Friday, May 18, 2007

Duelo - Thursday 5/17 - In which Luba gives several toxic facials

As promised, I am pinch hitting for Carmel this week:

NOTE - Margaret and I kind of stepped over each other a little bit, I wasn't very clear about subbing for Carmel so Margaret took the initiative and did her own quicki recap first. If you wish to be amused don't forget to scroll down and read her version too, a Friday treat for our faithful readers...

Emilio weeps over Alina's altar. The invisible choir sings as he kisses her. Soledad weeps. Emilio runs out. Orlando looks annoyed. I really can't tell what he's expressing, except it looks like he mouths the word "maldita..."

Alfonsina tells Don Loco she can't believe it, so Hugo was the one who stole The Cofre that DonLoco was looking for, eh? She swears she knew nothing about it. DonLoco says he has no doubt that Hugo is the one who also helped Elias kidnap his sister. He asks he if she knows what was in The Cofre. Alfonsina suggests he ask Luba, it from her that he got it right? And pay her if it's worth the trouble, because then he'll know how to deal with Hugo. Loco says he's not going to pay Hugo a fifth (of whatever?). Tomorrow they leave for Veracruz to find him.

Cut to Hugo in Jose's old cabin. He curses the damn cofre that hasn't turned up yet. He'd better get back to the cane fields before Don Loco suspects something. He thought bubbles he should just forget the damn cofre as if it never existed.

Luba's back in the cave making anti-poison pesto as Coral watches. Luba's anxious about getting to Flor in time to remove her from the grave and give her the antidote. Flor can only be under the Prell Spell for one day max, no more or it will be fatal! It's been mentioned that perhaps Luba could have planned her rescue a bit better, instead of running around higgledy piggledy hoping for the best.

The band plays as Flor's casket is carried by Emilio, Angel, Don Max, Iffy, Santos and Jaime. (Not Orlando ha ha) A parade of her adorers follows. Team Luba (Luba, Coral, Gaspar and Tonki) bring up the rear with Coral holding Gaspar's muscular arm. Gaspar carries shovels and a pickax.

Thelma admires her reflection and brushes blush onto her cleavage when Auntie enters her room. She wants to talk to Thelma about turning the superstitious servants against Luba and Gaspar.

Soledad screams in anguish at Flor's gravesite. Emilio vows never to forget her, then jumps on his horse and rides away. Team Luba watches from behind the tall grass and hopes the crowd gets on with the grieving, they have business with the body and can't wait forever.

Soledad keels over as they cart her away from the casket. Don Loco is absent from all of this. As they lower the casket into the ground Rosita sobs on Santos's shoulder. Don Max gazes at her, frowning. Finally the weeping masses depart.

Back at Hacienda de Locos Don Loco tells Alfonsina to beat it, he doesn't want the Mrs. to see his mistress hanging around. "She's already very upset over the death of my...of that girl, her daughter." She thought bubbles that she's surprised Don Loco wants her to go to Vera Cruz with him. In that case she hopes Hugo decides to stay in Sierra Escondida so she doesn't get whacked in the head.

Braulio tells Ifigy (who is guarding him) that he's not sorry for killing Castulo, his only regret is that he didn't kill Don Max who made Castulo do all his dirty work for him. (All except for raping Rosita; Castulo did that on his own.)

Don Max tells Angel and Auntie that he has Braulio locked up for killing Castulo. They can't believe it, Braulio is such a peaceful hardworking man. Auntie lets Don Max know that she's mighty suspicious about the situation. Max likes Rosita, now Rosita's dad won't be around to protect her, how convenient for Max.

Team Luba, still hiding in the graveyard, gets nervous about digging Flor up. They can't waste any more time. Just as they are about to come out of hiding Emilio shows up to weep some more over the grave.

Luba joins him and tries to get him to go home and rest. When that doesn't work she whips out a handful of herbs and and plasters them on his face, "Smell them, they'll calm you." I don't think I would be calmed by the local witch smothering my face with plants but Emilio doesn't seem perturbed. He keels over and the rest of Team Luba run over and start digging up the grave.

Gaspar lifts Flor out of the grave and lays her next to Emilio who is still out cold from Luba's smearing. They all grab shovels and start filling the grave back up with dirt.

Santos sneaks into Braulio's "prison" but Iffy wakes up. Braulio tells the well-intentioned but ineffectual Santos to go take care of Rosita, he killed the man who raped her and he'll pay the price.

Emilio wakes up next to Flor's grave. It looks as if it was never disturbed and he acts like he doesn't remember that Luba drugged him. He picks up where he left off with the weeping and wailing.

The corrupt police chief tells Don Loco that people fitting the description of Mariana, Malena and Elias took the bus back to Mexico City. Loco says after he finishes his business in Vera Cruz he'll go to Malena's house to get his sister.

Flor is stretched out on a cot in the back of the cave while Gaspar stands guard outside. Suddenly Adela runs in with some excuse about having to see Luba about a problem that Nora is having. Hyper Luba tells Adela that she must tell Soledad something important...her daughter isn't dead!

Hugo surprises Alfonsina by sneaking into Hacienda de Locos and asking her whose side is she on, his or Don Loco's? Duh, she's on whosever side she happens to be next to at the moment asshat.

Luba revives a fainting Adela with strong herbs that she smears on Adela's face. Adela, with leaves still stuck to to her head is led to the back of the cave. She sees Flor and crosses herself. She must figure out a way to get Soledad to the cave!

Don Loco wakes Soledad. He's in a hurry, they have to go to Vera Cruz (eh? I thought he was going with Alfonsina?) then they have to go to Mexico DF to get Mariana, then back to Escondidaville to get Elias who is out to besmirch his good name. Soledad says she's not leaving, his problems aren't her problems. He gets the mean pug dog look, "You'll obey my orders or else!" She says good, do her a favor and kill her so she can be reunited with her daughter.

Back to Hugo with his hand around Alfonsina's throat. She says of course she's on his side but he should leave right away. He wiggles his bony fingers at her and accuses her of hiding something, The Cofre, where is it? His evil eyes dart around the room. She says she's sick of playing this stupid game and acting as his go-between. "Ha, that's the burro talking about big ears," he laughs. He freaks out and demands she tell him where she's hidden The Cofre. He works himself into a lather and hits her again and again.

A couple of military jeeps carrying Elias and Gen. Ochoa make their way up the mountains into Sierra Escondida.

Oh darn, Love Dr. Love is back to being Orville Redenbacher. Yep, the bowtie is back. He helps Mariana stand up and tries to get her to walk. They kiss. She gazes into his eyes and says Or-O-Ville. Just kidding, She says Ri-Car-Do.

After the Locos finish their stupid argument Soledad puts her jacket on and mutters that she has to escape.

Luba tries to awaken Flor. She smears herbs on her face, she slaps her. Coral frets and Gaspar sways back and forth, "too much time, too much time." Luba fears too much time has passed. (Where's Tonki? Maybe he could bark Alina awake!)

Thelma cradles her baby and asks it when Emilio will return. Emilio walks in and says he wants to talk about their divorce.

Naturally, as Don Loco stalks down the hall he hears the commotion of Hugo beating Alfonsina. "What are you doing here you traitor?" he demands.

Gaspar cries that the potion has killed Flor, just like the Cacique's son. Coral finds this comment disturbing. Luba yells at Gaspar and Coral not to make her nervous. She runs out to mix up a stronger batch of anti-poison pesto.

Don Loco strangles Hugo and accuses him of working with Alfonsina to betray him. Alfonsina pipes up that Hugo has The Cofre, he told her he would get lots of dinero out of Don Loco and he wanted her to help him. When she told Hugo she was going to report him to Don Loco he beat her as Don Loco saw with his own eyes.

Don Loco says he'll kill Hugo now. He draws his gun but Hugo punches him and runs. Don Loco trips Hugo with a back kick and smacks him hard.

Emilio tells Thelma they need to divorce because he doesn't love her and what she feels for him is obsession, not love. Like he could tell the difference but OK. He says he wants to spend time alone with his baby. He rummages around in the closet for a blankie and finds the riding crop that was hidden there. He recalls when Jaime told him Thelma hit him in the face for trying to protect Flor. He shakes the whip at Thelma and demands an explanation.

Soledad sneaks by the room where Loco fights Hugo. She continues on unnoticed while Loco is preoccupied with asphyxiating Hugo. Alfonsina thought bubbles, "kill him, kill him!" Hugo breaks free and jumps on Don Loco. Alfonsina breaks a pot over Hugo's head and runs to get Don Loco's gun. Hugo runs away and Loco shoots but he misses. He turns to Alfonsina and asks, "don't you have anything to say?"

Sergio tries to stop Soledad from leaving. Adela sneaks up behind, hits him really hard with a big stick and knocks him out. Soledad gives his limp body a kick for good measure and the women run away.

Adela tells Soledad that she doesn't need to be dead to be with Alina. She has something important to tell Soledad, "Alina isn't dead, your daughter lives!" Soledad looks confused, happy, impactada.


oops. sorry silvia. i didn't realize you had stepped up. i thought it was just one of those every person for themself things. should i delete my post or try to copy and paste it into yours?

Gosh, I'm sorry I wasn't clear about subbing for Carmel. Thank you for doing your post, I hadn't noticed when I put mine up.

Margaret, do not, I repeat DO NOT delete your post. It's hilarious! The fact that you stepped in just proves how fabulous we are. I love us.

Well I love it we have 2 great recaps. This show is getting a little better now. We have Emilio finally asking for a divorce, though I doubt it will happen anytime soon. Soledad has became somewhat stronger go Soledad. I am saddened however that Loco did not really seem to sad by his daughters death, though he thinks she is not his daughter he should have came to her funeral atleast. I thought it was crazy how fast they dug up Alina and recovered her grave though. I am so happy that they told Soledad the truth and from the previews it looks like tonights show will have other people knowing that Alina lives also. Well we are to assume she will be living again anyway. The thing that bothers me is that I have the feeling that everyone will know the truth except Emilio, well everyone that matters anyway. So Alina is saved from all her troubles sounds good. Except we know that this show has I think a couple months or so left so we will probably be seeing alot of Emilio crying for Alina not knowing she lives and Alina crying for Emilio because she lives. I also hope that the General gets there in time to arrest Don Loco. For the first time in a while Iam looking forward to tonights episode more than ever. YAYYY!!

I have really been enjoying the last few days of Duelo. THIS is more like it! Anguish (more expressions) from Emilio, not to mention verbally kicking Thelma to the curb. Castulo finally getting shot up (although I will MISS him without his shirt--good gawd!!). The two witchy men getting sucked down into the bog (I shouted at Luba--don't you help him! he beat you stupid and wanted to kill Gaspar!). Soledad dealing a swift kick when a guy was down. Too bad it wasn't Don Loco on the ground.

thanks for subbing for carmel, sylvia. yours is a real recap, mine was just meant as a group contribution or i would have paid closer attention last night.

i counted 46 episodes on the esmas site a few days ago, which chris said, were half hour episodes. that means we've about 20-25 episodes left. thats about 4 or 5 weeks. maybe tropico is replacing duelo. i think i might take a break from novela-ing and rejoin for the colunga pirate one. if there are enough recappers i would volunteer to be a sub.

Wow thanks for letting me know we only have like 5 weeks left I thought like 7 or 8 so it looks like maybe we will only h ave Emilio mopping around not knowing for a couple weeks. I did see a commercial for Tropico but does anyone know what it will be about yet? I hope it is good.

I love it! Two recaps! We are lucky to have so many great recappers here at caray caray! Because my nnovelas didn't tape last night I am grateful! Thanks again!

i am so proud of our Soledad -- THIS time, she didn't pack a bag to escape. And now Adela can get back to doing her hair. Sigh. Can life get any better than this? Well yes, as someone else suggested, Soledad could do a Bobbit on DL but Duelo has taught me to be content with small wins. Thank you recappers -- you are all so great. Cindy

Another giggle-producing recap, Sylvia. I made notes. I enjoyed the ''Prell Spell'' and your descriptive phrase for Luba : ''higgledy piggledy.'' It reminded of a game I played at a shower once where they give you clues for an answer that has 2 words and ryhmes . [Ex.: Distant Planet = Far Star] I became obsessed with making these up. [Note : I fixate easily as evidenced here by my preoccupation since last summer with telenovelas.] I also liked ''Hugo punches Loco and runs.'' I really don't know why that made my laugh...maybe I was remembering first grade when I was the smallest kid in the class and everyone spent the day picking me up or pushing me around. When I complained to my mother [a very feisty small woman], she told me to kick them in the shins. To which I whined , ''Then , they'll kick me back.'' To which my mother counseled, ''Well, kick them and RUN.'' Maybe Hugo's mother gave him the very same sensible [if cowardly] advice. I kept thinking that Don Loco would not have faired so well with the original really BIG, strong, muscular Hugo. Lucky for him that he only had to deal with the skinny, wiry Gasca. Last night there seemed to be a theme running through the shows on on Univision. Everyone was getting hit on the head ...Hilario hit HotRod with a stick to stop him from fighting in the agave field ; Alfonsine knocked Hugo over the head with a pot ; Adela bashed Sergio on the skull. Thanks, Sylvia.

Margaret---Loved your title.

Sylvia ---Loved YOUR title. I am getting MUY confused. Anyhoo, I loved BOTH titles. Such clever recappers !~~~Susanlynn, careless and lost in space once again

Am I the only one who busted out laughing when Soledad suddenly kicked Sergio while he was unconscious???? I mean, here is a woman who willingly goes to bed with her abuser, wipes lipstick off his face like she still loves him, won't shoot him when he leaves the gun in her reach, won't refuse to return to him in front of the church with witnesses around, actually RETURNS to the barn he has her locked in instead of running away and getting the cops and suddenly she's kicking unconscious guys in the ribs? It seemed pretty uncharacteristically mean for both her and Adela too for that matter. What a powerful swing that Adela's got! Do they have batting cages in Sierra Escondida? Now if it had been Thelma - younger - taller - much meaner, I might buy it.

I like the 2 recap thing too - twice the fun. Thanks to you both!

Sylvia, THANK YOU -- I really didn't mean for you to do all this work on my behalf! But I'm sure everyone appreciates it as much as I do. And Margaret, thank you also.

I'm pretty confused trying to pick up the threads of all I missed. Apparently Edelmira was murdered by her girls (well deserved), and Dr. Z was murdered by Castulo (um, why, exactly?) and then Castulo was killed by Braulio (well deserved)... and Duhlina is now undead?! Just another week in Sierra Escondida, I guess.

Kate Perez, it's interesting, I've noticed several examples of otherwise likeable telenovela characters literally kicking people when they're down. It always surprises me. I can only guess it doesn't have the same type of negative connotations in Mexico as it does in the US. Certainly no one deserves a few swift kicks more than Sergio.

Wow, Sylvia and Margaret, thanks! How neat, to have two great recaps in the same day! I agree, that is a treat. Thanks!


Sylvia and Margaret, I read this more thoroughly and had to do my usual—because this is such a great recap—

“Luba's back in the cave making anti-poison pesto as Coral watches.” ROTFL! I couldn’t think of what that mess reminded me of. It’s pesto, all right. Do ya think she used extra virgin olive oil, or just regular?

“Prell Spell” ROTFL again!

“he's surprised Don Loco wants her to go to Vera Cruz with him. In that case she hopes Hugo decides to stay in Sierra Escondida so she doesn't get whacked in the head.” (chuckle) That is what happens when one plays both ends against the middle.

“She gazes into his eyes and says Or-O-Ville. Just kidding, She says Ri-Car-Do.” LOL!

If I quoted everything that made me laugh in your recap, I’d be into three or four pages now. Suffice it to say, it was your usual superb job (great teamwork).


Im late in chiming in but yes this was a very funny recap. Poison Pesto, images of Emilio, Ri-Car-Do. Very funny!

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