Thursday, May 17, 2007

Zorro Wednesday May 16, 2007: Nuns with Guns and Mangle has an Angle

OK--this hasn't been my day...the internet was down at work and the first half of my document I saved is gone, to where I don't what you are getting is the second half of my recap and I'll redo the beginning later on. Sorry, I'm just sick about this because I think the first half was pretty brilliant on my part (can say this with confidence since none of you can read it) and now it is floating out there in never never land. Cathy

OK---The first part is done, I've put in break so you know at what point you can stop if you've already read the ending. Thanks for your patience. Gotta go watch the tape of tonight's show. Cathy

Esmeralda thinks that Olmos is lying about Diego not wanting to see her. Auggie tries to convince her that it must be true. Esme deduces that Diego must have thought the letter he received from her was a fake. She tells Auggie that Diego knows her handwriting and he has to think that someone is tricking him. She decides she needs to write a new letter spelling it all out to him, but she’ll need Auggie’s help in delivering it. She starts to write a letter before Auggie can even agree.

The Marquesa (MC) offers her sympathies to Almudena about Esme’s death. MC tries to console Dena and suggests that what she needs to do is eat and get out of the house. Dena says she can’t do it, that Esme was like a daughter to her and all she (Dena) wants is her (Esme) there with her. Dena says she feels that she failed in protecting Esme. Now all Dena wishes is that it was her who would have died, instead of Esme. MC reminds Dena that she has Al and that she needs to fight for him (does MC know about Yumali? I mean, this woman is privy to a lot of personal info, from a variety of sources, could it be possible she knows something?).

Fernando and his men arrive at the Mission. The nuns and Padre Tomás have created their brilliant military fortification, outside the wall of the Mission, to act as a barricade to the expected attack. Fernando tells the nuns & PT that he’s there to reclaim the government lands, so he’s got to evict them. PT asks FS how he can attack such a sacred place. Fernando replies that he gave them time to get out (not that I’m defending the man here, but he did give them an “eviction” notice, what, like three days earlier). Maria Pia says that she is not going to allow the sisters to suffer because of Fernando. He tells her that this is the price she has to pay for her betrayal. Padre Tomás pulls Fernando from his horse and the boys begin to fight. PT ends up knocked down, I think with a bump to his noggin. Maria Pia is concerned for PT (concerned, as I’ve said before, is just another word for worried, so ulcer 1). The nuns are armed with guns and are ready to take action against FS and his merry men. Fernando grabs Maria Pia and tells her that it won’t be like before, because he is not the same man. She orders him “Suelteme!” (let go of me). He says no way siree, you are going to be mine. She demands that he respect her and the habit she is wearing. Fernando says he has no respect for her rags (just for insult I am sure, since she is only a couple hours into this nun thing, I’m pretty sure her habit is new---at least she’s dropped the ugly flower wreath thing). MP breaks free and Fernando orders his men to finish it, to “Quemelo” (burn it). PT finds a sword and confronts FS, calling him crazy. “You talkin’ to me?”, no really FS said “You are callin’ me crazy, I’ll show you crazy.” The man grabs an axe and takes on PT and his sword. Padre Tomás takes this time to teach FS a lesson, he tells Fernando that losing MP was all his own doing. Fernando says that God has turned into his rival. PT replies that God gave Maria Pia a choice. Fernando swings his axe like a mad man.

MC, Alejandro, and Diego are all meeting in la sala de la hacienda de los de la Vega (in the de la Vega living room, much quicker). They rehash a bit about Fernando and him having Sara Kali/Mercedes locked up for so many years. MC says that FS is going to pay for what he did, but it is obvious that someone with some clout is protecting him. The three speculate that it must be someone in Court. The discussion turns toward the Spanish Court and who there knows about Mercedes existence. MC says that over time, the story has circled about, but it has been thought to be a legend, rather than fact. She adds that there will be rivers of blood shed before Mercedes will be able to take the throne. She warns Alej and Diego to keep this all a secret, because people who know about SK/Mercedes are in danger. MC laments about Esme’s death, but adds that she wouldn’t have been able to succeed the throne because her father was a gypsy (see what I mean, how did the woman know that? I didn’t think that Fernando not being Esme’s papa was public knowledge, I mean Esme only found out about it after the Sanchez family moved to Alta California, so how does the MC know this. I'm more and more impressed with her even though she looks like a muppet with really bad dentures).

Esme’s in her cell writing a letter to Diego when Montero comes in to check on her (not out of concern, I'm sure, but rather hoping to find her worse off). He finds her letter, which she quickly tried to hide and demands to know who gave her the paper. He immediately calls for Auggie. Auggie answers his summons and after Monty questions him, he says that Esme had paper because she wanted to write her memoirs. Monty calls him an idiot and asks him if he works closely with Capt. Pizarro. To punctuate his anger, Monty grabs Auggie by the throat. Esme tells Monty that he is worse than Fernando Sanchez. Monty thanks her for the compliment and adds that if is weren’t for Esme’s mom, Sara Kali, Esme would long be dead at this point.

Al tells MC that the other hacienda owners are arming themselves, preparing for a conflict with Monty. MC says that’s not the answer, Monty obviously got his military position appointed from some higher-up. She says diplomacy is what they need. If they remove Monty by force it could be dangerous. They must remove him legally. She tells Al to trust her, but he can’t because he’s worried (that’s right, our man is back, ulcer 2). He’s afraid that Monty will end up stabbing MC in the back. She tells him not to worry (asking Al not to worry would be like asking the sun not to shine, Mangle to not be a slut or Diego to not be so charmingly handsome…these characters have got to be what they’ve got to be, doesn’t she realize this?). At this moment Bernardo comes in and motions for Diego. He takes off with Bernie, because truthfully Diego wasn’t adding a whole heck of a lot to the conversation.

Bernie and Diego head up to his room. Bernie fills Diego in on some news, Monty is expecting a shipment of arms the next day. Diego plans to have Zorro hit Monty where it hurts, they are going to blow up the weapons. He adds that Monty will end up having to fight with palos y piedras (sticks and stones). Diego wishes that he could blow up Monty along with the arms, but he lets Bernie know about the Marquesa wanting to use some diplomacy to deal with Monty first, so for the time being he’ll have to refrain. Bernie has a bit more news, he lets Diego know that Fernando and his men were seen heading for the Mission. Diego knows that this can’t be good and the two men head for the Bat Cave via the Nancy Drew Staircase.

Prudencio and some of FS’s men are ransacking inside the convent. Prudi heads to Maria Pia’s room, she’s following behind begging them to leave things alone. Prudi finds a little box in MP’s room and he takes it to Fernando. Thankfully he did, because at this moment Fernando was just about to stab PT with a sword. Fernando takes the box and makes his exit, but not before adding that his men will make sure that even the ashes don’t remain.

Sara Kali’s very glazed eyes are open. Agapito urges her to get better because his fate is closely tied to hers. He’s worried that if she dies, Piza will follow through on killing him (ulcer 3). Aga tells her she’s a miracle, and starts to talk up this wonderful medication he used on her (so can we add drug rep to his list of careers?). He begs her to stay awake. She begs him to help her escape. He says no can do, you are in terrible shape (so much for the miracle and the wonder drug), you’ve got a bullet in you and lots of broken bones. She wonders how she got to this place and Aga mentions Piza. SK gets agitated, she tells Aga that Piza is a horrible man and he’s going to kill her.

The Marquesa is visited by her secretary. She says that under the current circumstances she’s worried (ulcer 4). She tells him that Sara Kali/ Mercedes is alive, in hiding somewhere near and that they need to find her and protect her. Sadly, she adds, her daughter is dead. Speaking of dead, her secretary (SEC) says he’s got some news too, the King is dead, assassinated in the palace. MC tells SEC not to breath a word of this to either Al or Diego. SEC says he’s worried (ulcer 5) for her because if the King’s been assassinated, something terrible could happen to her.

Meanwhile, back in Spain, the Duke is meeting with one of his underlings. They discuss the news of Zorro, and how he aided and abetted Mercedes’ escape from Callao Prison. The Duke says that the darn hunchback was supposed to kill her, what happened. Just then the Queen arrives, she wants to talk about her trip to the Americas. She’s angry with the Duke because he hasn’t done anything to arrange her travel (she needs to go to, he tells her that these things take time, but he’ll see to it. She leaves and the Duke asks his underling if MC has been killed yet. The underling adds that the hits been ordered, but there isn’t any news as of yet. Good, because MC is the only one who could help Mercedes, the Duke lets us know.

Fernando’s merry men are ready to torch the Mission. Padre Tomás blocks their way. He tells them it would be a sacrilege to kill a priest. Prudi doesn’t seem to care, he aims his pistol right at PT. A shot rings out, it is from Zorro (here he comes to save the day, oops wait that’s Mighty Mouse). Z’s got a good aim (as opposed to many of the other characters on this program), his shot knocks the pistol out of Prudi’s hand. The arrival of Zorro seems to be more scary than the nuns with guns, Fernando’s merry men flee to the hills. PT says a thankful little prayer for Zorro.
Al rehashes with Dena…all about MC’s visit and what they talked about in la sala. Al wants to make Monty pay, and Dena says that revenge will not bring Esme back. Dena tells Al that she wants the violence to end because she is fearful for Al and Diego (ulcer 6). Al urges Dena to get better, he misses his wife. He offers to draw her a bath and he begins to seduce her with words to make her forget. It seems to be working because their song begins to play.

A crying Maria Pia tells PT that she is sorry for what happened. PT hugs her and tells her that it is Fernando’s fault, not hers, but he’s afraid that FS won’t leave them alone (I might add that they are in MP’s room in the convent, not really the place for a man and the woman of the cloth to be alone together, but what do I know). Maria Pia tells PT that the box Fernando stole contains her personal things and she feels like she’s been violated.

Fernando, back at home, opens the box and sees mementos from his courtship with Maria Pia. Her diary is also in the box, and Fernando starts to read it (apparently in novelas, if your name is Fernando and you find the diary of the woman you love, it is okay to go ahead and read them), now he is more convinced than ever that she loves him. FS and MP’s song plays (speaking of this, does anyone know who sings this song? I really like it and would like to know the artist. Thanks.).

Nutty Nun and Renzo are still on the raft with Camba. Camba appears to be sleeping with his head in NN’s lap. She explains to Renzo that Camba is sick in the soul, that the demon that was in her left and now went to Camba. Renzo is puzzled. NN explains she was also sick, went to the convent to get better (but now she’ll never be a nun because the slave hunters stained her). Renzo seems moved by her story (I still think a future couple is brewing).

MC’s secretary pays two separate visits, one to Monty and one to Fernando. He delivers a notice for a meeting, which is to begin in two hours. Each of the recipients tries to get out of the secretary what is up MC’s sleeve. He doesn’t blab, but hints that some changes are going to be made. The scene with Fernando and the secretary is priceless, because Fernando rolled his one eye when he told the secretary that it is always a pleasure to meet with MC, it just made me laugh.

In the Bat Cave Diego rehashes with Bernie about what happened at the Mission. They discuss their plan to blow up Monty’s munitions. Bernie’s even rigged the explosives (this guy is amazing). Diego takes some satisfaction in knowing that along with the munitions, he’ll be blowing Monty’s illusions and ego as well.

Monty goes to Esme again, he tells her that MC is back in town. Esme says she’s here to make Monty pay. Monty says the one who will be paying is Esme, that she and her baby can rot away in the prison, for all he cares. He goes to rough her up and his shirt falls open, Esme sees the “Z” scar on his chest. She figures out that Diego must really think she is dead and is trying to make Monty pay.

Diego has memories of meeting Esme and some of his romantic times with her. Mariangel comes into the room and tells him that she wants to spend some time with her hubby.

Auggie thanks Esme for covering for him with Monty. He’s worried because now Monty suspects him of being up to no good (ulcer 7). Esme begs him to help her because Diego needs proof that she’s really alive. She has a letter already written, it was hidden under her cot. She urges Auggie to give it to Olmos, to tell Olmos he can prove he is on her side by making sure that Diego gets it (now, I say eliminate the middle man; why doesn’t she just Auggie to try to pass it along to Diego at some point, Olmos has proven to be untrustworthy, why would she give him another opportunity to stab her in the back?).

Mangle tells Diego that she’s been thinking about his idea of separation and she wants him to give her another chance. She can rid him of his sorry and mounts his lap. She starts to kiss him. I’m afraid that he starts kissing her back; oh things don’t look too good. Perhaps his bump on the head is clouding his judgment, but I think the viewing audience has a collective ulcer developing (ulcer 8?). END OF EPISODE/ ulcers= 8 / body count = 0 (Pizarro wasn’t even in the episode)


Hi Cathy, Thank you for the recap. Sorry that your hard work got lost.
How frustrating!
Marie from Mass

I'm sorry about the first half of the recap Cathy, same thing happened to me once and it was the pits. And I trust it was good, your stuff always is (no offense to Jean and JR, you stuff is great too)

I loved that comment about the diary and name Fernando. LOL, good one.

I am still liking that Esme is not jumping to the bad conclusions. I don't know how long it will last but I do like it.

What happened to all the love Diego feels for Esme?!, ayy Diego, me estas decepcionado, you are letting me down.

Fernando's eye roll cracked me up, too. No matter how evil the character gets, Arturo Peniche makes Fernando a pleasure to watch.
Meanwhile, "good guy" Alejandro sets my teeth on edge . . . take a bubble bath by yourself and let your wife grieve, you stinkin' fathead!
Marie from Mass

oh yes the eye roll made it my private list of gems. Can't forget that one.

Cathy, I'm absolutely certain the first half was brilliant because your title alone is brilliant! So sorry to hear of your frustrating experience. Thanks for hanging in there.

Oh Diego, whatever are you thinking? Stop kissing that witch and look for Esme, you son of a fathead.

Good Guy Alejandro will probably use Almudena's grieving/wanting to be by herself as an excuse to boink Yumalai again. Pretty soon that guy is going to have two little de la Vegas running around.

Great job Cathy, thanks!

Great job, Cathy! I've also 'lost' stuff that I'd typed and it's never as good the second time. I write my recap in Word and then copy and paste it into the blog. Less chance of problems that way.

Diego better come to his senses or I'll give him an ulcer!!

Gee, Cathy, the second half of the recap was so brilliant that I know the first half was as well. As a teacher, you know full well that "the dog ate my homework" has been replaced by "the computer/internet ate my homework" so we understand! (I lost an entire chapter of my dissertation back in 1981 on an early computer, the Radio Shack TRS 80 Model 3, fondly known as a Trash 80. Taught me to make multiple backups every five minutes or so. Had to reconstruct from hard copy I had printed out that had all seven advisers' corrections on it, 20 some odd pages. Yuck.)

Things are really jumpin' in ol' LA these days. I love having the Marquesa back, but she's not too safe with the Duke on his way from Spain with the pseudo Queen in tow. It's only a matter of time before FS turns coat and sides with the Duke and the Marquesa will need Alef at her back (and Zorro, of course). I have no doubt she'll prevail, though. I have a feeling her network is extensive.

I agree, Marycelis, where's Diego's superhuman connection to Esme? Why the heck can't he sense her still close by?


Thanks for the good recap Cathy, especially after being frustrated with computer issues.

I hope Diego doesn't let us down. He's the only galan on tv right now that I still love to watch...

Oops, make that the Marquesa will need Alej at her back.


Howdy =)

Cathy you are such a trooper for recaping this, twice! This was an awesome episode (I'd like to add PT worrying about FS returning and to second your vote for a collective audience ulcer at Diego kissing Mangle back - bad Diego! - for a total of 9) with lots of intrigue and the return of our favorite muppet facsimile. Luv the rhyming ;)

I was so proud of Esme for knowing her Diego would never stop loving her (you listening Diego?!). I think she asked Augie to go to Olmos 'cause she knows that Augie is too much of a chicken to go to Chez De La Vega himself.

I thought reporting the burning of the mission was slightly more important than Monty's new shipment, but I guess Bernie figured he better tell Diego that part first lest he run out like a madman before he gets a chance to tell him the other part. Oh, by the by, it's "palos y piedras" that Monty's soldiers will have to fight with. "Piernas" are legs =) Guess the close caption thingy was on the fritz, probably conspiring with the computer.

The last time that MC was over, it was due to PT's intervention. I wonder if he's the one that's been giving her the skinny on what's going on. He knows all the good chisme.

Cathy, I hope some up-&-coming rock star is reading your recaps because you've come up with an awesome name for a rock band, Nuns With Guns! I love it! Too funny.
Sometimes I get so bored with this story. I'm really over the broken record of Fernando's obsession with MP. The recaps are more entertaining than some of the chapters. Y'all keep me going.

To bad the producers didn't do this as a more serious program like Master Piece Theatre on public TV (PBS). There's good material here, too good for a novella, IMPO. It would make for some good historical fiction. Coming from New Orleans, I know that truth is stranger that fiction (note our earliest history all the way up to the post Katrina present!)

Thanks for pointing out my use of the wrong word, duh on my part I know that piernas are legs. My only excuse was that I typed in a hurry to make up for the lost stuff. I usually am especially anal about the Spanish phrases I post, this one got past me.

Anyway, I made the change in the original post, so everything is hunky dory now. :-)

FYI typing it the second time went faster, but wasn't as much fun because I was so focused on what I had typed before.

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