Tuesday, June 19, 2007

La Fea Más Bella #296B 6/18/07 A missing million, mindless minions, and a mimisqui.

Well, I guess we're jumping right in today without reviewing the end of Friday. That was a bit disconcerting…I thought I'd missed something! Plus, things are moving fast today, so hang on to your ice cream or your tequila or what have you. Anyway….

Fernando comes into Lety's office and jokes with the señorita that he must have walked into the wrong office (aww, she looks so cute! That's going to take some getting used to.). Lety turns around and reassures him that she's "Hola! Leticia Padilla Soliz" in her best Lety voice. Fernando laughs that he knew that (and points at her with handfuls of yellow pencils).

Aldo's back. He tells Celso there's just something about the place that keeps bringing him back. Celso asks if Aldo is there to see Lety and tells Aldo he doesn't know how Lety looks today, "mmmmm". Aldo is confused and Celso says "of course, if you haven't seen her yet then how would you know how she looks." Ja, ja, ja. Celso says Aldo should go check her out and that he's going to be surprised. Aldo says he never understands Celso and walks through the gate as Sanson catches the belt to Aldo's jacket in his teeth. Sanson is obviously on Team Fernando.

Fernando is grinning like a loco at Lety. He tells her she looks pretty, or as Omar would say *growl*, she looks beautiful. Lety thanks him, but wonders if he had something to say to her "aparte de chulearme" (besides paying me flirty compliments) because he's embarrassing her. Before he can tell her, Aldo walks in and tells Lety she looks pretty. Lety wants to know if he really likes it, which he does. She comes around to the front of her desk as Fernando attempts to cough up a hairball. I think that might have been his secret signal to Aldo not to mention that he'd been to Acapulco, but Aldo doesn't get it. Aldo asks Fernando if he told Lety about it (Lety: Really, you went to Acapulco?). Aldo says Fernando explained what really happened with Aurora (Lety: Really, you did that?). Fernando excuses himself to go to the Bat Cave and Lety thanks him, but she looks like she's not sure whether she should. Aldo says "Now you look beautiful on the outside, but you're much more beautiful on the inside. Do you think you can forgive me, Leticia?" Lety says, "On the contrary, my love, forgive me." She says she's so happy he's there. Aldo says he can't wait any more and why don't they get married right away. Lety agrees that she wants to get married ASAP too. As they giggle and coo at each other, we see Fernando in the Bat Cave staring the stare of a man who has just discovered that his heart can, in fact, break into even tinier pieces than it already had. Pobre de Don Fernando!

The Moras: Alicia has brought her suitcase into Tomás' office. Doubtless it contains an industrial strength hairdryer which she can't live without. She's all broken up about leaving, but asks Tomás to take her suitcase down to the car (since she was so distraught that she brought it up there by mistake). Once he leaves, she uses Tomás' computer to transfer $1M to her Swiss account. And let that be a lesson to all of us about using good passwords…or about not marrying gold-diggers, whichever. Tomás comes back in just as she's hitting the last key she needs (having asked Celso to take the suitcase down for him) and he's brought tissues, as there will be many tears. Alicia takes a wad of tissues and they both exchange "I'll miss you"-s. Alicia is so broken up about it that she kisses him…voluntarily…on the lips…twice! She can't resist a last look back as she closes the door.

Fernando calls Lola and asks her to get an emergency board meeting together to pay Aldo the rest of the money they owe. After he gets off the phone he says he's got to finish this so Lety can leave with Aldo. Not that he wants her to go, just that the longer she's there, the more it hurts him to see her and the more he builds up false hopes. He wants her to go now and be happy.

Tomás comes into Lety's office hyperventilating and declares that he wants to die. Because Alicia is gone, you wonder? No, because the $1M is gone! (See, I told you we were moving fast today!) Lety gives a "Que the hell?" (actually she asks what Tomás is talking about, but I thought that might be a good time to throw in a "Que the hell" seeing as how I don't know how many Fea recaps I have left *sob*). Tomás says that the $1M JR gave them is gone (which isn't advancing the conversation much, but Tomás is in shock, so we'll overlook that). Lety starts twitching like she's never twitched before. She says "It can't be! Who did it?" Tomás says he doesn't know, but he's now got to cook the books to buy them time while they find out who did it. Lety says they're never going the lying route again, they've learned their lesson and they can't make that mistake again. "Then what do I do boss?" Tomás asks, but his only reply is more twitching on Lety's part.

Alicia is traveling tonight on a plane. I can see the red taillights heading for Switzerland. The guy at the counter will have her boarding pass printed up in a sec.

Tomás tells the assembled execs that he doesn't know how, but $1M has disappeared from Conceptos' account. Now there's a whole "Que the hell?" chorus, which is kind of like the Hallelujah Chorus, only not so much. Ariel says he has even worse news: since Tomás is the one ultimately responsible, he's going to jail. (Do not pass go, do not collect $1M.) Luigi thinks this must be a joke, but Tomás confirms that it's not a joke. The $1M from JR has disappeared from the account. (Check out Aldo and Fernando with their identical postures behind Tomás!). Luigi is mimisqui-ing. Ariel is glowering. He says he's very iluso (gullible) as he thought the debt was going to be wiped out today (and there go Aldo and Fernando again!). Tomás says he thought so too and was preparing a financial report, etc. Marcia wants Tomás to explain what happened with the money. Lety says that when Tomás went to transfer the money to Aldo's account, he found it was missing. Tomás says that he checked, and someone got into the account through the computer, used his password, and transferred $1M to a Swiss bank account. "But who?" asks Marcia, "Who would be capable of making that error? Tell me, who?" Please note, "error" is her word, not mine. Also, please note, Aldo and Fernando are doing water ballet behind Tomás almost every time we see them.

Alicia is traveling tonight on a plane. The guy at the counter is getting her a window seat as close to the front as possible. But wait! There seems to be a problem with her passport. It seems that Señora Ferreira de Mora did indeed have a bit of a demora (ha! I've been waiting to use that one too! demora = delay) in renewing her passport…as in, she should have renewed it five years ago! No way out of this one for blondie. She faints at the counter and is caught by the two guys waiting in line behind her.

It's massive freakage in the boardroom. Aldo gets everybody's attention and says they've all got to calm down until Tomás finds out who made that transfer. Ariel blames it all on Fernando, Lety, and the new "compinche" (buddy, accomplice; I'm not sure this is the most polite word, though, can anyone confirm?) Tomás. Fernando tells Ariel not to go making accusations without proof. Luigi says Tomás' hands are clean. Lety says Tomás is incapable of doing anything like that. Aldo and Fernando both vouch for Tomás. Fernando's dad reminds Ariel of how hard Fernando has worked in the last few months. Fernando's Bozo, digo, his mama chimes in as well. Papa says Fernando and his team have everybody's support. Ariel walks out without saying anything. Fernando goes to clasp his dad's hand while Luigi does a little silent cheer/dance in the back.

Looks like instead of Switzerland, Alicia has been taken to a clinic. She comes to with a doctor asking if she feels better. Alicia asks after her passport and says she has to leave. Then she really looks around and wonders where she is. The doctor says they brought her from the airport to this hospital. They've done all the tests and they know what's up. Ja, ja, ja, I bet I do too! The doctor congratulates Alicia for having a little Tomás in the oven and Alicia faints again. I don't know whether to laugh or feel incredibly sorry for poor little Tomás Pancracio.

As Marta talks to the gals about decorating her new house, a silver fox walks off the elevator. Wow, there's just all kinds of stuff happening tonight! The silver fox asks the assembled ladies where he can find Marcia Villaroel. Oh, I just caught sight of the elbow patches…I'll forgive him those if he turns out to be a Literature professor and he does it as an inside joke. They fall all over themselves telling him Marcia is in her office. The shoes, cameraman, show us the shoes! He introduces himself as Octavio Serrano. Sara asks why he wants to see Marcia (Sara! Don't you remember yesterday's email?!) and he says he owns a computer company and wants to offer her his products. Oh, is that what the kids are calling it these days? Everybody but Marta goes off to tell Marcia that Octavio is there to see her.

Meanwhile, Marcia gets an email. With all that's happening she's not in the mood for love notes. The gals all swarm in to tell Marcia there's a hottie out there waiting to see her. Marcia's like, duh, then tell him to come in. Juana tells the hermoso mozalbete (pretty young man) to come in. Octavio introduces himself and shakes Marcia's hand. Lola hustles the gals out of the room while Sara gives a really subtle thumbs up to Marcia. He drops his "I'm selling computers" pretext and asks her out. No answer is forthcoming before the commercial break.

Fernando and Lety are in Lety's office. Fernando is complaining to Lety that he's doomed to failure and the worst part is that they still owe Aldo money. Lety says that until this gets resolved, she has no choice but to postpone the wedding with Aldo. Oh, right, because of a little embezzlement, a likely story. Fernando says that's enough of that and he thinks she needs to think of herself first and forget Conceptos. He says she should get married according to plan. Lety says that's a relief because she only offered to postpone the wedding as a show of solidarity, but she really does want to marry Aldo ASAP. Funny, I'm not buying that either. Fernando says he wants her to marry Aldo ASAP too since he's stopped thinking he has any chance with Lety.

Marcia is telling the gals that she's torn between Octavio and her email lover. Okay, I have checked the recaps and confirmed that Marcia does know her email lover's name is Octavio. Apparently Marcia needs to check the recaps, as she has a very bad memory, as do the Cuartel. Juana votes for the hottie. Lola votes for the romantic. Sara votes for the "internet frog". Irma doesn't vote. Marcia is afraid of making the wrong choice. Irma says she should follow her heart, because the heart is never wrong.

Tomás is on the phone to Tomama talking about the missing $1M. He says he hasn't been able to get hold of his Chiquita to tell her about his tragedy. This apparently sets off Tomama, though we thankfully don't get to hear her side of the conversation. Just as he says this, Alicia comes in, sets down her bags, and closes the door without Tomás noticing. He tells Tomama "I've told you a thousand times, my Chiquita is marvelous, I need her." He thanks Tomama for calling, says he loves her, and hangs up. Tomás notices Alicia and is happy to see her, but then says he's devastated. Alicia says he's not the only one. Tomás says Conceptos' account was robbed. Alicia says, "really?" Tomás says, "yes, and we have no idea who it was," as he rests his head on Tomás Pancracio's future lunch. He swears he'll find out as Alicia cries and cries. He says it's good that she's there as she's his only consolation.

El Cheque has come to take the kids out for dinner. He uses the kids to convince Lola to go with them.

Lety and Aldo are walking by a fountain. I swear, it takes me a minute to figure out it's Lety in each of these scenes. She was wearing a black suit at work and now that she's out with Aldo, she's wearing a calf-length white sort of trench-y jacket, but with a little bit of quilting to it. She tells Aldo she talked to Fernando and he told her to forget Conceptos and to marry Aldo. Aldo says that's good, but what does Lety want to do? Lety says yes, she wants to marry Aldo. Aldo wants to know if she's, like, sure, like really sure, like really really really sure. Lety says, "let me think about it…yes, I'm completely sure." Aldo says, in that case, they should get married wherever, however, but now, because he loves her. Lety says she loves him too. Blech! Sorry, hairball.

Tomás lifts his head and tells Alicia not to cry, that he doesn't want her to be afflicted, he's going to fix it, he's got to fix it. Alicia goes off into the bedroom as Tomás keeps chanting "I'm going to fix it." Alicia hears the voices of the ticket agent saying her passport is expired and the doctor congratulating her on her pregnancy and cries herself a river. She says "pregnant" a few times and does this sort of smile/grimace so that I'm not sure if she's horrified or happy in spite of herself. She remembers Tomás saying she's his only consolation. Tomás comes into the bedroom apologizing for telling her about the theft just like that. Alicia says it's not that. Tomás wants to know if something went wrong with the treatment. Alicia says she needs to tell him that she's upset because of the theft and Tomás beats himself up some more for telling her since he should have known she would suffer knowing that he's having grave problems. Alicia agrees that the problems are the gravest. She tells him he's so good. We end on Alicia's sad little crying face.

No idea what we'll get tomorrow, but the announcer would like y'all to know that next Monday we'll be having a two-hour grand finale! Then again, you already knew that :)


Great recap, and our last pre-finale Monday! Thanks for joining the team. I thought Alicia was pretty cute there at the end. Her baby is going to be born with a head like a cucumber after being squeezed behind that corset for months.

Fernando coughs up a hairball! Ha! Things were really moving fast. Marcia's suitor looks nice, but where did they get him from? I hope they explain.

I also saw that they were advertising a two-hour finale, and my friend had last week told me it was a three-hour finale. Sorry about that previous error.

I want Fernando to forget Lety too. She's not worth the heartache that she keeps causing him. She and Aldo can get married and Fernando can find someone else who will love him and only him.

I questioned the two hours?? Last week it was three. Now I won't miss part of it, cause I wasn't getting home from work till 8:00 and I can't cancel my clients (therapist) so i can watch la fea ROTF. I've been obsessing, "What if my VCR doesn't tape right or at all. I had plans to have my husband tape on one tv, me on one and the TIVO; well we did a dry run last night and he did not do it right. Thank goodness mine taped. I told him to practice for next week since it starts at 7 and I can't miss the 300th episode, after waiting a year for this, ROTF.

Alicia has a severe case of SOS, stuck on stupid. Alicia, do not pass go and do not collect a million dollars.
Aldo did not seem to be that impressed with Lety's new look. When he left for Alcapulco she was still fea Lety. He should have at least said WOW! or something.
Anyway, thank for the great recap.

I have a tough time to see that Lety is still the same person - seems that she not only changed her look but the attitude to the people as well. When her best friend Thomas got into trouble she did nothing at all to comfort him. Shame on her! He always was there for her!
And I'm dissapointed in Aldo. I was hoping he would stir Lety to Fernando's direction because he supposed to know better. But NO, he wants to hurry up with wedding inspite of everything happened.
But the way it goes right now - they probably started to belong with each other.

Marcia's admirer looks familiar, I wonder if he had been on the show in the past?

I'm trying really hard to like Lety's new look but I still miss the old slightly improved Lety (from the hospital scene).
It is nice to see the braces and glasses gone.

Yes Lety, go away with Aldo and leave Fern in peace.
I love F&L together but I am really tired of seeing him suffer.

Thanks so much for the great recap!
Carrie L.

Thanks for the funny recap, 5Ft. Loved the hairball and Tomas Panacricio comments. Does panacricio mean loaf of bread?

I am so torn about Alicia. She is such a dummy and so despicable and self-centered but somehow, when it's all crashing down on her head, I can't help but feel sorry for her. This says a lot to how extremely likeable the actress is. Or, on the other hand, I guess real people are a big mixture and not all black and white. It seems that Alicia is really learning to love Tomas. She also seems totally conflicted about the baby. She is distraught to have had her plans for a lazy idle-rich life in Switzerland dashed, but almost seems to be in awe about the pregnancy. Maybe this would have turned Alicia around, but I'm afraid the consequences of her actions will be bearing down on her like a runaway train and it will be too late for her.

Melinama, loved your comment about Alicia's baby being born with a head like a cucumber because of her tight corsets. Too funny!

Things seem to be happening at lightening speed right now. How much more could they have crammed into a 30 minute episode minus commercial breaks. Amazing! We go for weeks and months with junk and now wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am. Can't wait to see what else comes rolling at us this last week. It would be terrible to miss even one 30 minute segment because it would be like missing a month before.


Anonymous 9:50, I removed your comment because it was a spoiler. Wikipedia is a no-fly zone for those who don't want to know ANYTHING AT ALL about the ending.

That previous kesgfkyy posting was mine.

Carrie L, I totally agree with you about Lety's new look. It's like we have a new character because I'm not used to it yet, although I think she looks adorable. It would have been nicer to ease us into it gradually. She did look pretty just without the braces, glasses, eyebrows and bigoton. That You-tube posting of Angelica getting the unibrow drawn on for the last time was very moving. She is feeling the loss of her fea character more than we are.

I think Tomas will find out what Alicia did, retransfer the money back to Conceptos and get Alicia off the hook. I HATED that scene of Lety and Aldo kissing in the park, looked too convincing. The weird motorcycle shot that's been puzzling us all may mean that Alicia goes to jail, Lety marries Aldo and Fern and Tomas rent cycles and go over a cliff like Thelma and Louise........

Ellen a/k/a disillusioned.

Your funniest recap ever, 5ft! Thanks!

How about "crony" for "compinche"? Would that work? (Or do I just like to use the word "crony" a lot?)

I too was confused about Marcia not reacting to Octavio's name. I realize there's more than one Octavio in all of Mexico, but you'd have thought someone would have said "hey, Marcia's admirer is named Octavio too!"

Connie, I agree with you that "Pancracio" must some kind of play on the word "bread." It'd certainly make sense, given the family business.

Thanks, 5ft! You really had a few great lines in this recap but my favorite has to be when you said Tomas “rests his head on Tomás Pancracio's future lunch.” LOL!
It was funny how Fern dropped whatever he was fidgeting with and got that look of utter disappointment on his face when he heard Aldo enter Lety’s office. I felt the same way, Ferni. My favorite part of this episode was the close up of Fern when he was in his office, listening to Aldo and Lety. His eyes were doing that thing they do, WOW! Don Fernando, tan divino! Hate to see our hero so sad. Aldo needs a makeover now, if he wants to hang with Lety.


Thanks for the great recap! You got everything, including remembering Omar's "growl". LOL

I'm very disappointed at the turn this has taken with Lety still wanting to marry Aldo.
I could accept that pre-Aurora "unmasking", but now? After Fer stood by her, she daydreamed about his kisses, etc., she STILL wants Aldo? Fie on her!

Surely, Marcia remembers Octavio's' name; why would she even think about leaving with him if he were a total stranger? Wouldn't she kick a stranger out, or have Celso do it?

At least Fernando got some well deserved approbation from his parents in the boardroom. I liked Ariel's new hairstyle.

I hope Alicia truly changes, altho I don't like the cliche of "motherhood" will make you a better person. Maybe, but it's hard on the baby.

I teared up last night at the announcement of Monday's Gran Finale. Muy triste.

I agree Teresa, Aldo needs a make over. Lety is way prettier than he right now.
I don't understand his hair but maybe the actor is letting it grow for another part?
Fernando is the absolute sweetest person! He would love Lety no matter how bad or good she looked.
The old beginning clips remind me though of how mean he and Omar treated her. I guess with Aldo she feels she found safety. I don't blame her for that.
Sorry Lety, but I don't think you will ever be truly happy forever with anyone but handsome Fern!!! I think that's where her heart belongs.

Carrie L.

What struck me was the way Aldo said "NOW you are pretty on the outside". Soooo, he thought she was a gargolita all the time?? Fernando has never said anything like "Oh thank god you're pretty now". Geez Aldo...and I really liked you.


Fernando is a sad after thought...
I realize Fernando hurt her like a long time ago, but hey I think he has more than made up for it...
That said, that does not necessarily mean Lety would in turn love him...just cause someone pays you back what they owe you does not mean you love them..
therefore...Lety has no obligation to marry Fernando...
I do think though for common decency she should have the curtesy to get the hell out of his face...go live her life and let him get on with his.
Now that she has made her choice I do think she should have to stick with it...no do overs

Aldo dude, the Farrah look is not becoming and you like some mummy movie are aging on the screen at breakneck spped...

I just loved the way Fernando and Aldo were mirroring each other's moves in the meeting. That was hilarious.

It gags me that I think Alicia's going to get away with her crap. As always she'll just tickle Tomy's tackle and he'll make everything ok, puh-leez! Since this is a "comedy" I guess we have to have a happy ending for everyone, but I for one will hold hope till the bitter end that the cow will get what's coming to her, preggers or not. Don't like thieves, sorry...

Thanks for removing the spoiler, Melinama. I for one prefer to keep the blinders on till the very end.

Kim P.

I really could have slapped Lety last night, hard and often. Her lack of reaction to Tomas' problem and her almighty rush to marry Aldo is revolting plus her snotty attitude to Fern. She is no longer the sweet Lety from the beginning and the transformation is NOT pretty. I also thought Aldo's lack of reaction to the new Lety was odd.

As for Fern can his heart and ours break any more. That look on his face when he was standing in the Bat cave - so sad. One thing I have to say Jamie is adorable with his little faces and expressions but when he stands still and makes no face at all he is flat out devastating. Lety is a fool to even contemplate letting him get away to go off with the beach bum.

Alicia does seem to be conflicted just as she seemed to be when she packed up in the first place. I wonder if she will admit what she did to Tomas or go into the office and transfer the money back into the Conceptos account. Surely Tomas can not be so incredibly hypnotized by her boobs that he can't suspect that only she would have figured out his password. I know love is supposed to be blind but obviously on this show it is also supposed to be stupid.

Who would have thought that the day would come when Marcia would be taking romantic advice fro the cuartel?

You took the words out of my mouth Beckster. Fernando is nothing but a after thought to Lety now. She pretty much ignored him and his feelings didn't really matter. The kiss in the park with Aldo was the first time I actually saw some chemistry between them. Now that Lety had made her choice I want Fernando to go on with his life and forget her. I love F&L but I don't like how she's treated him and he's more than paid for the pain he caused her. She's caused him double that IMO. It's time for Fernando to walk no run away LOL without looking back.

The new Bobbsey twins - Fern and Aldo. The tow of them acting in sync was hysterical.

Yuck one more stupid cooing baby talk kissy face scene with Aldo and Lety. With any luck that will be the end of those and not a minute too soon. In reality I still dislike Aldo an think Lety deserves him because she certainly does not deserve anyone as fine and caring as Fern.

I let out a shriek when they finally told us the end date was Monday so now it is off to the store for chocolate and champagne to celebrate/grieve the end.

Does anyone have a source to let us know when the Christina show will air? I know usually it is the Monday following the Fin but that is because novelas usually end on Friday.


I didn't think that Lety would actually kiss Aldo with that cold sore on his lip and all.
Lety how could you.
And Deciegirl, I agree, I never thought that I would see the day when Marica would take advice from the cuartel,

Oh 5-ft, loved the comment about Fern discovering that his heart can break into even tinier pieces.

At least Mama y Papa stood up for him at the board meeting.

And Decie Girl, you are right. Jaime Camil's face, still and expressionless, is devestating.

BTW, Saint Pancrecio is the patron of children, cramps, and headaches (among other things).
Marie from Mass

5ft, thanks for the terrific, diverting recap! I was stunned by no repeat of Friday clips, too. Oh, they’ve got us now…..

Is there anything on earth so adorable as Fern flirting with Lety with a mischievous smile on his face? The man is too cute for words!

“She comes around to the front of her desk as Fernando attempts to cough up a hairball. I think that might have been his secret signal to Aldo” ROTFL!! Very good description of that sound!

“she uses Tomás' computer to transfer $1M to her Swiss account. And let that be a lesson to all of us about using good passwords…” That was exactly my thought. What the heck is with Alicia? She had a plan and it derailed….and it’s only NOW that she understands how deep in kim-chee she is, and how much she really treasures Tomy? It had to fall apart for her to get this? Or was it just the word “embarazada” that got her attention?

It was only a matter of time (what, one episode?) when Ariel’s veneer would peel off. He can’t be civil for two episodes in a row. At least Marcia didn’t automatically think the worst (error is definitely a nicer word than robbery).

Ooooh, Octavio is gonna give the regular galanes here at Conceptos a run for their money! (drool) What a nice surprise for Marcia.

“Marcia is telling the gals that she's torn between Octavio and her email lover. Okay, I have checked the recaps and confirmed that Marcia does know her email lover's name is Octavio.” Yeah, she’s got such a short memory! I remembered that, too, and couldn’t figure out what was going on with her. Bad editing?

“the announcer would like y'all to know that next Monday we'll be having a two-hour grand finale! Then again, you already knew that :)” I am totally peeved that I’ll be at a conference in Reno on Monday and the hotel where I’m staying doesn’t have Univision on its cable channels! I called, and even called Univision in Reno to be sure of the time on Monday so I’d know I would be free at that time! How badly addicted is that? I’m put out that I can’t watch it when it’s shown. Instead, I’ll have to settle for seeing it on the DVR the following weekend. Drat—or worse!



I was sweating the ending as well since I leave the country the next morning. As it is now I'm going to tape it and then also keep it on my DVR. I just wish I had the time and money to get a DVR recorder so I could burn it to a disc and take the disc with me. Then I could show my kids and granddaughter why I'm so over the top about this show and the tan divino Jamie.

I understand that it is available on youtube and that was going to be my last resort. That way you could get a good peek and then go home and have the chance to see it on DVR, How desperate are we? LMAO

I think the reason that Aldo looks like he is aging so quickly is that the show had been going on for so long and...well he is older and just showed it more than our young hunk or young Lety.

I am with you Jeanne - I am travelling Monday and trying to figure out how I am going to see the finale. Think I might have to watch it again on YouTube. I just wanted to see it bigger than four inches wide. (VCR Broken)


Ariel is snotty and a basic prick...but aside from his redeeming qualities...I'd be swearin a pox on the "House of Solis-Pedillia" myself...ever since Lety was hired it has been total mis management...now I'm not saying it is her fault..but if it was my future, I'd been worse than Ariel. $1 million is missing and no one knows how..WTF?

Decie girl and Michaelle--we are indeed desperate. I guess I'll just have to fall back on the DVR and the recap. (sigh) Oh, well, at least I'll be in a fun city that night.


RE: Pancracio -
In addition to the Saint Pancracio info submitted by Marie in MA ( 3:51 PM, above), is this:
Pancracio comes from the Greek, Pankratios, meaning "all-powerful"

just my dos centavos.
Y'all have a good evening

Wasn't Juan Soler also awaiting the birth of a child? That could also account for the quick aging, as well as the cold sore. I noticed that the kiss between Lety and Aldo was mostly occuring on one side of his face, she was probably staying well away from the bad area. Then again, are you sure it was a cold sore? It healed pretty quickly, are you sure he didn't just get bopped in the face or something? He has kids, I myself have been nailed a couple of times playing a little too roughly with my nieces and nephews.
Kim P.

Great recap, thanks for all the funny lines. Fern and Aldo as the tandem backup chorus at the board meeting was too funny. I too am wondering where Marcia's new suitor came from. Nice for her to get a man, but some back story would be nice. So, if Alicia sees it through with her embarazada situation, will she turn all her ambition onto her little Tomas Pancracio and become one of those domineering mothers? Or will Abuela Tomama set her straight? She did have a great mixed espression on her face.

My Spanish class is on Monday nights, and if it weren't for my dvr (which better work or else!), I'd skip la clase to watch LFMB.
I have my priorities, you know!

Totally OT here - I'm planning at trip to Mexico City, maybe alone, and if any of you have been, would appreciate hearing about it. Have you gone alone?
¡ Muchas gracias!

I'm going to have to disagree with you guys on the humor of Aldo's and Fern's mirror reactions to Tomas's news. I thought it was just bad acting, not a visual gag.

Ok its at a commercial but I really feel sick right about now..........

Tv GUide actually shows three hours of LFMB; first a 1 hour segment, and then a 2 hour segment and it also says that Cristina will host the La Fea protagonists that night, so it might end up a doozy of a La Fea night if this is true...will keep you posted though....

Kathryn love your title and funnies!!

Tonight's show was like a emotional rollercoaster ride. I was yelling and cussing at the t.v the first 15 minutes then at was salivating at Fernando at the end. He's so sexy when he's flirty LOL. If he was leaning against my ear whispering into it I would've jumped him. Aldo who? Speaking of Aldo I guess Carmina is out LOL. Now I'm going to eat some Rocky Road to calm my nerves after tonights show LOL.

I think tonite's show was really messed up. I am telling you Ocampy is a sadist.


Anya, wouldn't your Spanish teacher understand that watching the gran final should be extra credit?


It's sad that Ocampy thinks that this is a success for her, when no one would have continued watching this show after lety decided not to marry fern. The only reason most of us continued to watch, was to see Fernando, not because the soap had a good and interesting plot. I can't imagine anyone having their actors/actresses act like the curartel and how desperate these people are to accept these roles from her. No wonder she lost ratings in the mexican version.

I MISSED THE LAST Episode please in detail i want to know what happen???????????

i set my Tivo to record but it only recoded 1hr of recaps If i new it was going to go on longer i would have change the sitting. Any ways does anyone now if there going to show it over again? Or is it online to watch?

The 2011 discussion for Capitulos 293 & 294 is at this link.

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