Thursday, May 17, 2007

Acorralada #85 Monday 5/14 Marfil's revenge

Picture this: "Marfil" is wearing a blue pleather vest and an evil grin as she pours yellow liquid into a pestle. She's asked Max to come and have one last talk with him before she moves out. He arrives and tells tia Yolanda that he and "Marfil" are finally separating, then he walks right into "Marfil"'s little trap. He asks what "Marfil" wants to talk about, and make it quick because I've got to get back to the fabrica and make sure that Diana's not making it with Alvarro. "Marfil" tells him he will not ever see again as she throws the liquid into his eyes. Max is screaming and writhing in pain as she storms out the door with her suitcase in tow. Yolanda tries to stop her, but we all know that Yolanda is no match for this fiera. "Marfil" pushes her onto the couch and walks out. Max calls out to Yolanda to call an ambulance.

Meanwhile, the ratfink Alvaro is calling Diego to let him know that Diana has given Max a job at the fabrica. Diego is impactado. Pancho is there with him, so we get another scene of "worthless Diana" talk.

After Alavaro hangs up the phone, he proceeds to stand at the reception desk and talk to himself about how this will all work out - now Diego will get rid of Max, and Alvarro will have Diana all to himself. Caramelo overhears this and runs to tell Diana the news.

Diana is impactada. She didn't know that he was capable of such a thing! Emilio threatens to rearrange Alvaro's face, but Diana takes charge and fires Alvaro instead.

Next we're transported to the shack where Ignacio held Diana and Marfil/Debora captive. "Marfil" and Ignacio are very pleased with the sneak attack that will ruin Max's life forever.
At hospital TeleMiami, the Doctor and Yolanda are standing in the hallway discussing Max's prognosis. He won't know if Max's blindness will be permanent until they know more about the liquid. If it was acid, it will be serious. Their discussion is cut short by Max's screams, and they run in to try to reason with him and explain that he should stay calm while they run some tests.

Back to "Marfil" and Ignacio, who are still giddy with the success of their evil plan. What bad luck Diana has - a husband who's paralyzed and a lover who's blind. Ignacio comments that both Max and Diana will suffer greatly for all of their lives - as they should since Diana is the one to blame for Ignacio losing his license. All of this success seems to be making Ignacio frisky - as the scene ends, he slithers up close to "Marfil" and looks like he's thinking about putting the moves on her. Now wouldn't they be the perfect match!

Psycho Mansion: Diego is screaming for Gaviota. Is she aware that Max is working at the fabrica? A very pickled Gaviota is surprised to hear this.

We return to the fabrica, where the executive team has been reduced to Diana, Gaby, and Caramelo. They're discussing how Diana is going to explain to Diego that she's rehired Max. It's a surprise that they're so nervous about Diego's reaction - Diego's always sunshine and light!
Speaking of sunshine and light, at the mansion, Diego is continuing his talk with Gaviota. He's explaining the call that he received, and that he doesn't want them working together. Gaviota agrees - she doesn't want any stinking Irazabal working at her fabrica.

Larry's arrived at the hospital and learns from Yolanda that Max has been blinded by a liquid that Marfil threw in his face. Larry is impactado.

Diana is at her desk contemplating her next move, telling herself that Gaby and Caramelo are right - she's going to have to tell Diego the truth. She hopes he'll understand. Just then her phone rings - it's Larry calling to tell her that Max has been blinded by the liquid. (am I the only one singing "blinded by the light" right now? I think not). Violins take us to commercial.

Back from commercial, Diana is still on the phone with Larry. Max is at the same hospital that Diana worked at, and she should come quick. At the reception desk, Beatriz is telling Emilio about how unfair it was of Diana to fire Alvaro. Emilio disagrees, the guy wasn't a good employee anyway. They're interrupted by Diana, who runs in to tell them that she's going to the hospital to see Max. she presses the button for the elevator and immediately the doors open and Camila comes crashing out of the doors - runs into Diana and tells Diana to watch where she's going. Diana tells Emilio what hospital she's going to (as if there's more than one option) and leaves. camila asks what's going on, but Emilio is reluctant to tell her. He says it's best if she doesn't know, and walks away. Beatriz fills her in, and Camila instructs her to call Octavia immediately. Then she's off like she's been shot out of a cannon.

At the hospital, Max's head has been wrapped in gauze and he's screaming that he can't see. He's thrashing around in the bed and Larry's doing his best to hold one leg down as he tells Max to calm down, he's sure the doctors will be able to do something. Besides, Diana is on her way to see him. Max totally loses it when he hears this. He doesn't want Diana to see him like this. Yolanda runs to get the Doctor, who returns and tells the nurse to prepare a calmate. Then he proceeds to physically restrain Max while telling him to calm down. How's that for state of the art healthcare?

We return to psycho mansion, where dramatic piano music plays as Diego rolls himself out to the gazebo so that he can practice standing. He's getting out of his wheelchair pretty easily now, he just pulls himself up and grasps on to the nearest pillar. Too bad he can never let Diana know about this.

Back to Max: he's resting peacefully now, and Larry is at his side. Diana arrives and learns from Yolanda about Marfil's sneak attack. Diana enters Max's room and he awakes and tells her that he didn't want her to see him like that. She tells him to stop that foolish talk, she had to be there at his side. He tells her this is a nightmare, and she assures him that she will be by his side while he needs her. In the hallway, Yolanda is telling Larry that Marfil escaped, she wasn't able to detain her, when Camila comes barging in asking what room Max is in. They try to prevent her from going in, but she's stubborn as a bulldog. She'll open every door until she finds him!

As Camila is searching for him, Max and Diana are having a heart to heart. He wants to leave the hospital, but she tells him he must stay, and the important thing is that he's surrounded by loved ones. Max wants to know if she'll stay by his side, but before she can answer Camil storms into the room and tell her to get away from the bed.

In the hallway, Larry is telling Yolanda and Pilar's lies when Octavia and Paco arrive and want to know where Max is.

In Max's room, the ladies are fighting for the right to stay by Max's side. Camila reminds him that Diana lied to him about his son, but when asked to choose, we all know that he chose his glassy eyed maiden. Camila stomps out of the room, and Max tells Diana what a high price he had to pay to get her by his side. Cue the violins, and we're saved by the commercial.

Back from commercial, Yolanda tells Octavia and Paco what's happened and Octavia is not surprised to hear it. After all, Max has rejected her repeatedly over several months. Paco is impactado to hear Octavia try to defend the attack, and Larry is quick to tell her that it's not Max's fault. Just then Camila stomps out of Max's room and informs Octavia that Diana has thrown her out of Max's room. Octavia says that she will intervene in the affair (tomar cartas en el asunto), but Paco tells her this is not the time for a scandal.

In Max's room, the violins continue to play as Max and Diana have the same discussion they always have, except now Max is heartbroken that he won't see his son's first steps. Enter Octavia and Paco, and Diana announces their entrance and says she will leave him alone with them. Octavia tells him that now he's dealing with the consequences of his treatment of Marfil. Paco tries to get her to shut up, but that's like trying to get Caramelo to wear a real blouse that actually covers something. Max tells her that if she's just come to torment him, it's best if she leaves. Cue the synthesizers of doom.

We're transported to the convent in the selva, where Andres has managed to steal a nun's habit for the real Marfil to use in her plan for revenge. Tomorrow they will return to Miami, where they will take down Ignacio, Diana, and "Marfil." None of them can imagine what awaits them!

Back at the mansion, Gaby and Caramelo are talking about how furious Diego is going to be when he hears what's happened. Caramelo says that she imagines that fire will come out of his mouth. Little does she know that our little Mr. Sunshine is rolling up behind her, and he hears everything she says. He asks what they're talking about and Gaby tells him about "Marfil's" attack on Max. Much to Gaby and Caramelo's surprise, he's thrilled to hear it, but is less than thrilled to hear that Diana has gone to the hospital to be by his side.

At the hospital, Rene has heard the news and has come to check on Yolanda. Yolanda updates him on Max's condition - they still don't know if the blindness is permanent. It hurts her so to see Max like this, it's too much. Rene, ever the gentleman, offers his shoulder to cry on, but Yolanda pulls away and tells him that the kiss shouldn't have happened. Rene admits that he's completely in love with her, and we break for commercial.

Back from commercial, Diana is still at Max's side, and he's asking her to stay with him, don't go home and sleep with Diego. Their theme song begins to play as Diana confesses that they don't sleep together, and they never have. This is enough to appease Max, along with the promise that she'll return tomorrow.

In the hallway, Yolanda tells Rene that he's not in love, he's just confused. She's old enough to be his mother! Her friends, her family would think she's crazy! Rene is so cute as he pleads with her - age doesn't matter. She's special, unique. He knew it from the first time he saw her.
Gaviota's room at psycho mansion: Gaby has come to talk to her, and finds her drunk again. Gav explains that she needs it to help her forget Paco, and this is the only way she can escape. Gaby tells her the news about Max.

Rene is still pleading with Yolanda. It's true love, and doesn't she feel the same way? Yolanda tells him to stop this foolishness and be on his way. He agrees, but says that he's sure they'll talk about this again, so she needs to decide if she wants to see him again. Pobre de Rene!

At Casa Naca, Lala and Pancho are discussing what's happened. Pancho has no pity for this tipo, but Lala tells him that Diego's suffering is not Max's fault. She thinks it's best if they keep this a secret from Paola, who's already having a problem with drugs. Paola, meanwhile, is in the bedroom leaving a message for Andres to call her when he returns to Miama. Pancho enters and wants to know why she doesn't consider going into rehab. She says she's not an addict, and she has no intention of leaving him alone so that he can hook up with Caramelo. She says the only way they will be happy is if Caramelo is dead! She's not a murderer, but she can't stop wishing for bad things to happen to Caramelo. She should just multiply by zero.

Diana has returned home and is met by a cheery Diego, who's been waiting for her. Cut to commercial.

When we return from commercial, we learn that both of Max's corneas have been burned, but they're still not sure what the liquid was. They're still testing. As they talk, Max awakes and demands to know whether he will see again. The doctor says they don't know yet, and leaves the room. Yolanda and Larry give Max a pep talk about keeping the faith.

At Paco's apartment, he's questioning her behavior at the hospital. What does she have against Diana, is it just that she's Gaviota's daughter. She says yes, it's that, and that the "dead fly" got pregnant by her son on purpose, so that she could become an Irazabal. Paco tries to reason with her, and gets a glimpse of the real Octavia when she gets in his face and yells at him not to contradict her! He tells her that it's the first and last time she'll raise her voice to him. What happened to the woman he married in Key West? She tells him that he's getting to know the real Octavia, a strong woman, and don't critize me! Paco tells her that he's realizing that it was a big mistake to marry her, and walks out. Bruna enters the room and tells Octavia that maybe she should be a little more amiable with Paco, if she treats him badly she'll push him into the arms of Gaviota. She explains that she can't help it - Gaviota or her daughters are always in her way! Bruna says that she heard them saying that Max is in the hospital, what's happened? Octavia tells her that Marfil has thrown liquid in his eyes that's blinded him forever. Bruna is impactada.

Back to the funhouse, where Diego is berating Diana for going to the hospital. It's the same argument as always, up until Diego accuses her of being unfaithful, which she denies. She tells him that Max is the true father of her son, and is rewarded by a slap upside her head. Credits roll.


Poor Lala. At least she used to have one "good" son in Diego, but now he's gone over to the dark side. I think all of Pancho's rants about machos have infected him.

Thanks for the recap :)

thank you for the recap, now if only the Soriano girls would learn to forgive and please let Max see again!! and hopefully Diego multiplys by zero. LOL

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