Thursday, June 21, 2007

Acorralada #110 Tuesday 6/19/07 Quickie recap

Folks, I apologize, but I lost my notes for this episode, and I was only going to do a quickie recap anyway. Here are some basics from memory:

Diego forces Diana to tell Max (falsely) that she slept with Diego the night before. He takes Diana to see Max, who is still strung up. He leaves them alone for quite a while, and they kiss. Then Diego comes back and reminds her to tell Max what they planned. Of course, Max, the dolt, believes her and says he never wants to see her again. It's just like what happened when at Diana's trial he believed she tried to seduce Iggy. She would be justified if she didn't see him again now, but then she wouldn't be Our Dimwit, would she? Oh, yeah--Diana has a new weird getup: a long red tube top worn over a white cotton (woven fabric) blouse.

Camila goes to the new Irascible house to meet with Marfil. They plot about getting rid of Fiona, who they think is a worse rival than Diana. Marfil seems to feel that troweling on gobs of purple eyeshadow is a surefire way to get Max to notice her.

Debora goes to visit Isabel to discuss her proposal of doing something to get back at Diana. They will make much money, and Debora will be able to afford plastic surgery for her scar. Meanwhile, she is just putting her hand and a scarf over it.

Larry comes to the fabrica to find out about Max. He meets cute with Gaby in the hall and gets her in the elevator, where he shuts it off. Despite her protests, she leans in close and he tries to kiss her. He says that if she is fainting he will give her mouth to mouth resuscitation. Very cute scene.

There's another boring scene where Rodrigo is trying to seduce Fedora. I barely pay attention to these.

Silvia and Paola are arguing with the victim of the car accident. The cops drive up, and Silvia tries to run away, but her style of running is more like running in place, hence she is caught immediately. She and Paola are arrested. While the cops are putting them in the squad car, who should walk by but Mariposa the tranny--but he's dressed in male clothes. Silvia tells him to inform Diana of their plight.

Octy and Paco are PO'd at the car situation. They decide to go down to the police station and denounce Puncho for bigamy. Once there, they learn that Paola is in the pokey. They bail her out, but not Silvia. Paola doesn't want to go with them.

Mariposa, now in drag, goes to the fabrica to look for Diana, who is not there because she's busy tending to Maxi-moron's wounds. While she's waiting, facing the camera, Puncho comes up behind her and starts rubbing up against her and trying to seduce her. Then she turns around, and he gives a horrified grimace. This may be one of the funniest moments ever in this show, right up there with the time Camila had her dress cut off.

Puncho and Caramelo then proceed to have a discussion where she reveals she knows what he's done. Looks like she's going to get rid of him for good.

That's about all I can remember, but if anyone has anything to add, please do!


That's a much better recap than I could have done from memory! Thanks Nina!

I LOVED the elevator scene with Gaby & Larry. I hate to admit that I still like this couple. I couldn't care less if Max & Diana work things out, but I really want Gaby to have a few luscious babies with Larry. :)

Wasn't it funny when Diego threw the bag of "medicines" that Diana requested to tend to Max's wounds, and the bag contained nothing more than peroxide and cotton balls?

Diana's red tube top over that puffy sleeved white blouse reminded me of Snow White.

Hello recap people. I was reading recap #109 and its comments and I was just wondering why it takes up to 3 to 4 hours in posting one?

P.S. I really enjoy reading them Keep them coming.


Well, it takes an hour to watch the show and take notes, maybe more if I have to pause. Then it takes about an hour to enter the notes in the computer and post the recap. That's as fast as I can do it now, with just a quickie recap. It was taking much longer when we were trying to translate more verbatim dialogue.

It really takes a long time to transcribe, much more than the actual watching time. We have gotten faster as we have done it more, and we are doing them shorter as we are shorthanded, and the show is so bad anyway, and doesn't deserve more detail at this point. We are just committing ourselves to get to the end. Mercifully it will be soon. But thanks for reading.

CC: Snow White is a great comparison. I realized later that the blouse had those puffy sleeves. I love the way the shirttails hang out below the tube. Classy!

Gabby, it takes me so long because I have to watch each scene, sometimes repeatedly, to get the dialog. I then summarize each scene individually. I'm not fluent in Spanish, so I swear I have to look up every other word. Thank heavens for closed captioning :) I then need to proof five pages of the Word document for glaring errors. My first recap took me over 5 hours. That's probably more info than you wanted to know, but thanks for asking. I had no idea it took so long until I started doing them.

I'm getting faster, but it still takes awhile. It's been a great learning experience however, and I look forward to working on the next telenovela!

Can we interest you in volunteering? We've got three of us trying to cover five days worth of shows. . .

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