Sunday, June 10, 2007

Zorro: Friday, June 8, 2007: Esme names her little one, its 110 days and counting and Tobi confronts Cat

Show opens where we left off, Monty po’d that Esme had escaped and he figures out that she escaped through the window. Monty promises Esme that she won’t get far. He calls for one of his thugs.

Meanwhile Esme is in the dark trying to find her way through the woods and assumes that Monty and men know she has escaped.

Monty is ripping his men a new one, calling them idiots and all that while they are in surprise that she escaped. Monty orders them to find Esme else they will be decapitated. Everybody leaves except SAM. Monty gets mad that SAM is there and asks if he understood his orders and threatens to kill everybody (this includes you SAM) if Esme doesn’t appear. SAM takes the hint and is off. Well he didn’t rub above his eye but he must be having a splitting migraine.

Back to the MP & Diego discussion. Diego can’t believe that FS killed his mom. MP is sorry for not telling him sooner. She didn’t dare denounce FS because Regina was a Spanish lady at the time and FS would have received the death penalty. So instead she cancelled the wedding and became a nun as way to find God and ask forgiveness for keeping silent. Diego promises revenge but MP begs Diego not do anything stupid. Diego asks why and MP gives him a huge rehash of what we already know. MP tells Diego that God will make FS pay for all his deeds. Diego doesn’t make any promises because not only did FS take his mom but also Esme.

Back to FS defending MP’s honor with that dude in the tavern. The guy wants to know who FS to defend MP so, her husband. There is sword fighting between the two men and FS gets the upper hand and the guy is flat on the table. FS gets all noble and won’t stain his hands with blood but threatens the guy with running him through should he even mention the name Maria Pia.

At Tobi & Cat’s, Pito confirms FFM (fake fencing master)’s passing. Cat’s distressed being that he was fine in the morning meanwhile Tobi looks guilty. Pito using his CSI techniques deduces that FFM died of shock. Tobi is not interested about how FFM died he wants to bury him but Cat is insistent on knowing why he died. Pito tells them that FFM’s heart exploded like a melon (ummm is that forensic/medical language, I’m no expert but I think not). Tobi asks Pito to close FFM’s eyes and haul him away. Pito sadly informs Tobi that rigor mortis already set in so FFM’s eyes will stay open and without authorization from next of kin he can’t take the body. Tobi & Cat inform Pito of that they have no info not even an address so Pito tells them they will need a military order before he can take the body, until then it’s theirs.

Back the dark woods where SAM is asking the air/Esme if she’s around to please respond. I don’t think SAM realizes how big the woods are, it’s not a closet SAM and I believe she’s had a pretty big head start. He tells the air/Esme that if she was going to escape she shoulda consulted him first, he would have helped her escape. Back to Esme tiptoeing it looks like. She tells her little baby that once they escape they will be very happy. She’s hears the men on her tail.

Cue Amor Gitano, I wonder if we’ll see all of these opening credits?

Commercial for Madre Luna and all I can say is ewwww. A guy has to let go the love of his life, marries another and has a son with her. Now as a cruel twist of fate the son is in love with the women the guy had to let go. ***Shudder***. She’s like a lot of years older than this kid sooo icky. Are the powers that be trying to draw viewers or disgust them?

Diego and Maria continue in their rehash of what we know. Alej knows that FS killed Regina and resulting rift in friendship. Diego was going to be told but then he got amnesia and then Esme’s “death”. Diego talks about his lack of memories of this time and nightmares. MP says Diego probably repressed those memories as a defense mechanism. MP tells Diego that he can’t let these ghosts of the past dominate him.

Back to Esme’s treck, she hides under a minicliff while the bad guys are trying to find her. Esme’s pretty confident and tells Diego, Jr. (yup she’s named him already) that they are safe. She flashes back to Diego telling her how he got the name Zorro. Esme prophesizes that Diego, Jr. will be a brave man who will do great things. Awww, I like this scene, it gets me all gooey inside.

MP and Diego return to hacienda. Mangle is upset that Diego left her alone all day. Oh poor you, you were crying over the Michelin man and didn’t give a fig now you are upset that Diego left you alone? Mangle is surprised to see MP Diego tells her she left convent. Mangle wants to know the skinny but Diego gets miffed and tells her to stop bothering MP. Mangle apologizes to Diego and says she was having a bad day. Diego tells her she isn’t the only one and informs her he’s going to bed. Mangle gets angry that Diego keeps dissing her. Diego finally tells Mangle what we were all thinking, the role of victim doesn’t suit her and likens her to a scorpion (waits for the prey to let down his guard and stings). Mangle gets all teary eyed but Diego isn’t buying. The only time he’s seen her cry was in the morning and he still doesn’t know why she shed them.

At Tobi’s, Cat offers to visit Piza to get the military order releasing the body. Tobi looks at Cat and asks why her and not Tobi. Cat tells Tobi that since Tobi is always busy in the morning she thought she should go. Tobi informs her that taking care of FFM kept him busy who only came to ruin their lives. Cat gets upset because Tobi is who brought him to find Zorro and now he’s dead. Tobi makes his first mistake when trying to get out of a murder rap offers responds to unasked questions. Tobi does his best OJ impression and says it was 100% definatley not his fault (not sure if OJ said it like that but you get the idea). Cat looks at him impactada and says I never said it was and asks what really happened; he was the last one with FFM. Tobi denies that anything occurred, the guys heart stopped that’s it.

Olmos looks at Mangle through the giant peep hole. He tells himself to be patient. He will soon run his hands through her velvety skin (I woulda thought it was scaly considering she is reptilian) and hear her moan.**shudder*** He has a moment with his pillow.

Diego has a grey nightmare and remembers the death of his mom at FS hands. He calls FS an assassin and promises revenge.

Tobi spies Piza leaving the jail. He calls him a disgraceful egghead (cabeza de huevo desgraciado). Piza tells Mejias (?) that if Monty asks for him he went to supervise the search. Tobi follows him.

Back to Esme’s wanderings where she notices that behind the hill is de la Vega hacienda.

Mangle apologizes for having breakfast so early but baby Monty (I just added that) has its own schedule. MP bids everyone good morning and takes her seat. Dol enters and tells Diego that he looks like a truck run him over, hehehe, nothing gets by her. Diego says he didn’t sleep well. Alej marvels at the table settings and Dena walks in and tells him that Yumi and her did it together. Alej proposes that they all go on an outing. Dena gives Yumi a look and Diego and Mangle share one too.

Esme desperately needs water and sees a river. She runs to it and alas its only a mirage (espejismo). She tells her son to endure a little more. She assures him they will be safe there.

Diego is out, he has matters to attend to in the city and Mangle is out, she has to mail a letter. She invites for Diego and her to go and he offers to take the letter to the port. Mangle tells him that she wants to go for a stroll and say hi to her dad. Diego grudgingly accepts. Alej then limits the outing to around the hacienda, considering it’s a huge property I don’t think it will be a two minute walk.

Back to Esme wandering and viola she gets to a river. She gobbles up the water and if I was her I would dunk myself right in.

MP is talking privately with Diego and tells him she noticed the tension between him and Mangle. MP tells Diego he doesn’t want their relationship to change with the new information but Diego assures her the marriage was only to protect family honor. MP reminds him she is his wife and mother of his child. Diego tells her he has his reasons for being distant. MP asks Diego to explain how will he raise his child in a harmonious household. Diego tells MP that he already discussed an agreement but Mangle hasn’t given him an answer. MP asked him to understand that pregnant women are very sensitive and now isn’t the time to propose such agreement. Diego tells MP that about his nightmare and how Regina looked very much like Yumi. Mp asks Diego to forgive her for not telling him sooner about Regina’s death and she’s confident he will assimilate it in a right way.

Mangle bursts into Olmos room (I thought she was going to knock next time) and catches him arranging his blondish color wig. Mangle is all impactada and asks what’s he doing and just cackles at him. Olmos immediately takes it off and puts his regular dark hair wig on. Unfortunately for him its askew which gives Mangle the uncontrollable giggles. Mangle wants to order something from the Indian witch that gave her the potion the other day (that has to be incorrect it was many episodes ago, and I am sure months have passed). Olmos wants to know why but Mangle just laughs and calls him naïve for thinking he will know everything about her. Mangle asks Olmos how far he will go to know what’s inside her. Olmos arches a brow and Mangle tells Olmos he has a dirty mind, what she meant was what was in her mind, her thoughts. She tells him to mind his business about why she needs the potion and reminds him that she’s keeping silent to her dad about the money he’s stealing. She leaves in a fit of giggles calls him a dead dog. Olmos tells the mirror he would go to hell for his beloved Mangle and only 110 days left before potion works.

Esme is enjoying what looks like an orange by that river she found. She tells little Diego that pretty soon she’ll get the hacienda to see Diego.

We cut to the gitanos taking a trek with their belongings. NAC and Renzo are walking side by side and NAC falls. NAC has sprained her ankle it seems but that’s okay Renzo has an idea. He takes her piggy back style and they catch up to the camp. Of course, Laisha doesn’t like it and begins a tirade about how non-gitanos become more important than actual gitanos once they join the clan. Suzi tells Jonas that Laisha is very jealous of NAC (ya think?) but it will be a while before Renzo falls in love again. Jonas doesn’t think the bitterness that has accumulated in Laisha’s soul is a good thing and hopefully she recovers soon. It reminds me of something Yoda said in Star Wars Episode One…sadness leads to anger which leads to hate and hate leads to the dark side.

Cat and Piza are making out heavy duty somewheres while Tobi looks on. You know Tobi if you keep watching them together you will never get the image out of your head. Piza tells Cat it excites him when she dresses in black, makes him think she is a widow. Cat doesn’t want to talk about death and Cat asks for the military order for FFM’s body. Piza says fine and asks if at the same time they could bury Tobi. Piza sooo wants to put a bullet in Tobi but Cat doesn’t want to kill him. Piza tells Cat that he suspects Tobi knows about them and if it excites her. Cat tells him he would die of shock (HA!) and they basically get busy all the way into commercial.

Diego and Yumi run into each other and of course we see Mangle spying and listening in from a distance. Mangle has to go, she’s getting to be privy to a lot of secret information which is very bad. Diego asks what she has and Yumi tells her it’s a remedy her grandma prepared for Dena. Yumi being Regina’s lil sis gets rehashed and the the custom about inheriting the sister-in-law. Yumi feels uncomfortable but Diego says that since Alej is married to a Spanish wife, it’s a kind of a moot point. Then I suppose we are talking about this just so Mangle can hear? Enter Mangle who does the there you are thing and tells him she’s ready to go into the city. She sees Yumi and pronouncing the name but either for real or on purpose trails off. Yumi helps her out and says her Christian name Guadalupe and Mangle agrees that sounds better and basically ignores she’s there and reminds Diego she’s ready. I hope Yumi has realized that Mangle is a witch.

Esme wakes up from her nap hears a carriage go by. She immediately gets up and continues her trek.

Piza makes it to the shack where he gets updated on Esme’s escape and no success in locating her. SAM tells Piza that Monty hasn’t returned and is probably tracking Esme.

We cut to Tobi coming home to find FFM in a pine box. Cat tells him that she was able to get the order from Piza. Tobi asks Cat how she was able to get the order being that he went to meet Piza but was told he had an important errand to attend to. Cat tells him she accidentally found him in the street and asked for the order then. Tobi calls cat a mujersuela (slut right?) how could she do this to him. Cat said she only wanted to help. Tobi gets that evil look in his eye and starts choking Cat and asks her if she helps a lot sleeping with Piza.

SAM assures Piza that he didn’t help Esme escape and Piza begs him to lower his voice. SAM in a lower voice tells him that Esme is a brave woman. Piza says or stupid being that Monty will kill her if he finds her. Piza assumes that Esme will try to find refuge somewhere safe and he knows where. SAM nods and immediately does an impactado face, the de la Vegas. Piza says that would be fatal because Monty is probably thinking the same thing.

In the carriage, Mangle tells Diego that this little trip is a good idea being that he evades her constantly. They need to have a serious talk. Diego tells he they always talk seriously. Mangle wants to talk about the separation agreement. Diego is all ears. Mangle tells Diego that nobody has ever treated her like Diego has. Diego tells her nothing in life is free. Mangle is about to slap Diego in reply to his agreement but he detains her hand. Diego tells Mangle to be careful because his patience has limits, Mangle tells him hers too and plants one on him while Diego tries to pull her off. Of course they travel by Esme who sees the force kiss and interprets wrong.



Thanks for the recap Marycelis =)

"Mujerzuela" is indeed a woman of loose morals. Sometimes they also say "una cualquiera" meaning she has no exceptional qualities and is "like any other woman," ie, loose.

I'm enjoying all the literary and historical commentary. See, we're not just watching trash TV =) We're seeking knowledge! Seriously, I do enjoy the commentary. I'll have to read up on the sorceress. There are many possible influences to the Zorro character such as The Scarlet Pimpernel and Robin Hood (albeit, without a band of Merry Men). It has been theorized that the Zorro parallel is what drew Disney to have Robin as a fox in the animated Robin Hood. It is also no secret that Zorro was a HUGE influence on Batman, down to the batcave! Actually, I was trying to find the old McCauley pulps and had a hard time finding them. Any suggestions?

On a funny note, my hubby caught a tiny bit of Thursday's episode and voiced my opinion of Tobi in the costume: is he doing "The Gay Blade"? It may be before many of your times, but if your local video store has it (my local Blockbuster seems to have dumped anything filmed before 1990) I highly recommend it. There's nothing historical about it, it's just incredibly funny and features George Hamilton, back when he was still young and handsome and tan enough to pass for Mediterranean but not yet darker than Prince. It's not terribly PC, but I'm Mexican and have gay relatives and thought it was hysterical, so there! As you guessed, there is a gay Zorro, but he's only there to help his straight brother, who is also Zorro. You'll get the picture if you see it.

That's interesting Margarita; I remember "The Gay Blade" from way back when although I don't remember the details of the movie at all.

I notice Esme's orange was cut in half perfectly. I wonder how she got such a good cut without a knife? The magic of props...

So I'm wondering who the handsome dude in the tavern is? (The guy who FS threatened.) Any chance he could be Mangle's old lover Santiago? Also, his friend looks familiar. Was he in Zorro earlier on or in another telenovela? Alborada comes to mind.

Wow, does Tobi strangle Cat? Pizarro will cut him down for sure if that happens!

Great recap Marycelis. My favorite part was when Diego likens Mangle to a scorpion. He doesn't even know how correct he is!

Hey Sylvia, I noticed the perfectly cut orange also! It made me think about citrus. I thought oranges were from Iraq, known as persian oranges. Then they moved on to China and India because they were popular with the sailors for preventing scurvy. Arriving in Nuestra Senora de Los Angeles around 1800, I suppose it's possible to have full grown fruit bearing trees around just when and where Esmeralda needed them...

jb, when I visited Mission San Juan Bautista a couple of months ago I remember reading that the padres planted a number of fruit trees at each mission, among them orange trees.

Margarita, you can download McCulley's "Curse of Capistrano" here:

Thanks for the info, Sylvia. I was wondering about who would've been so visionary. What I found was that the padres first planted around 1565 in St. Augustine and then a Franciscan father, Juniper Serra planted the first trees in southern California around 1769. Lucky for us those padres were so industrious...

Marycelis, thanks for the terrific recap, as always!

“Pito tells them that FFM’s heart exploded like a melon (ummm is that forensic/medical language, I’m no expert but I think not).” LOL! He definitely did assume some position that seemed very strange, and poor Pito was having a heck of a time figuring this all out. What I want to know is, why didn’t anyone notice the rip in his shirt that Tobi made with the sword? Was I hallucinating and just dream that he did it? Or, did Tobi change the old boy’s shirt?

Re: Madre Luna “Are the powers that be trying to draw viewers or disgust them?” If they’re trying to do the former, they certainly are gonna get a lot of the latter.

“He will soon run his hands through her velvety skin (I woulda thought it was scaly considering she is reptilian)” LOL! Olmos is very spooky when he has his moments with his pillow.

There’s a special place in hell for people who pick on and ridicule individuals like Olmos the way Mangle does. I hope she experiences it soon.

“Esme is enjoying what looks like an orange by that river she found.” I remember my aunt had citrus trees in her yard near Los Angeles. I guess it never dawned on me they might just grow wild in the area. (I read on and found that Sylvia gave an explanation. Thanks, Sylvia).

“You know Tobi if you keep watching them together you will never get the image out of your head.” Could be he is well beyond getting it out of his head now. I think he’s seen enough to last him a lifetime. My question is, if he knows what it takes to make Cat happy, why the heck isn’t HE acting on it? (We know the answer, sigh, it’s because he’s a prissy fussbudget with very little brain).

“I hope Yumi has realized that Mangle is a witch” Between Selenia and Yumi, surely one of them will help Mangle get her just reward.

“So I'm wondering who the handsome dude in the tavern is? (The guy who FS threatened.) Any chance he could be Mangle's old lover Santiago? Also, his friend looks familiar. Was he in Zorro earlier on or in another telenovela?” Wow, Sylvia, what a great idea. Wouldn’t this really sink it if he’s Santiago? The other guy almost fought, or provoked, a duel with Tobi and Diego early on because of some gossip about Cat and Diego he was spreading. I probably have the who was fighting whom details wrong, but it involved this guy and Tobi and Diego. It got stopped somehow with some intervention.


Margarita, I haven't seen the "Gay Blade" movie, either. But from the summaries, I also wondered if Tobías is modeled on Diego's sissy twin brother in that movie. In the original story and apparently in a lot of the later versions, Diego acts much more like a wimp. Up until Friday, the Tobías/Catalina/Maestro Samaniego subplot has been pretty much comic-relief. But now, with Pizarro plotting to off Tobías, and Tobías in the process of strangling Catalina with his bare hands, it's safe to say their story is taking a darker turn.

The Zorro Productions Web site has a summary of the various literary incarnations of Zorro at:

Most of the Johnston McCulley stories were republished in the early 2000s in a two-volume "Zorro, the Masters Edition" series.But I can say from experience that outide the original novel, The Curse of Capistrano, later retitled The Mark of Zorro, there're not so easy to find. When I looked this afternoon, Amazon had Vol. 1 available, and that one costs $88 for a paperback. But surely an inter-library request could turn up a copy fairly quickly. (I haven't tried that yet.)

Great summary, Marycelis. I kind of did a double-take at the teaser for Madre Luna, too.

The blue-tinted shots of Esmeralda running throught the forest and hiding were some of the best visuals of the series. We know from the preview that Montero grabs her soon after her glimpse of Diego's carriage. But I'm guessing she won't go back to capitivity after escaping. She's got an awful lot of things to do yet - hook up with her mother, have her baby, get rid of Mangle and get together with Diego, save the gitanos and overthrow the Queen of Spain - so they need to put her someplace other than a cell so she can get things moving.

That scene where Mangle gets all catty with Yumalai sticks with me. It's a parallel to the earlier scene where Mangle acts all snotty with María Pía, who we know she hates because her father loves her. Diego obviously didn't like what she was doing, stuck up for his aunt, and called Mangle a scorpion. I'm thinking this pretty much undid any amount of sympathy she might have built up with her sympathy-for-Almudena act at the cemetery. But Mangle doesn't seem to pick up the clues.

Then in that scene toward the end, she's confronting Diego's other aunt (and stepmother, as Yumalai's tribe sees it). Diego obviously didn't approve of her colonial-lady-twit attempt at putting down Yumalai. Mangle also didn't seem to realize that Yumalai's matter-of-fact response comes from her complete disinterest in Mangle's existence. Yumalai isn't interested in competing with Mangle or trading put-downs with her. Mangle is completely irrelevant to her. Until Mangle does something to hurt Yumalai or Almudena or Alejandro, such as trying to blow up their nicely-balanced bigamous arrangement. Which we can see coming.

This is also the first scene I remember seeing in which Diego showed a particular interest in Yumalai and her relationship to his mother and to their common native heritage. I was hoping for a long time for a Bernardo-Yumalai hookup. But that's clearly not in the cards now. They're working the theme of Almudena passing the torch too hard. Plus, there's that smitten look Alejandro gets whenever he sees Yumalai...

Mangle's on a self-destruct course with all this. She keeps alienating Diego even more, she's still intriguing with Montero, she's getting nasty with María Pía and Yumalai, she brought Olmos into the house which can only cause trouble all around - and now she's demanding that Olmos set up a meeting for her with the One the Only the Great Selenia. Her self-preservation skills are eroding fast.

No Selenia in Friday's episode. Bummmer.

Sylvia, thanks a bunch for the Capistrano link!

Schoolmarm, the duel was between this guy (I think Marycelis said
his name was Manuel) and Tobi after Manny told a bunch of folks that Diego and Cat were keeping company. Diego broke up the duel by showing up and telling everyone it didn't happen (yes, he lied) thus forcing Manny to apologize to Cat & Tobi and thus Tobi agreeing to call off the duel. Obviously Manny loves to stir things up as he's the one that handed his handsome buddy a sword when FS challenged him to a duel.

I don't think the friend is Santiago since FS would have recognized him, but ya never know. I do hope we see more of him though, as it'd be nice if MP found herself a nice man who didn't go around killing people who got in his way. Just a thought =)

Bruce -- "Mangle also didn't seem to realize that Yumalai's matter-of-fact response comes from her complete disinterest in Mangle's existence......Mangle is completely irrelevant to her. Until Mangle does something to hurt Yumalai or Almudena or Alejandro, such as trying to blow up their nicely-balanced bigamous arrangement." Absolutely on target. Yumalai only has a big of low self-esteem where Alej is concerned, and not often even that. Otherwise, she is a very self-actualized individual. She may well end up being another of the heroines. She already is, in many ways, in my opinion.

Margarita, thanks for reminding me of the duel details. Diego was the subject of the gossip (and Cat, of course), but Manuel spread it and Tobi took exception. Yep, it's coming back to me now. Sort of. Also, good points about him handing the friend the sword so FS could fight him, and FS probably recognizing him.


Oops, make that Yumalai "has a bit of low self-esteem." But ONLY a little bit.


Howdy =)

I have to agree Bruce, Mangle doesn't seem to realize that making fun of those around you and putting them down in front of their relatives is not the way to gain friends and influence people. It's not Selenia she's trying to see though, but Eagle feather, the old Indian healer that told Esme she was preggers with a boy and made the "love potion" that Mangle gave Diego "the other day" - which as Marycelis put it is more like several weeks/a couple of months ago. Not sure if Mangle's trying to get Diego in bed for real (like he'd drink anything she gave him at this point) or trying to find something to poison Esme. Either way she's up to no good and I can't wait for her trip to the
"Duelo whirlpool." Hope it involves her chasing after Olmos, but getting kicked out of the house by Diego for cheating with Monty and tricking him into marriage would do.

I really hope Esme gets away from Monty, maybe Piza will attack him from behind somehow in a way that Monty can't see him. Maybe she'll scream so hard that Diego will hear it and come save her. Maybe she'll kick Monty in the nuts and run away while he writhes away in pain (that would be funny). One way or another, I just hope she gets away...

Margarita, it's the old blind Indian healer Mangle wants to see?

Too bad. I was really looking forward to Mangle facing off with Selenia and Selenia turning her into a toadstool. Or something along those lines.

Thanks Jeanne for reminding me/us that Manuel is the guy who almost ended up in a duel over Cat and Diego. I know it's doubtful that the handsome dude would be Santiago but it seems since Mangle thinks he's dead he needs to show up at some point to disturb her world. I agree, it would be nice for MP to have a suitor who's not BSC.

Bruce, I would also love to see Mangle and Selenia have a face-off. There's still plenty of time for that.

thanks for the compliments guys...i'm in the middle of a cold maybe that's slowing my brain lately.

The magic of props, i believe that applies to almost any novela.

my mind is drawing blanks now...i'll be back.

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