Wednesday, April 04, 2007

TELENOVELA CONCEPT: Impactados! (rerun)

This begins a series of picture-oriented vocabulary lessons. Any recapper who wants to try one, be my guest! I'll put them in the sidebar and afterwards, these words need not be translated...



Thanks - that was awesome. :)

I forgot about the impactados pictures! They definitely capture the esssence of impacto. Thanks for all the pictures. Becky T.

haa I love the monkey. Awesome. On a slightly different note, has there been another 'out of context quotes' entry on your other blog, Melinama?

Ferro, you are not the only one to wonder about the out of context quotes. Glad to know I am not alone.

I love those out of context posts, but I also know that too often would take the fun out of it.

There certainly have been some great ones but to tell you the truth the blog has gotten so big I can't keep up with it any more - also I've been very busy with my work (!!) and now taxes!! If y'all have favorites email them to me and I'll start compiling another post.

Love it !!!!~~~Susanlynn, looking muy impactada

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