Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Duelo de Pasiones - Monday, 01/22/07 -- A tale of two whorehouses; Gaspar's backstory

More choppy scene editing folks. And so much yakity yak dialogue I found it hard to do anything other than recap. It’ll be up to the rest of the team to make us laugh this week.

--As tonight’s show opens, Jose is sitting on a public bench stuffing a letter into an envelope. His buddy, whose name escapes me, runs up to him and tells him to hurry up that they are going to be late for the truck. Jose says he just has to post a letter and he’ll catch up to him.

--Luba and Gaspar are walking and it’s night where they are. She’s upbraiding him for letting Flor/Alina escape. --Don Loco is riding around on his horse having wobbly hallucinations about Soledad and Alina meeting up with Jose and doing a happy family group hug. He catches up to Luba and Gaspar and accuses Gaspar of letting them escape. Don Loco dismounts and goes after him Luba tries to get between them but is unsuccessful. He picks up a big rock and starts using it to clobber Gaspar who is on the ground crying. Luba is screaming. Meanwhile Soledad and Alina are hiding in the bushes. They can’t let Gaspar pay for their escape so they give themselves up. Happy now, Don Loco accepts the surrender and grabs Soledad. He tells Alina “the next time you try to escape, your mother will pay the consequences.”Luba shakes her fist at him as he rides away with Soledad. She says, “damn you, Alvaro Montellano, you don’t know what could happen to you next, but you are going to remember me!” [I think that was supposed to be some kind of witches’ curse maybe? It sure sounds like that or at least a threat. And it rhymed in Spanish.]All the while, ominous music is playing and that screeching monkey sound effect is going at full blast. She goes back to tend Gaspar with Alina

--Back at Sierra Escondida, at Don Loco’s ranch, the next morning, the Don himself is seated calmly at his desk paying a big fat bribe to a guy and saying that he’s always had good relations with the authorities. He’s glad to have complete control over the area surrounding his Hacienda. So now we know why he was so eager to park Soledad and Alina there. Because not only is he the property owner, he’s also the law!

---Emilio takes Thelma the skank out to dinner and dancing. She’s all hot for him but he’s distant. Then we see why, he’s thinking about dancing with Alina instead. Next, the scene gets all dark and swanky jazz starts playing so we know it’s time for some horizontal jogging.

--And we’re back to Sierra Escondida again. Luba is teaching Alina/Flor the uses of various medicinal plants. One is Viagra, One is Sominex, One is Excedrin, one is Pepto-Bismol. She repeats them back to Luba. Luba is happy with Flor’s progress. Then Flor gets up and touches that little green bottle on the shelf that we saw in the last episode. Luba gets very excited and says “Never never touch that!” Do you hear me? Flor is surprised but agrees not to.

--Back at Casa Valteirra, Emilio and his sickly brother Angel are chatting. Emilio is wearing his dress blues. He has just graduated and got the highest marks. Angel says he’s proud of him and their parents would be too. Emilio gets a far away look in his eyes and agrees. Emilio says he’s going out to celebrate with the lads and would Angel like to join him. No (cough, cough) he’s too sick. He’s wearing a short sleeved polo shirt with the collar up and a scarf around it. It must mean he’s sick because it sure doesn’t make any sense. Emilio turns to the rest of the guys and calls out, Engineers! They rise to their feet. “Si, mi Capitan!” “Let’s go celebrate! says Emilio.

--Alina/Flor is near the river holding her holy card of the Virgin, looking at it and kissing it before putting it in her back pocket. Gaspar walks up to her. He has a present for her. He’s going away to make some money for her and his mother She’ll be able to buy some new clothes and shoes. Alina says she doesn’t need anything and that she’ll miss him. He gives her the present--It’s a puppy. Looks kind of like a German Shepherd to me, with a black face. He asks her what name will she give to the dog? She decides on Tonki (? Couldn’t quite make that out.) Cleverly, we see her playing with the dog and it gets bigger and the words “Two years later”) appear at the bottom of the screen. Tonki is now fully grown and a very handsome adult dog!

--It’s two years later and we now see that Emilio is well into his career as an Army Engineer and we see what they actually do. I guess they are like the national guard and do disaster relief, rescues, that sort of thing. There’s a flood somewhere. We see a number of action shots with Emilio rescuing a woman whose house has collapsed in a mudslide, he rescues a (fake) baby over a water fall, directs new home construction, organizes a queue for relief supplies etc. What a guy! And in case we didn’t notice, this message was brought to you by the Mexican National Army, always ready in times of distress, and to help people in rural areas. ---Back to the river at Sierra Escondida. Alina is sneaking up to the hacienda with Tonki beside her. Sergio is on horseback patrolling the hacienda.

--Back to the Mexican Army barracks. Orlando and another guy are sitting around. Orlando is reading the newspaper, which is full of the exploits of Captain Emilio Valtierra during the floods. The other guy razzes him about how Emilio has done pretty well for himself, and not just with the ladies! He’s now made Captain, first class. Orlando says yeah yeah, well he deserves it. Etc.

--Emilio himself is with Angel who is having a coughing fit. Angel is presenting him with a portrait he made of the new Captain, first class. Emilio is more worried about the cough and asks him if he’s seen the doctor. Angel says, yes. [he said something here that I couldn’t quite catch] The doctor did some tests and while he waits for the results, he said to eat well and get a change of air. [? It sounded like “eres” I think this would be cambio de aire so I am not sure what cambio de eres would be] Emilio is still worried. Angel reassures him, “I’ve always been sickly, don’t worry.“ Emilio tells him to rest. He himself is going to rest since he’s going out later with the boys to celebrate his promotion (must be great to be his bud, always with the celebrations). “Are you going out with Thelma?” asks Angel. “No, says Emilio, in the place we are going, they don’t allow women.” “You know, this picture I value more than any other present,” he tells Angel.

--Alina and Tonki are running along the river. In the next scene we see a woman’s legs as she strips off her dress. She plunges into the river to swim naked. She turns around, it’s a new girl, a pretty brunette about Alina’s age. She swims up to Alina. Alina calls out “Rosita!” She asks her about her mother. Rosita says that Senora Soledad is fine, a little sad but OK. Rosita has also brought some empanadas. Alina thanks her for being her friend and carrying messages. --Don Loco is talking with Sergio, whip in hand. He’s complaining that in two years, he hasn’t been able to break the will of Soledad and Alina. He thinks that the witch (Luba) hasn’t been hard enough on Alina. Sergio agrees and says that the people in the town like Alina and call her Little Flower (Florecita). Don Loco dismisses Sergio and says he’ll see about that. He puts on his gun holster.

--Emilio is getting ready for the party in his sparkling white terry bathrobe. Orlando is there, waiting for him. They talk about Thelma. Orlando asks him about her and Emilio says, she’s beautiful [huh?] They’ve spent some good times together. Orlando says, “Times? You’ve been together for more than two years.” He wants to know if Emilio is going to marry her or what. Emilio says no, not her or any other. Orlando says, “Why, because of that other girl you fell in love with?” “Did you ever see her again?” “No—it’s as if the earth swallowed her up” says Emilio. Meanwhile a brief cut to Alina/Flor and Rosita talking. Alina tells Rosita about her love for Emilio. His eyes shone…and switch to Emilio talking about Alina’s eyes. Emilio: I’ve never felt that way before or since. Alina: he was so kind. Emilio: Alina is in the past. She’s dead to me. Alina: He was wonderful. Orlando asks, so you’ve given up on her? Emilio: Yes. She betrayed me and because of her, I don’t believe in love anymore. Alina: “I believe he still loves me.” Rosita intervenes, “and what do you feel?” Alina: I will always love him. I am sure he would have saved me and my mother from this terror. Rosita asks Alina if she has tried to escape. Alina says yes, a few times but the last time, her father threatened to kill her mother if she did it again. “ My father is my worst enemy,” she says.

--cut to Don Loco in the cave talking to Luba. He wants to know why Alina is out walking around free. I guess he thought their deal was that she would stay inside the cave 24/7. Luba is trying to deflect the blame, saying that snot-nosed kid doesn’t listen to me. I’m just an old lady. Don Loco goads her about her son being gone. She says yes, my “bad son” hasn’t been back in two years. I haven’t even heard from him. It was he who tried to help the girl escape. Don Loco says, yes, I know. And tell her not to come around the hacienda and not to let Soledad see her. If she does, she (Soledad) will pay. Luba asks Don Loco, why Soledad has to pay and Don Loco tells her to mind her own business. Luba agrees. He leaves. Afterward, Luba is disgusted with herself for having to submit to the Don Loco threats but she tells herself it was to keep herself safe, because if she were forced to leave the mountain “they” would find her and burn her at the stake. For full effect, there is some kind of strange red flame burning on the cave wall, like a lighted torch behind her. Only, it’s burning an unnaturally bright red.

--Rosita and Alina/Flor are talking. Rosita wonders about Gaspar. Alina says that she doesn’t think he’s coming back. Instead she wonders about her godparents, Blanca and Elias and she says she has always hoped that one day, they would rescue her from captivity.

--At that precise moment, Blanca and Elias are in their house in Puebla. They’ve just returned from Canada. Elias tells Blanca that he’s talked to Hugo and Hugo swears that Alina is in Europe in school but he can’t tell her where. Blanca misses her. She wonders if Alvaro has hidden Soledad and Alina away at the Hacienda in Sierra Escondida. Elias says he doesn’t think so and yet, he can’t disprove it. Elias says he has a bunch of stuff to do first but as soon as he can he’ll go out to the Hacienda.

---Emilio and his buds are drinking together at a bar. Coral is with them. I guess certain kinds of women ARE allowed at this bar. And guess who works here? It’s Gaspar who is a waiter there. He’s telling the guy behind the counter, who appears to be the manager that he’s leaving to go home soon to see his Mom. The bartender is not too interested and tells him to hurry up and serve a bottle of wine to some customers while he waits on Captain Emilio and his friends. --Now we are at Thelma’s apartment. She’s dressed super-skanky in a low-cut red dress with a rhinestone buckle and a high slit skirt. She’s ticked that Emilio has stood her up. First she announces to her aunt that she’s going to get drunk and starts doing shots, with the bottle in one hand. While her aunt chastises her, she changes her mind and decides to go out looking for Emilio. She’s sure he’s with Coral. Next we see her at the bar. She’s got a black hooded cape on over her whore-ish red dress so now she just looks like a witch. She approaches the manager at the door and says that she’s a friend of Coral’s. He lets her in and leads her up to Coral’s room. She parks herself and starts drinking from a bottle she finds in there. Pretty soon she is wasted and stewing about the surprise she’s going to give them. Coral and Emilio do go up to the private room area for some hanky-panky but Coral either sees that Thelma (or someone) is in that room or Thelma is in the wrong room because she guides Emilio to another room along the corridor

--Luba and Alina are in the cave talking. Luba says Don Loco was here. He doesn’t want you near the hacienda. Alina says, “I know, but I’ve got to figure out something to help my mother and I escape.” “what are you thinking of?” asks Luba

--Back to the bar with the private suites. Still alone, Thelma is drunk and falls on the floor. She crawls over to the couch and passes out.

--at another bar/whorehouse somewhere near Sierra Escondida called Meson de Edelmira, the gay waiter, wearing diamond earrings, is urged by the madam/manager to get some music going. He waves at the band and then sashays by a table where Maximo and Don Loco are drinking together. Apparently Don Loco has taken Maximo’s advice and joined him at Maximo’s favorite whorehouse. Maximo counsels him to crack down on his workers, to make sure that they don’t side with his wife and daughter. “You’ve got to show them who is boss!” says Maximo. After so many drinks that he’s knocking the bottles off the table, Don Loco finally goes off with one of the working girls. When they get up to her room, he starts seeing her as Soledad.

--back at the cave, Luba and Alina are talking about Alina’s studies in herbalism. Alina asks if she can make some tea to take to her mother, to comfort her. Luba is wary of Soledad contacting her mother. She changes the subject to Gaspar and how much she misses him. She thinks that Gaspar has found himself a woman and he’ll never return. Alina exclaims, Gaspar, a woman? As if he were not –ahem—capable or interested in the ladies. Luba takes umbrage. Of course, she says, Gaspar is “muy macho!” Very masculine! She then proceeds to tell the tale of Gaspar. Apparently he wasn’t always mentally disabled. He was a lucha libre fighter. And he did well until some competitor rearranged his face on a metal pole. Luba said she thought that he would die, but he got better, but remained as you see, childlike. [closed head injury with severe brain trauma, no doubt.]

--back to the bar where Emilio and his friends are. Gaspar is talking to the manager again. The manager is telling him, If I don’t see you, have a nice trip!Emilio and Coral are in her room where they are making out. Coral complains that his kisses haven’t been the same since that girl dumped him. Emilio gets mad and tells her not to mention her again. They start kissing again and Emilio gets more in the mood by calling her Alina. At first Coral is taken aback but then she figures whatever it takes to get those hot kisses from Emilio.

--Alina and Luba are still talking in the cave. Alina starts talking again about how much she loves Emilio. Luba is surprised that she’s kept it secret for so long. It also explains why she is always so sad. Alina explains to her how they were going to decide how to proceed to formalize their courtship when Don Loco came to town and dragged Alina and her mother to Sierra Escondida, with no time to advise Emilio about what was happening. Every day she thinks about him and wishes he would rescue her but if he doesn’t, she will find a way to get to him. Luba chides her that she can’t let her escape again, she’s seen the problems that it causes with Don Loco. Alina says she doesn’t want to cause any problems for Luba. Luba also points out that nobody in Sierra Escondida will help her. They are all afraid of Don Loco and that he will kick them off his property if they help her. You’d have to pay them a lot, she says.At this an idea occurs to Alina. My mother has some jewelry. “We can sell it and use the proceeds to get people to help us.” Luba chides her—“you are not going anywhere to get into more trouble.”Orlando and that other soldier are chatting about Thelma again. Orlando says that Emilio never wants to marry. Meanwhile, Thelma is passed out upstairs, in one of the hookers’ suites in her skanky shiny red dress. Gaspar happens by and sees her. I imagine he’s thinks it’s his lucky night, one of the girls doesn’t have a client. He starts getting undressed and caresses her. Thelma who is half out of it, thinks he is Emilio and responds sleepily to his kisses.

--It’s night and Alina slips out of the cave while Luba is sleeping with Tonki. She explains to him that they have to talk to her mom about the idea of selling her jewels for an escape attempt.-

-At the hacienda, Soledad is sleeping. Don Loco comes in drunk and tries to make love to her. She wakes up and is horrified. They have the same conversation pretty much that they always have. Alvaro: I hate you, you betrayed me. Soledad: I did not, one day you will regret this. Why don’t you let us leave? Alvaro: No, I have to make you pay. In the end, she gets him to go away. If he actually got some action with the hooker earlier in the evening and he’d been drinking a lot, you’d think that maybe he didn’t have the wherewithal anyway.

--Coral and Emilio are done getting jiggy and are walking out of the suite area. Coral pokes her head into the room with Gaspar and Thelma and pops back out remarking [I think] about how Gaspar is with someone. “ Isn’t that strange?” She laughs and they walk down the stairs to the bar level. At that moment, Thelma wakes up to face Gaspar on top of her. She’s horrified and screams at him to get off of her and to let her go. Gaspar pleads with her and reminds her that she kissed him. Poor Gaspar! I guess he has fallen in love with this skanky witch! In any event, he isn’t about to let her go.

--Alina is trying to sneak into Soledad’s room at the hacienda. Using Tonki as a distraction to the men guarding her door. Alina slips in. --More struggling and yelling from Thelma results in the manager arriving on the scene. --Soledad is surprised to see Alina walk through the door. She gives her a bottle of some extract to put in tea as a sedative. Alina notes that her mother has been crying. She tells her that she can’t let that man mistreat her. “Oh, he’s just crazed from jealousy” says her mother and “that man” is your father. [Uh, lady, he’s made your daughter live in a cave and he’s locked you up in a room for two years. I think we’ve satisfied the definition of domestic abuse].Alina tells her mother about her plan to sell her mothers jewels to buy some help from somebody to escape. They go for the jewelry box. Surprise! The box is empty. “Alvaro must have taken them,” says Soledad. After some more small talk, “If only Emilio could rescue us…” Soledad says she deserves to be happy.

--Thelma is back in her witch’s cape staggering out of the bar. Orlando catches sight of her and she turns and runs away. He calls the manager over, whose name, I guess is “Luka.” “Who was that woman who just ran out of here from the private rooms?” Orlando asks. Luka says “I don’t know. She was an elegant [upper class?] woman.” “She was with that giant waiter.” Orlando and the other guy are left shaking their heads. “Thelma? It couldn’t be.” Emilio shows up and is ready to go. He looks at Orlando’s expression and says “you look like you’ve seen the devil.” “A she-devil,” says Orlando.

--Alina and her mom are continuing their conversation. Alina is recounting the splendid few days she spent with Emilio at the beach. And she tells how she had to leave him in the lurch when Don Loco grabbed her. Soledad explains to Alina why Don Loco is a jealous maniac, because of her Father’s harsh words toward them when they were eloping. And the letter. Alina wonders, “but who was that letter for?” Soledad just looks puzzled.

--Alina slips out of the house, before she can round the corner, Don Loco appears, calling for Adela and Alina hides in the shadows.


Two years passed and all that changed is, the dog got bigger? Jeesh. And we're supposed to think Emilio is a hero? Jeesh. And Luba thinks, oh you lost Emilio, you must be sad Alina, as if being imprisoned in a cave for two years isn't a good enough reason for perturbation? Jeesh. Thanks for wading through all this, Margaret, you're a champ.

Thanks, Margaret, you are really committed to the recapping of this one. If I had to recap it, I would be committed, too (in the funny farm). Thanks for mentioning Don Loco's wobbly hallucinations. I thought there was something wrong with my TV.

Oops, you made some funnies in spite of yourself. I loved your modern rendering of Luba's pharmaceuticals.

I think I'm liking Orlando, he displays some great sarcastic expressions whenever someone praises the exploits of his insufferable best friend. I also like the background story of how Gaspar was at one time a lucha libre wrestler, nice touch.

If I were Don Loco I would think twice about pissing off the local witch. (Thanks for pointing out the rhyming curse, I missed that.) Oh wait, Don Loco doesn't think. He just runs around yelling, whacking things and having hallucinations.

Thanks Margaret! Love your picture on the sidebar.

Good job Margaret...I also liked the modern renderings of Luba medicines..Funny how in novela land whenever someone goes missing.."it's as if the ground swallowed them up." There is such a thing as police although in this novela a private detective would be a better choice. The only reason in novela land a detective is contracted is to locate a missing child of the wealthy, aging parent or to prove a spouse's infedility.

Great job, Margaret!! I noticed Angel's outfit, too--a golf shirt with a scarf wrapped around his neck..very odd. The backstory on Gaspar [who is becoming the only character I like on this show] was a real surprise. [Although, I should know by now that anything can happen on a novela.] I loved your list of meds that Luba introduced Alina to--LOL. Also-What is it with these hombres calling out another woman's name or seeing her face at an inopportune moment???? [I'm thinking of Al calling out ''Liliana'' when he was with Moranda and Luis seeing Matilde when he was actually in the bathtub with that evil Antonia.] And Thelma dressed as Little Black Riding Hood in a red dress...bizarre. Every time I get out something red to wear , I have these visions of Joslyn and Thelma now. I hope Gaspar does not get beaten up or killed for his interlude [searching here for a good word] with nasty Thelma. What can I say about Emilioooo??? He is like the high school quarterback...everybody wants him or wants to be him.Where will this go next??? ~~~Susanlynn, lost in the cave

Ha, Susanlynn, did you misspell Miranda on purpose? Dang! We missed the perfect opportunity to call her MORONda day after day.

Oh yeah, I remember guys like Emilio in high school and I did my best to avoid them. Good gosh darn thing because at my 25 yr. reunion most of those ex-studs were sporting gigantic beer guts and the school's biggest nerd matured into a total hottie, rolling in dough from starting his own hi-tech company, with a complete babe as his wife. Bwahahahahah! I loved it. But I digress.

I'm worried about Gaspar, too. Too bad when Don Loco was beating him he didn't go into Lucha Libre mode. I would have loved to see Loco get some of his own medicine.

Margaret, the episode was annoying, but you saved the day with your delightful recap! I loved the herb labels, too.

If someone doesn't steer Gaspar out of the frying pan (the writers, for example) he could end up with even more traumatic brain injury. Between Don Loco beating on him and whatever may happen as a result of Thelma (interlude is a good word, or incident could be used--considering it's Thelma and not a real woman), Gaspar could end up with still fewer brain cells operating. I like him, too. He's my favorite character here. My second favorite is Marianita, since we haven't actually seen her except her photo. Otherwise....


Wow it seems like a lot happened. I guess I like when a story moves along quickly, but it certainly does make the recapping difficult. Great job Margaret.

The hardest thing about recapping this novela so far are the quick edits without hardly any transitions. Also the sound quality in these locations (noisy bars and bordellos) is quite poor. Good thing there's Tivo.

Emilio is annoyingly promiscious. It's pretty common for the hero to sleep with the other woman when he thinks that the heroine has died or deserted him but this guy has a gf *and* a hooker. Hope that's safe sex there, mi Capitan.

Alina is starting to show a little spirit finally and is getting more interesting but still the secondary and background character are more intriguing. Orlando with his cynicism of the hero's "Best Friend", Gaspar, Thelma's opera singing auntie, the flamboyantly gay waiter, the oily Maximo in his snake skin trimmed jacket...It really is life's rich pageant outside the world of Alina and Emilio.

Oh, btw, thanks for noticing the picture Sylvia. It was taken on a friend's boat on the st. croix river last summer, between WI and MN (where I live). Should've been Couzumel or Alcapulco like Alejandro and Miranda.

Gee what were you thinking Margaret when you had that picture taken? You should have been at the front of the boat in a lovely red gown. Oh well! Your picture is stil delightful. So was your recap. The medicine renaming sent me off my seat with laughter. Thank you!

Margaret--''Life's rich pageant''---I like that , and it would make a great telenovela title. It seems that in the world of novelas, men can have partners other than their one- true- everlasting love [as in ''x is my one, true, everlasting love, but...1]I haven't seen her in awhile/ 2]she's lost /3]I think she cheated on me /4]I think she's pregnant by her husband /5] my lawyer is a babe/ 6]my housekeeper just climbed in the tub with me 7] she won't sleep with me even though we are married and I put on that Percy Sledge cd 8] lots and lots of rameras and tabledancers are crazy about me because I am the bestest of the best in everything!!!] The female leads, on the other hand, only get to sleep with 1 [one...uno...une] hombre--their one-true-everlasting love...and if they are married to someone other than their one-true-everlasting love...they do not sleep with this hombre even though they are married to him [case in point--Hippolta and the unfortunate Antonio]. I do not want anything bad to happen to Gaspar...I like him...I will be very upset if the writers do something bad to him. [They've done enough already!] There are any number of people in this novela that the writers can do awful , horrendous things to-Orlando, Alvaro, Emilioooo, Thelma, Coral, Alfonsia, etc....but please...leave Gaspar alone...give him a happy ending. As for quarterback Emilioooo, having had some experience with quarterbacks when in high school myself and as a teacher in a senior high school , I realize that life can become a slippery slope for thses dudes. However, I think that Emiliooo will continue to be portrayed in this show as the bestest of the best....''It is sure great to be me.''..who will end up with the virgin after a lifetime of putting the moves on mujeres.~~Susanlynn, wondering if I am falling too deeply into this rabbit hole

Life's Rich Pageant has already been the title of at least one great production, btw, an album from R.E.M. that must be 20 years old by now. It's a great CD. Seeing the words "Life's Rich Pageant" immediately had me humming the tune to Swan Swan Hummingbird... (hurrah we're all free now.. what noisy cats are we) come to think of it R.E.M.'s lyrics never make any sense. They still make great tunes.

Sylvia--''Moranda'' was a typo. I only use 1 finger to type , but I'm pretty fast and not very diligent about the proofreading . Plus, Hub was yelling ''Dinner is readyyyyy.!!!!!'' for about 10 minutes as I was typing. However, ''MORONDA'' would have been a pretty good nickname for the ever-annoying Miranda.~~~Susanlynn, wondering if Renata's baby looks like Cesar, if anyone fell off that speeding boat, if Fab has gotten lucky with Charo, and how Bertha is doing right about now

Susanlynn, Hub cooks dinner? Fabulous!! Mine literally cannot boil water. He tried once, forgot about it, smoke alarm worked quite well. He's a great dishwasher though.

Gosh, I hope Renata's baby doesn't look like Cesar. I can just see the little tyke now, taking off his wee glasses right before throwing a world-class tantrum.

Anyone who has a Hub who yells that dinner is ready better respond ASAP. That's RARE! And so cute! (Lucky woman....)

Emilio is fast becoming my unfavorite hero. It's one thing that Don Loco believes he's been betrayed, but geez, Louise, what has Emilio got to complain about?

A thought about Angel, the sickly brother--the scarf reminds us he has a respiratory disorder. The costumes folks are working overtime to remind us who's who here. Remember Gaspar's overalls? Do they signal traumatic brain injury? Costumers always do the job with heroines (demure clothes, etc.), hookers (look at Coral any time), bad guys (except they need to give Don Loco more black stuff to wear). Just a thought.


Yes, he cooks, vacuums, and does lots of other stuff...and he's a jock!!! He is also very understanding about my nightly escapes to Mexico, but he gets cranky when I'm here typing and don't answer the dinner call. ~~~Susanlynn, who could never be married to Don Crazy ..I'd put him in the cave

I'm watching this late in the week but I too thought it was hilarious too that at last Luba knows why flor is so sad.

How big is this ranch they're all on. Plus, I can't quite other geographical things.

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