Monday, May 14, 2007

Destilando Amor 05/14/07 "Jizz Whiz....I'm Not Ready to Be a Daddy"

We open with the awkward phone call from Rod's lack-of-lovin wife calling him at work to talk baby clothes and nursery colors...Later my love.

Now Gavi gets a phone call, Rod slumps down in a is from Eduardo..Oh Eduardo how are you? Gavi puts on the happy face...(I used to do the same thing in high school, only it was my friend on the other end..I just called her Eduardo...same effect), Gavi pauses to enquire if Rod will be needing anything else...ah she dismisses him like a schoolboy.

Rod is quizzing Elvira...trying to get the low down on all the employees, that now work for him...of course we all know he really wants the 411 on Gavi, he questions Elvira...Is she married? Divorced?, does she live alone? Oh with her mother, does she have a boyfriend and so on and so forth...Rod is so subtle..Elvira says Gavi is very mysterious. Rod asks about Gavi's stellar climb up the corporate ladder...Elvira is thought bubbling "Hey AssHat, maybe if you came to town once and while instead of drinking and listening to that lame ass cassette, I'd still be the numero uno chica", Jest kiddin that was my thought bubble...Elvira says Gavi convinced Aaron to hire her as a receptionist and well the rest is history, without saying so, she kinda infers, "Well it wasn't her typing skills". Elvira then directs Rod to Margarita for more details.

Aaron continues to hang out with swarmy Onate (the guy who is gonna help get the "not up to standard Tequila" outta of the country)... You can just see the green vapor rising up off this guy like a noxious cloud.

Gavi sneaks off from work and tells maintenance guy to lock up her office. Gavi has gone to practice driving her new car. It is a standard and she does not know how to drive one. Some guy is teaching her and Clara is in the back seat...Oh yeah that went well...The car is parked outside her apartment.

Rod is now grilling Margarita about Gavi, does she have a fiance? Margarita says she doesn't know.

Over to Dry Gulch Acres...
James is doing book-keeping and Acacia brings him his dinner...James can't handle it they gotta get away...he is a bit sqeamish about sharing her with her uncle. Nope that is not part of the plan...Acacia has to stay cause I guess she wants the peanut farm and all the wealth that a contract with Planters can bring. She says she loves James, but he is like no can do...Well Mister James suit yourself.

On to the Hacienda...SanWanna & the Roman clan are sitting around getting ready for dinner...Hilario is down in the barn...we really know he is writing in his dear diary...lamenting Isadora...Hilario comes running in "Oh NO the jimadors are staging an uprising...a peasents revolt....

It is night in Mexico City...Gava and Clara come out of the apartment and Clara has a pot that is putting out alot of smoke. Clara has a picture of St. Sebastin (I think it was Sebastin), patron saint of drivers, there is much asking for protection from thieves, accidents and so on...Rod has a perplexed look on his face as he watches from his car down the street. Like many other TeleNovela characters who shall not be named, Pilar now gets a "My grandchild is an Honor Student at Stalker U" bumper sticker...

Finally after many fun filled moments Gavi and Clara go inside carrying their hibatchi which is smoking big time.

Rod runs up and stops a lady going in the building...once again the picture of tact, Rod starts right in asking personal questions about Gavi...the lady tells him to leave or she will call the police.

Lady goes up to the apartment which is now "in a fit of comic relief filled with smoke", Lady tells Gavi & Clara that a man was asking questions about Gavi...a good lookin guy. She says she threatened him with the police. Gavi says he is a thief and call the police if he comes back.
The lady leaves and Clara says you told a lie. Gavi counters, "It was no lie, he stole my heart".
Darn it... these kids are so cute, I want to make little silver charms of both of them and sell them on ebay. Gavi will never allow herself to be hurt by Rod again...Clara does not look so certain.

Rod walks in the living room...TWB is on the phone...It's Roman, the jimadors are striking for more wages...Rod is all like Huh? We pay the highest wages in the region...Well Rod, looks like Jimmy Hoffa resurfaced and the folks done got organized...Rod tells Roman to handle it, but Roman says he needs Rod. Well there is a big meeting, then Rod will return to the ranch. Rod hangs up. He tells the Ice Princess, there is a problem with the Jimadors..."Oh Yeah", she snaps back, she says Gaviota is back...He is like...your so crazy, she in the office downtown...Nah not really, he says if she doesn't believe him, well return to the ranch with him. This leaves TWB, with a damned if I do and damned if I don't expression...She does love the ranch sooooooo much.

Later Rod is typing on his lap top and I don't know what he is typing, but by his expression it looks like a "Do you want to go steady as soon as I divorce my cloying wife?" e-mail to Gavi.
TWB comes in and says they need to talk...this is when she springs the whole, I want to have your baby thing on him. Rod looks duly stunned. He is not ready to have a baby..and he thought bubbles and "not with you". TWB pulls the ole, poor pitiful me routine outta the bag. So after of year of marriage and you not paying any attention to I can't even have a kid....She says it would be thru artificial insemination, no fuss, no muss...she goes on to tell him that the doctor examined her organs, plus she produces a testament from both Aaron and Hilario that everything seems to be in good working order..(okay I threw that last part in..but should she need it, they could give witness), why in just a month she could be pregnant and they'd be on their way to a total dysfunctional family instead of just a dysfunctional couple. Like Bill Clinton, Rod feels her pain, but no...that can't happen..TWB stomps off in her CFM heels. Rod now thought bubbles how he must make Gavi realize...she is the only thing in his life.

Next Day........
Gavi arrives at work...there are yet more flowers with a card...another love anonymus card...she smiles, smells the card...then tears it up and throws it away...yes these flowers are bound for Margarita's desk...

Rod is at home, holding Gavi's scarf to his nose...well he is quite the scent huffer. He puts it away just in time to cover as TWB pops in. No he is outta there, no breakfast...he leaves...she throws pillows...

Gavi is on the phone when sneaky swarmy Onate comes in...he was evesdropping...he leaves chocolates on her desk...Now Onate gives a tulip to Elvira, who is quite taken. Then he pops into Videgaray's office while Vid is on the phone with Bruno...Onate says he just wanted to see his office, but you know he is spying....Videgaray tells Bruno that he does not trust Onate...

Gavi and Artemo Trejo are in Aaron's office with Aaron and Onate...they promise to give Trejo an old customer and friend of the family everything he needs and all the paperwork will be taken care of. Gavi and Artemo leave...Oh you can just see the glee on the faces of Aaron and Onate..the Tequila is substandard chemicals have been added...Rod & MariAnne Franco's (Gavi) names will be all over the paperwork...Ah Aaron you really are a reptile. More green vapors rise up off Onate.
***I gotta say here I am really not sure what they are doing, but I know that Tequila has very exact standards...maybe they are adding colorings & stuff to the new Tequila and selling it at a higher price as aged Tequila...or maybe they are cutting it with some other alcohol...I think this is to increase profits...

Rod arrives at work and sees the flowers on Margaritas counter...
He hears Gavi talking with Artemo Trejo about the meeting...he bursts in (I'm thinking he thought she was with some young guy), anyway, Gavi introduces them and Rod goes off on some kick about her flowers and leaves...the poor customer looks like "oh I didn't know the grandson was slow".

Meanwhile after the guy leaves, Rod bursts back in the office...Gavi says he didn't knock so he knocks on the extremely thin glass door that you can hear everything thru. I don't know how Elvira hasn't picked up on this freak show? Rod starts telling her the usual, I love you stuff, when boy interrupted, here comes Videgaray, he wants all the business transactions so he can send them to Bruno...But wait here comes Aaron telling him...No.....
Rod is trying to calm them down and Gavi has that there is nothing very classy about the upper classes look. After some more arguing Aaron grabs Vid and says he wants his Grandfather's Will...Everyone is muy impactoed.....

Aaron, dude got like 700 more episodes to go.

Stay tuned tommorrow for..................
Sofia dressed in a gray knit dress copied straight from 1964 Seventeen Magazine, "Smart Soriety Fashions at Sarah Lawrence" tells TWB that once again she will give Rod a cup and a stern talking to.

Looks like Clara's none stop sewing has paid off...Gavi has an awesome party dress..


Thanks for the recap Beckster. Loved your comment about Clara's improving sewing skills and Gavi's new dress. And I'm with you on Sophie - her interest in her siblings sex life is creepy and gets creepier as her zeal grows. I'll be happy when Daniela's tour is over.


Is Aaron deliberately setting Rod up or is he using him as a just-in-case scapegoat?

Comments on Sofia's fashion sense, or non-sense, too right! Then again, compared to Icedora's outfits she looks pretty...upscale, just out of the wrong decade, or century, or millenium maybe.

Great recap Beckster, thanks for the laughs!

Thanks, beckster! Wonderfully funny last night. AR does have great comedic skills, great timing.

Thank you , Beckster , for the breakfast laughs. HotRod is in loooovvveee. I liked the reference to Sophie's outfit being straight out of a 60s Seventeen issue. When I see Sophie, Isa, and Minervaaaa together, I can't help thinking of the 3 witches from Macbeth. They will be tracking him down for a donation for Isa's new Project Bebe, no doubt. Isn't Onate our very own Mexican Larry from ''Duelo'' ? He looks very different in a suit. And, Artemo is good old Julio from ''Heridas'' [Cesar's daddy] and the judge from ''Amor Real.''^^^Susanlynn, late for the 8 am class yet again...

Hah! I thought Onate stole that tulip from the arrangement Gav rejected... I also thought he was scouting out Videgaray's office because he has been offered, by Aaron, "the best spot in the place," and he's planning to move in as soon as Aaron fires Videgaray for being too stuffy and honest...

Yes, Rod is officially a nutcase, stalking and ranting in front of strangers... he asked Gav, is it true I'm in charge? then I'm giving an order (screeches) BURN THOSE FLOWERS!!!

He would solve so many of his problems by annulling his marriage with TWB. Oh, but that would erase 600 of the coming 700 episodes, I forgot. In the mean time he has to be a moron.

I'm a newbie to the world of telenovelas so a silly question, please. How do you know that there will be 700 episodes. Do they have a website - or is that a norm? Being to lazy to do the real arithmetic, it seems that this will run for 2 years!!

I was wondering the same thing as Sylvia - is Rod the victim of a deliberate setup, or merely a potential patsy?

I thought he said last week that his reason for exporting the adulterated tequila now was to raise the capital to produce that first batch of Turquoise Tequila. Right? So, as much as he'd like to see Rod disgraced, I assume that he'd prefer that they not be caught at all because if they do get caught, Turquoise Tequila will probably never happen, and that project was his and Gavi's love child.

I suppose time will tell, and we've got plenty of time. ;-)

In order to get Rod rushing down to the nearest abogado for the "big"divorce from Isa would be to have a "hunk" like himself pursuing Gavi,instead of some "ole geezer" looking like eighty miles of bad road on the hot pursuit...Is Rod the only "hunk" at Montalvos? Rod doesn't have to do anything with no competition for Gavi's love.

Julie & Sylvia-

I don't think Aaron is deliberately setting Rod up for revenge or anything like that. I believe he is using him (which may be the same thing) as evidenced by the fact Onate said "your cousin is friendly" and Aaron replied "yeah but Rod is too trusting...... Perfect for my plan"

so for Rod it's more like wrong place/wrong time/wrong personality/wrong crowd

aaron is just taking advantage

I was being snarky, most TeleNovelas run like 6 months..LFMB started out 6 months and was extended three times for a total of 13 months...
Destilando has been extended in Mexico...they always due this if the ratings are high and I think the ratings are not too far behind what LFMB's were...this often does not bode well as lots of lame filler gets stuffed in there...extra characters etc...cause basically all TeleNovelas are the same..a guy, a girl...some serious crazies and the guy and girl ending up with the big wedding in the Grand just is the patience of the viewer and the body count that gets sacrificed in the end.

I don't think Aaron is setting Rod up, but Aaron isn't stupid and should the inferior product be found..well Aaron's paws are clean..

Have I expressed lately how much I admire Aaron...he is totally nearly psychotically hawt..Aaron never disappoints..

I think Aaron is definitely using Rod, possibly setting him up!

And how about that Elvira? I'm getting the idea that she's hot-to-trot.

(Not to be confused with regular hot.)

I notice that Elvira wears a wedding ring, but I could see her hooking up with Onate. That would be hideous!

And hoping for another fight with the boys at the gala event tonight...what are the odds?

I think that HotRod getting into hot water would just be an extra special added bonus for AAron. I recall that the always lovely Minervaaa was the one who complained that Mariana couldn't be in charge of the BIG NEW PROJECT---it would have to be a family member...How about Rodrigooooo???? Que???? Tonight's episode should be interesting---all the mujeres at the same fiesta---Meowwww.

Je Je Je...TWB wil be shi*tin bricks when she sees how much attention Rod is givin Mariana and i think that they will pu two and two together and figure out that she is Gavi.

Beckster, so right about Sophie's clothes--but at least they cover more body parts than Isa's.

So, Rod wants Gaviota, but wait, oh, a little problem, he's married to someone who loves him. What exactly does he want Gavi to do about his problem anyway? If he's so willing to give "it all up" for Gavi, then how about dumping the sperm-seeking, gold-digging, TWB? I think his divorce will take many of those "600" episodes...

There's still time for Sophia to improve her fashion sense! Maybe once she gets over James, she can start dressing a little more 21st century.

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