Saturday, March 03, 2007

La Fea Más Bella #223 3/2/07 Everybody* Loves Aldo

*restrictions may apply
Friday Night Fights

Reviewing the melee so far, for scorekeeping purposes:

Aldo makes the Grand Gesture of yelling that he loves Lety. Fern does some yelling of his own. Great, now there are two lunatics yelling outside an office building... where's a cop when you need one? Fern says "see, I can yell too."

Fern then approaches Aldo in a threatening manner. Aldo punches him, more or less in self-defense. I wish I could say it was pure malice, but I'd do the same thing if someone were to approach me the way Fern did. So I'm calling it even at this point, in terms of aggression.

Fern quickly recovers and punches Aldo, "so you'll learn to stay out of my territory, you meddling interloper!" (Fern is now +1 for aggression.)

Fern takes a swing (Fern is now +2), which Aldo blocks. They struggle. Aldo says Lety should decide - Lety looks a little surprised. If I were Lety, I would tell both of them to go jump in the lake.

Aldo angrily approaches Fern and hits him again (so now Fern is back to +1). Lety tells Fern to leave.

Fern says "Lety made a commitment to me! ...a work-related commitment," he adds. (WEENIE!) And then he hits Aldo. (Fern back up to +2.) Lety tells Aldo maybe he should leave.

Aldo goes for another punch, which Fern blocks, and then swings again with his left, which I can't tell whether Fern blocked it or not, but now they're even again.

Then Fern swings (blocked) but gets Aldo with his other fist (we don't see this one land, but Aldo sags against him momentarily). Now Fern is +2 again and they are strangling each other. Lety tearfully runs away.

"Until you die," Aldo hisses. "You're gonna die," Fern gasps. "Your brain is smaller than mine. At least die quietly," Aldo rasps. They butt their heads together.

Meanwhile, in Marcia's office, Alicia is saying that Lety is doing the same thing to her that she did to Marcia. When Marcia was about to marry Fern, Lety got between them. Now Alicia is about to marry Aldo, and Lety's in the way again.

Marcia is kind enough not to laugh in Alicia's face. She reminds Alicia that she and Fern were together for three years, and even as a little girl she dreamed of marrying him. Alicia whines that Marcia just loves to belittle her problems, but even though she and Aldo have only been together a short time, it's been so intense and passionate that it's like she's known him all her life.

Marcia thinks it would be a good idea to check up on the fellas. Alone in Marcia's office, Alicia tells herself that what happened to Marcia won't happen to her, because she's so much better than Marcia - more attractive and interesting. She tries out her new name, "Alicia Ferreira de DomenzaEEN."

Lety and Marcia meet at the elevator, glare awkwardly at one another, then go their separate ways - Lety to hide in her office, and Marcia to witness the carnage outside.

Aldo and Fern are still locked in battle, so evenly matched that their body positions are nearly mirror-images; leaning into one another, still grabbing at each others' necks. Aldo's sneakers, denim & linen clothing, and blondish hair contrast sharply with Fern's good shoes, expensive suit, and darker coloring.

They sag to their knees simultaneously, still gasping and choking. Exhausted, they both drop their hands and pause to catch their breath. Just a moment later, Fern reaches for Aldo and resumes the fight (Fern now at +3). "I'm going to kill you," he tells Aldo, but they're too tired to fight, plus Aldo notes that Lety has already left. He pragmatically (teasingly?) suggests that they can stop fighting now that Lety's not there to see.

They nudge each other aggressively and circle warily. Fern asks Aldo what are his intentions towards "my Lety." Aldo says she's HIS Lety, and that he's not going to manipulate her the way Fern did. Fern accuses Aldo of poisoning Lety against him. He complains that ever since she met Aldo, she hasn't been the same around him. She's cold and stubborn and solemn. Aldo's the person who put out her "light."

Aldo says it was Fern, not him, who put out Lety's "light." Aldo's helping her recover it - and it will be his. "You're in love with Lety, right?" Aldo scoffs.

"You're just trying to use that against me," Fern says. Aldo says Fern's his own worst enemy. The love Fern feels for Lety is very fragile - he puts himself first. His love is conditional on being returned by Lety. He taunts Fern that Lety has to feel good so she can save the business that he destroyed. His love is twisted and false. He won't bring himself to say that he loves her, yet he'll fight openly for her?

Fern has been staring at Aldo through all of this speech as if Aldo's been speaking Klingonese or Elvish. Finally he says, "you don't know what I've done, or how I feel about Lety, or what I'm going to do for her."

Aldo says he's sure of his love for Lety. It's not false or conditional, and wants nothing in return.

Fern shoves Aldo and Aldo shoves him back; I've lost track of the score, but it's clear that Fern has been the more physically aggressive of the two (though it's also clear that Aldo enjoys baiting him).

Marcia comes running down the hill just as the shoving match begins to escalate. She interposes herself between the two snarling dogs. Fern politely tells Marcia to go away. She yells at him and demands an explanation. "It's about Lety, isn't it?"

Again, weenie Fernando cannot bring himself to admit the truth. "He bugs me," he complains. "Ever since he got here, Conceptos has lost its personality, its character, identity, beauty, y'know... it's different, it's awful."

She yells at him impatiently and he asks her to leave him alone. Aldo, the meddling interloper, tells Fernando that Marcia cares about him. Fern accuses Aldo of pretending to be nice, all the women of Conceptos are crazy about him, but nobody's buying into his boring philosophy; nobody!

"You're full of opinions," Aldo observes, and Fern steps forward, angrily promising to give him another "opinion." Marcia flings herself - all 100 pounds or whatever she is - against Fern to hold him back! (Okay, so she's not Emma Peel - but at least she's not running away and hiding! Not that I blame Lety, but today I have to give the prize to Marcia.) She tells him to go home, dress his wounds and get ready for his trip. He makes a feeble excuse about having things to do, but meekly lets her lead him back into the building. She throws a worried glance over her shoulder at Aldo, who waves her off. Fern looks back suspiciously and makes some aggressive-looking gestures at Aldo (something like "we're not finished yet - I'll meet you here later").

Lety and Tomas rehash

Lety doesn't quite make it back to her office before the cuartel surrounds her, asking questions. She says she'll tell them later, but they tell her not to be mean, they're worried and need to check out their suspicions. Lety begs off and says she needs to talk to Tomas, but Alicia interrupts. She starts to address Lety as "Garnacha" but cuts herself off and continues in a more civil tone, asking where Aldo is. Is he coming back?

"I have no idea," Lety says grumpily, and stomps off to Tomas's office. She is barely through the door when she bursts into tears. "I don't know what just happened," she tells him. She says Aldo and Fern were fighting and it came to blows. He asks why she didn't stop the fight. She says she was paralyzed - she felt even worse than that time when Fern and Tomas fought.

Hurt, Tomas wants to know why this time is worse. She says it's because Tomas is her friend, but Aldo had just finished saying that he was in love with her. Tomas, who has only known about this love for like an hour himself, says "finally he's told you!" He pulls up a chair, wanting all the juicy details. "You knew?" Lety asks sharply. He says Aldo told him when they were speaking man-to-man, blond-to-blond. Lety says this has all happened so fast. Tomas assures her that Aldo really does love her, but he also brings up the strange fact that Fernando was fighting with him. Lety says she's sure he wasn't fighting for her - he's defending the company's honor; he feels threatened by Aldo - maybe Aldo will get Lety to take the company away. (Not a crazy theory, since Fern's original conquest of Lety was meant to prevent Tomas from doing the same thing, back when Fern and Omar thought Lety and Tomas were an item.) But Aldo was defending her for real.

Tomas says that's a point in his favor. Lety says Aldo deserves better than for her to have a relationship with him only out of gratitude. (Maybe so, but I bet he'd take it.) He deserves someone to love him with all her heart - and she, Lety, can't do that, because she still has feelings for Don Fernando. (Yeah, she calls him Señor to his face, but behind his back he's still Don.) She's too confused to know what to say to Aldo.

Eager to keep Aldo away from Alicia, Tomas tells Lety to just think about it. She promises to do so and whines again about having to be near Fern.

Yeah, poor Lety, sucks to be you, huh?

In the Vortex of Stupidity

The Vortex of Stupidity is the place I used to call the executive lobby. If you don't know why I've decided to give it this particular name, consider some of the conversations that have taken place here:
  • Fern informs Ariel that recycling has nothing to do with bicycles.
  • Sara pretends to be interested in Lety's lawyer.
  • Alicia tries to embezzle $50,000 from Conceptos to save her car.
  • Alicia tells Luigi she just found out that Peking is now called Beijing, and it's the capitol of China.
  • Lola destroys Yazmin's cell phone, and Alicia gleefully does a little flamenco-style dance on its remains.
  • Ariel asks Alicia for a photo of herself in her underwear, so he can pimp her out to his alleged "friends."
  • Lopez drools and threatens to fire one or more members of the cuartel.
  • The cuartel chatters idly, or matches "wits" with Alicia.
  • There is an uproar over a couple of red paper bags.
I could go on, but someone's probably waiting for me to finish this recap.

Aldo emerges from the stairwell at the same time Fern and Marcia step off the elevator. The two men both dash towards Lety's office. Fern runs into Lola's desk; Aldo taunts him mischievously. Alicia sees the bruise on Aldo's face and runs over to him, wanting to help. He tells her not to worry, and excuses himself, heading back to his own office.

Marcia tells Fern that they need to "talk." He tries to brush off her concern, and whispers to her that it was only a fight.

"FIGHT??" the nosy cuartel repeats loudly. Lety comes out of Tomas's office just in time to hear this. She and Fern look at each other, then hurriedly go to their respective offices.

Deep Thoughts

At his desk, Aldo remembers telling Lety that he'll fight to win her love.

Luigi is fighting on the phone with Ruli. He says he's met the man of his dreams. He tells Ruli it was nice while it lasted, but now it's over. He won't let Ruli talk. He denies receiving any gift from Ruli.

Irma's ears perk up and she tries valiantly to tell Luigi that the bear was from Ruli, but Luigi doesn't have time to listen. He tells Ruli they can still be friends if he wants, but apparently Ruli does not want. "Fine, then we're through. Goodbye forever!" Luigi hangs up and asks Irma what she wanted. She starts to say something about the bear, and Luigi realizes he hasn't thanked his Prince Charming for it yet. He dashes off with the bear, leaving Irma to answer the phone, which is already ringing.

Irma ignores the phone and follows Luigi into Aldo's office. Luigi takes one look at Aldo and panics about what happened to Aldo's pretty face. He offers to call for a helicopter. Irma comes in and he tells her to go get some first-aid stuff. Aldo assures them that he's okay. Luigi remembers the bear again and tries to thank Aldo for it and the very nice card. He tries to tell Aldo that he accepts Aldo's offer to be together for the rest of their lives, but Irma gets between them and, with much persistence and many apologies to Aldo, explains to Luigi that the gift was from Ruli.

Luigi leans against Aldo's desk, saying he's having not a mimisqui (palpitations) but a mim-oso (I guess some sort of pun about a bear-sized heart attack). He scolds Irma for not having told him before. He tries to say something to Aldo, but runs out of the room in humiliation!

He calls Saimon in for an explanation. Saimon just explains that Aldo only took the bear up for him, and he's sure the gift was from Ruli. Luigi berates Saimon; Saimon cries that "the receptionist out there" (PM) calls him a cricket and an insect and now Luigi is calling him a bug; would Luigi like to call him anything else?

Deflated, Luigi dismisses him. Irma counsels Luigi that Ruli obviously cares for him a lot, and there's nothing going on with Aldo. This isn't what Luigi wants to hear. He talks about chemistry and electricity. Irmita tactfully tries to tell him that Aldo isn't... but Luigi doesn't want to hear it. She urges him to speak with Ruli, but Luigi's still mad because Ruli told him to burn in hell!

He goes on some more about how much he likes Aldo, and not Ruli, and tells her to stop judging him with those probing eyes and go check on Diva, his dog. He whines that she doesn't understand him.

In the Well of Morons (it's not as deep as a vortex)

In Marcia's office, Alicia wants to hear all about those two men fighting over the Corncake. Marc says Lety wasn't there when she arrived, but they were still fighting. Afterwards, Fern claimed that they weren't fighting over Lety, but over Conceptos. (WEENIE!!!)

Alicia, for one, likes Fern's explanation. It means nobody was fighting over Lety.

Marcia says that when Fern talked ugly to Marcia, Aldo defended her to him. (Sorry, I had this backwards before.) Alicia is glad to hear that he is such a gentleman - a real Prince Charming. And all hers!

In the Hall of Idiots and Everlasting Rehash

I'm not sure what Omar is doing at his desk. It looks like he might be trying to clean his mouse and keyboard, but I think his real focus is ignoring Fern. That's right, Fern walked in with bruises all over his face... and Omar doesn't want to rehash.

Fern can't stand it and wants to tell Omar all about it. Omar guesses that it was Aldo. He thinks it's funny that their "presidentolita" inspired such passion. Fern wants to cancel his trip. Omar wants to know how Fern can justify this to Marcia and Lety. Fern thinks Marcia already knows enough that she won't need an explanation. As for Lety... Omar does a little impression of Fernando. "Lety, I'm staying because I'm not going to let you..."

Fern interrupts him impatiently, but yet again, these two actors are cracking each other up. They remind me of Tim Conway and Harvey Korman. They recover quickly and Fern accepts that he has to go to NY, but he makes Omar promise to keep an eye on Aldo. (Y'know, like Alicia used to spy on Fern for Marcia. LOL!)

Omar doesn't like this assignment to keep Lety and Aldo apart. Is his tie red, or is it orange? I can't tell. Was he wearing that at the restaurant people's meeting last week? I don't remember! Anyway, Fern doesn't care what Omar thinks. He just smiles and wiggles his eyebrows at Omar to let him know that's the way it's going to be.

They argue about this, and Fern has to beg a bit, but the outcome is that Omar promises to do it.

In the Lair of the Monster Ladyparts Seashell of Doom

Lety is sitting on the wrong side of her desk, gazing thoughtfully at what used to be Fern's chair. She plays with her little Zen garden - I guess she never noticed Fern's initials there - and the seashell painting behind her leaps off the wall and bites her, thinking she was a Cabbage Patch Kid.

Not really, but Aldo does sneak up on her. She says she's sorry she left him alone with Fern. He says no, the mistakes were all his. He shouldn't have taken her out of the office to tell her how he felt, but he wanted to tell her how important she is to him. She only replies "I'm sorry, I can't, I can't." He says he's the one who's sorry - his impulses got the better of him. He didn't mean to pressure her. She says it's not fair to him, and he doesn't know how happy she'd be if she could say she loved him too.

He says he's sure that one day, she will say it to him. In the meantime, she says, she feels awful that he makes her feel so wonderful, when she gives him nothing in return. His presence gives her strength, and his love gives her confidence.

He says that thanks to her, he's able to fight passionately for something. His love for her motivates him. It gives him the energy, strength, and focus to win her love.

In the Shrine of Alicia

Tomas is admiring his Alicia photos when Aldo comes a-knockin'. Tomas notices Aldo's bruises and says he knows that Fern has a heavy hand. Tomas proceeds to turn over all of the pictures on his wall, to reveal his additional Alicia photos. Aldo doesn't pay much attention to this as he wonders aloud why women, especially Lety and Marcia, are so attracted, so crazy, so in love with Fernando.

Tomas says he has money, and Aldo admits that he's likable. Tomas says - I kid you not - that Fern's "an adorable boy."

Aldo changes the subject to Alicia. Does she really think they're getting married? Tomas says yup, she's got the dress and everything. Aldo asks Tomas's opinion as to what it might take to convince Alicia that this is not so without hurting her. (My suggestion: a cashier's check.) Tomas replies that she's very sensitive - he lied to her once, and she'll never forgive him. He admits that he was pretty horrible to her, and she throws it in his face every chance she gets.

They joke briefly about Tomas's haircolor - Aldo pretends to be surprised that it's not natural. He braces himself to talk to Alicia; Tomas asks him to remind Alicia that he's available.

It's getting dark outside...

...but the Vortex of Stupidity is lit as brightly as ever. Lopez tries to get familiar with PM, and she rebuffs him. He's looking for Lety - he wants to give her her new name badge. They all ooh and ahh over it, and PM thinks they should throw a party in honor of its presentation. Lopez is as confused by this as I am; Sara explains that it's not just a badge, it's a symbol.

Oh, I see. In that case, break out the tequila!

In La Presidencia, Lety is telling her diary that sitting in Fern's old office, she's reliving everything. She wants to transform the room so it's more hers and less his. The cuartel and Lopez interrupt, sparing us a potential verbal rehash of the last 10 months. They start talking about the Knights of the Round Table. PM makes a little speech about heroism, efficiency, and friendship, and they present her new name badge. Woop-de-doo. Lety should check the drawers and see if Fern left any "Richard" behind. Lopez plays a fanfare on an imaginary bugle.

Back in the Vortex, Alicia is swooning over her engagement photo again. Aldo approaches and invites her out for coffee. Why not dinner, she asks? He says he just wants to chat with her in a quiet place. "I understand," Alicia says flirtatiously - totally not understanding. "You want us to make some plans?" "Actually, no, I would like to tell you about MY plans," Aldo answers. (Alicia has an auditory hallucination, er, flashback of Tomas warning her that Aldo isn't in love with her.) Suddenly, Alicia remembers - she can't go out with Aldo - she has other plans. He tells her he hopes it goes well. She looks disappointed.

Meanwhile, in the Shell Cave, Lety is touched by the name-badge presentation. She tearfully thanks them. Alicia comes in to lighten the mood. She calls them all spiders - "little spiders," she amends for the sake of civility, and tells Lety it's an endearment - and says Fern and Omar are looking for the cuartel. They all rush out to see.

Lopez obsequiously tells Lety he hopes she likes her new name badge. She says yes, she likes it. "Anything else?" he inquires hopefully. She says no, and he bows profusely and leaves.

She admires her badge, but wonders aloud if she can handle all of this.

Next week

Using techniques he read about in a comic book at the age of 9, Ariel suavely whines-and-dines Lety. Fern provides snacks.

handy words
botiquín=medicine cabinet
güero=blond man
príncipe azul=Prince Charming (literally "blue prince")


So funny Julie!! Thanks, I needed that today!
Was Omar calling Lety Lolita when rehashing with Fern?
Aldo and Fern were saying a lot of something when they were fighting. Was it anything interesting or just "You're bad, no you are, I want to kill you, no I want to kill you" kind of thing?
Marcia gets a lot of credit in my opinion for coming to the rescue again. I wonder if she's been doing that for Fern all his life?
For some reason Lopez seems more likeable now.
I was hoping maybe Fern was throwing knives at Ariel in the restaurant but I guess he was only contributing to the menu.

Carrie L.

Omar called Lety "Presidentolita," which I took to be a combo of her new title and his old insult "gargolita."

Thanks Ninak for clearing that up. All I could think of was the Lolita character in the old movie.
Carrie L.

Hola Everybody!
Julie-Great AS USUAL! You HAVE to be an actual sitcom writer yourself, and have been holding out from the rest of us in the Cuartel, right?!?

Anyway, I got the impression when Tómas called Fern "An adorable boy" he was being saracastic, because in reality he doesn't care for him either!

I can't wait to see what Secret Squirrel (Omar) comes up with to keep Aldo and Lety apart (for Fernando's sake) while he is gone to the U.S.!! Of course, after looking at Fernando's pitiful, tearful, & banged up face, he caved! How could any true and loyal Dudley Do-Right NOT ACCEPT this mission, right!? They were great together during that scene.

I read somewhere that in real life Juan Soler and Jaime Camill were really good friends, so doing that fight scene must have been a hoot! Can you imagine trying to act that out with one of your good friends??

Hope everybody who lives up north is home safe and snug! My folks live in Des Moines, Ia. and I told them I would see them on the 4th of July...They MIGHT be dug out by then! LOL! At times like this I am Glad to live in Fla. ( near Destin). Might be a different story during Spring Break, tho.... Will get back to you on that.
Have a good weekend!

i loved Fern's puppy dog eyes and his smile when Omar said he would spy on Lety. So cute..I was cracking up at Omar imitating Fern along the dialogue. Fern told Omar while I am way you have to be me. Omar asked if he had to gel his hair. I need to watch that exchange again it was great.

Julie, wonderful, delightful, enchanting recap. THANKS! I hooted when you recommended Aldo try a cashier's check for Malicia.

Louise, parts of I-80 and I-29 (western Iowa along the Missouri River) are still closed this morning with rows and rows of semis and cars stranded on the shoulders and people taken off to hotels by the Iowa National Guard yesterday (snowed again about 6:00 p.m., and additional mini-blizzard just for kicks). Boo, hiss. It's supposed to get into the 40s next week or higher. There could be some serious flooding. I'm glad your folks were warm and snug, 'cause lots of Iowans had no power.

Nina, Fern even congratulated Omar on coming up with Presidentolita instead of saying what he used to say. I think Fern told him it was an improvement. He pretended to clap. That was cute. Omar looked very smug with himself.

Julie, I sure had that wrong about Marcia, I thought she said that Aldo defended her to Fern. Poor girl, hers is such a lost cause. I wonder how much longer before she gives it up.

I'm not sure, but Malicia's look when she had that last conversation with Aldo suggested to me that she's catching on.


>>>(PM) calls him a cricket and an insect and now Luigi is calling him a bug; would Luigi like to call him anything else?

Luigi called Saimon a bicho, but you have to be careful what country you use that word. In Puerto Rico, bicho=a nonmedical way of saying penis (kinda like schmecky, thingie, etc.) where as in Mexico for example it translates as bug.

While Aldo is far smoother than Fernando...I can't go with the is sooooo patronizing...Wouldn't it seem strange in Non-TeleNovela land if someone, the second day you met them was all up in your business, the business of your ugly amante, your ugly amante's ex-pretend novio, your ex fiance, your employees and everyone's else? And to boot getting a lecture about your poor moral choices? Geez I too would be a bit overwhelmed. Aldo is a fine looking example, but the patronizing does nothing for me.
Shout out to Omar...I love your shallow self-centered ways.
Poor doesn't look like the Morality Sheriff is gonna ride outta town anytime soom.

Julie - loved your keeping the aggression score. I also thought that Aldo defended Marcia when she wanted to tend to Fer's wounds & Fer blew her off. Aldo told Fer that Marcia was concerned for him, and Aldo had his arm around her shoulder - quite the gentleman.

The best scene was Fer making the sad puppy dog face to Omar - twice! And wiggling his eyebrows.

I couldn't believe Lety ran away from the fight and didn't even think about getting someone (Celso, maybe) to break it up. She is turning into the worst meek mouse ever! Coward. She doesn't deserve either man.

Julie - loved your keeping the aggression score. I also thought that Aldo defended Marcia when she wanted to tend to Fer's wounds & Fer blew her off. Aldo told Fer that Marcia was concerned for him, and Aldo had his arm around her shoulder - quite the gentleman.

The best scene was Fer making the sad puppy dog face to Omar - twice! And wiggling his eyebrows.

I couldn't believe Lety ran away from the fight and didn't even think about getting someone (Celso, maybe) to break it up. She is turning into the worst meek mouse ever! Coward. She doesn't deserve either man.

Thank you for this great site! I've been following it for a couple of months now and it really adds to my enjoyment of the show. All of the recappers do such a wonderful job, I find myself snorting with laughter all over again every morning.
I love it that we finally have the Aldo/Fernando rivalry out in the open and can't wait to witness the Ariel and Lety dinner "date"!

Thanks, Julie – love the title you gave this one and all your funny side comments. This episode and yesterday’s really had me wishing I could understand what they were saying. (I probably do not know more than 40 spanish words. I never thought I would be hooked on a telenovela.) I was a little surprised Lety left Fern and Aldo out there to choke each other…..maybe she figured she could solve the problem by taking whichever one was left standing? Aldo is full of it when he says he wants nothing in return for his love. Of course he does! I think he should have kept the comment about being sure Lety will one day say she loves him to himself. I am beginning to think Aldo and Marcia should get together. She was all smiles when she met him (very rare for her). And neither of them is the sharpest tool in the shed when it comes to reading their loved one.


to Teresa-
thnx for causing me to challenge myself -- lessee if I know as many as 40:
from cowboy movies-- adobe hacienda fiesta vamanos arriba sombrero pinata ole hola hasta manana hasta la vista hasta luego muchachos muchachas senor senora senorita muchas gracias via con Dios
from univision news-- ciudad once dolor tormenta
from univision ads-- mucho mas
from next door spanish branch church-- iglesia mundo
from 1963 friend from San Juan-- mosca arroz leche
from children-- uno dos tres cuatro cinco rojo verde azul horas dias minutos
from bill cosby-- restaurante
on the subway or on the street-- buenas dias como esta bien y usted muy bien gracias mi nombre es
from Alborada-- ropa amor guardias
from lfmb-- claro animal imbicile perdoneme mi culpa tarde

[72 in 20 minutes -- I'll bet I know twice that many -- would have thought it under 100 but after having univision on abt an hour a day for a year, maybe over 100 -- thnx]


to Julie: thanks for the g-r-e-a-t recap

You are way too funny!
Thanks for the great recap!

Is there any significance to Aldo mispronouncing Fern's last name and Lety correcting him (more than once)? I imagine it's pay-back for Fern always mispronouncing Aldo's last name but I wondered if Fern's last name means something different with the different pronunciations?

Would any of our more fluent speakers have an explanation?
Thanks so much!

Thank you for the always humorous recap, Julie. I liked the walk down memory lane w/ all the inane stuff that has happened in the "Vortex of Stupidity", and of course there are probably a thousand more we could add to it (Alicia's Indian princess dance comes to mind).

I didn't get a chance to post on Thursday's show (stuck all day w/o access to a computer and then a really long trip home in a blizzard got me home just in time to watch Friday's capitulo). So I need to say that although I'm on Team Fernando, I did not like seeing Fernando and Aldo come to blows---I don't care who started it, the best thing to do is walk away. So really, I don't blame Lety for getting the heck out of Dodge. She attempted to have them break it up, but to no avail. I would have done the same thing she did---walked away and left them to their stupidity.

The comment--- "Fern accuses Aldo of pretending to be nice...but nobody's buying into his boring philosophy; nobody!" Makes me wonder if Don Fernando has been reading our blogs.:-)

I still cannot see any chemistry between Aldo and Lety. Aldo's close talking doesn't count, because he's that way with everyone--Alicia, Tomas, Lety, and Luigi. Juan Soler is a talented enough actor, I just happen to think it is the character of Aldo that is the problem. He's just too "good" to be true and he comes on too strong too quickly. AND, I'm convinced that there is a direct correlation between the days at Conceptos getting longer and the arrival of Aldo.

Lopez is Eddy Haskell, "My that is a lovely outfit you are wearing Licenciada Padilla", but I think he basically is harmless.

Overall, I think yesterday's episode had a good balance between comedy and if only they'd get the romance back into it (and when I say that, I mean the Lety & Fernando kind).

Teresa---I loved your list of vocab words. I'm surprised you didn't add : taco, nacho, burrito, chalupa, and my personal favorite, chimichunga. :-)

I translated most of what Aldo and Fern said to each other during their fight, but it wasn't very witty or important. I know I skipped a few things that didn't seem important.

If anyone caught something that deserves attention, you won't hurt my feelings if you mention it!

When Lety went running up the hill I originally wrote "Lety runs away for help" because that's surely what I would do even at my mousiest (but I once disarmed a mailman with a knife, so I'm not too terribly mousy). I was shocked when she when straight to Tomas instead. Teresa, I like your theory that Lety hoped she would be left with one survivor!

Lopez is more likeable these days because he knows which side his bread is buttered on. :-)

Yes, I think Alicia finally figured out that it's not going to happen for her with Aldo.

I will double-check what Marcia said. I really thought she said Aldo defended Fern to her, but it's easy to get mixed up with those direct and indirect pronouns and such. Either way, she seemed surprised - which is why I thought he was defending Fern.

I've never noticed Aldo mispronouncing "Mendiola." He's from Argentina, though, so maybe his accent sounds strange to you? Tomas DOES mispronounce it as "MANdiola". Lety sometimes corrects him, but it's a lost cause. :)

Me a sitcom writer - nope. I actually write software manuals for a living, and have to refrain from editorializing and making wisecracks most of the day. :-)

to Cathy:
mebbe she left bcs if you remove the flame the moths quit trying to fly into it -- possible lettielogic: they claimed to be fighting over her so if she was not their audience maybe that might stop them...??? [grown men aren't much diff frm teenage boys and if there is no one to show off to, they often quit]


finally a couple episodes were a lot happened! I loved the batman like fight, the only thing missing was BOOM! KA-POW! ZOT!!

I've developed a habit of drinking tea while watching LFMB and I was lucky I didn't snort it out my nose when the two galans were choking each other barely able to talk and then taking a break and going right at it again. Priceless and Aldo is way over the top when he tells Fern you don't love Lety like I do and Fern correctly told him You don't know how I love Lety. Too bad he didn't tell him to mind his own damn business and go back to Acapulco.

It's time for Marcia to face facts, she may have dreamed of marrying Fern since she was a child but she is a grown up now and it just isn't going to happen. I wish she would save her dignity and end it by packing what stuff he has at the apartment. Both of them would be relieved.

Omar as the watchdog. How dumb an idea is that. Like Lety is really going to be pleased with Omar anywhere in the vicinity but then again todate Aldo and Omar have not had any real contact.

That preview of Monday with Lety actually having dinner with Ariel and poor Fern seeing her out with YET ANOTHER man and his worst nightmare at that. It has sure been a long and terrible day for almost everyone except Tomas. Let's hope the dinner and resulting, sure to happen, confrontation get done so that after two weeks of Lety's awful suit we can see new clothes to comment on.

Oops, I really should pay attention to whom I make comments. My earlier comment to Teresa should have been to mab. I am terrible w/ names in person, and apparently online as well.

I am also looking forward to Lety's dinner w/ Ariel (never thought I would utter that sentence). It is sure to add more fuel to Fernando's already burning fire. I have to say the preview had me laughing at Fernando's childish antics---throwing food (?) at Ariel. It's just too good.

Since it is finally dark outside where Celso walks his beat, hopefully we'll only have to deal with these outfits a couple more days in real time. I still think Lety's Paul Revere tribute is a heck of a lot worse than her latest ensemble.

I was having a little La fea withdrawal so I decided to watch some episodes online. I've been feeling sad for Fernando... that is until I found a 20 second scene of Fernado kissing Monica in his office. I believe this is the same Monica that interrupted Fern and Lety at the restaurant. If I can't get over how he treated Lety, then imagine how hard it must be for Lety herself. I'm hoping the Ariel and Lety date will be funny because I think we could all use a little bit of comedy right now.


Decie girl, don't forget Lola. She had a pretty darn good day herself. So, that makes two.


Just a fashion note....but if there is not a gawd there should be against anyone under the age of 100 running up a hill in opaque white pantyhose & study chunky shoes...Oprah would just die. Just because I'm shallow does not mean I'm wrong.

Or downhill, for that matter.

Someone has to get the fashion police after Lety,as well as Aldo.Those millions you're supposed to have to invest in Conceptos obviously cannot buy Armani.

In the real world, same fashion police should be after Jaime Camil and his blonde girlfriend,who was photographed recently in one of Jaime's post LFMB interviews wearing a cap sucking on a lollipop...They both looked like they just came out of wind tunnel.

Aldo and Fern are both HOT. That great fight scene would have been even better if they fought in their boxers. Useless comment, I know- but just sayin'...


As for Tomas mispronouncing Fern's last name, I took it to be a way of saying that he is bossy or overbearing. The spanish verb "mandar" means to order or command. Someone who is "mandon" (accent over the "o") is bossy and domineering.


Julie-your comparison of Fern and Omar to Tim Conway and Harvey Korman was brilliant - really on target. I wonder if any one remembers The Carol Burnett Show?
Beckster - Your comments are really priceless - I really have to control myself from LOL when I read them at work. I am in your camp as far as Lety being not that innocent, she knew that Fern was promised to Marcia and she also knew she was cooking the books.

I find it hard to believe that Aldo, who is so sensitive and intuitive, can not read between the lines and see that Fern's intense reactions might have something to do with his feeling for Lety, besides the fact that Aldo seems to have taken over Conceptos and everyone in it.The place seems to revolve around him and his miscommunications.

Jeanne, thanks so much for your weather report! Just talked to my folks and they are fine, thank goodness. They did not get mail on Fri, did yesterday, finally. Mom said the storm was a total white out over virtually the whole state!

Tani, I don't know if your theory is technically correct or not,but it certainly makes logical sense
to me! Good thinking!

Geez, you guys are really creative thinkers and great at brain storming! If the real telenovela writers knew about this site, they could write a new telenovela based on the bloggers of "Caray, Caray"! Imagine that for a moment...LOL! Talk about a soap opera for the masses!!!

Julie, maybe with your talent, you and the other talented translators could collaborate on a new project. You guys could write a Spanglish Telenovela! Hey, maybe we could get Cristina to promote it (along with Conceptos, of course, lol)! This time you could go for the BIG GUY to take the leading role--(Fernando Colunga)...right, okay, enough dreaming, but still...I really think you guys have enough creative talent to pull it off. And the rest of us on the blog could help supply ideas to help out, right?? That's MY story, and I'm stickin' to it! LOL!
Take care y'all!

Thanks Julie and Tani for the Man-diola explanations. I think "bossy" from Tomas makes perfect sense!

I agree with Beckster about Aldo being in everyone's biz and I've said before. He's an interloper doling out advice to everyone. And he says he doesnt want anything from Lety. What a load of crap - as the real Dr Phil would say (and I paraphrase) you have to be getting SOMETHING out of the relationship and I think he's getting a big fat ego boost. I will go further in saying that he KNOWS Fern really loves Lety but is keeping that info to himself. I thought Tomas was mispronouncing on purpose - just like what people do when they don't like someone - they think that misprononcing their name is a little jab. I thought it was hilarious when she kept correcting Tomas.

Aldo bores me to death always meddling in everyone's business and preaching. I actually thought he was going to throw a little of his inane philosophy at Fern in the middle of their confrontation.

I refuse to worry about his relationship, if you could call it that, with Lety. Aldo is an afterthought, brought in to the production to stretch it from its original 60 to 100 episodes. The Fea stories are all about the ugly duckling and the handsome prince. Its a Cinderella story and Lety will soon find herself bored to death with the blabbering want to be and will need to fight for what she really wants and that is a life with Fern.


Julie, Julie, Julie - great job! I've felt alone out there, believing that the character Fernando is written with too much cowardice to be admired by a woman who's got potential. There was a blogger who reminded me that Lety is not to be pitied in extreme, due to her part in the accumulating mess (which I marvel can actually get worse).

She's right. Lety is becoming too cowardly to cheer for. At this point, Lety and Fernando truly seem to deserve each other.

Without at least one primary character with virtues enough to admire, there's no more point to watching . . . except to read Julie's recaps.

As a side note, the actor who plays Luigi has tremendous range. I'm now watching the condensed DVD La Madrasta. Considerable talent, he has.

I also tend to "mispronounce" Aldo's name from time to time. Usually as Maldo or Aldon't. But I can't quite bring myself to use either of those in a recap unless he does something that's truly, clearly, deliberately malevolent.

I don't like the effect he has on Lety - sometimes she's even LESS decisive than before - but maybe it only seems that way because she has more decisions to make now?

PS - thanks for pointing out the "Mandar" connection to "Mandiola," Tani. That went right over my head, but now that you've pointed it out, it's really funny!

Shout out to Tani....
Yeah fightin in the boxers...though Aldo's daisy dukes were pretty short & I didn't see any boxers hanging below them...So maybe Aldo sports tighty-whiteys, while Fer is a boxer kind of guy..Now then if Omar could ref in this boxers, I think you have serious PPV tv.

Aldo/tightey whiteys...hee hee hee.
Okay it was a cheap shot.

I find it easier to admire Aldo's appearance when his chicken legs are covered up. :)

I agree, Aldo definitely looks better covered up.
I'm not sure about Omar but Fern probably looks good in or out of anything.
Can't wait for the Ariel/Fern/Lety restaurant fiasco!!!

Carrie L.

Tani, great call on "mandar" and "fighting in boxers!" Works for me (the boys boxing in boxers). Mandar makes perfect sense.

Louise, you're most welcome. I'm so glad your folks did all right. The mess in western IA/Omaha area has changed. No more vehicles lined up on the highways, but slush, slush everywhere. Yuck. It got as high as 45 degrees or so today. I hope it doesn't freeze. We didn't get mail for several days, too. I keep reminding myself we moved here from Hawaii.....on purpose.....


Friday's episode made me more convinced that Aldo's interest in Lety is one of conqueror. I think it's a game to him. I thought that, during the fight scene when Fernando and Aldo had briefly stopped choking each other, Aldo turned to Fernando and suggested that they stop fighting each other because Lety had left. How sincere is that? Was Aldo's fighting and ugly faces just for show?

Does anyone know what epale means?

I agree with those who can't stand Aldo. Yes I think he is on an ego trip and also that he is utilized as a filler to stretch the program. He has been using the caurtel, luigi, lety and alicia as a way to get into the conceptos circle. Obviously he and lety will become an item; however and as people have said, to stretch the telenovia; however, I can't imagnine her marrying him, when this whole thing has been about lety and fern. The songs, the CD and thepicture on the front, the Church man who prays for them, etc.

Obviously, I need to rewatch parts of this episode - to check on whether Aldo said "now that Lety's not watching we can stop" and whether Marcia said that Aldo defended her to Fern, or defended Fern to her.

"Epale" means something like "wow" or "damn" (or "caray").

Know what would be an interesting storyline? FOr Marcia to go after Aldo. She seems to like him, and she owes Lety the favor of stealing her "boyfriend."

Julie! Great idea! I guess it's too late to suggest changes to the writers, though, huh?



Too late, and I don't think Marcia would do something like that anyway. Anyway, she's going to be in Europe! But it's too bad, because she smiles a lot more around Aldo than she does around Fern!

Julie, Marcia only seems to smile around Aldo but for all her faults she is too smart to stare adoringly at him while he babbles on like Lety does. In any event i hardly think she would lower herself to accept Lety's cast off which is what Aldo will be.

Someone mentioned having seen Sergio M (Luigi) in La Madrasta talking about his range. I saw LM and couldn't remember him until I went back and checked the cast list. Yes indeed a VERY different character from the mincing Luigi. His Carlos was a nasty, selfish thug but as in LFMB he does cry beautifully. Real actors have a much better chance to play different characters than the classic novela galans like Juan Soler who get type cast. I remember an interview with Arturo Peniche who said he dreaded getting stuck as a galan because you can't stretch yourself. Hence he is now taking more interesting parts like the one in Alborada and Zorro.

I think I had read that Melinama was out of town and I wondered if anyone else would be able to give the highlights of some of the conversations of Monday's show?
Thanks so much.

Aw Jeez, anonymous 9:29, I FELL ASLEEP last night trying to recap La Fea. I will have it up in a little bit.

I checked the things I said I would check, and yes on both counts:

1. Yes Marcia said Aldo defended her to Fern and not the other way around. Drat all those darn pronouns.

2. Aldo really did say "now that Lety's gone we don't have to keep fighting," but I didn't take it as a sincere, pragmatic offer - I saw it as him trying to bait Fern some more. Like "you can quit showing off for her now."

to anon "she knew that Fern was promised to Marcia"
yeah - Lettie also knew of Ferni's constant infidelities so why couldn't she have some when it was more-than-offered? [he wasn't paying any attention to his being engaged; why should she?]
to cathy&teresa: I found 68 more words over the weekend so those together with the previous 72 is all that I got - 140; mebbe when lfmb is over I'll get up to 150 spanish words. Here's the 68-ish:
from cowboy movies-- hombre caballero rio grande andiamo que pasa amigo nino nina patron no habla ingles no habla espanol por favor mucho gusto padre dinero siesta tengo pocito palabras
from univision news-- tambien semana entrada nunca cabeza cumpleanos porque ultimo mal triste
from univision ads-- tu problema es mi problema espectaculo favorita telefono musica especial
from 1963 friend from San Juan-- cinco de mayo problemas
from children-- casa
on the subway or on the street-- feliz navidad donte esta de nada un momento buenas noches
from Alborada-- ayudarme basta
from lfmb-- no puedo no se QUE con su permiso siempre todo mole cuartel trabajar coche mire jefe licenciada embargo contenta

no wonder I can't do a conversation -- not enuf useful words
(wondering what drat is in spanish)


The 2011 discussion for Capitulos 223 & 224 is at this link.

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