Wednesday, February 28, 2007

La Fea Más Bella #220 2/27/07 Aldo shows his teeth (and not in a smile) Grrr!; Lola gets hers and Tomas plays with his new friend

Caro goes to talk to Marcia, Lety tells Aldo she’s glad the meeting is finally over, then she tells him (after he guesses) that she is sad about Fer and that she can’t get him out of her head. She’s conflicted and thinks it’s best for the whole group of the love triangle if he goes, because then he can do what he wants with whatever women he wants, but she’s going to miss him. She can’t wait until she hasforgotten him. Aldo says he'll be the first one to jump for joy. Lety perplexed says really? Duh, dingbat. Cupid needs to wack her harder. I guess she's shielded byFer's aura. Aldo tells her never to apologize for her feelings and he consoles her saying Fer drives him crazy. She tells him she needs him in her life.

Oxi is trying to reach the lawyer that processed the repossession of her car, but he’s in Guadalajara.

Caro goes in to see Aldo and ends up trying to cheer him up because she knows he’s bustin’ at the seams to profess his love. I’m thinking you know, even if you tell her, that’s not going to make her love YOU, necessarily, so what difference does it make? Anyway..I digress. Aldo confesses to Carolina, “Grrrr” that guy drives him nuts. She is surprised because he’s such a tranquil mellow bud. He tells her that Aldo stayed in Acapulco taking in the sun.

Now we see Tomas on the phone contacting the lawyer in Guadalajara and asks him how much it would cost to buy the car he repoed from Oxi, he says it has sentimental value. While he is working this angle he stares at a billion pictures of her. He bordering on stalker, definitely stalker.

Aldo types on his computer that he’s not sure which is better, the Rajas Poblana or the family he shared them with, or ah ha! It could be the combination of both!

Just then there is a knock on his door. Fer sort of waltzes in without really waiting for a response. Fer asks Aldo why he is so in favor of Fer going away on this trip. Aldo asks him if he doesn’t think he’s worthy of this support. Yes he thinks it’s weird. He asks what the fascination with shells is. He blows into one tiny one. He thinks Aldo is always in contradiction with him. Aldo says he did to him, by wanting to kick him off the project. Fer thinks he still should be off and wouldn’t be missed Aldo says he will be missed by plenty, by Lety, and Andreu who put up 2mil. He tells him that he really thinks he’s the best for this role and that’s why he supported him. Then he jokes (sort of) and tells him that he actually wants him far away so there will be less confrontations between them. Fer acts surprised, apparently not thinking they have confrontations, that it’s just a matter of perspective. He thinks Aldo has a personal reason but Aldo says it was his idea anyway. Fer blows the sails of Aldo’s model boat. He ends up telling Aldo that he thinks Aldo is invading his territory and he doesn’t like it. Aldo says, and, and..? Fer says nothing, I’m just advising you. Aldo says how unpleasant Fer is to him.

Alicia reaches the lawyer and wants to know how much she will get back from the repo of her car, the difference between it’s value and what she owed. He says he has a buyer, and she tells him to take his time with the buyer and then reminds him how awful her life is because of him. She continues fighting with him when her cell cuts off and the recording tells her of the suspension and that she needs to contact collections. Marta types that the witches around here always have problems when they have their hair set?

Caro goes to talk to Marcia who wanted to know what her relationship with Lety is. She said she needed an assistant and since you let her go, I needed someone hardworking and responsible so I took her to Acapulco for Nuestra Belleza. Mar asks if she knows the circumstances under which Lety left and Caro says more or less. Mar continues to tell her that Lety put her through a real hell.

Luigi and Irma are talking and Irma tells him that Rulli called but he doesn’t care about it, that guy’s out of his head, and he’s dead to him. Eventually he admits it’s his own fault, that he’s in love with someone else.

Caro tells Mar that she doesn’t want to meddle in any problems, that she only came to work. Mar says well you must be happy that Lety’s prez, but Caro says just because she’s friends with Lety it’s nothing against her. She says she doesn’t want this to come between them but there are others who could do this work if you want, and Mar says no.

Oxi talks to the collections dept of the cell phone company complaining about her cell phone being cut off- as if that will get her anywhere. In the meantime the Cuartel laughs on about her and joking with paper horns offering them to her to use when she asks if any of them have cell phones.

After the say they have none they comment that they wonder how it goes with Cheque.

We’ll find out now….
Cheque practices how he will tell Jasmin that he has to pay so much. She calls and wants to know about it, he beats around the bush but she doesn’t buy it finally he confesses that he has to pay 7000 pesos per month to Lola. Jasmin is p***d. Just then Lola walks past her and Jas tells her she knows about the judge’s decree and that Lola has left them with out a cent and starving. Lola laughs and says Cheque won’t ever starve because he has full reserves (pointing to her waist)!! Jas continues that now she can’t pay for her modeling career and that she’s finished. Lola mocks Jasmin for not becoming a star, instead she explains that her kids will now not be expelled for non-payment. You tell her Lola!!

Now Fer is on the couch again wondering where a guy like Aldo came from. Omar reminds him he was a friend with Lety. Just what he needed to hear I’m sure. Then it occurs to Fer that maybe Aldo knows everything about Conceptos and Filmo Imagen etc. and he asks Omar if he thinks she might have told him. Aldo thinks he might have. Just then he gets a call from the US Embassy and starts to take it in English.

Oxi is spying on Aldo and Luigi discussing the project and Aldo needs the draft of the commercial so he can get going on somethings. They finish and start to walk out slamming into her spying on the way. Tomas walks up and asks to speak to Aldo, while they are in the distance a bit Oxi and Luigi fight about who gets Aldo. Each thinking he’s interested in them. To settle it, Oxi and Luigi decide they want to invite Aldo out at the same time to see who he will pick, because of course he will pick his preferred companion. He and Tomas rejoin the group and announce that Tomas has invited Aldo to dinner. Ba dum dum….

Lola comes in and has something incredibly exciting to tell the cuartel! Cheque has to pay her 7000 pesos per month. They all scream and carry on loudly to which Oxi reminds them to be quiet. Juana takes pity on her, and they all decide the y have to celebrate. Lola goes in to tell Lety and invite her to lunch, but she can’t go she’s too busy. Lola starts to say oh, now your pres you can’t hang with us anymore girlfriend? Lety says that’s not it, that she has stuff she has to finish, but if they bring food back everyone can eat with her quickly in the conference tomb. I meant to say room, but then I typed it wrong, and decided it worked. I would consider that place a tomb if I had to be in there as much as those people. Yikes.

Oxi goes in to see Marci and tells her they died. Mar thinks the worst. Who died? She says her phone. She gets mad for being alarmed. Oxi babbles on about he sad state of affairs and Mar warns her she won’t get another cent loaned to her so not to even think about it because she still hasn’t even paid what she got before. Oxi thinks she’s cruel. Mar says take this crap to the Pres, because she’s the one with the power now, I’m living on a salary too now. She mentions she’s going to London.

Fer is on the phone telling of his imminent trip to NY. How did we miss this visit?????? Omar is saying the exact good bye to his telephone guest and they sit down to discuss what Aldo might know again, that he deceived Lety and doesn’t really love her? Omar thinks probably which could be a reason for him to poison her against you. Fer thinks they need to find out exactly.

Oxi tries her luck on the Pres. She tells of her perils and asks for a raise and an advance on the raise. Lety very sweetly explains that she has no budget to do that and that Oxi already makes more than the others and they manage ok. Oxi brings up she’s not just any secretary that she studied….Lety says yeah and you learned how to make bills very well. She gives her tissues, and one especially for the death of her phone. When Oxi realizes the croc tears aren’t working she accuses Lety of holding the past against her that this is her revenge. Lety denies it flatly.

At La Comidilla, Tomas is chowing down with Aldo and they even ask for more food. Aldo is surprised at how much Tomas can eat. Tomas mentions he’s earning the salary of a VP, but he hasn’t been paid yet, so Aldo offers to pay. Tomas starts talking about how upset Fer was when Gui demanded Aldo be in charge. He takes stuff of someone else’s table. Tomas can tell Aldo doesn’t like him either. Tomas says he likes him even worse. Tomas tells Aldo that he knows about everything the relationship with Lety. Everything. Lety told him. Aldo agrees they share the distaste for Fer. Tomas says yes, but unfortunately they also like the same woman. Aldo thinks he meant Lety, and the impactada music plays.


Thanks for the recap. Hopefully the endless meetings will end soon. I was pretty happy to see Jazmin get the news of Flacito's court ordered payments. Can't wait to see Lety's dinner meeting with Ariel. At this rate, it won't be until next week.

Cuernavaca anyone? I'm spending the month of July there, attending one of the Spanish language schools. Wouldn't it be fun to have a La Fea amiga to hang with?

Jane - wish I could join you in Cuernavaca! Alas, I don't have a month off :( I do want to take a shorter itermediate intensive course.
Back to LFMB, As usual, I want the abridged version of Tomas/Oxi & any cuartel stuff and mucho mas of Fer & Lety.
The Fer & Omar scenes were very funny. They are a great comedic team.
Fer with the caracol & blowing the sails on Aldo's boat had me howling. The pis*ing match continues between F & A.

Fern and Omar have been very funny lately. Much of Fern' appeal, to me, is his humor. His killer hotness is wonderful, but he adds that layer of humor and doesn't take himself so seriously. Aldo tends to take himself and his desire to enlighten the world a little more in earnest.
Alicia's mourning over her "cellular muerto" was quite funny to me.

I was told by one of my co-workers, that the reason Ariel hates Alicia so much is because in the beginning of the novela, before I started watching it,
Alicia selpt with both Ariel and Omar. Later she told Ariel that she was pregnant and that he was the father. She then tried to extort money and a condo in Miami out of him. Alicia was required to take a pregnancy test (company policy)which turned out negative. When Ariel found out of course he was furious. I still can't stand Ariel but that is what happened.
Does anyone else know anything else about this?

These endless meeting in Conceptos are giving me flashbacks to my corporate career where we would have meetings that ran from 8 to 5 sometimes more than once a week. I sympathize with the bit players who have to sit through the p***ing contests going on between Fern and Aldo. So far one week and we are just getting to lunch. It wouldn't be bad if anything ever happened to move the story forward but it doesn't.

I still think Aldo set up both Luigi and Alicia for a big fall. And, he is starting to reveal himself as not so perfect while he plays with Fern like a cat with a mouse. Why doesn't he just tell him, you're out of Lety's life and I'm in but no we get all this babble and smirking.

Well PG shows up tonight maybe he can get the action moving.

What do you know someone at Conceptos actually did a little work yesterday - Fern and Omar of all people fielding calls while Marcia mopes and gossips, the cuartel screams and carries on, Lety broods, Aldo babbles on and on and Alicia goes on the prowl for someone to pay her phone bills.

That final look on Aldo face when he though that Tomas was in love with Lety did crack me up. If he thinks that and doesn't challenge Tomas on it Tomy Boy is going to find his new buddy isn't such a nice guy after all.

Anon 11:44, I agree with what you said about Fern's humor adding to his appeal.
Aldo's lack of humor seems to do the opposite for him.
Lety needs someone she can laugh with. I don't like how they have Lety saying she needs him.
If Aldo is setting Luigi and Alicia up for a fall, as some type of revenge for how they treat/treated Lety,
it would be inconsistent with this guru/philosopher image he projects. I would expect a new-agey guru to trust that karma will take care of people like Luigi and Alicia.



I think that is exactly the point. Aldo projects a new age guru thing but in the end I don't think that is who he truly is. How could he not know he was leading both Alciia and Luigi on when he saw their reactions to him. He would have to be dumber than a brick to have missed it.

On the other hand he may be so obsessed with Lety that he just rides roughshod to get what he wants and doesn't notice his effect on those twits.

Fern's humor is very endearing and matches up so well with Lety's sense of the ridiculous. This pair together would have a life full of laughter and fun. Aldo is too esoteric and the relationship between him and Lety is unevenly matched - it is more like student and teacher than equals. When Lety grows up he would smother her.


ANON 11:44...Fer is indeed the funnest person I least at this point; Omar is shallow, but quite fun too. Having a bit of I totally mind wander as soon as Aldo opens his mouth & I have driven my husband crazy by mocking everything Aldo says (sometimes my husband too)...I too had a job where I had to sit in endless..BS backpatting meeting...oh the pain..the everlovin pain...

Funny recap!

I realy feel Lety's pain regarding all the meetings... I started a new job in January and have been in one lo-o-o-o-o-ng, perpetual meeting ever since! Hardly any time to check the blog, much less to post comments... Wah!

To all the re-cappers:
Thank you so much for the recaps - some evenings I have to miss the programs, and you do a wonderful job to fill me in on all that has happened. Thanks too to all who contribute commentaries ... you fill in the blanks, and bring about a lot of laughs.

Now - it is time for the return cross-country bus trip:
again, only two empty seats. One next to Jazmin and the other next to Alicia (La Oxi). Who would you rather sit next to for four days ... the one who just found out her "Flaquito" will have to pay a huge child support payment, or the one with ginormous debt and a dead 'cellular', and who is not madly in love with buses ... hmmm???

Y'all have a great evening - hasta la proxima.

Jane--I've been thinking about the Cuernavaca courses but won't be able to make it happen until next year. Do you happen to know if they have anything special for teachers trying to learn Spanish? Everything I've seen seems geared toward college students, and I'm well beyond the average college age.

Humor is definitely Fernando's draw. He is very guapo, but it is his humor that gets me. Aldo is also handsome, but w/ his pontificating and lack of humor, he just does nothing for me.

As for Alicia trying to trap Omar &/or Ariel w/ the pregnancy, it is true. However, Ariel was a jerk prior to all of that happening. His character has show no development in any way since the beginning, IMHO. Ariel, when he thought Alicia was pregnant, wanted to send her out of the country. She was hoping that Omar would marry her.

Just as a side note, the cuartel got Lopez to approve a "required" medical test for Alicia and they had the lab run a pregnancy test. That's how it came to be found out that Alicia was not pregnant.

I thought yesterday's episode was hilarious, especially the part with alicia telling marcia her phone died, as well as Fernando speaking in English and then translating in spanish for Omar. I love it when he tries to talk in an English accent.


I would choose to sit next to Jazmin. Alicia whines indiscriminately to everyone and will ask anyone for a loan. Jazmin, on the other hand, would be on the prowl for a new sugar daddy, and since that wouldn't be me, I think she would leave me alone.

I might choose Alicia for the bus trip. Jazmin annoys me almost as much as Ariel does. With Alicia, I could get her started on all her troubles, just nod occasionally, and tune her out. Or, I could amuse myself by verbally prodding her tender spots. I could also ask how she graduated from the microbus to the big-time model.

Another vote for Jazmin. She is skinny enough not to be hogging part of my seat and she is strictly interested in men. She would leave me alone to read my book or nap in peace. Alicia would be hitting me up to use my cell phone, whining about having to ride the bus and generally being an embarrassment.

What happened with Ariel & El Cheque, they never made it to the bus in time or where they never supposed to come back? :-)

I think I would want to sit with Jazmin, like everyone else pointed out she'd be strolling for her next sugar daddy and leave me alone as opposed to the complainy Oxi.

When & where's the next bus trip? Maybe we should play with game with Mundo characters or Duelo?

>>>While he is working this angle he stares at a billion pictures of her. He bordering on stalker, definitely stalker.

I have seen movies like that. The guy has a shrine in his basement, a gazzillion pics, candles, very eerie ;-) Course, it coulda just been a hidden commercial for Kinko's (for all your stalkeresq picture copy needs), which works too.

Bus trip - Jazmin. She's easy to shut up, doesn't flip her hair around like Oxi, probably wouldn't ask me to lend her money, and wouldn't rile up the other passengers like Oxi does on the microbus.

Regarding Alicia & Ariel:

Alicia hooked up with Omar after PM, always on the quest for someone to pay her bills..which lead to a man war between PM & Alicia and the almost firing of PM.

Later Alicia was trying to get some money out of Ariel and was turning on the "charm" big time. They ended up at her apartment and I thought Ariel forced himself on Alicia. It looked like date rape to me.

I'm pretty sure the cuartel started the rumors about the pregnancy. But Omar and Ariel were muy impactados and didn't know the other was involved with Alicia at the same time...

Alicia almost got a bunch of money and a condo in Miami from Ariel (who ironically is on the verge of bankruptcy now). But, the cuartel intervened and got proof she wasn't preggers. Another reason for their animosity...

Regarding the bus trip, I'll take Jazmin any day over Alicia.
As for Fernando speaking English, I read in his bio that he is fluent in English,French and Portuguese as well as Spanish.
All this and handsome too. What more could you want.

I agree, Jewels...the Alicia/Ariel thing was more like rape...I remember how much she cried afterwards.Of course, she did try to pin a pregancy on him, but Ariel is still to blame for forcing himself on her. He's just...GROSS.


I have made an observation - after being a couple of days behind and unable to comment - I think Aldo actually gets a kick out of Fernie. He can barely contain it when he watches Fern's antics. C'mon Aldo, just admit it FERN IS IRRISISTABLE.

Kris, thanks for the terrific recap! Everyone, thanks for the delightful comments!

Regarding those endless staff have told me I don't hold enough. Imagine that! They want more face time with me and communication. So, I instituted a few more meetings this year (first Friday for two hours for leadership staff in central admin, and I frequent the teacher meetings more, too. I also do some presenting in staff inservice). That seems to be making everyone happier. The reason I don't hold massive meetings is exactly what y'all have suggested...they aren't very productive. I look at las juntas in Conceptos and I am just shaking my head. Yuck.


Oh, yeah-- Anon 11:44, were you with us when Malicia was mourning the loss of her coche (repo)? It was weeks. And weeks. And weeks. Of whining.


I misunderstood and thought the car was in Guadalajara (not the attorney) -- I need all the spanishlanguage help I can get.

I wish donFerni had said some words when he puffed the toy sailboat's sails. I guess I need it spelled out for me; was he showing that Ald makes his own fillintheblank air?

The car may be in Guadalajara, too, but it definitely was repossessed and she was hysterical. Literally and figuratively. As they say in the South, she was a mess.


Carol Re: Cuernavaca
I'm not a spring chicken myself (48), and figure the young'uns will just have to deal with me. I am a high school counselor, so that's why I have the time. There seem to be programs for teachers, but I think they are for Spanish teachers. Anyway, the company I'm going through is Language Link at If you want more info. my email is

The 2011 discussion for Capitulos 219 & 220 is at this link.

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