Saturday, April 21, 2007

La Fea Más Bella #258 4/20/07 Lety's spine flexes its muscles

(I lost track of the episode numbers for a while there. We're back on track now... wow, 256 episodes! 260 will make it a year. Holy mackerel.)

The Wisdom of Julie (not Julieta) and RoboPop

Tomas feels abandoned by the Padillas in his moment of doubt. He wonders what sort of Aldo-like sacrifice he can make to help Alicia. He shuffles away from the Padilla home in tears.

Lety confides to her mother that she's having difficulty deciding which luscious galán to choose. My advice, Lety, is to dump both of them, take a real vacation and clear your head. But did Lety ask me? No. RoboPop hears the last few words of their conversation and confronts them with this evidence that both men are in love with Lety and Julieta was in on it all along. Lety and Julieta try to play dumb; RoboPop doesn't buy it. He says Lety has been playing two men; Lety denies this, but when RoboPop tells her the two almost started a fistfight in the street, Lety answers, "Again???"

RoboPop is disappointed and says he didn't raise Lety this way. Now he wants to know about all the things that have been happening behind his back! (Dude, RoboPop, do you really have 256 hours to listen? It'd take ten days to explain... literally!)

Julieta tries to defend Lety, but RoboPop feels that Julieta is to blame as well. He advises Lety that she should quit Conceptos and get away from both men.

(Did RoboPop just agree with me? Uh-oh, maybe I should reconsider my position.)

Julieta argues that Lety needs to stick around to help Conceptos out of its jam. RoboPop challenges them as to how Lety can do that. That's funny... just a week ago he was sure that Lety could do it. Nothing has changed since then, except he knows about this love thing now, and suddenly he has no faith in her?

Lety sits her parents down and tells RoboPop she realizes that to him, she's still a little girl who shouldn't be thinking about love. Nevertheless, she gives him the Reader's Digest Condensed Version of how great it was at first to have these men in love with her, but now it makes her nervous because she's not sure who she loves.

RoboPop takes Lety's hands and extra-raspily apologizes for not having thought about her feelings. She says they're a family, that's what matters, and it's never to late to catch up.

RoboPop says he doesn't trust "that Don Fernando." Lety gently reminds him that they're talking about HER feelings, but he reminds her that it's kind of strange for a person not to know who she loves. Lety protests that they're both so nice.

"But, alike?" RoboPop questions. Lety says no... they're very different. Aldo is very wise (I guess Lety has never read a fortune cookie before), upbeat, and honest about everything, and she likes that. But Don Fernando... he's Don Fernando! (Irmita spoke the same words a few weeks ago!)

RoboPop doesn't get what that means. The best explication Lety can come up with is that he's "tan divino." He's super-tender, he moves her with his mistakes, his confusions, his desperation, etc. She giggles in remembrance of what he's like when he's flustered. She tells RoboPop not to try to understand, because she doesn't understand it herself.

She asks her parents to stand by her and support her. They agree. Wonder if they'd still agree if she'd told them about Aurora?

The experts weigh in

In the Vortex, PM is sharing her great knowledge about men: Lety must remain with Aldo. Marcia steps off the elevator just in time to hear Lola say something about someone (Aldo? Fern? I didn't hear her mention a name) should stay with Marcia so she can continue suffering. Marcia is too lost in thought to notice. She actually stops, backs up a few steps and apologizes for not greeting them. Then she goes on to her office. The cuartel wonders why Marcia is acting so strangely; Sara snidely comments that with the airhead gone, Marcia no longer has any friends.

Back at home, Lety prepares to leave for work. She is wearing the worst outfit so far since she came back from Acapulco (it's still better than anything she wore before the Big Meeting, IMO). But first, gratuitously, they watch some TV. The Televisa guy explains again that they're looking for this Mystery Woman. Julieta says she hopes they find her soon. She'll probably be the star in some telenovela. (Standing behind them, Lety beams.) RoboPop grumps that that's how it is these days - people show up on TV, and only then do they become famous.

Lety leaves, and Julieta praises RoboPop for supporting Lety. (Moty, the little ham, muscles his way into the shot.) Julieta says she thinks Lety will probably pick Fernando. But RoboPop thinks Aldo is the man for Lety.


Aldo is on the phone trying to get a job. He says he realizes they can't pay him what he's asking, but he needs some money. (Hey, I know a woman who's out of work and homeless too - maybe he could team up with Alicia! Please???) Tomas comes into Aldo's office and awkwardly waits for Aldo to finish the call. Aldo compliments Tomas on his kickin' pink argyle sweater. Yeah, no, I'm not making that up.

Tomas nosily asks who that was on the phone. Aldo says he doesn't want to tell him just yet, for fear of jinxing it. Tomas nervously says he's got a question about women. Aldo astutely surmises that Tomas is referring to Alicia. Tomas wants to know how to win her heart.

A newly-reinstated Alicia shows up in the Vortex wearing an outfit that's the absolute negative of yesterday's: black instead of white, but still with the hat, sunglasses, etc. Sara asks why the de luto (mourning); Alicia says it's to represent her suffering, because she's lost everything. The cuartel scolds her and says she lost everything because of her poor behavior. Alicia says she hopes they never suffer a similar fate, because they could never take it. Only great stars like herself, divas, can bear such injustice.

The cuartel sarcastically voice their pity. Or maybe the pity is sincere because she has completely lost her mind. Who knows.

In the Rehash Room, Fernando wants to talk about his favorite subject - Lety. Omar, not so much. Omar thinks Fern is starting to get boring. Fern reveals that, thanks to DomensaEEN, RoboPop has figured out that they're both in love with his daughter. Omar boredly asks what he's going to do about it. He says Fern's wasting his (Omar's) time and formally suggests that Fern go to his cuchitril (dumpy little room) to figure out what to do about his complicated life. Because Omar's got lots to do. He calls Fern "gargoletito" and assures him it's an endearment.

After Fern leaves, Omar calls Caro and asks if she gave Aurora his CarvaHallmark. The answer is no. Omar thinks he will die of love.

Perhaps he should take inspiration from Marcia, who is busily typing in her office. Wonder of wonders, Alicia wants to chat. Marcia is glad to see her and says she was worried. Alicia accuses Marcia of only wanting to have her around because she's got no one else to talk to. Wow - maybe Alicia's been reading our daily comments!

Marcia tells her not to be so dramatic. Alicia says she's lost everything - all the usual stuff, and apparently now a friend. Marcia says "eh, you've got work." Alicia reveals that she also has no place to live.

Marcia reacts to this news as if Alicia just said she'd lost her pencil. She coolly says that Alicia can sleep at her place, but just for tonight. And then they'll see what to do about her situation.

Alicia unwisely wonders aloud if Marcia is under a witch's spell, to be so kind to her. Marcia's answering smile signals trouble.

O cruel symmetry!

Carolina visits Lety to tell her that Omar has been driving her crazy about Aurora. Lety wonders what's so special about her, with all those other pretty women in his life. Caro doesn't know either, but she thinks that this time, he's really in love.

Lety is skeptical. Caro shoves the card at Lety. (Is it this way in all of Mexico, or is it just at Conceptos, that nobody bothers with envelopes?) I can't make out the picture on the front, but it looks like two valentine-shaped chickens. Lety is aghast at what's written inside. "I'm telling you, he's in love," Caro says. Lety says, um no, he's written all of this stuff before, in the cards he used to give to Fern for her. She's clearly disgusted.

Caro thinks it's time to put an end to this. She says she'll just tell Omar that Aurora doesn't want to see him. Lety thinks about it and says no... tell him Aurora DOES want to see him. She's going to make him pay for all of his canalladas (vile tricks). Her Mustache of Vengeance twitches in anticipation! She vents a bit about all the pain those cards caused her, not to mention all the pain he's caused other women, and vows to give him a cucharada (spoonful) of his own chocolate.

Caro listens with amusement and laughingly mocks Lety's dramatic tone ("¡Ñaca-ñaca!"). Lety giggles too. I hope this means she'll be careful not to overdo it!

Fernando speeds through, apologizing and bowing profusely, as Lety used to do back in her days of the cubbyhole.

"He's my ugly assistant now," Lety tells Caro. She whispers that he can hear everything in there, so the two women repair to the boardroom to smoke some more rehash in private.

(Fern tries to listen at the door and discovers they're no longer in there. Why it doesn't occur to him to listen at the boardroom door, I have no idea.)

Lety is telling Caro that she forgave Fernando to help herself heal, and because he proved that he was sorry and that he loved her. But what she's really wanted to do all this time and couldn't, was forgive Omar. Caro is sympathetic, but warns Lety that it's a dangerous game and she could lose. Lety says no, because it's all up to Aurora. Caro reminds Lety not to fool herself: SHE is Aurora. Lety vents some more bile over Omar's badfulness.

"Are you thinking of making him suffer?" Caro whispers. "Just one lesson," Lety says flippantly. Caro smiles again, but is clearly nervous. Lety asks her to arrange a date with Omar, and let Aurora take care of the rest.

Caro says she'll do it, but only in hopes that Lety will see that she's wrong. "I sound like your mom," Caro adds. "Just one lesson," Lety repeats.

Interlude in the Vortex, where time has no meaning

"I'm back!" Alicia tells the cuartel joyfully. They make the usual sarcastic comments and call her Cornilocks again. PM asks if she spent the night in the park.

"First of all, I'm a natural blonde. And you don't know of the super-luxurious hotel that put me up. They begged me to stay longer."

Nobody believes her. Lola suggests that they take turns letting her sleep over, but PM doesn't relish the thought of another night listening to her snore.

Caro syrup and Omar's spoonful of chocolate

(Hey. My subheadings can't all be winners.)

Omar is thrilled by Caro's visit. He proudly tells her that he has the office all to himself again. They briefly discuss Fern's move to the cubbyhole, and Omar asks about Aurora. What did she say about the card?

Caro tells him Aurora was stunned. She is putting little effort into the deception, but Omar is encouraged by her noncommittal statement and runs with it. He says of course, he's great at writing love letters, so how about a date? Caro says yep, and tells him to wipe the drool off his chin.

View from a cubbyhole

Fern listens at the door as Lety tells Aldo how upset RoboPop was when he found out about the bunch of them being in love. Aldo says the big tangle is all Fern's fault. (Fern looks mad! "Choke, suffocate, die!" he mutters.) Aldo loudly says that Fern is going to have to accept that he, Aldo, wins. ("You think so!" Fern hisses. "Lety's going to decide in favor of me, stupid, stupid!!!!") "You're sooooo pretty," Aldo tells Lety. (Fern peeks out the door and slithers out.)

"Who's the prettiest baby in the world?" Aldo says, leaning in for a kiss. Lety doesn't lean away, but Fern pops up between them to ask what's the latest balance. "Oh, Aldo, I didn't see you! How are you?" Lety says she doesn't have it yet, she needs the account records first. "Okay, I'll do that because I'm your assistant," Fern proudly says. Aldo tells him to go get the last ten years' worth of records.

Later, in the Vortex, Aldo says he has an errand to do. Lety is intrigued and asks what he's hiding from her. Seeing Fern step off the elevator, Aldo says he'll tell her later.

Lety tells Fern she has to leave now. As Lety's assistant, Fern wants to know where she's going, and with whom. He doesn't get an answer, and goes back to his cubbyhole.

A moment later, Marcia comes out and asks Alicia if Fern's in his new office. Alicia is confused. "I was only gone for one day, and everything's changed!" Marcia throws her hands up in frustration and goes to see for herself. She finds Fern staring at a photo of Fern and Lety, I think from the day of the underwear commercial. Fern's phone rings, startling both of them; as they both scream, they startle each other too! Fern answers the phone in a less-than-professional manner and ends with a Letiesque "adios."

Marcia asks him what he's planning with this absurd little game. Fern says it's no game; he's very serious. From this office, he's going to rescue his family's business. "You mean you're going to fight for this?" Marcia asks, surprised. "Of course!"

With a halting smile, Marcia tells him he can count on her for whatever he does, because they're both family.

Wow. That totally blew me away.

Paradise relost

Tomas sells the Swigglemobile. He cries almost as much as Alicia did when it got repossessed. He even asks for a moment alone with the car to say goodbye. He tells the car he bought it to win Alicia's love, and now he's selling it for the same reason. (Yeah... no doubt Alicia will be thrilled to lose her soulmate yet again.)

Later, Tomas takes his paltry profits to a realtor and tries to pick out a place. He has difficulty finding something in his price range. ("Six million [pesos]?" he asks. "Um... I don't like the color. It'd clash with my girlfriend's eyes.")

Tomas comes back from his errands whistling and clicking his heels. He tells Alicia he's made a great sacrifice for her. "Don't make me laugh," she replies. He says it's to win her heart. He says he sold the car for her. "You sold MY car???" He says "OUR car." He explains that with the profit, he put a deposit on an apartment for her. Alicia is thrilled, and wants to know which swanky apartment complex it's in. Tomas proudly describes the location, which sounds kind of rural. Alicia's face contorts in horror. She looks at the literature and realizes that it's practically public housing. She's furious!

"We can change it later!" Tomas cries. Alicia tells him to stay with his mom and all her different kinds of bread. She'll go live with Marcia at Las Lomas. She flicks one of her gloves in his face.

A third day, a third dress

Lety goes to Manuel (without an appointment) for another dress. Manuel wants to know when she's going to decide to be one person! Lety confides that she doesn't feel like either of these people. He asks what kind of dress she needs today. Lety says she wants a dress for justice!

Great. Thanks to my local station, the beginning of the next scene got cut off by a commercial, so if I missed anything interesting, someone please say what??

Aurora meets Omar at the restaurant. She is wearing a peachy-colored dress, which in my opinion is the worst color they could have put her in. (Okay... orange might have been worse. Maybe.) I was hoping for a royal blue or a nice rich green. Or a Princely purple. Even yellow would have been better. But I suppose these dresses don't grow on trees, and beggars can't be choosy. But still... peach? With that hair color? With those skin tones? Eeeuch.

Anyway... so Aurora just stands there glaring at Omar until she finally asks if he'll seat her. Omar leaps up and helps her with the chair. He admits that she makes him a bit nervous. She says, "It appears that you're not used to being with women like me." "Like me?" Omar asks... oh boy, he really is nervous! "Like me," Aurora confirms. Omar says he's gone with all kinds of women.

"Really," Aurora says, giving him a hard smile... no doubt thinking there's at least one kind of dame he hasn't given the time of day to. Omar hastens to explain that he's been with enough sophisticated women, anyway, and done okay.

Aurora says he's a typical Don Juan, with one woman after another. Omar says he's not typical, but he's always had good luck with pretty women. "Always?" Aurora asks. "I think you're awfully vain."

"Why don't you understand me?" Omar whines. "Why don't you explain?" Aurora counters.

"It's just that... uh... what do you want to drink? Can we ask for a bed? - Uh, I mean a menu? They have the best food here and you're going to love it, you're going to like it." Aurora lets him babble like an idiot, and with a sinking feeling, I just realized that I feel sorry for this poor slob.

Later, when they get their food, Omar repeats, "You're going to love it." Aurora takes a bite and tries to make a disdainful face, but she can't - it's too yummy! But she quickly recovers, and puts on that I'm-so-bored look for Omar. "You don't like it?" Omar says, surprised.

"I've tried this dish in NY, and also in Paris, and they were much better than this," Aurora haughtily informs him. Omar is surprised, but calls the waiter over. (As soon as he turns his back, Aurora hurriedly licks her fingers!) "Tell the chef to come over here immediately!" Aurora says he's trying to impress her. She excuses herself, and tells him to talk faster when he has something to say. He begins to answer that he will talk as fast as he can, but Aurora's already gone to another table. Omar is humiliated!

Aurora mutters (in her Lety voice) to the men at the other table to act as though they know her. They eagerly comply, and offer her a seat. Omar tells himself he's going crazy over "my Aurora."

I feel sorry for him... but I still think it's funny.

The chef comes to confront Omar... it's Aldo! (On his way to Omar's table, he takes a long look at Aurora - she turns away quickly.)

"What are you doing here?" Omar asks. "I'm the chef." "The owner of Conceptos is the chef here?!" "Well, it IS my profession..." Omar says Aldo probably works there because it's fun, he likes it, to kill time, etc. Aldo tells him that he had to sell off everything he owned to pay off Conceptos's debt, and therefore he's working for the money, not the fun. And he's busy. He excuses himself. Omar doesn't get a chance to complain about Aurora's meal.

Omar notices that Aurora has already left. He's almost too sad to be embarrassed.

In the Bat-Cave

Fernando is doing actual work and wondering when Lety will come back. (She's doing her Aurora gig.) He reminds himself to give her some space.

His parents pop in for a visit. "How sad," Bozo says of Fern's new office. Fern says he's rising to the challenge of getting the company back. Humberto says he's incredibly surprised... and he admires what Fern is doing. He tells Fern to count on his support, and that he's proud of him! They kick out Bozo so they can talk man-to-man.

In Moty jammies again

Lety remembers Aldo saying that he sold everything, and he's not working for enjoyment, but for salary. Lety feels guilty and wonders what to do. She has to decide between Aldo and Fernando, but it's the most difficult thing in the world, because they're both so nice. Don Fernando is Don Fernando and she loves him, he's a seducer, he fills her with passion. But she also likes Aldo a lot, he fascinates her, he's so handsome, but he's also so wise and so intense. And his support for her has ended him up in the street.

Lety cries and writes in her diary. She says it's not so complicated. Does she want to go on suffering with Fern, or give herself a chance with Aldo? Aldo's never made her suffer at all, and he accepts her just the way he is, not even knowing what else she could look like. She already had a relationship with Fern, and it ended in tears.

"How would it be with Aldo?" she wonders.

At Le Noir

Humbo and Fern are having dinner at the place where Tomas once ordered two eggs for $20 apiece. Humberto can't wait to hear whatever it is that Fern wants to talk about. Fern says that for the first time in his life, he's in love. Humberto says he thought the same thing when he was with Marcia. Fern says this is different, and real.

"Who is she - do I know her?"

Okay, will someone please confirm for me that Fern and his parents already had a similar conversation a couple of weeks ago and that Humberto should be well aware of Fern's feelings towards Lety?

Fern tells Humbo that it's Lety - his assis... er, his girlfr... er, his boss.

Lety makes her own decision

It's still nighttime. Lety waits on a swing in the park. (I think it's just a short time later, not the next morning yet.) Aldo comes walking by and is delighted, if surprised, to see her. He wonders how she knew where to find him.

Lety stares at him intensely, then gives him a kiss.


Aldo says there's only one way to interpret such a beautiful kiss. "Yes, Aldo. I love you." Aldo gets all happy and dimply. He asks her to repeat it. She says she loves him, and she thinks they should give themselves the chance to be together. She admits she wasn't sure, but today she felt it in her heart.

Aldo says she doesn't know how long he's hoped for this moment. He never lost his faith. She gives him a big metallic smile. They exchange mushy words and spin around in front of a fountain. He wants the whole world to know that she loves him. He's the happiest man in the world. Lety says she's the luckiest woman, and she thanks God for letting him meet her, and the sea for introducing them.

Another kiss, then the Golden Circle Of Goodbye.

Final note
Well, there you have it. Lety finally put on her Big Girl Panties. While they're not the ones I would have recommended, at least she made a decision.

But you'll notice that she chose her words very carefully. She's basically saying "I'd like to sample the other flavor first."

Sometimes, in order to learn something, you have to make a big fat mistake. Maybe a lot of big fat mistakes. Sometimes other people get hurt as a result of your learning experience, especially when you sample them like they're ice cream.

What I'm trying to say here, is that we're going to need several pairs of Big Boy Panties in the next few weeks. I'm afraid to even guess how many.


Julie this was episode # 258 I am just correcting you there. LOL!!! LFMB is dragging already, but I still like it. Next week or the week when May starts, the Ultimas Semanas will be announced so there is no point now in leaving it I want to see how this ends. Wonderful recap by the way.


Excellent recap Julie, thanks! A few episodes back someone wondered if the show was going to wind up like the opening credits, I'm thinking they were right. Since I like Aldo but think she'll wind up with Fernando, it's a shame to think what's in store for him.

Lety kissed Aldo? Uh oh, let the Aldo-hate begin... ;o)
Kim P.

Wow Julie, one of your best recaps ever. "valentine-shaped chickens" hah. I agree, Lety's trying Aldo on for size. It's a reasonable way to try and advance in her decision-making. I want more Aldo/Fern scenes, they are the absolute best.

Well, good for Lety that she made a decision. I mean, WE, as the audience, know that Fern loves her and has for a long time. But as far as she is concerned, he only JUST broke up with Marcia. What has he actually DONE to prove he loves her? It was Aldo that took her up in a hot air balloon, took her diving, took her horseback riding, gave her that fireworks thingie with her name on it. Then, he gave up everything he had for her. He even has to work now (horrors!). Fern thinks he made a great sacrifice because he set her free to make her own decision (like he had a choice, right?). He’d better come up with some more dramatic ways to express his love- besides fits of jealousy.
Don’t get me wrong. I am all about Fern, and she had better end up with him, or I will LOSE MY MIND.

But, I think everything in the story has to come full circle before Fern is worthy of her. Remember how many times Lety sat and cried in her little office? Now Fern will do the same (and he does it so beautifully). He will have to sit by and watch her with someone else, the way that she did. He will have to work uncomplaining for her, like she did. Maybe she will even have a dirty secret (Aurora?) that he helps her hide, like she did. Then maybe when everything blows up in her face (because it’s a telenovela) then he will be there for her, and the scales of justice will be balanced. I don’t necessarily like it, but I “get” it.


It's almost spooky to see Fer turning into Lety. The parallels are just coming right and left. Did anyone else think that the Aldo-Lety love scene was one of the most awkward looking kisses in telenovela history? When you compare it to the glory days of Fer and Lety, it's laughable.(Great recap, thank you!)

I too agree that Lety is just trying out what Aldo would be like but i think that after a while that they have been together she will think of Fer( and recognize that her love for him is strong) instead of Aldo just like in Acapulco.From what i have heard the novela has from 1-2 months left and i dont think that it will be all about Aldo's happily ever after.Something has to go wrong and i hope that it will be Aldo and Lety.I guess Fer has a lot more suffering to do(and puppy dog eye crying scenes that break my heart)before he and Lety can be together.


Aldo is a lousy kisser. Not as bad as Unibrow, of course, but almost.

Thank you Julie, I enjoy your recaps so much!!
This was a really sad episode for me. NO, NO, NO was all I could say when Lety made her decision.

One thing I didn't understand was that she was on her bed in her pajamas writing, and the next moment she was in the park fully dressed in her work clothes waiting for Alpo.

I kept hoping that meant it was another dream sequence. It looks like NOT, but, I'll wonder about that until Monday. I guess I'll hope it was at least.

Poor Fern, his heart will be broken again. Will Marcia ride to the rescue once again?
It seems she took Humb's words to heart with "be a nicer person" or whatever he said during their dysfunctional family dinner.

Yes, Lety's Bozo bow was ugly. Worse than the brown polka dot smock to me.
I did think Darth Bozo looked nice in Fern's office. Very thin and thank goodness with her assets covered up. Too bad her attitude is so nasty.
Cheers to Humb for supporting his son. It's about time.

Carrie L.

Too each his own...It would never have been my choice, but then I have never made a fashion choice that had I been without ID, the local Mennonites would have been called..jest sayin

I am certain Lety loves Aldo...she has made her choice, now Aldo will get to rub it in..damn dude great prize, Aldo will act all humble she picked right?

So what is six more weeks of bad fashion, rubber faces and possibly one of the ten best looking men in Mexico crying in a closet? Should not that be Luigi's job?

I hope Lety doesn't break Aldo's heart. He wouldn't deserve that.
He's shown that he loves her unconditionally and would make any sacrifice for her. But is she really in love him?

Lety is just taking the safe route. It is true, as has already been said earlier, that to her it has only been a short time since Fern broke up with Marcia. And his public behavior around Lety and Carla was not helpful. On the other hand, Aldo just cashed in his entire life for her. That was not wise on his part, because it sort of forced her to make the decision she did, as he may have secretly realized all along. But Lety truly loves Fernando. She is just afraid to get hurt again. I can't say I blame her, but it never really works out when you make decisions based on fear. It won't hurt Fernando to experience some of what Lety went through all that time. In fact, it is sort of necessary to show once and for all that this time he means it when he says he's found the love of his life.
The recap was great! I am going to be so sad when this show ends!

Julie, you were correct last Tuesday or Wednesday our time, three or four days ago Conceptos time after feckless Lety told Fern she would marry him ASAP and was the happiest woman in the world he told his parents that he had proposed and it was Lety. Don H was muy impactado and Bozo snidely reminded him she didn't like the woman but his happiness was what mattered. Obviously space aliens have abducted Don H or that useless scene in the restaurant wouldn't have been necessary.

I thought it interesting how Lety actually talked herself into thinking she loved Aldo. She was heavily influenced, again, by his"sacrifice", not to say Robopop and half the cuartel pushing her. We have reached the point that we writers call the black moment. The time in a story when it looks like all hope is over so like Fern we are cursed to suffer for at least another 6 or 7 weeks.

I find it odd that Lety is always so concerned about not hurting people but it doesn't seem to bother her one bit that she is going to hurt Fern. As much as I think Omar needs to learn a lesson her delight in the thought of really hurting him makes her a very unpleasant woman. I just wonder what O'Campo was thinking in taking a naive charming young fea with hopes and dream that we could all root for and turning her into a wishy washy self absorbed vengeful woman that some of us find impossible to care for anymore.

Oh good grief Lety makes a decision based on poor Aldo giving up everything and having to get a job with a salary. Excuse me folks but Conceptos has made almost all of the 2 million first payment before Aldo bought the 6 Million debt. All the business has to do is give him the money they did make, reduce the debt and also eliminate his woe is me phony poor man schitck.

Was it just me or did Marcia look particularly horrible last night. that dark lipstick made her look like a ghoul. I certsinly hope that she isn't going to think she has another shot at Fern.

I also wonder if Aldo will be a graceful winner or take the chance to shove it in Fern's face. My guess is the latter which may prove costly in the end.

In any event for the first time in a long time Lety's poor decision making didn't keep me awake at night fretting. Those boring kisses were just what I needed to get a good night's sleep. Pick up the pace Rosy some of us are getting very tired of the repitition. If we wanted to see the same old stupidity and constant reruns of old stuff we could watch Duelo - oops I forgot some of us are and wonder why as well.



No Aldo hate here from the kissing Lety scenes. More like pity because now it is clear there is no chance that he will end up with his fea. Too close to the end of the story and it bucks the formula. The hero and heroine always have to grow and make sacrifices. Aldo has done no growing and neither has Lety. Fern has already made the journey so it is time for Lety to grow up and fast or she will lose Fern and Aldo will get a placid wife who can never really make him happy.

Wow, I am surprised so many think Lety doesn't really love Aldo...and me an Aldo detester...Lety is the goodest, truest awesomeness of truth and light...I just don't see her jumping on someone in a park and yelling Te Amo...blah blah blah..whatever, she is not a deceiver so like it or far as she is concerned she loves him and that is all that matters. I figured it would go this way as she always stands with Aldo and he is the one she took home..Fer interrupted.

I hope they are happy in a very suburban type way.

Yeah, Beckster, I totally buy your sarcastic virtual sigh of resignation. ;)

Actually, you have a point. I suppose it's too early in Lety's newfound independence not to play it safe. That's why I'm so glad that Marcia is starting to act like a grownup, too.

Why did I think it was #256 and not #258? Because Univision thinks so. (They're saying Tuesday's was #253.)

Maybe the confusion is that they did two double-episodes (when Mundo was in its Ultimas) which I would have thought would have counted as two each, but Univision apparently decided to count as one.

So how about if I say it's been 258 hours, but 256 episodes. I'd like to stick with Univision's episode count if possible, in case people want to cross-check Univision's recaps for whatever reason. I just checked the esmas site, but they don't seem to have numbered the episodes on their recaps, so that wasn't helpful.

Super recap, Julie (smoked more rehash--hah!) Aurora is just full of tricks, isn't she? When she went to the other table and told the guys there to pretend they knew her, I laughed and laughed. Then of course she slipped out again. Omar's other women probably never did that, so his interest keeps building.
Marcia's makeup did indeed look witchy. In this dark phase of her life, I guess the switch from peach to charcoal eyeshadow reflects her mood.
Yes, Fern did tell Humberto & Teresita he loved Lety the morning after they wrote in the sky. Very puzzling why they had to repeat that message. (I know, no logic in tnvla land.)
I was disgusted with the Aldo/Lety kisses, especially with the cheesy fountains springing to life just as they kissed. Julie's caption about don't make me turn a hose on you made me laugh, 'cause I was wishing the fountains would soak them into some sense. Must give Aldo credit in the closeups, though--he had some gorgeous eyelashes. No hate for Aldo, but annoyance and irritation. He's too smug, even with his sacrifice. Fern knows how to suffer in a most appealing manner.

What I'm having trouble buying is that Fern and Aldo are so hopelessly in love with Lety. She is not so charming. What has she got going for her at this point? Just wondering.

No no no no no no!!!! SHE SAID SHE'D MARRY FERNANDO? Does she remember that moment of lucid-ness? This is going to break Fernando's heart, as well as mine on Monday. I understand she has to "try Aldo on for size" but I just hope that Fernando doesn't run back to Marcia! And I agree, Lety and Aldo have not even close to the chemisty Lety and Fern have.

I'm saving all my Ben & Jerry's for Monday.


I think Fern loves Lety because, unlike other women he's been with, he feels like he can be himself with her and nothing else will matter. I.e. she doesn't care whether he's rich or comes from a "good" family or any of that - all things that seem to be more important to the women in his social circle.

As for Aldo, all I can guess is that he likes the wounded-bird routine. He likes feeling as though the woman in his life couldn't survive without him. Maybe he's overcompensating because of what happened to his wife.

But Lety doesn't like feeling that way. She's been struggling to become independent for a year now and might finally be making some headway. That's why I'm skeptical of their long-term prospects. At least, I hope I'm not full of crap. ;-)

Great news!
LFMB is available for pre-order on No subtitles, though.
I didn't begin watching until November so I'll have plenty of fresh episodes to watch after LFMB ends. This is my first novela and I can't believe how addicted I've become to it...and Haagen Daz.

Drat! I just watched last night's show again and I was SURE that the last scene with Aldo was a dream sequence - especially with the fountain popping up in the background and all that unlikely dancing around. Then I watched the previews for Monday and it appears that it wasn't a dream after all. (Unless the dream continues ???)

Julie! As always, an enchanting recap! You took me off guard there a couple of times and I had to re-read before I hooted out loud. For example, “to smoke some more rehash in private.” That really set me off. Poor hubby thought he’d have a quiet Saturday afternoon reading….

“Lety says no, because it's all up to Aurora. Caro reminds Lety not to fool herself: SHE is Aurora.” This was a good reminder on Caro’s part, IMO. It would be too easy for Lety to “blame” Aurora in her own mind. I am not sure she truly thinks Aurora is her own belleza alter ego at all. She sees Aurora as a strange phenomenon that just popped up out of nowhere. She’s not quite sure what to do with the entire Aurora personage, I think, and not willing to acknowledge that Aurora represents a part of who she really is.

“Caro syrup and Omar's spoonful of chocolate (Hey. My subheadings can't all be winners.)” I thought it was clever!

“Caro tells him she loved it. (Caro isn't putting a lot of effort into the deception, but Omar needs so little encouragement that he doesn't notice.)” I tell ya, I thought when Caro told him Aurora was “impactada” she was weaseling out of saying Aurora liked the card. She was “stunned”…..well, yeah, Lety was stunned all right, at his audacity to write that stuff to Lety as a prank and Aurora for real…..I guess I misunderstood!

Tomás buying that house for Alicia after he sold the coche to do it reminded me of the gifts of the Magi story by O. Henry. Everyone sacrificed and no one won. I cannot imagine why he thought that buying this ungrateful woman anything would make her happy unless it was way, way beyond his price range. Poor Tomás. He isn’t going to get it. Ever. I could have just shook Alicia for flicking that glove at him.

“Aurora lets him babble like an idiot, and with a sinking feeling, I just realized that I feel sorry for this poor slob.” Yeah, I actually felt sorry for Omar, too. Lety hasn’t grown up enough if this is her idea of justice. She’s got some more work to do here.

Aldo coming out of the kitchen left me impactada. I didn’t expect it. Lety probably didn’t either, and that may be why she left abruptly, when she heard his story to Omar.

“Every night, Lety takes off the wig, the dress, the jewelry, and most of the makeup... but she leaves on the eyebrows and the mustache.” I saw her pencil her eyebrows back to Lety style, so I wonder if she dusts on a moustache, too, now that they’ve fixed all that for her?

“Okay, will someone please confirm for me that Fern and his parents already had a similar conversation a couple of weeks ago and that Humberto should be well aware of Fern's feelings towards Lety?” Yes, they did! So, either Humb thought he was kidding last time or Humb has the beginnings of senility.


Jen, you are right. She and Fern did decide they would get married. Hm.

Again, great recap! Thanks, Julie!


Sorry, Jeanne - you're right. She did say "se impacto muchisimo." I'll go back and fix that.

Yes, Lety has been adding the mustache and eyebrows herself - I was just confused as to why she was keeping them on at the end of the day. That's because I'm slow and got confused. Miguel takes the eyebrows and mustache off, then when Lety undoes Aurora, she has to redo Lety. Um. I get it now. ;)

D'oh! MANUEL, not Miguel!!!!

The Aldo & lety kissing scene i felt no chemistry at all spit swapin that's all.

I wasn't impressed either, but I guess Aldo was.

I've never seen Juan Soler in anything else before, so I don't know if he's a lousy kisser in general, or just with Lety.

Fern has sown alllll of his wild oats. And did he have alot of them!!! But Lety has been so sheltered that she has not had alot of experiance with men, and the first 2 times she does her heart gets smashed.

Now Aldo (Mr. perfection arrives telling her that she doesn't even have to love him back he will still love her and fight for her happiness.

But what Lety has to understand is that in real love there are not safety nets or (Aldo nets) there are risks. She will soon understand that I hope and go back to the one with the gorgeous hair and puppy dog eyes that really loves her. With all of his inperfections.

Wow i just checked that Novelasrus site. 35 CD's and 150 bucks is a big commitment and I'm not doing a thing until it ends. I have no intention of spending that kind of money to see her waltz off with the stuffed shirt Aldo (sorry Team Aldo but that's the way I feel).

They've got some pretty good novelas on that site but Dos Caminos? Lord one of the truly awful novelas ever made and it ran for two years. I didn't even bother to check it out.


Ah, Julie, you're not confused! You just stayed up all night so we could have this. Lety couldn't stand being her non-fea self and just had to add those hairs back in.

By the way, I love that picture of Polly.


Lety will waltz off with Aldo when pigs fly. This character is just too damn perfect--willing to go from the white house to the poor house,so to speak,for the love of Lety. I believe before this show ends Aldo will get some of the spiritual wisdom given to Fernando by his spiritual advisor--the freedom of love and then wings,to allow Lety to follow her heart.

I don't know why any of us are surprised that Lety chose Aldo. Her behavior has been consistent throughout. She has been overly protected her entire life, the only person who gave her any freedom at all was Fern and when she got her feelings hurt she reverted instantly to type. She ran first out of Conceptos and then right to someone who fills in for her parents. Now she has three of them telling her what to do, how to act and how to think. She is back in her comfort zone. Aldo is safe and she won't ever have to worry about making a decision, he will do all her thinking for her. Fern gave her space and would give her freedom and she is just too browbeaten and afraid to take a chance.

A lot of things about Aldo would/do drive me crazy but the worst in the long run is how he finishes speaking for Lety or answers for her like she hasn't got a thought worth having. At this point i just feel sorry for her when I bother to think about her at all.

Does anyone know the name of the artist that sings the song"La Duena de Mi Vida"(the song that starts when Fern is thinking of Lety)?


One thing that continues to annoy me about Lety is her unwillingness to accept that she is partly responsible for the original problems with Conceptos and her whining about being a failure in the latest troubles. Cara is warning her not to continue with her childish revenge plan to hurt Omar but Lety isn't listening to that either. Miss Goody Two Shoes is hell bent on deliberately causing someone pain while at the same time going on about how she didn't want to hurt anyone else. Classic case of hypocrisy from my viewpoint.



This may sound odd but the soundtrack credits it to a group/artist named ANGELS. It has also been recorded by a lot of others including Jamie Camil.


Julie, this sounds silly but why did Lety go home and put on her PJ's and then put the same work clothes on and head to the park?????
I know she went to see Aldo but why not throw a pair of sweats on or something casual?

I don't know why it matters but it seemed out of sync.
Like I said silly and not important but it's the little things like that with the cutting and pasting of the show that drive me crazy!!!!

Carrie L.

Carrie, she did exactly that, and it was definitely out of sync. Maybe she wanted to look her "best" for declaring her love for Aldo? Maybe she had them laid out somewhere and just put the same clothes back on when she suddenly decided? Who knows. Lety isn't always 100 percent rational, IMO.


Julie do not follow Univision's count they were going good, but what happened is that remember when they gave 2 hours?? One was on a Monday and the other 2 hours were shown on a Friday. So the Univision site counted those 2 episodes & put that they were shown on a separate day when it was not like that b/c it was shown on one day. So that is why it's 258 in Puerto Rico it's 256.

Anita ~

Lety Is Simply Annoying

I spent too much of my live (almost a year now) watching this novela, so I have to see Lety stay with Ferni. But I dont understand how Ferni and Also were always thinking about her (before this episode) and she would be doing other thing For example going on dates with Omar. Jeeze. Anywho, but it doesnt matter because no matter wat I say, Ill still watch it ever day.


RE: Dream sequences - now I am wondering how much of the last two or three weeks might have been a really long dream sequence. Could "Aurora" just be a figment of Lety's dream imagination - her "wildest" dream of how she could look??? Could the night kiss in the park, be part of dream, because she (Lety) is conflicted over whom she loves? All of you who have posted have given a lot to consider and think about this weekend. Thanks for the great re-cap, and all your commentaries.


Thank you so much for the longest time i have been trying to figure out who sung it but when i searched on the web all that came up was La Fea Mas Bella


Hey I just read that Eduardo (lfmb) he is James on Destilando Amor just married Marcia from LFMB in real life...Marcia is my hero...

It is on ESMAS somewhere

Okay I finally saw the show and read the recap. I loved it okay enough (the show, I liked the recap A LOT).

Poor Fern is going to be destrozado. Do you want some Hagen Daz Ferni?

I kinda agree with the closing remakrs. Lety is trying Aldo on for size so I guess it makes sense, not that I agree being a Fernatic but I can understand it.

Oh well, I gotta remember to buy Hagen Daz.

Hey Carrie...

It's not that I don't agree with you, it's just that... well, does Lety even OWN a pair of sweats or something casual? I think our choices are Moty PJ's, work clothes, or Aurora clothes. :)

But I think she put on the previous day's clothes because it's not tomorrow yet. I think she went outside right away so she could intercept Aldo on his way back from the restaurant. That's why he was so surprised she knew where to find him.

As for dream sequences... you know, sometimes I wish the entire past year had been a dream, and Lety had never been such a dingaling to begin with. :)

And the episode count - I don't care whether Univision has it "wrong" or not. Putting the "correct" number up isn't going to be any help to someone who's looking to match up episode numbers with what's at Univision. If there's another "official" site (televisa, esmas, etc.) that lists recaps with episode numbers, post it and I'll check it out.

Julie I recall a pink bunny suit jogging type outfit, does that count as sweats?

Oh - you're right. She did have some running clothes. I don't know why she put on the ugly office clothes, then. Maybe she wanted to look her "best" for him. Or maybe she didn't want him to suspect that there had been an intermediate change of clothes. ;)

I agree that it doesn't make a lot of sense. But then, it didn't make sense that Humberto was surprised that Fern loves Lety, either. So... I give up trying to make sense of any of it. :)

First of all, I am hoping that scary ending was a dream/nightmare.
If it’s not, Lety is taking the safe route. She may have chosen her words carefully, saying they should give themselves a chance, but you know that is probably not the way Aldo is hearing it. The kiss – muy nasty. Metal meets chiclets.


The whole rehash with Humberto was kinda weird, but when Lety went off with Fer, didn't Aldo also have some kinda rehash with his chunky PA? Maybe it is artistic muse showing the contrast...Or maybe it is just more Fernando bashing; his parents already totally think he is an AssHat so hey let's add more to oh yeah, I lost the company, but hey now I want to marry the ugly chick. Now imagine explaining she chose the guy who owns the company...oooppppsss doble loser

Theresa - Love the metal meets Chiclets comment. What's driving me crazy is: Where in the world do the braces go when she is Aurora? I can't get over it and really watch the Aurora scenes - I am so obsessed with that issue!

Michaelle (new to the site! Great recaps!)

Michaelle - The day Letty first became Aurora she had just come from the orthodontist who removed her braces. He was going to throw them away but she said she wanted to keep them (as a momento?). Now she just sticks the pieces back in her mouth and draws on the eyebrow extensions and moustache after each Aurora gig since she's not ready to give up being ugly yet(I guess?).

Thanks Julie and Jeanne!
Of course it all makes no sense but many times the scenes seem to jump around and things are out of order.

Marcia and Eduardo? Wow! The characters they play look mismatched so I would love to know what they are like in real life.

Lety bounces around like a ping pong ball.
I wonder if the character will ever learn to stand on her own and make her own decisions without everyone's input?
At this point I think she would be better off to take off on her own for a while and have no contact with anyone.

I too thought the Aldo/Lety kiss was awkward. I don't think it's easy kissing someone with an over bite. Combine that with braces and it would be awkward indeed.

No matter what, Aldo just can't match Fernando for passion in the love making department!!!

Carrie L.

I am drawing a blank. Who is Eduardo?

I'm confused about the frenas too, can you just stick them back in like that? Is she elmer-glueing them to her teeth or what? I actually liked marcia's overall look, but not her makeup - derfinitely to elvira - mistress of the darkness, but the style of her outfits and the scarves and hats she's been wearing lately are so killer! They just need to get her out of beige, and into some strong, jewely colors. that's my fashion dos centavos.

Can anyone help? someone posted a link to a youtube video of fernando with the music love machine playing. Now I can't for the life of me find it. Does anyone have the link still?

anon 11:36: Eduardo was an old friend of Fer, Marcia, Omar (grew up with them), he has since given up on material things and is kinda like new age Aldo, except he was much more genuine and hip, qualities yet to appear in Aldo. He came on around the St.Day thing with Lety and he took the whole cuartel & Lety out for a big lunch and Lety did seizure inducing dancing to a Mariachi band...He hinted at Fer having a future with Lety...

>>>>seizure inducing dancing to a Mariachi band

ROTFL, I didn't see it, but that's a pretty good description of what I saw on youtube.


After the orthodontist took off her braces he not only gave her that hideous headgear but also a clear retainer that fits on your teeth is is almost undetectable but she decided she was too stay ugly so she glued the braces onto her clear plastic retainers


Thanks for explaining about the braces/retainer stuff. So then what was the headgear for? She doesn't wear it when she's awake and she doesn't wear it when she's asleep... or was that just a temporary retainer for one night till she got the clear ones and I just missed that?

I've been thinking about Lety and the mess she has created. She runs away from Fern then forgives him, then tells him she loves him and will marry him and within a week has suddenly decided Aldo is the one. Of course she won't have the guts to tell Fern to his face and will leave it to Aldo or the cuartel. Having gutted him yet again she will go on her merry way only to probably leave Aldo the same way and run back to Fern.

Now he would take her back why?

Shades of Gone With the Wind I hope when the day comes and she has to run after him that he will tell her "Sorry my dear, but I don't give a damn." Considering the way she treats everyone outside of her charmed circle of four it would serve her right.

I know we are supposed to care about Lety but I have one big question for everyone - WHY?


Terri, because Lety is the insecure mistake makin' girl that lives in all of us - in some form or another, we've all been there.


The headgear...I think it just for the audience to think that when it coulden't get worse DUN DUN DUN it does.I think they just did it to make her makeover more exciting more extreme they said lets make her more ugly so the makeover is more dramatic.That would be my guess because she only used it for a few episodes


and i forgot to add that she gave the headgear to that guy cleaning in her dressing room or whatever place it was when she walked in and saw herself for the first time after her makeover.he said he was giving it to his son or something to that effect



I agree about Lety being the mistaken ridden girl we all have been but I see Terri's point. In the beginning it was easy to care about her but since the big junta debacle she has reverted to immature, self centered behavior. Even the dumbest of us learns from out mistakes and try to grow up. Lety lets everyone make her own decisions. Her Aldo choice, supposedly made on her own, is heavily influenced by what people keep telling her. She now has fallen into the habit of using people, especially men who love her and the natural sympathy I had for her in the beginning has worn away, I find it increasingly hard to root for her to grow up and become a woman and her continued reliance on being ugly as an excuse for never taking a risk is tiresome in the extreme. She should know by now there is nothing the matter with a little make up and some nice clothes but she acts, aided and abetted by Erasmo that those things equate to prostitution.

Great recap Julie, thank you. The comments on here are great too. Sorry that I'm reading them so late....

Couple of things, I was stymied by Don Hum and Darth Bozo's reaction to Fernando telling them that he loves Lety AGAIN. The only thing I can think is that they just don't listen when he talks to them....perhaps they hear him, but they don't listen. That's probably why Fernando found talking to Julietta to be so wonderful. Finally someone who actively and truly listens. So when Fer told them the first time that he loved Lety and was going to get married, perhaps they didn't pay close attention. Otherwise I just don't get it.

The kiss between Lety and Aldo was awkward to say the least. I know she's got the braces on, but Fernando was able to kiss her rather passionately with the braces on, so what's Aldo's problem.

I am convinced that Lety and Fer will end up together, the reason being look who in Lety's life is rooting for Fer and rooting for Aldo.

Team Fernando==Dona Julietta and Irmita (two of the most "together" people on the show)

Team Aldo==Tomas, Erasmo and the rest of the cuartel

The team memberships speak volumes.

I just hope that Fernando will not suffer too long while Lety works this whole thing out with Aldo.

Just came across this ... while looking for something NOT related to LFMB - so thought I would share:

"Spanish-language broadcasters focus little attention and effort on kids’ programming, while cable networks targeting young viewers who speak that language suffer from limited carriage.... Spanish-language broadcasters have been very successful in attracting children to watch primetime telenovelas, despite their clearly adult themes. Univision’s La Fea Más Bella was the highest-ranked Spanish-language show among kids 2 to 5 and 6 to 11 during the February sweeps, according to Nielsen Media Research. The highest-rated episode pulled in 434,000 viewers aged 2 to 5 and 512,000 viewers aged 6 to 11."


I guess little ones are not being put to bed before 8 PM.

And this - regarding Leticia Padilla Solis meets Betty Suarez:

(from: )

" ... Now comes word that the Ugly one from south of the border is going to come face-to-face with Ugly Betty.

According to the storyline, Ugly Betty travels to Mexico to visit her relatives where she comes face to face with her Mexican counterpart.

It's the first time, in the history of the Ugly Betty phenomena, that two Bettys have shared the small screen together. ..."

How will Lety tell Fernando? She was all concerned about Aldo way before she knew he sold everything except his 1970's red pimp jacket, to save her..during the scene of water reflecting off braces, I didn't see her worrying how Fernando would take it. It is gonna be so much worse for him cause he has to face all those people at work, plus his parents etc..Dude it sucks to be you

Yeah, Amanda said the big day for Betty and Lety will be May 17. I can't wait!

And thanks for the headgear explanation, Angel. I remember the stagehand saying he wanted to give it to his kid to play with, but I thought Lety told him what it was and took it home.

Obviously I got it backwards, but, I am curious as to what kind of guy can say to his kid, "a woman used to wear this on her teeth - but pretend it's a Playstation!" ;-)

Why did Lety have to tell Aldo that night? In a deserted park in Mexico City?? And not even Moty to be her guard dog? Better to have jogged over in the a.m.

Marcia's make-up and sack dress were awful. The worst ever. EVER!!

The one thing Lety was right about - Don Fernando is Don Fernando. Y tan divino!

NO NO NO NO NO!!! This was the absolute day of doom. I don't even want Lety to try it. I was yelling at the TV. The neighbors probably thought I was crazy. There's no good in this. I don't care if she's making a decision; what does it matter if it is the wrong one? Alpo Domensolin totally guilted her into this decision. Ay Dios Mio, please let this be a nightmare!


Si, anya, tienes razon! Don Ferni is Tan Divino! and i would so miss his little wiggling eyebrows!

I can't even imagine why Fernando would take her back now that she's tossed him aside for a "what if." If I were him, I'd wonder, every time someone else grabs her attention, is she going to want to sample him too, just in case she likes him better?


I'm the one who had posted the YouTube Love Machine video. The reason why you couldn't find it was because I took it off the public thing for awhile, but it's back now. If you type in the search engine you should be able to find it. Thanks for caring.


Look it's simple. Lety wore her work clothes because they filmed the scene separately that same day. Her only wardrobe choices that day would have been the Moty PJs or the same work clothes she wore earlier. If not, they would have had to prepare yet another scene with a third outfit. This tranlates into extra time and money. SO we the viewers get incontinuity, because well, apparently we seem often to be the afterthought.... :{


My thoughts are like yours and Terri's. Why on earth would he take her back? Most men I know are really cautious about taking back a woman who threw them over for another man. I can only conclude that Fern has such endless love for her that he will believe she just had to make a wrong choice before she cam to her senses. He gives her far more credit for intelligence than I am and if she says I'm so confused one more time over this situation I'll be running to the bathroom to lose my dinner. Alas the woman is making me sick to my stomach.

Interesting demographic about all the kids and preteens watching the show. In my area the show comes on at 7:00 so it is natural they are awake but I certainly hope their parents aren't letting them watch Duelo with all the violence and sick story lines in that show. At least LFMB keeps the nudity down to Alicia and PM's boobs and we aren't constantly exposed to rape, slapping women around and the usual blood and gore that so many novelas resort to .

Does anyone know how many more weeks or months until the Finale.Im going to miss this show ALOT when its done but i want to how much longer until the end.



Best guess estimates are at the earliest the end of May up to mid June. As much as some of us are upset at the dragged out pace and the needless side stories, I'll miss it too since it is rare to watch a novela without some kind of violence or mistreatment of women. I'll alos miss the humur as well as JC's high drool factor ;-)

Lety is going with the "safe" choice (Aldo), like Fer did when he was with Marcia. Lety is also being influenced by family and friends, as was Fernando.

When Fernando finally broke away from needing others' approval, he declared his love for Lety.
If/when Lety breaks away, she'll go back to Fernando, and they'll both understand that was part of what they had to do to trust themselves first and then each other.

I hope that happy day comes sooner than later. I just hate to see Fernando cry anymore.

>>>>I am curious as to what kind of guy can say to his kid, "a woman used to wear this on her teeth - but pretend it's a Playstation!"

LOL, I wonder how a retainer can be used as a playstation. I think he said he was going to give it to his son to use as a slingshot.

thank you "love machine" poster - it's an awesome video!

80+ Comments! Wow, I think that might be a record!!


80+ can you tell we are upset and ready to throttle Lety. I am so NOT looking forward to the show tonight.

The 2011 discussion for Capitulos 257 & 258 is at this link.

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