Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Destilando 4/25 - "I guess I'm allergic to seafood."

Anything I don't mention in this recap - it's because you've heard it before. Many of the things I DO mention, you have also heard before. After a mad-cap dash through many countries and months at the beginning of this novela, this novela is gradually silting over with filler material.

After Gaviota manages to send away Aaron's newly-rejected lover, she advises him to go finish it off that very night, talk to the girl at the girl's apartment, or the girl will show up again and embarrass him. He's impressed with Gav's common sense and says she's indispensible. She flips her hair perkily and says she won't betray his confidence.

Isa has reappeared at the hacienda. Rod is more excited to talk about his cows with Roman than he is to say hello to his wife. He tells her he must go see to the harvest and will be back late; she says she'll have a great surprise for him when he returns.

Rod thoughtbubbles: she's a good woman but I don't desire her. Drinks tequila.

Hilario pulls the red negligée out of the bag and remembers how SanJuana rejected it angrily: "It's big enough for a cow!" His mom busts into the room. He inexpertly hides the flimsy scarlet nothing and bolts. His mom, of course, finds it and figures it's a present to her, from her husband Roman.

Isa selects an aphrodisiac menu from her new book and explains to SanJuana how it will stimulate Rod's libido and guarantee a delicious night. "Only science and food never fail." She is very enthusiastic while adding the active ingredients.

Rod and James have an ecstatic reunion in Meliton's agave field. Acacia enters the frame, head down, scowling, and offers Rod water. James asks nicely if he can have some, too. "I'm invisible to her, but I'd do anything to stay near her." [I just have to ask: WHY? I see no apparent charms in this young woman. -- Ed.]

James gives marital advice to Rod: "Your wife's pretty, you should at least try to have sex with her to save your marriage." "Maybe you're right. I'm trapped - in soul, body, and in love of Gaviota."

While Isa is planning the late-night seduction, Gav dreams of Rod and Isa living happily and intimately together. Their spectral kisses wake her. (Later she is looking on the internet for courses in business administration. Her mom thinks she doesn't need any more learning to be a receptionist, Gav reminds her it is her intention to climb the corporate ladder.)

Rod gets home late and starts flying up the stairs to his bachelor's quarters but Isa stops him. She leads him by the hand to a banquet table covered with rose petals and, I presume, aphrodisiac foods. He sniffs the food like a happy dog and eats and drinks enthusiastically.

So do Hilario's parents, who snatch the "samples" SanJuana took from Isa's science project. SanJuana meant the food for Hilario but the parents say, rightly, that Hilario doesn't need comestibles to get him in the mood.

The aphrodisiacs (plus the cow-sized negligée) work wonders for Roman and Ofelia; the next morning Roman, looking pleased with life, tells Hilario he's glad the XXX XL nightie didn't get returned to the store.

At first it seems Isa's plot is working: Rod gets hot and sweaty and says he feels suffocated. Far from filling him with ardor, however, the dinner just gave him a stomache ache; he surmises he must be allergic to seafood (it was probably oysters she fed him). Thanks to Andrea for the correction.

When Isa slips into Rod's bed he wakes with a horrified shriek - and bolts. Back to the drawing board...

In Mexico City - Gaviota comes back from lunch to find fully 20 guys in suits milling around in her reception area along with Aaron's two secretaries who immediately accuse her of having stolen her own computer monitor. It's quite incredible that this would require the presence of the entire senior staff. Oh well.

Gav indignantly accuses the two harpies of setting her up. Aaron hears the ruckus, comes out, hustles all the suits away except his most important lawyer, and takes a meeting with Gav and the lawyer in his office.

Gav mocks the idea that, having spent so much time desperately trying to get a job at Montalvo's, she would immediately sabotage herself by stealing her own computer monitor. She offers to pay for it out of her salary, or be in debt forever, just for the privilege of working at Montalvo's.

This convinces them. The younger secretary, who planned this all with Aaron's wifey and has been on the phone with her constantly giving the play-by-play, has to call and say the plan failed.

Minerva is all curses-foiled-again and says "Try again, but be careful cause it's your jobs and my marriage on the line here."

Gav bounces out of the office and says to the harpies: Nyah-nyah and don't try it again or I'll break you in pieces.

The important lawyer takes Gav into a private room to sign her promise that she's paying for the monitor. He leans in for a sniff and invites her to dinner and "something afterwards." "WHAT afterwards?" "Oh, just something." She slaps him and says I'm not that kind of girl. He says, careful, I'm important here and whatever path you're on I'll be there in front of you.

SanJuana helpfully tells the dejected Isa that she knows an old witch who can make a very powerful love potion. (Shades of Alborada!) This sounds like a good idea to Isa. They go visit the witch.

The witch does a product placement: "Benomi!" [Or maybe it's Bemoni, or Bemomi, or Benoni, I wasn't really paying attention.] "The Elixir of Hazoltl, God of flesh and lechery!" [Or something like that.] The witch continues: "Take a bath in honey and rose petals (excuse me, but blegh), then rub this potion all over your body, and for good measure give him twenty drops in his food, but be very careful with the dose, if you go overboard he may go insane for you until he dies."

That probably sounds better to Isa than it would actually be.

James has been sniffing Acacia, she of the pinched and angry face and poor posture. She rejects his offer to help get Drunk Uncle into bed, but later appears in his dark bedroom saying: "Embrace me, hard." First he says, "Oh, you're so young," and then he bangs her.

Then she tells him to leave the hacienda and never mention this again.

So James goes to Rod for advice. [I gotta say, the idea of James and Rod going to each other for advice is pretty funny.] Rod has already told Isa he wants to find work for James at his own place when the harvest at Meliton's is over. (Isa: "He will disturb our intimacy!" Rod, laughing thoughtlessly: "What intimacy?") But now that he hears how desperate James is to stay near Acacia, they cook up a plot: since the government is giving out grants for improved cultivation methods, they'll convince Meliton to let James stay and mastermind a grant-worthy project.

Back at the office - the revolving door of Aaron's amantes revolves and here's a new one with really red really curly hair, Pamela. Aaron tells Gav to let her in. Pamela is giggly and obnoxious, Aaron's happy to see her. She convinces him to go on a trip to the mountains with her that weekend. All they have to do, Aaron says, is conceal it from Minerva. Pamela: "Of course! I don't want to die young!" They smooch in Aaron's office.

But uh-oh - despite all Aaron's warnings that she not visit him at work, Minerva is roaring down the hall with a "just you wait!" look on her face as the credits roll.


Thanks !--Wonderful recap, Melinama ! Isa's visit to the wicked witch of passion certainly was reminiscent of Esperanza's appointments with the cigarsmoking voodoo witchy woman in Alborada. I wonder if this particular potion [Love Potion#9 ????] will have poor old HotRod retching like Diego. I agree with you about James's new love interest. She looks kind of like a surly, illtempered teen to me...bad position, lack of eye contact. But then suddenly without preamble, ''Hug me hard.'' What do you think James answered?? Maybe ''Kiss me quick.'' And what a great plan those secretaries cooked up---framing Gavi for stealing her own monitor. I can't wait to see what happens when Hurricane Minervaaaa hits AAron's office. BAM !!

nice recap! and fast!

haha @ "and then he bangs her" james and acacia...soooo creepy! man. if he recognizes how young she is, he's a jerk. and though the sweaters and pageboy caps don't help him, i don't see what Marcia from LFMB sees in him.

I nearly died when eduardo i mean, Rodrigo mocked James' slow speech. Is the actor a native speaker?

I believe Rod said he's allergic to seafood (mariscos) which doesn't make sense because last week he and Isa had Lobster

Excellent! As for seafood allergies, I don't think it was the seafood as much as the extra potion or powder/spicy ingredients Isa insisted to Ofelia on adding per her "woman's intuition" remark. Ofelia questioned her about that and ended the scene looking at the bottle and shaking her head. That was the big clue to me that this was not going to work.== As for James banging "La Bestia de Ojos Negros", talk about shivers going down your spine!! Brr-wahhhha. Maybe, for the story's sake, she'll turn out to be older than she looks. I still see this as James' copy-cat jimadora redux ala Stephen King's "Pet Semetary".....

thanks for the recap
i wonder if Lety can take a lesson from Gaviota who definately doesnt take crap from anyone and i like that about her(Gavi)

I just remembered: Sofia dumped James because she didn't want her "career" to be hindered, and she wanted to be in London. Now she just sits on her butt around her Granny's house and waits for her sister-in-law to get pregnant. This is a career?

Anon, I suppose the theory is supposed to be that Lety was "injured" as she was ugly whereas Gavi is succeeding as she is beautiful - even though she has limited education! The novela writers live on a different planet perhaps as its in the Entertainment Industry. In the world in which I live, people are hired for competence - not looks! Lety has no spine. As for the bosses having affairs with employees ... !!! Everyone here is too scared of lawsuits.

Bwaaahaaaa great favorite moment...Wednesday Addams bangs her English Lit teacher...Goth in so many ways...

I'm still holding with the whole horror movie thing and maybe she needed to be impregnated by an actual human...

Jeez, Melinama, you make it sound like Sofia's lazy. Obviously, nagging Isadora is a career in itself.

The witch scene was the best, but so much of Destilando just cracks me up. Thanks for the recap, Melinama. I like the unrealistic escape level (cheesiness) of this novela. I'm not falling for Rod, 'cause his head's too big, but he's not bad looking otherwise. Mr. James?? He and Acacia make a weird couple. Can't see him married to LFMB's Marcia.

I think his head is too big, too! But I'm sad to admit that I'm getting way more enjoyment out of Destilando lately than I have been from La Fea.

BTW - what is up with Joana Benedek's hair? (AKA Pamela, the chick who went up to see Aaron last night.) Was that color on sale that month or what? It's the same color as Aurora's and Bozo's on la Fea... and anyway... she looks so much more fake now than she did in Fea and Barreras, I almost didn't recognize her...

On comparing Gaviota and Lety...Gaviota has been portrayed from the beginning as extremely feisty and not averse to fistfights...and remember the early scene when she elbowed a field hand who groped her under the guise of helping her up...the phrase they used was "este tuna (prickly pear) tiene espinas!"
Anyway, that's the approach I presume...yeah, she's pretty but what really gets her somewhere is her feisty, persistent on-track drive to get herself educated and move up the ladder. Presumeably a public service announcement for any downtrodden females who might be watching this show instead of going to night school!
Last night had a lot of creepy moments but I loved the hot night between the oldsters...let's have more of that senior love! Judy B. (and 67)

Lots of laughs for this episode! But I would agree with the commment about the novela starting to get bogged down. Just makes me shudder to think about the spawn of James and Acacia.

Fabulous recap! Melinama I knew it was you just a few sentences into the recap.

Best scene: definitely Ice Queen visiting the witch. I loved how she held her nose when the witch stood near her, obviously wafting her heady scent a bit too close for Isa's delicate nostrils.

Creepiest scene: Acacia lying next to James like a corpse and telling him to hug her hard. This plot line just keeps getting weirder and weirder.

Funniest scene: Rod waking up with a shriek when Isa sidles into bed next to him.

Favorite scene: I agree with Judy, the hot night between the oldsters was my "Awwwww..." moment for the night. Although Hilario looked a little uncomortable with Pops giving him the lowdown on the lay down.
Thanks Melinama!

Maybe Acacia is the daughter of Amador and the witch...

I notice that the name of the actress who plays Acacia is not listed with the cast lists I can find online. Anyone know who she is?

Thanks for the recaps!


My husband & I did the eeewwwwww thing last nite when Roman confided in Hil...yeh, I mean it was alright that they were doin it..just don't tell the kid you just nailed his Ma...Of course also do the eeewwwwww everytime Sofie gives Ias advice on how to help Rod get his groove on...

Hey witch doctors are really big in Mexico...for love problems, curses and physical ailments...meaning I spend many an eye rolling moment, while my husband is translating...I knew some guys who actually went back to Mexico, to have curses removed and broken hearts healed...shoulda saved their money...

Thanks for the recap! I wish I could have seen this one, except for my messed-up VCR.

I agree...Acacia and James...very strange.

Hope tonight's tapes!!-Becky T

>>Sofia dumped James because she didn't want her "career" to be hindered, and she wanted to be in London. Now she just sits on her butt around her Granny's house...<<

Excellent point, there, Melinama!! Just what was her career, er, supposed to be anywho? Social psychologist or Sex thereapist? // I could not get over Joanna Benedek's appearance, in either sense of the word......// We "oldsters" here really enjoyed that strange bit of comic relief courtesy of Roman and family. However, it was a bit crude the way he yukked it up with sonnyboy the morning after.

I thought Joanna Benedek looked like she had her face pressed up against a window, except there was no window.

When she was putting those kisses on Aaron she didn't even have to pucker. She was making kissy noises and just sort of pushing her face onto his. Weird. She didn't look that bad even a few months ago in a Don Francisco segment.

But now I'm thinking of the inevitable moment when Minnie finds out her, and I'm having a hard time deciding which of them I'll be cheering for. :)

Yep!aha.. that was pretty wild when Hilario's dad told his son that he had done the eeeeeeww with H's mum....Hilario's facial expession priceless.

If Lety had Gavi's spunk, not taking your bull crap kinda spunk she would have smacked down Omar alot that would have been good TV

well...I remember BSC talkin in the mirror Joan Benedek from Amigas & Rivals...She is like totally extreme and I do not believe I have ever seen that hair color in nature....oh wait isn't that Loreal Baboon Red #132...

That also is the first time I saw Lety (LFMB)..didn't care for her as the terminally cheerful virginal Naca...I liked the rich spoiled ones better...

It would be better TV if TWB's love potion is accidentally digested by all the people leaving in the ranch thus they fall in love with her u know what they say be carefull what u ask for..

is james love interest having an inscest reletionship with her uncle (not voluntarily i think)coz thats just sick. i think she likes him but is scared of her uncles reactions he is kinda crazy

jajaja that reminds me of como agua para chocolate

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