Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Duelo de Pasiones - Tuesday May Day - Not The Great Escape---even THE FROG can't escape

Dear Friends, my kinda surprise houseguests are still here at "Casa de Toda la Familia y Animales También" and I am unable to watch Duelo, much less pull off a recap. I'm terribly sorry about the lapse in recapping, especially after Margaret's super fantastic masterpiece of last night. I'm still re-reading and giggling over it.

Tonight I'm going to do the thing that Lynn did and that Carmel will do, and ask for commenters to fill us in on what happened tonight in Escondidaville. Thanks for your patience and your assistance. Oh, by the way, you can blame Susanlynn for tonight's title, I stole it from her comment of last night. I thought it summed up the Escondidaville situation quite nicely! Thanks y'all!!

Tuesday's recap is courtesy of Judy B (padded by a few tiny details from me because I actually managed to fast-forward through half of it this morning):

The struggle went on with Emilio. Instead of shooting Emilio himself, Don Loco was urging his henchmen to finish him off and they didn't want to. He called Sergio a "wuss"(tu enaguas (petticoat) de hoy en adelante) and appeared to be disgusted with them both.

Emilio somehow managed to punch DL and Sergio unconscious. They both conveniently and comfortably landed on the couch. Hugo held his gun to Duhmelio's head but eventually allowed him to escape. Instead of leaving Casa de Loco Emilio ran around the halls demanding to see Alina. Naturally Don Loco regained consciousness and when he saw Emilio he shot him in the leg outside Soledad's and Mariana's doors.

And yes, then DL and newHugo dragged Emilio down by the river and Don Loco held his face in the water until he appeared to drown. Then, after D.L. left, Hugo pulled him out of the river and tried to revive him and couldn't seem to. Later though he does cough up a lot of gunk and starts to drag himself back.

How many times is Emilio going to get shot? How many times is he going to stuck somewhere calling for help?

Hugo buried emiliooo's wallet, but kept the treasured silver heart to give to Alfonsina. He's just as smart as the rest of them...

Mariana worried about her brother being a murderer. Later she slept and had a dream of her sweet Marianita. (When I [I being Sylvia] was a child in Sunday School I used to drive my teachers crazy with endless questions about heaven...will my dog Willie be there, will I have to go the bathroom, will I continue to grow or will I stay the same age forever? I still don't know about Willie or the bathroom, but apparently kids grow in heaven because Marianita is losing her baby teeth and growing new ones. She has a big space where one of her front teeth is missing.) She tells her mommy not to worry and to have faith, lots of faith. A big tear squeezes out of Mariana's closed eyes.

As for Duhlina, lots of really irritating screaming (don't know which I hate more, her shrieks or Lety's giggle/baby talk) then faints and Gaspar takes her back to cave where she and Luba have a heart to heart and make up. Luba kind of told her what they were talking about in the hut but not really...Alina still doesn't know Thelma is carrying Gaspar's child.

Adela falls in the hole with the magic box (well, we KNEW that was going to happen) so both she and Emilioo are screaming Auxilio a lot.

Dario the homicidal nephew visits Corals friends at La Cueva del Diablo and demands to know where she is. Not being from Escondidaville they aren't stupid enough to tell him anything. Not yet anyway. He snarls that he will find her somehow.

Coral is back at the old bar and the boss is setting her up for revenge by insisting she's the star and the other girls must let her have all the best clothing. Presumably when bad nephew finds her these gals will betray her out of spite.

Santos meets up with Castulo, Castulo realizes he's amnesiac and starts telling him a lot of lies about himself and his presumed attacker.

Best part...really funny...Singing Aunt is ALL OVER, I mean ALL OVER Emilio's tio...who was thrown off his horse. Bouncing all over him trying to help and all he wants is to get rid of her. Good comedy there.

Ick factor was the scene where Don Loco is trying to kiss Soledad...she's resisting...then he says he'll be nice to Alina and give her what she wants if Soledad kisses him like she used to so they start going at it. Major eeeuwwwwww.

Whathisname...the incompetent engineer is being thrown in jail, accused of burglary 'cause he was trying to get into Don Loco's house. He's berating himself saying he's useless...yup, that's pretty much it.Soooo...that's all I remember, other than some stupid conversations between sirvientes and Thelma and Orlando which you don't need to hear...just more yada yada yada.

Oh, and Thelma gets a pain in her stomach. It must be from the gigantic pillow she has stuffed inside her shirt.

Judy B, thanks for being a part of the team, you are a lifesaver!! If anyone else wants to add some details I will include them.


Hi, Sylvia~~~Gee, I wish I could help you. I had to figure out and post final grades last night, so I didn't get to see much of ''Duelo'' At one point, it looked like Don Loco was exhorting Sergio and OldGasca/NewHugo to shoot Emilioooo, but then, somehow he knocked Sergio and Loco out [they both conveniently and comfortably landed on the couch] and he escaped and was headed somewhere with Hugo. Then , Loco found them , and Hugo knocked Emiliooo on the head. The next thing I saw was Emilioo down by the old riverside calling ''Auxilioooo'' like he did when he was in the hole in the ground and couldn't get out. I think that Gasparito carried Alina back to the cave after saving her from THE SNAKES [Ayyyyyyyy]. That's about all I saw last night.

Dear Sylvia...I can't remember what I came up for when I'm upstairs!!! but here's some of what I remember.
The struggle went on with Emilio, he got shot in the leg but Don Loco was urging his henchmen to finish him off and they didn't want to. He called Sergio a "wuss"(tu enaguas (petticoat) de hoy en adelante) and appeared to be disgusted with them both.
And yes, then he and newHugo dragged him down by the river and Don Loco held his face in the water until he appeared to drown. Then, after D.L. left, Hugo pulled him out of the river and tried to revive him and couldn't seem to.
Later though he does cough up a lot of gunk and starts to drag himself back.
As for Duhlina, lots of really irritating screaming (don't know which I hate more, her shrieks or Lety's giggle/baby talk) then faints and Gaspar takes her back to cave where she and Luba have a heart to heart and make up (Luba kind of told her what they were talking about in the hut but not really...Alina still doesn't know Thelma is carrying Gaspar's child.
Adela falls in the hole with the magic box (well, we KNEW that was going to happen) so both she and Emilioo are screaming Auxilio a lot.
Coral is back at the old bar and the boss is setting her up for revenge by insisting she's the star and the other girls must let her have all the best clothing. Presumeably when bad nephew finds her these gals will betray her out of spite.
Santos meets up with Castulo, Castulo realizes he's amnesiac and starts telling him a lot of lies about himself and his presumed attacker.
Best part...really funny...Singing Aunt is ALL OVER, I mean ALL OVER Emilio's tio...who was thrown off his horse. Bouncing all over him trying to help and all he wants is to get rid of her. Good comedy there.
Ick factor was the scene where Don Loco is trying to kiss Soledad...she's resisting...then he says he'll be nice to Alina and give her what she wants if Soledad kisses him like she used to so they start going at it. Major eeeuwwwwww.
Whathisname...the incompetent engineer is being thrown in jail, accused of burglary 'cause he was trying to get into Don Loco's house. He berating himself saying he's useless...yup, that's pretty much it.
Soooo...that's all I remember, other than some stupid conversations between sirvientes and Thelma and Orlando which you don't need to hear...just more yada yada yada.

Whoops...forgot to sign it...Judy B. and PLEASE...why do those sign in letters have to be so weird...I never know if it's a g or a q or what...sometimes it takes several tries to sign in.

Judy B.==I agree with you about the signin letters. I notice that when I write a longer post, I need to sign in twice. Also, Soledad and Loco making out was...disconcerting. I thought he was going to ask her, ''Who's your daddy?'' Yucky ! I hate him. However, at least he took his hat off. What a winner he is. ~~~Susanlynn, not liking the bondage scenes

Auxiliooooooo I keep wonder why I'm still watching. Came in fairly late because I want to get my ears attuned to Spanish for LFMB. Easy no choice on this one Lety's baby talk/giggling hands down is more tooth grindingly annoying than anything the idiots on this show do or say.

Thelma's faint little cough and all I could think is that she was going to cough the baby out instead of, as the previews hint, have the poor kid out in the fields or better yet a cave. Now after all the boozing she does she worries that she might have a brain impaired child like his father. Yah think?

I always seem to have to sign in two or three times.


Whew...glad I brought up the signin problems...of course I thought I was the only idiot on the planet. Thanks guys!
Judy B.

I thought it was hilarious when Sergio and Alvaro both fell on the couch after being punched out. It was so fake. Emilio's swoon after being shot was also half-hearted looking, I thought. I can't blame the actors for not trying hard to make this stuff believable.

The whole episode was a hoot for me, although I'm probably not supposed to laugh when the wounded hero starts shouting for help. But that's what it's come to on this show!

How many times is Emilio going to get shot? How many times is he going to stuck somewhere calling for help?
Same with everything else in this novela! Alina running away, getting saved, back to the cave, back to Rinconada, back to DL's, back to Edelmira's, back to cave, back to Rinconada, back to DL's, back to Edelmira's---- you get the picture.

Don Loco tries to kill someone again. Don Loco puts the moves on Soledad again.

Soledad fall for DL's lies again.

If Angel's coughing weren't enough, now Thelma's at it.

Yep, is right, Elias is ineffectual. Again, as always.

This is truly a Sisyphean bore.

And, yes, I do watch, still, some of it. Mostly FF through.

Hugo buried emiliooo's wallet, but kept the treasured silver heart to give to Alfonsina. He's just as smart as the rest of them...
jb and jb again

I just couldn't figure out why Hugo saved the dolt. I was going to say it didn't make sense but nothing on this show makes the least bit of sense. Then I remembered its a Juan Osorio production - nothing ever makes sense, there is a ton of violence, women are treated like crap but I'm surprised that his usual fixation with nudity seems to be missing. I guess it's because Niurka is busy flashing the world on LFMB,

1) Thanks again to Judy B. and you others who helped fill in the blanks on last night's recap. Who knew Susanlynn's title would turn out to be so appropriate for this episode?

2) The only reason I could think of as to why Hugo would save Duhmilio is that perhaps he could use Emiliooo's testimony against Don Loco if he had to in the future, if he and Alfonsina wanted to set up Don Loco. Not that THAT makes much sense either.

3) Anonymous, those are funny comments about Osorio (and Niurka flashing the world). I'm weary of the women getting treated like crap. Someone should tell him it's time to move into the 21st century!

4) I always have sign-in problems too. I usually have to repeat the secret letters three times to get in.

Glad to see you here, Judy B! Thanks for this assist!!

About the secret sign-in letters. Exactly how secret are they if you look at them and...there they are? What is the point. As someone mentionned the only ''secret'' part I've noticed is that I sometimes am not sure if I am looking at a secret ''i'' or a secret ''j''. I suppose they would be useable to anyone who does not know the alphabet. Oh, and let's keep this a ....secret...okay ??? ~~~Susanlynn, computer genius revealing today's secret beam me up Scotty

Good to know I'm not the only one that has problem with the letters. Isn't sad that I'm more excited about the "secret letters" than what is happening in this episode? I understand that the letters are there to make sure is a human who is blogging. I did not know computers where into novelas :)
Here I go with my first try
This is the second try

When I type a "quick" post, the secret letters work. But, if I'm typing a long time, I have to re-enter the letters.
Let's see if this works 1st time.

Yep, it worked - only one sign in needed.
Thank goodness - today I'm a little impatient. (With everything - myself, novelas rerunning same plots, people at work complaining about SOT(same old thing), this rainy weather
I need a mojito!).

I am glad to be back on-line. My dog shattered my laptop screen one night when it was storming out. The thunder scared him and he jumped right on my lap and onto my laptop screen. So I was without a computer. I was so mad but I have missed reading the recaps and posts so much. I must say I agree about Letys laugh. It irks me

Welcome back Tammie. I was wondering where you were. Glad to hear you're back on-line. I hope your doggie's OK.

As I understand it, the sign-in letters are to ensure that you are really a person and not a computer program trying to log in to post spam. I suppose they make them funny looking so only a human can figure them out. And they change frequently for the same reason.

Carmel~~Thanks for the clear explanation. It makes sense now. Tammie~~~Welcome back. Anya~~~I've only had one mojito [made by my daughter's Cuban friend Rene] . It was very yummy. I liked it and would like another. He also made Cuban coffee...also yummy. I would like another one of those , too.~~~Susanlynn, thirsty now

I, too, thought I was the only one thinking the sign-in letters are weird. Even with my reading glasses on, I still have problems! But I understand now. (Sometimes I have to try three times because of my eyes!)

This novela gets stranger all the time, but, what the heck ! I love reading the recaps! Unfortunately, teenage daughter was hogging the computer most of last night, and then the weather got severe--like it always does in central Texas, and we had to turn off the computer!

-Becky T

I'd cut Soledad some slack. I don't think she's believing DL. I think she's just telling him what he wants to not incur his wrath and to enable her daughter to do so.

I think DL scares the crap out of Hugo too. I mean, the guy would just as soon shoot him as have a drink with him. He and Alfonsina are playing a dangerous game, baiting this tiger in his lair. Now he's killed an army captain? Even the idiot Sergio knows better than to mess with the National army. DL may have a lot of power locally but if the military come in to grab him, all the bribes in the world won't save him. That's why Hugo tried to butter his bread on both sides by alternately kicking Emilio in the head and trying to save him with DL wasn't looking.

I really enjoyed the comments regarding the secret words and glad to know I am not the only one. I actually left the site thinking I posted correctly at work one day. When I got home I was upset that my comment wasn't there.

Hugo surprised me tonight. Maybe he isn't as bad as I thought, maybe he actually has feelings... it's too soon to tell, but at least he did a good deed.

Right, so now we have Coughing Thelma. Angel didn't cough tonight, but Thelma did.

Rebecca all over Máximo, and he's just like, "Uh, yeah, whatever, just... leave me alone." Doesn't she get it? The guy isn't the least bit interested in her.

I like that shirt Santos was wearing. He looked really nice in it, and I hope he wears it more often.

Soledad agreed to kiss Alvaro because he promised to let Alina marry Orlando without interfering.

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