Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Zorro Monday April 30, 2007: Where Mangle learns the rabbit died and Fernando ponders Holy Orders

Mariangel, taking advantage of his amnesiatic state, is trying to get Diego to consummate their marriage. However, the powerful visions he’s had of a dancing Esmeralda cause him to take pause. Mangle demands to know what’s happening when he pulls away from her. Diego asks if she flamenco dances, and she tells him she’d do anything he wants her to do. She gets him back into it, but then Diego hears a gunshot and jumps off the bed and heads out of the room to investigate. Personally, I think he was looking for any distraction to get away from her.

The gunshot Diego heard was warning shots being shot at Garcia (SAM) and Pizarro, who are coming to the de la Vega estate to negotiate with Alejandro. SAM suggests they wave a white flag, Al is such a gentleman he’ll honor the white flag. Piza agrees to this, but insists that they ride in on their horses---entering with dignity and also able to make a quicker escape in case things go badly. Piza tells SAM that it is possible that Al won’t believe what Piza has to say, Al might suspect that he’s just there to gather recon info for Montero. SAM says he wondered the same thing, if that was Piza’s real motive. No, I will be checking out Al’s supplies and number of troops, but I just want to get rid of Monty-Piza says. Well, SAM says, I’m someone who can be easily fooled, but Al isn’t. SAM also tells Piza that he will be willing to switch sides, so if things don’t work out SAM will be joining Al and his men.

Dolores and Esme are now sharing the same prison cell. Dolo is filled in on the plan to work with Piza to get free and cause damage to Monty. Dolo doesn’t like the plan, neither man is to be trusted. Dolo is pretty sure that if the men get Sara Kali, Esme’s mom, they’ll kill her and probably kill Esme too. Renzo, from the next cell over, tells Dolo that they can use Piza to their advantage to get out of prison and then they can protect SK. Esme decides that they need a back up plan. She’s been inspired by the Shawshank Redemption, and plans on digging her way out of the prison (she forgot the part of the story involving years of working on the wall and the whole Betty Grable poster hiding all the work, small details I’m sure). Renzo is skeptical about this plan. He wonders where her hole will lead to? Possibly another cell? Dolo doesn’t like this idea either. Esme tells Dolo she’s got to get out of there, because she’s pregnant with Diego’s child. Dolo is so happy, she’s going to become an “abuela”. So now, Esme says, do you see why I need to get out of here? The baby is the reason for everything I’m doing.

Diego heads down the stairs, sees Bernardo and asks if he heard the gunshot. He also runs into Almudena. This is the first time he’s seen her since the memory loss. She introduces herself to him. He doesn’t remember her. Dena tells Diego that Piza is there to talk to Al. She takes him to observe the negotiations and gives him a little background info on Piza. Diego says he doesn’t remember the man, but his is malaffected at the sight of Piza. Diego gets away from Dena, finds Bernie and asks him if there is someplace where they can go to eavesdrop on Al’s conversation with Piza. Bernie nods and off they go to spy on the two men. Dena sees Mangle and asks her what’s going on with Fernando.

Fernando is with Brother Aaron. FS is filling BA in on what lead him to this point in his life. He gave up everything because he hurt the woman he loves. He is not a religious man, but is seeking God for answers. BA asks Fernando if he wants to join his order. FS questions if God would want a sinner like himself serving him. I think for shock value, Fernando lists all of his wrong doings to Brother Aaron, it is quite a list. He asks BA to help lead him to finding his way.

Maria Pia meets with the Cardinal and tells him that she’s ready to get consecrated. TC questions if her decision is based on all that happened with Fernando. MP tells him that what happened with FS strengthened her faith.

Piza tells Al that he wants to revolt against Monty. Al is suspicious. Piza says that Monty is out of control and believes he’s above the authority of the Crown. Piza lets Al know that he knows about Sara Kali and he tells Al that he knows that Al knows about her as well and probably was part of the group who broke her out of prison. Al says, yes he knew of SK existence, she is Esme’s mother. Piza says that she’s more than that, she’s the rightful heir to the Spanish Crown and when he thinks of the conditions that Monty kept her in, he feels bad for his part in it all.

Bernardo fills Diego in on some of what’s being said because he’s been reading their lips. The two men leave the area of the negotiations and head up to Diego’s bachelor pad. Bernie shows Diego the secret entrance to the Nancy Drew secret passage to the Bat Cave.

Esme tells Dolo that she’s desperate for news of Diego. (Desperate is just another way of being worried, ulcer –1)

Mangle fills Dena in on Fernando’s divestment of his personal property and his naked stroll through town. Dena asks Mangle how she could have let FS do this. Mangle blames Maria Pia for all of if and speaks poorly of her. Dena gets upset and tells Mangle to show respect to MP. Dena goes on, she’s concerned for Fernando’s well being because no matter what he’s done, she loves him (Concerned also another word for worried, ulcer –2 ). Dena leaves Mangle, who now shows no respect for her tia, she mutters that FS and Dena are just a pair of stupids.

Fernando tells BA that he doesn’t have a call to vocation, but he needs a change. FS says he tried to take Maria Pia away from God and he ruined her life, he took her peace. (I might add, I think I'm liking Fernando again, what a good way to give this character a little redemption, remove him from Maria Pia, and let him find himself through God).

Piza gives Al a letter from Esme, and tells him that Esme’s being held in the prison. The letter just fills Al in on Piza’s offer to help, but Esme doesn’t know if he can be trusted, she says she’s leaving that up to Al’s discretion.

Padre Tomas is in the Bat Cave when Diego and Bernie arrive. PT reminds Diego about keeping up the farce of Diego de la Vega as a wimp in order to keep Zorro’s identity hidden. Diego worries about Al and his confrontation with Monty (ulcer –3). PT tells him that Al is a military man, he’ll be able to resolve things. PT and Diego start some swordplay. Diego “wins”, PT says his wounds will heal with Bernie’s help. He gives it a couple of days. Diego asks about his personal life, he wonders about the woman of his dreams. Who is this other woman that PT told him about. PT tells Diego it is best if he remembers on his own. Diego practices with the whip. PT tells Diego he’s gotta go, but asks Diego to behave while he’s gone. Diego has more flashes of Esme flamenco dancing.

Esme has flashbacks about times with Diego. Monty comes to see Esme. He tells her that he’s got proof linking Diego to Sara Kali’s escape. The hideout the gypsies used is owned by Diego. Esme tells Monty that Diego had nothing to do with SK. Monty threatens Esme to get her to talk, anything can happen when you are here in prison. Renzo tells Monty to leave her alone. Monty offers Esme the safety of her unborn child and herself, in exchange for info on SK’s whereabouts.

Mangle feels ill. She pulls out a calendar and realizes that she’s late. How unlucky she is!!!

Al finds Dena crying about FS, but she doesn’t tell him what’s wrong. The two rehash Piza’s visit and the reason for it. Dena doubts Piza is being honest, it must be a trap. Al says that Piza can’t be trusted, but what he says makes a lot of sense (now, to me it seems pretty crazy that a woman kept in an ‘iron’ mask and held in prison for years is the real heir to the Spanish Crown, but to Al it all seems pretty plausible?). Al tells Dena that even though she doesn’t like Piza, he’s going to have to work with him because there isn’t a lot of time to act. Dena it worried about Al and Diego, with Monty all crazy and stuff (ulcer –4). Al tells Dena about Esme in prison. Dena freaks out (I’m sure she’s worried, even though she didn’t say so, ulcer – 5). Al promises to free Esme and Dolores. Yumali overhears this whole conversation, because she’s been lurking around in the background pretty much the entire episode. Yumi goes to her room and puts on her war paint, she’s going to help the de la Vegas.

Dena calms down and tells Al why she was crying. She rehashes about FS going nuts and naked through town. Al tells Dena that FS is the one who killed Regina/Purina. She wants to know how he knows this. He tells her that White Buffalo told him, and she’s Yumi’s grandmother and also Regina/Purina’s. Yes, Yumi and Regina are sisters. Dena is impactada.

Piza’s back at the prison, he’s filling Esme in on what went down with Al. She asks about Diego and Piza tells her he saw him, but he was strange. Diego was distant and didn’t seem interested in finding out about Esme.

Mangle goes to see Monty. Again she’s upset because the guards question her. She makes a fuss about this, and then she tells Monty she’s with child. END OF EPISODE/ ulcer count = 5


Thanks for the recap, Cathy. I loved your Betty Grable comment - funny and true!

If Diego doesn't get over his amnesia soon, Mangle's going to convince him that the baby is his.

Yumali will either die trying to free Esme, or be successful and realize that she belongs back with her tribe as a warrior.

Thanks for the great recap, Cathy!

LOL, I thought about the Shawshank Redemption, too, when Esme was scratching at that wall...

I was disappointed in this Diego. He actually seemed to be QUITE into rolling around with Mangle, until the gunshot rang out.

Another set of prison break plans - Alejandro's and Yumalai's...

Fernando is quite all-or-nothing, isn't he? Either I find God, or I need to die! OK, calm down, let's take a breath. But I guess he's in a difficult position. Fer doesn't quite have a "calling" in life, and his children are too grown for him to dedicate himself to them. Maybe he can dote on Mangle's mutt...

- Aww,I can't stand the way novela leads get separated from their loved ones, and are so willing to believe they're not loved anymore! And Pizza's whole monologue about Diego de la Vega to Esme was just ridiculous. Why would Diego be happy to see the man who tortured him?! THINK, Esmeralda!

Yes, I agree that somehow Mangle is going to convince Diego that the child is his. Of course, all will be revealed when it's born with horns and a tail!

Does anyone else think Aaron is possibly the worst actor on the planet? I cringe every time they show him. And paired with one of the finest actors in novelas. More inconsistencies. At the beginning, Aaron was expatiating about how Fernando MUST find God, MUST join him in his spiritual search, ad nauseum. Then when Fernando started leaning in that direction, he backpedals and, at great length, questions whether he really has a vocation. I contrast Aaron with the wonderful Padre Tomas, one of my very favorite characters. He's religious, but strong, virile, and an excellent swordsman, and has a GREAT sense of humor.

Just BTW, I forgot to put my name on that second post.

- Jen ;>

Howdy =)

In response to the previous Tobi question, he's definitely from somewhere in Europe. I thought in the first episode Cat had said he was coming from France and assumed he was born there. His last names are pretty Spanish though, so he's probably Spanish and just likes to put on other accents and use foreign to show how well traveled he is.

I too thought Diego was a little too into Mangle's advances (and funny how his wounds didn't hurt then...) In his defense, he's only human and can't remember Esme, or his promise not to touch Mangle. He also knows he's supposed to keep up this Diego as a lover not a fighter persona so he's willing to take one for the team. I just hope he keeps having issues with with his husbandly duties. Dut even if he performs, I'm sure Esme will forgive him with the amnesia thing.

I suspect Diego will believe Mangle's baby daddy tale (even if he does the math, as he supposedly sleept with her a week and change before the wedding) but once his memory comes back, he'll realize she's makin' it up and will have all sorts of grounds for an annulment (and if Piza kills Monty, Esme will be single too!).

I think Al's thought of the story making sense goes back to his noticing the VCR came to town himself to look for her and it would explain the whole iron mask thing (totally unnecessary unless FS was trying to hide something about how her face). Yes, it sounds darn far fetched, but with all the weird stuff that's happened it now adds up a little more.

I can't wait for Diego and Esme to get back together again. Maybe seeing her will jog his memory. Maybe he'll find the baby moccasins he got her somewhere in the cave. Something's gotta work!

I love the title (I never thought I would see that reference again) and excellent recap. I guess it was inevitble that Mangle would be preggers, considering her and Monty were messing around like rabbits ever since the novela started.

I want Monty discovered already. I am just getting tired him on his power trip.

I worry that Diego will actually do something with Mangle being that he seems to be enjoying himself but the good thing is he has doubts, so I hope those doubts and visions of Esme flamenco-ing deter him.

Thanks for the funny recap, Cathy.

Novelera, you are right, the poor little evil weasel-faced baby will probably be born with horns and a tail. BTW, Padre Tomas is one of my favorite characters, too. Jorge Cao is terrific.

Yay for Yumali. She is fearless and can take care of herself (all while being drop-dead gorgeous).
Marie from Mass
P.S. Have you seen the June issue of People in Spanish? Christian Meir made the "most beautiful people" list.

Thanks for the wonderful recap Cathy.

Marie - actually Christina and Marlena both made the 50 mas bellos list in People en espanol.

J.R. :)

The reason they all heal so quickly is that they are using crema del caracol as advertised on Telemundo! : ^ )

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