Sunday, February 25, 2007

Duelo Feb 23

After Emiliooo says he has unfinished business with Don Loco, Orlando insists that he himself will take care of it and he leaves. Angel says he doesn’t want a doctor and wants to be alone. They have a “forget about Flor” “no YOU forget about her” argument and Emiliooo leaves. He goes to his room and sits down on the bed to have a good think, when Thelma storms in, looking mighty fine for a pregnant woman, and demands that Coral get the boot. Emiliooo says he told her he won’t change his ways, he is getting a party together. She starts to whine and he says he prefers when she is yelling. She calls him cruel and he says oh yeah, like what you did to me wasn’t cruel? She rants on for a while about what an ass he is and other men would be happy to be having a son. He says he isn’t happy that his kid is with HER. He tells her to leave him alone so he can brood. He turns around and strikes a dramatic pose leaning on the dresser.

Orlando finds Don Loco and says he heard that DL has Flor locked up. Don Loco says he heard wrong, she isn’t here. He questions Orlando’s interest in her. Orlando says he’s very interested in her, Don Loco says he should forget about her or he’ll be having some problems. Don Loco rushes out, leaving Orlando to think. Something about Orlando reminds me of those characters from 80s sitcoms – the teenage boy’s best friend. Doesn’t’ he look like he’d come over to the Seaver’s house? Or Ricky Schroeder invited him over to the mansion to have a danceoff with that kid who later played Carlton?

Elias is in his construction trailer and there is a knock, he says come in. It’s Alina. They cry and hug.

Sergio enters Luba’s cave, she is sitting in a chair toking on a doobie. I’m convinced that’s what she smokes. He wants to know where Flor is. Luba says he should say good evening first, and furthermore, she isn’t here. He says not to try to hide her and starts looking around. She says “Hey this is my house!” Now he wants to know where Gaspar is. He is sure they escaped together. She says what are you talking about anyway, you know Don Loco has her locked up. Sergio says she escaped. Luba is surprised at this. She asks where? Sergio says he’s going to find out, then he leaves. Luba tries to send good vibes to Flor through the air.

Elias tells Alina that he knows what Don Loco did to her. They sit down to talk.

And Edelmira’s club some guy named Jeramias is really worked up over the girls. He pulls out a wad of cash and wants Edelmira to hook him up with one of the girls. She says it will be difficult but she’ll do it. I smell Coral being involved in this. Just then, we see Coral’s butt walk by. I think it’s her butt, we don’t see her face. Jeramias walks away and Granillo sashays up to the table. He discusses with Edelmira how Coral won’t easily go with Jeramias, not even for a lot of money.

Mariana is on her fancy date with Doctor Love. He asks her to call him Ricardo, he likes the way she says it. He says he’s in love with her. He knows she has something with a guy that disappeared years ago, but time passes quickly and she needs to move on.

Of course now here is Jose, locked up in his shack. He tells Arcadio how much he misses his family and he has been waiting for years for the moment to get out. Arcadio finally says he will help him escape.

Santos and Rosita enter his construction shack. She doesn’t seem to like it much so he asks what the problem is. She says it’s fine, she is just worried about Flor. Santos says he would like to try and help Flor but he has to think about Rosita and his mother, Don Loco could come down on them hard if he did anything. Rosita says she understands. Santos says he hopes Don Loco gets the punishment he deserves. They then declare their love for each other and start laying down on the bed to get busy. What? Does Flor’s story make them horny, or what?

Elias stands up and paces around to rant about what a coward Don Loco is. He says he’ll confront him but Flor says no, he’s sick. He wants to turn him in but again Flor says no, he has them all in his pocket. Elias wants desperately to do something but he can’t leave the construction. She says she asked God to let Don Loco understand that he did something very cruel.

Max thinks Emiliooo is being too hard on Thelma, Emilioooo says no way, she deserves it after what she did, you don’t even know how she is, Max. You don’t even know. Max asks Emiliooo if he really hates her that much, Emiliooo says yes. Not just for what she did to him, but also for what she did to Flor.

Thelma is complaining to Singing Aunt about Emiliooo and his party. SA says to just go with the flow but Thelma says no way. She goes on for a bit, the details aren’t important. Emiliooo will be sorry, I hate Gaspar, etc. “Emiliooo doesn’t know what I’m capable of.” Singing Aunt just shakes her head.

Elias walks Alina back to the edge of the forest. He wants her to stay with him but she says Don Loco can’t know that he is helping her. She’ll come see him again.

Luba yells at the virgin then feels bad and asks again nicely, where is Flor? On cue, Flor enters. Luba asks here where she was, Flor just looks at her funny and doesn’t answer. Maybe she is showing some sense and not telling everyone everything. Though I’m sure after the commercial she’ll prove me wrong and tell Luba everything.

Rosita tells Santos “we shouldn’t be doing this.” Isn’t it a little late for that? They are laying in bed in the afterglow. Way to bring the room down Rosita, right after sex talk about how you shouldn’t be doing it. Can’t you just enjoy the feeling for a minute and then feel guilty? Santos puts up with it well, they talk about how they will be married and Santons wants her with him always.

Flor is packing a bag, I gather from the conversation she is going to stay with Rosita. She doesn’t want to stay here or Don Loco will find her again. I don’t know how much she told Luba, but we haven’t even had a commercial and she already knows what’s going on. She tells Donkey to stay here and she’ll be back later. As she goes to the door, Don Loco walks in and blocks the door. “You think you can escape me, do you?” He grabs her arm to move her and hurts her, he tells her to shut up. Then he turns and threatens Luba, who says she will do whatever he says. He gets a little rough with her and Flor/Alina tells him to let up, he tells her again to shut up. Flor says Luba didn’t do anything, she (Alina) snuck out of the house herself. Luba tries to trick Don Loco by telling him to put Alina in with Soledad (I think) but he doesn’t go for it. He says Alina’s punishment isn’t over yet. He threatens Luba again, I think saying that if Flor gets away again he’ll do something to Luba and Gaspar.

Orlando returns to Emiliooo’s room and tells him that Don Loco does not have Flor locked up. It’s true that he didn’t, but at that time Don Loco THOUGHT he had her locked up and said no, so he was lying anyway. Orlando, however, believed him. Emiliooo is smarter and asks, “How do you know he wasn’t lying?” Orlando says he is sure. Um, is that an answer to ‘how’? I don’t think so. What are you, Orlando, the human lie detector? You didn’t even hold his wrists like DeNiro in ‘Meet The Parents.’ Emiliooo says he has to talk about something serious with his brother and leaves. Orlando gives a smug chuckle and says yes, go keep your brother away from Flor, then nobody will get near her but me.

Flor apologizes for getting Luba in trouble by escaping, she says she won’t cause any more trouble. Luba says she earned all that yelling, she is more worried about other things. Like, where is Gaspar? Flor says go find him! Luba says she has something for her, it’s her heart necklace. Flor is happy to have it back Luba says she can’t go to Sierra Escondida to look for Gaspar and Flor wants to know why she can’t leave the cave. Luba won’t tell her, she just hopes Gaspar won’t do anything stupid.

One of Thelma’s guards is trying to convince the other one to go to Edelmira’s club. The second one has more sense and says they should stay there. We see Gaspar hiding behind a tree, he throws a rock. The guards hear the noise and go investigate. He threw the rock the other way, so when they go to see what it was, he has a clear path in. For being ‘not smart’, this was a pretty smart trick.

Angel says he is going to look for Flor in the cave tomorrow, Emiliooo says no, Angel says whatever, you don’t give me orders. Emliooo then tries to tell him he isn’t well enough to go. Angel says “Do you like your life with Thelma? Leave me alone and let me live my life.” I think the comment about Thelma was just a low blow, but he’s right. Look at you Mr. big shot, married to that horrible woman, and I should listen to you?

Luba has a flashback. A lady is dying and one lady is talking to her. Nobody said any names, so I don’t know which one is supposed to be Luba. I’m going to ask for anyone who understood this to comment please and clear it up. The dying lady says to tell ‘the Patron’ (Alvaro, or is this too long ago?) that she died feeling sorry. She asks the other lady to promise that when she dies, she takes some coffer and give it to Alvaro. The dying lady is pregnant, the other lady tells her that ‘the Patron’ wants the baby to live. So I’m not sure if Alvaro is the Patron they are talking about, or Alvaro is the baby? Is Luba Don Loco’s mother? Or was Luba there with Don Loco’s mother? Please someone help me with this one. Back in the present, Luba is holding the same coffer, then she puts it away and goes to beg the virgin to let her sleep, crying like her name was Miranda and her contract demanded it.

Mariana returns home, Malena grabs her and throws her down on the couch and demands details. Mariana at first doesn’t want to tell, but Malena whines and Mariana caves in. She talks about how wonderful he is, he told her he loved her, etc etc. Malena says please stay with him or we’ll lose him. Mariana says “we?” Malena tries to cover with “no uh YOU.”

Since we saw Mariana, it is time for Jose. We see Arcadio shoot a shotgun or rifle at a wooden shack, the shack goes up like it was made entirely of gasoline. The fire is huge and hot immediately. He must have really found something good to load that building up with. All the people in the camp start running around, somebody throws a bucket of water at the building. Yeah, that will help douse the towering inferno. Jose is ready to break free but wants Arcadio to go with him. Arcadio says he doesn’t have anyone but Jose does, so just Jose needs to go and go NOW. Jose gives him a manly hug and runs off.

Thelma is sleeping in her dark room. The door opens and we see some Lil’ Abner shoes and overalls come in the door, Gaspar has made it this far. He goes to the bed and brushes Thelma’s hair back from her face. She wakes up and starts yelling. Gaspar puts his mouth over her hand to quiet her but it doesn’t really work, she is making lots of noise. We don’t get to see his face or anything, perhaps this is someone posing as Gaspar?

Someone knocks on Coral’s door. It’s Emiliooo with a bottle of tequila and a couple glasses. Coral is happy to see him like a high school girl going on a date. They toast, salud.

Well it is Gaspar for real, he starts talking. He tells Thelma that he knows she is the munequita, he wants to tell her something and then he’ll leave. She nods ok. As soon as he lets her go, she starts screaming and going nuts, yelling for help. Max and Singing Aunt come in, followed by the guards that Gaspar fooled. Hmmm Max and SA are both wearing their robes, they have messed up hair, they arrived together – do you see where I’m going with this? I think you do. Thelma wants Gaspar killed, Max says no, no, but he will learn his lesson. After Max leaves, Thelma vows to kill Gaspar.

Alina sits in the cave and cries about Emilioooo. “Where are you, the good Emiliooo I knew before?” Boo hoo hoo. Listen Alina – he didn’t exist. You looked hot and he wanted a piece of that so he charmed you. The end.

Coral tells Emiliooo that Jeramias cried when she wouldn’t go with him. Ha ha ha ha ha. Emiliooo sweet talks her a bit. She lays him down on his stomach to give him a massage. Before long they are making out. Emiliooo stops her, he sees Flor there instead of Coral. Oh, so now it’s ok, as long as he is thinking of her?

We get a great in/out of commercial. On the way into the commercial, Emilioooo and Alina are making out, but the good part is Alina wearing a very tight, short, cleavage-showing shirt. At the end of the commercial, we get to see the woman (I can’t remember her name! Tomasina?) holding the giant machete and getting doused. A++ for this commercial break.

Emiliooo is still making out with Flor in his mind. Coral asks him why he’s looking at her funny. He gets up to leave and says he’s confused. She says no, she has been waiting for this for a long time. He says he cares about her. She said, I think, basically that she’ll do him and not expect anything relationship wise from him. He kisses her on the forehead and leaves. She cries that she has lost him forever.

Don Loco goes to Edelmira’s club, a woman asks to sit with him for a drink, he accepts and has her sit down. Granillo comes by and asks what he wants, he says a bottle of tequila. Granillo gives him the one he has on his tray, it was for another table but, well, he is the patron! Don Loco asks him why he is always so nervous. This made me laugh out loud. Unfortunately Granillo runs off before answering. Edelmira comes to the table and tells the girl that she is being punished and she has to leave that table. The girl whines but Edelmira says she will take care of Don Alvaro herself. Don Loco actually smiles when he asks Edelmira to sit down, this may be the first time he has done that in the whole show. Don Loco asks her how she keeps her women under control and Edelmira says something about their faces while brandishing her claw-like fingernails. Don Loco says he has some work for her, they drink to that. Edelmira says “look, this girl is new.” She brings over some young honey to take care of Don Loco. She sits down on his lap and he starts kissing her. Suddenly he sees Soledad’s face and says “No, it can’t be you! Get out of here!” and throws the girl to the floor. She is, obviously, upset. He says “no uh nothing just get out of here.” He decides that the best thing to do now is to keep drinking. He’s off his rocker.

A guy named Castulo is talking to Max, asking what to do with Gaspar. Max says he doesn’t have anything against that poor guy, he doesn’t know. Castulo says maybe he should ask Thelma, Max agrees quickly. Go ask her and leave me out of it.

Rosita is worried about Flor, they are in the cave. They talk and cry. Flor tells her that her godfather is working on the new highway.

The engineers are all together and one proposes a toast to Emilioooo for fighting his way back to health. Come to think of it, he healed awfully quickly. He was on the verge of death and shot, then after a while he woke up, then he was all good again. That’s some good healing.

We actually see Jose without the Mariana lead-in, very confusing. I wasn’t ready for it. He is running through the jungle. He says he will finally be together with his love, Mariana. Until a gun is pointed at his head and someone says “that will never happen if you make even one move.” Uh oh.

Luba is walking outside. She finds Gaspar hiding under some vegetation. She wants to know what’s going on. He admits to going to Thelma’s room and tells her what happened. She is very upset, naturally. She says to leave Thelma along, but he begs her to help him. She says that he has to listen to her, then, and stay in the cave. She gives him a hug and says “if you weren’t my son….” Amen to that sister. Something must be done about the fire in this guy’s pants. He is a time bomb.

Mrs. Elias (I am getting bad with names) spends some time with Soledad. Soledad thinks that she doesn’t love Don Loco any more, not after all he has done. Elias comes in and greets his wife first, then gives a warm greeting to Soledad. Of course, his wife immediately gets a worried look. Yes, I’m sure their secret plan all along was to be apart for 25 years and then get back together, they have been lying all this time. Get a grip woman.

Castulo is telling Thelma that he doesn’t like jewelry, she is trying to bribe him to kill Gaspar, surely. She says then what does he want to do it? He says he has never been with a fine woman like her. She does look fine, wearing another outfit that a pregnant woman would never wear, all tight and revealing. She tells him to forget it. He says he likes the idea to be with a married woman even better. She threatens to tell her husband, he says go ahead, I’ll tell him you want Gaspar killed. She leaves. Castulo tells the mirror that she’ll be back, she desperately wants to kill that guy, so she’ll come back.

Flor is sorting herbs when Angel comes into the cave. Luba doesn’t want to leave them alone, but she goes to the other room. She says that him visiting her will surely bother Don Loco. Angel coughs. Then Angel says someone has to help her and he wants to be the one. Flor says thanks, but she’s fine here. Angel says “Flor, you know that I…” and she cuts him off with “yes I know you are a GOOD FRIEND, please, don’t look for me any more.” I think this was some way of telling him to drop it already. Angel says fine. He says he’ll always be there if she needs anything and leaves. She tells the air that she didn’t want to hurt him, but it’s better this way.

Singing aunt is breaking the eardrums of the engineers and some women. I don’t think they are dates, I think they are ‘dates.’ They all mock cheer for her. Granillo is in attendance, how nice. Singing Aunt asks Orlando, where is Emilioooo?

Flor is outside and sees someone coming, it is Emilioooo! She is impactada. She tries to run off, but he confronts her about lying to him about them being married. He forces a kiss on her, she doesn’t really return it, he’s just stronger than her.

Elias and Mrs. Elias talk to Soledad. Elias wants to talk more, Mrs. Elias wants to take Soledad back to her room. Blanca, that’s her name. Blanca wins, as wives do, and they get up to take her back. Just then Don Loco arrives and wants to know what is going on! Uh oh Elias, you stepped in it now.

Monday, it appears that Thelma decided that Castulo’s price was acceptable. Big shock.


Ferro, thanks for the terrific recap! I didn't notice Max and Rebeca (SA) coming in, wearing robes, looking disheveled until you said that. HM!

I couldn't help but wonder if José was followed by the jefe's sister whom he just dissed. If so, he's in a LOT of trouble. She doesn't look like the kind who suffers fools gladly.


Really good recap, as always! About Luba's flashback, I think it was Alvaro's mother dying and begging Luba to tell Alvaro she was sorry. Not sure about that, but that's how I interpreted it. If so, Luba seems to be keeping it a big secret, so I guess she never passed the message on to Alvaro, but I can't see why.

Carmel, that's what I thought about Luba's flashback, too. But I wasn't sure she hadn't told Álvaro, either. She might have, but that wasn't clear.


Thanks, Ferro. I feel as if I am in that whirlpool...we just keep going around and around and around. I enjoyed the Lil Abner reference...another handsome , hunky guy in overalls. I wish Donkey/Tonkey got more screen time. I can stand him more than the other actors. I don't think Tia and Max were getting busy...he seems to like his mujeres young. Thelma just keeps getting nastier and nastier. Someone should point her towards the whirlpool. Emiliooo continues to do exactly what he's been doing for the whole novela...nada. Florina seems to have found a new wardrobe. Angel keeps coughing. Orlando keeps plotting. I agree that he seems like the best friend in an old tv series, but I see him more as an Eddie Haskell on ''Leave it to Beaver''...perpetually envious of the gorgeous , young slightly bucktoothed teen heartthrob Wally. Have you seen the promos for the next telenovela ''Destilando Amor''? Guess who's back in that one?...Cesar!!! Let's face it, he could really shake up the folks at ''Duelo'' The Sunday dance show is still great!!!...more injuries, more crying as personal tragedies are revealed , more Lis Vega...and not just her butt...we get to see her dance, dance, dance!!! Last night was go-go and TexMex. You had to see it to believe it. Susana Gonzales [Babelawyer ] is doing well as is Mauel Landeta from ''Barrera.'' I LOVE that show.~~~Susanlynn, dancing off to work

Thanks, Ferro. I feel as if I am in that whirlpool...we just keep going around and around and around. I enjoyed the Lil Abner reference...another handsome , hunky guy in overalls. I wish Donkey/Tonkey got more screen time. I can stand him more than the other actors. I don't think Tia and Max were getting busy...he seems to like his mujeres young. Thelma just keeps getting nastier and nastier. Someone should point her towards the whirlpool. Emiliooo continues to do exactly what he's been doing for the whole novela...nada. Florina seems to have found a new wardrobe. Angel keeps coughing. Orlando keeps plotting. I agree that he seems like the best friend in an old tv series, but I see him more as an Eddie Haskell on ''Leave it to Beaver''...perpetually envious of the gorgeous , young slightly bucktoothed teen heartthrob Wally. Have you seen the promos for the next telenovela ''Destilando Amor''? Guess who's back in that one?...Cesar!!! Let's face it, he could really shake up the folks at ''Duelo'' The Sunday dance show is still great!!!...more injuries, more crying as personal tragedies are revealed , more Lis Vega...and not just her butt...we get to see her dance, dance, dance!!! Last night was go-go and TexMex. You had to see it to believe it. Susana Gonzales [Babelawyer ] is doing well as is Mauel Landeta from ''Barrera.'' I LOVE that show.~~~Susanlynn, dancing off to work

Whoops ! What was I saying about doing something over and over again???~~Susanlynn, lost in the whirlpool of ''Duelo''

Thanks for another good recap, Ferro. You always put into words what I'm thinking, even when I'm confused! Tell me, why are the good guys sooo passive and dumb in these stories?! Are the writers trying to annoy us, or are they just not very creative themselves?

I did see a commercial for Destilando Amor, I was wondering if that is after Duelo. Since I think there is only a month left of this show, that's probably it. Duelo might be the shortest novela ever, at only 2.5 months. It has been entertaining I suppose, but it certainly hasn't lived up to some others. But it still lets me practice Spanish and mock.

Ferro, you're exactly right. These telenovelas have helped my spanish a lot and it's fun to rehash them with others. My husband doesn't speak spanish, so I'm glad I have folks I can laugh and learn with.

Here is the esmas page on Destilando Amor -

Wow check out the pics of the guy who played Cesar - nice moustache! It looks like the moustache on one of the Village People. Wow. I saw that the guy who played Alejandro's buddy Luciano on Heridas and Santiago on Alborada is in it too.

Wow, what a busy episode! Around and around is right.

I was also confounded by Luba's flashback. These confusing flashbacks are even more confusing when they are only half visual. If the sick, pregnant woman had her baby I wonder who it is? Gaspar???

I loved the comment about 80's Orlando. He does look like a real 'groover' as we used to say back then.

Great recap Ferro! No character can escape your scathing eagle eye.

I missed Bailando last night! I can't believe how many dances those people have to learn, it's mind-boggling. They are learning dance styles I've never heard of. Did anyone get bumped off the show?

I just checked out the link for Destilando. Luba is in it too. She must be a minor character has her name is not highlited. Also in the cast is Andres(Alborada)/Fabricio(Heridas), his name IS highlighted so he must have a bigger role. Maybe.

I wonder if this is the telenovela that will follow Mundo de Fieras? Cesar's moustache DOES make him look like one of the Village People!!

That's true Sylvia - maybe this is the one to follow Mundo, not Duelo. Isn't Mundo ending soon? They don't start advertising the next one until Ultimas Semanas, now that I think about it, so that isn't our next show.

The site says "21:00" hours or something like that, which is what? 9:00 p.m. EST? So, it could be for Mundo.


Sylvia--You missed a good show. Some of the contestants were telling sad personal stories most of which which I couldn't follow and everyone was crying. Romeo's father was an alcoholic...I got that. After the sad stories, they brought out different family members and there was reconciling and more crying.I find that the Mexican people are much more open about their emotions than Americans. We are taught to be brave and dignified...stiff upper lip , but there are many cultures where people demonstrate their feelings more than we do. The eliminated couple was Christian and the older darkhaired lady. She had an issue with Felix who seems like a guy whom you do not want to get on the wrong side of. He gave them a zero..then changed it to a 1. Ema was giving 7,8,9, 10...Someone must have had a talk with Ema. Manuel Landeta wore a Sonny Bono wig for the go-go dance. For this dance, the couples were doing the monkey, the swim, the jerk, etc. The TexMex dances were very bouncy and lively. I am really starting to like Angelica's partner [Jonathon???]. He has a great smile and can really dance. Lis and her partner did not do as well as usual. I think her injury must be affecting her performance. Susana and Enrique did vey well, but Manuel and his partner won first place. It's a close competition...I have no idea who will win. Probably the couple who can avoid injury and fatigue. Iran C. did not dance because she was hurt. She had a substitute who was pretty good. Vielke dropped out because of her neck injury, and they have replaced her. There have been more injuries than in the NFL. ~~~Susanlynn, wearing go-go boots and doing the monkey

Wow, a ton of stuff happened on Bailando! A week ago last Sunday there was also some kind of familial face-off between Josue and some of his family members. I couldn't understand what was going on but it was very emotional, they all cried, then immediately afterward Josue was expected to do his dance! It really seemed to affect him and he wasn't as good as usual. I'm sorry I missed last night but at 3 hours it's a long program for a Sunday night. I'll definitely try to catch at least some of it next week. Thanks for the update Susanlynn.

I watched the Luba scene twice thanks to the miracle of tivo and I was a little confused too. First off, I believe that the woman in bed is Don Loco's mama. The woman at the bedside is young Luba. If you look at young Luba's clothing, she is pretty much dressed like old Luba, peasant skirt, vest and that thing around her neck. What's missing are her braids. Instead, she has kind of a short wild child haircut, like you might expect on some kind of young feral person, I guess. The only things I caught from the dying Mama Loco were 1) Tell Alvaro I'm sorry and 2) Give him this box (cofre). Luba doesn't seem to have done either, since Don Loco hates her and Luba still has the box. Maybe that is why she feel so guilty and is crying to the virgin all the time.

Yes, Sylvia---they bring up all this traumatic stuff and the contestants get very emotional and upset , and then... ''Okay, now let's see you dance!!!'' It is so bizarre...I adore it. ~~~Susanlynn, enjoying the wild wackiness of Univision

I wonder what's in ''THE BOX?'' Maybe it's Don Loco's marbles since it's evident that he lost them somewhere along the line.~~~Susanlynn, ready to try another wacky novela ''Destilando Amor''


Every once in a while, Luba picks up a box from her stuff and fiddles with it. Could it be the same box, and she's never given it to him? Hm!


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