Friday, June 22, 2007

Destilando Amor 6/21/07 “She used to be my girl..”

Clarita is at their apartment, grabbing their luggage and praying to the Virgencita for protection as she rushes out the door.

In the parking garage at Montalvo Corporation, Aaron is running after Rod. He tells Rod not to leave without hearing what he has to say. Rod doesn’t want to hear it. Words are exchanged. Aaron roughs up Rod, but then tries to cool off. Rod says that he was Gavi’s only man. Aaron asks, how can you be so sure? How do you think she rose up in the corporation so fast? Rod says that Aaron doesn’t know his Gaviota. Aaron says she came back from Europe better knowing how to play the game and trapped Rod. Rod hits Aaron.

At the apartment, Minerva tells Isa not to give up on her marriage to Rod, but Isa’s had it with the humiliations.

The cousins Rod and Aaron are now fighting in the garage. Aaron tells Rod, remember when I called you at the hacienda and told you about the new woman in my life, my new acquisition? And Minerva lost the baby because of their affair. Mariana was so efficient at the office, but I had to tell her to back off. Rod imagines Aaron peeling off Gavi’s jacket at the office and kissing her shoulders. Rod is crying. He says, how could I believe that Gaviota and Mariana Franco could be the same person? He flashes back to Gavi’s confidence as the entered the tequila cocktail party and to all of her admirers at other events.

Aaron goes on to say that Rod doesn’t have a lot of experience with women. Gaviota was a real professional. Rod says, it’s not true! Aaron tells Rod he hates to see him suffer, but Rod will thank him later.

Rod gets into his car, breathing hard and crying. Aaron curses Rod as he drives away. Rod tries to call Gavi, but there is no answer.

At the Malquerida, Gavi is drinking at the bar, devastated. Clarita rushes in, what happened? Gavi says she feels like she’s dead. Clarita gives all of their luggage to the bartender. They sit down.

Gavi feels worse than the day she came back from Europe and found out that Rod had gotten married. She feels like a trapped dog. Clarita counsels to let the tequila help. Gav says that they’re back to where they were before, no car, no nothing. Clarita wants to know what happened. Gavi tells her, Aaron Montalvo discovered who I am! Clarita is impactada.

Back at the Corporativo Montalvo, the family is gathered for a junta, minus Daniela and Rod. Aaron holds court and presents the facts on Mariana Franco. How she told him a sob story about losing Rod’s baby, how he threatened to call the authorities and she took off. The family is shocked. Aaron tells them he told Rod about Gaviota’s betrayal.

Rod arrives at Gaviota’s apartment and asks a guy cleaning the windows if Mariana Franco is in. No, she’s not there, and her mom just left. Rod steps back to his car. He says out loud, you have to explain!

Back at the bar, Gavi tearfully tells her mom that Rod had promised not to tell anyone in the family about her secret, especially his cousin Aaron. But Aaron knew everything, even about Manzanillo. Aaron told Gavi that she was only good enough for a weekend fling and that Rod had to fight to get rid of her. Gav says, I’m such an idiot! Clarita doesn’t believe that Rod would tell tales merely to get Gavi to go to bed with him. She’s sure that Rod loves Gavi. But Gavi fumes, remember what you told me when I got pregnant? That a man will say anything to a woman to get her to go to bed with him?

At the junta, Aaron continues with his story, how he told Rod that Gaviota is not the woman for him. He also mentions that Gaviota hit him when confronted! Minerva comments that of course, she behaves that way because she’s always been around men. Aaron adds, Gaviota even demanded 10 million pesos to leave, but then settled for five million. The family is horrified! Pilar says, how ambitious! Patricio helpfully mentions that falsifying documents could land a person in jail. Aaron wholeheartedly agrees.

Bruno and Pilar don’t want word of this scandal to get out and cause the company to lose prestige. They’re concerned that Rod would go find Gavi in prison. She could be very dangerous to the family. But Aaron doesn’t think Rod will go after her now, because of the final blow. What was that? Aaron says that he and Mariana were lovers! The family is shocked. Sophie rolls her eyes. Minnie gets tears in her eyes.

Show some respect for your wife! Minnie gets up and strides across the room. She shouts at the family that she knows they already have a low opinion of her. Then she starts hitting Aaron with both hands, crying. Minnie blames Fedra for turning a blind eye to Aaron’s indiscretions. Fedra tells her to behave. Minnie steps out of the room and the family sends Patricio after her to make sure she doesn’t do something stupid. Patricio grabs Minnie’s purse and scurries after her.

They tell Aaron to sit down. Pilar tells him he was too cruel. Someone says, so many women… Aaron says, you know about my weakness, I’m not healthy. They speculate that Rod and Gavi may be together now, but that’s a risk they’ll have to take. Bruno is unhappy that they lost both the director and the general manager of the corporation in one day.

At the bar, Gavi says that if the Montalvo family sees her again, they’ll put her in prison. Clara notes that they’re back to the street now. But what about the severance check? Gavi hesitates and gets more tears in her eyes. Aaron said that Rod was giving me the check for my services to the company and for my services to him in particular. Clarita curses Aaron. Gav says, we can thank the Virgencita that at least we know about the Montalvos now. She just has to get Rod out of her heart.

Rod is still in the car outside Gavi’s apartment. He remembers what Aaron said about Mariana being agreeable to his advances. Rod’s phone rings. It’s Daniela, she was trying to get in touch with Mariana to warn her about the family’s investigation. Rod tells her it’s not a good time to talk. Daniela is concerned for him, but he tells her he’s going to handle the situation his own way, by himself. They’ll talk later. Daniela is sad, but Elvis tells her to listen to what her brother wants to do.

Back at the corporativo, Aaron puts on his earnest face and tells Sofia that he is very sorry that she had to hear about this sordid matter. But she must remember not to tell Daniela how they found out about Mariana, or Daniela will take Rod’s side. Sophie agrees and says that she knows what she has to do. But in the meantime, she’s got to get ready for a date. They ask her, now can you leave at a time like this? She says that there have been other crises with Rod, and he’ll be back. She leaves.

Fedra and Bruno want to know why Sophie is so happy. Pilar say’s it’s because of the dignified and educated young man, Francisco de la Vega. He comes from a good family! And by the way, how did Isa take the news about Rod? Fed says Isa was totally disillusioned.

At Isa’s apartment, we see her ripping Rod’s shirts out of the closet and throwing them into a suitcase. Isa screams for the maid to help her, but then she changes her mind. She’ll take care of this herself!

At the corporativo, the family continues to share some deep thoughts. Isa is very wounded by the situation with Rod, she could be dangerous….Rod and Gaviota have a very strong attraction to each other still. Pilar says they have to stick together.

Back at the bar, Gavi is plotting her revenge on Rod. She'll run him over with a car! Except that now they don’t have a car. Maybe a tractor instead. Rod’s going to pay!

Rod’s still camped out in his car. Where are you? Damn it!

Isa tells the doorman to call a cab and deliver the luggage to the address she gives him. But if the cab doesn’t show up in five minutes, toss all of this in the trash!

Frankie is dressed for a date and strides happily across the lobby towards Isa. He plants a kiss on his finger and touches Isa’s chin.

At the bar, Gavi laments that there’s no one who has it as bad as she does. Actually, Clarita says, there is. Clarita recounts a novella character that was left penniless with a bunch of kids to support. Gav wants to know what she did? Killed people, Clarita says. Gavi’s not going to kill Rod, she’s going to find a better way to punish him.

At nightfall, after an afternoon of heavy drinking, Clarita wants to leave the bar. Gavi wants to stay, she’s anesthetized now. She shouts to the bar staff and the patrons cheer her on as she sings a song of betrayal. Clarita joins in the chorus.

Rod is still in his car, and we hear the lyrics to Gavi’s song. He has a flashback to the rainy day at the hacienda when she was singing the same song in the worker’s shelter. How she told him she did everything for love, not money. How she told him in Manzanillo that she had not been with anyone else, she loved him. How Aaron said that he and Mariana had been intimate. Rod cries, it’s not true!

Just then, Minerva pulls up in her car behind Rod. She approaches Gavi’s apartment. Rod gets out and tells her Gavi’s not there. Minerva wants to punish Gavi. Rod says, it’s not worth it, go home.

The junta continues late into the night. Bruno and Aaron are discussing who should run the business now. Bruno can’t be away from his clients in New York. But Aaron says he can meet with the clients from Miami. Bruno will stay to take over for now. Onate enters, and Aaron tells him to get Bruno up to speed. Onate starts to mention Mariana, but Bruno cuts him off. Don’t ever mention that name.

Gavi and Clarita are outside the bar. Gavi is animated, but she can’t find her purse. Clarita has it. They pay the barman, and Gavi plots. She’ll meet Rod on a bridge and push him off. Then he’ll drown! And she’ll drown in tears over his betrayal.


-Frankie is kissing Sophie, with restraint
-Isa is mauling her wedding pictures
-Clarita asks Gavi if it wasn’t all a misunderstanding


Did anyone else think it was a little much that the Gaviota song was playing at the bar when Gavi and her mother sat down?

I am in horror and awe at Aaron's evilness. I remember how impressed I used to be when someone on Melrose place would break up a couple or get someone fired with a few well-chosen lies. Aaron's lies have reshaped the Earth's surface and blown away the ozone layer.

Perhaps it was overkill, but it was cool to watch all of those toxins spilling out of his mouth at such a rapid pace over the last two nights.

Thanx for the great recap. I have always liked Aaron over Rod. Those gorgeous eyes. But after these last four nights, I want to take my pen and gouge them right out. He is so cruel with his vicious lies.

Aaron is the puppet master... so vile. So low. But, I am loving it!

Julie^^^Yes, AAron outdid himself in the maldito department last night. However, I am losing patience with Gavi. Going out and getting drunk was not a good solution to her problemos ...if she is pregnant that was especially bad. Gavi is not a problem-solver.Now, she is heartbroken, homeless, broke, and hungover. Estupida ! I really have no patience with people who are their own worst enemies and who make bad situations worse. I always tell my kids : when something bad happens, stop, think, and try to minimze the damage and improve the situation the best that you not do something that will make a bad situation worse. Gavi should have been trying to get in touch with heronetruelove to get some answers, or if she is convinced that AAron told the truth , she should be busy thinking about how she is going to support Clarita and herself now that she is out of work and amante-less. Estupida !~ I feel sorry for Rodrigooo. I don't think he really believes AAron's lie that Gavi was AAron's amante . He tried to call and text message Gavi, and when couldn't reach her , he parked himself in his old stalking space outside her apartment in order to confront her get the truth. Grrrr.I FEEL FRUSTRATED BY THESE PEOPLE. We got a couple episodes of sun,sand, surf, pledges of eternal devotion, white slacks, hammocks, singing, laughing , kissing, hugging ,,,then, WHAMO^^^Susanlynn, who is more trusting , not to mention more pragmatic, than Gaviota

Aaron is an absolute beast!
What can be his punishment at the end of the novela? Melinama has a list of what happened to all the horrible novela people before him, but he needs something REAllY bad to happen to him for his sins.

Aaron's fate should be something so insane and elaborate as to be worthy of a Batman episode. But I'd settle for him getting run over by a truck.

Actually, the ideal would be for him to take a long, bouncy trip down that baby-killing staircase of his.

Aaron is classic JR Ewing...only without mama to keep him in check...remember..trailer trash Valene..if there wasn't someone evil it would be "Friends" or LFMB..take your choice...

Now for Minnie I think Gavi could take her

I think that AAron's fate should be eternity with Minervaaaaaa. [Whenever I hear that name I think of my great grandmother Min ...she was a piece of work , too---She raised my dad and used to beat him with a horsewhip. She'd say to him ''You can wash the floors for a nickel, or you can get a whipping.'' When the people who sold the whips found out that she was using them on a little boy, not a horse, they refused to sell them to her. Yes, my dad was Oliver Twist !!!!! Doesn't that sound like our Minervaaaa??? amaaybe a proper fate for AAron would be to spend eternity with bothMinervas, Chantel and my greatgrandma Min !!!

JR Ewing would be living at the foot of the "cross" compared to Aaron.He's evil of heart with malice and no thought of the consequences of his deception.

Our lovebirds are oblivious it seems to Aaron and are determined to believe the worst in each other.What are they thinking,considering the dealings that both have had with the devil re-incarnated,Aaron..? What anger manifested itself at the board meeting last night..Such a cut throat bunch..Is anyone going to be left standing at the end of this show?

We can't have Aaron get runover by a pie truck since that happened to Sergio's character in the last novela and like Julie says, wouldn't be spectacular enough.

Daily life with Minnie is his punishment on Earth. We need something that comes from the depths of Hell to last into eternity. It has to be worthy of his great cruelty and his great intellect both, but nothing overtly supernatural nor perverse. He is very deft at determining the week spot of others and pouncing on it, then going for the jugular. He is also disrespectful of his father to the nth power and thinks no one is more capable nor more voraciously macho than he himself. Papa Bruno's gene's were a waste of cellular structures. Uberman. So what is Aaron's true weakness? Figure that out and then you can determine the eternal punishment.

Export: Was it you who said sometime early that the amazing thing is that absolutely nobody has been murdered, literally, throughout this first part of the novela?

Only 1 person has been caused to die and no, not actually murdered even if you consider Artemio's horrendous worry over his bankruptcy and great professional dishonor. I expect Minnie to go over that balcony with lead weights as soon as she threatens to expose his and Oñate's dirty dealings with Artemio and the low-quality Tequila. Then Patricio will be room temperature before he can give Rod a head's up. Tío Bruno may have an induced heart attack or a snake bite or get run down courtesy of his son. Pilar may just end up with Alzheimers in a hostel somewhere.

Melinama, have you posted the list of fates met by prior evildoers? That would be fun! One of my favorite scenes in another novela was Alexis Ayala and Chantal Andere driving off the cliff in Barrera de Amor. But the mother-daughter murder-suicide in Contra Viento was also a classic.

I'm with you Susanlynn about how Gavi is not solving her problems, especially if she might be pregnant. She needs someone who is going to help her but also be tough on her. Clarita is too much of a softie. And spending so much of their remaining money on alcohol, when they don't have jobs. Gavi doesn't believe in herself or have much hope right now.

That's easy. AAron loves power, money, and sex...probably in that order. So.....the perfect punishment would be for him to have nada power, money, or sex.

When Gavi was lamenting "who has had it worse than me", I was thinking Clarita would answer that she had. And we would learn more about her past.

I wonder when Clarita is going to tell Gavi who her daddy is? It seems like it couldn't hurt, now that Gavi's an adult and has some more life experience. Gavi's gotten pregnant out of wedlock and has had some rough patches to overcome -- why not should she not know her history?

For Aaron's punishment I was thinking something along the lines of "Flowers for Algernon" (the movie "Charlie") where the guy learns he's returning to a mentally retarded state. Or perhaps Aaron finds out he's got early onset Alzheimer's. You could add an untreatable case of diabetis related impotency and retinopathy (slowly going blind through bleeding in the eyeballs). Then he could become incontinent and start uncontrollably wetting everything in sight: horribly debilitating diseases which are extremely psychologically humbling to the afflicted. Of course he would be pitiable and unable to mentally cope, and of course he'd be disowned by all who knew him because of his dirtying and dishonoring the Montalvo Brand name. (God knows an "honorable Montalvo" is mostly a contradiction in terms.) Jail would be too easy. He could live being tended by the truly sainted in a charity-run hospice somewhere. The beautiful psychologist who treated Gavi could end up treating him there and he could be frustrated and humiliated even more. That sounds like a pretty decent punishment for Aaron to me.

Maybe Patricio will snap and take Aaron out. Or Patricio with a little help from Lluvia.

Susana would like to share her Thursday blogging spot with somebody. If you're interested let me know.

Thanks for the recap Susana!
I like the punishment Jardinera, maybe rubber lips could visit him in this condition.

Gavi is used to getting things her way recently, using her french, english and a little german. She didn't like being held accountable for her lies and then reacted badly to everything Aaron said.

Susanlynn, I'll bet you have great kids because you taught them an invaluable lesson of life. Salvaging something from a bad situation is a truly great virtue, which will serve them well...

I do not know where a previous post I wrote is.. but I will recap the post with information asked by a reader.:
I have a friend who interviewed the 'real' Arron Montalvo and he lives in Philadelpia.
The mexican magazine that will publish it is called Oz. It will be published in September or October
The magazine website is still under construction but here is the site
the 'real' Aaron is in New York this weekend again.. He sells high end Tequila only in the US.. East Coast..

Gracias! How does the real Aaron like being compared to our Aaron?

jb ^^^ Thanks !! I must say that I'm proud of my girls. The true test is time...if your kids grow up to be people whom you respect and like , you are a fortunate parent. I like and respect both of my girls and love to spend time with them.

Anon 6:31pm --That was me asking! Thanks for following up with the OZ magazine link. When the site is finally ready and the article is up please tell us, ok? It will be fun to read and to compare with the novela.


I don't know whether we should cut Gaviota some slack or not. I might get a bit sauced, too, just to let out all the tension and forcibly relax myself so that I could think straight later. She needed to blow off steam to someone and it always is Mama, her only best friend in the world. She should have reversed the charges and called "adopted-family member", Beni, in the meantime to get a trusted male "outside" opinion. She should have trusted Rod more and perhaps called him second or third to get an explanation. God, where is her sense of curiosity here?

I think Gaviota is still too proud, feisty, and judgmental. In her own way, she is very much like the earlier version of Rod. She is, for all her new citified manners and job experience, still naive and provincial in her own way and so very insecure, or she'd never have fallen for Aaron's lies. Whatever bed she makes for herself this time around if she does not attempt to clarify things with Rod will definitely be her own doing and her undoing. Then I say no slack and no sympathy.

I agree about cutting Gavi some slack, at least for this one particular outing. She's just suffered a major blow, and in my experience there's nothing like a good hangover to put you in a pensive mood while meditating on the bathroom floor.

Although, I've noticed that people in telenovelas seldom get the hangovers they deserve based on how much they've drunk and how badly they've behaved.

But speaking of deserving, I think I've figured out Aaron's weak spot. He doesn't have it yet: a child. A DNA replica, a pride and joy that he would attempt to mold into his own image. That kid would end up being Aaron's worst nightmare: he'd be as evil as Aaron and eventually end up backstabbing him. Sort of like Stella and Miss Havisham, except more violent. Only then could Aaron truly experience the kind of misery he's given to others.

Another possibility would be if Fedra turned against him for financial reasons. That'd be a pretty bitter experience for Aaron too, if she were to side against him with Bruno.

Or it could be prison with a big psychotic roommate.

Or if Pamela were to reject him. I don't think he treats her very well, but I do believe that he loves her as much as he is capable of loving anyone besides himself. It'd be harsh for him if she dumped him or died or something.

Dear Jardinera 654,
What a moment you created, mentioning "Charlie". I'll never forget the heartbreak and the terrible realization when he was watching the little mouse and realized he was reverting to his old self.I get chills just thinking about it.
However, I just love the punishment you have laid out for Aaron, beginning with his Alzheimers right on through to his messing his pants. Wouldn't we just love to watch every minute!!!

Holy Crap Susanlynn, no wonder you like these telenovelas; they're probably like real life compared to your daddy's life.

This is my most unfavorite time of a telenovela, when people are stoopid and refuse to believe each other.

Susana, I think one time Melinama posted some cool demises on her other blog, Pratie Place. Maybe she will repost here some time. I also really liked the Barrera end that you mentioned. In my telenovela history I think the most appropriate fate was when Gasca was garroted in Alborada. Yeehaw it was graphic!

Hmmm. I like the son who turns on him. Now, prison, with a BIG guy for a roommate who might want to make pretty blue eyes his girlfriend. How macho is that? I like prison as an alternative, too.

A beautiful recap of a lot of happenings. I am very disappointed with Aaron for the damage that his lies have caused. My grandma used to say that a liar was worse than a thief. Anyway, we're back to square one as far as getting Rod and Gavi together. My punishment for him would be for someone to rough him up and mess up his pretty face so bad that he'd have a stroke that would render him inpotent and unable to talk. As for Gavi, one night to wallow in self pity is allowed. Afterall those were some pretty potent lies. Knowing her, she'll be back on her feet in no time .. maybe even by tonight's episode.
Rod will probably start going down hill from here also known as increasing the distance between himself and Gavi and dragging this thing out for all that it's worth.

Alice: "Charlie" is one of my all time favorite stories. For some reason his predicament marked me for life.

Enjoyed your recap Susana. The emotional ups and downs are at an all time high in agave land. If Rod truly believes Aaron, he deserves to cry a river. I mean does he really think Aaron is that irresistable, and if he does, both him and minerva need to double -time it to the nearest STD clinic!
At this point I don't think Gaviota owes Rod anything. She lost her baby and almost her life for him, then she went through rigorous physical therapy to be with him by the appointed time....all for what? To suffer and be tormented by Rod's terminally ill family, and his and Aaron's psycho wives. I'm sure Gavi will bounce back, and even though I would like her to experience someone other than Rod, I know destiny can't be denied. As for Aaron, I think rubber lips will be the one who makes him pay the piper, her and her dad, after his next agregious act to obtain an heir is revealed.

You know, the Montalvo family, especially the wives, are such hypocrites by how they all badmouthed Gavi.

I hope that Gavi is pregnant, goes to work for another corporation, and becomes so powerful that one day she buys the Montalvos out!

Lets hope Aaron comes to a bad end, like he becomes impotent or something! :) guys are harsh !! Poor AAroncito !!! Bob, I think that I will vote for Door numero uno : the big, psychotic prison cellmate. Thanks, Julie. I STILL have no patience with Gavi's binge. If she is pregnant, that was an awful thing to do to the baby ,and if she and the Rodman did not use protection during their noche de amor on the Isle of Amor , well........even naive Gavi must know how babies get here. Remember last time , Gavi, what happened after the horizontal mambo under the tree in the agave fields.....

Nope the best revenge for Aaron would be if the were the bastard son of some jimador...given the boot and forced to work in the fields..

Alas, in TeleNovelas, the evil are are the smartest and always one step ahead until the finale when they fall off the church bell tower....

.......or get hit by a pie truck or do a back sommersault down a loooong flight of stairs. [Shout outs to Cesar and Antonio.]

I wonder if Sergio Sendel has ever played Iago? Judging by his Aaron, he'd be spellbinding in the part.

It's interesting, because I always thought of Aaron as dissolute and scheming, but not very successful in his plotting. And now...BOOM! He's playing them all like Heifetz.

My personal bet is on Minerva offing him in some devious and horrifying manner. I'd back her all the way.

Maybe Gavi should look into the entertainment industry for work, since her resume is kaput. She could sing her way to the top, maybe the mexican singing for the stars, idol, whatever...

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