Saturday, April 14, 2007

Zorro-Friday, April 13, 2007: Mangle gets her wedding night (sort of) and bigamy is all the rage.

Show opens up with Diego and Mangle in bed having some champagne. Diego apologizes for his speedy exit at the reception and for leaving her all by her lonesome on their wedding night. He was really upset by Monty & Esme’s baby news and he needed to be alone to sort his thoughts (translate that as have a little romp with Esme). He has resigned to losing Esme and he hopes that with her as his bride, she makes him very happy. Mangle smiles and says, you betcha I will or something along those lines. Diego promises to make the night memorable and they share an awkward kiss. Diego apologizes says that he’s just shy and needs alcohol to loosen him up.

Jump to Esme and Olmos before the Judge recording her signature on the contract turning over Esme’s fortune to Monty. Olmos reminds Esme about her jewels and he will make sure that they get delivered when she makes her escape with her mom. Esme asks Olmos who will help them make the getaway and Olmos says don’t worry its someone he totally trusts. Esme questions him some more but Olmos says no more questions until your mom is free. Olmos starts rifling through some papers and Esme looks at him warily.

At the Moncada’s FS has a strong hold on Dena and she orders him to let her go. FS says she aint going until she tells him what she knows that will stop his wedding with MP. Dena doesn’t want to say anything but don’t force her. FS doesn’t like being threatened and she shouldn’t go nosing around in his life sister or not else he will cut her off from his life. Dena tells him he did that a long time ago since when their parents were killed. FS doesn’t want to talk about it. Dena tells him he hasn’t gotten over their death shouldn’t feel guilty about it he was only a child, etc. FS says yes but I coulda done something, the parents were skinned and tortured to death, Indians showed no compassion. Dena tells him ever since that day he’s lost his compassion even towards himself. You feel bad for FS you really do. I mean you feel his torment but you remember his list of bad stuff and I remember why he’s a villain. FS begs Dena that he’s waited all this time to be with MP .Dena will not permit FS to deceive her and he will regret not having listened to her. When Dena leaves FS starts thinking that it was her who steal the key to SK’s “iron” mask. Yeah sure FS it was Dena (she doesn’t even know about the darn thing) next thing you know he’s going to accuse Monty or even Piza.

At the prison, Hermes tells SK that they are knocking down the wall while SK worries that she is dead meat. Hermes says that maybe they want to help her if VCR is taking all this effort into locating her. SK doesn’t think so because even after all his years imprisoned the battle for Spanish crown still goes on and there are a lot of people who would do anything to get rid of her. Hermes (who I think he wants to use her “rescue” as his get out of jail free card) tells her that this is their chance to get out of jail. SK needs a sign because she’s got a bad feeling about this if she got word from her daughter she’d be more comfortable. Hermes then tells her maybe she’s outside waiting for her rescue. Finally Auggy breaks the wall and makes a small opening. Everyone says PU and they play the blame game as to who let one fly. Just kidding. VCR complains about the stench and Monty tells him well IT IS a sewer, what did you think sunshine and roses? VCR doesn’t care, even if they get sick breathing that filth (inmundicia) he will not rest until they checked out the sewer. Penguin Suit looks in with his torch and let me tell you it looks mad dark in there so I don’t know what he was expecting to see but it woulda been funny if Hermes appeared in front of him and yelled BOO! PS says something, I don’t know his mouth his covered I can’t understand him. VCR takes torch and looks in and asks if there is anybody there and somebody responds with nobody in here but us mice (I always wanted use that line). VCR announces himself to the stench and probably the poo lining the walls while Monty and Piza look at each other wondering who will poop out their brick first. VCR yells out that I’ve come to free you and you will be returned to your rightful place, said the spider to the fly.

Olmos and Esme with her escort not to far behind are talking a stroll planning SK’s escape. Olmos tells Esme that he's just waiting for his contact to give the signal. Dena spots her and Olmos is off to give Monty the contract papers. Dena questions Esme's blind trust of Olmos. Esme says its thanks to Olmos she wasn’t discovered at the prison his contacts are taking care of her mom. Dena tells Esme that nothing in this life is free and Olmos must have some powerful reasons for helping her. Esme says maybe but all she cares about his seeing her mom freed. Dena worries that that everything is going so smooth it scares her. She feels it in her chest that something bad is going to happen. I think Dena and Alej are sharing ulcers. I guess when you marry you also share stomach conditions. Esme starts looking worried (oh my its contagious) but shakes it off and they go for tea.

Cue Amor Gitano

Back to Diego and Mangle and their champagne drinking. Mangle talks about when she first arrived how the smell and sounds bothered her. She thought she was condemned to the worst luck thanks to Daddy but when she laid her eyes on him (Diego) the place turned into paradise, I know she’s the villan but who can argue with that last part she has a point. Diego tells her she made an impression on him too when he first saw her, of course he thought she was a little too bold but he liked it. Mangle says he doesn’t know how bold she can be when in front of the man she likes (I think we already know, they ARE married). Mangle gets really close and kisses Diego. Diego offers more champagne and Mangle says no more she feels dizzy. So Diego instead entertains her with a magic trick. He makes the empty cup disappear under a napkin and reappear filled to the top with champagne from behind her. How did he do that I wonder. Mangle tells Diego he’s a box of surprises (you don’t know that half of it). Mangle wants to know what other intimate magic tricks he knows and Diego sorta evades her advance and asks Mangle what tricks she knows. Mangle makes the champagne disappear by swallowing every last drop. Diego laughs and says make it disappear again which she obliges.

FS is talking to himself wondering if Dena stole the key then crosses her off the list because she doesn’t know about it. FS thinks the key being lost or stolen is not a good sign. FS doesn’t care because to him nothing is as important as SK’s power than MP’s love. Once he gets that, everything else will follow. After sorta redeeming yourself you blow it with your crazy talk.

The VCR is yelling into the sewer if there is anybody hidden in there. Respond lady, don’t be afraid. Hermes tells SK that it’s the VCR and he personally came to help her. SK tells him it’s a trap and they will kill both of them. Hermes wonders to himself if everything SK’s told him is true and that’s really the VCR. I don’t understand Hermes, he’s sarcastic about SK’s story but he wants her to yell out. What’s the deal. VCR aptly points out that nobody answers and asks PS to get in with the torch and scope out the tunnel. Monty tells the VCR that his men will do that and calls to Machado. VCR says forget it its obviously a sewer and nobody could hide in there much less who they are looking for. VCR asks PS to check the basements as there is nowhere else left to look and to close up the sewer wall. Monty smiles and they do that music and commercial impactado pause but instead we get the guards (Auggy and somebody else) surprised that there was no answer and wonder if they are dead. If I didn’t know any better I would wonder if the smelled did them in, cuz I imagine that stinks like nobody’s business. Auggy orders the guard to bring food and water, he will investigate.

We have Esme and Dena chatting over tea, well Esme is the only one with tea anyways. I would think Dena shoulda taken some to calm that ulcer she’s been working on since meeting. Dena then asks Esme what’s wrong and Esme brings up that she can’t stand that Diego and Mangle will see each other everyday. Umm they are married they were bound to run into each other sometime. Dena reminds Esme that she is married to Monty and Esme says but she on the other hand has not done anything with Monty. Dena says well with men its different you know if they don’t get any they’ll get die or explode or soemthing, hehehe, not really but I remember reading that in health class under a heading lies a guy tells to get into your pants. Actually, Dena tells Esme that its not right for man to deny his wife relations. Esme tells Dena that Diego said he would not touch her. Dena tells Esme that he probably said that because he loves her and doesn’t want her hurt but c’mon, men never say no to that and do you think that Mangle will accept, not right now I have a headache. Apparently Dena’s little talk makes Esme doubt Diego and she says that she couldn’t stand it and she’s dying of jealousy.

Mangle and Diego again. Mangle goes to hug Diego and he offers more champagne. Mangle doesn’t want anymore she wants to kiss. Diego says first another cup of champagne it’s a very fine champagne from my dad’s collection, reserved for special occasions and this is very special (yeah because you always toast yourself into a stupor when you sleep with your bride for the first time, not that I’m angry just funny is all). Mangle says the champagne is a little strong but Diego pishaws and tells Mangle that she can hold her liquor, like the when we went out and you got me drunk. They laugh and Mangle falls asleep, I wonder what was in that champagne. Diego tells a sleeping Mangle, YOU got me drunk, ME who knows how to drink. Sorry Mangle but Esme is holding Monty off for me and it’s the least I can do for her.

At the prison, Olmos visits Tobi. Tobi thinks Olmos is there to get him out but nope Olmos isn’t a lawyer, Tobi is on his own. Tobi tells Olmos as secretary to Gov, he can do something. Olmos tells Tobi that he can’t promise anything. Olmos then asks Tobi if he trusts the FM, is it true that he designed the fencing technique used by Zorro because its obvious Tobi isn’t Zorro. Tobi tells Olmos that he thinks FM is not Zorro’s instructor because the only ability “Samaniego” has is to sharpen his knife for cutting into smoked ham. Olmos deduces he is an imposter and Tobi begs him to break the deal in finding out who Zorro is. Just get him out and he promises to unmask Zorro. Olmos acts like his hands are tied but when Tobi finds out Zorro’s identify give a holler, see ya wouldn’t want to be ya.

Cut to Cat feeding fake FM soup. FFM gets upset and calls her and hubby inconsiderate for taking him out to the reception at his age. He then coughs like he choked on a bone and Cat tells him she seems to recall he made out well at the party he never stopped eating. Cat just continues to spoon feed him his soup. He also tells Cat she is feeding a person not a donkey, call Tobi he knows how to feed me. Cat exasperated tells him don’t you remember you went to the wedding reception to finger Zorro and you ID’d Tobi as that bandit. FFM-What bandit? Cat-ZORRO! FFM-Don’t yell at me, what Zorro are you talking about? Cat-Samaniego, you’re a lost cause.. LOL!!!! Cat then gets an idea and asks FFM if she can get his address to write to his family and let them know he’s okay. FFM smiles and asks Cat if she isn’t the daughter of Prudencia, sister of Casilda. How is the harvest of (I didn’t get the word) and he goes on with the harvest while Cat rolls her eyes and can’t believe what she is hearing. ROTFL, I must have missed this part of the conversation prior to recapping.

At the prison, Monty tells VCR that he was informed VCR found nothing fishy in basement. VCR tells him it looks like they hid prisoner real well. M-Or she isn’t here, In what way do you want me to show you? VCR tells Monty that flattery (lisonja) doesn’t work on him only action and from what he’s seen Zorro has done on a number on him. Monty assures the VCR that he will capture Zorro real soon and Monty will deliver his head to Mexico. VCR tells Monty he will be waiting and asks PS if there is any other place they haven’t checked. PS assures him last place was basement and sewers and the entire prison has been run through several times. Well Viceroy, you know what they say when you loose something, its in the last place you looked (this case being sewer). VCR tells Monty that luck smiles on him. Monty smiles and asks VCR why is that women so important to the crown, maybe he can help. VCR tells him its better to ignore what he can’t control and tells him he is handing over maps and prison, he’s returning to Mexico. Monty acts like he cares, leaving so soon and VCR tells him don’t be a hypocrite. Trap Zorro because if not that delinquent will be his downfall. HA!

After their exit, VCR tells PS that the Marquesa lied to him and we get a commercial plug that takes the bottom portion of the screen for the Spanish version of Sex in the City, Sin Vergüenza (Without Shame or when combined sinvergüenza calling somebody shameless cute very cute ) I don’t give a fart about a trampy looking Gaby Espino who is supposed to be the executive. I remember when commercials were in between programs not during, those were the days but I digress. PS tells VCR that the Marquesa is very astute and “Aqui el problema es quien le pone primero el cascabel al gato”, translated means The problem here is who’s going first to put the bell on the cat, remember the cartoon where the mice tried doing that and nobody wanted to. I think that’s what there are talking about, who’s going to rat out Marquesa as liar first. VCR thinks if the Spanish crown has given her lots of power then its because they don’t know she lied and he’s more than willing to expose her as a liar, the Court exile her and cut off her privileges.

Back in the prison office, Monty tells Piza he should congratulate him. The VCR didn’t find SK. Piza tells Monty that they have to be more careful and not move SK until the VCR crosses the border. Monty agrees and now is the time to reap the rewards. He’s going to make FS to tell him the truth about SK. He knows FS said lies and half truths when he questioned him about SK Monty asks Piza aren’t you curious as to what she is hiding behind the “iron” mask besides a great hairstyle (okay the hair was just in my mind). Piza looks at Monty probably trying to figure out if he wants to play Mr. Burns and Mr. Smithers. Monty tells Piza that FS will tell him the truth about SK or she dies.

MP and FS run into each other outside the church. FS tells MP that they should get married immediately and like every good bigamist they have to do it in another town. FS recommends San Diego. MP asks FS if he went crazy. FS says no its perfect, they can have their wedding with nobody opposing it, they can have children live happily ever after. MP asks why can’t family be there, is there something she should know about? FS IS ALREADY MARRIED is reason enough I think, but wait she don’t know that.

Dena and Esme discuss FS asking MP to marrying him and all the reasons why they shouldn’t. Dena says what we already have been talking about, FS is already married and Esme begs Dena not tell MP because she’ll confront FS and complicate things. Dena says that she will try without causing hurt but if worse comes to worse, she will do whatever it takes to stop that marriage. Dena, you better move your butt and quit the rehashing FS is going to elope.

Back to FS and MP discussing their plans. FS tells MP that he’s afraid the family will oppose the wedding. They don’t understand what moves him to marry MP. Don’t act like you are Romeo and MP is Juliet, because that’s not it, hello YOU ARE MARRIED! MP tells MP that she understands Dena, she’s lived with him and knows who difficult life’s been with him and it’s not bad for her to worry about him. FS goes on that he wants to change, heal his soul (and you tell me FS how is committing bigamy going to heal your soul, huh?) MP promises to help him in what she can and FS says then let’s get married I got the car all packed up and ready to go. MP says that they have no clothes, etc but FS convinces her and gives in. Oh, boy.

Back to Esme and Dena discussing what FS could have possibly told MP that would make her change her mind about taking her nun vows before God. Esme spots Diego in the plaza from her window seat and she’s ready to run out to him but Dena restrains her. Dena tells her it’s too public (remember last time Esme) and that she’ll arrange it they can talk privately. Dena talks to the owner of the establishment about arranging a room for her niece and someone else. Wow, how nifty that such privacy is readily available.

At the de la Vega’s Alej is about to ask Dolores where is Dena when they both see some Indians coming up the porch. Alej tells Dol he doesn’t know who they are but that they dress like Yumi’s tribe. Dol thinks that Yumi asked for them. Alej says something in the native tongue and one of them responds in kind. He then speaks Spanish, good because I don’t speak Indian, introduces himself as Adriel and says he is looking for Alej. Alej introduces himself and asks what they need.

Dena goes to Diego to tell him that Esme is waiting in a private room in the tea room but be careful cuz she has an escort. Diego runs off to meet Esme. Meanwhile Dena spots FS and MP riding in their getaway carriage and Dena runs to her carriage. Wakes up the driver and tells him to follow that carriage.

Esme and Diego meet privately and share a nice steamy kiss. Diego tells Esme that he has a lot to thank Dena for. They tell each other that they longed to meet again. Diego worries about Monty but Esme tells him she doesn’t know where he is, he’s been busy since VCR’s appearance. Diego tells Esme that he hopefully he continues to be busy. Esme says not possible else they can’t free her mom, duh Diego remember the mission; c’mon get your head in the game. Diego apologizes but said he wanted to be with her sooo bad. Esme then asks about Mangle. Diego tells her, she’s fine she’s sleeping, sleeping off her drunken state not precisely due to love. She’s sleeping her hangover that I gifted to her as payback for the one that forced me to ask for her hand. Esme looks at him doubtfully. Diego asks her what, you don’t believe me. Esme tells him of course, I see it in your eyes. Esme tells Diego she loves him and let’s face it after that the gift he gave Mangle, you gotta love him too. Diego tells her he loves her forever and they share another steamy kiss.

Meanwhile at the de la Vega’s Mangle has gotten up from her hangover and she’s got a splitting headache. Maldito Diego, you got me drunk. Looks like Mangle is going to be sick and runs to the bathroom to puke, HA, HA!

Back to Diego and Esme. Esme tells Diego when she leaves with her mom, she doesn’t want to leave him alone. Mangle is very astute and bold and will not rest until she has him. Diego tells her don’t worry, trust in him like he trusts her. They discuss if the VCR’s left and if she’s heard anything from gitanos. Esme tells him no news but she hopes VCR leaves soon. Diego doesn’t mean to be insistent but he wants to be informed as to everything she does. They agreed to free SK together so he wants to know any change in plans. Esme says don’t worry and promises to keep him informed. Okay the de la Vega’s better start stocking up on ulcer meds, their health is the on the line here. They kiss some more, this time with their theme song.

The VCR and crew are leaving and Monty wishes him a good trip. Olmos walks by and notices the departure. Olmos acts surprised that VCR is leaving and starts asking questions regarding the visit and if he was here to visit a prisoner, cute Olmos. Monty tells him no, he was here on state matters and what do I owe the honor of your visit. Olmos hands him the contract papers and tells him he owns Esme’s fortune and he hopes Monty knows how to multiply it as it is a sizeable sum. Monty tells him not to worry because he wants to assure his son’s future and his wife’s. Olmos acts like its wonderful idea as Esme deserves to be happy and he’s sure she will be by his Monty’s side. Monty tired of this little chat leaves and calls for Piza. Piza looks at Olmos (I think he’s not convinced of Olmos’ well wishes for the happy couple) and then follows Monty like the good little lap dog he is. Olmos tells Monty’s dust cloud enjoy your happiness while you can because pretty soon you will lose everything.

Back to the de la Vega’s where Adriel and Alej are sharing a peace pipe. I never thought I’d ever say that in my life. Adriel’s been informed that Yumi is alive and she’s been staying there. Alej asks if they are really her family as it was his understanding that they all disappeared. Adriel tells him they’ve been in hiding from the white man and they should never know where they are. Yes, they belong to the same tribe and he’s there because the grandmother (Adriel said a name that I didn’t catch) is on her death bed and wants to see her granddaughter Yumi before she crosses the big river. Alej says he will get her, Yumi should see her before the voyage. Adriel tells Alej that the gods will help White Buffalo, in his name. Alej is impactado at this name and is surprised that she is still alive.

FS apparently traveled to a church in San Diego and is arranging for a marriage ceremony with the priest while MP waits. He tells the priest, they are going to get some things and will return. FS tells MP that he said who he was and he wants to get married and the priest agreed; well he is the governor I mean what’s the priest going to say no? MP doesn’t look thrilled and FS asks what’s wrong. MP tells him that she wanted a big wedding, with her brother and family and FS says don’t worry after our wedding we’ll through a great reception party and have the family present. Now they are going to buy clothes because he wants her to look her prettiest. FS and MP kiss with their theme song.

Del sees Alej and asks what’s wrong. Alej informs Dena that it appears that the Indians belong to Yumi’s tribe. Del also thought they were all dead but Alej tells her nope they didn’t and they want Yumi and guess what the grandmother’s name is, White Buffalo. Del is surprised, White Buffalo the same name as Regina’s grandmom. They both realize that Yumi and Regina are sisters and that would explain the similarity. Del is impactada and then we get the anvil dropping sound a pause and Del is still impactada. I’m sure you guys got a word for that but not sure what that is.

Cut to Esme walking along the plaza and Olmos riding up in a carriage trying to catch her. Olmos asks Esme to get in the carriage, everything is ready for SK’s prison break. Esme says I have to tell Diego but Olmos tries to stop her saying that they agreed not talk about it to anybody and it has to be now or never. Esme is end credit impactada and worried at the same time.



Marycelis, this recap is superb! Thanks!

Well, Mangle is gonna be mad when she figures out he’s evading. I wouldn’t want to be on her bad list. It’s only a matter of time for Diego, isn’t it?

How refreshing that now Dena is out of the house, she can confront baby bro. I bet she’s been itching to do that for years.

“Dena says well with men its different you know if they don’t get any they’ll get die or explode or soemthing, hehehe, not really but I remember reading that in health class under a heading lies a guy tells to get….” ROTFL! Well said, Marycelis!

Y’know, I hate to point this out, but Esme and Diego have no business being jealous when they’re married to other folks. It’s not as if Diego especially tried too hard to get Esme back before he let himself be duped by MA. In fact, the Marquesa was busy taking care of it and the dunderhead was out getting drunk instead of being home where he was supposed to be, finding out the the Marquesa was getting Esme back for him. She could have gone to him, too, same deal. (Okay, maybe I’m being too hard on the kids, but that’s how I see it).

““Aqui el problema es quien le pone primero el cascabel al gato”, translated means The problem here is who’s going first to put the bell on the cat, remember the cartoon where the mice tried doing that and nobody wanted to. I think that’s what there are talking about, who’s going to rat out Marquesa as liar first.” Thank you for explaining that. It had me totally mystified.

Is there anyone who can save MP from this doggone bigamist? Couldn’t Zorro show up in San Diego? It’s not like Diego really wants to hang around with Mangle or anything. He needs a good new project about now. (Well, saving his auntie and saving Esme’s mom).

“duh Diego remember the mission; c’mon get your head in the game.” LOL! All it takes is one steamy kiss…..

Yumi’s grandmother is White Buffalo. Regina’s Toypurnia’s grandmother was White Buffalo. Well, there we are. Yumi IS Regina’s/Toypurnia’s sister. We all knew it, didn’t we, folks? Question is, why did she end up with Alej---did she come scouting him out at the same time she was going after the one-eyed man? Too easy to be pure coincidence….

Shouldn’t it have taken MP and FS longer than a half hour to travel to San Diego in a carriage? It takes longer to travel there even now in a high speed Amtrak.

Oh, I am soooooo bummed. The big prison break is going to happen while I can’t watch for the next three or four days! SHUCKS! Have a good week, everyone. Thanks again, Marycelis!


Thanks so much for the recap. Even though I watched the show, your summaries are sooo good!

Not that you didn't laready write these words, but I just had to repost the ones I thought were especially HILARIOUS:

"Finally Auggy breaks the wall and makes a small opening. Everyone says PU and they play the blame game as to who let one fly." ROFTL! And if the stench is that bad, why aren't Hermes and SK gagging?!

[About FS]"After sorta redeeming yourself you blow it with your crazy talk." He does get weird when he's alone, doesn't he? Come on, Fernando - a few times you've done the right thing. OK, maybe once (he gave $ to the campesinos he sent his men after). Don't do this to MP!

"VCR takes torch and looks in and asks if there is anybody there and somebody responds with nobody in here but us mice" ;)

So, does the fact that Almudena believe men "are like that" mean that she'll overlook Alejandro getting it on with Yumalai?

Thanks again - Jen

Hello ladies =)

Marycelis, you kill me, your comments are priceless! You know, FS's campesino money reminds me of something Chris Rock said after Desert Storm: "It's like beating up your kid and then giving him a twinkie." Guess FS figures as long as he throws money at the problem (gives money to the campesinos and the convent) he will make up for all the grief he caused them and suddenly be worthy of MP. I really hope Dena gets there on time to stop the wedding ("Follow that speeding wagon!"). Also hope FS doesn't find out about the SK rescue plans!

I too was wondering how SK and Hermes were breathing just fine in the middle of the sewer when the VCR et al were ready to hurl just by standing there. Guess they're used to it by now. Kind of like people get used to their own BO.

I don't think Diego put anything special in the champagne, just looked for the strongest stuff in the house and gave her as much as he needed (there were 3 empty bottles in the foreground when Mangle woke up). Maybe he'll move on to spiking next.

Are we talking about the "next episode teaser" stuff? I have theories, probably wrong ones, and would love to dish, but not if it risks a spoiler for others.

Jen, you're probably right about Dena forgiving Al. Yes, he was a hypocritical cheat, but it's not like Yumi didn't beg for it and she looks so much like the dead wife, etc. I guess I can forgive him too (though I won't forget!!!!) but he better not do it again.

I wonder if now that they've figured out that Toypurnia and Yumi are sisters they will also realize that when she speaks of how "the one-eyed man killed her sister" she's talking about FS killing Regina! We'll see how good Al's powers of deduction work. I will point out that there is no law that says that White Buffalo couldn't have had other children (besides Regina's mom or dad - they don't say on which side she's the grandma) and that Yumi could thus be Toypurnia's COUSIN, first cousin, but cousin nevertheless. Still, I think the general consensus of them being sisters is probably more accurate as they're practically twins.

Oh, Jeanne, Yumi didn't find Al, he found her after she was wounded the first time she tried to kill FS. She didn't even really "meet" Al until she regained consciousness after she'd been sick and delirious at his place for days.

I do hope the VCR doesn't cause problems for the Marquesa. She's way too cool and hasn't had a chance to ruin Monty yet!

Take care everyone, and I can't wait for Monday's episode! M

I'm worried about the Marquesa too. I liked her and we need her back again. Of course, we know the Marquesa didn't lie so maybe Esme & mom appear just when the VCR thinks he puts the bell on.

I think Diego should go with Yumi when she goes to see White Buffalo, maybe that would jog his memory?

Mangle is definitaely not going to like Diego's gift. I worry what she has planned for him.

You know I wasn't even thinking about Hermes and SK breathing in the stench but I suppose your right, I guess they got used to it.

I was reading at TeleNovela forum and the speedy trip from LA to San Diego was discussed. It never crossed my mind but yeah, it woulda take at least a day probably more with one horse drawn carriage on rocky roads and Dena would clearly be visible to MP & FS because I doubt they were traveling at high speeds. Reminds me of a Mystery Science Theatre movie me and my husband were watching, one of characters said, nothing like a high speed chase where everybody's going at 20 mph.

This comment has been removed by the author.

Re: Yumi being found by Alej, yes, I know she was, and he ensured that she recovered, and I still find it such an AMAZING coincidence that she hooked onto Alej. I guess my tongue in my cheek isn't that visible in print.

Marycelis, I was a bit taken aback by them sitting in the sewer, too, and apparently not noticing it. They were even able to eat that supply of food given to them. Then I remembered stories I have read of Holocaust survivors who hid in the outhouses, inside the holes, who would literally do anything to get away from the guards. I think I would rather have been tortured and died than that, but who knows? Perhaps I could have overcome my ultra-sensitive nose to live. Still! (I remember chuckling when I heard where they were. The word for sewer in Spanish is virtually identical to that in Latin, of which I had four years, and I remembered a classmate with a wicked sense of humor telling our very proper Latin teacher that she had selected the Latin name "Cloaca Maxima." He was impactado and told her under no circumstances could she have that as her Latin name. She obviously had done her homework because the look on his face was priceless when she told him she wanted to be called the "grand sewer.") I knew when I heard the word they weren't in an ordinary tunnel under the prison.


Great recap Mari!!! You had me cracking up so much---the whole sewer description was just a riot!!

I can't help it, I want Fernando to be redeemed. I like him, I don't know why, but I do. I know it has something to do with how complex he is as a character and how incrediably well the part is acted (is it Arturo Peniche---did I spell that right?). I just want him to be redeemed (and lay off doing all the bad stuff in the process of redemption, sooner rather than later). OK, so I can't believe I'm defending a bigamist, but I really do think in his mind he's not married to SK/Mercedes. He justifies this because she was preggers w/ another man's child when she married him. Totally a grounds for annulment, and since we've seen that Fernando has no respect for the Church, he's eliminated the middle man and considers himself free. Isn't their some religion in the world where you just have to say "I divorce you" three times and then you are considered divorced? (I think it might be Islam---perhaps FS is a recent convert to that, after all the Moors were in Spain for many years.

Let's see, didn't I hope/predict that Mangle might become an alcoholic.....glad to see Diego is helping me along with that plot line. I hope he comes across her drug/potion and gives it to her. Just desserts.

I am convinced that Olmos had something to do with the fake Maestro coming to town. He knew that Tobi was planning on outing Zorro w/ the Maestro's help, so it seems to me he could be behind the fake one coming to town. Perhaps Olmos is part of that secret society that Padre Tomas is always talking to, I'm just throwing that out there for thought.

Not too up on my Californian geography, but I assume it would take longer than a half an hour to drive to San Diego today....even if you removed the LA traffic from the equation.

I hope the Marquesa is going to be able to stand up to the VCR. She's a tough old gal, I'm sure she'll be fine.

Perhaps we need to keep an ulcer count for the entire cast of characters. It seems worrying is very contagious. No se preocupen, todos van a estar bien (well except the bad guys, they have to suffer in novelas--my exception would be Fernando, tho I know many of you wouldn't agree, he just needs to be redeemed).

Well, Cathy, I will grudgingly admit that FS does have some qualities that make him potentially redeemable and probably worth redeeming as well. Being married and rationalizing that he really isn't....well, that's a stretch. But then, this is telenovelaland and maybe, just maybe, he really ISn't married to SK but said he was in the beginning for whatever his reasons were?

You predicted MA as a potential alcoholic-- bravo!! I hope you are right. That would solve a lot for Diego at the moment. If might keep her from scheming quite so much, too.


Fantastic recap Marycelis! This was a wonderful episode and I loved re-watching it through your eyes.

Diego sure had to go through a lot of trouble to get Mangle off his back for just one night. I sure hope he's got the energy and resources to keep the game up. Good prediction on Mangle becoming a lush, it might be Diego's ace in the hole.

Great editorial comments about the prison stench. Everytime someone goes down to the bottom of the prison they hold their noses, so the old sewer must REALLY smell bad, not to mention that Sara and Hermes have been down there for a few days if you get my drift.

Jen, excellent point about Dena overlooking Al's romp with Yumalai. How understanding will she be when she's the one having to do the forgiving?

Thanks Marycelis! A lot of stuff happened in this episode and I appreciate your thoroughness. I'm itching for Sara Kali to finally get out of prison. She's probably itching too.

The previews didn't look very good for Esme, so I hope everything goes okay (course she's a brave one so she might do okay). I hope Zorro saves the day but since she never got around to telling Diego, I wonder how it will turn out.

I think we need to add Cloaca to our vocab list. That was new even for me.

FS confuses me so I flip flop regarding his redemption and punishment. I gotta hand it to him though he plays his part very well.

I want to see SK get out too and remove that mask not sure if that would mean anything to us (if she's a twin to queen, its not like we know what she looks like) but I want to see all the mystery and know who the actress is too.

My thought regarding Alej and Yumi at this point is, are they are going to see White Buffalo together?

Let Mangle be a lush and let Olmos use the potion on her, hey she could use a taste of her own medicine.

Great recap and comments all.
First, sewers - I looked it up. [All the information in the world is on the internet, including a history of sewers in LA.] There were no municipal sewers in Los Angeles before the 1880's. [The novela has to be taking place before1820 when Mexico declared its independence from Spain.] Maybe the prison had some kind of cesspit and that is where SK and Hermes were being kept. Prisons typically stank because there were no toilets and the prisoners had to use a bucket that wasn't emptied too often.

Fernando - I understand wanting to redeem FS but he just doesn't have a good side. Even if he doesn't consider himself married to SK, he still imprisoned her in an iron mask for 20 years, killed the Viceroy's inspector and sold Esmeralda off in marriage against her will, twice. I'm giving him a pass on killing Regina since he I believe that he didn't know who she was and she had injured his eye and he has got a problem with Indians having seen his parents murdered.
Even FS's love for Maria Pia is all about him. He doesn't really care about her or her struggles. He just wants to satisfy his desires.

Olmos is quite a mystery. It will be interesting to see what his real motivations are. The idea that he brought the Maestro to Tobias is intriguing.

How convenient that the Viceroy. after vowing to stay until he finds SK, just ups and leaves.

White Buffalo - for some reason hearing the indian names in Spanish, 'Bufalo Blanco' seems very funny. It is possible that White Buffalo is one of the witnesses to FS's killing of Regina that Father Tomas was talking about.
It's a litle ridiculous that Alejandro never really questioned Yumalai about her origins. For example, he never told her what Regina's Indian name was. Yumalai certainly wouldn't care that she looked like someone named Regina. As has been mentioned before, some of the story for this novela is coming from Isabel Allende's novel, Zorro. As is explained in an online article from the Center for Latin American Studies in Berkeley, Allende was asked to write a novel with a back story for Zorro. Here is the link: . She came up with the whole Indian mother story for Diego. The orginal Zorro stories from the 1920's never explained why Zorro did what he did.

Anyway, can't wait to see what happens on Monday.

I like the idea of Alej going to see White Buffalo. Even if he had asked Yumi about Toypurnia, Yumi wouldn't have said anything other than "I had a sister" I am betting, because so many Indian tribes have such a strong belief in never, ever discussing their dead. I was even surprised that Yumi said as much as she did about why she was coming after the one-eyed man (he killed my brother and sister). But, perhaps under the right circumstances, he could have gotten her to break that cultural norm and talked about her sister.

Cloaca is a good vocab word. The only reason I remembered it was that Latin class. My classmates were warped. (Takes one to know one.) Jean, thanks for the info about Los Angeles there. That was interesting.

That's a good point about the V-rey showing up, saying he wont' leave until he finds SK, then leaving. Hm. Maybe he is hiding out someplace?


That is a good point about the VCR, that maybe why Piza & Monty said they won't move SK until he crosses the border. Apparently, they don't trust his speedy depature either.

I can't wait for Monday episode.

I started a new vocab list and cloaca is the first entry. Y'all are absolutely right, it's a fantastic word.

Jean, you are relentless, won't you even give Fernando a chance? ;-) I really don't think he'll end up with Maria Pia, but I do hope that he redeems himself in some way. I just am so intrigued by the character and the actor is extremely talented, which makes the character all the more compelling. I have to admit he is one of the main reasons I stuck with the show after the first couple of episodes (that and Diego/Zorro is some pretty good eye-candy). I haven't totally ruled out that he may have a good side buried somewhere deep inside, but I'll restate my disclaimer, I'll continue to like him as long as he doesn't do anything vile or too heinous to any of the beloved characters (so Mangle is an open target, have at it Fernando).

Hello ladies =)

Jeanne, I see what you mean about Yumi chasing Al not just being coincidental. Maybe Regina's soul somehow merged with her sister's to reunite with Al, or something like that.

I don't think Olmos was in on the fake Maestro business as he was hoping Toby would find the real Zorro for MA. Not that she would have actually slept with Olmos for it, but maybe she would have let him lick her tootsies.

Jean, the Zorro timelines have a tendency to steer clear of historical accuracy (showing Mexico as a Spanish colony years after the Mexican independence, playing Mendelssohn years before he wrote that particular tune, etc), so having a sewer system years before they were invented is not too far a stretch. They tend stay in the right historical ballpark, but they'll fudge the facts as needed to make a good story. I had no idea Allende's "Zorro" was commissioned. Neat to know.

Cathy, I understand what you like about FS. Not only does he look like Arturo Peniche, but he's smart, passionate, and crazy about MP and willing to give her whatever she asks for. However...he's racist, a murderer, a blackmailer, a bully, and ambitious enough to overlook little things like murder, forced marriage, and inhuman imprisonment to get what he wants. Just saying, he's got more minuses than pluses.

Here's a thought, maybe both Al and Diego should go with Yumi to see Bufala Blanca. It's time Diego met his great grandma. Maybe with all the reminiscing they can figure out it was FS, or Diego will remember.

I'm on pins and needles about Monday! Maybe the VCR found Olmos' partner and is waiting for someone to break her out to capture her! Certainly meets Monty & Piza's doubting whether or not he's really leaving. Given telenovela traditions, I don't think Esmeralda will be terribly hurt. However, I suspect one of two things will happen: Either she will get some temporary amnesia, or worse, she will lose the baby =( Still, it's also possible she will end up sharing mom's jail cell, in which case Diego will definitely have to break her out. Will have to see what Monday looks like...M

great recap, mary!

"Back to the de la Vega’s where Adriel and Alej are sharing a peace pipe." -- LOL, I can't believe I would actually be reading this line in a telenovela recap.

J.R. :)

Margarita said: "I don't think Esmeralda will be terribly hurt. However, I suspect one of two things will happen: Either she will get some temporary amnesia, or worse, she will lose the baby..."

Esme could have a miscarriage but remember that the old woman Indian healer, I forget her name, told Esme that she would have the baby. I assumed that she had some kind of psychic power.

Here's another meaning of the word - cloaca. It is the name of the outlet of a bird's digestive system, if you get my drift.

Jean, duly noted.

How can the so-youthful Yumalay be Regina's sister? Regina would have to be 40 at least, if she had lived, and probably older, since Diego is at least 25.

I don't think Fernando will end up with Maria Pia. Bad deeds are seldom rewarded in the long run in novelas. Also, Catholicism usually trumps all. Maria Pia will return to the church. But it's true that Peniche is doing a terrific acting job and it's hard to hate someone that much in love.

I would love to see them get the rescue of Sara Kali out of the way, because I am really tired of everyone in the novela discussing her rescue endlessly. But it's hard to believe they're going to resolve this so early in the novela. The teary embrace between mother and daughter is more likely to be in "los ultimos capitulos".

Jean, that's even better, to have two useful definitions for "cloaca." Wonder how I can weave that into my next conversation with our church's Hispanic pastor?


Margarita, you said it....they definitely don't adhere to the real timelines of history for this one...


Cathy, you’re not alone – I’m a pretty rabid “Fernandista!”

If we were putting his good points versus his bad points on an old fashioned scale, the side with the bad points would have crashed to the floor by now. But I still love him. ;>

I like what Jean said about even his love for MP being about him – it was a wake up call. There’s plenty to love about MP, but Fernando tends to talk about her in terms of what she and her love can do for him. I wonder if it was always this way – he’s mentioned that he was already a bitter young man when he met her, but she gave him hope he could be a better person. Any true love he had for her, based on their decades-long history, is now wrapped up in his desperation and guilt.

Right now, he’s definitely appealing to MP’s goodness by equating her being with him to saving his soul; and that he can only change if she helps him, etc, . I do think that’s manipulation on his part, since he knows this will sway her, but when he’s alone, with no one to lie to or fool, we see that he even believes it himself.

I’m holding out for redemption, just cuz I like the character so much, but I realize it’s not bloody likely. It has less to do with his list of bad deeds than the fact that he just doesn’t seem to stop! Instead of saying he needs to be with MP to change, he should CHANGE first, and then try to win her. But he’s made no move to free or beg forgiveness of Sara Kalí, he doesn’t treat Esmeralda much better, he won’t accept responsibility for killing RegiPurnia or the Viceroy’s Inspector (even tho’ by doing so he might have saved SK’s life), and he continues to harbor his racist hatred toward Indians.

Most of us don’t dispute his NovelaLand-mandated ending – he will likely die by saving someone else, the first real sacrifice of his life. Until then, I’m just enjoying the fantastic, tormented, love-desperate, crazy ride he’s taking us on until he gets there…

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