Sunday, May 20, 2007

5/18 Destilando Amor

Rodrigo, James, and Roman are at the hacienda Montalvo. Rodrigo is about to leave and head back to DF and tells Roman that he is leaving him in charge of the hacienda and the crops. Roman asks Rodrigo when he will be gracing them once again with his presence and give the locals and jimadors more entertainment with his psychotic tendencies and threats of arson. (ok, Roman didn't say that verbatim...) Rod the bod says he is not sure since he is taking the reigns of leadership at the corporativo indefinitely.

Aaron and his mom are talking business and he is asking her if he as her support in his unscrupulous deals. She has some reservations about involving his cousin, Patricio, and hates to think what will happen if his father finds out. She asks about what risk the corporation runs with the shipments "irregulares" and he tells her to not ask any questions. All he wants to know if she has his back and will she convince Patricio to help him. She is still iffy about the whole situation. He assures her they are not in any danger of being found out because Mariana and Rodrigo will be the ones taking the fall. Aaron's dad walks in while they are talking and Fedra looks uncomfortable and he asks her what is up. She makes up a story about how she is worried about Patricio being sick and would like to pay him a visit to see how he is doing. She tells him that Aaron will be taking her.

Mariana/Gavi, her mother, and Dona somebody (their friend whose name I can't recall) are in the park having a picnic. They are talking about Gavi's job. She is telling them about how Dona Pilar told Gavi that they need her help with the business now that Rodrigo has gone flaky and left. Dona somebody tells Gavi whistfully whowoulda thunk that the simple jimdora girl would turn out to be "la gran cosa" in their coporation. Gavi tells her to not say that and the thought of the Montalvos discovering her true idenity gives her chills. Dona whoever she is dispenses some sage advice with a saying that I didn't quite get. Did anyone understand what she meant with the saying? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Whatever it was that she said made Clarita lose her appetite and she lost interest in her taco. Gavi assures Clarita that all will be okay and not to worry.

James arrives back at the peanut ranch. Creepy Meliton is sitting outside having himself a drink. James utters a barely audible hello. Meli asks him if he would like to join him for a drink. Mister James declines and keeps on walking. Meliton says to himself that since James has returned, he has turned into total sour patch kid. He wonders what is up with that. He says it is probably because he didn't buy his crops. He says, yes, that's why. And laughs like it is really funny. It never occurs to him it is because he is having intercourse with a family member. Nah, that couldn't be it...

James finds Acacia huddled on the floor crying. He sees the injuries to her face and gets pissed and wants to confront Meliton right then and there. Acacia begs and pleads with him to not do or say anything. She says that now is not the time. And something about waiting til the planting season or crop is finished. He hugs her and reluctantly agrees to do nothing.

Fedra and Aaron arrive at Patricios. The topic turns to the shady business deal. Patricio has reservations as well and doesn't feel good about setting up Mariana and Rod. They tell Pat that since Amador died, the family has now been converted to two families and he must decide which is more important. Their family or Rodrigo... Patricio looks conflicted.

Rod is back at the apartment with Isa. She is flabbergasted that Rod got into a fight with the jimadors and says that perhaps he shoudl see a psychologist. Psychologist?? He says, "I don't need no stinkin' therapy. I need everyone to butt out of my life." She tells him he's been flaky and indecisive lately. One minute he's jumping ship and heading back to the hacienda and fighting with the employees. And then he's heading back to DF on the first flight to resume his duties. He reiterates his love for the country lifestyle and that is where he belongs. Isa asks him if he would like to have dinner. He says no and goes off to bed. She looks happy that he is back.

Aaron and Fedra leave Patricio's. She feels guilty about the goings on and is fearful that someone will find out what they are up to. The subject then turns to Minnie and Aaron's marriage and they discuss the fertility treatments she will be having as well as Isadora's baby making plans with Rodrigo. Fedra feels the urgency of needing Minnie and Aaron to reproduce so their fortune will not slip away to the other Montalvo faction. The race for the stirrups has begun.

Gaviota is looking in her closet and is holding her blue dress and having flashback of her conversation with Rodrigo about her not being the same woman he knew and feels like she is a different person. She gets verclempt. Clarita finds her crying and tells her she understands how she feels and feel free to cry because if you can't cry to your mama, who else can you cry to?

Aaron and Minerva are in the bedroom. He tells her they will be stopping in Houston before heading to Miami so she can have her tests done and see some fertility specialists. She replies that he must have been talking to Fed and that as good as the specialists are, they can't work miracles. He needs to love her. He says he understands and gets a romantic look and they get down to brass tacks.

Mariana heads to work and is greeted by Margarita who informs her woefully, "no flowers for you." Mariana says that she thinks that she will not be getting anymore flowers. Mariana then makes her way passed Elvira and says good morning and Elvira grumbles a hello and a where do you think you're going? She says she needs to get something out of the office and opens the door and lo and behold, who is sititng there? None other than Rod! She is muy impactada... He does that beautiful smile thing of his and I am muy impactada... Anyway, Elvira apologizes profusely for letting Gavi slip by her and interrupt him. He says no problem and she exits. Gavi/Mariana asks him what he is doing there? He asks if his being there bothers her and she looks a bit flustered, but in a good way and says no. He says he is there to win her back. He tells her he loves her mucho mucho. She walks out, still flustered and talking to herself.

Bruno and Fed are in their bedroom. Bruno is on the phone with an associate and gets word that someone has had died and they will need to leave for the funeral first thing. It has interfered with his plans for the day because he wanted to be there to oversee Montalvo business. Fed accuses him of not trusting Aaron or having confidence/faith in him. He says in his best Shaft voice, "you damn right." (ok, not really.) He tells Fed that he doesn't understand what happend to Aaron and he has changed. He tells Fedra that Aaron is like a stranger to him now and that Fedra has spoiled him. He asks her if she would stick her hands in the fire for Aaron and she replies in her best Shaft voice , "you damn right." (again, not really. it is late and i tend to get silly when it's late) Bruno tells her she cannot be objective. She lobbies for her boy telling Bruno that Aaron is smart and quite capable but to demonstrate those fine attributes he must be left alone with mimimal interference. Bruno makes a "yeah right" face.

Gavi/Mariana is talking on the phone with Clarita. She is telling her the latest dish about Rod the bod returning to the corporativo. Clarita says something about Gavi's tears working miracles to make him return. (i am snickering at that one...) There is a knock at the door and its that creepy guy who always comes bearing candy. He compliments her and is blowing smoke about how he has never seen her looking lovelier, etc, etc. She tries to talk shop and asks about some documents about a shipment or something. He tells her to eat her candy and not worry her pretty little head about such things and he's got it under control. Her mom calls again and tells her its just like a telenovela and wants more details about what happened.

Candy bearing guy goes into Rod's office. R tells him he wants to see some documents regarding some of the something or other. He was talking fast, but I am assuming it was some sort of fiduciary/financial things. Creepy candy bearer smiles uncomfortably.

Don Placedo comes in with more flowers for Gavi. She looks pleased and reads the card. The card was so sweet and said something about two roads. Rods voice: I understand there are two roads in my life, you or death. In your hands lies the road I must choose. It sounds much prettier in spanish.

Aaron and Minnie are about to depart. Fed and Bruno stop by before they leave and tell them they are leaving too for the funeral. Minnie talks baby talk to Aaron. Fed tells Minnie to take good care of her Aaron. She says she will. Aaron and Bruno exit and Minnie and Fed talk. Minnie thanks her for telling him about Icedora's baby making plans and that Aaron reacted better than she expected. She tells her mother in law that her marriage is more solid than ever and thanks her. As Minnie walks out of the room, Fedra rolls her eyes and does a fake little giggle.

Elvira walks into Mariana's office and tells her that Rod wants her in his office. Elvira looks at her flowers and looks disgusted. Mariana goes into Rod's office. He questions her about why her eyes are so puffy. She says nothing. They talk business and he tells her he would like a schedule of her daily activities. They talk more business... yawn. Shipments going here, there, everywhere. Elvira comes barging in telling R he has to take some important calls. Not being the savvy business guy, he yields to Mariana who starts fielding the calls. More calls about tequila and shipments going here and there and everywhere. Quintana comes in. More business talk. Rodrigo looks a bit lost. As do I... Rodrigo is impressed with Mariana and her skills at multi tasking. They sit together and look over some papers. Or try to. He looks happy just to be near her. I don't think much work will be done on his part today. *le sigh*

Creepy candy bearer is still on his blowing smoke rounds. Next victim: Elvira. He compliments her. She looks smitten with creepy candy bearer. Aaron and Minerva stop bye to tell everyone adios. Minerva stares coldy at Mariana as she wishes them well on their excursion. Isadora comes in to the office to tell Aaron and Minnie bye. On the way out, Ice tells Minnie good luck on her fertility treatments and asks her "aren't you going to wish me well on mine?" She looks pretty competitive as she says that. R asks her why she said that. She says nevermind. He says he has a lot of work to do. She says I won't keep you. I just want to watch you work for a little while. He says suit yourself.

Hiliario and San Juana talk about marriage. He tells her that he is not going to marry her. She threatens that she will tell his parents that he has a thing for Isadora. He says tell them, I don't care. She says what if I tell Rodrigo that you are hot for his wife's form?

Mariana is back in her office. Isadora comes into her office and tells her she needs to talk to her. Mariana asks about what? Ice says, "my husband." Isadora asks her if their conversation remain private and makes Mariana promise. She does. Isadora tells her that she is aware of the issues she had with Minerva and her jealousies. Mariana tells her it was misunderstandings between her and Minnie. Isadora tells Mariana that she knows how Minnie is and how she is muy celosa... She then goes on to tell her that she is there because she wants no conflict betweent the two of them. She compliments her flowers and asks if it is her birthday or something. Mariana says no, a friend sent them to her. Isadora tells her she can imagine how many admirers she has working with so many males. Mariana says more or less. Isadora tells M that she realizes that M is important to the family and knows how much confidence Pilar and Aaron have in her. She then starts telling her about her marriage with Rodrigo and how difficult it was for Rod to accept the post at the corp and his first love is the country and it how it was hard for Isa to accept the country lifestyle since she is such a city girl. She tells Mariana that if the job goes well and he enjoys it, then he will forget about the country at least for the time being. She is asking Mariana for help in making Rodrigo enjoy the job and making the transition easier so he can stay in the city. Ice assures her that she is not a jealous person and is okay with Mariana spending hours working by Rod's side. Ice says she is lucky that she married a guy like Rodrigo who is not a womanizer and trusts him. Rod then knocks and opens Mariana's door. He does not look look pleased to see Ice talking with M.

Back at the ranch, Hilario and San Juana are arguing. He asks her why she is threatening him? She tells him its because she loves him and they indeed will be together, whether he is game or not. She is such a sweetie...

Rodrigo tells Isa that he thought she left. She said she just stopped by to say hi to Mariana. Isadora is hugging and kissing Rodrigo and Mariana looks sad/verclempt again. Isadora tells Mariana to call her sometime. Perhaps the two can get together for coffee or dinner sometime. Isadora says she could use a pal now that Minnie is gone. Rod tells her that Mariana is a busy gal and he doesn't think she will have time to be her bff. Isa leaves. Rodrigo then asks M what Isa said. She doesn't answer. She says she promised she wouldn't tell. He asks again, she says no, she is not going to say. She takes the flowers and he tries to grab her. He asks what she is going to do with them. She says she is going to throw them away. He goes off again on his jealous tangent about how if someone else sent them , she wouldn't throw them away. She gives the flowers to Don Placedo and instructs him to toss them, burn them, whatever. He asks what to do if she gets more flowers. She says to call the police because the guy who sent them has been unmasked. She sheds more tears.

Patricio is contemplating Aaron's offer about the shady deals. His secretary is none other than Aaron's former secretary, the one he was having the affair with. She tells Patricio that she has found true love with him.

Rod is on the phone with Mariana. They are arguing. She hangs up on him. He is flustered. Elvira opens his door and asks him if he needs anything. He says no. He is dying to know what Isadora said to Mariana. He says he will find out. Either from Mariana or Isa. He WILL find out...


Hey Lucy, great first recap! Congratulations!

Thanks Lucy. Great job. I thought I recognized Pitter-Patrico's secretary from some where, but figured maybe she was just a stock actress at Televisa. Good catch. Maybe she is working undercover for Aaron now.
Marg. in MN

Excellent first time at bat! Thanks so much!

"Dani, call your office!" I am so losing patience with "Rod of the Sparkling Smile" almost as often as Gavi about now ..... What doesn't Mr. PhD from Cambridge understand about dumping wife #1 before seriously wooing and pursuing wife #2 and "credibility"?
Isa's cooing to "Mariana" over the possibility of them having children now since "they are sooooo in love" had me in stitches. That was a great little scene that I never expected! Inviting her to lunch or for coffee was a great little twist and totally out of the blue, wasn't it? This, I think, is part of the attraction to this story. Along with the formulaic you really have just enough of the unexpected and it comes just at the right time to keep our interest and to keep us wanting more..........

Good recap Lucy!
Now that Gavi is in their lives, and "befriended" by TWB, seems like the writers missed an opportunity for a more interesting story. If they had let Rod use his brain and had started the divorce, they could have all kinds of complications. They seem to like chaos, but it would've been a little more believable...

Hmmm. I agree, jb, a divorce would have given us more realism and led to a lot of interesting chaos, but I think the writers have decided the storyline has been depressing enough for now. So, they've aparrently turned to a bit of comic relief ala the old B&W Carrie Grant style romantic comedies. Come to think of it, Rod was even wearing one of those old-style Carrie Grant pullover sweaters!

I believe that all sorts of chaos will still result, but it will be the fun kind. I see mucho opportunity for Gavi to be impactada if Isa keeps seeking out Mariana --La Gaviota herself, her great rival, the woman who's made her marriage a daily hell-- for a sympathetic and trusting ear. This is great comic irony and I, for one, am ready for it.

What exactly does impactada mean? I get the general idea, but it is not in my Spanish dictionary. Also, what do you think is the reason for the three year wait to find out the surprise in Don Amador's will? A reason to keep the plot going? Thanks so much for the recaps especially since my Spanish is so limited!

SL, there is a picture definition of impactada to be found at this link:
several other of our favorite vocabulary words can be found in the VOCABULARY section in the left sidebar.

"impactar" = to shock, to stun
"impactado" = shocked/stunned (m.),
"impactada" = shocked/stunned (f.)

I guess here on our site it is a running joke for anyone in these novelas to be shocked about anything since everyone is always melodramatically shocked and stunned about something in every espisode.

Dear Lucy, Enjoyed your first recap. The saying that you missed in the picnic scene was this "No hay plazo que no se cumpla, ni verdad que no se sepa" which I think means, "what will be will be, and the truth will always come out"...because after that Gaviota says (more or less) Well, I'll be long gone before that happens!
NOW, I could be wrong. MARICRUZ, you're my language that a reasonable rendering of what she said? Thanks...

Judy B.

Thanks for the definitions, both in words and pictures, related to the word impactar! SL

This comment has been removed by the author.

Here's a literal translation. =/:0)

"There is no deadline that does not expire, nor a truth that isn't learned."

Sun May 20, 12:30:00 PM EDT the rest of my spanish, I don't change the verb for i,you,usted etc..I just add the english ending..Muy Impacted..

Rod you think due to something like epilipsy..the two hemispheres of his brain were seperated in youth? Cause there is a serious neuron problem..can he not think in future if I do A..B may results, therefore I must do C to keep B from happening? I used to think he was like 14, well maybe in a few years...

Rod has kinda assumed the Gabe..from Mundo, HuH? look for me..and trust me Rod this does not bode well for your recaps...well I explained A...too bad you can't see B

I am so ready for Gavi to hook up with she could gut Isa like a big fat chicken...

Sorry Lucy..very nice recap..I like Rod was in Duh land

Thanks guys for enjoying my first ever recap! judy and jardinera, thanks for translating the pearl of wisdom that their friend dispensed to Gaviota. And, Jardinera, good call on the irony of the whole aspect of Isa seeking out Gavi, her romantic rival to be her ally. Beckster- I was totally cracking up at what you wrote about Rod's neurons and his dual hemisphere brain. Hopefully, it'll come together soon for him:)

nice recap!

when IsaDora-the-Explorer was talking to gav, I half expected her to break out singing "green acres"

Lucy, thanks for the recap. Loved your analysis of Rod's brain, Beckster. In Telenovela land, the usual laws of business conduct don't seem to apply...

Great recap, Lucy! I agree that things would be simpler if Rod the Bod would only get a divorce, but, noooooo....they have to let us all get frustrated with the storyline. Oh, well, At least in the meantime I can look out for, as Jardinera says, Rod's sparkling smile.....

Congratulations.. Lucy great recap..

I speak to a friend and her Mexican husband during the order to understand the nuances but in reality it is like a silent movie.. I get it because of the actors' expressions and body language. Even when Gavi was speaking english, I was reading the subtitles.. My brain doesn't switch back and forth very quickly anymore.

and as I stated before.. Rod is an Emotionally disturbed High School Student..

Awesome recap. I've been watching the show for about two weeks now. I'm not fully fluent in Spanish and really can't understand the show without the captions, so these are good tidbits to have.

Plus I now understand the plotline about James. I totally did not get that A) that creepy guy waswas Acacia's uncle and B) that she was having an affair with said uncle. I watched the show the day before they revealed that and had seen the preview of him looking so distressed but I couldn't figure out why…anyway, I can tell these are going to be helpful to me! Good work.
-Briana in MN

Eduardo Yanez beats Jaime Camil in the TVyNovelas awards..

Thanks, Lucy! I like your nickname for "Creepy candy-bearer." The guy doesn't miss a trick! I bet he'd sleep with Elvira if he had to.

How'd you like the way he picked the worst (best) possible time to trick Gavi and Rod into signing off on those shipping authorizations (or whatever they were) for the adulterated tequila. He knew exactly what he was doing. He could be a serious threat to Aaron in a mustache-twirling contest!

I'm pretty excited to see Patricio's role expanding in the story. Last week, someone suggested that Patricio might be nice for Margarita... I agree, but if that's going to happen, then something has to happen to Lluvia first (I think that's her name).

Rod has a nice bod but he is boring and monotonous. I work with a group of adolescents who would describe Rod's behavior as "playing mind games with us". In other words, just as we get excited and think he has wised up he goes out of his way to prove that he hasn't. He's a sucker for rejection. Oh, thanks Lucy, great recap. Diane

Great recap Lucy. Welcome to the fold!!

Briana, Acacia is not having an affair with her uncle. He has been raping her and is usually verbally and physically abusive as well.


Great job, Lucy! Muchas gracias.

So Acacia tells James, don't kill Meliton now... wait til after the harvest. I'm a little nervous for James. He doesn't seem to be aware of the danger, that sounds a little premeditated, no?

And Rod can be such a heart breaker. Just when you think there might be some intelligence there, it's gone!

Susana, you're right about Rod and his heartbreaking lack of intelligence. I guess we're supposed to love him for his great passion, no?

Excellent recap Lucy! Well done.

"Race for the stirrups," good one! And good call on Patricio's secretary. I wonder what her game is?

Thank you for your very thorough recap. Ever since my recorder committed suicide last Thursday I have had to rely solely on y'all's recaps to stay in the loop. Bless you!!

If they all weren't a bit loco, it would be a pretty bland story! SL

I guess it's a good thing that Rod is likeable in other respects!

If Hilario plays his cards right I think he could have a chance with the receptionist at the front desk. He should ditch the rest of the circus and invite her to a romantic dinner at La Hacienda de los Morales.

this might be a picky law-student thing
but it concerns me that Rod and Gavi keep signing stuff without looking at it

when that slimy guy Aaron likes comes in Aaron's office and just hands them papers. THey sign them, but don't read. :-(
it might not mean anything in novela world.

Andrea, I think it means everything. I'm sure that the candyman is bringing them those papers to sign at that moment BECAUSE he knows they're distracted.

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