Saturday, April 28, 2007

Zorro-April 27, 2007: Esme joins forces with Pizarro and Diego comes home

Show opens with the meeting of the two Zorros, Diego-Zorro and Tobi-Zorro. Since Diego doesn’t realize he’s Zorro, he asks, he asks if he(TZ) is Zorro. He looks at the wanted poster again and looks at TZ and says then I must not be Zorro. TZ meanwhile is a little frightened and confused because the “real” Zorro is not wearing the entire costume. They have a confused look staring contest.

Back to Renzo and Esme discussing how good Esme plan is for Piza to bring in Diego to help in the rescue. Esme wants to see Diego again. Renzo I guess is probably coming to terms about Esme’s love for Diego as they discuss that Diego knows about the baby and that Esme stayed with Monty for his (Diego) and the baby’s sake. Esme goes on about Diego how special it is between them. I imagine Renzo feels like someone is sticking a knife into his heart at each mention of the name Diego. Renzo sweety I feel bad for how your hurting but you never had a chance. Esme apologizes for talking about Diego so much but she’s worried about him (ulcer count -1). Renzo tells her don’t apologize he knows where he stands and Diego is very lucky to have a women like Esme, brave and willing to sacrifice a lot for him. Esme fears for Diego’s safety again (ulcer count -2).

Back to the two Zorros, DZ wants to find out who this Zorro is and rides toward him. Meanwhile TZ is worried that the “real” Zorro will kill him but he puts on his brave face and takes out his sword. Meanwhile guards appear out of nowhere and start shooting. There is mounted sword fighting between the two Zorros and TZ manages to knock DZ off his horse. A fallen Diego starts feeling around the ground and finds his sword.

At the de la Vega’s Alej is digesting the news of Diego’s disappearance. Alej can’t explain how Diego got lost with Monty’s men having the house surrounded. Bernie signs something that Alej interprets to mean Diego wasn’t at the hacienda, he was riding around in the mountains and that’s where he got hurt. I love the sign for Diego (swiping a hand over your face, almost like a mask, wouldn’t that work more for Zorro?). Alej buys this flimsy excuse, I mean wouldn’t have Alej or Yumi seen him riding around at some point? Dena suggests having somebody go look for him and Alej tells Bernie to have Juan organize a posse to find Diego. Yumi says she’ll go as the men are needed for the war but Dena doesn’t want her to. Dena is worried about something bad happening to Yumi out in the mountains (ulcer count -3). Yumi tells her that she knows the mountain like the back of her hand she won’t get lost. Alej detains Yumi saying that Diego could have gone anywhere and f she gets lost then they have to search for two people instead of one. I don’t understand this part of the story if Yumi grew up in the mountains and knows them very well why all the worry about getting lost. Yumi does a small smile at Alej’s concern and we go back to Bernie organizing everything. Alej worries about Diego (ulcer count -4) as in his state anything can happen. Alej how right you are!

We go back to TZ & DZ for some sword fighting and at one point Diego punches TZ. They have this funny non-macho facial expression chin pointing thing. Well Diego is doing it more macho-ish, TZ just looks like he’s puckering his lips together. The two Zorros then line up next to each other and there’s some individual swordplay with guards. Its kinda hard to describe so bear with me. There is a circle of guards with the two Zorro’s in the middle and more sword play. Diego at point feels ache in his shoulder wound so I imagine, he’s going to need a Bengay massage when this is over. I don’t know how but TZ got covered in his cape and he’s on the ground crawling around meanwhile the guards are surrounding DZ and says he’s not Zorro. I am just smiling at this point he looks cute in a tonto kinda way. DZ looks around and fingers a running away cape covered TZ as Zorro and the guards give chase. TZ mounts his steed and before riding off, a guard gets a shot at him. DZ runs off and is pulled aside by Padre Tomas. PT tells Diego to be quiet and to listen to him. PT distracts the guards and tells them that Zorro took his horse and ran off over there (who knows where he was pointing to but whatever). DZ tells PT that lying is a sin and PT tells him to shut up. PT tells Diego that they are in danger and they have to leave the city. DZ doesn’t understand what he has to do with Zorro. I think PT is just aggravated that he keeps repeating himself but tells DZ that he will explain everything in due time, he understands he’s lost his memory but not his intelligence. PT saw his good sword fighting but he has to learn to pretend. Diego doesn’t understand anything. PT tells him he’s going to take him to see if he seeing his father will help jog his memory. PT asks DZ to whistle, after some arguing DZ whistles and Tornado comes galloping. DZ is surprised to see Gaspar. PT rolls his eyes at the name Gaspar.

Back at the prison, Monty throws a tortured and beaten Dolores into Esme’s cell. Rat faced jerk, he needs to pay big time. Monty warns Esme that is what happens to people who don’t collaborate with him or don’t take him seriously. Esme calls him an animal (duh, you just realize this now?). Monty tells her that he’s not playing and worry more about that bastard she’s carrying. What Dol went through will much worse than she’s going to endure. Esme tells him he’s going to pay dearly for all he’s done. Monty asks if that’s a threat and to be careful cuz his men found the gypsy hiding place, his men are on the gypsies heels. Esme doesn’t believe Monty. Monty could care less but to him its easier if he captures them without her help, very satisfying for his ego. Now he’s got more pressing matters to attend to. While it hurts him, she’s going to learn to talk either the nice way or the hard way. Esme tries to wake up a beaten Dol. Dol repeats that she didn’t say anything. Renzo calls out to a guard, he wants to get bandages and water for Dolores. Renzo tells Esme that they have no choice.

Monty walks up to two guards talking. They salute and Monty wants to get in on the chisme. The guards tell Monty that they already told Pizzaro but Monty wants the information anyway. The guard, Cifuentes says that Alej in his military uniform took over the hacienda and they say he is an excellent military man. Monty tells the guard doing that does not make someone an excellent military man and orders them back to their post. I thought it was pretty good but then again Monty hates to be one upped so anything anybody does better he would have issues with. Monty tells the air that Pizzaro has some ‘splaining to do.

Back to Padre Tomas and Diego. PT goes into who Monty is and the whole deal with Zorro (who he is, he fights for the poor, etc.) and that Diego is Zorro. Diego is surprised that he does all this and he looks pretty proud of himself. PT asks Diego if he’s noticed how well he handles a sword. Diego tells him yes, there is agility and reflexes that he doesn’t understand. PT tells Diego about who is mom is and he was named Tisha (little impatient fox) and all that. Diego’s mind is still drawing a blank but PT says that it will eventually come to him. Diego apologizes for acting like an imbecile. PT says the only Diego has to do is trust him. PT tells Diego that nobody knows Zorro’s real identity not even the brotherhood. Which is about bring on more questions but PT tells Diego another time. PT tells Diego that nobody can know he has that wound, because Zorro received the wound not Diego. Diego’s not worried notbody willl see him naked. PT reminds Diego that he is married. Diego is impactado.

Meanwhile at the Sanchez de Moncada, Mangle is going crazy rifling through all the drawers and can’t believe her father left her penniless. She can’t find anything and she doesn’t want to be at the mercy of the filthy hunchback. She then decides to search the studio.

PT tells Diego that he is not in love with wife, he’s in love with somebody else. Diego is all confused. PT tells him it’s complicated to explain which in a way I agree and I am watching the novella. Plus if PT were to explain everything then we’d have to go to the first episode of Zorro and that would take a lot of time. So instead PT tells Diego he’s married and puts the wedding ring on his finger, wow his hand looks big and gives him a shirt to wear. PT explains to Diego that Diego likes poetry (meanwhile Diego is trying to remove the ring, hehehe and places it on his other hand?), non-violence, literature, and Diego is a bit of a reputation with the ladies. Diego comprends a little and says that while I am at home, I am in disguise. PT explains you play like someone refined so that nobody suspects him of anything. Diego then asks PT about his horse, he’s friendly with him and all that but when he called his name he threw him off. PT laughs and tells Diego that the horse is his, they are like one person and the horse is a little testy with him because he keeps calling him Gaspar when his name is Tornado. He was a gift from the brotherhood according to the story, Tornado’s family was taken up to the sky in a giant whirlpool of a tornado and Tornado escaped by his ferocity and velocity. Tornado is his, he is Zorro’s horse. Diego says the name Tornado with honor and to tell you the truth so I like it, it fits perfectly, way better than Gaspar.

Cut to Monty asking Piza what does he know about the de la Vegas, Piza tries to lie and they got close the hacienda and the de la Vega’s escape. Monty calls the lie and that he knows the truth. Piza doen’t bat an eye lash and says he didn’t want to bother Monty with bad news. He says all the men looking for SK being that is a priority. Monty gets mad and says he makes the decisions in this outfit and he wants info. Piza tells Monty that there casualties and it was very well planned and Monty tells him DUH, Alej is a military man and your guys are a pile of manure (estiércol). Sure Monty keep piling up the hate, you ain’t scoring any points for your side. Monty orders Piza to draft anybody even injured soldiers (is this proper military protocol, or even wise I think not) and arrange for a few to guard the prison but Piza is going to retake the hacienda. Piza tells Monty that the prison can’t be left unguarded but Monty says nobody is crazy enough to try anything with him there. Monty tells Piza to take Garcia with him and put him in the front lines, maybe he’ll get shot. Monty tells Piza to arrest Alej and Diego and to not fail him else he’ll think somebody is up and Piza knows how error is punished.

Back to Padre Tomas and Diego. PT has brought Diego home and the peons and workers are cheering. Diego is a little surprised by the homecoming but PT tells him he is very well liked. Even Bernie walks up and PT tells him Bernie knows everything about Zorro and is Diego’s right hand. PT gets angry because Diego and Bernie are just staring at each other awkwardly (but hey they sorta had a spat before). Diego apologizes and Bernie gives a big hug. PT tells Bernie to put Tornado in the bat cave and tells Diego let’s got meet your father.

Cut to Dena and Yumi having a heart to heart (this is way to weird even though Dena doesn’t know the whole story). Dena tells Yumi she thought Yumi didn’t like her. Yumi tells her, she respects her stuff like that. Dena then says that since she doesn’t have Esme she wants closeness with Yumi and for Yumi to call her Godmother. Dena confesses to Yumi that she felt jealous at first (I would continue to feel that way if I were you) but when Yumi arranged to bring Dena to the hacienda and offered to look for Diego, she got to understand her feelings. They share hug sort of, actually Dena does the hugging, Yumi probably feels guilty or at least I hope so considering. Bernie comes in and signs that Diego has appeared and both of Alej’s women run out.

Diego confesses to PT that he’s nervous about meeting his dad and not recognizing him. PT says don’t worry about it, he’ll explain the situation that he fell and got a bump on the head and has amnesia. PT tells Diego to be very loving to his dad, his dad is crazy about him. Alej shows up in his military uniform and is all smiles and gives Diego a hug. Diego probably winces in pain (the hug hurt the shoulder maybe) and Alej asks if something is wrong. Diego tells him that he just hurt his head when he fell off horse. Alej tells PT may God bless him for finding Diego and PT tells him its his right. Alej tells Diego he knows about the amnesia and asks if he remembers him. Diego doesn’t answer and you can tell Alej feels a little upset/worried (ulcer count -3 ) but PT says not to worry, everything will come back.

Back to Mangle getting upset and crazy because daddy dear left her penniless. She pulls out books from shelves and finds a box with a letter. She says its perfect and now Olmos can’t cheat her like he did her father. I wonder what it is. She takes the box and letter with her and goes to change clothes. I guess her little temper tantrum made her all sweaty.

Cut to Olmos and his buddy (the one that shot at Esme) discussing the finer details about a house purchase in a remote location. Olmos’ plot didn’t go as planned and when the Duke finds out he wants to be a million miles away with the one thing he has always wanted.

Cut to Mangle being rude and nasty to Isidoro and telling him to take her home. As Isidoro is about to leave Olmos shows up. He calls her Miss Mangle and Mange corrects him and tells her its Mrs. Mangle, show respect. Olmos says he’s sorry for the mistake. Mrs. Mangle tells Olmos she she’s going to be in charge of her daddy’s stuff so update her on everything and to get her a copy of the will. Olmos tells her that FS never trusted him with it and Mangle seems to believe it but warns that he better not be lying and leaves. Olmos tells the air that he respects Mangle but doesn’t trust her and when FS dies she’s going to be his woman. EWWW!!!!

Back to the de la Vegas. Alej asks Diego if he has any questions before his ladies greet him (actually he said Yumi & Dena but you know what I mean). Diego tells him where do I begin everything is so new. Basically Diego gives a rundown about his mom which Alej expands a little (Toyprunia/Regina explanation), Alej’s military background and that they are apparently rich, Alej’s remarried and that he Diego is married. Diego is basically still drawing a blank, he thought being home would spark something, but it ain’t happening. Alej tells don’t worry he’s seen these stuff in war. PT tells Diego don’t force his memory. ALej promises to do everything possible for him to remember. I wonder what exactly, I mean is he going to give him another bump on the head? Mangle finally comes home and a peon tells her the good news that Diego has returned but his memory is out to lunch. Mangle smiles and says its like having a new husband. She’s going to have Diego all to herself and no Esme memories. Hmpf we’ll see how long that lasts.

Back from commercial we go to the prison with Esme is telling Piza that she needs medicine and water for Dolores. Piza assures Esme she had nothing to do with it and he’ll send a guard in with the supplies. Esme asks Piza to get pen and paper. Piza thinks its for SK and tells her its pointless. Esme tells him its for Alej and to make sure it gets to him. With the letter, Alej will be more inclined to help in his plan. Piza smiles (at least I think it’s a smile) and tells Esme that she must agree with is plan. Esme tells yes and he better be on the up and up else he will be sorry (I believe her so long as Renzo isn’t the one that will make him pay because he hasn’t shown a good track record yet).

Back to de la Vega’s, Alej asks Diego if he’s ready to meet his wife, Mangle. Diego says I suppose but I must know her real well for me to have married her. PT and Alej just look at each other (ulcer count 4 and 5). Diego half smiles and says its going to be a shame when she realizes I don’t recognize her. Alej tells Diego, he’s going to talk to Mangle to make their meeting easier.

Cut to MP and Nutty. I guess we have to use her real name now drat I was liked calling her Nutty. Oh well SS is washing MP’s feet and they are talking like old times. SS tells MP that she felt ashamed because she wasn’t baptized and tells of her aunt telling her she was a child of sin. MP tells her she shouldn’t be embarrassed and that what her aunt said isn’t true we are children of God and we all have a purpose. SS says she feels liberated ever since exorcism. MP gets all teary eyed and talks about the ironies of life and she left the nunnery for an illusion and now she feels dirty.

FS and Herman Aaron share a talk about how they came to God. Aron tells FS that he lost his family in the most absurd way. FS shares that he came to God through the passion for a woman. That passion lead him to almost take her life and now he’s come to realization she will never be his, never was.

Back to SS and MP. MP says she was mistaken in trying to recapture her happy life with FS instead of remembering why she left him. SS tries to tell MP she’s causing herself hurt recalling this stuff. MP tells about how she believed in FS’s honesty and he betrayed her again. SS tells her that she shouldn’t take blame on herself. MP says she’s worried about what might happen to FS (ulcer count -6) and the path he’s going to take and the one she’s going to have to take (ulcer count -7) SS tells MP that to look in her heart, because like MP used to tell her God always guides our paths.

At the de la Vega’s Diego meets Mangle. She’s caressing his hand like crazy (who can blame her but I don’t want her to do the caressing only Esme). Alej tells Diego that Mangle has been updated and Diego does a small smile. Mangle tells Diego there is nothing to worry about, he’s home and she’s going to take care of him. Diego looks scared but says he’ll do his best to behave like a good hubby. Alej takes this reunion to bring everybody up to remind everybody they are at war, he’s to start a draft and rescue Dolores and rest of the staff. Diego wants to help, not sure what’s the deal with war but Monty is a tyrant and his duty is next to his dad. Alej appreciates the effort but he’s in no condition to fight, stay home and let Mangle take care of you. Alej asks PT if he wants to stay at the home, he’s worried about his safety (ulcer count -8). PT says don’t worry, Monty’s men won’t try anything against him, besides he got pressing matters at the mission. PT tells Diego he’ll be back, they have some more to discuss. Mangle then tells Diego they have a lot to talk about and leads him away.

Alej then asks PT if he thinks Diego will recover. PT says he doesn’t know but amnesia is usually temporary and for the good of everybody he hopes Diego recovers soon. They both look worried (ulcer count-9 and -10).

Back at the prison and weak Dolores tells Esme that Monty the animal thought Diego had ran off with Esme. Dol says she didn’t know what he was talking about. Dol then tells Esme that SAM told her that woman in jail is SK’s mom. Esme tells Dol that she’ll tell her the story later but right now she needs to rest, they beat her a lot. Dol asks about Diego and Alej. Esme tells her that Alej got his hacienda back but knows nothing about Diego and she needs to know how he is. Dol assumes Diego is okay cuz if they found him, he would have been arrested. Meanwhile Piza is trying to figure out whose side SAM is on. Piza tells him that Monty has organized a witch hunt and the first on the list are the de la Vegas. SAM tells Piza that his relationship with the de la Vega’s will not affect his duties. Piza tells SAM that he knows he respects Diego and tells SAM that’s working a rebellion against Monty which is risking his life and he wants allies and SAM would be very useful. SAM doesn’t know where Piza is going with this. Piza tells SAM that Monty wants to take over hacienda de la Vega and kill them but Piza wants de la Vega’s to help overthrow Monty. SAM salutes and Piza can count on him.

Back to the gypsies who are in the wide open spaces again. Jonas is concerned with SK’s wound but she says its fine only a scratch. Hermes says its his fault they are slow going to a hideout. Hermes says to leave him behind but SK will have none of it. Hermes tells SK she has to return to Spain to reclaim her crown. SK says its not so easy cuz after the king is the Duke who is a dangerous man, ambitious and he would kill to obtain power.

Back in Spain, the Queen is screaming the King has been killed. Duke orders the guards to search the castle. Queen is afraid for her life but the Duke promises to watch her day and night. He hugs her. I think this Queen should be careful who hugs her in the future.

Back at the prison, some guards discuss the TZ and DZ showdown. Esme sees this as a sign that Diego is okay and runs to a sleeping Dol and tells her did you hear that, Diego is okay. Good thing Dolores didn’t hear her, else how would Esme explain Diego is alive when the guards were talking about Zorro. Esme is happy that Diego is alive, he’ll never forget her or his son.

Meanwhile Mangle is showing Diego their honeymoon suite where they’ve had lots of steamy nights together (in her drunken stupor dreams I imagine), don’t you remember. Diego says no (well I doubt he’s going to remember events that never happened). Mangle says it doesn’t matter and starts kissing him with gusto. Mangle tells him that she will help him remember with her kisses and caresses (bleh). Diego asks how long they’ve been married and Mangle tells him a few days and technically they are still on honeymoon. Mangle is happy that they are together and nobody will separate them. Diego looks at her funny and tries to play it off like he’s very lucky to be married to somebody beautiful as her. Mangle goes to shut the door and Diego makes a face like he would rather be getting bumped in the head. Mangle thanks Diego for the wonderful words and now she’s going to show him why he married her. She throws herself at him and poor Diego doesn’t know any better so he responds to the kisses.

END OF EPISODE/ulcer count -10 (Where’s the ulcer medicine?)


Marycelis, thanks for the diverting recap! Great way to spend some time right after watching another episode of Alborada….thanks!

“I imagine Renzo feels like someone is sticking a knife into his heart at each mention of the name Diego.” Yep, I’m guessing you are so right. I wouldn’t count on him being over Esme.

“I love the sign for Diego (swiping a hand over your face, almost like a mask, wouldn’t that work more for Zorro?)” Yeah, I agree. That looks like a name sign that signifies the long, thin face that Diego has (comparatively).

“Well Diego is doing it more macho-ish, TZ just looks like he’s puckering his lips together.” When I think of Tobi, I think of the word “fop.” He looks and acts like what people must mean by that word.

Poor Dolores. She’s kind of bossy but she didn’t deserve this; she has such a heart of gold. I agree, Mari, Monty has to pay for that alone big time.

“Diego’s not worried nobody willl see him naked.” Clearly he hasn’t remembered Mangle yet. He’d know for certain someone’s going to try her best to see him naked.

Yumi will have some ‘splainin’ to do some day before too long. I can’t figure why she’s warming up to Dena, but really, Dena has a heart of gold like Dolores. I think it would be difficult to dislike her (she’s kind of like MP that way).

I’m having a REALLY hard time thinking that SS is a changed person. She pulled it off pretty well Friday, but I just can’t picture such a great villainess being redeemed just like that.

“Queen is afraid for her life but the Duke promises to watch her day and night. He hugs her. I think this Queen should be careful who hugs her in the future.” We already know the Duke isn’t trustworthy from what Olmos says about him, assuming it’s the same Duke (doubtless for the novela’s purposes, it is).

“Esme is happy that Diego is alive, he’ll never forget her or his son.” Uh-huh. Right. Think again, Esme.

Diego looked really uncomfortable with Mangle. I bet he isn’t sure why, but he is sensing how much he dislikes her.

Thanks again, Marycelis!

Jeanne (back to packing)

I think we should still be calling Suplicios Nuttty Nun. She hasn't proven to me that she doesn't have something up her sleeve. I still don't trust her.

I'm hoping that Diego's body will remember how much he hates Mangle, just like his body remembered how to fight with a sword.

May I say I LOVED the scene with the two Zorros? Those two had great comedic chemistry with each other. I would like to see them team up again. That was one of the funniest scenes so far.

Monty must die a horrible death for beating up Dolores. Rat bastard!

Thanks Marycelis, for the wonderful recap. I really enjoyed it!

Howdy =)

I must complain to the continuity police that Diego's bandages suddenly disappeared when Mangle started undressing him. Just one of those things that sticks up my crawl. I was also a little bummed not to see Yumi fighting in the hacienda takeover. Wasn't she supposed to be a warrior? Then she says she'll look for Diego so the men can stay and fight. Again, not the words you'd expect from the woman who took beat up the hitman that tried to kill Al. And then Al gets all protective about her getting lost in a mountain she knows better than most of the men. What's with all the sudden sexism?!!

Back to episode, I too liked the twin zorros. I would have preferred if it was Bernie, but Tobi will do for now. Speaking of Tobi, I've noticed that he's been getting awfully Italian lately, but I thought he was supposed to be coming from France. Wouldn't it be funny if he was just Spanish and trying to seem more traveled? Just a thought.

Regarding Bernie's sign for Diego, it reminds me a little of the sign for pretty. Dunno if that's where they got it from, but it'd make sense 'cause Diego's such a hottie.

I'm all torn about the Dena/Yumi/Al love triangle. On the one hand, Yumi actually thinks quite highly of Dena and understands that she loves Al and is good for him, maybe better than Yumi. On the other hand, her upbringing doesn't see why they can't just share. Maybe she's secretly hoping if they become friends Dena will say it's ok. On Al's side, he feels genuinely guilty for what he did and plans to never do it again, so maybe he'll behave himself. Having said that, he feels some obligation towards Yumi (not just for the boinking, but because she's Regina's kid sister and she is his god daughter - icky on both sides when you think of what they did) and is not likely to just let her go back to her tribe. I don't think this will be resolved until Yumi finds another guy. Here's hoping...

I think we're all in agreement that Monty needs to be slowly lowered into the now infamous Duelo whirlpool slowly, maybe upside down strapped by ankles, for all the mean and horrible things he keeps doing.

Thanks to Mari for the awesome re-cap and the ulcer count (I think you listed 13, but I still love the tagging of each). Pity they hadn't invented Pepto in those days. Maybe they had Milk of Magnesia =)

Margaret, now that you mention it, what is Tobias's background supposed to be? I always assumed he was a local guy with European affectations and delusions of grandeur. From the very beginning he spoke Spanish but added words of Italian, French and English scattered throughout to put on 'airs.' We know he married Catalina for her dowry. He studied fencing somewhere, Europe maybe, so is he a golddigger from Europe come to the new world (Alta California) to seek his fortune? My ear doesn't know enough about foreign accents to know what his is supposed to be.

More continuity police work here. Actually, why do we even bother. If novelas made sense they'd be on the History Channel! I was wondering why Mangle kept up the hysterical "why did he leave me with nothing" while searching Fernando’s office, when she's supposedly married into the richest family around? Also, what I think she found in the box was one of the blackmail letters from Fernando that Olmos cottoned onto in order to get himself into position to do away with Sara Kali in the first place. But she read about one and a half words and immediately had her plan in place. Not even a furrowed brow!

I disagree with earlier comments about Nutty Nun. I think they're really going with demonic possession that only could take root in an unbaptized person. So now she's going to be good from now on. Who knows what Camba will be up to now, nothing good for certain.

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