Friday, June 22, 2007

The badder you are, the worse you die: terrible deaths of telenovela villains

A couple people asked me to publish the link to the two posts I did on terrible deaths of telenovela villains.

Sadly, I can't find the first one, but here is the second one: Satisfying Reprisals.

And here is the third one, with suggestions from readers: There is a rule in telenovelas: the more dastardly the villain, the more extraordinary the demise. Why isn't life like this?

Why don't you come back here after you read those and, if you have a favorite death from the novelas, leave it in the comments here.

I think there may be a move away from these ghastly but ever-so-enjoyable rightings of the cosmic scale, do you agree?

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My favorite Villainous Demises are from _La Esposa Virgen_, _Contra Viento y Marea_ and _Alborada: SPOILERS for all of them!

Esposa Virgen: I never followed that one very closely, but I did catch the last week of episodes. Somehow the hero and villain ended up in a shootout, and at one point, in a fit of rage, the villain dropped his gun, *picked up a rock*, heaved it at the hero, missed, and fell off a cliff. Classic.

Contra Viento: I dearly miss the late Beatriz Sheridan. She played the evil mother of the truly evil Apolonia, and eventually realized her daughter had to be gotten rid of her. She poisoned both their drinks and they died with due drama and great panache.

Alborada: This made me cry. The evil yet somehow sympathetic villainess made much the same choice as Sheridan's character, with the twist that her loyal maid took the fall for her. My heart absolutely broke during this episode, I kid you not.

They were giants in those days.

I was thrilled with both Bertha's and Cesar's deaths in Heridas de Amor, but I was much less satisfied with the end of Mundo de Fieras.

It was okay with me when Demian entrusted Joselyn to kill Gabriel, and she ended up killing Demian instead; but I thought it was extremely lame and disappointing that she repented and apologized while lying in a pool of her own blood after falling off that building. I wasn't impressed by that at all because I wasn't convinced that she was sorry. She was scared and crazy, but that's not the same as being sorry.

I don't know if it's true that they're moving away from the ghastly deaths, since I haven't watched enough telenovelas to detect a trend, but I do see some interest in redemptions, at least:

- Cesar wasn't repentant, but his heart was used to save someone's life.

- Joselyn was supposedly repentant.

- Her mother Miriam, who I thought in many ways was worse than Joselyn (because Jos seemed mentally ill, while Miriam was just plain mean) got an even lighter sentence, feeling sorry for herself but also bonding with her long-lost bedazzled son. After decades of having not one nice bone in her body, jail has made her a kinder, gentler person? Give me a break!

My absolute favorite death: Leonor in Sentimientos Ajenos. (Chantal Andere) Villainess lays in wait in a closet to kill somebody and the building is fumigated. She suffocates to death, like a cockroach.

In Peregrina, there were multiple villains but the final mad scene of the homicidal maid, Abigail is enough to scare her daughter straight.

In la Madrastra, they couldn't get rid of Damian so easily. I mean, how can you destroy a secret transvestite homicidal maniac? You keep him around for the sequel!
They did give Jacqueline Andere a great death scene jumping off the roof of the house.

Ooh, I'm loving these. I'm relatively new to novelas in comparison to some of you and I KNEW you'd have some great ones!

In Alborada, Diego's evil henchman Gasca was responsible for much evil-doing, hence he knew too much when the net began closing around Diego and Juana (mentioned by teka above). First, while Gasca was in prison, Doña Juan sent him wine which contained an acidic substance that burned his throat so he couldn't finger his boss for his evil antics. Then he was marched out to the town square for public execution. He was tied to the garrot chair, spike pointing to the back of his neck, strap placed around his throat, and the garrot tightened slowly until he was strangled and the spike pierced through his throat. His eyes bulged and he bled from his mouth while the townspeople mocked him.

Can't wait for Aaron's come down ( don't know if they will kill him or just let Minerva have at him) He is really a very good actor and is the star of Destilando. Rod is just secondary. But his train will crash. No doubt. Melanie

Wow, Sylvia, you have Gasca's described to the tiniest detail! Impressive!


Alborada was a classic payback, and ditto for La Madrastra. I flashed back to the first novela I saw full time Maria Mercedes where the evil mother of the hero went completely crazy and ended up in the manicomio after trying to sell raffle tickets on the street. Since she had falsely sent sweet Meche to the loony bin it was turn around being fair play.

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