Thursday, September 03, 2020
Labels: entertainment-news, telemundo, telenovelas, Univision, weekend
Thursday, May 28, 2020
WEEKEND DISCUSSION 5/28/20: Best and Most UnBelievable BEANIE Moments
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Beanie - compliments of Doris |
Labels: best-worst, entertainment-news, weekend
Friday, December 07, 2012
Weekend Discussion: Tony Bennett Duets on Univision
I'll be in and out both tomorrow and didn't have time to think of a new topic for this weekend, so if anyone wants to discuss music again, here is a place to continue it.
Labels: entertainment-news, weekend
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
William Levy in Dancing with the Stars
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Did you know: William Levy is in this season's "Dancing with the Stars" on ABC! Starts Monday 8-10 pm!

HELP! Is anybody going to be recording Levy's portions? If so please contact me at - thanks...
Labels: entertainment-news, stars
Monday, December 05, 2011
Manos Quietas
Labels: entertainment-news, stars
Saturday, November 05, 2011
11/5/11 - ¡Manos Quietas!: Fernando Colunga Tied Up and Woman-handled in Public!
Recap by Audrey
¡Manos Quietas! is a play written by Catalán author Piti Español which premiered in Madrid in 2010. Fernando Colunga liked the script and the Mexican production team adapted it to Mexican slang and recent pop TN culture. Currently on tour in the US, I saw it in McAllen on 11/4.
This one act play is set in a classroom at the end of the school year, where Manuel and his (almost ex-)wife have an interview with the (female) principal about their son’s progress.
* Fernando Colunga plays Manuel, an almost divorced husband and father, down on his luck. He thinks he is just in a trial separation with his wife.
* Giselle Blondet plays Esme, the principal, into politically correct inclusive language regarding gender and totally against corporal punishment.
* Lorena Rojas plays Aurora, Manuel’s about-to-be-ex wife, a real bully of a man-eater who is dumping Manuel because she is involved with another parent.
* Aylin Mujica plays Sra. Sonia Cortejo - the hysterical mother of a kid hit by a parent at the recent school picnic.
* Johnny Lozada plays Cristóbal - the school’s “pre-tech” teacher.
The main themes of the play are: political correctness; gossip; hypocrisy; and, um, maybe taking some things to extreme? I’d say another theme unique to this Mexican version is watching FC in a most unusual situation!
The play was really a hoot. Even if you are dependent on captions for watching Spanish TNs, you will still get a lot of it, especially if you read the recap ahead of time. The play is very physical with lots of exaggerated acting at times, so you’ll get tons of cues. And plenty of eye candy for both sexes and a few TN-related inside jokes.
The scenes are somewhat combined for brevity to cover the main plot and highlights. Some things are likely out of order anyway - after all, this is from memory, and I didn’t think of recapping it until afterwards.
Cristóbal, a teacher, sweeps through the classroom straightening tables, and setting the room right. Esme, the school principal, comes in. They gossip about the shocking happenings at the recent school spring picnic where they had a big game between the Amarillos and Azules - those parents just love the colored shirts! But it seems one of the parents was seen making out with another (not her husband) - shocking! And even more shocking, one of the parents hit another parent’s kid! Unfortunately the kid’s hysterical mother is on the warpath and wants to sue/report the school! They both leave the room.
In marches Manuel (FC) [to massive applause, of course] dressed in a suit with briefcase and here for the interview with the principal about his son. He practices his speech to convince the principal to buy these new computers specialized for kids education. He’s under the gun financially - he recently lost his job at the car dealership.
[At this point you know who the main characters are and a bit of their background and prejudices, the premise, the gossip from the spring (picnic) party with yellow and blue teams and that Manuel and Aurora are recently separated at Aurora’s instigation. So this would be a place to stop if you are pretty fluent in Spanish and you wanted to see the play before reading the rest of the recap. If your Spanish is not so solid, reading ahead will help you follow the main plot, and there is still plenty of peripheral action that I did not cover.]
The principal, Esme, returns. Manuel is early! His wife knew the appointment was for half an hour later. Manuel pulls a blue t-shirt out of his briefcase and asks if he is supposed to return the shirt from the school picnic. They talk about his children. The principal has this pet peeve about gender prejudice in the Spanish language, and insists that all plural nouns be inclusive of both genders. For example, Manuel doesn’t have “dos niños”, he has “un niño y una niña”. Manuel, in salesman mode, gets with the equality-in-noun-gender program and works hard to convince Esme that her school should buy these great (iPad like) computers! But unfortunately, the batteries are dead so his demo bombs.
The subject changes to hitting children. Esme has heard rumors that Manuel was the parent who hit Sra. Cortejo’s kid at the spring picnic. Oh no! He might have rubbed the kid’s head a bit rough in play, but no hitting! Unfortunately for Manuel, Esme gets him to reveal that he doesn’t believe in no corporal punishment under any circumstances and might have spanked his kids once or twice. Manuel is subjected to a huge lecture.
Aurora, his (almost ex-)wife sails in. She lambasts Manuel for all sorts of injustices. Esme adds her disapproval that Manuel still believes in corporal punishment. And she has reason to believe that he hit another parent’s kid at the spring picnic! Horrors! Manuel denies anything more than maybe roughhousing with the kid a bit. Aurora takes advantage as she plans to fight for custody of the kids.
In sails the hysterical mother, Sonia (Aylin Mujica in new-age gypsy hippie garb), going on and on about her poor traumatized kid. Her kid told her Manuel was the culprit. Manuel emphatically denies it. Esme gangs up since Manuel had admitted he might have administered a spanking or two. Aurora piles on as well, claiming this shows what an unfit father he is! They go on as Manuel (yes, macho FC), cringes with the harangues, protesting and denying.
Crazy mother Sonia and principal Esme leave the room to talk to the poor traumatized kid who has been left alone in Sonia’s car (shock!!!). Manuel leaves to use the restroom. Aurora phones her new lover, Paco Menendez to tell him: “You know that kid you hit at the school picnic? Well, the hysterical mother is at the school ready to denounce everybody!” She’ll see what she can do, otherwise his PTA position might be in jeopardy!
When Manuel returns Aurora starts getting on his case again. This time, she tries to browbeat him into “confessing” even though he denies it emphatically. Finally, she cajoles him with offers to “maybe” reconsider their separation and her attempts to take away the children. Just go ahead and take the blame, and then the school won’t get sued, and everything will be hunky-dory.
Sonia and Esme return. After another round of escalating haranguing and denials from Manuel with Aurora claiming otherwise, Manuel decides to just go ahead and say he did it and apologize.
But poor Manuel - now he is from the frying pan into the fire! Rather than calming down, the ladies go ballistic. He apologizes and apologizes and begs forgiveness. With the apologies, Sonia is somewhat mollified and decides maybe she won’t sue anybody after all, and almost leaves. But wait! What a great idea she has (as her ideas are always brilliant!). She’s taking acting classes and Tai Chi which she mimes elaborately. She’ll publish an interview with an “admitted kid-hitter” - where Manuel admits how very wrong he was. As a lesson to everybody!
Manuel doesn’t like this - hey no fair! Manuel mimics Sonia’s taking “acting classes” and “tai chi” which has FC doing an elaborate tai chi parody that has the audience screaming with laughter. This totally sets Sonia off, she’s going to sue Manuel and the school!!! Oops!
Manuel backs down. The ladies decide that if just, for once, he agrees to see what it is like to be a woman, they might let him off the hooks. OK, he’ll try to understand and cooperate!
Sonia finds some cord and ties Manuel’s hands behind his back. Oh, no, Manuel doesn’t like that! The ladies complain about men who are always checking out their bust and behind. One of them unbuttons part of Manuel’s shirt and two ladies rummage about inside complaining about how men always just want to grab their breasts. Another complains about having to wear heels all her life and grabs his necktie pulling up to make him tip-toe around as if he were wearing heels. Finally, one of them unbuckles his pants and pulls them down around his ankles!!! [The audience is just screaming at this point]. He’s wearing fairly modest knit black undies and almost knee-length black socks. Nice legs FC!
Poor FC is hopping around the stage for quite a while with his pants around his ankles, pinched and poked and thoroughly woman-handled with threats of more. They very much tease the audience with what these out-of-control ladies might do next!
And imagine what it would be like, they admonish him, to be caught, terrified, on a dark street with three nasty guys, stronger than you are, harassing you. They call him !puta! and ¡zorra! and act like men demeaning a helpless woman they have cornered.
Aurora claims that now that he is an admitted kid-hitter, no way is she going to let him have custody of the children.
Finally Cristóbal comes in, shocked at this outrageous scene. He quickly unties Manuel and scolds the ladies. Manuel is able to put himself back together. “¡Pinches Viejas!” yells Manuel, and the crowd roars.
The ladies explain to Cristóbal that they were just giving Manuel a bit of “education” about how women are subjugated to all sorts of harassment. Manuel tries to get Cristobal to sympathize with him, but unfortunately gets too macho about it. This sets Cristobal off who, now revealed as a gay person, feels that he of everyone is by far the most harassed and handicapped. He scolds everyone using every possible gay cliché and physical parody, of course.
A distant car alarm goes off. Oh, no! Sonia freaks! It must be her kid who still locked in the car!!!! Off she runs again.
Manuel has had enough, and talks about his poor beleaguered life. How he has had to work hard and provide for everyone, and he thought he had accomplished his dream in marrying Aurora and having children, and now Aurora doesn’t want him anymore. And he’s been fired from his job, and kicked out of the house, and his wife is trying to take the kids away from him! He goes on and on about the trials of a man in today’s society. He even calls himself a poor a**hole! He gets a huge applause for his elaborate woe-is-me speech. Aurora taunts him. “Yeah, bravo! Great theatrical performance! What do you think - that there is a big audience out there listening to you?” [nudge-nudge, wink-wink, LOL!]
Sonia returns. Oh - her kid is so traumatized, he can’t even stand the color yellow anymore! Yellow? asks Manuel. Wait a minute - he was on the blue team! But Sonia says her kid knows that man who hit him was Aurora’s husband, because he was kissing Aurora under the stairs right beforehand! OOoooops! Manuel pulls out his blue team t-shirt and declares that furthermore, he was never under the stairs! Aurora is outed! Now Sonia is livid all over again. She’s going to sue Paco Menendez and it’s all going to come out and he won’t be re-elected to the PTA! Manuel suggests that Sonia, with all her theatrical and tai-chi training maybe should do that brilliant idea interview with Paco Menendez now, since he is the established kid-hitter. Sonia runs off all energized, and Aurora after her, trying to do damage control.
Manuel asks “What about the interview about my kid?” “Well,” Esme points out, “it’s gotten pretty late now, we had better do that another time.” With all they have put him through, asks Manuel, couldn’t Esme consider buying several of these great specialized computers for children? Manuel thinks the school should buy one for every student! Esme is not so sure. Manuel suggests they go out for dinner, and discuss this in an environment more conducive to um, discussion. Oh, now Esme is interested! She sidles over to Manuel, fishing for compliments. They embrace as Manuel assures her that, with her, no man could keep his manos quietas (hands still). CURTAIN!
Bows. And the audience rushes the stage with their camera phones going crazy - LOL!
Throughout the play they had fun with different phone ringtones for different characters, always some well known theme. A fun example near the end, (after she was established as the guilty party), Aurora’s phone plays the “Esa Hembra es Mala” theme from Teresa before she finally picks it up.
Plenty of just slightly off-color Mexican slang also - things that never seem that bad to me (like references to big goats and eggs (LOL!)) but always seem to get a Mexican audience roaring.
Of course the biggest joke of all enjoyed by the audience is seeing Fernando Colunga in a role completely opposite of his normal ultra-galán role. Tied up and touched all over by three rabid women? - surely some of the ladies in the audience wished they could join in the fun. Obviously FC chose this role for the irony and maybe a refreshing break from the usual? We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves!
US Tour Dates (posted by Variopinta a week ago - this is the most complete list I could find on the internet)
Brownsville TX 11/3, McAllen Tx 11/4
Chicago 11/6,
Miami (Coral Gables) 11/11,12,13,19,20,21
Laredo Tx 11/22, Eagle Pass Tx 11/23
L.A. 12/2,3,4,9,10,11
I get the impression from various interviews and articles that this US tour is actually the initial run for the play, trying it out before committing to a more extensive tour. I hope you get to go see it!
Labels: entertainment-news, stars
Friday, April 29, 2011
Más Bella People from Teresa, Triunfo, Eva Luna (with clip and pics)
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Blanca Soto, Sweet William Levy, and Angelique Boyer |
First, a rather long interview with Sweet William Levy of Triunfo del amor and Angelique Boyer of Teresa. You can download it in real HD (1280x720) or view it as a streaming high quality clip. There's a download link on the page I set up: William Levy and Angelique Boyer interview. This link goes to a barebones site I set up for this blog.
Plus here are a few high quality screenshots of various stars. CLICK ON THE IMAGES TO SEE LARGER HD VERSION!
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David What-his-name from Soy tu Duena and Blanca Soto. |
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Blanca references Teresa's famous line. |
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David whats-his-name, the guy from Soy tu Duena |
Labels: entertainment-news, eva, stud, Teresa, triunfo
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Caray Caray Special Report - People en Espa~ol Mas Bello fiesta - May 20, 2010
During my recent vacation I flew to New York City for the People en espa~ol Mas Bello 2010
fiesta on May 20. As the blog's unofficial photographer, I was permitted to enter and
stand in the corner with the other photographers in the press room at the event.
Here is the link to see the photos I took both outside the venue and in the press room:
Labels: clon, Cuidado, dinero, entertainment-news, gavilanes, heridas, manana, mundo, pecado, sortilegio
Tuesday, January 05, 2010
William Levy will be starting a Hollywood movie soon!
Labels: entertainment-news, sortilegio, stars
Thursday, November 05, 2009
Sortilegio 11/5/09--Sorry folks, no show tonight because of Latin Grammys.
1. Which family, the Elizaldes or the Lombardos, would you like to join for dinner and why?
2. Which character from Sortilegio (or any other TN for that matter) would you like to have drinks with?
3. I don't think we've discussed creative deaths/consequences for some of the characters yet so let's get creative. Might as well start those pie carts rolling up the hill.
Since this could get a little confusing with so many topics, if you want to preface your comment/suggestion/obeservation with a heading like we do for OT then that would be ok. That way if someone wasn't interested in the Latin Grammys they could skip to the next comment.
You guys are the best! 8(:-)
Labels: entertainment-news, schedule, sortilegio
Friday, February 06, 2009
FYI -- 30Rock does a telenovela
Labels: entertainment-news
Monday, January 12, 2009
Colunga on Cristina tonight....
Labels: entertainment-news, stars
Thursday, November 13, 2008
11-13-08 The Latin Grammy's...Songs, not elderly Hispanic persons
Thus being sweeps month the TeleNovelas are pre-empted for more advertising bang for your bucks. Capitalism at it's very best.
Briefly your inside red carpet look at the Grammy's
The hosts were Damien de Fuego & Babe Shrink de Destillando.
If life was perfect..or my version of life these two would be banging like the back up drummer in a Cuban band & laughing over Juan & Sofie.
Speaking of Juan...
Juanes...Wow all this time I thought the name meant everyone in the band had the first name Juan...Live and learn. Anyway this guy is hawt. He set records for winning a lot of Grammy's for having the most Juans in Juan band.
Some kind of FolkDance thing. There was some kind of Folkloria/o type dance thing. I've seen it before at Hispanic festivals, but the dancers were kids. Anyway Fans of Fuego, the best part of this was that the dancers (the ones who danced with the guys in white peasant clothes) were wearing the same gingham dresses that the "Hey Sista go Sista's" wear at the Old Settler's Day Festivities in Mexidoom. The only thing is that these dancer's will have the good sense to remove their costumes at the end of their number and not make the ruffles, bows and endless yards of rick-rack part of their signature line.
El Tigres de Norte-a norteno group did an old song that I have heard like 20mil veces. I perked right up when I heard the word gringos & the audience was on their feet cheering. As poor as my spanish is..I did catch the part about indios con spanish, we are the real Americans & out numbering the Gringos. Egads don't be makin me feel guilty about snarking at Lou Dobbs. Give somebody a green card and they go all Che Guevera on your ass.
Seems in honor of the Grammy's they rewrote the lyrics.
This was okay as it doesn't take much to make me get the ol beret out.
My favorite part was Alejandra Guzman, she is alway decent entertainment. She always seems to be running to the shelter of a Mother's little helper. Anyway kids this is a PSA.
Root (except Root is really older than Guzman), Root this is what happens to nasty little girls..they start looking sad in leather, they end up on an awards shows singing in a thirty year voice of two packs a day unfiltered PallMalls, chased by a couple of quarts of Jack. Alejandra is often seen on Don Francisco's Wed nite show or Christina after a bout in rehap.
Gloria Estafan Latin Recording Academy Person of the year did a song with Jose Feliciano & Carlos Santana..I saw Cesar Evora sitting behind Gloria's family. Geez these Cubans stick together. Also Andy Garcia introduced her and Andy Garcia is always welcome on my television.
I love Andy Garcia cause he is so multidimensional, he makes an great Italian Mobster as well as Cuban Mobster and he is pretty too.
This is all I remember..
I must add I was wicked pissed last night when I went to watch Dirty, Sexy Money on ABC and it was pre-empted by Country Grammy's....As if!!!!
So I pass the baton to Jardinera.
Do you realize with all the interruptions, Fuego now has a longer life span than the Polor Bear Specie.
Labels: entertainment-news
Thursday, July 17, 2008
PS For those who are not aware, Premios Juventud airs tonight instead of all novelas on Univ.
Labels: entertainment-news
Thursday, June 05, 2008
A Treat for Caray Fans and Juan 6-4-08 Wed - Marely keeps on making wise decisions like only she has thus far been capable of...
Yes, our Querendon, in the flesh with the villian of many, Slezar of late, I think...
Hillary's Papi, el Millionario and the Reina herself...
Yes, it's the Fiera herself...en Azul...tambien's a rough world that entertainment business...
Tango anyone? Por supuesto con Latin Lover... recognize the suited one, too?
Todo un Querendon....
*photos NOT for commercial use, permission required for any duplication
OK down to business.....
We then turn to Pau having regrets that she married CL and didn't go with Juan when he asked her way back when. She swears if Marely accepts him she will die of pain and Ivonne says either way it's not going to work and she doesn't even know why Juan asked this of Mar. The SHRIEK OF SHRIEKS follows because he loves her, he loves her, her loves her, (add desk pounding) she really loses it here, MAJOR TANTRUM. Ivy remains remarkably calm, as I might have been dialing the men in white coats by now.
Laura tells Sandro that she and Juan have nothing concrete together, but she's tried everything, even coming to work here and nothing yet has advanced. Sandro agrees Hillary is a formidable competitor.
Ivy continues her patience with this little brat and tells Pau that she should go after him and tell him how she really feels, because she and Mar have the same right to be happy, but Pau says she is my sister and I couldn’t deprive her of the opportunity to be happy with Juan. Ivy still thinks Juan loves her, and she knows Pau loves him, so they need to stop all these games. Pau just doesn't want to let herself out of this drama she's shrouded herself with and pretty much ignores Ivonne's consoling to believe there's a shread of light. Ivy says Juan should choose, but for his choice to be fair she has to be honest.
Kike asks Remo why Anga isn't at the market and learns he's sick so he’s at home. Kike says love sick most likely. Kike tells Remo that Yadi left the apt because of the moves Ang was making. THIS WAS GREAT: Kike hopes he has diarrhea, the kind so bad that he can't even take two steps without.... Remo tells him not to be so Gacho (unpleasant) because Ang is still his boss. Kike says he might be yours, but Kike's going to be getting his own business soon.
Juan is waiting at a restaurant for Marely to show up. He looks around nervously and fears she may have left for Spain already or that she forgot, but when she arrives she asks how could she forget something like this. She wonders what he has for her, he says it's just something little for you, but he nervously banters that she can exchange it if she doesn't like it. He practically opens it for her like a little kid would for his Mom. Turns out it's a purse, but he tells her it's exquisite leather and an exclusive model, the latest fashion and good quality according to the store clerk. Marely begins bawling.
Pau decides she’ll talk to Juan. Oh, she did hear some things afterall! Ivy looks for him. Julia burst the bubble this time, Juan went out with Mar for something important and he's not there.
Meanwhile, Mar bawls. Juan thinks it’s for the purse, he swears they can switch it etc. She says it’s not that she just wonders why things happen when they do. She tells him she's defnitely leaving and nothing anyone says will change her mind. Look, she bought the ticket already anyway. He wonders what will happen to them. She says there is no them. He says if she says yes, there will be and she wonders why he didn't tell her before. He says he was stupid but they are the perfect couple. She fires back that he does everything in reverse and he's not being realistic. He wonders if she loves him and she says that's not the point. She says she wants to ask a question and that he absolutely has to tell her the truth. Her life depends on his answer. He promises to tell the truth. Duh, we all know what she is going to ask. Is he still in love with Pau? He thinks an algebra question would have been easier to answer. (We know how he hates algebra.)
"Sandro" offers Pau to order in sushi with him.
Juan responds to Marely that now she's the one putting him between the sword and the wall, but she remarks that Pau is the sword and the wall is herself. He blurts it out finally. Yes, I am down to my damn bones. I'm still in love withe her, but he and Pau have no future together and he and Mar do. Mar wonders what will happen down the road, she thinks all these feelings he felt will come back because he only wants her to forget Pau. He says yes, but not in a bad way, he wants to be happy with her. She tells him, Juan you will never want me the way you want Pau.
Lau looks for Juan, Ivy happily tells her he’s gone and she’s not telling where. Laura stomps off.
Juan paints the picture of them in their little house with garden and the kids yelling to show them little snails and so forth. Mar says it’s Pau in that dream not her and you will keep suffering until you realize that. WAKE UP WHITE BOY!!!!
Well, sort of white, white of hispanic origin, whatever that means (I see this in reverse on forms for schools and surveys and such and it sort of bugs me that kids or anyone, really, has to pigeon hole themselves, I think if there has to be classification the boxes should read more like "human," "non human but of earth origin," "non-earth origin"...but I digress...). She says he is really just AFRAID to face the problems he has with himself and Pau. He tells himself that hurt and he's starting to get a clue that there is not much more he can do now.
Heri chats with Pastor, explaining that he's grateful he’s the only one who’s really been a true friend to him he can't believe that Pastor has so many great feelings for someone so short & stubby! (sentimientos altos de alguien tan chaparra-like a huge amount of feelings packed into a small package)
Kike and Yadi at lawyer's, but Kike’s (Perf) did not show up yet and he is fretting about what to do. Yadi suggests he goes in alone because he's safer without that guy anyway. I think Kike agrees to himself because he says he'll go in.
Mar shows up at Farell and thanks Ivy for manageing her calls. Pau comes out and asks her how she is and notes she’s a little late. Mar says yes, because I ate with Juan. Pau, is just dying to hear all the details yet not wanting to know at the same time asks how it went and mar says fine.
Juan sits on a bench and daydreams that he and Marely are together at the playground with Juanito and a little girl and that she is glad she didn't go to Spain so they could be together. He tells himself that she is right this was all an illusion and it was his fault for opening his big mouth without thinking. I think it's hysterical how he has to lunge down in this scene almost on his knees to kiss her because he is like a foot and a half taller than she is!! So funny. He agrees to himself that maybe it's time that image stayed only in his imagination and he should say good bye forever to it like a sand castle that the ocean has erased.
There's fussing at the lawyer's, essentially Yadi says Kike can see baby anytime he wants, but only in the house. He thinks that's crazy that he can't go on walks or take here to the park or out other places and not a good relationship. She agrees then to let him take her out but she lives with her. He wonders if he can take her on a trip and lawyer says only with mom agreement and if he doesn't follwo this he risks all his benefits. He doesn't understand all that except that he assures he is there only to do what's best for the baby. Lawyer ask about the child support and they agree there's no argument there, they both will pay so now they just need to put everything in final.
Perf and Gutis fight about him lending his name and prestige to someone who isn’t getting him anywhere. Gutis throws him out of the rat shack. That’s the lowest of the low to be thrown out of someplace like that even.
Juan still sad goes to the market and is told Kike's gone to lawyer, and Anga is home sick.
Lawyer sums up the meeting, that now they just have to wait the requisite time until the next meeting and then all will be finalized. Yadi wonders if that's just part of the negotiations and Dorantes explains it actually provides time to reflect to see if you really want to divorce.
Just then Perf shows up and starts with excuses. Kike doesn’t want his blabber and sends him to the diablo by firing him.
Pau calls Mar in and gets to the point, what happened with Juan. Mar tells Pau she didn’t accept, she’s definitely going to Spain. Pau congratulates her, but isn't sure if that's the right thing to feel, but thinks Juan isn't right for her but she wants to know why Mar rejected him. Mar says like her, she wants to make her own career and take this path and do something for herself. Pau thinks maybe she should think about it more if she loves Juan. Mar says his heart is occupied and he may balance a lot of women, but he can only dedicate himself to one.
Juan sees Ang and tells him he should go to the doctor. Ang says his pain is of the soul. Juan tells him sort of, but it's more like just the truth blocked up in the middle of the sweet (Gaznate - a candy made with pineapple and coconut) i.e. stuck in the middle all wrapped up in sweet stuff, and what he really needs to do is find out if his suppositions are true and get them off his chest because they are suffocating him. Anga says well, everyone thinks the worst of him and Nid is so offended she wouldn't take saliva from him even if her throat was completely dry, and Juan says he could talk to her for Anga because he knows how to work that woman. Anga wonders what is wrong with him, though, because he obviously has a long face. He starts to rehash.
Mar says she maybe had a beautiful dream about Juan wanting her, but now she's sure of her decision today so she's going to change her ticket to go to Spain tomorrow instead.
Pau thinks Mar is rushing, and may be worried that Juan may try to convince her. Mar says no just worried about all she needs to do. Pau promises to help and wonders what to say. Mar says the usual like good luck. They weep and both feel sad and Pau says maybe she'll hate it and want to come back and they'll miss each other and no don't take me to the airport because she hates sad goodbyes at airports, blah blah...
Kike tells Juan that all is not lost and Juan should tell Mar that he was thinking and Pau is just a passing fancy. Juan asks him how she could be a passing fancy if she's tattoed on his soul. Kike keeps going but Juan says he can't lie to her sher's smart and thinks with her head instead of her feet like us. Kike really wants to see his buddy with a great girl like Marely.
Ivy is happy for Pau that Marely declined Juan, because now this opens the door for her to reveal her feelings without guilt. Pau smiles a happy-sad smile.
Mar tells Pastor she’s leaving. Pastor thinks she’s one of the few who took her job seriously and he's really sorry to see her go.
Julia doesn’t believe that Mar is going to livebut Ivy tells her she won a scholarship and gets to study. Fer walks up and finds out. He walks over to Mar as she is confirming she can change her ticket. He asks if she's going and she says yes, and he smiles a happy – sad smile.
Nid and Perf talk about Kike and Yadi and why he's been let go. She hopes that if they live here together that they will get together. Perf says no Kike signed the agreement to move out and the divorce is unjderway. Nid is mortified. Yadi walks in and Ma tells her she was hoping they would reconcile. yadi laughs and says that Kike wants to move out.
Mar tells Pau her ticket could be changed and today is her last day at Farell.
Nid says it's Yadi's fault that Kike's love for her has died, that he could forget Topete but not this with Anga and that she should be satisfied that she's repelled the only decent man who's liked her in her life. Yadi tells that Kike has a horn too, or didn’t they know he was seeing someone?
Mar gets good byes and a standing ovation and a warning about overuse of garlic in the food. Sandro comes across teh scene and wonders what's up, when he learns mar is leaving, he says what a waste of time. Mar is impactada. Fer congratulates her and wishes her well. They were like family to her she says.
Flash to Sandro seeing her face in his newspaper. Me thinks he goes to Spain with Cl’s money and lives happily ever after with her And Dorado Dave.
Pastor is at Angas and he thinks he'll be better in the morning but Pastor wants to get him a Dr. appt. he tells him of Mar's departure and Anga thinks how sad Nid must be.
In a car, Fer and Ivonne are discussing the twins situation. She thinks she will confront the story directly. He says that will prove nothing and the twins will cover for each other. He has an idea...that we'll learn more about tomorrow I guess.
Labels: entertainment-news, Fuego, Juan
Sunday, May 04, 2008
OT: Comment thread for Premios TV y Novela
My thoughts:
- Pasion wuz robbed! I only watched a few episode of Destillando and although I would admit that it was good as the typical novela goes, Pasion was was on a whole other level. I can see Angelica Rivera over Susana Gonzalez but Yanez over Colunga? Sergio Sendel over Jose Elias Moreno (LaFont)?? And the guion for Destillando? Wasn't it just adapted from Cafe con Aroma de Mujer? How is that even remotely fair when Pasion was a fully tricked out original romance novel? Que the hell?
- At least my girl Jimena (Marisol del Olmo) got a best supporting actress and German Robles, the guy that played Cami's first husband, who was in the novela for all of about 5 minutes got awards.
- Lots of nods to Fuego en la Sangre. Yanez, Montero and Salinas did a really nice mariachi number. Montero is supposed to be the singer but Salinas has a gorgeous voice and Yanez did a good job too with his booming voice. Joaquin Cordero who plays the crazy old granpa got some kind of lifetime achievement award and pretended to be his Fuego caracter which was amusing. I wonder if this means that Fuego is going to sweep next year's awards.
- Allisson Lozz is a younger, less stacked version of Maribel Guardia.
Labels: entertainment-news, telenovelas
Friday, November 09, 2007
no telenovelas tonight - so here's some fun facts from latin grammys
1. Eugenio Derbez and Lucero were the hosts for the event.
2. Pepe Aguilar sang the theme "Destilando Amor" on stage, then later he won the grammy for best ranchero album.
3. Laura Pausini won the grammy for best female pop album for her album, "Yo Canto", then later she performed the Amar Sin LImites theme song on stage. (thanks k for the correction.)
4. Sergio Goyri, Erika Buenfil and Pablo Montero, cast members of the telenovela Duelo de Pasiones, presented Grammys during the broadcast.
5. At three separate occasions during the commercial breaks for the program, Univision aired three different promos for Pasion "Se Acerca" Coming Soon. The first was the "Storybook Fairytale of the Romance of Camila and Ricardo... Pasion Se Acerca"; the second was "the captivating complex tale of Ricardo in Pasion Se Acerca; the third was a replay of the very first promo aired on Univision.
Labels: amar, Destilando, duelo, entertainment-news, Pasion
Thursday, September 13, 2007
FEAS (and other Novela favorites) - Where are they now....?

Aldo is still insisting he's not a part of this life...[Alma shared this already, but it's so great, and in this instance LARGE (note the tree size in the background for perspective), I have to share it again along with my reaction during the finale...que the hell????!]
Luigi appears as his alter stripper ego Sergio Mayer in a character on Vecinos, a comedy which stars our beloved leading Juan lady Mayrin Villanueva and airs right before Juan:

Mama Julieta appears in a promo commemorating 50 years of the telenovela...:

Carloca will be shaking her stuff, er, singing at the Feria Nacional in Zacatecas

Triple whammy....La Vale is looking more stunning than ever as a trip of hers to promote McD and the Latin grammys and a "change of look" is featured on La Oreja talk show with a sudden appearance of none other than La Giraffa also may remember the male host appearing as himself giving away the non-fruitioning dinner with Fernando Colunga to the cuartel....
Sorry, this video was taking hours to download...I'll keep trying ...

And sexy Cristobal is relighting the airwaves in a replay of an oldy with Heridas star Miranda:

And finally just for fun, Destilando fans might recognize the beautiful blue agave fields of Jalisco, and the Catedral Metropolitana on a rainy Sat.night...:
Labels: Destilando, duelo, entertainment-news, fea, heridas, Juan, mundo
Saturday, May 05, 2007
Article about over-botoxed movie/tv stars...
Labels: entertainment-news
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