Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Destilando Amor - May 1, 2007 Minnie's on the warpath; Rod's depressed; and Gavi's playing phone games

EPISODE #27 (?)

* Gavi is silent as Rod asks who is calling - she stays silent as man exits and asks Teresa about her mom. Gavi covers the mouthpiece as Rod, baffled and bewildered, asks "Gavi? Is this Gavi?" Gavi hangs up quickly and excuses herself from the area.

* Rod mutters to himself his deep wish to have Gavi with him again as he walks to the agave plant and pokes his thumb so it bleeds. Roman enters and listens to the muttering before interrupting about dinner - Rod declines the meal; he excuses himself and leaves. Roman feels sorry for Rod.

* Tio Meliton is passed out on the patio table. James is disgusted and tries to talk Acacia into leaving with him, and asks her to marry him. Acacia refuses on both accounts. James is dumb-founded and asks for an explanation. Acacia refuses to give one, says he wouldn't understand. She goes back inside.

* Sofia finishes packing and fixing her hair in the living room. Roman says good morning, Ofelia is ready to fix her breakfast. Sofia declines (what?! no one eats on this show - where's Fernando? At least he isn't afraid to eat on camera.) As Roman takes her suitcase out to the car and Sofia stands up, Rod runs down the stairs with a packet in his hand. She asks if he's going to the board meeting - he says no. He gives her the packet, and says that she should be in charge of the hacienda and properties - he's in no frame of mind right now to handle it. She kisses him on the cheek and leaves with the packet.

* Minnie meets with Granny in her solarium. Minnie tells Granny of her suspicion that Mariana is a spy and why she thinks so. Granny is aghast at the suspicion and will have Bruno's help in getting to the bottom of it once and for all.

* Gavi and Clara check out their new apartment with the manager/realtor. Clara is so excited. Gavi is more excited about having a phone in the apartment, and runs over to check it out. Clara suspects that Gavi just wants it to call Rod. Gavi is still as enchanted with him as ever. Gavi promises her mom that she will get close enough to discover if Rod and Isa are really over. The manager/realtor returns to finalize the rent contract.

* Minnie shows her jealousy to Granny over Mariana and Aaron.

* Pamela and Aaron at their love-bird retreat; they enjoy the private bubble bath in the hot tub.

* Sofia meets with Isa to discuss trying to save Isa's marriage to Rod. Isa says it is hopeless and she is ready to sign the divorce decree. Sofia pulls out the stops to convince Isa to give her brother another chance - he needs her now more than ever. Isa listens and doesn't know what to think. Sofia continues her plea - Isa doesn't want to give Rod another chance.

* Rod is sleeping - he starts to have nightmare flashbacks of Gavi, Granny, Isa and Sofia yelling at him; he remembers kissing Gavi in the rainstorm in the fieldworker's tent and what she said afterwards before leaving; He wakes up with a fright. Ofelia enters the room and asks him if he is going to get up and have something to eat - he declines the meal. He asks her what time is it? She says 4 in the afternoon. He asks her to leave him alone. He curls up hugging his pillow.

* Sofia meets with Granny about Rod's depression and obsession over Gaviota, he's uninterested in Isa and she's ready to sign the divorce papers. Sofia is upset - Granny is too - then Granny tells Sofia about Minnie's suspicions of Mariana being a spy.

* Gavi and Clara unpack their boxes in their new apartment. Two men set up the television - Gavi pays them and they leave. Gavi and Clara then set up their prayer shelf on the wall.

* Ofelia is outside calling for Hilario. SanJuana walks over as Roman tells Ofelia Hilario is at church. SanJuana is dumbfounded why Hilario is there; it isn't sunday. Ofelia tells her to stop being stupid. SanJuana runs off. Roman then shocked Ofelia with why Hilario went to church; he made love with a married woman and is feeling guilty.

* Hilario kneels at the confessional and tells Padre that he made love with a married woman, the wife of his patron (Rod). Padre is impactado.

* Isa talks with mom about what to do with her marriage to Rod and his obsession with Gaviota. Mom gives her advice - that Isa accompany her to New York to visit her father and not to worry about Rod - as soon as he becomes bored and tired of Gaviota, he will make the wise choice and return to her.

* Gavi lays on serape on the floor doing her research project for work. Clara listens as Gavi explains what she is doing (a special project to present to Aaron).

* Aaron holds Pamela in his arms. He talks of the difference between his wife and Pamela - Pamela says why she loves him - he starts getting sad with the thought of saying good-bye - Pamela stops the thought and changes subjects - they kiss.

* At apartment, Clara at window thinking about her friends and their work in the fields. Gavi is busy working at the kitchen counter. Clara tries to distract Gavi and get her to take a break - Gavi finally agrees to take a break with a promise of seeing "Blanca Nieves" - Clara is excited about "Blanca Nieves" and runs to get her purse.

* Acacia is outside the house sweeping. Tio Meliton comes out and asks her if she wants to go to town with him. She refuses to leave. He leaves and takes off in his truck. James pops out of the bushes - Acacia runs inside - James follows her inside. They kiss. As James starts to talk with Acacia, Rod shouts from outside and interrupts. James goes outside and tells Rod he can't leave Acacia alone at the hacienda to go bar-hopping today. Rod leaves alone. Acacia joins James outside. Before returning inside, Acacia asks James not to ask her any questions.

* Rod enters the bar and asks bartender Carmelo for a double shot of tequila. Rod asks Carmelo if Crispin has been in lately - no, not for a couple of days. they talk. Rod pulls out Gavi's cassette and asks Carmelo to play it - Carmelo reluctantly agrees to play it after Rod offers to buy everyone a round of drinks and everyone agrees to put up with his music selection. (cue: Gaviota's theme song).

* Aaron returns home to find Granny, Bruno, Fedra and Sofia in his living room with Minnie. Minnie says they are all there to discuss a huge problem. Aaron thinks it is about Rod and Isa (Sofia says Rod isn't attending the board meeting and Isa is ready to sign the divorce papers). Minnie, Granny and Bruno inform Aaron that the problem is with Mariana, his secretary. Aaron is shocked by the suspicion of Mariana as a spy at the company. Aaron defends his selection for secretary. Bruno jumps all over his son for Mariana requesting highly sensitive documents at the company without permission from Aaron. Fedra tries to calm the situation and suggests Aaron call Mariana to settle the issues - Minnie pipes up that Aaron can't do that, he doesn't have Mariana's address or phone number.

* Clara busies herself at the computer lab as Gavi and Profesor do research on the computers and internet for Gavi's research project for work. Clara is bored and wants to go see "Blanca Nieves". Gavi says in a minute, she needs to finish working with Profesor - Gavi turns to Profesor and asks about getting documents - Profesor says it is impossible to get tonight, the documents won't be available until tomorrow. Gavi is upset and Clara is surprised by Gavi's worried look.

* Aaron defends Mariana as a capable and loyal secretary. He is confident to wait until morning to speak with Mariana. Minnie and Sofia want to go find Mariana right now. Aaron asks Sofia if she also wants to involve the police in this little scandal also. Sofia is quiet. Aaron says if there's nothing more, then good night and see you tomorrow. Aaron leaves. Fedra, Sofia and Bruno gang up on Minnie for trying to stir up a scandal in the family business. Minnie defends herself.

* Rod yells at Grandpa's grave for the son he lost and then cries over his lost love Gaviota - she's the only woman he's ever loved and the only one he wants to have children with. He feels so alone. (WAA!) Rod laments Grandpa's death; his marriage without love; his failures and losses. Rod cries at foot of gravesite. Roman rushes up to him and tries to get Rod to leave - Rod brushes him away and yells at Roman to leave him alone. Roman calls him "Patron" and Rod yells that he's no patron, he's patron to no one, and chases Roman away. Rod kneels at the grave and cries.

* Granny and Sofia visit Isa about her marriage to Rod. Isa says she plans to go with her mother to New York. Granny tells Isa that as Rod's wife, she will always be part of the Montalvo family, and then advises Isa to continue to fight for her marriage to Rod.

* Clara and Gavi return to the apartment. Clara is upset that they didn't see "Blanca Nieves". Gavi suggests Clara go to bed; Clara does that. Gavi goes back to her research work.

* Aaron fixes a drink at his home bar. Minnie enters and starts in about Mariana again - Aaron is frustrated and barks at her to stop it - Minnie tries to apologize and explain her actions. She tries to get close to Aaron - he isn't interested and tells her to go to bed and leave him alone. She leaves. Aaron wonders to himself if the suspicions about Mariana could possibly be true.

* Gavi fixes herself a cup of tea as she thinks about Rod. She runs to the phone and makes a call.

* As the other servant leaves for the night, Ofelia and Roman have tea and discuss Rod's depression. Phone rings. Roman answers - Gavi asks for Rod, but doesn't leave name or message and hangs up quickly. Gavi questions whether she should've even called. Roman sits down with Ofelia and is puzzled at the voice on the phone - he thinks it could be Gaviota - Ofelia is wide-eyed and curious - Roman checks the caller ID on the phone, writes down the number on a napkin and calls back. Gavi is shocked the phone is ringing and panics. She answers and uses a fake accent. Roman is confused and thinks it may be a wrong number and hangs up. Just then Rod returns home and calls for Roman. Rod joins Roman and Ofelia in the kitchen. Roman shows Rod the phone number and tells him he thinks it is Gaviota's number. Rod is shocked and excited and runs over to the phone to call the number. Clara wakes up with all the phone ringing - Clara and Gavi debate who could be calling them - Gavi finally answers the phone, again using her fake accent. Rod asks to speak with Gavi, it's important. Gavi is shocked and dumb-founded.


thanks for the informative recap. I'm not to crazy
about a lot of the characters. Whenever I see the
abuela's face - I can't help saying "I'm melting, I'm
melting. The family doesn't have much charm.
In fact none of them do except Rod and Gaviota and
Gavi's boss, (forgot his name) Mariana is awful
pushy isn't she. I guess bold is the correct word.
I think she'll pull off taking the papers home because
she'll be helpful to her boss. I'm spooked with the
Acacia James story. I don't know where that's going.
Agains thanks for the fast recap.
Ann NY

Thank you J.R.!Glad to see Joanna Benedek without the Ronald McDonald do. So, aparrently Aaron and Pamela have a serious history after all and he would have rather shared the rest of his life with her. Finally we might get a really good second storyline started, 'cause frankly this other Acacia stuff is getting a bit stretched right now. --Minnie WAS just a business partnership and a means to an end. I had thought Aaron actually cared about her in his own shallow way.

Also, I am amazed that the great Cambridge PhD didn't have Roman's common sense to trace back the caller ID. Thank you, Roman for trying to put the wheels back onto the wagon your patron has fallen off of. Common people and common sense triumph again........

Pilar's face is so tight all she can manage to do is talk and roll her eyes ever so slightly from right to left. Why why did they hire her?

Remember the other sister was kind of nice, Daniela. Too bad we don't see more of her.

Acacia looks a bit like a murderer. It was funny/weird the way James bugged his eyes out at her last night. In the dark, you could see the whites all the way around his pupils. They did not give us one single reason why he would fall for this wretched creature.

I'm hoping the love potion Rod ingested will wear off eventually or he will just be another brain-dead drunk.

Sofia. Needs. To. Get. A. Job. Maybe MacDonalds?

Right, Melinama, Rod needs Daniella and it would be refreshing to see more of her.

James can't be that desperate-- first Sophie, then Acacia!

It's sad to see that Joanna has done 'something' to her face/hair/body, cause she was probably real pretty to begin with. Now, she looks processed--a younger version of Pilar...

Thanks, JR for the great recap. I appreciated your comment about no one on this show eating in front of the cameras. You're right about Fernando---he was ALWAYS eating in front of the his room while Cerillo was attending him and he was talking with Tia Isabel, in taverns with Marcos and Felipe, etc. He even made eating look sexy. Those scenes always sent me to the kitchen for a little snack. And, Jardinera and Melinama , I am smiling at your comments . Jardinera, I loved your remark about Roman putting the wheels back on the wagon that his patron has fallen off of!!! Clever and true !!! HotRod is sliding down the slippery slope of self pity and depression. I am still a Rod Rangerette, but even I, his most devoted fan, can't take too much more of his drunkeness. I hate watching him as a sloppy, nasty, weepy drunk. Hey Dude, snap out of it!!! At this point, I think I'd even rather see him having an affair with someone else than watch him falling apart every episode. Anything would be better than continuing to watch him wallow in self pity. Boohoo, poor me. Come on , Rod, let's get a little proactive now. DO SOMETHING. We need a hero ,not another Gaspar whining for his munequita. The next thing we know, HotRod will be talking to frogs instead of his dead grandpa....or maybe he'll be talking to dead frogs. And I'm also getting frustrated with Gaviota's phone games. The next thing I expect is her calling and posing that eternal pajama party phone prank inquiry : ''Is your refrigerator running, Rodrigoooo ?'' I agree with you, Melinama, that granny is scary . I guess she is a warning against plastic surgery. There comes a point when no matter how many trips you make to the operating room for some nips and tucks, you are going to start looking old. C'est la vie, n'est-ce pas??? Time and tide wait for no man...or woman. I think I'll try the aging gracefully method. I'd like to be able to smile and laugh when I'm Pilar's age. She reminds me of a mannequin.By the way, how old do you think she is ? I wonder how long it takes to get her ready for her close-up, Mr. Demille????^^^Susanlynn, smiling and laughing and going to give a final exam

Great recap!! Thanks!

I am still ROFLMAO after seeing Gavi answer the phone "The Widowed Rooster house of rooster broths"!! Genious!!

I am finding the James-Acacia storyline very interesting. Very reminiscent of Gabriel Garcia-Marquez.

Thanks JR for a great recap. It cleared up the purpose of all the different meetings. To the Anon who said -James can't be that desperate -, I was thinking just the opposite. What could Sophie possibly have seen in James? As desperate as Acacia is, she's not desperate enough to want him. Everytime I see Acacia I say "oh no, not you again". I could do without her role whatever it is.
Hey, are we really just now in episode 27? With more than 100 to go, Gavi's got a lot of time to continue playing phone games.

Great recap..I love this just don't have to think much...
Susanlynn..bwahhhhaaa Mr DeMille..
or a perfect "Baby Jane", Bette Davis role..

Now on to James & Acacia...hey now..remember Frodo had a soft spot for Gollum.

Rod..I so want to do the "Moonstruck"..slap down on Rod..but hee hee hee, he is suffering way worse than Gavi..
My husband who hasn't seen it for like 4 days, was like, what is wrong with him...I had to remind him that Rod's manparts only will work for Gavi and it is seriously stressing him..

Now then..Minnnerva is such an annoying Nag..I am all happy everytime Aaron gets extra; how twisted am I? I mean yeah he is a total weasel...but then she just starts in and it goes on and on and on goes...

I forgot also...I want to Gavi to hook up with Acacia & have girl parties..where they call the boys and hang-up..then once Gavi has enough $, they can get a truck (you have to have a truck in rural areas)..and they can drive by the ranches and see if the boy's trucks are there...then icing on the torilla, scoop out the Cantina on Friday nite and show up...acting like they aren't in there to see the boys.
Oh wait never mind...that was me and it was high school.

I think Acacia is being wasted in this part. I think she would be perfect as "Mrs. Rochester" in "Jane Eyre".
As for Rodgrigoo, buck up and be a man. Quit your weeping, you don't look so good drooling over yourself.
Great recap, J.R.! We non-Spanish speakers have great reverence for our recappers.
Keep up the good work.

Beckster, I just looove your sense of humor. You should write a book.
I'm also of a twisted mind as far as Aaron is concerned. He and Gavi are my favorite people. I'm not defending either of their actions. My admiration is strictly about acting and entertainment.

I don't blame these people for not wanting to eat. Isadora keeps spiking the food, for crying out loud!

marketta....well you totally outted me...Yes, I want to commit crimes with Aaron..admittedly this time they would be corporate crimes..not quite as much fun as Damien in Mundo...but still in all..the mockability would so be worth it...Minnnnnerrrrva supplies endless "quotes", that you could sit around drinking Tequila & repeating...I would love to load Aaron up in the SUV and go visit The Addams Family Ranch...think of the ride back...material for months..take Sofie along, just so you could watch her chew her own lips off..on the ride back..Awesome

Caller i.d. has ruined a lot of fun. Can't call the boys anymore and stay anonymous.

Gavi is going forward with her career dreams, while poor Rod, who didn't lose a baby and doesn't have to worry about money, or taking care of a child-like mom, is on a drunken crying jag.
I hope he gets over that soon.

You are a wicked, wicked mujere, Beckster. I like you. Minervaaa has met her match in AAron. I am even starting to like him because I dislike her so much. You have to admit that this actress can really make you love to hate her [and she always play the villainess.] You want to just whack that nasty smirk off her face. AAron is attractive in a oily, smarmy kind of way. He reminds me of a friend Hub had in high school who went after anyone who wore a skirt. He even has the same hairstyle !!!! When he and my hubby left his house to go on a double date, his mother's last words of advice for the evening were always, ''Keep it IN your pants.'' That's AAron, but I guess his mom Fedra never shared these words of wisdom with him. Now, if we could just get HotRod and his manparts in play, we could all move forward.

I'm beginning to like Aaron more, especially his intelligence! As for Rod, I shudder to think what would happen if his beloved cassette gets mangled in the player.

Don't worry about the cassette. He probably has three or four backup copies. :)

I checked out for info on the actress who plays Acacia. Her name is Bibelot Mansur:

"Bibelot, en su tiempo libre acostumbra asistir al cine y entre sus actores favoritos se encuentran Pedro Infante y Anthony Hopkins, sus películas preferidas son Superman, Amores Perros, Chicago y El Silencio de los Inocentes."

She must enjoy the creep factor as Acacia!

Thanks for the recap JR. I really like how they are giving Aaron a bit a depth with Pamela. He'll probably remain a cad throughout the novela (a fun cad but cad nonetheless) but that relationship is interesting. Also though he will most likely hit on Gavi sometime soon, he also appears to have a different type of relationship with her. Whether she amuses him or he is intrigued by a woman who has drive, I don't know what it is but the fact he didn't try to jump her soon after he hired her is a plus for him as well.


Thanks for translating Gavi's crazy phone answer. I haven't had a chance to check the tape and it was driving me crazy!! That crazy voice coming out of Angelica just cracked me up.

Am i crazy but a while back Aaron was day dreaming about Pamela she was patched up on his office desk... she had on a very bright green dress.The same green dress she wore when she met him in his hotel room in Florida, maybe am just confused.Anyways Aaron really likes her.

Minnie is just an incubator for Aaron's scheme to get the family denero


Gavi's crazy phone messasge reminded me of what the PA Dutch say when someone has said something that they can't understand [like someone talking to me about computer stuff]----''I had one, too, but the wheels fell off.'' My friend taught me to say it in Dutch , but I can't spell the words. ^^^ Susanlynn , remembering another favorite saying, ''if you ain't Dutch, you ain't much''

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