Thursday, February 15, 2007

La Fea Más Bella #211 2/14/07 The Shell of Eeevill, Galan goes trashpicking, & The Importance of Bags

Lety likes this shell because it’s not broken like her heart. Aldo asks if her heart is still broken. She says yes, it still hurts to be next to Fer. She decides to move the furniture to put the picture right in front of her. Aldo comes right out and asks her, “Lety do you really think Fer wasn’t in love with you?” She simply doesn’t want to talk about him because she doesn’t want to feel what she feels. He wants to know what that is, but she doesn’t want to remember all those lies and hurtful things. Aldo understands, but he just wants to fight against beating him up every time he sees Fer because he can’t help but remember all the pain he caused her. He can’t conceive of why someone would want to hurt someone so wonderful as she. He leans in for a kiss and the phone rings. These bells are sure opportune.

Fer and Omar the Imbecile are chatting about Aldo, Omar says you should be content because now she is going around with Aldo, and just a little bit ago, she was with Tomas. Fer wonders why he would give a picture of a shell. Fer wants to measure how long he is with her and wants Omar to be quiet. Alicia and Marcia too are wondering why Aldo gave her such a gift. Mar thinks it could just be that he’s nice to everyone and a gentleman. Alicia is perplexed at why Aldo wouldn’t like her she’s perfect, except for her stockings says Marcia, and if she did go out with him, it would do her some good to bring her back down to earth. She doesn’t quite get this as she looks at her feet and thinks she’s touching ground just fine, and besides is a great walker. Blond moment for sure. [OK, I have to wonder how many actual days it took to film these episodes. Did they do it all in one day? I haven't really noticed continuity issues so I'm impressed if they did it over more than one, but I feel sorry for them having to wear those clothes for so long. Especially Alicia, whose stocking rip now extends the entire length of her leg. Ugh, it would drive me nuts to have to wear torn up stockings like that!! I wonder if she gets hole imprints on her skin...]

45 seconds. Fer thinks it’s been 38 minutes. Marcia then discovers them spying on Lety. They discuss the whereabouts of the cuartel. Alicia says they spend all their time in the bathroom because they think they are immune as friends of the Presidenta. Marci says we’ll see about that and she leaves Ali in charge of the boys.

Marcia then happens upon the cuartel discussing how Lety the ugly could take Fer away from Mar who is so pretty, blech….and how bothered she must be and so on….Mar bursts in and they try to cover by saying they are talking about a novella, again with things including police. Lola borrows Lui mimisqui.
She tells them the police would come for sure when she rips them to pieces…..she’s not a fool. If you have something to say to her tell her what’s up now that she’s there. Marta asks to go back to work she says yes, but to work, not to gossip.

The cuartel files out of their meeting room and is noticing Fer spying and so call him a traitor. They hiss at him. Fer is clueless but aware. Mar also comes out. As usual, Ali wants to know what’s up. Ali answers PM s phone and tells Lety about the meetings as usual in the bathroom, PM is mad, so she grabs the phone back and says that Ali stole the phone. It’s Lety and she wants to see the cuartel all in her office. They are impactadas

Lety is still with Aldo deciding where to move stuff. Ali and Mar confront Fer, about why they were keeping watch outside the presidency. He says they were just walking through and were tired so stopped to talk about the cuisine project, the mole, etc…. They depart to “their” office, the one that they have, you know, together, like when they were in school, they sat together then too. Mar tells Ali she thinks Lety spilled the beans to the cuartel about the Fer love affair. Ali wonders what the swindler was doing outside of that office. Mar tells Ali should investigate because maybe they’ll raise her salary, but she wants her to let Mar know when Aldo comes out of Lety’s office. Ali is duped. Another blond moment.

Aldo says he’s got to go to the meeting because everyone is waiting. Lety thanks him for the painting and he kisses her hand while the cuartel swarms around them licking up his honey. He flirts some more with them pollinating guapa all over the place. Lety is still upset though.

Caro-chan shows up looking for Aldo because Lui needs him like heroin. Aldo wants to know how well she knows Fer. She says well. He wonders if it’s possible that Fer really loved Lety. Caro-chan dismisses that and says no you know that story very well. Aldo says but he feels Fer seems legitimately jealous of him. Caro is impactada. She thinks that he’s misinterpreting the signals and tells him it’s just not true. He is convinced Fer was really mad and really jealous, not faking in anyway. Lui then calls from afar for Aldo, he agrees he better go so Lui doesn’t get a mimisqui. Caro fixes his hair and lets him go. I’m telling you, something has to be there between those two. They are just too buddy buddy. The way he looks after Lety, Caro looks after him. Hmmmm……

Lety shows off her painting to the cuartel. They tease her “Bien Po-Po.” They discuss how they might help move the furniture for her. Lola then takes the hammer that would be used to hang it and has a better idea for it; to mash Cheque. She mashes her hand by accident though. Duh! Ouch. After the pain subsides they spend time pondering the shell of evil (ok there’s a better reference here, but I can’t pull one out of my brain right now, but that shell is eerie, like it’s haunted or possessed or has evil powers or will make you turn into a werewolf or something. I can’t look at it too long, it creeps me out) making artistic critiques. Lety decides now it’s time to get tough with the cuartel. She tells them to ixnay so many of the eeting-mays in the bathroom, that they need to work more, she’s worried about Mar watching her under a microscope. She’s cool about it though, because they can talk in her office sometimes if needed. They are bummed but agree.

Omar and Fer are in “their” office talking about Aldo, which Omar says is boring him so let’s talk about Mar instead. Oh yeah, now there’s a subject that can really wind your binder!!!! Omar tells him he should take Marcia with him all over. He says he already sleeps at her apartment etc, and sees her daily at work, that should be enough so I don’t have to take her everywhere. AAAAAhhhhhh! Fer is impactado, he notices the infamous black bag of goodies is gone, that held the Jallmarks, that he put in the trash can, that was emptied and sent to the trask collection site. He wants to know when the trashman comes. The two have another pissing contest over the desk chair, but not as injurious this time.

On the other side of the firm Lety recalls the bag as well and flashes back when she said it should go in the trash and while day dreaming of this she spaces out to the computer install man talking to her. PM shows up with Lety’s calendar etc. She wonders about the trash man too, so PM calls Celso and finds out it’s coming soon. Lety is “anxious.”

Fer asks Juana casualmente when the trashman comes. She also says soon, and he tells her the desk is a little dirty. Fer tells himself if Lety doesn’t care about these things then he’ll save them. Echo, echo, echo, …well actually, Lety tells herself the same thing. Will they reunite while digging through the dumpster? I hope so.

Lety runs out of her office determined to recover her dreams. She is stopped by Caro-chan and she wants to chat and know what her office looks like. Lety tells her she already knows because it is the same as Fer’s because she wants to go dig through trash.

Tomas pays homage to Einstein, oh, no wait, presto, it’s Alibubis!! That’s a great idea to have reversible artwork. I get bored with my surroundings very quickly and could easily be in a Frida Kahlo mood one minute and a Thomas Kinkade, Painter of Light mood the next……well, no not really, but…

Tomas continues talking to his art’s backside and does some prep to confront the Oxi with the little brown bolsa. Bolsas figure prominently into this novela’s storyline I’ve noticed. I wish they’d make better use of them though. I can think of a few cast members whose heads I’d like to pull some over.

Lety tells Caro-chan she’s happy Aldo is here with her and she owes him her current fortitude. Caro affirms Aldo’s dedication to Lety.

Ali practices her next meeting with Aldo and waltzes into his office and fantasizes about his appreciation of her. Tomas overhears her acting out her fantasy solo, but he can’t see Aldo’s not really there. He makes a noise trying to get away, and Alicia hears it and is afraid someone discovered her. She goes to look for whoever it was but finds no one.

Tomas curses that Apachurro de Aldo for moving in on his girl.

Aldo is sharing his thoughts with Mar and Lui & Ricky about the project. Lui of course loves his idea. Alibubis interrupts, Lui wants to know why and she tells Mar she has a message for her. She then tries to pull Aldo out. Lui reprimands her for being inopportune. Ali asks him if she can talk to him about something important but not urgent. He patronizes her. The plants are moving, oh it’s just Tomas playing secret agent 007.

Ali asks Aldo if he’s free tonight. He thinks he might be, but she’s probably not. She says she has many things to do, but if someone special invited her for dinner tonight she could cancel everything. Just then Lui walks up and notices Tom in the bushes. He asks what the metamorphasizing oruga is doing there eating plants, no less. Tomas says it’s just him, and Lui says and he’s wondering what Woody Woodpecker is doing in this tree.

Lety wants to know if Caro will help her with the project and she says yes, but she wants to know what she’s getting into. Lety says welcome to the hell known as Conceptos. Caro says that’s because Fer is here no? Lety says yes, she wanted to stay away from him, but every time she sees him she just feels worse.

Sara answers an urgent call from the US Embassy. They ask to speak with Fer and she asks Omar if he knows where he is or if he would like to speak with them instead but he shirks his responsibility and says Lola can take the call or maybe Fern should call back since he’s the contact with them. Omar says to say Fer is putting on his lion face in the bathroom. She thanks in them English. Sara begs pardon for forgetting to dial Gui for Omar.

Simon wanders in singing loudly. Sara tells him to go find Fer because someone from the US is going to call him back in 10 minutes. Simon says he’s not here he went outside the office. He says he’ll go find him. Simon babbles on about liking this country and singing stuff.

Fer is now outside and is searching the trash areas; he is only finding organic trash at first. He then finds what looks more like office trash. The trash men notice him and wonder what he’s doing. He dismisses them telling them now is not the best time to collect the trash. They think he might have lost some money.

Caro and Lety are talking and Lety says the international publicity is what is concerning her the most. Caro said she and Aldo saw Gui, and he’s lined up advertisers here in Mexico but he’s waiting to speak with someone at Conceptos. Lety says she left that to Omar. Caro and Lety understand the problem now. Caro continues on and Lety drifts off. Caro asks her if she’s listening and Lety says, well I’m thinking that I have to see Fer again and I’m feeling bad…..

Happy Valentine’s Day all!!!!

Funny I was thinking to include these links that I found to the first Fea episodes last night, but I didn't. Ironically some comments are showing up about them so here is the very first one. I noticed no spoilers (didn't search for them, but pretty sure none are obvious). Once you get here you can easily click on the following chapters, each goes up to 5. I can post more of them if you have difficulty finding the successive scenes. Enjoy! I spent my lunch hour watching them yesterday because I never actually saw them. Our network had an outage those first two days and as far as I know they never reran them. Man I was mad, and so thankful I found these!!!!


Whatever anyone says about repetitiveness lately, I don't care. I love this show with all my heart. I can't stop watching. I apologize to readers of the Acorralada recaps, but I had to catch up on the three episodes of LFMB first, and I posted late.

Yes, it's the longest day ever at Conceptos, but there are funny moments. Tomas hiding behind the plant, Fernando launching himself over the desk. Other great moments, such as Fernando patting Lety's hand.

I also confess I have started to look at YouTube. First I found the very first two episodes. How exciting that was to watch! How nostalgic I was for the early characters. It's possible that a great many of us never saw those, because not many people were watching at the beginning. In her first job interview, Lety was twitching, and they had strange sound effects on the sound track. She had to sit next to Alicia, who was actually not wearing her standard costume yet. Also, Alicia was driving a Mercedes with a full logo. I wonder if they only covered up the logo in the U.S. versions.

I never saw the first two or three months of the show, and now I think I will search for more early episodes for fun. I never saw the first seduction by Fernando, etc.

Then, I must tell you that I started looking at the future. I won't give any spoilers, of course, but my new theory is that it doesn't matter anymore if I know what's coming. I won't know till I know. Once I watch it, I know. It doesn't spoil any "surprise."

Thanks so much K. I thought there were a lot of cute moments in last night's show. Tomas "Woody" hiding behind the tree and Fern looking through the trash for the treasures.
I swear Tomas's hair get bigger everyday!
I am really sick and tired of Lety's, Aldo's and Marcia's clothing! I'm beginning to think the stain look on Aldo's sweater is just sweat marks. The poor guy has been in a sweater and leather jacket forever and must be very uncomfortable.
Caro's outfits get more ridiculous with each new one. Would someone please pull those chop sticks out of her hair????????
She is such a pretty woman but right now looks like a hostess in a Japanese restaurant.
Please, please let this day end so we can see them looking a little different! This is as bad as the never-ending commercial!!!!!!!!!!

Carrie L.

I wasn't sure if they were chopsticks--or pencils!

And as for that dirty sweater, you know it's really hot in Mexico, even in the winter. I can't imagine anyone would wear a leather jacket over a turtleneck.

Fern looks so cute all jealous...I too am liking the little funny moments (Fern sifting through trash, Woody Woodpecker behind the tree, etc.) I know it drags and stuff and there are days I want to turn it off but then I am afraid I will miss something and change my mind. I really hope things get better.

I don't know if anybody noticed that when Juana left the bathroom meeting, she said went to work because she's fallinb behind. She then saw Alicia talking on the phone (we didn't see her work) and shortly thereafter came back to the bathroom looking all tired.l. Ok tell me what's up.

Kris, "pollinating guapa"?? LOL!!

Janet asked in comments yesterday why is Ricky Armstrong attending these meetings. I'd like to know the same thing. Did we miss something? Is Bella Life somehow involved in the gastronomical tourism campaign?

Speaking of things I don't know, didn't Rosales give Lety a gift for Alicia? What happened to that?

I agree with everyone who has dissed the lovely conch painting. It's like a Monster Conch, gigantic out of proportion to the seashore. It's like when Lety was imagining Aldo's huge face superimposed over the painting on her bedroom wall.

I wonder if the Monster Conch has eyes that will follow Lety around the room. Or maybe it will speak prophecies. (We haven't seen Psychic Guy in a while, so an all-knowing conch could come in handy.)

Maybe Caro will have a new international costume next--like the "cast members" at the different exhibits at Disney's Epcot center.

The difference there would be that at EPCOT, the "cast members" wear more authentic-looking traditional costumes. I don't know if people in Japan wear anything like, uh, whatever Caro's garment would be called.

I'm also not sure if the Japanese ever really put chopsticks in their hair. I know I'd never put a fork in mine.

What's up with Caro's chopsticks? She is such a pretty girl and yet she looks ridiculous. Aldo's top looks different during each episode. The big dark spot that was in the center of his chest has moved to his side. What's up with that? Fernando should make room in the dumpster for the hideous conch painting. Who said this show is boring? I love it. Lately, ALicia has proven to be a very good actress. Her sorrow was very convincing when she was talking to her ex-husband on the phone.

Thank you to all the re-cappers. I have been lurking but had to comment on the clothes. I am an Aldo fan so I always try to defend him to my husband, who watches with me (for the women)but has no clue what they are saying. I took high school Spanish but am trying to learn because my brother lives in the DR. Anyway, I told my husband that the sweater is not dirty but either sweaty or tie-dyed like someone mention. My husband said that whatever it is the large stain on the right is taking on the face of Christ LOL

I agree with the Carolina-Chan comment. She is so pretty; I would like to see Aldo with her. Don Ferni is getting on my nerves with his meaness. Jealousy doesn't become him. Thank you for all the laughs and comments. I found LFMB when I was in San Antonio, TX on a conference and have been hooked ever since. Thank God for all the re-cappers. Now I know what really happened - but I am picking up more and more Spanish words. I watch the show from Massachusetts.

I have always thought Paty Navidad was a great actress. She has one of the most difficult roles. Comedy is more difficult than drama, in some respects, and she has to be the character that everyone loves to hate and also appear clueless. Her role is actually very cleverly written, I have noticed. For the clueless one, she is often the most articulate, in that they give her long lists of unusual vocabulary (for us), such as the lists of epithets for Lety.

what happen to mondays recap

Kris, thanks for the great recap. I laughed and laughed, at Aldo's honey and Caro-chan. Tomas lurking behind the fake plant and Fern dumpster diving were just priceless. It's those kind of moments that keep me watching through the tedium. I'm glad Lety told the cuartel they have to lay off the endless bathroom meetings. The clothing is turning into a major distraction in this 22 hour long workday. Please let it be over soon. I don't think the conch shell is evil, but maybe too overtly sexual? Sort of like some of the Georgia O'Keefe paintings,or am I off base here? It's part of Aldo's wooing of Lety. Thanks for all the comments.

Hi from Brazil to everyone.
Nina, you've mentioned you found the first two episodes of La Fea Mas Bella in Youtube. I couldn't find them, though. Could you please be so kind as to inform the links to such episodes? That would be great. Thanks!! Bel xxx

Anonymous, you echoed my thoughts exactly about the conch shell painting being sexual. The painting had also reminded me of the Georgia O'Keefe paintings. I was going to write that but didn't get around to it.

Connie in Texas.

Anonymous 12:33, thanks for pointing out I hadn't "tagged" my own Monday recap. It's been there all along. The tagging is not automatic, I do each one by hand - so if you miss an episode you can just scroll down the page and find it yourself!

Yes, I think the conch looks like a big wet pink - body part. Blegh.

Because this day is ssssssooooooooooooo long it seems normal, but it is only the second day back for Lety. The new guy has an office & has already started redecorating Lety's office. He puts the Curse in Cursi.

I posted the first episode link below the recap so enjoy. I was purposely avoiding the body part/shell analogy...because it is just SOOO obvious....and since you all brought it up....I think that is the origin of my feelings of evil...I wouldn't want to stare at that all day. Now Aldo's necklace charm....that's more to my liking!!!! :)

Oh Ladies my thoughts exactly about the body part conch reference. Poor Lety actually enjoying looking at what could easily be a poster on my gynocologist's wall. Guru boy also keeps referring to the shell as some sort of symbol of life but it gives me the almighty creeps.

I knew that Fern was going to look for the memories bolsa when he got back and his reaction to it being gone was beyond priceless. I'm laughing even as I write this and of course he had to go hunting for it. I loved the idea that he thinks Lety doesn't care about it but he does and yet she herself is doing the same thing. Of course she again convinently forgets that she threw it back at him in the first place. Her selective amnesia continues to make me not always like her.

Tomas of the quivering plant. How funny was that. He annoys almost as much as the cuartel and I can't help wondering what intimate thing he bought for Oxi.

Interesting that Aldo is picking up on Fern's jealousy when no one else is. Too bad he once again got a bum steer from Caro who told him Fern never loved Lety. I guess Fern and Lety did a superb job of hiding their feelings before everything went to hell.

I too am hoping that Fern and Lety will meet over the garbage but of course it won't happen. If Fern finds the bag how is he going to smuggle it back in without Laser eyes catching him.

I confess I actually sometimes find myself giggling like Lety when watching the show. It must be catching.

For all of you that are criticizing the very fashionable Caro - that look is extremely popular right now - the Asian-influenced dresses over pants and the blouses also. If you look at fashion magazines or go into accessory stores, the chopstix are also very popular. I think she looks adorable

I didn't get the shell thing but just really thought the painting was ugly.
When Alicia and Aldo were having one of their conversations, I couldn't help but wonder if it is hard for the men who are inches away from her to just keep their eyes on her face?
Her shoulder pads are right under their noses and I'm sure it would be extremely bad taste for the actor to be looking.
My mind wanders a lot now during these never-ending days.

Carrie L.

Hi - Great recap and comments! By the way, Mexico City is at over 7,000 feet elevation with some snow covered volcanoes not far away, so it's not really hot there all the time, as it can be in other parts of Mexico.

I, too, love all the comic scenes, especially of Fern coping/not coping with his jealousy, but also those with Tomas, Alicia & the cuartel.

That's interesting about the climate. Thanks! I have only been to a few coastal areas.

Nonetheless, in this case while he is wearing a turtleneck, other people right next to him, like Caro, are wearing light clothing.

Anybody got a better timeline than this on the black trashbag that was still in the dumpster last night.
Letti had two bags on her way out of the office after resigning, in which were: (1) her stuff; and (2) that stuff.
Letti started to leave with the bags.
Marcia intercepted and inspected the bags in Marcia's office.
Marcia gave back the first bag to Letti.
Marcia kept the second bag.
Marcia confronted Ferni with the bag.
Marcia gave the bag to Ferni.
The bag was moved, with the rest of the ex-president's stuff in a box from Ferni's ex-office to Omar's office.
It was pretend-thrown-out into the under-the-desk trashbasket in Omar's office by Ferni, in Omar & Marcia's presence.
Unseen action: the bag was removed by an office cleaning person before Ferni could retrieve it.

Having not missed any episodes except the first couple weeks in spring 2006, I don't know when this happened:
"she again convinently forgets that she threw it back at him in the first place"
I give up. When did Letti throw the bag back at Ferni?

On the clothes thing. Yes since Aldo comes from Acapulco where it is hot and muggy he might feel more comfortable in a turtleneck and leather jacket while everyone else is dressed in lighter clothing. I also find it odd that the whole cuartel with the exception of Lola dresses far more casually then anyone else. There are always people walking around in the background dressed in appropriate business attire while the secretaries, who should be more formally dressed look like every day is Casual Friday. Every time I've ever been in an office environment in Mexico, be it the DF or out in other cities, there is an obvious dress code that the gossipy cuartel seems to ignore.


Oops Anonymous 3:34 I didn't meant she actually threw the bag back at Fern but she did order that the bag, which she knew contained all the cards and letters, be sent to Fern's new office with his other things. So in a sense she had thrown the bag away and now regrets that she did. I suspect that the memories bolsa will be traveling around like the red one for days and days and days.

Who is Pat Navidad? I only know them by their soap name> Also I too am getting tired of lety's whinning because she has selective amnesia regarding the garbaje bag. She sees what she wants, she hears what she wants (through doors/walls) and now with the black bag. I am actually thinking that Fern is better off with someone who is more in touch with themselves and what is actually going on around her. She forgets also that she slept with an engaged man. She is upset that fern is with marcia, but she spent a month with aldo and never let him know where she was. Why can't he have female companionship? She had male companionship for the whole month. He had no idea where she was or what she was doing/thinking. Can't figure her out.

Paty Navidad is Alicia.

I agree with the impatience with Lety, but in my experience at least with American soaps that I used to watch years ago, there is always some illogic to the characters' motivations, because they have to spin out the stories for so long. So I put my head in the proverbial sand.


If the characters were logical we wouldn't have a novela.;-) Lety has consistently refused to speak to Fern so that he can explain his actions. There isn't a woman I know who wouldn't at least give him a chance to dig himself in deeper.

I also think Lety is becoming a sort of dog in the manger. She went along with Fern and sometimes was even the agressor. She still wants him for all her blather about not wanting to hurt Marcia and last night she looked like she was sulking while Aldo lapped up all that disgusting gushing from the cuartel.

At least she seems more human then mmost novela lead females who are so saintly they should all wear halos. The fact that the characters in LFMB are all flawed in someway - except the pontificating guru makes this a fun show to watch.


FC already got an ACE for Amor Real - this time he gets it for Alborada.
Vale will get an ACE for best actress for her work in LFMB for her interpretation of Leticia.
The ACE prize is given in NYC on May 6, 2007.
Dunno when/if they show some of it on Univision TV. Press Release was posted this afternoon, in spanish to FC's chatroom over at univision (see URL below). [I don't speak spanish but I got enough out of altavista's translation to hollar YEAA!] I thought sure Rosie's stretching out lfmb would ruin any actor's chances of getting any awards. (Since the award is for 2006, it will be interesting what happens to the ACE 2007 award that's given in 2008.)

I am reading all these comments with regard to the "caracolon (what Fern & Omar called it)" and I can't help but crack up. I agree VERY CREEPY!!!! You guys are a hoot. People must be thinking receptionist has gone crazy. My favorite has to be that it's something hanging in my gyno's office. ROTF

Aldo and Caro chan would only know Lety's side of the story where she thinks that Fernando used her to gain back the company only that Fernando fell in love but he wouldnt admit it.Anyway this got me thinking more about Aldo so far i think his been a gentleman,i like how he pays attention to Lety and i always look forward to see how long its going to take him to actually kiss...really kiss Lety. I noticed that everytime he talks to her it always lead to this yearning look that both of them he stares at her lips wishing that he could have a taste....the fact that Aldo is taking a huge risk lovin Lety who is not sure of herself where Fernando is concerned makes me like him more. Yeah Fernando we all love him but if he never had the need to use Lety to start the other company he wouldnt have fallen in love with Lety.Aldo does not need any favors from Lety just her love unless he proves for now i shall look forwaard for there little moment coz they are going to be little if Fernando has anything to say or do about it.

I thought just a day or so ago we saw Juana (at Marci's request) take the trash bag from Fernie's office and bring it to wherever trash is brought to go out.

Umm, yeah, re the sweater, the entire country of Mexico has multiple climates you know, I assure you it is not warm everywhere in the gigantic country. For example, when I was last in the DF, in the middle of July it was cloudy and about 50 fahrenheit, during the afternoon, so yes, a sweater and blazer is conceivable, certainly for a tropical beach guy who usually runs around in cut offs and no shirt.

As for the inconsistency of layers among cast members, well come on now. You people aren't thinking. All of the girls simply have to show skin, so short skimpy attire is required. And if it's not skin, it's a fashion statement a la Caro. So I don't know why you waste time on that. Notice none of the guys have on anything less than long sleeves and pants. Even Luigi most of the time!!!

Thursday was the funniest of all. Lety daydreaming. I thought it was the real thing. I laughed like H... AFTER I cried, that is, that it was not really happening. I needed the lety/fernando fix. It has been awhile. Loved it. They kiss soooooooo romantically. goes to prove it is not a good thing to watch the YouTube, because I saw that part awhile back; however, the youtube did not show the part that it was a dream and I was waiting for this moment for awhile, as sort of something that is showing that they will eventually be together in the end. When the commerical came, I thought it would continue when the commercial was over. I was sooo let down. So let down. The two of them are just soooo romatico together. What is the spanish name for marcias nylons. I could not get the words when they complained about her nylons. Or did they just use words for the runners and not the word nylon?

Thanks for posting the recaps. I'm still learning Spanish but watching La Fea definitely helps. I am LOVING Jealous Don Fernando!!! It makes Aldo's presence tolerable. I'm not liking Aldo one bit. He's not even good-looking.

Kris, terrific recap! Thanks!

Regarding Aldo's clothes: when I moved to the cold midwest three years ago after seven years in Hawaii, I wore lots of layers, especially in the winter. I am easing up now. Aldo has the same problem, as someone noted. He's a warm weather boy.

Regarding Caro's clothing: it may be in vogue someplace on this planet, but I can tell you I never once saw any of my Oriental friends in Hawaii put their chopsticks in their hair. Those are definitely nice chopsticks, too. They look like a pair I have left over from Hawaii. Also, Asian/Oriental folks often carry their own, in special cases. They are very precious and I bet the folks just shake their heads when they see other cultures using chopsticks for other, heaven forbid, hair picks. I chuckled the first time I saw Caro's latest fashion statement. For such a gorgeous woman, they surely do give her some very odd outfits.

Regarding the caracol: all the cuartel had comments, but PM said it best, "gee, it looks a little erotic, you think?" Someone batted a hand at her. As soon as y'all brought that up, I realized why PM said that. I must be really naive, but at the time, I couldn't see why she would say that! (Duh).

And now, our Fern is a Dumpster Divo.


The 2011 discussion for Capitulos 211 & 212 is at this link.

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