Monday, March 12, 2007

La Fea Más Bella #229 3/12/07 in which Fern reveals he needs to get more exercise and the cuartel is dazzled by a stupid music video

Sadly, when I got home tonight the little REC light on my VCR was not shining. I haven't had time to figure out if the problem was that I didn't tell it Daylight Savings Time has already begun. So I missed the first half of the episode. Please fill in anything good I missed! Sorry.

The second half of the episode opens with Carla and Fern on a bridge. He's on the phone, he's yelling at Carvajal, she's suggesting he put away his phone, maybe throw it in the river, he's clutching it desperately. "You're obsessed, you can't enjoy anything." "I can't put it down, I have to know what's going on with Lety." "The world won't let you live." "The world will, it's just that Lety won't." "I'll show you the world is bigger than Lety."

She continues dragging Fern around the city - he's exhausted and complains they've been the length and breadth of the whole island and he has Central Park memorized now.

At Conceptos, that godawful cuartel is hungry for more gossip about Lety and hope to snag her on her way out of the office. However as she leaves she's flanked by her mom, dad, Aldo, and Tomas; she makes a brief goodbye in passing.

Julieta tells Lety, "I'm glad you'll get away and have some diversion." "It's business, ma."

Tomas suggests if there's no time for fun, she can at least tell Aldo jokes while he drives. Erasmo insists that Aldo get her back home as soon as their business is completed. As Aldo and Lety pull away in the little red car, Omar is following behind.

Tomas is so lonely he invites himself into bed with Julieta and Erasmo and all watch ice skating on tv. They miss Lety. Julieta and Tomas review how great Aldo is, Erasmo says they barely know him and that he mistrusts any man who gets near his daughter. "You distrust even your own shadow," says Tomas as he snuggles. "You're worse than the dog," mutters Erasmo.

On the road, Aldo says he feels flattered that Erasmo, such a mistrustful man, let Lety come away. However, he suggests: "You only came with me to bother Mendiola!" She admits she was ticked at Omar trying to keep them apart. Aldo says, "what's important is: what do YOU want?" "With you, I feel calm, protected, happy."

In NYC, Carla's enjoying the beautiful park but Fern's feet hurt. When she stands a few paces away he whips out his cellphone again and howls at it because Omar doesn't answer immediately.

When Omar picks up he asks if it's cold up there. "Yes, cold, and I've walked more than ever in my life, and I haven't gotten anything from you, a photo of Lety, nothing, what are you hiding from me? No lies! Go to her house and make a video of her, or get photos, right now!"

"You're sick, obsessed." [What's patina el coco?] "Hey, I'm in LOVE, something you'll never understand in your life." Carla looks sad and tells Fern as he hangs up, "Well I know what it's like... I've been very much in love..."

They keep walking and Carla says again, "You're tired, you're dying!" Fern feebly tries to deny it. She says he can ride horsie on her. He actually gives it a try and then says he's full of energy, zero fatigue. He starts a spastic dance to prove it, "I'm fresh as lettuce." She joins the lettuce dance, then pulls him along after her and he tries a nice meditative OMMM (a la the retreat center), and finally falls on her and she twists her ankle (or maybe she twisted her thigh, since she keeps trying to get him to feel her up or massage higher and higher on her splendid gam).

There is a general call for a doctor, and ice. She leans on Fern all the way to a clinic.

At the clinic Fern apologizes ("I'm not usually clumsy with women") and then immediately calls Omar again!

Omar, who's barreling down the highway behind the little red car, says he's parked in front of Lety's house. "Carvajal, I want my video." "Unfortunately she entered the house with her parents." "Well, tape her through the window!" [Isn't this WAY creepy???]

Omar: "Or maybe you want me to sneak into her bedroom and take pictures from inside her closet?" "That's not a bad idea!"

A cop pulls Omar over for speeding ("What's HAPPENING, Carvajal?" squeaks the cellphone) and says "SAN MIGUEL REGLA is a vacation destination and we have to be careful of our children and tourists."

We hear the cellphone scream: "SAN MIGUEL REGLA!!!!?? Tell the truth, Carvajal!" "I'm following Aldo because he's with Lety."

Fern collapses babbling about the intellectually challenged DomensaEEN "with the accent on the EE" and says he has to go, he can't leave Lety alone with that idiot. He calls Mexico Airways and demands an immediate flight to San Miguel Regla. "I don't know where it is, YOU'RE supposed to know, is this Mexico Airways or Holland Airways? It's a place in Mexico!" He's babbling and tics cross his face one after another, it's like watching Robin Williams, a complete scream.

Carla is dumbstruck by his insanity and reminds him: the meeting tomorrow is very important to his company. "Maybe Lety's worth all this trouble, but she went with another guy, right? What are you going to do, beg?" "CLARO!" (of course) "CLARO ... ... ... que no." (of course not) He spouts more complaints about Aldo and Omar, his eyes rolling wildly. "Aldo is taking advantage of the situation, I can't defend myself from so far away..." Carla is so bored she's playing Tetris on her own cellphone.

Now we have the most venal, absurd product placement I have ever seen on TV. The cuartel sits down to watch, oh my god, the new Rebelde music video! And then we are forced to watch the whole dang video - intercut with shots of Irma et al dancing in their seats with looks of dazed delight. They are acting like muppets. I am so embarrassed for them that they had to do this.

On the steps at Don Lauro's place, Lety discovers he isn't there - he suddenly realized it's his wedding anniversary and he's out to celebrate, dinner with his wife. He can't sign till morning. In the car, as they sit trying to decide what to do, Aldo proposes that they, too, have a celebratory dinner - to celebrate meeting, "and rescuing me from the sea," and becoming like brother and sister, "and restoring me to life." He's delighted they've gotten this chance to be alone.

Lety's a bit nervous. "I'm not sure this is proper, is this proper?" "Are you worried by my love for you or your love for Mendiola?" "I'm struggling not to love a man who doesn't love me back - I'm trying to love you - because your love is sincere and disinterested... maybe someday I'll succeed." He says they should enjoy the moment. He kisses her hand.


I didn't even finish reading and I had a feeling this was gonna come up=patina el coco.

Literally translated=is your coconut skating? Means are you nuts, crazy, etc.

He spoke English again, Saint Michael Ruler (San Miguel Regla) what a hoot.

I don't think he hung up with Omar either before he started calling the airport.

Carla the "ho" is trying to sink her slutty little teeth into our Fern. Fern be strong. Leave her alone. Just think about "mi Lety:

Since when does Lety worry about being proper? Pllluuuueeesssee. She cooked the books, slept with a man 1. she wasn't married to 2. and who engaged to another woman. What hypocrisy. Sounds like an excuse to not get close to Aldo. Some of you talk about Aldo using others, well Lety just used Aldo. She used him to make Omar and Fern mad. Thank goodness Aldo could see that.

I think you're too hard on Lety. I think she is an excellent example of what happens to some women with a lot of integrity who just go bonkers over some man and BOOM! All else goes to hell. Haven't many of us been there? You just don't think straight, especially if you are young. Just my opinion.

Tell me! If you were in an airport and you saw someone behaving like FER- screaming, acting like a nut case, wouldn't you call security? I would.
He sooooo needs anger management classes and some therapy to reduce his need to control what he absolutely cannot control I know, I know, it's only a telenovela, but his behavior gets a little too extreme, even for a telenovela. I still love him, of course, but probably would be too scared of him to marry him. When he's being tender and loving- WOW! But should he annoyed with someone or something-WATCH OUT! Too unstable for marriage.

This was the most stupid episode. I thought at least Carla could take off her 6 inch heels if she wants to go running. Fern though adorable was WAY too goofy and out of control.
The video scene was stupid and absolutely pointless. What a way to get a commercial in!
Aldo is scary and obsessive toward Lety. If I were her I would back far away from him.
Omar is getting better and better. He's a good comedian and actor now that he is getting so many scenes. I thought he was cute trying to follow Lety for crazy Fern.
Carla is obnoxious and I agree, "a blinking Marica".
The writers must have been out to lunch on this episode. I don't even remember what happened in the first half so I doubt if you missed anything important Melinama!

Carrie L.

A bunch of nothing happened in the first half. Omar tried to convince Aldo to LEAVE RIGHT NOW and not take Lety with him. Lety's parents were in her office with her when Omar came in to announce that, I think, Aldo had already left or was almost out the door. Lety lectured him about not making her decisions for her, I think. Then Aldo came in and made nice with Juli and everybody else. When Lety and Aldo were leaving and walking past the cuartel, the cuartel was in a line (OF COURSE) and as he passed, Aldo patted each one of them on the face. They all swooned. Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! It was almost enough to make me change the channel. I hate Carla. Another dumb broad who, when finding out how much Fern is in love with Lety, can't let him be.

I agree with you, Ellen, that Aldo is a bit obsessive--mostly because of that angry...annoyed...impatient look he gets when lety admits that she thinks/says something/ acts in a certain way because of Fer . Those looks would kind of scare me off, but maybe I am too sensitive . Anyone else feel that way about his reactive expressions?
ALSO...why are these women sooooo lacking in pride, clamoring to get attention/love/caring from men who are clearly not showing interest. I don't think I know anyone like that--obsessive women, yes, but the "totally not getting it" women--no.

I never get why Aldo feels it is his position to rescue Lety? He has known her like a month maybe (if you go by actual outfit changes). Why is he the relationship judge, jury & executioner? I guess I get this smothering feeling from him, like Dude back off for a minute. OMG I wonder if obsessive Aldo packed up the apples before they left?

Yeah, I think Ellen pretty much got all of it. Aldo was mad at Tomas for telling Lety what happened at the lunch, though.

I can't believe someone (Anonymous 9:13) is annoyed with Lety for trying to do the right thing with Aldo (i.e. not make another big mistake) after what happened with Fern. No one denies she made mistakes before, but that doesn't mean she must now eagerly accept Aldo's advances. At least she was in love with Fern.

I think she's made herself very clear to Aldo and it really bothers me that he keeps pushing her for romance when she's not ready. I realize this doesn't look so sinister to everyone else, but to me it's very upsetting when someone takes my "no" to mean "ask me again in an hour."

I could hardly watch this episode with Crazy Carla. That chica would get on my nerves. She is so hyper and so pushy. She doesn't understand the word no but is totally intent on getting what she wants, which happens to be Fernando. She is like a bouncing rubber ball.

Now that I have removed most of my eye boogies..I am really liking Omar, he's growing on me.

Fern is acting like a lunatic but it makes me like him more. Carla has to go, I don't care where but don't like her.

The cuartel swooning made me think of the cartoons where the chickens fell to the floor at the Sinatra style rooster (or whatever it was) at the mic. I know Aldo loves that that's why he does it always.

Shameless commercial plug for RBD group (maybe they were new when that first debuted?). Bleh.

That's all my brain remembers right now.

Cross-country bustrip: Carla ... or ... Aldo??? (For four days... next to whom would you sit if those were the only available seats?)

Carla or Aldo....Gawd that is a no win situation, I long for the bus trips with Ariel. Both are just way too perky for me, not to mention just generic annoying. I think if I didn't have to talk to him maybe Aldo cause if I could listen to him talk on his cell phone, I'd be LMAO..yeah listening to him talking to Lety would be totally amusing. Carla would be worse cause she is even perkier.

I agree about the intense gazes that aldo gives lety. It is scary, almost a psychotic look. Regarding Lety not being innocent. Realistically, she worked for Fern. Yes, she probably daydreamed about this handsome dude, like any employee would; however, it was "he" who made the advances to her, not her to him. And it was he who was engaged. So where do we come off that Lety is not innocent. She dated a man she knew was engaged. She did not make the play. He did. With Aldo and Tomas, Aldo told tomas about fern and aldo's plans, because "he knew tomas would say something". PLEASEEEEEEEE Aldo is using everyone, in order to get to Lety and to keep his office at Conceptos. He also probably feels that if he sticks with lety, no one will come between them, cause she is "ugly". I like what one person said about fern loving all of her, where aldo only talks about "inner beauty", as a coverup for not discussing her looks. Fern loves her for herself.

Aldo totally creeps me out with those intense gazes and how he always pushes himself close to people he talks to especially Lety. I agree that this time Lety used Aldo to get back and Fern and Omar and she is really leading him on with all that I don't want to love Fern and am trying not to so maybe some day I'll love you. What a load of horse pucky.

Poor Omar - he must be kicking himself for ever telling Fern that Lety was going on the trip with Aldo. Then he lied and said she was working in her office and of course Fern told him to take a picture of her to prove it setting up the command to go to her house. And judging from the previews he will be in ever deeper doodoo when the two of them go to the same hotel room.

I loved those scene on the bridge with Fern on the phone telling Omar that he loved Lety, that he was profoundly in love with her. Karla looked sick and wiped away a tear and all I could think is here is another idiot l falling in live at first glance. I will say with all the running around they were doing it was the first time I'd heard Fern really laugh in a long time. When they fell down I also noticed how quickly he distanced himself from her. I also wondered if she was faking her leg injury - if so it didn't have the effect she obviously wanted.

Karla did seem awfully ready to give advice - of the self interest kind- like Aldo so in my mind she is now Aldoette.

Speaking of creepy I think Julietta pushing Lety and Aldo together is a little over the top. Now they are stuck out of town for the night and Erasmo is going to flip out and Julietta will be busy giving one of those sometimes annoying little smirks.

Apparently Tomas now has a key to Casa Solis and freedom to roam the house at will. Very odd that he just walks into the bedroom to watch TV.

And where did Karla take him when Fern had his airport blow up? I never saw a medical clinic like that - it looked like the lobby of a business. Thank heaven she had the sense to remind him that he had an important meting to attend.I mean what did he expect to do when he got to San Miguel - get in another slap fest with Aldo? Get a grip Fern and get the job done and then go fight for Lety.

An episode with a bare bones minimum of the cuartel. HOORAY! And OMG that horrible video. Talk about fluff to extend the novela. I would rather have watched one of Luigi's dance routines with the two left feet hoofers he hires then that blatant piece of promotion. And those idiots lined up like school kids to say good bye to Aldo and he had to give them all a little touch YUCK!

One nice touch as far as I was concerned Lety pretty much cut them dead which is what they deserved and as dumb as they are most of them caught on to the fact that she was upset with them. But yet again they think she'll eventually crack and spill what ever gossip she is hiding. And these women are how old? 14 or 40?


Amazing how I didn't remember any of the first part!!!!!
I felt sorry for Omar when Lety and the gang (mama,papa,Aldo,Tomas)were so chummy and she was cutting him down. Sometimes Omar seems to be the only breath of fresh air in the whole group.
Aldo or Karla?? Probably Karla, she would ignore me and focus on the male riders.
Aldo is scary with his up close hypnotic gazes and psycho-babble. I'm not really sure why but I must have known someone like him in my distant past. He gives me the creeps!

Carrie L.

I would probably rather sit next to Karla, for the same reason Carrie gives. Also, I'm concerned that Aldo wouldn't give me any "space." ;-)

I don't know what Lety can do to appease the cuartel. She already tried telling them the truth, and that wasn't good enough for them.

Yes I think Karla was faking her injury. She was looking at Fern in a very calculating way when he was looking at her leg. Then when he turned to face her she quickly closed her eyes and leaned her head against his shoulder. Fakey fake fake!!

I, too, am totally convinced that Carla faked her leg/ankle injury. When in the clinic (and yes, that certainly did look like a weird clinic), when Fern was having a temper tantrum on the phone with the airplane company, did you notice Creepy Carla JUMPED UP to try to talk him out of leaving NY? And maybe Aldo deserves the stringing along that Lety is giving him. He certainly strings along everybody he meets, i.e. Alicia and Luigi.

Sorry, but for me there is absolutely no question whatsover. I will sit next to Aldo. And, I will enjoy every minute of his gorgeous chiclet filled smile and his sexy accent, for me it doesn't matter what he actually says. Ahhhhhhhhhhh.... :)

Juan Soler vs. Carla, definitely Juan Soler but if it is Aldo vs. Carla, I'd have to pick Carla. Juan's accent and good looks would keep me entertained, but Aldo would probably make my brain hurt after a couple of hours. Carla would just ignore me and let me read/sleep my trip away.

I was so sickened by Aldo's goodbye caresses to the cuartel last night. It felt like a condescending gesture from him, and made them all look even more pathetic than they already are.

The video was terrible and the cuartel so deserved to have to sit through the whole thing. I, on the other hand, had the luxury of fast forwarding thru it. Sucks to be them, great to be me.

Nobody herein who likes rbd dares to say so? Ok, I'll say it: SO. I like their music arranger, actually - their stuff's like a mexican version of motown's rolling sound. I wish the entire vid was played and not just part of it and I wish the four would have kept quiet so I could listen. (My feet always start dancing when rbd are singing. I likem, so there.)

My first time yelling at the tv (since Alborada) was last nite during the preview of tonite when they went into the hotel together: NOOoooo.


Oh yeah, and Fernando's rant last night was very entertaining, but I think would be scarey if witnessed in real life.

mab, the song wasn't bad, but the video quality looked like something that Luigi directed. Strange little things walking around, what was that? Don't even get me started on their outfits. Then, to have to sit through the cuartel's commentary, I think not.

Poor Omar! Robo Pop raked him over the coals last night about making assumptions concerning his opinion of Aldo. Omar just stood there thinking that Fernandito had gotten him into another "fine kettle of fish"...! I was actually feeling sorry for him, while he was so obviously squirming, but then I remembered THE LETTER...!!! He did have some repenting to do, and this hellish assignment of playing Secret Squirrel for Fern is most definitely his PAYBACK TIME. LOL.

Irma warned the cuartel that Lety could be angry with them due to their nasty behavior towards her. It appeared that she was right, because Lety certainly was a little "frosty" with her farewells. Maybe she is developing a spine and has had it with everybody's manipulations!???

I was also wondering why they had to GO to Sr. Lauro's place in San Miguel, in the first place? They don't have Fax machines or DHL???--just strange copy machines that Omar can't manage, and indispensable CELL PHONES.....right....

This episode sucked and if it is any clue to what is to come in the next four weeks, then I will be using my fast-forward quite a bit.

The only redeeming part of the show was Omar. He must have a serious man-crush on Fern to put up with this BS.

Carla, get in line honey. You can't compete with Lety and Marcia will eat you for breakfast. Bye-bye!

Love Fern, but he needs to grow up. His behavior in the meetings reflects none of the sophisticated upbringing he is suppose to have. Of course, he has always been lacking on the professional side.

Tomas in the bedroom watching ice skating with J&E. Priceless…

Jewels, the funny thing is that Angelica Maria was in a novela (Agjuetas de Color de Rosa=Pink Shoelaces) that where her daughter was an ice skater.

First, I would pick Aldo as my bus mate since I am an Aldo fan, I love to cook and we could exchange recipes (and glances) Ahhhh. As far as Letty and Aldo, wouldn't Aldo be number three in her romantic interludes? I might be mistaken but I thought Don Fernie was number two and the bully from the neighborhood was number 1 (on a bet). Sooooo, we have a young woman, who until recently, had very low self-esteem, never thought a handsome man would approach her let alone make love to her. So, number 1 was am innocent mistake, number 2 was a deception, maybe 3 is the charm. I am really tired of Fernando's tantrums and spoiled rich-kid behaviour. Give me a solid,handsome, passionate man (who can cook as good as he looks) anytime.

Omar and Fernando are the two gayest straight guys ever...except maybe on scrubs or Denny Crane/Alan Shore on Boston Legal...
Omar is my favorite cause he is really harmless, he just says crap...he doesn't really mean it..he is a live in the moment kind guy...He is self-centered and shallow...things I admire in a person.

"Don't even get me started on their outfits." gigglegiggle

You've got me there, I enjoy rbd's music but I saw a show about them during their backstage selection of ropa/outfits from the various hangars and I wouldn't have realized the stuff was clothing except it was on a hangar and considered worthy of consideration to wear for performing on tv. It never occurred to me to wonder what it looked like on a hangar without somebody in it.


I live in NY and I have never seen a clinic that looks like that.
While we are on the subject of bus trips, Yazmin or Carla? Now that's a hard choice. I think I would take Yazmin although I hate them both.

I think omar puts up with ferns crap, because it was omar who got him in this mess with lety. He owes fern. BIG TIME

The comments abt Friday nite's episode got me to wondering if I'd like to see my OWN future - nevermind a tv show's future. Dunno. Always heard people say either: if I had it to do over I'd do it the same /or/ if only I had it to do over I'd be better /or/ if I knew then what I know now, I could have another chance...

Somehow it was always a thought about the past, not the future -- so -- If there was a machine here, mixed in with the public internet terminals, in the library of congress that said --"time limit is 15 minutes when others are waiting" but it didn't look different from the other terminals, and then those of us with research cards were told:

by the way - you can see bits and pieces of your own future if you sit at that one over in the corner

would I really go over, sit down, and look?????


THOUGHTS ON OMAR: If he would stop lying for ONE MINUTE, he might find life a lot easier. I mean he is pathological. He doesn't even have to spend a nano second dreaming up excuses. he may be cute looking, but I have zero respect for him. Besides, his looks are too classic- good looking for me. And when a guy swings his head around at every girl who passes----I mean who would want to spend even 5 minutes with him?
THOUGHTS ON FER: He is so immature and has such anger management issues that he sometimes (only sometimes) looses his appeal. But when his puppy-dog eyes start tearing a little and his voice gets real calm, I'm back in a love with him in 2 seconds.
In answer to WHAT HAPPENED TO FAX MACHINES? That is the way it is in Mexico and the rest of latin america...everything has to stamped and signed with OFFICIAL this and OFFICIAL that--raised, etc. it's a cultural thing.

Yeah, everything is official until it comes time to retrieve a donation you got shipped down. Then it is cash only with an official form that does not match what you paid. Learned that the hard way, twice. Oh man does that make me an Omar?

Bus trip with Aldo!! yeah baby yeah!! I wouldn't care how much of a close talker he is. The closer he gets the better I'd like it. LOL. We'd have lots of sexy talk about food and new age talk 'cause I don't mind that and maybe he'd even put his arm around me...and...then....and.....oh, darn, the bus trip would be over!! Barb


You are right about the "official" papers thing in Latin America. I got married in Mexico to an American citizen. We spent a whole day running around from immigration to an attorney to the judge that married us. We had rafts of paper and then the wedding license having to be signed, entered, in ink, into a huge ledger and we had to sign and enter our fingerprints. It was totally insane and when we got home both of us went to lawyers to see if the marriage was even legal. I swear the stamp and ink manufacturers of the world are making a mint in Latin America.

Fernando said that it was cold in New York. Did anyone notice that the trees were still green? Fernando was wearing a scarf and gloves yet there was greenery everywhere. It looked like some of the trees were starting to change so perhaps it was filmed in October. At that time of the year, people do not need to wear gloves. If he wants cold, he should come up north around January when there are no leaves on the trees and the temperatures dip to freezing.

Omar is now stalking Lety for Fernando and I think that's scary. If I found out that a former lover had someone following me, I would never go back into a relationship with him. I don't think Fernando has recovered from losing the company and perhaps that is why he is so obsessed with Lety. He wants to win both back. He is cute but lately his behavior is bizarre. I think Carla noticed it also.


when fern was growing up ariel got everything the paerents treated ariel like a real son fern was always left in the cold.he had somthing that was very important to him .that is he has to fight for what he has. he will fight for lety to his death.

Omar and Fern - don't forget they've been friends since they were little boys tearing around dropping spiders down girls shirts. That kind of history of bonding via immature fun stupidity is hard to shake.

Thanks for the recap,this is what i think Aldo and karla meet...they pshyco bubble each other to death (that takes care of the two),as for the cuatel i think they looked drunk especially the cleanin lady who i have conveniently forgotten her name.I love Fernando's outrage,Aldo is spending time with his Lety,he knows Aldo is going in for the kill coz he would be doing the he is not having it one bit. Todays episode should be interesting and sad.Lety gets good quality time with Don Aldo in the motel (well according to the previews)i think this going to hurt Fernando and he might be impulsive with his decisions after this.Aldo taking lety to a motel is done on purpose coz he knows that Omar the imbecile will be reporting to Fernando,if he so wants to spend time with Lety why didnt he suggest a quite dinner in a roomful of they go home tomorrow and there is alot of speculation which is exactly what he wants....But ladies we have faith in our Lety,Don Aldo aint gettin none tonight.....


Omar certainly picks his moments to tell the truth. He never should have mentioned Lety going with Aldo and tonight if the previews are any indication he is going to tell him they went into the same hotel room. He'll probably fall asleep in the car and miss seeing Aldo go to his own room and we'll have weeks of suffering and misunderstandings over it

I couldn't help laughing that Omar is busily following Aldo and Lety and neither one of them noticed him especially since he had the top down on the car. Geez if you are going to play spy at least TRY to be inconspicuous because if Lety spots him there will be hell to pay some for him but mostly for Fern as he is now her favorite punching bag.

Yesterday I noticed that you guys were talking about Juanes. I listen to him a lot, too. My favorite CD is "Un Día Normal". Anyone else got/ heard that one?

I wonder if they will have another music interlude tonight..? ;)

Where is the School Marm (Jeanne) today? Good to see you back, Barb! Thought you had given up on the site, due to all of the Aldo bashing! lol. Hey, I still maintain that a guy that COOKS can't be all bad! LOL!

Seriously, as much as I love Fernando, he is acting way BIZARRE and that has to be weird to Carla, right? I mean she just met him (and doesn't KNOW him like WE do:), so WHY would she even want to hang around an obviously disturbed guy with serious..."issues"!? That makes me wonder about HER!

Those angry, annoyed Aldo looks are what I call his Dom IN SAAANE
moments. The close talking thing is creepy also. Did he bring the apples? Haha, Beckster. Aldo is annoying enough to be a spokesman/nag for eating right.
I love that Fern wanted to go to Lety. I am a sucker for this romance. I would not be watching a show in a language I don’t understand if it was the Aldo and Lety story I had channel surfed by months ago.


Did anyone catch what Tomas said to Lety and Aldo before they left on the trip? It looked like he was blessing them but I couldn't understand the punch line.

I thought it looked like Carla and Fern were in a hotel or office lobby vs. a clinic. Were these two "Lost in NY" or did Carla knowingly lead Fern on a detoured route back to the hotel?

The "Aldoette" nickname for Carla cracked me up. There are indeed similarities here! "Alda" would be less to type though!

Carla vs. Adlo - I'd pick Carla. She seems like a sensible woman to talk with - except of course for going after a guapo guy obviously in love with someone else. Aldo would get too personal too quickly for my taste.


Tomas was just blessing them, no punch line. Just the silliness of them needing such extensive spiritual protection to go on a little jaunt I guess.

Carla vs. Adlo?

Man we sure are leaving a lot of people behind on this bus trip. We've left El Cheque, Ariel, Jazmin and Alicia.

I am thinking maybe Carla I guess. Aldo is kinda creepy how he gets too close to people and I don't want to be hypnotized by his teeth and the necklace.

Thanks Melinama!

Also I forgot to add that I too thought the video "product placement" commercial insert was about the stupidest thing I've seen here. Ranks right up there with the product-placement commercials for the hotel in Acapulco, the cell phone service (with the "other" Alicia), the car commercials, need I go on? I guess it's a sure fire way to enhance the profits for the show in Mexico but it sets my teeth on edge...


I too noticed the trees in Central Park. It was definitely not November, the colors weren't changing yet and all the leaves were still on. In Michigan it would have been September but I'm not sure about New York.

Carrie L.

Rina, no nookie tonight; however, they may as well, cause tonight fernando thinks they did anyway and he is hurt soooo bad that he "will" make an impulsive move, as evidenced by the previews tomorrow. That would be so sad. He gets L....d cause he thinks lety did. I don't hold as much hope in fern behaving himself as I am lety . Lety loves fern and doesn't want to lead aldo on "EVEN" tho she went to a motel room with him. HELLLLO. but Fern will go to bed with someone he doesn;t even love. Lety was a virgin and granted fern has no cause to compplain if she gets a little, since he lives with someone; however, part of their love for each other began with the virgin and the muriego. I hope she continues to be only for fern that way and that he stops his muriego bull, to be worthy of her. Fern believes she did it. That to me whould change the whole way he sees her, "UNLESS" he were to ask and she tells him the way it is. Thougts??

Oh--you know: Men will be men! Men are often able to satisfy their sexual drives without meaningful emotional connection and women ( or let's say a high percentage of women) have a harder time doing that. Also, to be fair to Fer, he has resisted temptation for quite a while now---well maybe it isn't so long in real time, but it is in telenovela time. This aldita (aldouetta) totally seduces him--I'm guessing from the preview. She almost reminds me of Basic Instinct. It's like she's not letting him part of the decision! I think she teaches SEDUCTION 101, or maybe 401! So let's give poor Fer a break. Besides, I think imagining that lety is sleeping with Aldo--just could bethe straw that breaks the came's back!

I meant BREAKS THE CAMEL'S BACK. Ohh, I hate typos.

anony 9:18
Missed a good deal of the story did ya? Lety was no virgin..she gave it up years ago to a guy who did her on a bet. Roman and the gang set her up. Fernando beat Roman up when he found out, she told him after she & Fernando slept together.

Melinama, thanks for the great recap, half or whole, it was great! I missed the episode so I’m glad to have this and not have to watch the recorded one.

Everyone’s comments were fun to read tonight, too. The differences of opinion are interesting based on perspective….I don’t think Aldo is possessive. I think he really cares deeply for Lety and is feeling protective because Fern used her and was such a jerk. I know when people have been mean to my beloved hubby, I have felt very protective and wanted to put them into their places. Aldo wants Lety to put Fern into his place and is frustrated because she can’t. Neither he nor Lety realizes how much Fern really does love her---and why would they? He can’t admit it openly and he keeps giving mixed messages. All that said, I still think Fern and Lety belong together.

Bus trip? Aldo, definitely. His gentle, soothing voice with all the philosophy would make for a lovely series of naps.

Tomas, in the bedroom, snuggling with the padres while they watch ice skating? Sounds spooky to me. I guess you had to be there.

Lola—Yazmin or Carla on the bus trip? I’m walking.


"paerents treated ariel like a real son" /or/ they played one off against the other so that the family business would go on and the toughest take it over since the company was more important than anything or anyone which donFerni believed since they had worked on him from the cradle - poor Ariel, no telling what he might have become as a person w/o donHumb et ux raising him from abt 10 yrs old-ish, so Ariel's willing that the company survive IF he can come be pres, otherwise not; at least Ariel saw through some of the krstarp but only because they didn't brainwash him from the cradle. In a non comedy telenovela donHumb et ux would have caused the accident of their business partner et ux.


The 2011 discussion for Capitulos 229 & 230 is at this link.

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