Thursday, April 12, 2007

Duelo de Pasiones - Wed April 11 - Granillo has finger nails too!

Rosita rolls down the hill after her push/scare from Castulo on horse. Tonky/Donky sweet little doggie goes to sniff her out, then he runs off presumably for help.

Alfonsia packs as Gasca looks on. She comments that his dirty work has been found out by Don Loco. He laughs that he hasn’t been discovered. Hey by chance you aren’t falling in love with him? Gasca queries. Alfonsia claims she is only following his plans. Gasca/Hugo gives her some papers for her to get DL to sign. He tells her they are some papers to take a little bit of the lot Don Loco has away from him.

Castulo tries to buy Alinas love for the night at Edelmiras. Edelmira tells him to leave Alina alone, she has others for him to play with. The other working girls overhear Edelmira protecting Alina and become jealous. Hey Edelmira doesn’t stand up for us like that! Hey Edelmira why you do that! Edelmira claims she did it because Alina has class, they don’t. This comment adds a little more fuel to the fire of jealousy raging at Edelmiras Pit of Love.

Alina goes to bed. She dreams of Emilio but her dream is interrupted by Thelma. She wakes to complain that not even in her dreams is she able to be with Emilio.

Emilio looks at the heart necklace. Angel walks in.

Braulio calls for Rosita. Tonky comes instead. He puts on a coat to go find her with the help of the doggie.

Angel tells Emilio he couldn’t sleep. He's worried about Alina. Emilio argues that she is well taken care of. Angel goes off to bed and Emilio pulls the necklace out again. BTW they both were wearing old fashion PJ's like my grandfather used to wear. Very attractive.

Alvaro spies in on Alfonsia as she packs her bags. He sees the papers Hugo left. He picks them up and asks her what she has in the envelope.

Alina wakes to a sound. It' Granillo coming to chat. He tells her not to be afraid he will protect her. All she has to do is call GRANILLLLLLLO and poof! he will come flying. (Vengo collando!) Alina goes back to bed dreaming of her mommy.

Soledad calls out into the night wishing that Alina is well. She then prays about Elias.

Elias wakes from his make shift sick ward in the cave. Luba watches over him saying that her herbs will cure him. She curses Sergio.

Alfonsia tells Loco that the papers are her birth certifates. Just in case he wants to get married. He laughs.

Braulio is led by Donky to the passed out Rosita who is laying in vocanic rocks. Braulio picks her up to carry her home.

One of the gross working girls uses a knife to pry open a drawer in Edelmiras bedroom. Another gross working girl comes in to scold her, saying Edelmira will claw up her face for stealing the money. First gross girl tells the other that she is going to put the money in Flors room so Edelmira will scratch Flors face not hers.

Creepy doctor tells Mariana that he is going to take her home to Malenas. That way she will be more comfortable so she can respond better to treatments. Marianas eyes bulge out as she follows him with those big eyes of hers.

Gross working girl plants the lana under Alinas pillow while she sleeps.

Edelmira wakes Flor up rudely screaming at her like the class act that she is. Edelmira is always setting the example for the women who work for her. She screams for Flor to get up and work, this isn't some luxury hotel.

Emilio talks with General Ocha and other military men about a new water treatment plant. Emilio warns the general that the job could be dangerous but to count on him.

The Good Tall Doctor Vasquez tells Braulio that Rosita lost the baby. Braulio thinks that she must have fallen. Santos runs in and overhears the tail end of their conversation. He runs out for Rositas room saying No puede ser! It cant be!

Back in Veracruz Don Loco wraps up business by joking around with Hugo. He tells him he has done a fine job with the administration on the farm, blah blah blah. Alfonsia saunters up and loads her bags in Don Locos BMW suv. (I thought that was a strange car for a rancher but …..) Alfonsia sends Hugo a wink as she loads up to go.

Coral chats with a friend about getting married to Celso. She will marry him next week and she will most likely stop dancing. A bouncer for the club tells Coral that someone is there to see her. Its Celsos nephew.

Creepy doctor kisses on Mariana as she sits in a wheel chair with a neck brace. She doesn’t look so happy.

The bad gross working girls find Flor cleaning a floor and trample or her fresh cleaned floor.

The nephew wants to know if Coral will be marry his uncle for his lana. Coral gets tough with him and ends the conversation. He tells the air that she will get hurt for doing this…… Ugh! Please how much drama do we really need?

Angry sore loser Sergio yells at Adela that its her fault Luba's idiot son attacked him. He tells her that he is going back to finish the job of killing Elias. If they try and stop him then he will kill them too. Sergio throws an old snot rag at Adela as he tears out of the room.

Angel runs hard on a treadmill as he is being watched over by a doctor. He has wires connected to him and a heart rate monitor that reads 139/97. Looks like Angel needs some help. Angel tells the doctor that he doesn’t care how tiring the test are, he needs to get healthy so his girl will accept him. Her name is Alina!

Florlina pleads that the girls be friends with her…. If they only knew…. The girls care not for Flors statements. They threaten Flor who keeps answering back saying Cant we be friends! Flor looks silly trying to be friendly when these girls mean business, bad business with her. Flor steps up her character though when the mean girls start to make fun of Soledad. She yells at the girls. They can't talk to her about her MOTHER like that!

Edelmira comes tearing into the area where Alina is fighting with the gross working girls. Someone has stolen her money and they better give it back!

Thelma tells Singing Aunt that Orlando can keep looking for Alina. She doenst care. The aunt worries that Thelma is playing with fire. I think that worry has already peaked so is this aunt blind? Thelma doesn’t care about what the aunt is saying. She goes on to say how she hopes Alina is suffering at Edelmiras.

The gross mean girls all point their fingers at Alina and say its interesting that the money is missing when SHE arrived. We don’t steal. It must be her! Edelmira tells them all that the money better show up!

Santos comforts Rosita who is bedridden and depressed. She feels bad for the baby. The baby isn’t to blame for what has happened! She tells Santos that she is afraid, she didn’t fall, someone made her fall (threw her off the cliff - me avento).

Back in Puebla Emilio and Angel eat in a restaurant. Emilio tells Angel that he has to go away for a few days for a military mission. Angel says he will continue with his test and treatments. He wants to get better so he can help Alina. He wants to get her away from her father, make her happy and get her out of La Rinconada. Emilio sighs and looks away.

Granillo and Alina talk in her room about the missing money. Granillo spots the money under ALinas pillow. He tells her he knows she didn’t do it, she isn’t capable of stealing but what will Edelmira think?! To answer that question Edelmira enters the room, uninvited, and spots the money in Alinas hand. Edel calls Alina a dead fly.

Don Loco goes to Malenas apartment. Malena is impactada to see him. He tells her he is going to take Mariana with him. It's his duty. There are big eyes to be had by all except Don Loco.

Edel goes crazy on Florina. She tells Alina that she will have to pay for what she did. She will end up with her face torn. Edelmira tells Alina all these lovely things as she has her nasty hands with large large fingernails wrapped on Alina's chubby cheeks. Break to ad.

Edelmira lunges to scratch Flor but Granillo butts in. He tells Edel that Alina is telling the truth! He then steps up his words by telling Edel that she cant touch Flor because he has nails too! Tengo mis unitas!

Malena is shocked shocked shocked. She panics trying to come up with reasons on why Alvaro shouldn’t take Mariana with him. Loco claims that the creepy doctor is just an opportunist who wants to get his hands on Alvaros money. Besides they have a good doctor in Sierra Escondida.

Granillo tells Edelmira that they are even. He doesn’t owe her anything. In fact she will have to pay him what she owes him if he was to leave. Plus he wants Edelmira to return all the money she owes Flor! Dogs don’t eat Dogs he taunts. Edelmira doesn’t like what she is hearing. She tells him she doesn’t want to talk about any of that, but she saw Alina with her money, with her own eyes. It was her Edelmira exclaims!

Alvaro and Malena argue about where is best for Mariana. Alvaro wins. He pushes Mariana out the door in her little wheel chair. Mariana starts to squeak in protest. Her eyes roll everywhere in panic.

Edelmira screams some more before she leaves Alinas room. Man all this actress does is scream. I really don’t like her. Granillo tells Alina that the dog that barks doesn’t bite. He repeats how he won't let them hurt her. Flor is convinced the mean girls set her up. Really?

Santos confronts Max in his office. He tells Max that Rosita lost her baby. Max is happy to hear the good news. Kids are just a burden for their parents after all. Santos is shocked; he argues kids are a blessing. Max goes on about his theory of how kids are a burden by saying that if Santos had been his kid he would have killed him before he had caused him any trouble. Max tells Santos that his parents were lucky they died before they had to take care of him. Santos is impactado.

Emilio looks at the heart necklace again. Angel comes in again. They hug their goodbyes.

Flor is confronted by four working girls.

Santos tells Max that he will be punished sooner or later for all the bad that he has done. He warns Max to not come looking for Rosita anymore. Max gets mad and attacks Santos. He pins Santos to the desk as he tells him not to threaten him. He tells Santos that it wasn't he who raped Rosita. He knows who it was. Would Santos like to know?

Emilio tells his driver to wait while he goes into a church to pray.

Thelma tells her aunt that when Orlando no longer serves her she will get rid of him personally.

Max releases Santos telling him that he doesn’t care what Santos thinks about him. He has no reason to lie to him, with power and money and the authorities on his side why would he lie? Would Santos like to know who it was? The only reason why he would tell Santos is so the guy who did it wont get away with doing it again.

Emilio prays to God that he hasn’t forgotten Alina. He wants his brother to be happy with her.

Max tells Santos that on second thought he won't tell him who raped Rosita.

Alvaro talks to Mariana as he drives his SUV. Alfonsia sits in the front seat while Mariana sits in the back in the middle. Alvaro tells his sister that Alfonsia is now the new woman of the house. Mariana thinks to herself that what happened to Soledad?!

Luba pats Elias as Elias begs her to go see Alina. He wants Alina to know that she will be able to see her mother soon as he is better. He also wants Luba to find a fellow engineer (Nunez) to tell him why he hasn’t been to work. Luba tells Gaspar to stay and watch over Elias. She reminds Gaspar that he knows what to do if Sergio shows back up. She hands Gaspar a brown bottle.

All the working girls plus Edelmira are enjoying a feast. Alina walks up and flips a plate of food onto the face of the main bad girl. A silly word fight ensues with Edelmira commanding that she has issued a punishment to Flor. Her punishment is to not have food.

Frank warns Emilio for the umpteenth time that Orlando is not his friend. Emilio doesn’t want to hear the news.

The main bad girl gets uptight with Alina and pulls a knife out and holds it to Alina's throat. Edelmira breaks the fight up saying NO FOOD to Alina as she tells her to go away.

The Singing Aunt wants to know what will happen to the baby when it's born. Orlando walks in the room and interrupts the conversation as he wonders where could Alina be?!

Luba has Vera cornered in the kitchen as she tries to find Alina. Castulo walks in on the women. He tells Luba he knows where Alina is. He will tell her because she is the mother of Gaspar. Alina is at the Meson de Edelmira.

Emilio visits Coral at the Devils Cave. Emilio asks Coral to look over Flor if something happens to him as he heads off on a military mission. She tells him to be careful and she will help.

Soledad starts to move things around in the barn looking for a way out. She finds a bar and uses it to pry open the font doors.

Adela is shocked to see Alvaro arrive with Mariana in a wheelchair. Alvaro orders Mariana to be taken to a guest room, and for Adela to recognize Alfonsia as the woman of the house. Alvaro orders Sergio to bring Soledad to him so they can talk.

Creepy doctor goes to Malenas apartment with Flowers in hand. Malena fills him in on what happened.

Just as stupid Soledad breaks out of the barn Sergio walks up. He makes fun of her and orders her to her old room.

Max tells Castulo that he knows he did his job with Rosita. Now he has another job for him. Get rid of Santos. Take him out of this world.

Alfonsia thumbs through Soledad's clothes. Loco tells her to take anything she wants. Soledad arrives to see Alfonsia touching her stuff. Loco tells her that Alfonsia is the new woman of the house. Soledad laughs telling him look how far you’ve fallen. I don’t care if you have one girlfriend or a thousand. Loco, to test Soledad after her comment, pulls Alfonsia to him and sucks face with her. Soledad averts her eyes.

The ads for tomorrow show Soledad telling Mariana about THE LETTER. Marianas eyes are large.


I hope that all these mujeres rise up and take revenge on all these hombres who have been abusing them in countless ways throughout this show---imprisonment, rape, intimidation, deceit, manipulation, verbal abuse, physical abuse. This show is wearing me down. I am ready for some payback. I have a question---Why did it take this long for DonLoco to bring Alphonsina to SE? Was he sleeping with her this whole time or has he just resumed their affair? Whatever Alphosina's plan is for Donloco, I hope she puts the wheels in motion soon. I got a kick out of Emiliooo asking Coral to take care of Floralina if something happens to him. Isn't that special...your truelove's ex main squeeze taking care of you. Pleeease. When are these bad folks going to get what they deserve??? Do you think Thema's dream means that she is going to have a miscarriage? I can't take this much longer. Basta !~~~Susanlynn, heading for the agave fields and a different storyline

This new phase, where Don Loco is getting some (even fully clothed) is awful. There is nothing creepier than DL with a spring in his step and a smile on his face. I actually cringed when he smiled at Mariana when he told her that she'd best forget the doctor because she was "never going to see him again."

The novela seems to be moving fast again. We go from plan to execution in the attack on Rosita to lose her baby and Hugo manages to make DL suspicious but then gets out of it all in the same epi.

Soledad finally finally decides to try to bolt from the barn using one of the farm implements stored inside. But it's too late! Serves her right!

I think that Alfonsina is going to end up with her neck wrung like a chicken when DL discovers her plan, which is about as stupid as all the other plans people have tried to hatch on this show. Except for Thelma's plan, of course, which was predicated on the stupidity of others--thus it worked.

One of the things that always facinates me about these novelas is how steeped in class relations they are. This was really evident in the beating scene, when Alina is brought before Thelma after being captured. Thelma wants to beat Alina but Alina defies her to do it (she has this attitude because she's upper class). In the end, Thelma won't do it. Instead she beats the servants, who accept it. She's burned Vera and now whipped Jaime and still they just cower and take it. Thelma knows she can get away with it.

Great mini-recap, Lynn! You said it all. As for Don Loco...what a jerk!!!!

I think we are all a little tired of this novela and wish it would be over soon!

But it wouldn't be as much fun if not for you recappers!!!Thanks!
-Becky T

Margaret~~~Excellent observations about the class distinctions and the beatings. I never thought of that. I really hate Thelma. What will they do to her to give her the punishment she deserves for being such a horrible human being? ~~~Susanlynn

Well, I'm not sure if money means class, but I think the only reason the servants put up with the treatment from Thelma is that they will lose their jobs (income) if they don't do as they're told.

Margaret, what you say about class distinctions is very interesting and it's a theme that seems to run throughout this novela on nearly every level. The relationship between Don Loco and Alphonsina is also like this. She's boinking the guy and still calling him Patron? What's up with that? However, I have always gotten the feeling that Donloco and Hugo are on a more equal footing. Even though Donloco is the patron, Hugo has always called him Alvaro. Hmmm...

I think Mariana's doing a great job showing how she feels with her eyes only. I laughed when I tried to imagine her practicing in front of her mirror, 'OK this is fear, OK this is disgust, OK now sorrow, and for every single one my eyes must be as bugged out as possible.'

I REALLY want something horrible to happen to Thelma. She's not even a great villain, she's too emotional, not cold and calculating like Bertha or Dona Jacinta. So many times the comeuppance at the end is less than satisfying. I'm not sure the whirlpool alone is good enough for her.

I really enjoyed last night's show (mostly), a lot happened, some surprising things, and yeah, Donloco got even creepier by being in a better mood.

Marycelis, back to "Soy risueño y me hacen cosquillas," to remind ourselves of the scene, Donloco has told Hugo that he's leaving with Alphonsina in the morning. Hugo is trying to talk Donloco out of taking Alphonsina with him, or at least waiting a few days to leave. My friends said they thought Donloco was saying something along the lines of "What you say sounds good (makes sense), but I'm going to leave anyway." (Direct translation "I'm smiley and they [Hugo's words] tickle me.")

I know that Thelma can hold firing them over their heads, but at a certain point, pride and self-preservation kick in for most people, unless they are taught to expect that they are inferior. Not necessarily consciously but subconsciously. Also they take a longer view. Thelma has only been there for what? a few months? She'll eventually be gone and this abuse will be over. These are hallmarks of rural peon passive thinking. It's pre-modern and we have to believe that SE is extremely remote from the rest of civilization to believe there are enough people who would act this way.

Sylvia, I agree that the Alfonsina/Don Loco relationship is odd in a modern sense but historically it was pretty common. Hacienda owner takes slave woman or servant woman as his mistress, although usually he maintains her in a separate house. Keeping her at the big house (whether or not a wife was also present) was done but was seen as a serious social lapse. Thus Adela's distain, not only because she's buddy-buddy with Soledad but because Don Loco has really crossed the line now. I think Alfonsina knows her status is precarious, especially with Don Loco's volatile temperment. I remember how she remarked on Don Loco giving her a drink, as a reversal of their roles. I think that she will try to execute her plan as soon as she can, which is good for us who want things to move along.

I am sure most Latin Americans would tell you that people really don't act this way anymore. It would make more sense if it was set at least 30-40 years ago in a very remote place.

Thanks Margaret, that helps clarify things in my mind. I appreciate the time you took to explain things so well.

Hey did anybody notice Angel's sparkly gold tennis shoes that he was wearing while on the treadmill? I got a good chuckle out of those. Emilio is such a dud that even hacking Angel is looking much better these days by comparison.

Lynn, thanks for posting the complete recap. It's hilarious! We sure have some good material to work with on this crazy show.

I was reading Margaret's comments about the hacienda owner/mistress thing,and it reminded me of Antonia's postion in the ''big house'' in ''Amor Real.'' First, when Matilde married Manuel , Antonia was the housekeeper living in the house. At that pointMtilde was pining for Adolfosolis and not sleeping with Manuel , so NastyAntonia started putting the moves on Manuel when he was drunk. Padre did not like her in the house and tried to get her nana to make her leave. After Matilde succumbed to Manuel's charms and let him into her bed, she campaigned to get Antonia out of the house, and Manuel agreed. But after Antonia's suicide attempt, she talked Manuel into letting her stay in the administrator's house [where she +dad had lived.] When Manuel found out about Adolfosolis impersonating the new administrator and kicked Matilde off the hacienda, Antonia asked him if she could return to the big house and he agreed. At this point, it was just a matter of time before she seduced him. After Matilde and Manuel reconciled, he wanted to settle up with Antonia by buying her a house even though he did not intend to continue to use her services. However, I remember Matilde not being happy about this arrangement because her mother had informed her that ''most married men have mistresses on the side.'' I wonder if that was really true back in those days in Mexico????~~~~Susanlynn

Margaret, thanks for all the info on class relations. I felt the same way you did watching the novela, but I wondered if it was really still that way in Mexico.

I would like to start seeing Thelma suffer now, and a few bad dreams just isn't enough. There should be a special slooow punishment for bullies...

I enjoyed this recap, and especially like the title. It was nice to see Granillo stand up for Alina so aggressively. I think he's the only man on the show to do that, aside from Angel, and Granillo was more effective. Go Granillo!

SUSANLYNN!!! I just read that Fernando Colunga is going to be in Carla Estrada's new telenovela "Pasion." Let's go party down!!!

Thats great news about Fernando!

This novela is slowly taking it out of me. Barrera never bothered me that bad but maybe cause we jumped ship... Duelo is like a slow kill in Stupidville. Even with Luba and Gaspar Im having a hard time enjoying seeing the breastisess and Loco.

I so need a Carla Estrada novela. And the really good news is that it will start up probably about the same time Zorro ends. (My new current favorite and sanity keeper for telenovelas.)

Thanks All!

SYLVIA !!!!!~~~~Que????---Be still my foolish heart ! He must have heard that our devotion was straying [i.e. Rodrigooooooooo]. Now, we need to know where and when we'll be able to watch this new novela. Thanks for sharing the good news. I'm going to get a glass of wine. What are you drinking? Adios, Emiliooo! Hola, Fernandooooooooo.~~~Susanlynn, the fickle, doing the happy dance and headed for the wineglasses

Oh what Im tying to say is my work and personal life have amped up. So watching and recapping a novela that is hard to watch becomes a chore.

Oh woes me. Just complaining here, or maybe Im preaching to the choir....

I read your pain Lynn. I think I actually enjoy recapping and commenting on this blog more than watching the actual show. And I learn things like risueno and de costillos, burra al trigo. Normally my lazy ear would interpolate between things I don't understand. Having to actually listen, word for word to make sure I get the meaning, that's a challenge!

Susanlynn, right now I'm having a cup of tea because I'm still at work, but as soon as I get home I'm going to have a shot of Tres Generationes (as inspired by DA) to celebrate. Woo hoo woo hoo! I'll toast you as soon as I get home.

I'm not sure, but I think I read that filming of the telenovela is supposed to start soon. I'll poke around after work and see if I can find out.

Lynn, take it easy on the recaps. The same stuff keeps happening over and over again anyway. Don't burn yourself out. I just started my Spanish class again on Mon and Wed nights so I'm sure my recaps will become more consolidated. I intend to fast forward through Emilio, Alina, Soledad and all the other boobs who say the same crap over and over again. At least Duelo has great dichos. By the way, I loved your comment on Emiliooooo's jammies. They were perfectly pressed too. Gawd what a doofus. Fernando here I come!!!
Sylvia - willing to share herself with Fernando, Rodrigo, Zorro, Diego, and Fernando again.

Sylvia~~~'' willing to share herself with Fernando, Rodrigo, Zorro, Diego, and Fernando again''. You are such a giver, Sylvia. .... or a hussy.... Whatever. I, personally, do not want to burn myself out , so it will just be Rodrigooo and Fernando for me , and, well....if they die...they die. [p.s. Sylvia, you are like that girlfriend in junior high that my mother won't let me invite over very often because she wound me up too much]^^^Susanlynn, all wound up , but choosing quality over quantity

Ha ha! Guilty on all counts!

I just read that the filming of Pasión is supposed to begin this month and that the telenovela is supposed to be ready to air in August following Destilando Amor. These things can change of course, but that's the rumor floating around currently.

Arriba, abajo, al centro, y pa' dentro! Ahhhh...

Great words of Faith Sylvia! Great celebrations for you Susanlynn and all the others!

Margaret, Carmel and anyone else I forgot thank you too for your kind words. Somedays with work and life edging in getting these recaps done is hard. However its true that it becomes a challenge to catch new ditchos and a great learning tool for all.

I really like it when in the comments someone asks about somehting said. It always leads to such great conversations. Im so lucky to be a part of this fine group.

Be careful with the brindis Sylvia! Those sayings can cause lots of trouble! :)

I don't think I can stand it....Eduardo followed by Fernando . I may have to be sedated. YO ho ho !~~~Susanlynn, trying not to get her hopes up too high

Lynn, they can? I don't know whether to be nervous or hopeful. I learned that brindis when I used to work as a chef with a bunch of great Mexican guys. Sometimes after a particularly grueling night we'd cook ourselves up a late dinner and start it off with a toast and a shot. Of course they taught me a lot of bad words and phrases that I didn't fully comprehend until I began working where I am now, with some women from Mexico, and the señoras set me straight pretty quickly after I singed their ears a couple of times.

Lynn, terrific recap, and never worry--they continue to enchant us! Sorry that Duelo doesn't enchant you, but thanks for staying the course!

I loved reading all the comments. Thanks, everyone, for just being there when Duelo isn't.



It really bugs me when Thelma refers to Alina as 'esa muerta de hambre' when she knows fully well that she's Alina Montellano. 'Muerta de hambre' (starving to death) is an expression that people usually use when referring to a person of lower social position. Thelma knows that Alina isn't a muerta de hambre. Tonight Máximo called Santos that, but he doesn't know that he's Santos Valtierra yet. That stuff he told him tonight about being an orphan, etc, was awful. Too much. Even Castulo the nasty rapist did a good deed by telling Luba where Alina was. Why can't they let Max do something good for once?
I usually fast forward Emilio, Alina, and Soledad when they aren't doing anything important.

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