Thursday, March 29, 2007

Zorro: la espada y la rosa - March 29, 2007

* Esmeralda sees Zorro and is excited that Diego has come to visit her, she stops and asks why he came. He says he couldn't stay away, he misses her too much. She wonders why all this is happening to them and their love. He doesn't know the answers (he's as bewildered as she is). He tells her he can't stop loving and thinking about her. They move closer and closer together.

* Montero and Pizarro are out having drinks at the local pub and discussing Esmeralda and her secret dowry and inheritance. Pizarro asks what Montero plans to do if Esmeralda or Diego interfere, Montero has specific ideas to stop them. Before Pizarro leaves, Montero gives him a message for MA.

* Don Alej and PT make a surprise visit to Don Fer at his home. He is with his daughter MA and his butler in the office. Don Alej warns Don Fer not to harm MP in anyway or else. Don Fer sends MA out of the room, this conversation isn't for a lady to hear. When she's safely out of earshot range, Don Fer and Don Alej start to argue over MP and why Don Fer kidnapped her. Don Alej antagonizes Don Fer; Don Fer puts his foot down and says MP is his. PT chimes in that MP is a nun and belongs to G*d and the church. Don Fer says bah-humbug to that. The argument continues to excalate - Don Fer pulls out his sword to challenge Don Alej to a duel - Don Alej pulls out his sword as acceptance.

* Tobias and Cata sit and talk with the Maestro in the living room. Tobias offers his guest very excellent hospitality and says that Cata will take care of all the arrangements for whatever he wants - Tobias asks Cata to agree - Cata leaves. Tobias and the Maestro discuss Maestro's memories of Zorro.

* Diego and Esmeralda continue their conversation about what to do; Esmeralda insists that he has a particular mission to fulfill as Zorro and needs to focus on it, while she will stay in her marriage to Montero; Diego doesn't like the idea, and doesn't want to let her go; Esmeralda insists that they have to break it off completely and he needs to go and marry MA. He reluctantly agrees. He suggests using Dena to pass messages to one another - Esmeralda negates the idea, and says they need to break up completely. He leaves sad. Esmeralda whispers to herself that she will always love Diego and won't ever forget.

* Don Alej and Don Fer are still jousting through the hallway and into the dining room. PT, Dena and MA and the butler stand in the doorway and watch horrified as the two fight. As Don Alej falls into the chair, Don Fer presses on top of him - stand-off. Dena yells for them to stop. They break apart; stand up; and spout off to one another which antagonizes them to start sword fighting again. PT steps into the room to stop them.

* The stable boy guard talks with MP in the barn.

* Zorro rides his horse out to a hillside that night.

* Sor. Loca drags her "black angel" back to the convent - Sor. Carola freaks out and is scared of someone finding the escaped slave there - Sor. Locoo tells her they have to help him; PT will understand.

* As Don Fer swipes his sword on Don Alej's arm, PT steps in between Don Fer and Don Alej and orders them to stop and drop their swords. Don Alej wants to know where MP is; Don Fer promises to bring her to him tomorrow. "I hope so," says Don Alej.

* MP tells the stable boy guard that tomorrow will be a very "different" day. (she's planning something, but what could it be?)

* MA walks downstairs - Montero is waiting by the fireplace for her. She tells him it was difficult to leave the house with Don Alej and her father sword fighting. He is irritated as she mentions Diego and Esmeralda - he pulls her close to him - she breaks free - he tries again to grab hold of her - she slaps him - he grabs her and kisses her neck.

* Dressed in black, Esmeralda leaves the house - she orders the soldier guards to get her horse, she wants to visit her husband at his office. They leave. She thinks about what Diego told her, and apologizes as she decides that she needs to focus on freeing her mother (SK).

* Diego and PT meet and discuss Don Fer's reason for kidnapping his aunt (MP). He needs to try and rescue her.

* Esmeralda gets on her horse and rides away.

* In the bathroom, Maestro has fallen on the floor and can't get up. Tobias finds him on the floor naked and calls for Cata to help pick him up. Cata sees Maestro and shields her eyes until Tobias puts a towel on him. Maestro is blabbering about Zorro - Tobias and Cata carry him out of the bathroom.

* Diego leaves PT and his father. PT and Don Alej discuss Diego's changing attitudes lately; also Don Alej mentions Don Fer and the courageous effort on PT's part makes him think PT is almost as strong as he and Don Fer. PT denies it.

* Don Fer visits MP in the barn. He asks if she's changed her mind - MP says no, not one bit. He gets angry and frustrated with her stubbornness against him, and threatens to take it out on all the indian tribes and those she cares about. MP blasts back and scolds him for his hostile violent attitude against the minorites (indians).

* Novice Sor. walks into the storeroom and shrieks when she discovers the black slave laying sleeping on the floor. Sor. Carola calmly escorts her out of the storeroom to another room to explain.

* Sor. Loca stands before the Cardinal and confesses all her sins and is ready to repent. Cardinal has several tough questions for Sor. Loca starting with why she said and planted evidence against MP. Sor. Loca has no excuse except for being human. Cardinal continues to interrogate Sor. Loca. She begs forgiveness.

* Don Fer is getting really frustrated with MP in the barn. She continues to scold him for his anger and violence. She blurts out that she and her family want nothing to do with him - he is in shock as she tells him he killed Don Alej's wife Regina in an indian attack raid.

* MA talks with Diego about their upcoming marriage and living as a married couple. She wants to get along and live happily ever after together - he says that ain't gonna happen, babe, because I still love Esmeralda. MA tells him he can't have her, she's married to Montero. Diego finishes his argument and leaves.

* MP continues to tell Don Fer the true story about how he killed Regina during his violent raid on the indians, and right in front of Diego. Don Fer is in disbelief and tries to deny it - MP screams that it's all true! You killed her! You killed Diego's mother and Don Alej's wife! You killed her!

* Zorro rides through the town streets, passed waving crowds of onlookers. Garcia calls his merry band of soldiers to attention when he spots Zorro riding towards them. The soldiers aim - fire multiple shots - and miss entirely. Zorro stops in front of Garcia - Garcia says he can't enter the building - Zorro says that's fine, just make sure to give the Governor this note - Zorro tosses the note to Garcia and rides away. Garcia (the ever curious cat) opens it up and reads it aloud to the soldiers - one pipes up that the message is private and volunteers to take it to the Governor.

* Zorro and his horse are on the hillside wondering if Don Fer got the note.

* Esmeralda is at the gypsy camp, talking with Jordi, his wife and Renzo about where SK is now, and why she's in prison. Esmeralda wants to rescue her - Jordi and his wife warn her about how tight security Montero has placed around SK's cell. Esmeralda ain't scared - she's married to the captain himself. Jordi continues to warn her of the dangers. Esmeralda is determined to go. Renzo agrees to help her.

* Don Fer and MP continue their discussion about his indian attack and Regina's death. He can't believe it's true. She says believe it because it is true. Don Fer calls the guard to take MP to the de la Vega hacienda. Before she leaves, MP reminds Don Fer to think about Don Alej and Diego.

* Garcia and the soldiers stop Esmeralda in the hallway near the prison. She is there to see her husband - they won't let her pass - she claims she got all dressed up in her finest gown and boots and hat to see him and they have to let her do it. Garcia and the soldiers leave. Esmeralda starts to wander through the hallway and search the cells.

* Diego finds MP on the rural walking trail. He is curious about why she's there - she tells him to leave Don Fer alone, she needs to return to the convent - Diego still wants to know what happened with Don Fer.

* Esmeralda comes to a prison cell door - she looks inside and sees something of interest - and as she is looking inside, a hand grabs her shoulder from behind and surprises her. (AY! CARAY!)


Great recap, J.R.

So Esmeralda has the opportunity to tell Diego that she is pregnant and why she stayed with Montero and she doesn't do it. At least, they didn't start sniping at each other.

Very spiffy riding habit Esmeralda has. It was also very clever to loosen the girth of her escort's horse to get rid of him.

Who knew Padre Tomas was a great swordsman?

Finally, Maria Pia tells Fernando about why she wouldn't marry him. At first it didn't make sense to me. She won't marry him because he unknowingly killed her sister in law in front of her nephew. Would she have married him if he had just killed a random Indian women in front of her child? But someday, Alejandro and Diego are going to find out and I guess she couldn't say, 'Oh yeah, my husband killed your wife/mother but he didn't know who they were.'

We learned the Spanish word for bunion - juanete.

J. R., thanks for the terrific recap! It's so neat that you joined the Zorro recappers! I know they're happy, too.

Padre Tom never ceases to amaze us, does he? MP had mentioned to Dolores that FS killed Regina, early in the episodes, but I for some reason got the idea that she actually saw it happen. I wonder if that was when he lost the eye, too, and that will come out later. I got the idea that Dolores saw it. I think now it was the circumstantial evidence and only Diego saw it. I wonder, also, if he will remember it before long.

Esme looks good in most everything, doesn't she? Even her nighty looks good on her. She's a great heroine except she and Diego don't communicate all that well. If they did, though, this novela would already be done.

I have been surprised by that slave guy. He looks very like my son-in-law, who is from western Africa, the nation that used to be called "Portuguese Guinea" and now is Guinea-Bissau. If he really is, he is probably speaking Fula/Fulani (I never remember which one is the language and which the person). Maybe Dolores will be able to speak to him. Just a thought. Maybe her accent is because Spanish is not her native language, or her parents were brought to the Americas on a slave ship, or something.


Yeah, Jean, why isn't Esme seizing the first opportunity to tell him? Is it because she doesn't want him interfering with her rescue of her Mama?


Thanks for the excellent recap!

I think Esme isn't telling Diego about the baby to protect him from Montero. If Diego knew, he'd want her to annull her marriage, and Montero would retaliate against him and his family.

I understand about Maria Pia. How could she live with the guilt if she married FS knowing he killed Regina and Diego witnessed it?
That was the catalyst for her to leave him, but she already had many misgivings about his killing and terrorizing the Indians.

Whose hand do you think grabbed Esme's shoulder? It looked like Montero's, but I hope it was Zorro.

Why don't FS or Almudena catch MA with Montero? They deserve each other.

What I meant about Esme not telling Diego about the baby when they were alone together is that she started to tell him earlier when he met her in the street and he cut her off. I guess she decided in the intervening hours not to tell him after all.

Oh yes, we found out why the fencing master appeared so quickly. He got the letter when he was in Mexico City and came to LA right away. Even so, it would probably have taken at least a month to travel on horseback from Mexico City to LA (and the same amount of time for the letter to have reached him) but at least it's not as ridiculous as his having come from Europe.

I don't understand why the writers had the fencing master fall. How is that going to figure, unless he hit the back of of head and can't see now, which would make it difficult for him to identify Zorro.


Hi J.R., what a treat to have you join the Zorro recap team! I missed most of this episode, have been traveling, and couldn't wait to read the recap to find out what happened. The last thing I saw surprised me, PT out-fenced FS in front of everybody. Woohoo, way to go padre!

Oh Anya, I WISH Montero and MA would get caught. It's only a matter of time. Maybe Olmos will set them up one day.

Jean, I think you're right about Esme. She is an independent thinker and probably decided she would have a better chance of freeing her mother if she worked alone. If she revealed her pregnancy to Diego then he might stop at nothing to be with her, this would compromise her plans to free mom and Diego's role as Zorro, savior of the meek and downtrodden.

Thanks for the fix J.R. Excellent recap!

I can see Esme wanting to save her mom on her own and I can see her not telling Diego about the baby to save him from Montero.
I hope it was Zorro who tapped Esme on the shoulder too.

I am happy Maria Pia told FS her reasons for not marrying him although we know that isn't going to stop him from chasing after her. What I would like to know is why does FS think he still has a chance with MP even after knowing the truth.

Diego is definitaely not going to be happy when he finds out the truth about FS killing his mom.

I wonder too how the fencing's master fall going to affect identifying Zorro. Maybe he's going to be too ill for Zorro's next appearance.

Yes Thank you JR. Such a great show that I hate to miss episodes. These recaps are life savers!

Im hoping that Fernando will now try really hard to regain MP's trust. That he will start to do good things to make up for all the bad and maybe change her mind in the process.

Gosh I was so dissappointed to have Esme and Zorro so close to each other and not kiss!

I just realized I am in that maldito hotel that doesn't have any Spanish language stations (look at how my Spanish has improved, I knew exactly how to say it!). I should have remembered that from last month. I won't be able to watch the three telenovelas I watch every night until SUNDAY! ¡Qué horror!


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