Saturday, October 06, 2007
Acorralada #185 Friday 10-5-07 – AND THEY ALL LIVE HAPPILY EVER AFTER!!!
Jorge proposes to Sylvie on stage and she accepts! The crowd goes wild and chants for them to kiss. Finally Sylvie sees some action. How long has she waited? 184 episodes?
Roddy and Fidiota discuss her miracle. Fidiota asks Roddy, "Aren't you happy I can walk?" Duh. Roddy replies of course he's ecstatic! He was just afraid she might have fallen and hurt their baby. They then have a sappy moment about how much they love one another and all the things she wants to do, now that she can walk.
Max wakes up and sees Dimwit at his side. They confess their love to one another. He wants her to kiss him since he's always the one kissing her. She obliges and then he issues a grade of "C." He wants less affection and more passion. He then wants to apologize for a bazillion times. Dimwit thinks 199 should do the trick. More sappy music as he says, "Perdon" a bunch of times. Dimwit giggles delightedly. Has Dimwit ever laughed during this show, besides when Iggy got tied up by Sylvie? All is right now in their happy little world.
***WOO HOO*** Gaby is snuggled up in bed with a bare-chested Larry (who has finally graduated from his nickname "Lunkhead"). Gaby and Larry are trying to figure out who loves whom more. They can't believe they have actually made love and have Fidiota's blessing. Gaby points out Fidiota only approves of them being a couple, probably not being TOGETHER! At any rate, one of them talks about it being a dream. Larry then gets frisky, saying he doubts he could feel so many sensations in a dream and wants to test out his theory.
Roddy carries Fidiota downstairs and they are snuggling on the sofa. Granny M comes in and they tell Granny M they are celebrating. Fidiota stood on her own! "Tonight calls for a special celebration!" Granny M goes to find
Larry and Gaby are still snuggling. He wants to stay the night, but Gaby's not so sure that's a good idea. "What would mama say?" Finally Larry brings up the "M" word. They decide to get married in six months, due to Octopus' death. "Six months it is," says Gaby. They lament they lost so much time fighting, but that will never happen again. Larry, who I may have to start calling Lunkhead again, wants to have twelve kids so he can have enough kids for a sports team. Gaby says he's crazy, with a laugh!
Roddy comes to the hospital and breaks the good news to Max. Max and Marshmallow are officially divorced. There is nothing keeping him from Dimwit now, aside from Dimwit's stubbornness. Roddy cheers Max on. "Keep fighting for her!"
Camila is shown to her cell, where she is going to have a roommate. Yolanda! Pobre de Camila, it's tough adapting to a life behind bars. Where will she wear all her scant skirts and midriff bearing tops? They talk about the irony. Yolanda tells Camila she (Yolanda) has a trial coming up and if she's lucky, she'll only have to serve a year. Camila, whose back is to Yolanda, has glycerin tears of true dolor coursing down her cheeks. Camila thinks she's going to get 10-15 years. For some unearthly reason, I actually feel bad for her.
Dimwit, now in her nursing uniform, pays Max a visit. He asks if she knows what he's holding in the red folder. Dimwit bursts his bubble by saying she does; Roddy told her. Max then goes on and on about his eternal love for Dimwit; there has never been another woman in his life that he loves as much as her. Even with all the pain, misunderstandings, fights, etc., he never stopped loving her. He then proposes, provided she's not promised to Doc V. Dimwit convinces him she and Doc V are simply good friends. Dimwit finally agrees to marry Max.
Puncho is doing pushups on the beach when a beautiful woman walks by. Puncho, doing what he does best, starts chatting her up and telling her how beautiful she is. She tells him she's there on vacation; her father is the governor of a Central American country (or something to that effect. Do Central American countries have governors?). He thinks to himself he may have found a new victim. Puncho tells her his family is in the oil business and, what a coincidence, he is also on vacation. Before you know it, they are making a dinner date and they stroll off arm in arm. With this being the last episode, I can only hope she's a scam artist like him. Wouldn't that be a hoot?!
Pobre de Lala. The police keep finding bits and pieces of Diablo. They are all sitting around in the
***MESES DESPUES*** per the scene of a boat in front of a sunset.
Marshmallow shows up to tell Max hello. Max tells her of the upcoming double wedding with him and Dimwit and Larry and Gaby. Marshmallow is happy for all of them. Marshmallow says she and Doc V have been in contact but they're taking it slowly. Max tells Marshmallow that Yolanda was sentenced to a year in jail, but will probably get out early on good behavior. Commercial.
Fidiota now has a bump. After doing the math, she's about six months along. I think Fidiota is talking about clothing. Whatever the conversation, it seems to be pretty boring. Fidiota and Roddy are still in love. "What a pity ChewKey can't share our happiness."
ChewKey is having her hair brushed at the manicomio and is sitting their glowering. The nurse gives her a magazine and as ChewKey is flipping the pages, she runs across a photo of "the marriage of international actor Larry Irascible." ChewKey admits to herself that Larry and Gaby deserve to be happy. A single glycerin tear of TRUE dolor runs down her cheek.
Marshmallow pays Doc V a visit. He is thrilled to see her. She tells him of their invite to Max and Dimwit's wedding, but she doesn't feel that would be prudent. He again asks when they'll get married. She replies "When the doctor tells me." They agree they'll get married in a month and seal the deal with a kiss. Doc V's mom and Godmum walk in and are thrilled to see Marshmallow and Doc V kissing. Que Dulce!
***DAYS LATER*** per the scene of the
Max and Larry meet Yolanda who has been released from jail, just in time to attend THE WEDDING.
The wedding. Roddy escorts Gaby down the stairs and Fidiota escorts Dimwit. Yolanda finally got a dress and hairstyle that looks marvelous on her. She was running around with a disposable camera taking pictures. This is one celebration I wish I could be at. I wonder if the cast kind of celebrates this as the end of their filming as well. Emili-Oh and Camila are there to act as witnesses. Rings are exchanged, life is good. ***BIG HAPPY SIGH*** Commercial.
More toasting by Fidiota. Max and Dimwit on their honeymoon, toasting their love with champagne on the beach. Larry and Gaby celebrating their honeymoon in bed, making up for lost time. Larry says Gaby is the most beautiful woman he's ever seen. Gaby brings up how blind she was when they first met. Larry retorts he was the blind one for not realizing how beautiful she was. Good answer Larry! Commercial.
***THREE MONTHS LATER*** per the scene of a traffic jam.
Roddy is unglued. They are stuck in traffic and Fidiota is in labor. He is beside himself and babbling incoherently. Fidiota keeps telling him to calm down. This scene goes on for awhile. Fidiota calmly calls Dimwit and Gaby to tell them the moment has arrived. Gaby and Dimwit are not only excited about the arrival of their new sib, they are also thrilled Perfumes 'R Us is now the number one perfume company in the country. They gather up their purses and head to the hospital, calling their men along the way. We then have a happy family scene with everyone gathered around the hospital bed and Fidiota holding the baby. Roddy is trying to film them all with the camcorder, but from what I can tell, he's filming the tops of everyone's head or their ears.
The show ends with everyone crowded into the living room. Dimwit and Max have Maxito crawling around on their laps. Fidiota is feeding their baby with Roddy at her side, and Gaby is snuggled on Larry's lap. Life is finally good at
***THE END***
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Friday, October 05, 2007
Acorralada #184 Thursday 10/4/07 The next to the last episode!
Lala finds out about Diego and cries bitterly. She is comforted by Granny M and Fedora.
Diana waits for the results of Max's surgery.
While she is waiting in the hall, we see a pair of boots approach. You? she says. We have to wait for a commercial to find out not surprisingly that the pair of boots belong to Larry. Larry is sporting some strange sideburns and beard growth, which are clearly indicators of his Pirate role that they gave him two hours off for in order to film this finale. He is also wearing a piratelike costume: a black velvet jacket with a big flowing white shirt underneath (like Seinfeld's puffy shirt). Subliminal promotion for Pasion!
Diana tells him that Gaby still loves him. Sharon is in the manicomio, etc. He still loves Gaby and is sorry he was such a fool.
Gaby comes out to talk to him and they go round and round about how he didn't trust her and how can he really love her, but she really loves him, and finally she takes him back. Smiles all around. They go back home to meet with Fedora. She is happy for them. They repair to Gaby's room to do the deed. Kind of icky.
Roddy breaks in just in time to save Fedora from the burning house. He puts out the raging fire with a few stomps of his feet. It looks like it's back to the manicomio for Sharon. I hope they have better security in future. Diana only finds out about this stuff well after the fact, when Roddy calls her later.
Jorge proposes to Silvita and she accepts. Awww. She is persuaded to accept him by Mariposa, who thinks he's luscious. Silvia agrees. Later, they are all performing on stage at the bar in their flamenco act. Jorge announces that they will be getting married tomorrow. Silvia says she wants to get married with the speed of light. They kiss and receive the accolades of the audience.
Fedora is sitting alone in her wheelchair. She remembers that during the fire, she managed to stand up a bit, but Sharon knocked her down. Maybe she can stand up now. Yes, her prayers to the Virgencita have been answered. She slowly moves her feet from the footrests on the wheelchair and then slowly stands up. Then Roddy comes in and almost knocks her over. She reveals the good news to him. It appears that they are going to keep it a secret from everyone else for awhile. Looks like Paco is definitely out of the picture now. I suppose he can't have Fedora, because his perfidy in marrying Octavia was so beyond the pale.
Finally, Max wakes up in the recovery room, and Diana is there. All we need for the final episode is three weddings, I suppose.
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Thursday, October 04, 2007
Acorralada Wed 10/3/07
Emilio and Caramelo are enjoying their honeymoon in Puerto Rico when Max call's Emilio's cell and tells him that he's going to turn his sister in for arson. Emilio isn't phased by this news - if she's capable of doing such a thing, she should be punished.
Sharon arrives at the mansion. She's nutty as ever - her hair's disheveled and it appears that she's developed multiple personalities. She's both Sharon and Virginia, and we're treated to a scene where Sharon and Virginia yell at each other while Fedora looks on with a wide-eyed stare. Sharon's playing with matches and threatening to burn the place down as Fedora tries to figure out how she'll escape without the use of her legs.
Meanwhile, Diego and Max plan to meet at a beach to settle their differences. Gaby and Diana find out about the showdown and follow them to the beach and arrive in time to see Diego stab Max with a huge butcher knife. The police arrive (I love the stickers on the squad cars that say "city police") and Diego dives into the water and tries to swim away so they won't catch him. Too bad he didn't know about the shark infestation! The scene where Diego's being trailed by a shark fin is one of my all time favorites!
Diego's eaten by the shark. It's a gruesome scene. Gaby and Diana are impactadas. Max is taken to the hospital for the stab wound in his shoulder.
Next we see Camila preparing herself a drink when she suddenly drops it and says Diego's name. She has a premonition that something bad has happened, so she quickly throws all of her hussy clothes into a small suitcase, grabs her passport and a stolen credit card, and plans to go to Europe where nobody will be looking for her. As she opens the door, the police are there to arrest her for arson. Camila's a day late and a dollar short!
Sharon lights Fedora's bed on fire and the room is filling with smoke. Roddy and Sharon's doc arrive just as credits roll. Will Fedora survive? Tune in on Thursday to find out!
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Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Acorralada Separated at Birth

Sharon in the manicomio? . . . v. Sissy Spacek in Carrie!
I was watching Sharon attack Fedora, and I was struck by the resemblance. The blue hospital gown really completed the picture.
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Oh, my god, these are even funnier
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Special treat for Acorralada fans
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Acorralada #180003 Monday and Tuesday 10/1 and 10/2 4 down and 3 to go by my count . . . will this ever end?
Monday, we see that Emilio and Caramelo get married finally. They have their civil ceremony, and they're going to meet Paco in PR to have their church ceremony.
Everyone is trying to push Max and Diana together. There is a funny scene where Dr. V's mother tries to push Dr. V and Diana together, but Granny DS intervenes. Max and Diana are sent into the library separately by Fedora on the pretense of looking for her glasses. She now wants to push them together. She has repented of all her foolish anger and revenge. She also wants Larry and Gaby to get back together. Fans, we have only three days left. They had better materialize William Levy soon, even if he's in a pirate costume.
Meanwhile, Marfil is preparing to poison Pedro. She has two drinks ready for a toast; his has the poison in it. She is interrupted by the maid asking some dumb question about a recipe. She gets angry and follows the maid out of the room. Now Pedro thinks something is up. He wonders why she wants to have a toast when they hate each other. Good lord, why is he still living with her?
He switches drinks!
Now, folks, he seems to know there's poison in it, he wants to harm her--could he be convicted of murder? This would have made a great final exam question in my first-year law school Criminal Law class. He doesn't know for sure that there is poison in the glass, so maybe not. Still . . . This is the kind of brain-teaser they torture you with. You have to argue both sides.
Anyway, she comes back, they toast, she drinks the wrong glass--and gets sick.
Tune in tomorrow, to see Camila ask the immortal question: Marfil was taken to the hospital? What hospital?
On Tuesday, Max and Diana continue kissing in the library. I have not forgotten how disgusted we are about their getting together. I just have no more energy to resist. I will say that I was disgusted how he drowned her protests with "hey, hey, quiet," in his disgraceful overpowering way. Then they are interrupted by Dr. V. It's a little embarrassing. It seems they are on the road to getting back together, but their one stumbling block now is Diego.
Marfil is is on her deathbed. She says to Pedro: I guess you were smarter than I was, old guy.
She confesses all the crimes to that prosecutor guy: the kidnapping of Diana's baby, the manicomio in the jungle, the killing of Fiona. I'm not sure she confessed to killing Debora. They discuss how evil she is. (Remember when she was the good sister? This is forgotten.) Just before she dies, a vision of Debora greets her, welcoming her to hell. Then she dies, and a hologram steps away from her body into the spirit world. What great FX!
The next day, Max has a pathetic funeral in the rain for Marfil. The priest sprinkles holy water while he stands by, the only attendee. Then Diana shows up for moral support.
Poor Yolanda, meanwhile, is going to prison for her offenses! Not fair! It's not clear, but I suppose she pled guilty to something. It seems she will get a short sentence. So now there's no way she can marry anyone, pobrecita.
Jorge, Lorenzo and Silvia are in charge of the bar. I'm not sure, but they may be planning a new entertainment program. I fast-forwarded through that discussion. Who cares?
All that's left is to rid us of Diego (and Pancholon is still at large. For Panchi Panchi, I envision him riding through the streets of the DR, looking for rich women, like Charlie of the MTA. Will he ever return? No, he never returns, and his fate is still unlearned . . .)
Diego calls Max and finally declares he's ready for the big showdown. He wants to kill Max and Diana. Max is going to meet Diego on a lonely beach! Credits roll.
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Saturday, September 29, 2007
Acorralada #182 Friday 9-28-07 The Jig is Up!
A confrontation at the police station occurs between Dimwit and Marfil. I'm not sure how this discussion started, but it has to do with Dimwit and Maxi-Moron. Marfil says, "Oh yeah? Well I'm married to a millionaire now!" Dimwit tells Marfil, "Although you may be married to a millionaire, you don't love him and obviously aren't happy. At least Maxi-Moron loves me more than you!" Dimwit righteously struts out and the Lt. Gomez comes out to get Marfil.
Maxi-Moron is telling Emili-Oh he feels bad about how he treated Marshmallow. When he called the bodega, they told him Marshmallow and Godmum had left
Lt Gomez and Marfil spar verbally. She wants to know if he is accusing her of Princess Fi's disappearance. He replies that's not what he wants to talk to her about, although that case is still open and sooner or later he'll solve Princess Fi's disappearance. He wants to talk about the kidnapping of Dimwit's baby. Marfil sneers that it was her twin sister who did that. Lt. Gomez asks if she has proof. Marfil replies do you have proof I did it? Lt. Gomez says she's very astute. Marfil says she's wasted enough time, and basically if he's not going to charge her, she's leaving. As she's walking out she points out that it doesn't look good that he hasn't solved Princess Fi's disappearance.
Dimwit has come to visit Iggy, who is handcuffed to the hospital bed. Just when he thought his luck couldn't get any better. "To what do I owe this visit, Dimwit?" Dimwit replies, "I've come to enjoy your downfall, Iggy!"
Pru wants to introduce her primo prima and Sylvie to her future husband. Puncho tells the priest he wants to get on with the wedding, introductions can be done later. The priest points this out to Pru who says, "You're right." Puncho thinks his luck may just hold out after all. The vows start and Pru is all excited, she doesn't want to wait through the whole vow part. She keeps saying, "I do! I do! I do!" The priest then says, "Francisco Suarez, do you take. . ." Suddenly Sylvie asks Mariposa, "Did the priest just say Francisco Suarez?" Uh oh!
MM calls Pedro, but Marfil has answered the phone. "Don't you want to speak with me?" asks Marfil. "No. Let me speak to Pedro," replies MM. Marfil is miffed. MM asks Pedro if everything is OK. He is worried. Pedro says all is well. After Pedro and MM hang up, Marfil wants to know if MM mentioned her. Pedro says no and beats a hasty retreat from the room.
Iggy asks Dimwit if she's taking pleasure in his demise. Dimwit admits she is, but tells him she actually pities him more. He was such a good doctor; the best in the hospital, but he was more intent on causing her pain than focusing on medicine. That determination caused him to align with such low-lives as Marfil.
Lorenzo has come to visit Fidiota. He's worried about how she's doing, now that she's in a wheelchair. Fidiota says all is well in her world. She got her factory back, her home, she found her daughters (note the order in which she lists what she's thankful for), and has a great hubby. She's also going to be a mother again after so many years. Lorenzo asks if she's trying to console him. "Not at all. I'm just pointing out I'm surrounded by good friends such as you. I'll just have to enjoy life from a wheelchair."
More of Dimwit pointing out Iggy's life could have been so much better if he had just stuck to what he was really good at…medicine. Now he's going to spend the rest of his life in jail. Iggy looks constipated. Dimwit leaves and we see a cute cop standing outside the hospital room. The camera pans back to Iggy, who starts crying.
Now Fidiota is telling Lorenzo Octopus is nothing but a bad memory now. She's got so much to look forward to in the future, including a new baby. Lorenzo brings up Paco, who is getting ready to move to
Sylvie interrupts the vows to beg the priest to get to the part where the priest asks if anyone objects. The priest relents and gets to that part. Sylvie pulls an Arnold Horshack from Welcome Back Kotter, "Ooooooh, Ooooooh, Pick me! Pick me!" When the priest acknowledges her, Sylvie runs up and spins Puncho around. "It IS you!" She then goes ballistic and assures Pru that Pru is better off without Puncho. She then outlines all the horrible things Puncho has done, and that he is wanted by the police in
Now Fidiota is pulling the "poor me" role with Granny DS. She hopes her baby isn't embarrassed to have a mother in a wheelchair. She always liked to go the beach, get her feet wet, etc. Now that will never happen. . ."Pobre de mi!" Granny DS tells her to pray to one of the saints; perhaps the saint will grant Fidiota a miracle! Fidiota pauses for a moment and gets this big smile on her face. "You know, you're right! I'm going to go to church and pray! I need to have faith!" Sappy music plays.
Marfil calls for Pedro. She tells him she wants him to take her on a honeymoon. Perhaps to the coasts of
MM is telling Emili-Oh he is worried about Pedro. Emili-Oh asks if Marfil is capable of killing Pedro for his money. MM says, "Of course! And much more!" MM goes on to say he's tried to get Pedro to leave Marfil, but Pedro refuses. Pedro loves Marfil.
Marfil and Camila are plotting on a way to keep Dimwit and MM apart. Further, Marshmallow has asked for a divorce. Now, nothing will keep MM and Dimwit apart! Marfil says she'd rather be dead than see MM and Dimwit happy together. Camila agrees.
Dimwit is recounting her day with Caramel and Gaby. She tells them about her exchange with Marfil. Of course the conversation rolls around to MM. She doesn't know if she can be with MM; so many bad things have happened to them. The wounds are so great. Caramel says Dimwit had better cauterize the wounds. Gaby agrees. "You don't want to lose MM like I lost Lunkhead." Head tilt. Glassy-eyed stare.
Emili-Oh comes home and is surprised to see Marfil visiting Camila. "I thought you two were rivals." Camila assures him that's in the past. Camila starts pumping him for information about Dimwit. Emili-Oh gets mad and says he's not going to get involved in any plans to hurt Dimwit. He reminds Camila this is his apartment and he can throw her out any time he wants. Looks like meek little Emili-Oh is laying down the law!
The priest is trying to comfort Pru. Mariposa and Sylvie return and start filling her in on all the evil things Puncho has done. Pobre de Pru. She thought Puncho really loved her!
More "girl-talk" among Caramel, Gaby, and Dimwit. Of course it's all about their men. I think Caramel feels bad that she's the only one who's happy. Gaby says she's the only one who has truly lost her man; ChewKey turned Lunkhead against her. Dimwit says when Lunkhead returns, he'll see that everything ChewKey said was a lie. ***I have to throw in a comment here. Lunkhead is supposedly going to marry ChewKey when he returns, but he's never called her and found out about her being committed? No one has called him about Octopus? Puh-leaze!***
Doc V and Dulce are having a heart-to-heart talk. He's sad that Marshmallow left without saying goodbye. Dulce starts with the predictable telenovela speak, "You are young, good looking. . ." Doc V starts getting all teary-eyed. He loves Marshmallow so much!
Roddy wheels Fidiota into the Iglesia de Milagros, Santa Barbara. Fidiota wants to be left alone to pray. Fidiota prays for all the things that pertain to her and her kids. Roddy is praying to Jesus for all the things that pertain to him (ChewKey and Fidiota). Finally Fidiota prays to walk again. She tries to strike a deal with the Virgencita. If she can walk again, she promises she will never hate another person as long as she lives. Huh? Perhaps it might be a good thing to never be so consumed with hatred even if you CAN'T walk again. Doc V's mom has come to Perfumes 'R Us looking for Dimwit. Dimwit says what a shame, she needs to go to the hospital to work now. DVM says, "We can go together. I can surprise m'ijo Doc V!"
Puncho calls Diablo and tells him how Sylvie ruined his wedding plans. Puncho tries to coax Diablo to come to
MM is lamenting his mother's untimely demise. She did horrible things, but didn't deserve and ending like that! If only she could have died a peaceful death at a hospital surrounded by family. Camila shows up to "comfort" MM. She doesn't want him to be sad and alone. She then starts kissing him. Yuck!
Marfil has shown up at the place of a bruja. Apparently the bruja has some super-duper deadly poison, in which one drop can kill an entire army and at the same time has no antidote. Where do these people come up with all these "mystery poisons?" At any rate, Marfil forks over a thick stack of money. Pedro's days are numbered. Marfil wants him dead before he changes his will. I haven't seen the last few episodes, but I believe I read he has already changed it.
Camila has come to console MM, now that his mother is in heaven, ***HA! I don't think so!*** Yolanda is in jail, and Lunkhead is far away in
Doc V's mom keeps trying to set up Doc V with Dimwit. She wants to see them together, happy, and providing her with a battalion of grandkids. Doc V isn't biting. He thinks it's adorable that his mom likes to play cupid.
Roddy and Fidiota discuss their warm fuzzy feelings after being at church and praying.
Emili-Oh shows up at the hospital to warn Dimwit that Camila and Marfil want to tell MM about her second pregnancy. He tries to convince Dimwit to go back to MM. MM says no way. Diablo will kill them all. Finally Emili-Oh hands her his cell phone. Call MM now and make up!
Credits roll.
Labels: acorralada
Friday, September 28, 2007
Acorralada #181 Thursday 9/27/07 Ding dong--the witch is dead . . . really!
Before we get to the big bitch slap fest, let's review some other plots:
Max and Diana seem to be making some progress at getting back together.
Diego calls his mother. She is worried that she hasn't heard from him, and they haven't heard from Pancho.
Paco leaves town.
Pedro overhears Marfil plotting against him. He tells Max about it, but reports that he has solved the problem by changing his will so Marfil won't get anything. Max will get everything. That will fix her. Er, but you'll be dead, Max says, and he doesn't want the money. He wants Pedro to live. Don't worry, Pedro has other plans.
More boring stuff about Max and Marcela, but it looks like they are through. At the bodega, it looks once again like Godmom and Marcela are living there. This week, they seem to be moving between the deli department and the cashier. The owner seems to want to date Godmom, and she flirts with him.
Pancho's wedding is about to start, at a church, no less, but no primo/prima in sight. Suddenly, enter Mariposa and Silvia. (Just after the priest has asked if anyone objects to the marriage.) Pancho realizes it's Silvia, so he tries to hide by facing away. Silvia trips and falls, so she doesn't see him right away. Credits roll at this point, so we will follow this part tomorrow.
But back to the big confrontation.
Emilio drives Fedora over to the site of the meeting. It seems to be a railyard, where trains are ending their runs. Fedora is sitting pathetically in her wheelchair, wearing her trademark red shirt with black silk flower! Imagine making sure to have on a silk flower for a fight. Emilio drives away in his Ford Expedition. Who is the bigger moron--Fedora or Emilio? Discuss.
Octy now shows up, and each taunts the other. It's the end for you. You tortured me for so many years etc., I am too bored to recap it verbatim. You can imagine. They start fighting. Soon, Octy has paralyzed Fedora down on the ground, and it doesn't look good for Fedora.
Meanwhile, back at the Mansion, the girls realize she's gone and they start calling around. Rodrigo reaches Emilio, who is driving away. He says Fedora made him promise not to tell where she was, so he can't. Bigger moron, I say. Finally, he reveals the location, and everyone rushes there. Emilio calls Max, and he is rushing to the scene as well. Then Emilio seems to get run off the road by an oncoming car, and we see him smashed against the driver's side window. Did he have on his seat belt?
The fight continues. Who should arrive, knife in hand, but Iggy, who has been lumbering around the same railyard in his zombielike way. Iggy plunges the knife into Octavia's back. It seems he is killing her not to save Fedora, but to continue his own crazed revenge.
Octavia rises, horrified, and staggers toward the train tracks just as a freight train is rolling by. At the same time, Max, Diana, and Rodrigo run up! What a climactic moment. Octavia drops to the tracks, and they all watch helplessly as Octy gets run over. Fedora sits there with her useless legs splayed out in front of her. Max, drawing on every molecule of acting chops that he might possess, drops to his knees in anguish, knowing his own mother is dead, but realizing at the same time that she was an incredibly evil woman who deserved to die. What cognitive dissonance! Diana runs between Fedora and her beloved Max, giving each glassy-eyed hugs.
At the moment of Octy's death, poor Yolanda feels a sisterly lightning bolt and is jolted awake in her cell, shouting "Octavia!" Later, Diana and Max visit her at the jail and they all rehash. Marfil reads about incident in the paper and show up at the station to see Max and Diana together. She is peeved. She didn't know about the Max/Marcela divorce. Don't worry. Diana is still married to Marfil's boytoy, Diego.
The next day, everyone is recapping the action to those who were not present. Lots of boring rehash. What is most confusing is that Emilio is fine without a scratch. Then I thought it was a trick, and it was Diego, but he was unscathed the next day also. Any ideas?
Labels: acorralada
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Acorralada #180 Wednesday 9/26/07 Is he or isn't he . . .
Prudence is planning her wedding.
Sharon is talking to the shrink. She wants to be good but she doesn't know how. The family will reject her. Baloney.
Rodrigo and Fedora discuss Paco. Boring!
Diana tells Lala and Granny M about her nightmare. Poor Lala winces when she has to confront her son's bad behavior. I always feel sorry for Lala here, and I wonder at the generosity of this family to keep her around under the circumstances.
Max thrashes around the pool and then rehashes his situation aloud.
Fedora massages her legs. Nope, still paralyzed.
Max ponders aloud the fate of the various Irascibles. All bad.
Diana pleads with Fedora about something I did not pay attention to.
Octy calls Fedora. They trade the usual insults and then arrange for what seems to be a duel for the next morning. I can't wait to see this one. It seems to be at a site of train tracks, but I'm not sure what they mean.
Octy says goodbye to dead Iggy and pulls her wheeled suitcase out just like a stylish flight attendant. She has looked remarkably unscathed by her recent stay at Hotel Pigsty. Octy is wearing a wig to disguise herself from the police.
Rodrigo and Paco seem to bury the hatchet. They both have lost daughters. Isn't it sad... etc.
Octy checks into a motel and revels in the anticipation of the upcoming battle with Fedora.
At the bodega, Marcela and godmom rehash again. This storyline is beyond boring, and I still can't tell if godmom wants Marcela to be with Max or not. I think she never wanted her to be with Max, but once she was with him, she wanted her to hold on to him.
Yolanda is languishing in our favorite jail cell. Paco comes in. Why? To tell her the news, completely out of the blue, that Rene is getting married to a girl his own age in Germany!!!!! Way to cheer up the prisoner, Paco! Yolanda actually says she's happy for Rene, she wishes him well. Big Doormat, indeed! (I had a feeling they would resolve this storyline this way, but it's pretty pathetic and afterthought-ish. Pobrecita de Yolanda!) It appears that Paco is leaving also, so on the daily Rodrigo/Paco scoreboard, it looks like Rodrigo will end up with Fedora.
Max calls Larry to update him on all the action. Their mom is a fugitive! But Larry doesn't have to rush home.
Fedora tries to enlist Emilio's help in getting her to the duel, but he doesn't want any part of it.
Then, get ready for a shock: Iggy wakes up like a Zombie from Night of the Living Dead. How did he not bleed to death? And how is he so ambulatory? No one has given him a magic potion, so who knows.
Pancho and Prudence simper at each other some more.
Lala and Diana review how bad men are and how women always suffer. Diana has not told Max about her own pregnancy?
Now for a really hilarious scene. Silvia and the trannies are meeting with a new fortune teller at Emilio's apartment. Camila walks in and wants to throw the charlatan out. A really funny slang vocabulary lesson ensues.
The fortune teller waves her magic wand (varita magica) and says she will turn Camila into a dog. Camila calls her an estafadora (swindler). The trannies translate into "venezolano," or Venezualan dialect! In Venezuelan, that would be a "tracalera." Camila calls her a descarada (shameless or insolent one). In Venezuelan, that would be a vivarepa. (My venezuelan Spanish tutor never heard of that one even! Arepas are corn cakes, by the way. This reminds me of LFMB, where Alicia always called Lety a mustached corncake. But I digress.)
Finally Camila calls her a "groseria fuerte," which means a "groseria mayor" in Venezuelan. A groseria is apparently a rude word. The fortune teller leaves, telling Camila she will have years of bad luck.
Finally, at the end, there is another pointless scene involving Max and Marcela. Looks impactados all around.
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Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Acorralada #179 Tuesday 9/25/07
It turns out that Max wasn't shot, it was only a nightmare that Diana was having. He picked up Maxito without incident.
Marcela's still planning to leave town, and tells Max that he can either get a divorce now or later he'll want a divorce and he won't know where to find her. Then she goes to see Diana to let her know that she's free to be with Max.
Paco's leaving Miami - he's going to Puerto Rico to open a bar and forget about Fedora. Jorge and Lorenzo will buy his bar in Miami. Yolanda's super sad to see him go.
Pedro's starting to realize that Marfil's only after his money, and confronts her, so she has to go back to the "viejito lindo" talk to convince him that she loves him. Meanwhile, she tells Camila that she'll wait a month before she kills him so that the police won't suspect her.
Ignacio is about to rape Octavia, but she grabs a steak knife and kills him instead.
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Monday, September 24, 2007
Acorralada #178 Monday 9/24/07 Surprise Ending!
Meanwhile, Octy is hiding out with Isabel and Iggy. Iggy wastes no time in trying to snuggle up to Octavia. You know she's not going for that! But she'd rather hide out with them than risk prison, and she knows that her sister the traitor is ratting her out to the police.
Marcela's still in the hospital after her miscarriage, and it looks like Marcela and Madrina will be leaving Miami, for siempre.
Max comes to see Yolanda, and she tells him everything. She's been like a mother to him, and he's not going to abandon her now. He'll hire Roddy to defend her.
Pobre de Roddy... the only party he's getting today is Fedora's pity party... she asks about Sharon and he says that she's still in the mental hospital. (I wonder why Sharon's in a "clinica mental" and Max was in a "manicomio.")
Speaking of the mental hospital, the Doc there shows Sharon a pic of her mama and wants to talk about how much she loved Sharon. He even mentions that he was there when she was baptized. Sharon goes off on a tangent about how her mom never loved her, if she did, she would have found her a father.
Down in Santo Domingo, Pancho's plan is working like a charm. Triple Fea tells her that she has no family, her daddy died and left her everything... well, she does have a prima, or primo -- he's a transvestite and she's invited him to come for a visit! Then she starts talking about marriage and babies, next thing you know she's proposing to Pancho.
The mariposas are all excited about going to Santo Domingo for a visit, and Silvia's coming along too! Jorge warns her not to be down there flirting with other men or he may be with someone else when she gets back! Silvia's not threatened. Somehow she's reminded of Pancho and starts talkin' trash about what she'd do if she ever saw him again...
Little Maxito is back on the show - he's been absent for weeks! He's hanging out with mama at psycho mansion when the doorbell rings and his daddy walks in. We see a few moments of happy family time as they play with prince Maxito. But that's not what Max has come for, he's there to talk to Gaviota, so they pass Maxito off to Miguelina, who comments about how his parents are dying of love for each other. Gag!
Speaking of gag, Gaby's in her room daydreaming about Larry again. I love the Larry and Gaby scenes, but enough of all of the daydreams! Geez.
Fedora's laying in bed when Diana announces that Max is here to talk to her. He comes in and tells her how sorry he is for what's happened, and lets her know that his mom was the one who brought the tarantula to the hospital. Fedora is impacatada!
After the big reveal, Max and Diana return to the living room and play with Maxito for a while, when she offers to let him take Maxito for the night. She packs up an overnight bag and is about to send them on their way when Dr. Leo arrives unannounced. He's come to invite Diana to his place for dinner tonight. Max quickly excuses himself while Diana stands there looking clueless. After Max leaves, she tells Leo that she can't go tonight because her mom needs her support.
Emilio's at Max's place, and Max is upset. Emilio assumes that it's because his mom is on the run so that she doesn't go to prison for multiple murders and other crimes, or maybe because Yolanda is in jail for being an accomplice, but no, that's not it. He's upset because Diana is having dinner with another man.
Speaking of obsessive guys, Paco arrives at psycho mansion and storms through the door insisting that he see Fedora. Roddy and he end up throwing some punches, and Paco gets the boot.
Max comes back with Maxito... I'm assuming it's the next day considering that he's talking about all of the things they did last night and this morning, but it's funny that both he and Diana are wearing the same clothes as last night. He tells Diana that Maxito is still in the car, and they should go get him together. Too bad Diego's at the doorway with a gun. If he can't have Diana, nobody can! And he SHOOTS MAX! Credits roll.
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Sunday, September 23, 2007
Acorralada #177, Friday, September 21: Catfights abound and Yolanda spills all the beans.
Marfil calls Pedro's lawyer and says the will isn't going to be changed after all. Pedro dozes away through all this as Marfil says she'll inherit every cent.
In Gaviota's room, everyone but Gaviota is feeling sorry for Gaviota for such a terrible thing happening to her. Lorenzo says Gaviota needs hope, not tears. Word to that. Doc Q is still running tests. Gaviota doesn't know if there's any hope.
Max asks if Marcela promises to take care of herself and she tells him to leave again. Diana keeps looking down, avoiding anyone's eyes. Marcela tells him to go have dinner with Diana, Godmom will be there to take care of her. Diana says there's nothing between her and Max anymore. OK, people, will someone start telling the truth here?! Godmom comes in complaining that Diana is in the room. She asks if Diana is there as part of her duties or to get with Marcela's husband. Diana excuses herself. Marcela kicks Max out of the room, yet again. This time, he leaves, but he says he'll be back first thing the next day. Godmom says this is just too much, pushing him into the arms of another woman. Marcela tells her she doesn't dare tell Max she lost the baby.
Out at the water cooler, Max tells Diana to ignore what Godmom said. Diana tells Max his wife needs him. He says he's obligated to be with her, but his heart wants to be with Diana. Diana says that's impossible.
Lorenzo says God will help Gaviota, she's been so good, he wouldn't send this cross. Gaviota says maybe it's her cross because she went for revenge against the Irazabals. Lorenzo doesn't believe it. Miguelina is going to go ask the V de G to help Gaviota. Gaby thinks if Diego can walk again, Gaviota can too. Interesting bit of logic there…does she also think if Diego ended up being a criminal, Gaviota can too? Miguelina asks about Paco, but Gaviota says she sent him away.
Diana finds Rodrigo in the waiting room and tells him Doc Q wants to talk to them.
At Bar Don Paco, Caramelo wants to go home and fix Paco dinner, but Paco's too bummed. He says nothing will lift his spirits. He says Gaviota is everything to him. Caramelo tells him he's going to pay for the mistake of marrying Octavia forever, since that's what pushed Gaviota into Rodrigo's arms.
Doc Q tells Diana and Rodrigo that the spider's venom is very strong and although they gave her the antidote, there are side effects. He doesn't know how long Gaviota will be like this. He says he doesn't know what will happen. Doc Q says there shouldn't be a problem with the pregnancy. Rodrigo says it's not fair, tomorrow's his birthday. What a lousy present. Doc Q says he does have good news, he's letting Gaviota go home tomorrow.
Caramelo says she knows how love hurts, but he's got to get over it, "ammararte los pantalones" (put on your big boy pants, figuratively speaking) and don't let it get you down. Paco says she's right, but it hurts. Caramelo says it hurts not to have the person you love by your side, but there are things you can't change.
Rodrigo and Diana come into Gaviota's room, but she's asleep. Diana tells Miguelina, Lorenzo, and Gaby that Gaviota can go home tomorrow. Gaby asks Rodrigo if he's going to stay with her mom. Rodrigo asks if she thinks he's such a bastard. Gaby says it was just a question. Rodrigo tells the girls he loves their mom, like, for realz, and he'll never leave her. Which in telenovela-speak means he's just tempted fate and it's only a matter of time now.
Ugh. Pancholon scene. I thought since he'd run off to Santo Domingo we wouldn't have to see him anymore. His new gal pal, the reincarnation of Veneno, took him shopping. He bs-es that he's a hardworking man who doesn't like to let women take care of him. Veneno 2.0 mopes about how ugly she is and how Pancho's her first male friend. Blah, blah, blah, Pancho's probably going to charm the millions out of her. Unless she turns out to be an undercover law enforcement agent who's just stringing him along until she can turn him in. I can only hope.
Looks like in addition to the show, Silvita and the trannies also clean up around the bar. Mariposa has mail, but we don't find out what it is yet.
More Pancholon time. Veneno 2.0 asks for a kiss. Pancho tells her he's a gentleman and he respects women. BS, BS, BS. He can't kiss her because he respects her so much. He has to get to know her better. His thought bubble isn't worth repeating.
Mariposa's letter is from her millionaire cousin…oh, it's Veneno 2.0! She fills in Colibrí, Lorenzo, and Silvita on how ugly her cousin is. Veneno 2.0 has invited Mariposa to vacation in Santo Domingo, all expenses paid, and Mariposa is inviting Colibrí and Silvita. Colibrí doesn't have the money to go, but Silvita says she'll go.
Gaviota's got the bandages off her head and is dressed to go home. Diana's not there and Gaviota wonders where she is.
Marfil is gloating that Pedro slept all night and will probably sleep all day. The doorbell rings and she calls for Lucy to answer it, but Lucy doesn't. Marfil ends up going to get it herself. It's Diana, come to yell at Marfil that she remembers everything about the kidnapping. She says she can turn her in now.
Isabel has come to visit Octavia. She wants more food, but Octavia won't give her any. She also wants to know if the spider left Gaviota's legs paralyzed or not. Yolanda is listening at the door. Octavia brags that it did work. Yolanda's shaking her head. Isabel says that's all the more reason to give her food. Octavia says Isabel can go to the kitchen and look for leftovers. Yolanda bursts into the room, asking how Octavia could possibly! Yolanda, dear, you've known about every rotten thing your sister's done for the last 20-something years--she even had you drugged and tied up in the basement--and "How could you?" is the best you can come up with?! How…refreshing, that Yolanda can still be surprised every time Octavia does some new evil deed.
Gaviota's home and she's depressed. Nancy made a chocolate cake, though…hey, that usually fixes things for me. Lala says they're all going to take care of her. Gaviota asks Rodrigo to take her up to her room.
Marfil says she doesn't know what Diana's talking about. Diana says she doesn't have a way to prove her accusations, but she couldn't keep herself from coming to yell at Marfil--she says Deborah was an angel compared to Marfil. Marfil kicks her out, but Diana says she's not leaving until she gives her a pair of "cachetadas" (slaps) like she deserves. Diana makes good on her statement and a catfight commences. They roll around on the floor a bit and Marfil ends up losing her shoes. There's a lot of choking and hair-pulling, and mid-fight we go to commercial.
When we get back, Yolanda's yelling at Octavia. She still wonders how Octavia was capable. Yolanda says she'll tell Max everything, she's tired of being Octavia's accomplice, she's ready to tell the police everything, she's not going to cover up anything for Octavia anymore. Octavia slaps Yolanda and Yolanda smacks her back. Octavia tries to choke Yolanda…Yolanda's not fighting back very well.
Back at Casa Pedro, Diana pushes Marfil over the back of a chair and Marfil goes rolling. Now Isabel is enjoying the fight between Yolanda and Octavia. There's so much switching back and forth between the two fights, it's hard to keep up. Hair is flying everywhere! We end with Octavia really seriously choking Yolanda and Isabel looking on.
Gaviota's in her room with Rodrigo, Miguelina, and Gaby. Gaviota wants some alone time, so everybody leaves. Gaviota thought bubbles that her life is over, blah, blah, blah, she doesn’t want to leave the house, she doesn't want to have people look at her and feel sorry for her. It sounds like a recycling of Diego's earlier rantings. Which, hey, I get that people go through those feelings, but it comes across as the writers pushing the idea that all people in wheelchairs are angry and bitter 24-7. Thoughts?
Diana finally tosses Marfil onto the couch and shouts that she can send her to jail whenever she wants to. Marfil's bleeding from her mouth. Diana says whenever Marfil wants revenge, she should give her a call. Meow! Diana leaves. Marfil looks like she's too tired to get up.
Octavia's still choking Yolanda, then she pulls one hand off her neck and punches Yolanda in the face. This lets Yolanda pull Octavia's other hand off her throat and punch Octavia twice. Isabel starts looking worried and leaves. Yolanda runs outside, by the pool, and shouts for help. Octavia stumbles out and pushes her into the pool. They both fall in. Then Octavia tries to drown Yolanda, but she's not very effective so far. Isabel takes this opportunity to go into the kitchen and steal all the fruit. Yolanda and Octavia trade punches in the pool and Yolanda fights her way out of the pool. She runs off and Isabel comes outside, urging Octavia to hurry and get out of the pool, as Yolanda's gone out to the street to get help. Yolanda runs toward the street screaming for help. Back inside the house, Isabel is wondering what's taking Octavia so long. Well, she took so long because she was packing. Just let that sink in for a moment. Octavia comes into the living room with a rolling suitcase. She says there will be no keeping Yolanda quiet now and she can't catch her, so she's going to have to escape. Isabel and I both give a hearty "Que the hell?" and Octavia calls us both stupid. Octavia tells Isabel to hide her wherever Isabel is hiding. Okay, so she doesn't have time to catch Yolanda, but she has time to pack. I wonder if she's got an industrial-strength hair dryer in there.
Yolanda manages to flag down a police car and she tells to cop to take her to Comisario Gomez, aka, the same Telemiami cop who's investigating every other baddie on this show. I guess since the show's winding down, his arrest rate is going to go up.
Marcela's godmom is asking if she's going to tell Max about the baby. Max comes in. Marcela starts bugging him about Diana and Godmom makes nasty remarks, all as per usual. Doc V told Max that Marcela can go home and Max wants Marcela to go home with him. Riiiiight, because Casa Irazabal v2.0 is such a restful place to be right now. Max would know that if he'd been home, but it looks like he's still wearing the same clothes from yesterday. Godmom tells Marcela to tell Max…tell me what? He asks. Godmom tells Max that Marcela lost the baby. The hamster on the wheel in Max's head almost dies trying to generate enough power for Max to process this.
Gaby, Miguelina, Lala, and Rodrigo talk about Gaviota. Rodrigo says they've got to cheer her up. Diana shows up, but she says she's fine. And other than a torn shirt she looks fine. She says she paid a "courtesy visit" to Marfil (*snort*) and gave her a beating she won't soon forget.
Marfil's holding an ice pack to her jaw when Pedro, aka Hef, finally wakes up and comes into the living room telling Marfil he feels "atontado" (stupid, although he probably means something more like groggy or doped-up). He asks what happened to her and she tells him she fell on the stairs. Hef points out that there are no stairs in that house. Marfil tells him to quit asking questions and not to dare leave the house and leave her alone. Marfil leaves the room and we see that both the sleeves on her blouse are torn and one is completely unattached.
Yolanda is wrapped in a blanket, telling Comisario Gomez what happened, or at least this incident. Gomez wants the whole story. Yolanda says Octavia's a monster and she stayed quiet out of fear, but after today it's all just too much for her. She doesn't want to keep quiet anymore. Yolanda says Octavia's been a killer for years. She planned Gaviota's first husband's murder and ordered her husband to carry it out; she had Gaviota's daughters taken away. Then we cut away from the scene. And here I was hoping for the full list of Octavia's evil deeds all at once.
Gaviota's talking to the baby, telling it she's not going to be able to run with it in the park, etc., etc., There's a knock on the door. It's Diana. She asks if she can come keep Gaviota company. Gaviota says that everybody being so nice just reminds her of her "desgracia" (misfortune) and makes her anxious. More self-pitying talk. She wants to be alone to think and accept. If anyone in that house remembers what happens to Gaviota every time things get too hard for her, they wouldn't let her be alone. I guess at least this time, the alcohol would have to be within arm's reach.
Octavia has arrived at Hotel Isabel. Octavia looks askance at Isabel for having taken some cookware out of the house. Isabel says she can't figure out why she took them, since she has no kitchen, but she thinks she may be able to sell them. Octavia asks about security. Isabel says the cops never come around there and Ignacio's been hiding there. Ignacio now makes an appearance. This could get interesting.
Comisario Gomez is still waiting for the whole story. Yolana continues: Octavia took everything that was Gaviota's; Octavia poisoned her husband…Comisario Gomez wants to know if she knew all this, why did she keep quiet and why did she testify against Gaviota. Yolanda says it was out of fear, that she's always been weak, a puppet in Octavia's hands. Yolanda tells CG that Octavia's dangerous: she killed Licenciado Reynosa. CG actually looks surprised, but I'm not sure if it's because of what she said or because she said it.
Isabel tells Ignacio that Octavia has come to hide out with them. Ignacio jokes with Isabel that Octavia is their luxury guest.
Max asks why Marcela had a miscarriage. Godmom blames it on Max. Marcela says the doctor told her she had to be careful, so she didn't tell him about the kid so it wouldn't weigh in his decision. She asks what he's going to do…or more to the point, who is he going to choose?
I guess we'll get that answer on Monday. Yay! 2 more weeks to go!
Labels: acorralada
Our Long National Nightmare is coming to an end
Diego, Marfil, Octy and Iggy should do the perp walk on the eleven o'clock news.
Labels: acorralada
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Acorralada #176 Thursday 9/20/07 the recap is here
Diana comes over to tell Max about Marcela. She clashes with Octavia.
Roddy is meeting with a psychiatrist about Sharon. She is a very disturbed girl and needs a long treatment, but there is hope (yeah, on what planet?).
They bring Sharon in for a last farewell. Roddy shows her some papers that say she is officially recognized as his daughter (I think I confused some of this with yesterday's recap, because I had watched this opening scene too). She has another mad scene before being carted away.
Nancy, Lala, Lorenzo and Granny M have another one of their rehash sessions.
Diana tells Max she must go back with his wife. What about his love for Dimwit? Marcela is the one he must go to. We must sacrifice.
Back at the Mansion, Silvia and Jorge come in. Silvia is greeted by affectionate eye-rolling. They are used to her crazy schemes. She's the Lucy Ricardo of this show! She has a great idea to help Sharon, but she needs a picture of Virginia.
Over at the bodega, Marcela collapses.
Diana tells Max that Marcela filed for divorce.
Gaviota begs Paco not to visit anymore. Why not? He loves her. She doesn't want to hurt him, but she loves her new husband. Pobre de Paco.
Octy comes over to the hospital to monitor her handiwork. She comes upon Gaby and Caramelo, who are discussing Fedora's paralysis. Good news, says Octy.
Based on how Octy seems to know too much, Caramelo suspects Octy knows something or did something. Octy says no, she knows nothing. But she is happy about the paralysis.
Jorge and Silvia take the picture over to the psychiatrist. Silvia starts to flatter him--she's a single girl and he's a handsome guy . . . Then they show him the picture. This is Sharon's mother, they say. Why, I know her, he says. That's Virginia. I didn't know she was Sharon's mother. I don't know what this is about. Are they hoping to prove someone else is Sharon's father to get Roddy out of having to deal with her?
Max calls Roddy on the cell phone. He tells him to forget about the divorce. Stop whatever proceedings you have started. Max turns to Diana. Satisfied? he asks.
Paco and Fedora continue to have a boring conversation.
Octy wants to see Fedora for herself, but Gaby forbids it. Over my dead body, she says. Octy is surprised how good the former servant is at throwing people out. Gaby says that Octy and Pilar were good teachers.
Caramelo points out that her father is in with Fedora, just to rub in it a bit. Octy is impactada. He loves her, Caramelo says. She says that Octy is a jealous witch.
In comes Roddy. Uh-oh. Wow, look who's here, says Octy. It's the cuckolded (cornudo, or horned) husband. Roddy asks what? Octy asks if she has to spell cornudo. Roddy storms into the room and tells Paco to leave. There's some back and forth, but eventually Fedora repeats that Paco should leave. He says he will leave only because Fedora asked him to.
Back at the shrink's office, the doctor is saying that he never would have imagined that Virginia was Sharon's mother. She was one of his best students. She studied law and medicine. She was very smart. (so how did she end up a lowly seamstress?). He was sorry she was missing.
Silvia says that Sharon never got over the death of her mother. (but she was nuts before that. She was already fencing jewels with Pancholon.) The doctor says that knowing this information will help very much in his treatment of Sharon. I don't really understand how Silvia got this idea, but it was genius!
Max is telling Diana that she is making a big mistake. Diana says they must sacrifice. So if Marcela were not pregnant, you would come back with me? Max asks. It doesn't matter, she says. He must find Marcela.
Fedora tells Roddy that he sounds like he is lying. I really didn't understand this conversation.
Octy waits in the hall for Paco. Caramelo taunts her with how she heard Octy was stood up by Iggy. Paco comes out and fights with Octy.
He leaves. Gaby and Caramelo laugh.
Dr. V tells godmother that Marcela lost the baby. How convenient.
Padro thought bubbles about Camila's warning about Marfil.
Diana brings a wheelchair for her mother.
Dr. V continues talking to godmom in front of an unconscious Marcela.
Pedro goes to find Camila on the beach. He asks her again whether Marfil really said she wanted to kill him. It can't be! Yes it is. Marfil is the worst. Open your eyes, old man. Get rid of her.
Gaby sees her mother in the wheelchair and becomes hysterical. Diana will take her home.
Fedora remembers that she was once a strong woman who destroyed the Irascibles. Look what has happened to her now. She asks for Rodrigo.
Octy goes home and exults in how well her plan is working. If she can't have Paco, well, neither can Fedora. And at least Octy is not in a wheelchair. No, au contraire, she is healthy, and beautiful and full of life. Any moment now, she will have a new love too. Yolanda walks in and asks her why she's smiling. Octy giggles goofily.
Godmom tells Marcela she lost the baby. Oh, no.
Pedro recalls his conversation with Camila. Marfil comes in. What about dinner? She leaves the room, and he dials his lawyer to make an appointment to change the will back. Dummy, right in earshot of Marfil, who hears all.
A very long, boring scene ensues where Roddy and Fedora tearfully discuss how he should leave her because she is a burden and he says never. This really goes on way too long.
Godmom scolds Marcela for not having listened to her and taken care of herself. Then she realizes she was too harsh. Marcela says GM should not tell Max. Max should be with Diana.
Marfil dopes up Pedro so he will sleep all day and not get to change his will. Is she just planning to do that every day for the next several years? It's amazing, though, how these characters always have such interesting specific-actng potions and poisons available to them.
Paco tells Caramelo that he can't stand Roddy. Caramelo tells him that he must give up on this useless love for Fedora. He screwed up, and it's too late.
Dr. V calls Max to come to the hospital, as there is an emergency with Marcela.
Camila, Emilio and Silvia review the news about Marfil. They are disgusted. Silvia hs to leave for work (she is already in her flamenco costume).
Pedro is passed out on the couch. Marfil regrets that he has more lives than a cat, but whatever . . . as long as he doesn't change his will.
Emilio wants Camila to look for her baby with Iggy. This is the first we've heard about this baby since maybe episode 4? No way, she says. The only thing she's looking for is a rich husband.
Then she talks to the camera. Her plan is working. Thanks to her, Marfil will not be an heiress.
Diana visits Marcela. Marcela accepts the will of God.
Max comes in Marcela tells him to get out. Go with Diana, she says. Max says that they must stay together, now that she is having a child. Ooops! Credits roll.
Labels: acorralada
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Acorralada #175 Wednesday 9/19/07 In which Karen gets her wish!
Gaby has returned from the kidnapping and cries hysterically.
Paco comes in to see Fedora, and she asks about whether she had an abortion.
Sharon has a full-blown mad scene while they carry her out to the manicomio. She grabs the door frame so they can't pull her through as she yells I hate you! (I had a cat who would do this when you tried to put her in the carrier.) The actor playing Roddy can barely stifle a laugh.
More suspense as we wonder whether Paco had permitted the doctors give Fedora an abortion. They make it seem as if he did, but then he says no, they didn't. Thank you, she says. I don't know how they are going to resolve this. Paco is still madly in love with Fedora, so how can they match him up with someone else. Only if Roddy dies. Maybe Sharon will break out of the manicomio and kill her father.)
Lala and Granny M put Gaby to bed. Gaby says that despite all she feels sorry for Sharon.
They say now the way is clear for Larry. He doesn't know what happened here. Gaby looks mournful--Larry has really forgotten her and fallen in love with Sharon. I'm not too worried about this. He'll say he only did it "to forget" and it didn't work. These proverbial forgetting affairs never work, except for Larry taking up with Gaby to forget Pilar, actually.
Max and Yolanda sit down to eat. Max wonders where his mom is. We soon find out--Octy has changed to pink nurse's scrubs and a red wig and black glasses. She's at Fedora's bedside checking on her handiwork. well, you lowborn be-atch, if you're not dead, at least you're paralyzed. I hate you--I will always hate you, she soliloquizes. It's not clear if she administers something new here.
Marfil thought bubbles about Pedro's new will that leaves her everything.
Paco and Diana tells Fedora about the kidnapping. Oh, no.
Roddy comes in too.
Yolanda asks Maximope why he's not eating. You must be thinking of Diana, she says.
Finally, the scene Karen has been waiting for. We see Sharon in the padded cell, moping in a corner like Norman Bates in the last scene from Psycho. She has a roommate who is counting out loud in a mad fashion. Someone comes to tell Sharon that there are some papers that link her to her father (I'm not exactly sure what these papers are, I have to review). She starts foaming at the mouth and bursts forth with one of her most exaggerated mad scenes yet. She hates her father and wants nothing to do with her.
Pedro starts wondering whether Marfil is really true to him. He remembers that Camila, of all people, told him Marfil was no good. Maybe Camila was right, he says.
Marcela goes to Roddy to get a divorce from Max. She won't tell him about the baby.
Fedora can't walk. The spider poison has taken effect.
Paco is still trying to make time with Fedora.
At the end, Diana determines to go tell Max about Marcela's baby, so he won't divorce her. Credits roll just as she arrives at the house.
Labels: acorralada
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Acorralada #174 Tuesday 9/18/07 Kike bites the dust!
I have a bunch of meetings today, so I haven't entered a full recap. Here are some highlights:
Kike calls Gaby to lure her out of the hospital to be kidnapped by him and Sharon. She goes downstairs with Emilio, who gets hit.
Fedora is recovering from her spider wounds.
We occasionally see scenes of Octavia pondering the effect of t
Suddenly, they learn that Gaby is kidnapped. Rodrigo and Diana rush from her bedside with the police to follow the kidnappers. Emilio gets
Sharon is driving the car. She says she is going to throw Gaby in the sea to be eaten by sharks.
The police car gives chase. At one point, the police officer speaks English! They have Spanish subtitles for this. I don't know why they bothered with English.
Back at Mansion, Lala is nervous about Gaby. Silvia has the chutzpah to point out that if it weren't for her lousy sons, they wouldn't be in this predicament.
Sharon drives the van to a secluded spot. Gaby screams to get away. They get out of the car. Kike starts carrying Gaby through a river. Kike pulls a gun. Just then, we hear the cops' sirens.
Just in time, we cut to the most boring story of the series: At the supermarket, Godmom is encouraging Marcela to marry Dr. V.
Max attacks Marfil for her treatment of Pedro. He tells her to make sure no harm comes to Pedro, or he'll know where to look for her.
Back at the kidnapping, the cops have them surrounded: Come out with your hands up. 2
Diana and Gaby scream. Roddy tells Sharon to give up.
Meanwhile, back at the hospital, Paco is there trying to make time with Fedora. Fedora has been given an antidote, but they are worried about the baby. It appears that Dr. V. wants her to have an abortion, but she doesn't want one. She begs Paco not to let her have one.
Granny M is frantic back at home.
Marfil and Pedro have a long boring conversation that I did not follow closely. It's the usual: Why don't you put me in your will? Don't you really love me?
Back to the important stuff: Kike is still holding Gaby, but she breaks free. Then he grabs her again. Finally, the words you have all been waiting to read, and I am proud to be the one to deliver this news: the cops shoot him dead! Hooray! Gaby becomes hysterical, and Diana comforts her. Sharon is captured, and she will be sent away to a mental health clinic.
Paco is still talking to Fedora. She mumbles "my baby."
Max and Diana jaw about his divorce.
Diego calls Marfil, but I didn't pay attention.
At the end, Marfil is in a lawyer's office with Pedro drawing up a will.
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Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Acorralada Monday 9/17/07
Anyway, on Monday, Chucky thinks that she's killed Fedora and call Kike to tell him she needs help hiding the body and stealing all the cash from the fabrica and the valuables from the house. It's no surprise that Kike's up to the task.
She goes to Fedora's office to find the hidden (not locked) metal cash box that has $20,000 in it for office expenses. HUH? What kind of office has that kind of petty cash fund? Gaby catches her in the act and Sharon claims that Fedora asked her to count it. Gaby knows it's a lie and goes to find Fedora to prove it.
Diana's walking down the street talking on her cell phone when she's spotted by Iggy. He snatches her in broad daylight.
Pancho's fed up with the viejas, so he drugs their morning coffee and steals everything that's not nailed down.
As Iggy has Diana pinned, he makes a comment about when he kidnapped her in the selva -- big mistake, Iggy! It caused her to remember all of the details she'd forgotten and we're treated to a flashback of that kidnapping.
Roddy, Emilio, Caramelo, and Gaby are frantically searching for Fedora. They've checked the whole fabrica and the garage, but they can't find her anywhere. The only place they haven't looked is Sharon's office, but she assures them that she's not in there. As they turn to check her office anyway, she heads for the elevator. Caramelo tries to stop her, but she's no match for Chucky. Chucky manages to escape and they all find Fedora in Chucky's office, unconscious and bleeding from the head. Roddy's confused - he thought Sharon and Fedora were buddies, but Gaby lets him know that it was all an act, and that Sharon never changed.
Max goes to Cuban John's looking for Marcella and wants to know if she loves him... she tells him it doesn't matter, he loves Diana and they should be together.
Iggy's kidnapping attempt is foiled by the cops. Now that she's recovered from her amnesia, she tells them all of the details of both kidnappings.
Sharon's on the run in a car that she's stolen from Fedora's fleet of cars. She calls Kike to tell him she's going to the warehouse where Pancho was hiding, and he should meet her there.
Fedora is rushed to TeleMiami hospital, or as everyone on the show refers to it, "The hospital where Diana work(ed)." The doctor is worried that she may lose the baby.... this is the first time that Roddy's heard about the baby and he's impactado.
Octavia shows up at the fabrica and asks Beatriz for Fedora, and learns that she's been taken to the hospital. So she heads to the hospital and asks Dulce what room she's in - Dulce tells her the room, but that Fedora can't have visitors right now. The perfect setup for Octavia's evil plan! She goes into Fedora's room and puts the tarantula under the covers with Fedora... this scene is sure to give me nightmares!
Marcela and Mercedes are hanging out in the soft drink section of Cuban John's market. What are these two planning to do? Spend their days moving from the produce section to frozen foods?
Chucky arrives at the warehouse and finds Diego there. He tells her to beat it, they can't both be there, and Pancho's gone anyway. She tells him that she's on the run for killing Fedora, and suddenly he has a change of heart. He listens to all of the details and then she tells him that she can tell that he's Pancho's hermano on account o' what a hunk he is. We all know what comes next...
Kike arrives at the warehouse just as Diego and Sharon are finished, and Diego isn't exactly a gracious host. He tells Sharon to hit the road and take Kike with her. On their way out, Kike proposes that they move to New York, which sounds like a fab plan to Sharon, but first they need to kill Gaby so that she can never be with Larry!
Marcela is now working at Cuban John's place (at least she's not planning to just hang out among the broccoli). Leo shows up and asks her what's happened with Max, and she tells him that she's done with him. Leo quickly proposes that he'll be her baby daddy!
Fedora looks awful - she's sweating and twitching and turning funny colors, and the doc is perplexed. He pulls back the sheet and sees the bite mark! Oh no - now her baby is really in danger - they should probably abort it. (HUH?!) Diana vetoes this idea - they must save her AND the baby! Credits roll.
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Monday, September 17, 2007
Acorralada #172 Monday 9/17/07
Fedora and Roddy take Sharon car shopping, where she's as obnoxious as always, talking about how money's no object, right? She can have whatever car she wants? Roddy tells her that it's Fedora's gift, so Sharon lays it on thick with "Fedora's the best - I love you I adore you!" Yuck. She finds the car she wants - some kind of lime green Dodge Hemi - and says she wants it in blue. Fedora says, blue, not white? To which Sharon responds "just cuz you're paying, doesn't mean you get to pick the color!" What a witch!
Isabel calls Octavia to let her know that she's found the spider, and then swings by Casa Irazabel to deliver the fuzzy little creature. She has Octavia convinced that one bite from this spider will paralyze Fedora forever!
Marcela has left Max a "dear John" letter, telling him that he's now free to be with Diana now, and he shouldn't come looking for her, because he won't find her. Max is impactado, Octavia is thrilled. Marcela has made arrangements for her and Mercedes to live in the apartement in the basement of Cuban John's supermarket. After talking to John, she heads to TeleMiami hospital so that she can be there when the bandages are removed from Mercedes. The scene is an exact duplicate of the Max's bandage removal scene -- open your eyes, SLOWLY. Don't you wonder what will happen if she opens them REALLY fast? Of course the surgery is a huge success and Mercedes' vision is fully restored!
Isabel and Iggy are digging through a dumpster that appears to be filled with clean kitchen utensils and framed prints. I'm not sure what they're looking for, but it's one of the cleanest dumpsters I've ever seen. They're discussing the lifelong feud between Octavia and Fedora, while Iggy thinks to himself that his downfall is all Diana's fault.
Marfil tells Pedro that she needs 3 or 4 credit cards in her name, and has he made an appt with a lawyer yet? He's fine with the credit cards, but he's dragging his heels on modifying the will. When he asks if he can kiss her, she's disgusted - saying that he smells like a pipe. I think Pedro is realizing that he's been conned.
Diana, who's still hanging out in Leonardo's office like she owns the place, tells Dulce about how much happier she and Gaby were when they were poor and their only excitement was going to a movie on Saturdays...
Gaby overhears a conversation between Sharon and Kike, where she agrees to sneak out her window so that she can get with him tonight. Gaby tells Fedora and Diana, but Fedora doesn't want to tell Roddy about it, but agrees that she needs to have a chat with miss Sharon. Speaking of chats, when she goes into Sharon's office she searches her laptop and reads some chats between Sharon and Kike and sees all of the awful things she says about Fedora. She tells Sharon that she's going to print the chats and show them to Roddy. Chucky goes up behind her and picks up a heavy marble pillar and tells her that she's about to see why Gaby calls her Chucky as she knocks Fedora in the back of the head with it! Fedora falls over onto the desk (strange how there's no blood) and Chucky realizes that she's finally free of Fedora! Forever!
Labels: acorralada
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Acorralada #171 – Friday – 9-14-07 – Boom Boom, Out Go the Lights!
Marfil is holding a gun on Diablo. She tells him she married Pedro for the money. I think Diablo volunteers to be her appetizer on the side. She finally leaves with the parting words, "Forget about me!"
The Spinster Sisters (by their choice according to what they told Puncho) confront Puncho about being a bigamist. The feisty sister gets distracted because Puncho is cleaning their pool in a very scant Speedo.
Mucks is back to wearing his too tight, pastel blue sweater. He runs into Doc V and they glare at one another.
Granny Doc V wants Dimwit to visit her and bring Doc V along. Granny Doc V is definitely sizing up Dimwit as a daughter-in-law.
ChewKey is squealing like a stuck pig at the Dodge dealership. She gets to pick whichever one she wants. She asks Papa how much she has to spend, but he says she needs to work with Fidiota. The car will be a gift from Fidiota. She tells Fidiota that Fidiota is the prettiest, bestest, woman in the world. ChewKey hugs Fidiota, while rolling her eyes at the camera.
Pobre de Gaby. As soon as Lunkhead figures out it's Gaby, he asks for ChewKey. When Gaby tries to make conversation, Lunkhead very tersely says he has nothing to say to her. Lunkhead wants Gaby to forget about him and hangs up on Gaby. Gaby is despondent. Caramel comes in and tries to console her but it's useless. Gaby loves Lunkhead more and more each day, but now he's going to marry the evil ChewKey.
Puncho talks his way out of the confrontation. He was married to sisters, but not at the same time. He married Peyote, but she died. Then he married Caramel. This appeases the Spinster Sisters and Hortencia feels his pecs before walking off. Diego is plotting a way to steal from them.
Mucks asks Doc V if Marshmallow is with Godmum. Doc V says probably. Mucks struts off.
ChewKey picks out a Dodge Charger Daytona R/T, but she doesn't like the lime green color. She wants it in blue. When Fidiota suggests white, ChewKey gets snippy. You tell me I can pick out whatever car I want, and then you won't let me get the color I want? Fidiota says "Fine, if you want blue, you can have blue." Roddy goes to make the deal.
Doc V tells Dimwit she is the perfect woman; it would be easy for any man to fall in love with her. He means that with all due respect, of course. He admires her and considers her a good friend. Right.
Marshmallow appears at a grocery store and asks an older gentleman, Jacky, if she and Godmum can perhaps stay at some place of his. He warns her it's not clean, but she can stay as along as she wants. He asks how Godmum is doing. Apparently he is an old, dear friend of the Marshmallow clan.
Mucks takes Dulce aside and wants to know if Dimwit is working. Dulce says she's probably in another patient's room. Mucks then wants to know how she's doing. Dulce says quite nicely considering. . ."Considering what?" asks Mucks. Dulce then says she's not authorized to say anything. Mucks demands, "What happened to Dimwit?" Commercial.
Marfil has returned home from her shopping trip with nothing. She couldn't find anything she liked. Pedro comments he's surprised; he gave her $2,000 and she couldn't find anything. Marfil asks for some credit cards in her name and starts asking if Pedro's changed his will yet. "No." says Pedro making some excuse. He then wants her to kiss him. Marfil comes back with, "No way! You smell like your pipe! I'm going to our room to change my shoes. I'm tired after all the walking." She wrinkles her pretty little nose and makes a fanning motion when she tells him his pipe stinks. After she's left, Pedro wonders if perhaps Mucks is right. Maybe Marfil DID marry him for his money. He's probably Lunkhead's father or grandfather. They seem to share the same intellect genes.
Dulce refuses to tell Mucks what happened to Dimwit. Next Mucks starts interrogating Dulce about Dimwit and Doc V. Dulce tells him Dimwit and Doc V are just good friends. She points out that Mucks is a married man. Then Mucks pulls the victim card, "I know; Dimwit considers me less than zero!" Gee, I wonder why.
Isabel is at a pay phone talking to Octopus. She'll talk to her buddy, the bruja, tomorrow and find out about the poison that will render Fidiota either a paraplegic or a quadriplegic. Knowing these two, Fidioota would probably be a quadriplegic. She hangs up and Iggy wants to know who Isabel was talking to. Before he can ask, however, he had to check the change area of the pay phone. Nice touch. Iggy wants to know if Octopus asked about him. Isabel then talks about Octopus wanting to get back at Fidiota. Iggy admits those two have been at war for years. They are standing in front of the same store where Marshmallow was talking to Jacky.
Dulce and Dimwit are taking a break. Dulce says she likes when they have time to take a coffee break together and visit. Dimwit starts talking about liking to stay busy since it gives her less time to think about how sad her life is.
Isabel and Iggy are dumpster diving. Iggy is thought bubbling how much he hates what has happened to him. It's all Dimwit's fault. "I hate her! I hate her! I hate her!" he keeps thinking.
Dulce tells Dimwit that at least Dimwit is rich. Dimwit gives the speech about money not buying happiness. She may live in a mansion, but it's hell. She misses the days of yore when Gaby was a maid and Dimwit was in nursing school. They had so much fun! They were happy, had goals, pillow fights. . .She waxes poetic about how she first met Diablo. Diablo got in a fight because some guy from the 'hood paid her a compliment. Diablo helped her study, walked her to school, etc. Dimwit always knew Diablo was in love with her, but she only thought of him as a brother. She knew she'd never love him.
Marshmallow is telling Godmum about her plans of leaving Mucks. Suddenly Godmum thinks that's a bad idea. Marshmallow would be depriving the kid of a father. Marshmallow begs for Godmum's support in her decision. I don't get it. NOW Godmum wants Marshmallow to stay with Mucks?!
Dimwit is now telling Dulce how much she loves Mucks and how alone she feels. Dulce finally leaves (I don't blame her; the conversation is boring.) Dimwit then shows us her best glassy-eyed stare and head tilt.
Roddy thanks Fidiota for being so generous to ChewKey. Meanwhile, ChewKey is calling KickMe to tell him she just scored a new car. KickMe wants to see her tonight; he needs some good lovin'! ChewKey says she can't, she needs to pretend to be reformed. Finally she agrees to escape through her bedroom window. The camera pans back and we discover Gaby has overheard the whole conversation. Quick Gaby, get your video camera!!!!
A lovely dinner at Lunkhead's Lair. Mucks is telling them Marshmallow is at the hospital with Godmum. Octopus makes a comment it's nice not having interlopers at their civilized dinner. Mucks says he's tired of Octopus' negativity.
Fidiota, Dimwit, and Gaby are all hanging out in either Gaby's or Fidiota's bedroom. Fidiota tells them about ChewKey's new car. Gaby says ChewKey is a hypocrite, Dimwit thinks ChewKey has changed, and Fidiota agrees with Gaby. She just doesn't want to mess things up with Roddy. Roddy needs to find out on his own.
Doc V removes Godmum's bandages. They drag this scene out way too long, so I'll just come out and say it. The surgery was a success. Hopefully I didn't ruin the anticipation for anyone out there.
Yolanda is all excited. She delivers a letter to Mucks. It doesn't have a return address, however.
Like I said before, Godmum can see. Marshmallow is in a rush to get her out of the hospital so they can leave town.
The letter is a "Dear Mucks" letter from Marshmallow. She's leaving so he can return to his beloved Dimwit. Dimwit is his destiny and she will find hers. It was fun while it lasted, but it's over now. The divorce papers will follow. Yolanda asks Mucks why he's so surprised.
Isabel shows up with the solution to all Octopus' problems. Octopus wants to know if she's "got the stuff." Isabel then produces a simple tarantula, "the most poisonous, type of spider in the whole wide world!" Pobre tarantula, it's now getting a bad rap. Now if Isabel had produced a Brazilian Wandering Spider or a Sydney Funnel Spider I would have been impressed.
Mucks tells Yolanda that Marshmallow has left him.
Marshmallow and Godmum arrive at the store. They thank Jacky for allowing them to stay. He says take all the time you need. Godmum promises not to tell Mucks where they are.
Doc V and Dimwit are talking. Dimwit can't believe Marshmallow has abandoned Mucks, especially now that she's pregnant. Doc V reminds Dimwit that Dimwit's done the same thing in the past. Dimwit says her situation was different; their families hated one another and she was married to Diablo. ***Who cares? ***
Hortencia comes into Puncho's room. He has just finished bathing and walks out in a towel. When she sees him, she hyperventilates. Puncho then drops the towel and it looks like Hortencia is going to pass out. She tells him she needs mouth-to-mouth. Puncho tries not to gag. He finally gets her to leave and starts plotting how he's going to rob the Spinster Sisters. I like how he can never remember their last name. Of course I can't either. Puncho produces a bottle of pills. Apparently he is going to give them sleeping pills and rob them while they are sleeping.
Yolanda tells Octopus that Marshmallow has left. Mucks has run off to the hospital to find her. After Yolanda is out of the room, Octopus takes out the pobre tarantula and gloats about Fidiota's demise.
Gaby is telling Fidiota about the ill-fated call with Lunkhead. Fidiota tries to cheer her up by saying she can help with planning Roddy's birthday party. I'm sure that is just the thing Gaby needs to improve her mood. Fidiota heads off to talk to ChewKey and Gaby flashes back to her time on the island with Lunkhead.
Mucks' is lamenting to Yolanda and Octopus, the loss of Marshmallow. He then gets a call from Marshmallow asking him not to look for her and to proceed with their divorce.
Fidiota is going through ChewKey's online chats with KickMe, in which ChewKey admits how much she hates Fidiota. ChewKey walks in and catches Fidiota in the act. ChewKey is belligerent! What nerve Fidiota has for reading ChewKey's personal emails. Besides, those emails are old. Fidiota says no way, you're telling KickMe about the car I bought you yesterday. Fidiota then tells ChewKey she's sending copies of the chats to Roddy so Roddy will know the truth! Fidiota is pecking away at the keyboard when ChewKey walks up behind her, grabs some sort of pyramid looking object, and whacks Fidiota over the head (or neck or shoulder – we don't see the actual hit). We then see Fidiota slump over the keyboard.
Credits roll!
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