Saturday, May 05, 2007

Zorro-Friday, May 4, 2007: Fernando Sanchez plans his return, Esmeralda can’t deal with paper mache and Alej comes face to face with Zorro.

Show opens where we left off, Piza telling Esme she will wear iron mask. Esme pleads with Piza but Piza ain’t budging. Esme tells Piza he & Monty will pay and Piza pulls out the “iron” mask and puts it on Esme. I think the fact that they left the mask in the cabin was a bad idea and with the key right next to it to boot.

SK and the gypsies in wide open spaces again. SK wants to turn herself in to save Esme. Jonas warns that both she and Esme will get killed if she turns herself in. SK doesn’t think so maybe Piza was telling the truth. Renzo doesn’t think so because there was a guard sent to follow him. Jonas reminds SK that nobody wants to admit she exists, people want her dead. SK worries about Esme (ulcer count -1) and Renzo promises to take care of her with his life if necessary. So long as you don’t do anything stupid I’ll believe you Renzo. SK says Renzo’s talk is very brave but he’s in love and when you’re in love you can’t see clearly. Oh so that’s the reason for traveling with an itty bitty knife and getting your butt whooped, thank you for clearing that up. Jonas pleads with SK to continue with the plan to sail to Spain get her thrown, after she can come back to Esme. Jonas apparently has never had children to say that. Jonas sends Renzo off and after several minutes SK reluctantly follows Jonas.

Mangle asks Monty if he trapped Esme. Monty tells Mangle, he has one better Esme is dead. She tried to run away and was shot by one his guards. Mangle wants to hear all the juicy details (I wish Mangle was the one in the iron mask right now). Monty tells her its poor taste but Mangle just wants to be sure he’s telling the truth (hmpf yeah right). Monty assures Mangle he’s telling the truth and nobody will miss Esme, except maybe Dena. Monty tells Mangle that he’s going to start in against the de la Vegas as was his plan all along but Mangle says no way. She’s worked too hard to get her hands on the de la Vega fortune. Monty promises her that she can keep the fortune but Monty wants the de la Vegas hanging from a tree, it’s the only the people will give up their lands to him. All this talk apparently has gotten Monty in the mood because he and Mangle get busy on his desk. EWWWW!

SAM tells Dena about Alej being captured. Dena is freaking out (ulcer count -2) but SAM is more confident, maybe Yumi or Juan were able to rescue him. Dena ever the pessimist thinks Alej maybe at the prison right now and getting him out will be a mission. I don’t know why Dena is worried when SK was in prison everybody and their grandmother wanted to help in the escape to the point of a possible traffic jam. SAM says he still has friends at the prison, he’ll go see what he can find out. Dena tries to stop him but SAM asks that she trust him (ulcer count -3).

A tied up Alej is being escorted by mounted guards and we get the real Zorro overlooking the march. Yea, Zorro. Zorro tells Bernie they have to do something before Alej and guards get to the prison.

Back to the prison torture room where Monty is touching Laisha’s face who is on the rack or whatever the torture device is called. Ewww he licks her and starts feeling her up. Monty tells her that he hears she is a brave gitana and wants to know how well she is going to please him. Laisha starts cursing and Monty jams his tongue down her throat. Laisha cries and Monty asks her where is SK. Laisha doesn’t know. Monty calls her a liar and starts turning the wheel. Laisha screams and Monty tells her he will bring her map and she will point out where they are. Laisha says she don’t know about maps and Monty just continues turning the wheel. Laisha cracks after more turns of the wheel and tells Monty that she can lead him but they are always on the move. Laisha proposes a deal the release of the women in exchange for SK. Monty seals the deal by jamming his tongue down her throat. Monty leaves Laisha to be tortured with branding iron to show what will happen if she is lying and we get a close up of the torturer (why?). Something really awful has to happen to him soon I am sooooooo getting tired of this.

Back to the guards and Alej. Zorro appears which freaks out the horses and he does his thing. Alej too manages to knock down some guards. Alej is getting an eyeful of Zorro’s sword and pistol moves (just firing in the air nothing earth shattering) and is impressed. Zorro walks up to Alej who asks who is he. Zorro says nothing and cuts the rope handcuffs and is off. Alej asks if he knows him. Alej stars off in wonder at Zorro. I wonder if he knows its Diego, I think yes.

Cue Amor Gitano

Piza tells Monty that the prisoner (Esme) is in the cell as ordered and hands over the key. Piza offers to gather up some men to trap SK but Monty says Piza will do no such thing. Monty tells Piza if the thought he was going to betray him and get off scott free, no way, he’s going to get court marshaled. Monty tells Piza he’s going to send him to hell and calls him a traitor.

Meanwhile a pacing Olmos complains to the guard that he has to go satisfy his bathroom urges else it will get embarrassing (not as embarrassing as you look when you want to mess up your pants when next to Mangle). The guard doesn’t care he has strict orders from Monty to not let him leave the room. Olmos tells guard he really has to go and does the pee pee dance to prove it. The guard gets a jug and tells him to pee in it if he has to go that bad.

A guard is placing a blindfold over Piza but Piza says if he dies he wants to see his shooters (personally I think Piza just doesn't want that dirty rag covering his eyes). Monty says no way and back on it goes. The guards prepare to aim. SAM arrives to the prison and sees the execution and a guard tells him what’s up. SAM does the sign of the cross and exits. The guards fire and Piza falls to ground.

SAM can’t believe his Capitan Pizzaro is dead, he was to escape with Esme. He tells his mule (it’s a she I didn’t know that) that it’s the end of the world.

We cut to some obscure bar where some low lifes are talking about entering LA where its ripe for the picking. One of them says that LA is Zorro’s territorty but the main talker says he heard Zorro was shot a fatal wound and is dead. The Govr left town, Commander is crazy and has shown no respect for Gen. de la Vega. FS who is listening to this tirade walks up to lowlife #1 and asks if its true. FS is now wearing his purple robe with pants, a poncho and a giant size sombrero. I don’t have an eye for fashion but his getup tells me he’s a fashion don’t. Lowlife asks who wants to know and FS graps him by his shirt and smacks him around tells him he’s the Govr. Lowlife tells him he saw everthing with his own eyes. FS pulls out his gun and asks the lowlifes he needs allies if anybody there is interested in joining his team live a life of wealth.

Monty goes to a fallen Piza who is having an asthma attack. Monty removes the blindfold and laughs at his little surprise to Piza. Piza just looks po’d. Monty tells Piza he’s the only one who gives the orders. Monty orders the guards to help Piza.

Back to FS trying to convince the lowlifes that a live next to him is better than their degenerate lives now. A lowlife asks what guarantee can be given that FS will fulfill the deal. FS gives his word as Gov. Hmm let’s see, he lied about SK being dead, had her imprisoned for 20 years, convinced a nun in training to leave the order, was going to commit bigamy, almost killed the love of his life, he went loony tunes and was roaming the street naked, I would say his word means zilch but the lowlifes believe him and are all gung ho about this coup d’état. They drink to their new allegiance.

Back to the prison where Esme wakes up to find yup the “iron” mask is there. She’s upset and can’t believe it. She refuses to believe Diego forget about them. She prays for God to save her mom.

The gypsies are walking around in the wide open spaces (I wish they would get out of the scenery) and SK wants to stop. Every step hurts her soul, she’s afraid (uler count 4) that Esme will die because of her and her mother’s heart tells her that she has to return. Jonas tells her that it was agreed that Renzo would take care of her but SK says no, something deep down says she can’t go besides they have to do something to release those in Monty’s hands. SK pleads with Jonas to help her return to San Gabriel.

Padre Tomas is talking to the brotherhood (it looks like they are in the batcave). PT tells the brotherhood that what they are seeing in LA is a reflection about the struggle for the crown going on in Spain. PT tells the brotherhood that at any point the crap is going to hit the fan and there are ripples in LA. SK and Esme have disspeared and if civil war breaks out they are going to support it. PT denounces the rumors that Zorro died and all agree it was a rumor started by Monty. PT tells brotherhood that Zorro is ready to fight with the people of LA.

Zorro and Bernie are riding in the countryside. Zorro can’t get it out of his head that he and Esmeralda was in love. Bernie signs its time to back home but Zorro wants to go to the places they were together, like el Callao, ahh nothing like going to places that you first meet your girlfriend. Bernie wants to nix the idea but Zorro says they aren’t afraid of anything and Bernie is there to help him if something happens. They head off to el Callao. At el Callao Auggie and Lopez talk about the Piza execution. Lopez tells Auggy that Piza was foaming at the mouth (? I didn’t see that all I saw was an asthma attack). Lopez starts freaking out about their fate (ulcer count -5).

Piza is pouring water into a flat bowl and washing his face, probably cleaning the foam as well as trying to get his asthma under control. Piza tells the air it wasn’t the moment but soon the time will come to make it happen.

Cata runs into Mangle who asks where she was. Mangle tells her she was the prison because Monty found her at home taking care of some stuff (cough, bs, cough). A sad Mangle tells Cata that Monty has just informed her that Esme was killed trying to escape. Mangle tells Cata that she was involved in the escape of a Callao prisoner. Cata tells Mangle that she has been through a lot but she has a friend if she needs one. When Cata leaves Mangle smiles cuz Cata is going to spread the news across town.

We go to Tobi who is out of bed and looking in a mirro trying to look at his wound I guess but thankfully we are spared that. Cata asks Tobi what’s he doing up. Cata tells Tobi what she heard about Esme. Tobi is impacatdo and says he has to leave (to where exactly, what is he going to do, he has been wounded in his tuckus). Tobi starts trying to walk out and doubles over in pain. Cata aks him what happened and Tobi tells her he thinks he reopened the wound and asks Cata to look at the wound. Cata helps carry Tobi so he can sit down (should he be sitting?)

Meanwhile at the bar, Agapito is drinking everything in site. The barmaid asks if Agapito is having love problems. Agapito says its not love problems but he can’t talk about it. He makes this big to do trying to be vague and the barmaid tells Agapito that he is lying about whatever he is hiding to get out of paying the tab. Agapito then tells the barmaid that he knows who Zorro is, meanwhile some fellow barhopper has his eyes tuned into the conversation.

Dena is looking out and looking more worried by the second (ulcer count -5) about Alej. Dol tells her as women only thing we can do is stay home and pray. Dena complains about the proper upbringing of a lady, only good for being an ornament. You go Dena tell it how it is, bring on the women’s movement.

Out in the wilderness, Yumi and the hacienda workers are planning a strategy when Alej rides up on a horse. Yumi gets off her horse and Alej goes to her. Alej tells the workers that Zorro rescued him as the guards were taking him to the prison. Alej tells the workers that they best return to the hacienda were its safe. Alej and Yumi share an instrumental moment before commercial.

Zorro is at el Callao and wants to grapple to the roof to get a better view. Bernie is worried (ulcer count-6) and Zorro tells him it will be fine. Bernie signs that Zorro has to disguise his voice and Zorro talks a little deeper. The first grapple attempt is a dud and Zorro smiles and says he’s still has to practice. The second one is better and he climbs to the roof. We get the instrumentals to the song. Monty meanwhile visits Esme and starts taunting her (the Esme who months ago came to LA and started giving orders, blah, blah, blah). Esme tells her that she is the women that will destroy him. Monty isn’t afraid of Esme, how can she destroy him when she will never see her face with that mask on and guess who has the key, and dangles it in front of her. Esme tells him that she has powerful friends who will get her out. Monty laughs and tells her who, Diego, he’s enjoying his honeymoon with Mangle. Esme calls Monty a liar and Monty tells her that Diego doesn’t love her, he lied to her. Esme tells Monty he won’t break her, she’s stronger than him. Monty tells her its nice to have hope and tells her that she’ll be getting a cell mate soon, SK. Esme is impactada (at least I think so, its hard to tell under the mask). Monty tells Esme that he will become the most powerful man in America.

From the rooftop, Zorro hears that the prison doors are opened and sees that the gypsies are being released (this is why we love Zorro, he’s cute and smart and has supersonic hearing). Azucena (Susi) asks the guard about Esme, Renzo and SK. Why I don’t know, I mean why would they and be truthful about it. The guard tells Suzi that Esme was killed trying to escape and knows nothing about Renzo or SK. The guard tells Suzi its all the gitanos fault and orderes her to leave. Suzi is crying at the prison doors and the other prisoners take her away. Zorro notices that the gitanas were mistreated (he can tell all this from where he’s seated, man is he good or what). Zorro feels the urge to search the prison but is torn at what to do.

A calmer Olmos (I guess he got to use the potty) and Monty chat. Monty tells Olmos that FS has caused him lots of problems and since he fled and could not be detained, he wants FS’s fortune transferred to him. Olmos asks to be given time, the legalities, the daughters. Monty tells Olmos better yet its best they don’t do business together as he is almost positive Olmos had something to do with SK’s disappearance. Olmos of course denies and says only follows FS orders. Monty calls Olmos a rat (whose calling who a rat) and doesn’t like the look on his face. Monty tells Olmos not do trick him else he will suffer the same fate as Esme. Monty tells Olmos that death is the fate of those who think they are smarter than others. Olmos gets the point and tells Monty that he will do an inventory of FS’s estate and turn it over. Monty tells Olmos he will have to tell Monty his role in the SK escape. Olmos scurries to a corner fears for his life and says he has no other choice (ulcer count -6).

Back to Agapito at the bar tells the barmaid that he ran out of dough to buy more drinks. The barmaid tells Agapito that Zorro is very important to the people of LA and enter the drinker who was very interested in Agapito’s chisme. He intrests Agapito in a new drink (he says all the ingredients but I didn’t catch them) and Agapito smells it and pours a shot. He tells the dude that as a surgeon he’s privy to a lot of info but that’s all he’s saying. The guy says drink some more and Agapito keeps pouring the stuff.

A calmer Piza meets with Monty. Monty hopes Piza has learned his lesson because he wouldn’t be the first official waiting in the wings ready to chop off his head. Piza tells him he won’t discuss it any further and if Monty doubts him, it’d be better if he were executed than to become a laughing stock in front of his men. Monty tells Piza that they should leave it in the past and they should unite to face difficulties. They two shake on it. Monty tells Piza that if SK really is the queen of Spain then they are toast, they have to stop her from getting to the sea. Piza asks what can he do. Monty tells Piza that the guards who were with Piza can’t ever know Esme is alive so Piza has to kill them. Piza tells Monty his men are loyal and know how to keep their mouth shut. Monty tells Piza he doesn’t trust his shadow and the only one who can remain alive is the one guarding Esme. Piza stays motionless.

Meanwhile FS is planning a strategy with the lowlifes when BA hears him. FS tells BA that he is not prepared to serve God. BA tells him why is going backwards after FS did the hardest part, renounce all he has. FS tells BA that the woman he loves is in danger and this the way he has to return to LA to help her.

Diego and Bernie sneak into the bedroom using the secret door. Diego Bernie that it woulda been a mistake entering el Callao. Diego tells Bernie he wants to see dad and tells Bernie that there was a moment where he thought Alej knew he was Zorro. Alej knocks on the door and Bernie lets him in. Diego asks what’s wrong he looks worried. Alej tells Diego that they have to have a serious talk about Zorro.

Oops I forgot to set the DVR for an extra half hour but I here's what I remember.

Alej tells Diego that Zorro saved him and Zorro is very impressive and all that. Diego feels useless next to Zorro but Alej tells him that he's proud of Diego and prefer his to be Diego and not Zorro.

Esme tries to scratch and remove the mask but its doesn't work. Auggie tells her to get used to it like her mom did. Esme continues to hope that Diego will rescue her.

At the de la Vega's they everbody is at the table able to have dinner. Dena asks that a setting be prepared for Yumi when Mangle comes in with the unfourtunate news of Esme's passing. Major hamming it up by Mangle. Everybody is impactado and Dena faints at the news. Alej asks for the smelling salts. Alej tells Mangle to stay with a shocked Dol while he brings Dena to the bedroom. Mangle offers Dol some water and smiles like a cat who ate the canary.

Alej brings a recovering Dena to the bedroom where they discuss Esme and the baby some more. I think Diego overhears the discussion of Esme's death and his face registers something (like a memory?).

If there is anything else, please feel free to add. Ulcer count, -6.


Howdy =)

I love your recaps Mari ;) You listed 7 ulcers, they'll need extra Pepto for this one.

There are only two things you missed. One is Olmos trying to get Augie to tell him where they dumped Esme's body (still needs a souvenir for the Duke) as she deserves a proper burial (in the Duke's trophy case). Augie tells him that he should stick his nose elsewhere as it's a miracle they're still around and that Monty had Piza shot, albeit with blanks, to show that he means business. Olmos decides he better play ball if he wants to stay alive. He then tells he he doesn't know why he cares so much about Esme when he's the one that betrayed her.

Two is Agapito and his new buddy (he looks familiar, but I can't remember from where) talking about Zorro and walking down near some trees. The guy is trying to get Pito to spill the secret identity and just as it looks he'll pull it off, Pito starts to hurl.

I agree with your theory (and Diego's) that Al has figured out who Zorro is. Not quite sure where Al was going with his talk though, (if we're correct) other than possibly telling Diego he doesn't have to be a badass to prove himself or that he doesn't need to impress him. Maybe Al's trying to hint that Diego doesn't have to fight all on his own.

I was surprised that Cata was so friendly with Mangle after their big fight over Tobi's arrest. Guess she has a short memory. I also got a kick out of Diego telling Mangle to console Dolores. Aside from the fact that Mangle doesn't have a sympathetic bone in her body, she's such a bigot she probably sees Dolores as a step or two below her horse.

Oh, one more thing, when Al & Dena were talking about Esme, Diego says he's sure she's not really dead (right before Dena spills the beans about Esme being preggers). Here's hoping it leads to some memory jogging ;)

Hi guys,

I just took another peek (I had taped this one) and caught a couple of other things:

1) Garcia has returned to the De La Vega Hacienda to tell them that Piza is dead

2) BA tries to convince FS that he's possessed and that's why he's gone crazy and killed folks and wants to start more fighting (he obviously hasn't seen Camba)

3) Olmos is trying to join forces with Piza to track SK and claims he plans to help her regain her throne (dunno if Piza will fall for it).

I think we're fully covered ;)

Oh, I just realized in my first post it sounded like Olmos said Augie betrayed Esme. I meant that Augie told Olmos that Olmos had betrayed Esme. I really need to start going to bed at a decent hour!

Good recap, Mari and helpers.

I know that it is a paper mache mask but I found the idea of Esme in the mask very disturbing. We had never seen or really gotten to know SK so seeing her in the mask didn't bother me. But Esme is different and she is pregnant too. I hope this doesn't go on too long.

It's time for Diego to get his memory back. He been an amnesiac Zorro so what is the point of continuing with this?

FS doesn't seem to stick with anything too long; he's the ambitious governor; he's the besotted suitor of MP; he's the naked penitent and now he seems to be obsessed with MP again. He told Aaron that he had to go and protect MP from Montero.

The brotherhood seems to be pretty useless. Montero is running amuck and they don't do anything.

Thanks margarita for filling in

the brotherhood seems to be waiting for civil war to break out. why wait for that when Monty is already doing a lot of damage.

As crazy as it sounds I kinda want FS to dethrown Monty, if that's the only way that is.

I forgot about Pito's new buddy. I remember hearing them talk and all of a sudden retching but I didn't catch all of it. thanx for clearing that up.

I think Alej is going to develop a new ulcer worrying about Diego as Zorro.

I too want Diego to recover from amensia already. I saw something register on his face when talking about Esme and baby. I hope everything comes back to him. Of course I was thinking that once he sees her medallion maybe it will help him recover too.

I wonder what's going to happen Monday, can't wait.

Maybe I'm suffering from the Stockholm Syndrom, but I think Pizzaro might have potential, even if for just long enough to help the good guys. Maybe it's just that in comparison to Monty, he's a little better. Piz knows the pain of the heart. He seems more human because of his asthma/weakness. Monty, on the other hand, really has no heart at all. (I wonder what his childhood story is??) Still, Piz could go either way & I wouldn't be surprised. BTW, WHO is Mangle's mother??? Have I missed something?
Thanks to you recappers for saving my sanity! Won't go into it now as to why I'm watching a program in a language I can't understand.
Keep up the good work, AliceC

Thanks to Marycelis and all the fillers-in. I have the epi on tape and will watch it later tonight. AliceC, with regard to your questions...

We know that Montero is the son of another military commander, who also ran the prison and was supposedly a really cruel guy. Montero has a long-held class resentment against the de la Vegas because Monte has absolutely NO family connections. He told the story once that he was made to move out of the path of the de la Vegas as they walked through the plaza. That's the most I remember getting of his backstory (and that he compromised the Marquesa's niece in order to try to get his hands on her fortune, by forcing a marriage).

Mangle's mother is Fernando's first wife, a woman he met in Spain (SK is Fer's second wife). Mom-de-Mangle was evidently beautiful, intelligent, and very cunning (Fer once said Mangle was much like her), and according to Dena, she got obsessive and mentally unstable, and had to be hospitalized/committed. Mangle once accused Fer of trying to buy her mother's happiness, to make up for the fact that he didn't love her.

- jen

Thank you, Jen! -AliceC

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