Thursday, March 29, 2007

Duelo de Pasiones, Thursday March 29 - Don't talk about Alina or Angel will die!

Vera and Alina discussed Thelma's attempt to have the dog Tonqui shot. Vera said Thelma had watched out the window with "the face of a vampire," hoping to see Tonqui's blood.

She warned Alina that Thelma was jealous of her, hated her, and was capable of killing her. Then she showed Alina her burned arm and said Thelma had done it because Vera said Emilio had always loved Alina. She called Thelma a demon.

Elsewhere: Carmen asked Santos who had hit him. Santos said "nobody" and distracted Carmen by announcing that he and Rosita were planning to get married, and that Rosita was expecting his child. Carmen was pleased.

Susi told the unconscious Angel that she didn't want to lose him. Alina arrived and Susi asked her to let Angel hear her voice because it would help him. She told Alina that Angel loved her. Alina said her heart belonged to someone else.

Susi revealed how much she liked Angel, saying he had "the most beautiful smile I've seen in my life." Alina said, "You are in love, Susi."

Thelma stormed into the room and told Alina to leave, "Angel is nothing to you." Alina said, "He is my friend." Thelma asked if Alina was hoping Angel would add her to his will.

Alina said she didn't have to explain herself to Thelma. Thelma said, "I am the lady of this house!" but Alina said Thelma's position and jewels meant nothing to her, what mattered to her was "human quality, and you have nothing of that." Alina left and Thelma ordered Susi to leave, too.

Emilio chewed out Maximo for not helping the storm victims. I think he implied that Maximo wanted to keep the money for himself. Maximo blustered and said, "Your father put me in charge of this hacienda because he trusted me!" Emilio said, "If my father believed in you, I'm not going to doubt you, Uncle." He ordered Maximo to make a donation. Emilio said, "As you wish, patron."

After Emilio left the room, Maximo threw down his hat and yelled that he did all the work and had as much right to the money as Emilio did.

Luba had another flashback about Alvaro's dying mother giving Luba a box for Alvaro. Luba said to herself, "I must give the coffer to the patron," but that she was afraid Alvaro would kill her. "Better that I guard this terrible secret."

She caught Gaspar trying to sneak out of the cave and they had their usual argument about whether or not Gaspar should forget Thelma.

Soledad visited Elias. He told her that he missed Blanca every minute of the day, that life hadn't been fair to him and Soledad because he had lost his wife and Soledad didn't have the love she deserved. Soledad asked him not to talk about that, saying her heart was withered and empty.

Singing Aunt Rebeca visited Maximo's office, supposedly to console him about Angel, and invited herself to go to Edelmira's club with him.

Emilio went to see Angel. Pretending to be sympathetic, Thelma told Emilio to prepare himself for the worst, saying they had to go to Puebla and arrange Angel's burial. "You know he's going to die very soon." Emilio said, "It seems you've thought of everything."

Thelma claimed she was only thinking of Emilio, then tried to convince him that Angel's illness was all Alina's fault. Angel, although still apparently unconscious, overheard this and thought, "What are you saying, Thelma? This isn't true."

Unaware that Angel could hear her, Thelma continued telling Emilio that Alina had deliberately provoked his fight with Angel. Angel thought, "No, Emilio, defend Alina! She's not to blame for anything!"

Emilio dismissed what Thelma was saying, took Angel's hand, and asked Angel to forgive him for their argument. Angel clasped his hand and thought, "Thank you for not condemning Flor. I go in peace."

His hand dropped and Emilio ran from the room yelling for the doctor. Thelma thought, "He is dead. He finally died."

Dr. Vasquez took one look at Angel and announced that he was in a coma. Emilio, Thelma, and Orlando agreed that overhearing Emilio and Thelma's conversation about Alina had sent Angel into the coma.

The doctor said all they could do now was wait for Angel's death "or a miracle." Nurse Susi began crying and left the room.

Meanwhile, at the hospital in Mexico City, Malena asked Ricardo/Dr. Love if Mariana would be OK after her suicide attempt. He said it was too soon to know.

At Edelmira's tavern: Alvaro/Don Loco tried to kiss a prostitute and, predictably, hallucinated that she was Soledad. (Hasn't this happened 900 times before? Why does he bother?) After coming to his senses (as much as he ever does) and realizing it wasn't Soledad, he gave her some money and told her to leave him alone.

Elias took Soledad in a carriage to see Alina outside La Rinconada. Alina told Soledad that Emilio had changed a lot and was "more sensitive" now. (Notice that she didn't say "more intelligent.")

Soledad falsely told Alina that Don Loco had permitted this visit with Alina. She urged Alina not to try to see her, "Better I come to see you."

At Edelmira's club: Aunt Rebeca "sang," ie screeched, for the customers. To get rid of her, Granillo applauded and told her how fantastic she was. (I hope Aunt Rebeca marries Maximo and yodels in his ears for the rest of his days; Evil Mr. Mustache Twirler deserves it. Maybe Alvaro could lock them into a barn together.)

Somehow Alvaro and Maximo survived Singing Aunt Rebeca's performance. Alvaro told Maximo he intended to start a new life without Soledad.

At Elias's office: Elias tried to convince Soledad to finally escape from Don Loco. Soledad, as usual, refused, saying if she did Alvaro would kill Alina.

Elias asked why Soledad hadn't told Alina the truth about how Alvaro was treating her. Soledad said, "I don't want to worry her. She's suffered enough."

Elias called Soledad incredible and marvellous. He put his hands on her arms and asked, "When am I going to see you again?" Soledad squirmed away and said nervously, "Soon, soon," then left.

Back at La Rinconada, Dr. Vasquez and Emilio conversed in the hallway outside Angel's room. The doctor said only God could save Angel now, he probably wouldn't survive the night. After he left, Emilio crouched against the wall, crying.

Meanwhile, in the chapel, Nurse Susi told Alina that Angel was dying. Angel promised to pray for him all night. Susi went back to Angel. Alina prayed for Angel to live and Emilio to be given "a little faith."

While talking to Orlando, Thelma let it slip that she was responsible for someone else's death but refused to answer his questions about it. Orlando wondered what other death she had on her conscience, then smirked to himself.

In Mexico City: Another doctor told Doctor Love that Mariana would be a quadriplegic for the rest of her life. Later Dr. Love cried to Malena that it hurt his soul to see Mariana like that and not be able to help her.

At Don Loco's hacienda: Maximo told Alvaro that all women were damn traitors. "Soledad is still laughing at you in her fantasies, in her dreams." Alvaro agreed, "You are right," and wondered how he could stop Soledad from continuing to betray him.

At La Rinconada: While Orlando was having a drink with Dr. Vasquez, Luba sneaked into the house.

As Soledad was returning to her nice cozy barn, Maximo and Singing Aunt Rebeca drove by in a coach. Soledad hid behind a tree. Maximo stopped and peered in her direction, saying he thought he saw something, then said he didn't see well at night. Rebeca said, "Ah, but you are very handsome!" and they drove on.

Meanwhile, Alvaro mused that he was dying inside and it was all Soledad's fault, bla bla, boo hoo.

Back at La Rinconada, Emilio cried and told Thelma that Angel was all he had. Thelma told him to ask God to end it. Emilio remembered Alina telling him to pray for a miracle, and the doctor also telling him to pray. He said, "I have to do it."

On his way to the chapel, he encountered Orlando, who asked where he was going and offered to accompany him. Emilio said he needed to be alone. Orlando followed him to the chapel anyway, then watched and gloated as Emilio prayed.

Alina also saw Emilio praying. She thanked God.

Emilio cried and told God he would give up the thing most important to him, "I will renounce Alina so Angel can marry her. I promise you I will forget her forever."

damnificados = victims
cofre = chest, coffer
calidad = quality
condenar = to condemn
trago = a drink, shot, or swig


Thanks Carmel, hey - they punished Mariana in advance for not coming clean about "The Letter" and letting Alina and ma take the hit. Usually punishment comes in the last three episodes. She's gotten the anvil big time.

Yes Im a little surprised that an overdose can cause someone to be a quadriplegic but hey! this is novelaland.

Plus was Mariana even aware that her affair caused so many problems with Alvaro? I know she was afraid to tell Alvaro about Jose but I thought she didnt know that they had left so much trouble in their wake.

Thanks, Carmel for the terrific recap! (Whoa, fast!)

I heard one of the docs say she Mariana had a cerebral hemorrhage (if I understood the term correctly), and it sounded like a brainstem stroke. I once had a small student who had a juvenile form of this at 2 and a half; he was indeed a quadriplegic and unable to talk until he died at about age 7. I consulted with his team for a little over a year. I found that the only response we could get from him was very precise eyeblinks, so we used that response (one for yes, two for no) to get him making clear choices of activities, people. I am guessing from the terms the doctors used, this was the type of stroke she had. It can destroy all except the primitive brain, and the only body systems still working are the most basic ones, respiration, circulation, and heart. In other words, the person may be alive, breathing on his/her own, with blood cirulating, and possibly even able to think, but unable to give any voluntary responses or only minimal ones. (Pediatric strokes of this kind, thank heaven, are very rare, and the children who have not developed fully may never develop further. In adults, it is my understanding that previously learned response patterns may be restored or their functions transferred to other parts of the brain, but if only the primitive brain is left, that is not much to work with). I'm not an M.D., however, and I might have misunderstood the docs. But this is how a stroke can cause quadriplegia.



...and how can an overdose cause it? It depends on what she took. If it was blood thinner, it could cause the hemorrhage.


Sorry about all the typos and stuff in that first post. I looked back at the scene....the docs talked about "the effect on the cerebral cortex" and my brain must have filled in the hemorrhage. Anyway, a stroke could cause quadriplegia depending on what kind and where in the brain is occurred.

Jeanne occurred. I'm giving up.


This show is depressing me. The characters just keep going around and around as if they are in a metaphorical whirlpool. How is this going to end? I hope that Angel doesn't die. I hope that he revives long enough for Hot NurseSusi to give him the healing-power-of-sex therapy. And why aren't they calling in Dr. Luba??? Didn't she bring Emiliooo back from death's great big old door??? I am tired of the crying, maiming, inprisoning, poor problemsolving, and dying. Basta!~~~~Susanlynn

Taking the pills..quadriplegic..whatever..this novela seriously jumped the shark like 50 episodes doble whatever, Angel and the death by window, bad lungs & love...I say let him marry Alina/Flor his brother can stand in a proxy for the important stuff.

Beckster--jumped the shark?


Oh my goodness Jeanne I had no idea. That is some important and hard work you are doing. WHat a great service you have been to those families. I can not fathom the pain, the heartbreak, the range of emotions that accompany a situation like you described.

THank you for helping me understand this type of scenario better. I was been flippant not realizing the errror in my ignorance.

Yet at the same time to take us back to a lighter spot I have to agree with Beckster that this show has jumped the shark. WHy did Mariana get punished when she really didnt do anything but hide from her brother?! Shouldnt that brother be first on the hit list? Or at least an equally horrible punishment when his time comes?

Oh and thank you Carmel for a great recap when you yourself are being stretched to the limit with tough times. Thank you.

Oh, yes, Álvaro most definitely should have been punished and not Mariana or Soledad, etc. Thanks for your kind words, Lynn. There are difficult moments. In the field of deafness, we rarely have children die, but in deafblindness, it's more common.

There's no question, though, that some of the illnesses and problems the telenovela writers give their characters really require us to stretch the limits of reality. Frequently.

Okay, and on a lighter note, "jumped the shark?"


Well, I knew i needed help with my Spanish but I guess my English is lagging also. "Jumped the shark"...translation please or is this a "becksterism".
Anyway, always love your comments whether I understand them or not! Judy B.

jumped the a well known from Happy Days, when Fonzi went waterskiing in his leather jacket and jumped a shark...It has since been used to pinpoint the demise of a TV show..When it is all downhill from there. an example is when a family adopts another kid (cute little kid, with witty one liners normally spoken by adults) it is a sign all ideas are running out.
Another example is when Greg Brady slept with Marsha Brady...Just kidding, had you didn't I?

About Mariana, maybe the writers are taking a religious angle and punishing her for attempting suicide and/or having a baby out of wedlock. I'm sorry this story has gotten so dark. Even if Marianita had to die, couldn't Mariana and Jose have gotten back together in the end?

Maybe Mariana is going to be reunited with her family in heaven after repenting her sins. The writers just want to make her suffer first so it doesn't look like they're endorsing suicide. Or maybe Dr. Love will somehow cure her. I feel sorry for him now.

For all who are interested, here is all you need to know about jumping the shark -

How about Elias trying a new angle to get into Soledad's pants? Now he's playing the George Costanza "My wife died I loved her so much" sympathy angle. He might have tried to not switch tactics so quickly, Soledad didn't quite take the bait.

And wow what the hell with Mariana? She got hit with a little bit of Old Testament God there. Wow. So now people are dying left and right, stupid people are still stupid, I have really really really gotten tired of this show. It needs to wrap up quickly but we must still have more than a month left or we'd be getting some "Ultimas Semanas" and ads for a new show. The story has nowhere to go anymore except for the END, but they keep contriving crap to string it along.

My vote for when the show jumped the shark, the moment that made me think "this show should be over already", is when Jose and his daughter died at the same time and absolutely nothing was resolved by any of it. My patience expired at that point.

Beckster, thanks for the explanation. I should have remembered that; Happy Days was one of my favorites way back.


What is the secret about Alvaro that Luba knows? Maybe Jose was his dad! (haha). Was Alvaro's father, not who he thinks?

First Emilio almost died, and now Angel. Those Valtierra boys are tough. I can't wait for Angel to wake up & tell what he heard Thelma say, etc.

Finally got to see Nurse Suzi as a human being. She'll make a wonderful wife for Angel.

I don't think that "jumping the shark" is a term that can be used with Novelas. I think they pretty much jump the shark from Day 1. It just doesn't matter. Kind of like 24. Every week you think Jack Bauer has just done something rediculous and incredible but somehow next week, it's even more so. And still you keep watching....

Emilio is in fact, promising to dump Alina if Angel lives, just as I expected. He's either got to recant or Angel has to die. I can't believe he will though, this late in the story. The worm has to turn at some point and the bad people have been cruising along pretty well so far.

Elias and Soledad are both a pair of idiots. Elias putting the moves on Soledad with his dead wife's picture there (Loved the George Costanza ref. Chris). Nice how he put it face down on the table.

I know Luba is sneaking in to get something of Thelma's so she can do her curse but maybe she'll pop in and save Angel while she's there?

BTW, on ESMAS we have about 72 episodes to go. Somebody said that in Mexico, they showed the novela in 30 minute episodes, so I would guess that would cut that number in half. So yeah, we still have over a month to go of torture.

BTW Did anyone else think when Elias was crying (I remember this from past I didnt see last nights episode) that he looked like he was smiling? Because of his mustache?

Good one Chris about Costanza. Good point Carmel about punishment for suicide. Very plausible.

I think they jump the is just a matter of when...I remember watching EEAYO and the heroine was rescued in the jungle by Emilooooooooo playing an like full Indian clothes loin clothe etc...& the beautiful indian was like a bad F-Troop skit. I agree that they are just way over the top from the beginning, but once extensions are added (and that was an extension)...things go from not probable, but still possible to no freekin way, not as we currently know the law of physics.

That was me who said we were getting 2 for 1 on the Mexican version, but I think that was just at the beginning. I occasionally check back to see how much is left (uh because I don't want it to ever end. I swear.) and now it seems to be more of a 1 to 1 relationship. I would love it if there was a little editing done to hurry this up and get to the next one. Each week when I recap all I do is mock/hate on everything and I think some of it is turning into real hate. Not yet but getting closer. Something has to happen.

"I don't think that "jumping the shark" is a term that can be used with Novelas. I think they pretty much jump the shark from Day 1." Margaret, that's a classic! LOL!

So, if understand what you said, Margaret, we have six more weeks of winter?


does that mean we actually do have 72 MORE 1 HR EPISODES!!! That's a whole 3 MONTHS isn't it? I'm sorry, I don't think I can take it anymore. Everytime I finish watching an episode I alway ask myself: "WHY???? I feel like Susanlyn: "BASTA" -
If we still have 3 months to go, than I don't think Mariana is being punished at all. WE ARE. Because now she will never be able to tell Don LOCO she's Jose's Love. And since Marianita is dead, they'll never even know she had a daughter. QUE LOCURA!! EG

Mariana is a quadriplegic? My goodness how low will these writers sink? Now we will get to see just how faithful a friend Dr. Love will be. Will he try to help Mariana or will he instantly bail on her?

Schoolmarm, as usual you are a wealth of information. What you said is very interesting. Thank you for sharing.

Oh dear, 72 episodes left? I'm not sure I can take it. Less Emiliooooo, more Gaspar, less Soledad, more Luba, much much more Tonki!

Wonderful recap Carmel! Thelma is a demon with the face of a vampire. Indeed.

I'm liking the whirlpool metaphor Susanlynn, round and round and round we go...

I think they said she could be a quadrapelegic. Doctors worst prognoses always come to pass on novelas---not! Even if she can't move, I am still betting on a deathbed confession to Don Loco.

Ferro~~~Thanks for 2 excellent thoughts : ''They keep contriving crap to string it along.'' AND ''I occasionally check back to see how much is left [uh, because I don't want it to ever end.'' I'm writing those down. And, I have a theory that it really is NEVER going to end. We'll all be dead and gone and up in heaven with Jose and Maranita , and it all still be going on and on and on and on.....Auxilio!!!!~~~Susanlynn, contriving ways to make herself keep watching this crap

Where have I been - never heard of jump the shark before - but it sure fits. Why can't these writers give us just a little something good to hang on to??? Tan cruel!

Sylvia, what an interesting thought--Dr. Love might actually bail on her. Doctors like to save people and they take it very personally when one dies, I think (my experience). So, this would make two in the same family, one he wanted to marry. Yep, he might just bail. Hm. (Thanks for your kind words!)

I will picture Thelma as a vampire from now on. It works for me!


Whew...finally made it back and learned all sorts of interesting things I never knew about "jump the shark" term. Thanks Beckster for filling in a serious culture gap for me!...part of what makes this site so much fun. Judy B.

I had heard of ''jump the shark''--I suppose it means when the show's writers are running out of ideas...I think it probably means a last resort...resorting to a truly unbelievable storyline. As someone posted, a lot of telenovelas seem to be jumping the shark from the get-go---they just keep adding more sharks and jumping further as the novela moves along.~~~Susanlynn

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