Saturday, June 02, 2007

Acorralada #99 6-1-07 – Friday – Bruno Continues to Row with One Oar!!

We start with the same rehash of yesterday. Everyone is trying to get Bruno to remember what she did with Dimwit and Maxi-Moron's baby. Bruno is manic and can only say "I don't know" ad nauseum. It still looks like Gaby has a smile on her face in a few of the shots. I must admit, I'm still laughing at Bruno's hand actions and facial expressions. Everyone agrees she's loca. Bruno looks like the make-up people put too much fake bronzer on her face.

Isabel is still going nuts over the crying baby. Our former nurse has no idea what to do; the baby has been fed and changed. Wait a moment! The baby has a fever! "I need to get a thermometer."

Emili-Oh has come to Peyote and Puncho's room. Puncho starts smarting off and Emili-Oh punches him in the stomach. Puncho doubles over on the floor. After Emili-Oh leaves, he runs into Caramel in the hotel hallway. "What are you doing in that room?"

Max is still trying to get Bruno to remember what she did with the baby. Ain't happening. He keeps asking the same question over and over, in case she didn't understand it the 100 times prior. All she can say is she was running with the baby in her arms. She doesn't remember anything else. Everyone is standing around trying to figure out what to do.

Isabel thanks Eugenia (a neighbor) for the thermometer. The baby is screaming in the background. Isabel tells Eugenia an old friend is getting divorced and needs Isabel to watch the baby. The neighbor wants to know if Isabel is getting paid to babysit. "Not a cent!" Eugenia then says if they can't fix the baby, they'll have to take him to the hospital. A fever is very dangerous!

Caramel repeats the question, "Do you know someone in that room?" Emili-Oh denies he does and suggests they hustle downstairs for dinner. Caramel says she'll meet him; she forgot a card in her room. After Emili-Oh is gone, the closed hotel room door is remarkably not locked; she can walk right in. Puncho who is still writhing in agony, pretends to be studying yoga. Caramel wants to know what he's doing at the hotel. "Surprise!" says Puncho.

Larry is comforting Gaby in the library. He takes her in his arms and gives her a hug. Apparently Gaby has gotten over her giggles after watching spastic Bruno. Larry says everything is going to be alright; her nephew will come back safe and sound. Gaby thanks him again for bailing her out of jail. This cozy little scene is interrupted by Kike who announces that Little Doormat is now HIS WOMAN!!! They are engaged!

Caramel is continuing her inquisition of Puncho. Is he there with someone? Puncho is denying everything of course. Peyote, who has been begging him to join her in the bath is remarkably quiet. Puncho then suggests they go back to Caramel's room. No sooner do Puncho and Caramel leave than Peyote appears fresh from the shower.

Back in Caramel's room, Puncho is getting frisky. Caramel keeps pushing for Puncho's reason for being in Orlando. He claims he's got a job in the park as an actor. He's the prince of ashes. This whole thing makes no sense to me, but apparently it does to Caramel. All her resolve goes away and they stand there kissing. Puncho wants to take a bath with her. Commercial.

Kike buries the knife a little deeper when he emphasizes he and Little Doormat are getting married. Lunkhead asks if it is true. Alas, Pobre de Lunkhead, it is. Gaby runs out of the room to join the others in the living room. Sylvie has appeared and is fascinated by the concept that Gaby's two men are face to face. After Kike leaves, Sylvie throws her arms around Luscious to comfort him. It doesn't work and Larry walks out. Sylvie starts spouting off her woes, then suddenly has an inspiration to write everything down. She starts rummaging for paper and pen.

Caramel and Puncho are basking in the afterglow of "dinner and dessert." Emphasis on dessert. Emili-Who? They have to be careful because Caramel's father's at the hotel and he'll be mad if he seems them together. Puncho says he's going back to his room to be "alone." Caramel wants to visit him. He suggests it would be better if he returned to HER room later. Caramel is all snuggly at the thought of a visit later on.

Bruno is in the hospital writhing on the bed. DoQ is trying to get her to calm down. Maxi-Moron is still trying to reason with her. He looks very intent and serious. He means business!! Bruno just wants to go home to her babies. They finally give her a sedative to calm her down.

Diablo is walking to the table to poor himself a drink. "No one can find out I arranged the Maxito-napping! Thank heavens Bruno is crazier than a goat; no one will ever know Bruno and I are accomplices."

Max wants Dimwit to go home and rest. It won't do any good to stay at the hospital. Dimwit has no plans of leaving. Fidiota says "Bruno had better tell us tomorrow morning where she put the baby." I'm not sure what Fidiota plans to do if Bruno still isn't coherent.

Everyone has gone back to Psycho Mansion. The dithering continues. Max and Diablo start to get into a fist fight until they're separated by Kike. Finally everyone heads off for bed and Max leaves. Fidiota promises to call him if she hears any news.

Fidiota is in the library, when AHA! She spies the brandy. She pours herself a triple and downs it. The stress is just too much for her to handle! Commercial.

Rene is at the beach telling Sandy how much he loves his Big Doormat! She points out Yolanda is old enough to be his mother. Rene starts going on and on about how wonderful Yolanda is. Sandy looks crushed. Rene hears his name, it's Yolanda. He just about knocks Sandy over getting to his bomboncito. Sandy can't believe it; Rene just thinks of her as a friend. Sandy looks like she's ready to cry. Rene is back to being over the top. He jumps on the fence to yell to the world how much he loves Yolanda. She tries to get him to mellow out and quit making a scene. Finally she says they need to talk. Maxito has been stolen!

DoQ finally has a fine new assistant. Apparently there are now two docs in Miami again after Doc Evil was stripped of his license. They are visiting Bruno. Alas, she is still eating with one chopstick.

Dimwit, Fidiota, and Maxi-Moron all arrive at the hospital. They ask DoQ if Bruno is any better. DoQ says she's still delusional and has no memory of the day before. They've ordered a psychiatric evaluation, but they're just going to have to be patient. Clearly that's not one of the words in Dimwit's vocabulary. She runs into Max's waiting arms and they embrace. Tears abound.

Larry is swimming laps in the pool. Apparently this scene is inserted to liven up the show. Marfil comes out all spit and polished with her white dress and wide red belt. She calls Larry out of the pool for a look-see. Marfil wants to know where Max is. Larry responds Max left early to talk to Bruno. Marfil feigns concern. Lunkhead says there's something Marfil should know. Bruno is her true mother! Marfil is impactada!

Kike is mad that Larry was at Psycho Mansion. He starts bad mouthing Larry. Gaby doesn't want to hear a word. Larry bailed her out of jail and they are still married. Kike points out Larry and Gaby are separated and getting divorced. Little Doormat doesn't want to discuss Larry, she has enough on her plate right now!

The Psychiatrist is trying to get Bruno to tell him where the baby is. It's not working. She does admit a man helped her find one of her twins. But she doesn't know what happened after that.

Marfil comes running into the hospital waiting room. "Is it true that Bruno is my mother?" Max assures her it's true. Max then asks "Aren't you going to ask about anything else?" "Oh yeah, any word on that love child of yours?" She then pretends to be concerned and tells Dimwit she hopes the baby is found safe and sound. "Keep the faith!" Dimwit has on a maroon sweater that is five sizes too small to begin with, layered over a white oxford blouse. I'd say it's one of Max's cast-off sweaters, but it's not a pastel blue or brown. It looks ridiculous, at any rate.

The Psychiatrist is still trying to worm some details out of Bruno. Bruno is able to tell him a baker told her where her babies were. He presses for more details but Bruno keeps pulling the covers over her head. She doesn't remember anything else. She then becomes even more unhinged.

Isabel's neighbor Eugenia brings over some clothes for the baby. "Any word on your friend?" Isabel says no, and she's worried. Eugenia suggests they go to the police. Suspenseful music plays. Commercial.

Pasta is still trying to get Caramel to return to Miami, but she refuses to leave until her job is done. She keeps pressing Pasta for more info. She then mentions that she knows Puncho is in the room across the hall. She's so proud of her Varon. He got a job as an actor in the park!

The Psychiatrist is releasing all sorts of confidential information by describing Bruno's psychotic state. There's nothing more he can do for the moment. Bruno did mention a baker from the 'hood who told her where her daughters were, but it may or may not be true. Marfil suggests perhaps she can ask Bruno. More suspenseful music plays, but I'm not on the edge of my seat. Frankly, I'm ready to move on.

Caramel tells Pasta to buzz off. She is going to do everything to fight for her marriage. Pasta slaps a column in frustration.

Marfil has a little daughter-mother talk with Bruno. She recognizes Marfil, but still talks about her babies. Marfil tells Bruno not to say a word about where the baby is being held. "Not a word!!!!" Bruno is confused. Marfil tells the camera she hopes Max and Dimwit's baby is lost forever!

Credits roll.


Great recap, Karen. Viewers take note: there is no show Monday, as there is a two-hour finale of Dos Caras de Ana. A new show, Tropica, starts Tuesday at 1 PM, and Codigo Postal moves to 3 PM, and our beloved show will be back at 2 PM.

Continuity alert: Silvia was wearing a lavender wig at the beginning and later, but she was wearing a pink wig when she had the conversation with Larry and Kiki.

Also, the gigantic eyeball diagram migrated from the mummy's room to the hallway. The brain diagram was appropriately located in the loca's (Bruno's) room.

I hope Diego gets caught soon!

Thanks for the continuity alert. I guess I'm just losing interest and not paying as much attention as I should! Actually continuity issues are probably more interesting than most of the story lines.

True, Karen. It's hard to pay attention sometimes. The characters just go through the motions. But I have to attribute it to bad writing.

I'm not sure what to attribute it to. I think the writers have to follow a formula and that formula may be part of the problem!

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