Thursday, March 08, 2007

La Fea Más Bella #226 3/7/07 ...the plan ends

Alicia is told that Marcia's been looking for her; Alicia goes into Marcia's office, and Martha wonders where Cornilocks got the phone. Lola guesses that it's from some poor idiot.

Marcia congratulates Alicia for thinking. Alicia says that Tomas admitted that he only said Aldo loved Lety in order to get Alicia to himself; Alicia is thrilled, but Marcia is disappointed because it means Aldo won't be keeping Lety away from Fern after all.

Next, Omar hides in the batcave and overhears Lety and Aldo talking about exercise and apples. (I'll irrelevantly add here that I love what everyone is wearing today.) I sure hope Aldo has nice breath, because their faces are awfully close. (I hope Lety has nice breath too, but Aldo's the one who's always leaning in.) He crowds her onto the desk, makes the "scary snicker" noise as previously described by Amanda, and takes his leave.

New stuff

Alicia sees that Aldo, the apple-polisher, has brought Lety more gifts, and questions Tomas again about their relationship, but he insists that there's nothing going on. This delights Alicia, who does him the great honor of kissing his cheek and then goes back to admiring her "engagement" photo.

Lety sets about working at her desk; Omar frets in the cave. Sara is looking for him; she checks in his office and then worries to the cuartel that she can't find him.

Meanwhile, Marcia asks Alicia to check on the tickets, passport, money, etc. for the trip; she's eager to get out of there. Fern's gone, and they'll both be back in 20 days, before the expo. She'll think things over during that time, and after the trip, she and Fern will figure out what to do, once and for all.

Alicia generously offers to accompany Marcia to London to help out... but then changes her mind. She doesn't want to be away from Aldo that long. Marcia says she needs Alicia to stay there, anyway. Alicia then generously offers to car-sit for Marcia. She says she deserves the loan of Marcia's car. Marcia says maybe, but asks Alicia to first do what she's been asked.

Alicia reminds Marcia of what a great friend she is. Marcia tells her that the company pays Alicia for her work. Alicia points out that she doesn't get paid to be Marcia's friend; her friendship is priceless. (Marcia diplomatically doesn't mention the many pesos Alicia already owes her.)

Alicia goes back into the Vortex of Stupidity and makes a great show of calling Papi to tell him that Marcia's going to let her borrow the car. With a nice car, she says, she'll be her old self again. She invites Papi to hand out her new phone number to all and sundry. She promises to call him back and stuffs the phone back into its holster (frankly I'm very surprised that there's room in there for a phone - even a small one).

Meanwhile, Lety is on the phone with the bank, saying she knows the interest is due on their loans. She is flustered when he tells her that the deadline is at noon. She prepares to call Tomas and tell him to hurry up, but is interrupted by PM, who asks if she's seen Omar. The cuartel saw him earlier, but now it's like he's fallen off the face of the earth. An important client is trying to get in touch with him.

At this perfect moment, Omar's cell phone rings. While he fumbles for his phone, Lety and PM wonder where the sound is coming from - PM thinks it's coming from the batcave. Omar answers the phones and the ringing stops. Lety says her phone doesn't sound like that, and PM says cell phones lately sound pretty weird. (It's true. I like a "ringtone" that sounds like a phone ringing, myself.) They dismiss this weird occurrence and Lety asks PM to find Tomas's cell number and call him for her.

The call to Omar is from Fern, who is still at the airport. Omar tries to hide under the not-very-soundproof desk and whispers that he's trapped in "Lety's office." (A sleeping woman I'll call Dot snuggles up to Fern while he talks.) Omar explains what has happened (and doesn't even flinch when he says "gargolita"). He didn't want Lety to catch him hiding photos of Fern's lovely snout all over the place. Fern is confused. Omar says it's so that Lety will be reminded of him all the time. Fern gets up from his seat and scolds Omar for his lack of creativity. He sits down again, almost on Dot's head, and she wakes with a start. Fern reminds Omar not to get caught. Nobody must find out what he's doing.

Omar tries to stand up, not realizing that there is a desk on top of him, and hits his head. PM and Lety hear. So does Fern, who is now letting Dot listen in on the call. Omar makes that little scream again, and Lety and PM go into the batcave to investigate. "Me? Here?" Omar asks, stalling for time. He says he was looking for some old documents among the archives. ("He couldn't come up with a better excuse?" Dot asks Fern in disgust.) Lety asks how long he's been in there. He says it's been a while, because he couldn't find them. Lety says she doesn't believe him - there are no papers in that room that would be useful to him. Then he comes up with another cockamamie excuse - that he was looking for Lety's father. He checks the desk drawers - nope, Erasmo's not there. He'll just have to talk to him later instead. He nervously excuses himself and leaves. PM and Lety wonder what Omar was up to.

And now for something completely different

Luigi is sooooooo happy to see Aldo. He comments on how nice Aldo looks in black. "Thank you very much, you too," Aldo replies. Luigi says he's not wearing black. Har, har, har. Aldo starts to explain/apologize about the mixup with the bear. Luigi would rather talk about Aldo's bruises from yesterday. Who's the savage bear who disfigured Aldo's gorgeous face? Aldo deflects the question and says he wants to talk about the commercials.

Luigi says he's going crazy. They're all in various stages of completion. Some still in design, others in preproduction, etc. But, see, he found this flower (it's one of those individually-wrapped roses that you can buy at the gas station on the way home from work), and he didn't know what to do with it, so he wants to give it to Aldo. Aldo thanks him for the pretty rose and says he's going to work on his book. "If you need me, call," he tells Luigi.

"I always need you, Aldo," Luigi says in Spanish. "I need you, guapo," he adds in mostly English.

Aldo takes a few steps towards Luigi, and I brace myself for a moment of truth. Finally, Aldo is going to explain to Luigi that he's interested in someone else, right?

Wrong. Aldo says "thank you for the flower, Luigi," and goes into his office. Um. Waaaay too subtle, Aldo!

"That wasn't a flower - it was a compliment," Luigi sighs to himself.

Back to the Vortex

Sara is trying to get Omar's client back on the phone, but the guy's cell phone is out of range. She notices the camera strap across Omar's neck - he has moved the camera so that it's hanging down his back, and it's making a huge lump under his jacket - and denies that there's anything strange, but says he wants to go outside because he feels like something's choking him! Sara worries that he will disappear on her again. He walks backwards out of the room so no one will notice the ginormous camera-lump under his jacket.

Lola gives Tomas's cell number to PM. PM dials the number from Lola's desk. Immediately, Alicia's boobs start ringing. Oh, wait, it's her phone. She answers. PM asks for Tomas. Alicia hangs up. PM seems confused. (Alicia's desk is maybe 15 feet away. Maybe. I don't think it's even that far.)

As Alicia struggles to wedge the phone back into her bodice, Lola, Sara, Martha, and PM combine their brainpower and figure out that it probably wasn't a coincidence that Alicia answered and hung up at the same time as Tomas's phone. Wow. What's next, cold fusion?

PM informs Lety of this incredible development. She says she tried to call Tomas, but a woman answered. Lety doesn't have a flashback, but she might be remembering the time that Tomas went out drinking with the HaHas and gave his previous cell phone to a cocktail waitress, and had to go out drinking again on the night of Lety's birthday party in order to get the waitress to pay for all the calls she'd made. (She didn't pay, but he won some money at bingo, so it turned out OK.)

And that's why my recaps are so long. I have flashbacks even when Fern and Lety don't. PM fills Lety in on the cuartel's theory.

Out in the Vortex, Marcia asks Alicia if she's completed her tasks yet. Alicia says she doesn't know who to ask for the tickets, etc. Marcia reminds her that Tomas is the person to ask, and her flight leaves at 7 that evening. Marcia is displeased that Tomas isn't around and tells Alicia to find him. After Marcia stomps out, Alicia harasses Lola about Tomas's whereabouts. (Martha hisses at Alicia, and Alicia asks if she's deflating.) Lola offers to call Tomas's cell phone. Alicia backs off.

Lety and PM step into the Vortex with Lety's phone. Lety dials.

Alicia (facing away from Lety): Hello? Yes?
Lety: Tomas Mora?
Alicia: He's not here, this isn't - uh - who's calling?
Lety (hanging up walking towards Alicia): It's LETICIA PADILLA SOLIS!

Ah, the look of horror on Alicia's face.

In Lety's shiny new Bored

Tomas stops at a traffic light and pulls out his photo of Alicia. He explains to the photo why he couldn't tell her the truth about Aldo being in love with Lety. He feels badly that this is going to hurt her. He marvels at Lety's luck and wonders why he can't have the same kind of luck. He admits he's as ugly as Lety, but more likeable. He giggles. Good, no self-esteem issues there!

That's it for Tomas in the car. For the life of me I don't know why they bothered with the expense of such a pointless location shot. Perhaps it was part of a longer scene showing off the beauty of the practical, affordable, yet sporty and luxurious Bored.

Back to the Vortex - no one can escape!

Lety asks Alicia what she's doing with Tomas's phone. Marcia shows up and grumpily asks Lety when Tomas is coming back. Lety says she's looking for him too. Marcia wants her plane tickets and such. Lety says Tomas let someone borrow his phone. Marcia angrily says that the whole company is paralyzed because Tomas lent his phone. Lety asks Alicia to tell Marc where the phone is. Alicia plucks the phone out of her top - it's about ready to fall out on its own anyway - and "explains" that she's borrowing it from Tomas.

With grim satisfaction, Lety informs Marcia that the whole company is paralyzed because Miss Ferreira borrowed Tomas's phone. She asks Alicia to give Tomas's phone back when he returns so the company can resume its functions. She goes back to her own office.

Marcia complains to Alicia that she can't stand Lety. She thinks she owns the place! (She does!) Alicia tells Marcia that she came on a bit strong, too. Marcia teases Alicia about Tomas being her ex-lover. The cuartel leans forward to hear better as Alicia denies that Tomas was ever her lover. "So what was he, your sweaty handyman?" Marcia says (I think). Alicia claims it was just a screw-up on her part. Marcia says if she hates him so much, why did she ask him for his phone? (Martha and/or Sara fall over their desks trying to hear.) Alicia insists that he offered it to her; she never asked. He gave it to her. Marcia scolds her for not having any dignity. Alicia says she'd rather be without dignity than be without a phone.

Based on what they've overheard, the geniuses of the cuartel are even more sure than ever that Tomas and Cornilocks were lovers.

Marcia stalks off towards Lety's office, while the cuartel wonder if they're going to fight. Huh, ya think?

Tomas enters the Vortex just as Marcia leaves. The cuartel greets him excitedly, and he thinks they're admiring his New Look. They advise him that Lety's looking for him. Alicia mentions that Marcia's looking for him too, and she's very annoyed. She pulls Tomas aside and tells him that Lety found out about the phone. Tomas insists that she keep it. She seems so happy that he expects another kiss, but she waves him away, saying that Lety's waiting, but he hints to her that he's going to stop in his own office first. (Amazingly, she doesn't follow him there to express her gratitude.)

Alone in her office, Lety observes that the Monster Ladyparts Seashell of Doom hasn't been turned over in a while. She meditates on that for a bit until Marcia comes along to ask for something. "I have it here," Lety says, opening a folder - but inside that folder is a copy of the Fern photo with Marcia's arm. Lety slams the folder shut and thought-bubbles that she's sure now why Omar was hiding in her old office.

Marcia is yelling at her that Tomas has disappeared and she's not going to be able to make her trip to London. (So... I guess there's only one flight from Mexico to London per month. How unfortunate.) "Do you think this is a game?" Marcia asks. Sheesh, what a grouch! She says that Lety and Aldo came up with this trip to get rid of her and now she has to beg for her ticket and money! Lety says it's not a game and Marcia doesn't have to beg, but neither can she come strolling into Lety's office demanding the tickets when she doesn't have them.

Marcia then begins a sarcastic rant about "your office" and how, thanks to the liens, she's now the owner, soul, and mistress of Conceptos. Lety tells her that every time she has to leave Conceptos and come back, she likes it less. It's like being surrounded by enemies.

Marcia says it's all Lety's fault, and she's resentful and vengeful, and the only thing she wants is to take Fern.

Lety tries to tell Marcia that she's been very correct with Fern, when Marcia spies a copy of the photo in Lety's in-box. She demands an explanation, but proceeds to give that explanation herself: "I recognize this. I was in this photo and you copied it and cut me out of it. This is the limit. Do you want my wedding dress too? And I can also give you the wedding gifts that I haven't returned yet."

Lety denies all of this and asks why she would want a photo of Fernando. "You tell me," Marcia answers, and she looks like she's on the verge of a nervous breakdown. (Tomas watches nervously from the doorway.) Lety says she suspects Omar. Marcia finds this charge laughable. Lety insists that she doesn't want to hear about Fern, talk about him, see him, etc.

Marcia says she doesn't believe her. Lety says that's Marcia's problem, but since they hate each other so much, Marcia can keep the company, and Lety will leave.

Marcia says "Excellent." Tomas interrupts and tells them he went to the bank, made their interest payments, and took care of things for Marcia's trip. It's ready now and she can have them at any time. He begs Lety not to resign and reminds her of her obligations. He rehashes them for our mutual convenience, taking a lot of the wind out of Marcia's sails, and reminds both women that they need to work together. Marcia agrees and says she can't wait to be done with this hell. Lety says she wants the same thing.

In a much more civil tone, Marcia asks Lety if she thinks they'll really be able to pay their debts on time. Lety says she's trying to do the impossible. Marcia says something about returning in 20 days and she and Lety won't have to share... (Lety gives her a funny look) office. Lety says she would love not to have to come in and see her, too.

Marcia gives her a radiantly sarcastic smile and leaves. In the Vortex, inspiration strikes (Marcia seems uniquely unaffected by its stupidity rays) and she makes a detour to Omar's office, where a quick search reveals a folder containing the cut photo and several copies of the Fernando half. Marcia vows to pluck out his eyeballs.

She asks Sara where Omar went. Sara says he went outside for some air. He was (she mimics him) "choking." "Choking? And he hasn't even run into me yet." She asks what time he arrived this morning. Sara says he got there at 8, which is early for him, and was using the copy machine.

Back in the Monster Ladyparts etc. grotto

Lety shows Tomas the copied half-photo. "I'm sure it was Omar," she tells him. Marcia bursts in, a cyclone of rage. "I want to get as far away from Omar as possible!" She rifles through Lety's things wanting to know if there are more photos. Lety talks her down and says she's just glad Marcia understands that it wasn't Lety's doing. Tomas is aghast at Omar's prank. Marcia asks if Lety knows anything else about this. Lety says she didn't see Omar do it, but he had been hiding in the batcave.

"Fantastic! Marvelous!" And with that, Marcia turns on her heel and marches out of Lety's office.

Funny, I don't recall hearing an "I'm sorry I accused you of stalking my ex-fiance who loves you and hates me," but perhaps that will come later. ;-)

Lety pulls Tomas's ear and yells at him for letting Alicia have the phone. She demands that he take it back from her. He begs her not to make him do that. He tells her not to worry - he'll pay the bill. Lety warns him that she can get more use out of that phone in three days than normal people would in a month (something like that, I think). He promises that he knows what he's doing.

Lety finds another copy of the Fern half-photo and is bummed. Tomas reminds her that Aldo loves her. Lety promises she will dedicate the next 20 days to forgetting Fernando, but Tomas worries that she'll want to throw herself into his arms the minute he gets back.

Steam is still coming out of Marcia's ears when she re-enters the Vortex. Alicia wants to know what happened. "If you want to know, try asking Omar," Marcia retorts, on her way someplace else. Alicia complains about her bad friend.

Omar comes back from "taking air," and Alicia immediately attempts to pump him for information as to why Marcia is so angry. He doesn't know. He asks Sara about that client. Alicia continues pestering him, saying that Marcia has to be in a good mood so she'll let Alicia borrow her car. Sara tells Omar the client is away at a golf tournament someplace and can't come in to sign the contract. They discuss (joke?) that Sara should deliver the contract to the client.

Aldo on the phone

Aldo's on the phone with Gil, telling him how well things are going. Luigi comes in to talk about the commercials and the expo. Aldo notes that it's a lot of work. Luigi says that being with Aldo turns work into nirvanalike pleasure.

Later, he tells Aldo that he'll take charge of the choreography of the big show at the expo, and Aldo will be in charge of the banquet. Aldo wants to include a tribute to mole (I hope he's talking about the buffet and not the big show). Luigi loves the idea. Aldo wants to serve the 12 main kinds of mole, four of which he's never made himself. Luigi wonders how Aldo will pull this off. Aldo says he knows someone who can supply the necessary recipe. Luigi wants to know who is the great chef whose recipes are good enough for Aldo. Aldo says he'll tell Luigi later.

I think we all know who this great chef is! Her most devoted consumers are Tomas and Moty!

Nueva York

At Yankee Stadium, if the Yankees win, they play the Frank Sinatra version of "New York, New York" at the end of the game. If the Yankees lose, they play the Liza Minnelli version instead. I know this sounds like the kind of thing I would make up, but it's true.

Anyway. In the short amount of time that Omar was getting air outside, Fern managed to get on a plane, fly to New York, go through Customs, and start walking around the city, complaining of the cold. His phone rings - it's Marcia. "Tell me one thing," she demands. (He is not thrilled that the first thing he hears in New York City is Marcia's voice.) "Hi Marcia!" he answers her cheerily.

"Did you order your little friend to put a photo in Lety's office?" And with that, Marcia nips Operation Aldon't in the bud.

Fernando acquires another admirer.

insult of the day
pelos de elote=Cornilocks. Because "pelos de oro" would be "locks of gold," or Goldilocks; "pelos de elote" is "locks of corn." How sweet it is!


I love your recaps Julie, you are trully dedicated to pump them out and post them at all hours! That's all I have to say, other than I agree with Luigi; Aldo looked scrumptious in black and Don Fernando looked great in his Nuevo York atire as well. I know a lot of you out there can't stand Aldo but let's face it, whoever she picks, Lety can't lose!


Thanks so much Julie. I thought that might be you doing the recap. We love your sense of humor!
Fernando looked gorgeous in New York. I don't know who the new woman is but I still don't think anyone can replace Lety in his heart.
Marcia, will you never give it up???
I'm hoping she will meet someone really nice in Europe and finally detach her claws from Fern.
Poor Omar, he tried to be helpful to Fern but this was a dumb stunt. Maybe he'll come up with something else more clever!

Carrie L.

Is the woman in NYC that ghastly villainess from Barrera, Chantal? BLEGH.

Mariana Seoane, she was in a novela called Rebecca (2003) and Amor Gitano she's actually a singer who released a self titled CD around the time the novela was out. I think she sang the main lead in song.

I liked this episode very much. I feel bad the the plan ended but it was funny while it lasted. When they caught Omar, I was like nooo, i was closing my eyes and then peeking, saying Omar who in the world are you going to get out of this one. Looking for Erasmo in the drawer, cute. '

I even liked seeing Fern at the airport yelling at Omar. He even told "Dot" desde nino es tontito.

In the Team Fer/Team Aldo turf wars...I gotta expalin myself...I am NOT a Fer shipper because he is muy guapo (though he is), it is simply the fun factor...Aldo is fine looking too (in a white guy kinda way), but he is sooo good. I realize many people have the Fer fantasy, but seriously even if I coulda ever gotten a guy like him, we'd just ended up spending all Ma & Pa Mendolia's $ and be destitute in a coffee bar in Amsterdam..pimping Omar out to sex starved middle age American Women.
I always root for the fun guy...example give me Demian over Gabe in Mundo anytime...granted Demian is a BSC psycho killer, but he really gets a kick out of it.
Aldo is a nice perfect guy, as I said in a different forum, if they could put steady, rock-solid, appeal to the masses in a can, yes it would be Aldo-Whiz, ummmm good on a cracker...Now Fernando and Omar...super sour pop-rocks, makes you pucker up, but you gotta keep doing them.
Anyhow that is just my opinion...
If I was on Lost, I'd pick Sawyer to hang with everytime over Jack..and on Grey's McSteamy hands down over McDreamy.

Beckster, thanks for the explanation, it makes perfect sense. Myself, I feel so burned and beaten down by life that all I fantasize after is peace and quiet. Pretty pathetic, eh? Fern is adorable but from my aged standpoint he is a baby and I'm glad he's somebody else's problem.

Speaking of somebody else's problem: having two utterly gorgeous guys swooning over you? Whoah.

Julie, what a roar this recap was! I had to hold in my giggles because I didn’t want to be overheard (shades of Omar). Thanks! (I like your flashbacks, too. They’re every bit as creative as the screenwriters’ flashbacks). I agree, Lety’s Mami has to be the great chef Aldo is proposing to use in the Expo. Thanks for the vocab, too. I couldn’t figure out why hair was mentioned there. Makes sense now.

“Operation Aldon’t” is pure genius (the term, not Fern’s plan)! For a gal who writes computer stuff, you sure have a way with comedy. You missed your calling. I hope you’re right an Marcia comes crawling eventually to thank Lety for saving her from a disaster with Fern. I think Fern and Lety may end up together, but if he ends up with Marcia, she’s a goner. She’s gonna have a lot of years ahead like this if that happens.

I wonder if that girl in the previews is the "extranjera" that PG told Lety about? Could be.....


beckster, you absolutely read my mind!! I am a Lost fanatic, and also have eyes for Sawyer. Gotta love the bad boys!


I don't like that new woman in NY, I don't care who she is, I don't like her. Why do they have to throw another woman at Fern? Why can't they show Marcia in London having a fling with Prince Harry? And another thing -- cada noche we see enough of Alicia's...uh...attributes, but last night's extreme close-up of those attributes clasping the cell phone was way over the top, you should pardon the expression. I think they filmed Fern really in NY, it looks too real to be a blue screen type of shot. Omar used to drive me crazy, but I'm liking him more and more for the comedy routines he goes through. Aldo -- I don't care one way or the other because I really believe Lety and Fern will end up together. Not a spoiler, it's just that we've gone through so much with them that our reward will be their reunion. At least that's what I pray for every night to the telenovela gods.

It really is NY & it was filmed back in like Nov.

I agree that we invested to much time in fern and lety for them not to get togehter in the end. Also important to think about. Why would they not? Each week, no matter who lety is with, the video clips show Fern and lety hugging in the train/bus terminal and her singing to him. How could it end with Aldo, with this clip each week. How could it end with aldo, if all the cd labels have fern and lety on it. Regarding aldo. Can't stand him and I don't like the idea that lety's mom might be the chef???? Is that to get closer to lety????? Notice how he still plays up to luigi and touches him, knowing what this does. No one can tell me that he is not a manipulator. even if it was a revenge thing for letty. The problem is not his and these people did nothing to him but idolize him.

I agree that we invested to much time in fern and lety for them not to get togehter in the end. Also important to think about. Why would they not? Each week, no matter who lety is with, the video clips show Fern and lety hugging in the train/bus terminal and her singing to him. How could it end with Aldo, with this clip each week. How could it end with aldo, if all the cd labels have fern and lety on it. Regarding aldo. Can't stand him and I don't like the idea that lety's mom might be the chef???? Is that to get closer to lety????? Notice how he still plays up to luigi and touches him, knowing what this does. No one can tell me that he is not a manipulator. even if it was a revenge thing for letty. The problem is not his and these people did nothing to him but idolize him.

As a staunch member of the Anti Aldo team, I feel compelled to note that Aldo's creepy sucking in of breath over his Chiclet teeth was just one baby step short of a Hannibal Lecter imitation. Ghastly.

I really, really, really hope we'll get some clarification as to what the heck Aldo intends for Luigi.

When Aldo tried to explain about the bear, Luigi changed the subject, but I really think Aldo could have tried harder to get his point across.

Subtlety, like "thanks for the FLOWER," isn't effective, especially when Aldo compounds the confusion by tolerating Luigi's flirting and occasionally appearing to flirt back (or behave in a way that a lovesick person could misconstrue as flirting).

They teach you in Psych 101 that intermittent reinforcement is even more effective than consistent reinforcement, so Aldo's mixed messages are causing considerable grief.

I don't think Aldo is being mean on purpose. He's expressed concerns about not wanting to hurt people's feelings by telling the truth. But their feelings are getting hurt anyway, and if it was me, I'd rather be hurt by hearing the truth, than by making a fool of myself over a misunderstanding.

Julie, thanks for the great recap. I too thinks Aldo's actions toward Luigi were questionable, in that he wasn't setting hard enough boundaries for Luigi. The action that bothered me the most was when he took the end of Luigi's scarf and wrapped it up around L's shoulder. That's the tender action of a would-be lover, not hands off in a business setting. Aldo did look great in the shirt and jacket, btw.

And I need to proofread more carefully, as in I think, not thinks. Sorry.

And I need to proofread more carefully, as in I think, not thinks. Sorry.

Fern holding up the phone for "Dot" to listen into was soooo funny.

I was a little creeped out by the Aldo/Luigi scene with the rose. The word uncomfortable comes to mind.

Aldo is a fine one for saying he doesn't want to hurt anyone by telling the truth. What the heck kind of message is that. And unless he is totally stupid he knows full well what he is doing to Luigi.

Yep the NYC girl is Marianna Seoane who can't be just floating through like an extra. She, like Juan Soler, is an over the title credited actress, so she has to be the foreigner PG mentioned. It will be very interesting to see how Fern reacts to her. She is sure to cause problems between Fern and Lety just by being around him since Lety does tend to have a dog in the manager attitude, she is hell bent on forgetting Fern but she won't be happy to see someone else with him especially someone as beautiful as this woman. I just hope Fern doesn't get into one of those stupid novela games of using her to make Lety jealous, while Lety does the same with Aldo.

Dot and Fern on the phone with her comment about Omar was hilarious.

It is a sad state of affairs when a random stranger like Dot is funnier than the entire cuartel trying to figure out if Alicia has Tomas's phone.

Interesting about Marianna, I just checked her credits on my Russian site and she gets no credit for having been in LFMB. I had read that Laisha Wilkens was to have appeared, she is credited and listed in the novela world website but so far no appearance. Maybe LFMB is like smash hits like The Sopranos where every actor wants to get in on the action. In any event Marianna has kind of an interesting sexy voice. Someone mentioned Amor Gitano which was fabulous and she was great in it.

I too have joined the I like Omar club even if he is an idiot. He certainly doesn't know how to think fast on his feet.

Was it just me or was Lety a little testy with people and i didn't like her resorting to her usual habit of threatening to run when things don't go her way,

She is the president of the company and should have told Marcia to get over it and do the job she is being paid to do. I won't have any respect for her until she finally just stands up to Marcia and stops acting like the woman is her superior.


I am not an Aldo fan either, other than he is a good guy and truly loves Lety for who she is and all......but for a long time now Aldo has been acting a little too flirty towards Luigi. He does send mixed signals, poor Luigi has reason to believe there could be a chance with Aldo. Especially if Aldo doesn't flat out tell him he is just not interested. And this is of course just my opinion.....the more and more i think about it. I can not help but think that in the end of La Fea, it will be Fern and Lety together and the twist would be Aldo and Luigi end up together!!! I mean for all we know Aldo could swing both ways, right?? Well someone has to end up with Luigi....


Good call...I have seen Juan Soler in other TeleNovelas...I don't remember the billboard chiclet teeth....but then I was always kinda meh about him & didn't have the full-on psycho hate thing I have going now...maybe he got some serious veneers, wouldn't a platinum grill look awesome with those?

I was yelling, would u please stop doing that at the tv yesterday with Aldo touching and getting close to Luigi, I don't necesarily dislike Aldo but i really wish he would cut that out, it's starting to annoy me. Doesn't he realize that it makes Luigi think he has a shot?


OMG, you all make me laugh. Thanks again Julie for the wonderful recap.

The highlights last night were definitely Fernando in the airport with Dot and the last little bit with him in NYC. And of course, Omar's scenes were right up there.

Why are Alicia and Marcia friends? Is it because no one else would put up with them? I just cannot figure their relationship out.

Man oh man, the cuartel doesn't have even one brain between the whole lot of them. I think they need to see the Wizard.

Aldo and Luigi's scenes last night were so flirty. It is kinda sad that their is more chemistry between Aldo and Luigi than there is betw. Aldo and Lety (IMO). Perhaps they will end up together, but I still think that Aldo and Marcia just might be a couple by the time this is over.

I do hope that Fernando resists using this chica nueva as a way to make Lety jealous. His plan is to convince her of his love, not to drive her into jealousy. So he better watch his step.

Yes, I do agree that Fernando's humor is what makes him most attractive. Aldo isn't bad looking, he's just suspect because he's too good to be true, and then there is the close talker thing and the chiclet teeth. And of course he's gotten the cuartel's stamp of approval---so that makes him a no go in my opinion.

If it were fun factor as a decider in Lost, I'd have to go with Hurley then Sawyer. For Grey's, I'd pick George. I guess I am just attracted to the most neurotic of the lot. What does that say about me?

I really liked the Dot and Fern scene at the airport also! It might be fun if they would bring her in again as Fern's new bud. I'm so tired of the Conceptos gang with the exception now of Tomas and Omar.
Aldo with Luigi was just like Aldo with anyone else but Fern. I would love to see him with the PG guy and let them "out-psychic" each other.
PG I like very much but Aldo is just too new age for me.

Carrie L.

Last week I was wishing the phrase elsewhere "meanwhile back at the cave" could be used in here and you come up with BATCAVE. hooray.


I Have still been thinking about the date with Ariel. What a perfect couple he and Lety make. The way they look at each other... If only Ariel would call her "me Lety" I am sure we would all agree.

Actually I am sure we would all faint!

I didn't watch the first 15 min of La Fea until after the rest of the show was over. I thought it was so funny how fern and Dot were listening to Omar on the phone. I didn't like the first few scenes though.

Aldo is going in for the kill. With Fern away, I dread what is going to happen. The way Aldo backed her up against the desk in the last episode made me sick. He knows that Lety does not feel for him the way he feels for her, yet he is only thinking of conquering her. And he knows full well what Luigi feels for him, yet he continues to flirt.
I am looking forward to seeing Fern in NYC, wish I would have known back in November. Imagine just seeing him on the street.
The thing that saves Fern from being too good looking is his humor, silliness and vulnerabilty. That's what makes him so real.
Thanks for the recap, Julie and everyone else for all your comments.

Since I grew up on a large farm in Iowa we raised livestock (hogs), and I KNOW the sound of hogs squealing. Omar MUST have listened to hogs at some point, because his screams sounded more like a pig's SQUEAL to me! When he does that, it totally cracks me up! What a loveable numbskull! At least I hope his head is numb by now, since he seems determined to continue to hit it! (If it isn't a little numb yet, he must have a serious Migraine going on by now)!

About the Aldo teeth sound thingy--do you think that it might actually be a cultural Argentian thing? I mean in some cultures guys make certain sounds, whistles, etc., when they are trying to convey their attraction to the other person. I got the idea that he was trying to be affectionate to Lety on his way out of the door and that it was his way to let her know he was really turned on to her. I know you guys will really like that idea,huh? LOL!!

What do you think Omar meant when he was talking about the "Apple of Discord"?? I have an idea, but I have probably already put out too many cultural theories for one writing! ;) Just was wondering what others might think...???


You just got me in trouble in class. I couldn't hold in my laugh. You hit that one right on the head about that horrible hiss!

Beckster - I absolutely agree. Really, could Aldo be anymore boring? I need a man who's going to be entertaining; I have enough philosophies of my own.

"Apple of Discord"?? actually made me think of greek mythology Aris or something (not that i know the whole story but I remember seeing a cartoon, The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy, they had the character of Aris carrying around a gold apple of discord) and when my uncle was in the hospital. He really really wanted an apple (but doc said no food yet) and it was getting my aunt frustrated. When he was able to have his apple, whenever somebody wanted an apple, it was followed by manzana de la discordia=apple of discord.

The apple of discord is from Greek mythology. It was supposed to be given to the fairest of the goddess and Hera, Aphrodite and Athena got into it with each other. It eventually led to the Trojan war. I'm pretty sure it was Aphrodite, knowing how men are, who promised the guy, Paris, who was supposed to bestow the apple the most beautiful woman rather than riches, wisdom etc... He chose Helen, who was married to Menalaus, the king of Sparta, kidnapped her and brought her back to Troy, and then some serious trouble began...
Sorry, I'm a teacher, I can't help explaining things...

So, okay, if this is from ancient literature, how did Omar (who often appears dumb as a post) know it? There's a mystery here. Perhaps he's not the ditz we believe him to be and he's hidingn all that intelligence...

Jeanne, also a schoolmarm

LOL! i wish for once Lety would slap the s*&t out of Marcia cant stand how she blames Lety for every little problem in that place.NOT COOL.


I think Omar is more of a ditz than actually stupid. I think Seinfeld called the male variety a "mimbo."


Lety can't slap the &%#$# out of Marcia because Lety blames Fern for everything that goes wrong. ;-)

For me, the comment of the day is Beckster's "disclaimer".
LOL! Pimping out Omar--just too funny!!
Proud mama, I think you may have something there with the Aldo/Luigi theory.
I am begining to think Aldo does not discourage Luigi because he is bi.


LOL,You guys are soo Funny!!! I agree, Omar is a mimbo and I also wanted to slap Marcia when she called Lety resentful and vengeful, wasn't that a typical case of "El burro ablando de orejas"
Just my two cents.


Sorry What i meant on another post on youtube was dont go to youtube if you hate spoilers for me that means not just the finale but for what may happen next week and what i meant by You'll regret it is if you love this show and dont want to see how it ends or wat happens in the future dont see cuz even if you go just to see the "cute little music videos" you may see some scenes that you may not like

Sorry if i confused everyone about the youtube thing that was my bad!!
i didnt mean just about the finale.

and jeanne ur not a party pooper lol =)

besides that i really like what they are doing to the novela i agree with whoever said that we should thank aldo becuz lets face it how would this show be if we didnt have aldo can you imagine life without the jeolous face ferni gets when he sees aldo or when hes eavesdropping on aldo and lety?lets face it this show would be really boring without our lovealble aldo or papito according to the cuartel

i was commenting to my mom about Aldo's chiclet teeth and she told me something intresting, she said Juan Soler smokes cigars and he's been known to have stained teeth. I guess since his character is smiling a lot, his teeth got a good cleaning.

anonymous 6:31,Lety might blame Fernando (and she is justified) for her broken heart but she is fare to everyone even Alicia and Marcia.Marcia has always treated Lety like dirty even when she on the wrong she never apologizes.When Lety has not done anything Marcia is Still complaining or when Marcia wants something she can never be polite to Lety....... really Marcia's attitude towards Lety is nasty thats why Fernando cant help falling in love with Lety.

Oh good answers to the "apple of discord"!! See, I was on a totally other theory-(what else is new)?
I was thinking of the apple from the Garden of Eden which the serpent supposedly used to seduce Eve, thus sowing discord between man and God. Is Aldo using apples to seduce Lety?? That may be sort of a "devilish" comparison on my part, but since so many think he is being sort of sneaky and pushy to get what he ultimately wants-- (separation of Lety from Fernando)don't you think it could fit? I really thought Omar was referring to THAT apple--symbol of seduction....
BTW, I am a teacher, too! Geez, what does this say about all of us?? ;)

Beckster, how do you know it was really filmed here? Did you read any articles? I'm getting goosebumps just thinking that I might have been near Jaime Camil four months ago. I noticed they panned to Times Square, and I can see that corner from my office window right now--the one with the news ticker.

Gracias, M3L!SSA!

A good schoolmarm wouldn't spell "hiding" incorrectly, so I am correcting my previous typo.

Jeanne, embarassed schoolmarm

Jeanne--I'm a teacher, too and I constantly have typos. I've said typos are what keep me humble. Even though I proof read and proof read I still end up with the darn things. I think it's just that I'm thinking faster than I can type and my fingers really cannot keep up.

Anyway, I was talking to my sister about yesterday's show and she commented that she wondered with Alibubi's convenient spot to carry the phone what Motorola thinks. I told her that it is all about product placement. Then we both started to laugh at that. What a double meaning that could be.

As for Aldo's teeth, I imagine that he's had major dental work done. And if he's a smoker even more so. I'd love to know what strength of a bleaching agent he is using.

I don't even live near NYC, and I am excited to think that Jaime was in my country. I am obsessed.

Yep, we greedy people over on TeleNovela Forum that followed the Mexican Version, also followed the Esmas stuff and it was announced...the NY/NJ posters wanted to go check it out...but no one did..

I finally went thru some old posts...I guess around Oct 13 Rosy O'Campo was on Hoy and announced the show would be filming in NY & finishing around end Dec/beginning of Jan...well we all now how that worked out.

Meanwhile shoutout to "TEAM FERNANDO" a huh a huh a huh

Oh that 'apple of discord'. At first I was thinking about Adam and Eve... But my mom said it might be the apple in Snow White and the seven dwarfs... it came in a basket.

As for Jaime being in the country, he is said to have lived in Miami for the last two or so years. Isn't that what he posted in that interview someone translated last week?

treasa. I agree with you about aldo being bi. Another theory. His wife left him because he was found with another guy? How's that one.

Regarding the person who suggested not to watch Youtube. Each time you explain yourself it gets worse. Especially for someone like me who reads every word, because I only want to see lety and fern in the end. Again, you commented, "I mean, you might see scenes you don't like". That still tells me that I am going to see lety with someone else. What else would matter on the youtube. I think most of us want to see lety and fern, so if there is something we might not want to see, it would be about that??????

With Omar. I actually like the guy a whole lot now. He and fern hit it off so well. It would be nice to know to men that are like that. They are cute together. Omar is like a puppy dog and follows whatever fern says ROTF

I'm in the middle of watching the Thursday show (Fern is pulling all that stuff out of his suitcase) all by myself and I just burst out saying: HE IS SUCH A DINGBAT!!!! How adorable, and when he speaks English, oh yum. But -- yes, neurotics R us.

Well, you east coasters might have had Fernie awhile back, but we west coasters got him now - well, not exactly, he's in Ensenada at a beautiful resort filming a movie. The teeny bopper inside of my middle-aged body is dying to escape and take a day off and go down there.
However, Mexico (Tijuana etc) is supposed to be a little dangerous right now to touristas - so I havent been down there for 6 months. Who thinks Fernie is worth a little danger?

you were watching melinama, LOL...he was sooo adorable. I want to hear him speak more English.

I loved the talking to the person on the side thing he tried to pull that the Carla character didn't fall for. that was funny.

I'm watching Thurs episode and can't wait to post. HE COULD NOT BE MORE ADORABLE! It would be against the law, I am sure.

This is going to go down in history as one of my favorite episodes. Sandy

to anon 11:32, what's going on in Baja? I used to live in SD and am know out of state. problems??

The 2011 discussion for Capitulos 225 & 226 is at this link.

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