Saturday, April 07, 2007

Acorralada #58 Wednesday 4/4/07 Here comes the bride . . . again (or "Fool me once . . .")

Sorry this is so late, folks. Life intervened. (Actually, I had to go back and watch some missed scenes, but I fell asleep.)

Andres is in the Little House, where Debora is tied up. She is remembering how she got kidnapped after the party by two masked men. She asks him to help her escape.

Max and Marfil are resuming their argument in Emilio’s living room. He is drunk. She says she has always loved him. He says no. They talk about how she was unconscious for two years, he no longer loves her, doesn’t she realize, now he knows what class of woman she is. It’s not really making much sense. I am too bored to care.

Fedora is lip synching at the bar. Caramelo and Jorge are talking about Caramelo’s lost relationship. He says she’ll be over Pancho in a couple of months. Then Caramelo is talking to Gaviota. Gaviota can’t reach Paco on the phone. She’s been trying to call to tell him the good news that now she has time for love.
Caramelo is happy for her. All women suffer for love, they conclude.

At Hospital TeleMiami, Gaby and Diana are waiting to see how Pancho is. While they wait they rehash the usual irrational Irascible hate. Gaby is upset by all of Gaviota’s hate. More blah blah blah.

Debora and Andres continue talking.

At the hospital, the operation on Pancho is a success. I guess that he and his brother won’t be competing together as a wheelchair volleyball team.

Back to Little House and Isabel comes back. He says to her, guess who’s in there—that’s my wife. He wants her to let Debora go, but as best as I can understand it, she says she can’t help him because she’s being paid by someone else (so blood is not thicker than water). Anyway, she says, Debora’s a traitor. He warns her not to let anything happen to his dear spouse.

Pancho and Paola speak by his hospital bed. He looks drunk, but I suppose it’s the anesthetic. They bill and coo. Isn’t it wonderful that he has recovered. What a close call. Someone wants to silence him—we don’t know who. He tells her not to tell Lala.

Gaby goes over to the church with her dress and talks to the priest.

Diana and Max are talking at the mansion. He has come to collect Granny’s dolls. They talk about Granny moving in, but Fedora won’t allow it. Diana says she will convince Fedora. Max says that when she acts like this, she’s like the old sweet Diana. But after a moment’s hesitation, she goes right back to Detesting Diana. She says his family deserves everything they’re getting. Once she was in court being judged, now it’s their turn, etc.
Max gets kind of angry, and raises his voice above his usual monotone. Lips remain in lemon-sucking position, however. He asks her what she feels about him, and she says just compassion and pity. He storms out to get the dolls, but his storming is reduced in impact due to his goofy white shoes, which are beginning to look like circus clown shoes.

Rene and the Bonbon are talking. She says his visits do her a lot of good. Her old friends are not taking her calls. More of their odd May-December flirtation. Rene tells Yolanda she’s not so old. She says she doesn’t want to go out with such a young guy.

Paco and Octave are walking on the beach. She is wearing a surprisingly subdued sundress in white cotton with blue flowers. They are talking about how they stayed up all night—talking. Now we hope we’ll get some background, but of course, since she is a fleeing felon, we’re not going to get much.

He says that so many years they were waiting, and with all the time that time, he never knew anything much about her. She reminds him that she was a married woman and had to hide things. She tells him that she has three children (and thought bubbles that “my daughter Paola is yours.”). He reminds her that he told her yesterday that he also has a daughter and hopes that they all will be great friends (we know that Paola and Caramelo are already great friends . . . ).

She then wants to confide in him. She loves him still but fears that he loves another. He says he was very truthful with her the day before, that he told her that with all the years apart, he took up with someone else (anyone else get this? He makes it seem as if he’s been with Fedora for a long time, but she hasn’t been out of prison long. I’m confused).
But he never stopped thinking about her (Alicia) and he doesn’t want to lose her. You are the only thing I want. Octave thought bubbles that the “other woman” must be Fedora. She won’t let him go back to her. Paco is mine!

Gaby is in the church with the priest. The priest tells her she’s one of the most beautiful brides he’s ever seen. Larry is driving over in his gigantic SUV, wearing his tuxedo. Pilar is following him and calls Kiki.

Gaby is praying to God in the church to thank him for this wonderful blessing.
Gaby really does look pretty. Her wedding dress is much better than the first one.

Fedora is still trying to reach Paco. Leaves her third message. Guess she’s not going to reach him again because he’s frolicking on the beach with Octave. It’s a miracle she can move her body. Her face doesn’t move.

Back to Larry: We see the diabolical plot of Kiki and Pilar. Larry stops the car at a stop sign and Kiki walks in front of the car and simply hurls himself at the front of the stationary vehicle and falls to the side to fake an accident. The hurling stunt is pretty funny, as he has to heave himself pretty high up to be on the hood of the SUV. Pilar is watching and calls police anonymously.

Nancy and Diana talk. Nancy tells Diana that Diana shouldn’t deny that she loves Max. Diana does deny it. Nancy looks dubious. Then she prays for Diana. (I suppose if Diana gets back together with Max, the way is clear for Nancy to have Diego.)

Larry is arrested. Pilar laughs from her hiding place. Obviously that blind servant was left at the altar, she exults!

Gaby tells the priest that Larry asked her to marry him just as a joke. You really have to feel sorry for Gaby here. She's also just about the only innocent person left in this mess, aside from Granny DS.

Paco and Octave are frolicking on the beach. She wants him to stay. He mentions Caramelo. No, let her be, says Octave. Let’s rediscover and reinvent ourselves. (well, she was planning on plastic surgery. Won’t that option be out now?)

Let’s recoup our lost time. Then Paco begins thought bubbling that he is a traitor to Gaviota.

Fedora and Diana are in the bar talking about moving in to the mansion. Diana wants Granny DS to move in She says she’s a good woman with a mind of a child. Gaviota wonders if the Irascibles will permit it. She agrees to the plan.

Someone comes in to tell them that Pancho is shot, Caramelo overhears and runs to hospital.

Diego and Lala are talking at the hospital.

Diana and Caramelo go to the hospital.

Gaby cries.

Larry is in jail. Couldn't he have called the priest with his cell phone before he was arrested? Oh, yeah. That's why we call him Lunkhead.

In the hospital, Pilar finds Kiki waiting for treatment for his fake wounds (funny—they’re all in the same ER, but each group doesn’t see the other. I suppose that the Pancho group is no longer in the ER but in some surgical wing). Pilar fills him in on the success of the plan. Gaby will now hate Larry more. But they need a special finishing touch. Kiki will make Pilar pregnant, but they will tell everyone it’s Larry’s baby. Kiki loves this idea, as it will really solidify his relationship with Gaby. Pilar lies down on the gurney, spreads her legs and Kiki hops on. This is the only way to describe this stomach-churning situation. Yech.

Gaby is worried as time passes. She begins to think Larry is doing this as vengeance for his family.

Max collects the dolls. Diana says she wants to see Granny. Her saintly love for Granny is a bit much, especially with her latest behavior. Diana tells Max to have Granny move in.

The Irascibles are gathered at their new homeless shelter, otherwise known as Emilio’s apartment. Granny says she likes the new place, but she really misses the old place. Marfil tries to get the old lady to stop yammering, but Max tells Marfil to shut up. They discuss where Granny will live. Granny wants her “Dianita,” as usual.

Gaby is remembering her first wedding in Las Vegas as the horror of the second wedding sinks in. She continues to think that Larry set her up to make fun of her and for vengeance.

Larry is in jail lamenting that he knows what Gaby must be thinking.

Caramelo goes to the hospital to see Pancho and apparently bypasses the other family members. Who did this, she asks. “The Organization.” She tells him how much she loves him. He is torn between two loves. He tells Caramelo that Paola is there, and she says it doesn’t matter. Then he tells her that he married Paola. She is impactada.


Thanks for the recap!

I absolutely LOVED it when Kike jumped up on the hood of Larry's car, and then topped it off by knocking his own head on the pavement. It was one of the goofiest scenes I've seen on this show - and there have been plenty of them to choose from!

Thanks for the recap! =)

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