeah-- it's just a tv show.

Yes Melinama you are right. "Just enjoy the ride".
My crazy hectic life would not be half as much fun without La Fea to look forward to 5 days a week.
No matter how frustrating it can be when it gone I will feel lost again (just like after Alborada)!

Carrie L.

Love the "fretters"..It shows a passion for the show.We know it's make believe,but we love it and will continue to "fret" and still enjoy the ride to the end of LFMB.Mo

Blog Mom. "It will work out one way or the other" is like the horiscopes. Either way, what you say will be right. But it does not help my anxiety over the progrmam because I want to see Lety and Fernando work out their hurts and then have a renewed and mature relationship, one where they have each other, cause that is what they really want.

My hope is that even if it turns out like we want, it doesnt just have them ride off into the sunset. I miss the interaction between the two of them (when they were getting along that is) and would like to see some more of that before the final curtain.

And, I agree with Mo, fretting shows passion.

And, Melinama, I often find myself thinking that if you married Fernie your name would be Melinama Mendiola. I like it. Sandy

Thanks Mom! May I have some more chicken soup please? :)

I love it, K!!
Chicken Soup for the Telenovela Souls.

Melinama, you hit the tele right on the novela! Patience, folks! I don't care how it ends (well, yes I do, you know what I mean) but when it ends do you think we'll be lucky enough to be presented with another "Alborada?" We can only hope so, but more than likely we'll get another dog like Heridas or Duelo. And then we'll be wishing we had Lety and Fern and Aldo and Omar and AY, MAAAARCIA back in our homes 5 nights a week.

So true about the eventual let down when it is over. After Alborada I passed on everything until LFMB hooked me mid stream. I'm going crazy with worry that the State of the Union address will suddenly be shown on my channel and ruin my chance to see Fea. I guess I'd rather watch a fairy tale from Mexico than one cooked up in DC - how sick is that ;-)

The unfortunate part is that really good novelas almost never follow each other. We have to suffer through dogs, like Duelo and Mundo is order to earn enough merit to get a good one.

Melinama--you said it!! I read some blogs on telenovela-land and some of the posts are just horrible about Aldo--I mean down-right hateful. I don't want us to spiral down into that hole. While it would make ME happy to have Aldo and Lety together--it may not go that way and that's ok. The ride is fun and I got introduced to some great actors that I hope I can see in other things in the future.

I am back to getting all pumped and excited about a novela (at least now anyways, I was on a hiatus until Piel de Otono started and began catching it midstream) and do that whole yelling at TV screen thing and then miss it when it's all over and say that's it no more for me...but that doesn't really work cause I get drawn in all over again and now with recaps, it may be hard to give it up all together..if only they weren't so addictive.

With all this talk of the show ending you all are making me depressed. Now I'm wondering what my life will be like after La Fea ends :-( Hard to believe that I had a life before the show started.

So let me ask you, how long after "Alborada" ended until the DVD came out for sale? (Me just thinking how long I'll have to go w/o my La Fea fix).

Thanks for keeping us grounded, Blog Mom. I just want everyone to end up happy. Maybe even Malicia and Ariel....


I think I asked this before but didnt answer, does anyone know if when they release the DVD if it's in it's entirety or just select shows?

The reason I ask is that I'm trying to transfer all of my shows from DVR to tape and it's becoming too time consuming - I'd rather just buy it when it comes out.

Thank you for the perspective, Melinama! And I agree with Barb about not spiraling down into a hole of too many quejas (complaints). The pace of telenovelas is one step forward and a couple to the side or back, before the next step forward, and if you're going to enjoy watching, then you have to just (dare I say it) go with the flow... When there's a good one like La Fea, with such great characters, I feel like I could watch it gladly for the next 20 years! Why be too anxious for things to get resolved; when they do, then the show will be over! OK, maybe 20 years would be too long...

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