Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Zorro, Tues. June 12 - MP has a new beau; Mangle hears from an old beau and Camba has a new suit

Garcia can’t bring himself to tell Diego that Esme is alive. Instead, he tells Diego that he considers him a friend, almost family. Garcia says that he has had to do bad things and asks Diego to forgive him but he says that he has never betrayed Diego’s trust. Diego, who is still drunk, asks Garcia what bad things he has done but Garcia won’t say any more. Diego looks confused.

Back in her captivity in the cabin, Esme asks for God’s help to keep Diego from being ensnared by Mangle’s lies.

Mangle and Olmos attend the séance with Selenia.

Catalina begs Pizarro not to kill Tobias. She says that everyone will know it was a crime of passion. ‘Fine,’ says Pizarro, ‘I won’t kill him but you have to continue to do what I want.’ Catalina is trapped.

His servants bring the beaten-up FS home. FS rejects an offer of vengeance from his henchman. When he is alone, FS says that he would endure 1,000 beatings like this one for MP’s love.

MP meets Don Alfonso, the guy whose gallantries incensed FS. He is just passing through town. He continues to compliment MP and they end up having a drink together.

PT tell Bernardo that he is worried that Diego’s feud with Montero is putting his identity as Zorro in danger. PT is also worried that the succession of bad news (death of Esme, finding out that FS killed his mother) will cause Diego to do something that will put his life in danger. Bernardo tries to reassure PT.

Garcia brings Esme some food and urges her to keep fighting.

At the séance, Selenia convinces Mangle (and Olmos) that she is communicating with Santiago Michelena (ST) . ST doesn’t say much and Mangle is told to return for another séance and this one will cost $$. Selenia winks at Olmos as he is leaving but it isn’t clear whether he understands that Selenia was deceiving Mangle. Once they are gone, Selenia tells her dwarf that once she hypnotizes Mangle and Olmos with her ring, they hear only what she wants them to hear.

Almudena dresses Yumalai up in a sexy little corset (that is totally period inappropriate – it’s more Victoria’s Secret than Versailles). Almudena tells Yumalai that this is what white women wear under their clothes (if Yumalai hasn’t been wearing a foundation garment under her gowns up until now, she certainly doesn’t need one. When Almundena goes to get something for Yumalai’s hair, who should walk into the room but Al. He is obviously muy impactado at the sight of Yumalai in the corset. Meanwhile Almudena feels faint and asks God for the strength to live until Yumalai is ready to take over for her with Al.

Pizarro convinces Montero to make Garcia a sargeant again and keep Esme alive. Montero leaves the guarding of Esme in Pizarro’s hands saying only that if her baby is born, he will make it disappear.

Esme apologizes to her baby for failing to get out of captivity. She tells the baby that she knows that Diego still loves her and the only reason that he isn’t busting through the walls with his sword and whip is because he believes that she is dead. [Well, Esme, you had a fantastic opportunity to let Diego know you were alive and you blew it because he was kissing Mangle. So now you tell your baby that you are sure that Diego still loves you???]

Garcia is made a Sargeant again in a ceremony. When he is asked to swear allegiance to Montero, he crosses his fingers behind his back while watching Diego in the crowd.

Catalina blames her situation with Pizarro on the fact that Tobias is not a normal man – he hasn’t fulfilled his marital duties. Tobias denies he an ‘normal man.’ His father was the Conde del Valle. Tobias has a plan to take vengeance on Pizarro that doesn’t involve challenging him to a suicidal duel.

Diego tells Al that he fought with FS because FS killed his mother. Al tells Diego that he almost killed FS when he found out about Regina but in the end he didn’t because he isn’t like FS and the hands of the de la Vegas shouldn’t be stained with blood. The love of MP is keeping FS alive but Al says that his obsession is driving MP away. Al tells Diego that MP has changed.

Cut to MP and Alfonso in a restaurant. Alfonso tells MP about his fight with FS when he admired MP and expresses his continued admiration for MP.

At the gypsy camp, NAC thinks that tomorrow she can walk and won't have to be carried by Renzo. Renzo is disappointed. NAC and Renzo discover that they both like violin music. For once, we don't see Laisha scowling in the background. Azucena brings over some food and NAC asks if anyone has seen Camba. It turns out no one has seen him for a while.

Cut to a boxing match between Camba and some other guy. After a lot of unpleasant fighting scenes, Camba defeats the other fighter and is hailed by the crowd.

Tobias and Agapito are meeting for a drink. Tobias confirms with Agapito that Pizarro's actions concerning SK were a betrayal of Montero. Tobias tells Agapito to bring SK to him from the leper colony.

The gypsies enter some town (I don't think it is LA) juggling and dancing for the population. All of a sudden Camba appears in a very spiffy suit. A guy tells the gypsies that Camba is a great fighter. NAC fusses over Camba and Renzo appears to be jealous.

Meanwhile SK is begging in the town all wrapped up in her leper costume. [Wasn't the idea at the time that leprosy was so contagious that lepers had to be shut away - not standing around in the streets possibly infecting people?] SK tells herself that she has to get out of town before she is recognized by the gypsies and puts them in danger. However, her former cellmate, Hermes, or whatever his name is, seems to recognize her.

Agapito tells Tobias that SK has left the leper colony and he doesn't know where she is. Tobias is very upset because he believes that without using SK as a weapon against Pizarro, Pizarro will kill him. Agapito is confused at his un-Zorro like behavior.

Olmos has agreed to help Pizarro get Esme to Spain. Pizarro tells him to prepare for all of them to flee but that for the present, he can't get Esme out of captivity. Olmos says that it is dangerous for Montero to have Esme since he hates her so much for humiliating him by running away with Diego on the day Montero was to marry her. Pizarro says that Montero has taken his vengeance against Diego. Olmos wants to know how and the whole point of this scene is to have Pizarro tell Olmos that Mangle and Montero are lovers. Olmos is impactado.

Back at the hacienda, Mangle puts something in the Yumalai's medicine for Almudena. She says that since Almudena wants to die, she will help her along and then she and her child will inherit all of the de la Vega fortune.

PT tells DIego that he has heard that Montero's men are buying weapons in Mexico with money from FS. PT believes that FS has allied with Montero to protect himself from an attack by Diego or Al to revenge Regina's murder. Diego says that he will destroy them both.

MP is out walking with her new beau. FS appears and wants to talk to her. She tells him to go away and by the way, this guy is my boyfriend. He is impactado.

Yumalai tells Al about Almudena's dreams that Regina is waiting for her on the other side. Al says that Almudena must survive. Yumalai moves to comfort him and we see Almudena watching.

Olmos is spying on Mangle hoping what Pizarro told him wasn't true. Unfortunately, his suspicions are confirmed when he sees her going into Montero's house. Olmos conludes that Mangle's baby has to be Montero's not Diego's.

Diego asks Garcia, in the name of the friendship that Garcia professed last night, to tell him what happened to Esme.

The credits roll.


Jean - thanks for the recap.

It hasn't taken Maria Pia long to get back into the singles scene, has it? It's not one bit believable that she would go to dinner with a strange man, alone.
Didn't she just leave the quasi-convent?

Esme - back in prison, until the writers figure out what to do with her. What a waste.

Garcia is wonderful, and not such a bumbling idiot now. I hope he gets to be a hero.

Almu finally gets a clue about Al and Yumi. Why did this have to happen to her? Phooey, once again, on the writers.

The Selenia-MA-Olmos thing is a lot of fun, especially since we know S. is a scam artist.

FINALLY Almudena has gotten a clue about Alejandro and Yumi's wandering eyes (and other body parts). I hope that seeing them makes her so mad that she will have a renewed vigor for life. Just because Yumi thinks her dreams are death omens doesn't mean we have to buy that crap. Come on Dena, get in there and fight!

If I were Cat I would let Pizarro go after Tobias. Tobias has changed from a likeable bumbler into a misogynist creep. He will last only so long trying to outsmart Pizarro (and Zorro for that matter).

Wow, Camba cleans up nicely! Too bad his body is inhabited by Satan.

Thanks Jean, that was a wonderfully detailed recap. It was the perfect length for my lunch break.

IMPORTANT QUESTION, FORISTAS - I'm subbing for Cathy today in recapping, but I don't know how to post the recap to the blog. Please help! You can post here, or e-mail me at Thank you!
Jean - I love your title!

Anya, I'm not happy about this development with Maria Pia AT ALL. Of course, she deserves a good man (and this is an avowed Fernandista talking), but to have her declare that she and Alfonso are novios after one day?!?! What a ridiculous development. What's more, how can she imagine that her new beau is safe from Fernando?

And Sylvia, you're soooo right about Tobias. The writers are turning this character and his storyline serious, and it's not working!

Mangle's general evilness is getting even more intense with the poison business. I know she wants Esmeralda dead. But I don't remember her trying to actually kill anybody before. Using poison shows the character is really sneaky and underhanded and generally evil.

I won't be too hard on María Pía for moving fast in adopting the new guy as her novio. After all, we didn't see what all the two of them may have done after dinner.

I wonder when Fernando is going to get his major make-over he was talking to Agapito about.

Selenia a scam artist? Maybe as a sideline. But I'm betting she puts the heavy hoodoo on Mangle to make her fall for Olmos. Plus, unlike Yumalai, Selenia is willing to compete with Mangle on nasty-Spanish-lady terms. Since she deals with the upper crust, she's experienced in putting arrogant rich brats like Mangle under her thumb.

And I still think Almudena pretty much knows the score already about their Big Love arrangement there. Remember, she's seen Alejandro and Yumalai talking intensely before, and even heard Yumalai talking about how Alejandro was the only man she'd ever kissed. And she probably would rather just never know about that little business in the stable on her wedding night. Almudena is just sad because she figures she won't be around to be part of the Big Love scene much longer.

Kamba supposedly got infected by the demon that Aaron the Exorcist ran out of Ana Camila. But he seems to be integrating it into his personality much better than she did. When she would have a demon fit, she went all Linda Blair and you expected to see yucky green stuff spurt out of her mouth. But when Kamba get all demony, it's pretty useful: he breaks out of the chains the slave-catchers had him in, he chokes the slave-catcher in the tavern, he wins the wrestling match to raise money. Kamba and the demon are working out pretty well together. (Much better than Diego and Mangle, for instance.)

Speaking of Aaron the Exorcist, I'm going to be mightily disappointed if he and Selenia don't wind up hitched in the end!

Jean, thanks for the great recap!

“Once they are gone, Selenia tells her dwarf that once she hypnotizes Mangle and Olmos with her ring, they hear only what she wants them to hear.” Was the male voice his? Or, is she really, really good at making herself sound like a guy? If she was lip syncing, it was perfect.

Regarding Alej coming in to see Yumi in the corset-- There is something distinctly creepy about this threesome-type relationship. It gives me shivers even though I am sure Dena means well.

“[Well, Esme, you had a fantastic opportunity to let Diego know you were alive and you blew it because he was kissing Mangle. So now you tell your baby that you are sure that Diego still loves you???]” We have to blame it on sunstroke. She clearly had excessive sun. It’s frying her brain.

“All of a sudden Camba appears in a very spiffy suit. A guy tells the gypsies that Camba is a great fighter.” He’s a snappy dresser now, too. Yep, he cleans up real good. (Sorry, Mom, about that grammar).

“However, her former cellmate, Hermes, or whatever his name is, seems to recognize her.” He surely did. I was surprised he didn’t go right over and talk to her.

“Agapito is confused at his un-Zorro like behavior.” Agapito is such a nice guy, but he’s no rocket scientist. At least he wouldn’t be in our times.

“Olmos wants to know how and the whole point of this scene is to have Pizarro tell Olmos that Mangle and Montero are lovers. Olmos is impactado.” Apparently, Olmos is no rocket scientist, either. And we thought he was so clever. He knows ALL the chisme in town. What’s up with this? How did he miss it, the way he follows her around?


Howdy =)

Jean, I have to agree with everyone on your title and recap. It's got all the details and it's not too long or too short =)

I wouldn't be too hard on MP either. I strongly suspect she just said the boyfriend stuff to see if it would get FS to give up on her. Guess when you're this inexperienced in these things you're bound to act like you're in Jr. High: "Sorry Nando, I can't see you 'cause I'm with Fonzie now so you can just scram." I do remember MP talking to Dena after the double wedding about how weird it was to see men looking at her that way again (not just FS) and how she kind of liked it. It is a little odd that she accepted dinner with a perfect stranger (she only saw him once in a bar!) without a chaperon, but as a nun she's likely to assume people are naturally good (even the ones that have proven evil as we've seen).

So that's what Mangle wanted to get from Eagle Feather!!!!! That stuff nearly killed FS, and we know what it did to Diego. On the one hand, she's thinking of her baby's inheritance as she does it. On the other hand, it's her own aunt!!! She's actually committing murder on her own! All I can say is I can't wait for something horrible to happen to her. Maybe Selenia will be involved now that they've met...

Bruce, I have to agree with you about Camba's symbiotic relationship with the demon. Maybe the demon can teach him Spanish so we can start understanding him. It's funny, in Dame Chocolate they always put subtitles when they speak in Mayan (it's rare and they're short) but they don't put subtitles under what Camba says. I'd just like to know what he's saying for a change.

I don't know that we "know" that Tobi is gay, but his demeanor, and lack of interest in his own wife, certainly seem to indicate. He's certainly foppish enough. I think the MQ said she hated phonies who kissed her butt (I'm paraphrasing), and not necessarily fops. She also probably knows that Tobi's alleged pedigree is all fake (being that she knows all about the nobles) and hates the way he goes around announcing it. Back to his issues with Cat, it is possible that it all comes from his mommy telling him that nice girls don't like sex (I loved the Norman Bates reference in the previous post!) and he thinks he's being a good guy and that Cat is a floozy. But chances are, he's just gay.

The writers must be on vacation, so they just leave Esmeralda, Diego, Zorro and most of the others just floating around, with not much happening.

Almudena is a disappointment, she seemed to have courage and common sense before. She knows that Yumi is at the least a threat and she's choosing the easy way out. I wish she'd snap out of it and make life uncomfortable for Mangle.

I'm guessing Selenia is mostly the real deal. She may use some magic tricks and hypnosis, but it would be fun if she ends up sending Mangle into the open arms of Olmos...

IMO, yes, the writers are getting somewhat lazy or just dragging it out 'cause so many advertisers are clammering to sell on this popular novela. The longer it runs, the more money Tele. makes. Es posible, si?

I'm really liking all the Selenia scenes! Now perhaps Zorro isn't the only one there to "save the day".

Humm, I'm wondering about benevolent informants. The MC seems to have been informed about some things in LA even when she wasn't there, like that the de la Vegas needed help. PT seems to know more about things than what a priest living inside a mission would know. And, if I may jump ahead, the Queen in Spain indicated last night (13th) that she knew of things in LA ("surprises"). I think there's some underground communication, one or more. The gypsies could be involved &, of course, Selenia. Or maybe a person who hasn't surfaced yet.

Looking forward to the next recap & episode, but trying not to get my hopes up. Selenia needs to get a hold of the writers!!

As always, thanks for the great recap, Jean (& all recapers)


"Speaking of Aaron the Exorcist, I'm going to be mightily disappointed if he and Selenia don't wind up hitched in the end!"

Bruce, you are hysterical ! The recapers & bloggers here are more entertaining that many of the episods!
Thanks for the laugh,

Oops, that's "clamoring". Wouldn't mention it but for all you teachers on the blog. : ^ )

Alice C, don't mind us. No one's going to the principal for any of this.


Jeanne (enjoying your comments, typos and all, Alice C)

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