Monday, February 05, 2007

Pictures of Fernando Colunga from new movie "Ladron"

Lesa, who sent these pictures, writes:

I thought maybe you would like to share these photos of Fernando, taken in August/September on the set of the movie, with everyone on the Blog.

The first photo is with some of the cast, from left to right: Gabriel Soto, Ivonne Montero, Fernando Colunga, Miguel Varoni and Oscar Torres, the guy on the right wearing the glasses and the plaid shirt is JoJo Henrickson, the writer of the movie and also is in the movie.

This photo has the original working name for the film, "Movidas" then later it was also called "Bandoleros" and now they have named it "Ladron Que Roba a Ladron".

The second photo from the set, left to right: Oscar Torres, Fernando Colunga and JoJo

Wow, THANKS, Lesa. But are they going to show this movie in the U.S.? How are we going to get to see it??


Fernandooooooooooooooooooooooooooo~~~Susanlynn, wondering if she'll get to see this film

Note to whomever: Let us know when the DVD comes out.........

That's so cool, Thanks Lesa!

I can't wait for the movie!!!

Thanks Lesa!! Fernando is even sexier when he's just being a regular guy and when he smiles. I'm going to keep my eyes open for this film and also the DVD release.

While we are drooling over THE MAN, I saw on the Esmas site that he was supposed to be in an upcoming episode of LBMF , but then it was quickly glossed over and never mentioned again. Also, someone on here (Amanda?) mentioned it a week or two ago, and I didn't know if she said anymore about LBMF or not. I don't get a chance to get here everyday, and wondered it anymore news had been said, or not!? If anybody knows more-would LOVE to hear about it! THANKS for this info Leeza!!!

Glad you all like the photos. Yes,
the movie will be out in the US, right now it looks like an April release in about 200 to 300 theaters
across the country, then in a wider release after that.
In La Fea, there is no confirmation that Fernando is making any appearance in the novela. His name is mentioned by characters in the novela, but he makes no appearance in person.

Howdy! I used to visit Pratie's to get my recaps of Alborada, and I thought I'd let ya'll know that, if I understand what I read correctly, Carla Estrada is working on a new telenovela about pirates, and Fernando Colunga is supposed to be in it! Jeez, I sure hope I read that right! If anyone knows more about that, please let me know!

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