Sunday, April 22, 2007

Acorralada #68 Thursday 4/19/07 Let the drunken wallowing continue . . .

The episode starts with Paco telling Fedora that he did not lie--Octavia and Alicia are the same person. Fedora's really drunk. She tells him not to play her. He asks her forgiveness. (Yeah, right! Not a vengeful bone in her body.)

We are back to Emilio's apartment, where the loony Camila is standing in a bucket of ice in her undies and the weird swami is back casting her spell. I missed whatever was going on with this yesterday. She wants 1000 dollars, and Camila and Silva say she told them the price was only $500. She says there's inflation, and besides, she has six children. If you don't pay, I will undo the work I have done. I must say that I can't give much time to recapping this nonsensical part of the story. Silvia then asks if the swami can grow hair. Of course, she says. I can give you the hair of samson. But it will be $5,000. Silvia decides to remain a baldy.

Max comes back to the homeless shelter. Debora (FM again) says she smells Camila's perfume. Max tells her to calm down. She forbids him to be with Camila, as she's his wife. He reminds her that he caught her cheating with Andres. Camila saw them at the party. He says he's getting a lawyer and he doesn't love her.

Back in the jungle, the group is fighting about whether to go back to the plane or push forward to the manicomio. There's something about how the pilot is missing, so he will have gone off and will come back for them.

Caramelo and Fedora talk. Fedora can't believe Paco married Octavia after only one day.

Yolanda tries to stop Max from going to stay with Camila. She says Diana will return. Larry also says he should wait for her to return.

Debora calls Camila. Camila tells "Marfil" to open her eyes.

Bruno asks Octave if she really loves her new husband. She says yes, but that she also married him to get revenge on Fedora. Fedora has left the Irascibles with nothing.

Caramelo comes in. Octave's vinyl outfit now looks like a crumpled trash bag.
Octave says she's duena of her new small house, and Caramelo must turn in her keys.

Max comes back to Iggy's apartment. (Don't they all wonder where Iggy is?) Silvia seems excited, but he says don't worry he's not accustomed to walking around nude. (But for us the audience, we got treated to a lingering closeup of the bulging biceps yesterday. I think David Zepeda looks like a wax dummy.)
Camila comes out and she's thrilled to see Max. He brought his bags. She tells Silvia to vanish.

He says he can't stand Marfil. The last thing he wants is a romance at this time. She then thought bubbles that she will make him want her. In her arms he will forget Diana.

Octave and Caramelo continue fighting. Paco comes in, and Octave plays nice. She was just trying to get Caramelo to move home.

Paco, or how he should now be known, Big Lunkhead, tells Caramelo that Octave is not bad--she just wants to win her over.
O smirks and drops the keys. What a pity. Bruno smiles.

This is Bruno, she says. She has come to be my companion. The pretension of Octave having a lady's maid in the barrio is very Blanche Dubois, I think.

Yolanda is meeting with Rene again. She laments how sad the family's predicament is now. Maxi is divorcing, Larry is suffering, and Paola has married an MDH. She cries and he holds her in his arms.

Back in the jungle, the fearsome foursome are still fighting. They have not had any water for hours. Diana still wants to go back to the plane, but Iggy doesn't because if rescued, he and Andres will go to prison for life. Better to go to the manicomio.

Lala, Diego and Nancy fill time by saying there is no news of Diana.

In the office, Fedora is getting over her latest hangover. She has no head for work--just for Diana. She puts Emilio and Gaby in charge and goes home.
Emilio says that Larry is really suffering.
Cut to the sufferer jogging shirtless on the boardwalk!
He meets Rene. They rehash the usual. It's my fault. I love her, Kiki is trash.

Bruno and Paco speak about Octave. Octave is a saint, Bruno tells him. She always spoke well of Fedora. Then she giggles about how easy it is to fool men (varones).

Max and Camila are talking. Maxi is dressed for a job interview in what else but a new ugly sweater. He says that after the interview he will go to the mansion to see if there is news. (of course phones don't work.) (and by the way, how is Max getting all these interviews.)
After he leaves, Camila exults again in her new plan to be the one to tell Max that Diana's baby is his, thereby earning his eternal love.

Caramelo is trying to get Gaviota to stop drinking. She is really blotto now. She is also wearing that black sheath dress with the white flower that she wore to defend Diana at the trial. Perhaps this is meant as a symbol by the writers. Diego whines about the kidnappers. He thinks it's odd that no one has contacted them.

Octave laughs with Bruno at what Bruno told Paco. He's crazy in love with me, she bubbles. Paco is going to pay his employees at the bar. Bruno says he's eating out of Octave's hand.

Gaby dials the phone and gets Larry's cell on the beach. Rene picks up and calls Larry over.

In the jungle the foursome continue to fight. These jungle scenes are really boring and repetitive.

Yolanda and Bruno are catching up. Bruno says that Octavia has offered her a position as a bootlicker, and she is very grateful. Bruno wants to know if her Marfil has asked about her. No. Octave comes out in a new black halter, not vinyl. Yolanda tells her that the beach did her a lot of good. Bruno stands in the background with her best humble hangdog look.

More running around in the jungle. The girls are essentially being chased at gunpoint by the boys.

Paola telling Rene that she has a terrible secret, and if her brothers knew they would kill Pancho.

Yolanda wants to know when Octave is going to tell Paco about Paola. Never--and neither will I be guilty of bringing down Fedora. She doesn't really explain this, but you figure it's another nutty revenge plan.

Back to Paola and Rene. She says Paco is married. Yeah, to you. No, silly. He's married to someone else. A girl called Caramelo. So he's a bigamist. He'll go to prison. How can you defend this guy? I love him.
Rene advises her to dump him.
No, she shouts. I hate that Caramelo with all my fuerzas.

Lala wonders why Caramelo is so sad, after all now she can live in the mansion. She says she prefers the humble home she has with Pancho. Forget him, says Lala. She's very quick to call her son trash. She then reminds Caramelo that Paola is also a victim. Lala has a stupid way of rubbing this fact in all the time. This always brings on the waterworks.

More filler time in the jungle.

Diego now is taking his turn in getting Fedora to stop getting plastered. Max comes in and asks for news of Diana. Diego tells him to get out as usual. It's beginning to seem as if Diego is phoning in those repetitive lines. His "largates" are getting weaker. Fedora staggers away and orders Nancy to bring another bottle of Jack Daniels or whatever she's drinking.

Paola calls Andres for drugs. No answer, of course.

Caramelo comes in. Paola tells her to multiply by zero. Caramelo laughs at this phrase. There ensues a bitch fest. Paola calls Caramelo a super naca. Caramleo says she is better educated than Paola because her papa taught her not to steal husbands. Enter said husband!

What are you doing here, Caramelito? he says. Paola tells him not to call her that. Caramelo says she has a right to be there. Isn't it Lala's house? You're her son, and I'm your wife, your only valid wife. There's a fight. The bell rings. Enter Octave!

Paco enters the bedroom of Fedora. In her drunken stupor, she says: Oh, you've come to see the fruit of your betrayal. No, I've come to ask you to forgive me. They stare at each other as the credits roll.


Thanks for the recap!! =)

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