Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Zorro, Tues. June 19 - Esme's ship sinks and Olmos' ship comes in

While the slave traders discuss whether they want Garcia or just Esme, Esme asks Olmos why he is doing this and who paid him. He tells her that she knows why – she and her mother are a danger to the Crown of Spain and the who is Duke Jacobo (DJ), the real power in Spain who rules without a crown by controlling the Queen like a puppet.

DJ comes to visit Montero and Pizarro and tells them that Zorro got into the Queen’s chamber and spoke to her about SK. DJ says that this Zorro seems to know everything and he plans to tell it all to the Queen. Montero is impactado and Pizarro has a kind of rueful smirk.

Alej tells Diego that he has noticed that Diego has changed. He no longer reads poetry and does magic tricks for ladies all night. Diego says that his love for Esme changed him. Alej agrees and says that Diego now acts like an honorable and brave man: he withstood being tortured by Montero and learning about how his mother died. Diego responds that he can do much more. Alej tells him that one person can’t take on Montero and FS. He seems to be on the point of telling Alej that he is Zorro when Bernardo gives him the zip your lips sign. Diego tells Alej that Montero’s injustices have awakened the beast in him and he is going to make them pay. Diego leaves and Alej tells Bernardo to keep an eye on him – in his state, Diego is liable to do some crazy thing.

Montero tells DJ that Zorro is no ordinary criminal. He’s a trained soldier, an excellent swordsman and has more modern weapons than Montero’s men. DJ asks how a low-life criminal could have these qualities and Montero replies that he believes that Zorro studied in the best military academies in Europe. “And you don’t have any idea who he is?” asks DJ. Montero tells him that they have some suspects but are still investigating. DJ tells Montero that Zorro plans to visit the Queen the next night and tell her the rest of the truth about SK. Montero had better stop him or his military career and his life is over.

In the fox cave, Diego asks himself what has Zorro turned into? He can’t stop thinking about Esme, her eyes, her presence. He tells Bernardo that Esme was his universe and then she was ripped from his arms. They killed her and Zorro couldn’t do anything. The worst thing, he tells Bernardo, is that he can’t accept that she is really dead.

Olmos tells Esme and Garcia that if Esme disappears that is good enough for DJ. Basically, I guess he gets paid by DJ and then makes a little more selling Esme and Garcia to the slave traders and they will end up far away and eventually dead. Olmos tells the slave traders to do anything they want with Esme and Garcia but when they don’t want them anymore, they should kill them. The slave traders give Olmos some money and they lead Garcia off protesting and Esme zombie like.

Cut to AC and Renzo in a clinch. They are not sure it’s love but they need each other. AC is concerned that she isn’t a gypsy but Renzo tells he not worry about it. Gypsies are free and they understand love better than anyone.

Cut to Camba singing and dancing in the woods with little pine branches. All of a sudden his former fight promoter and his henchmen attack him from behind and beat him unconscious. The Don King of old LA wants his talent back in the ring.

Laisha, Azucena and Honas come to tell the lovebirds that Camba has disappeared. Moreover, the slave traders have been seen in the area and there were signs of violence where the gypsies found Camba’s necklace. Renzo and AC want to search for Camba but Honas is concerned that it is too dangerous and too late. Laisha has heard that the slave traders have a ship in port and are ready to sail. “Then you’re not going to do anything?” asks AC. Renzo looks pained.

Esme and Garcia have been taken on board the slave ship and they get to meet a new horrible person, Danny Gluck, the boatswain. He tells them, “I give life and take it away. To me you are just meat and I am a carnivore.[This works better in Spanish because ‘carne’ means flesh and carnivore is the same as in English.] Welcome to hell.” [Olmos has a lot to answer for here. Based on the way the slave traders are looking at Esme, it would have been better if Montero had just shot her.]

Selenia tells Olmos that she fulfilled her part of the bargain. Mangle is feeling better and she want to see Olmos and will treat him in a whole new way. Olmos has doubts and Selenia is offended and tells Olmos to pay her the rest of the money he owes her. He tells her that he won’t pay until he is knows the potion has worked. Selenia agrees and tells Olmos that the potion is like a spark – he has to fan it into a flame. Olmos tells her that he has plenty of the hots so that shouldn’t be problem.

FS’s henchman tells him that his men have caught the man they were after and are holding him. FS goes to see him alone. Cut to the hacienda where Don Alfonso’s friend, Manuel, has come to tell MP that Alfonso has been captured and taken away by men who weren’t soldiers. MP asks Manuel if he knew who the men were and Manuel thinks that they work for FS. MP asks Manuel to wait while she changes. They have to go to town. Alfonso’s life could be in danger.

On the slave ship, Esme and Garcia are moving cargo around under the watchful eye of the guards. A voice says , “Camba” several times. Garcia asks Esme how she is feeling and she tells him that she is sure that God has kept them alive for a reason. “Positive thinking, that’s good,” says Garcia. Esme seems quite animated. She says that she is free on this ship and far away from the man who killed her son – Montero. She believes that God will give her a chance to avenge herself on all those who have hurt her [a pretty long list]. Garcia devoutly hopes God arranges this. The evil boatswain orders them back to work and the camera pans to show Camba lying unconscious on some sacks. I guess the fight promoter sold him to the slavers.

DJ comes to see the Queen and tells her that Zorro is a bandit of the worst kind; guilty of robberies, attacks on the military and is suspected of killing a royal official. “This bad man you are describing is totally unlike the man who came to see me last night,” says the Queen. [Of course, the Queen is not a very good judge of character though because she trusts DJ.] The Queen insists on meeting Zorro because he has information about her family and his eyes are sincere. DJ appears to agree to the Queen’s wishes.

Diego is holding baby Alej during yet another thunderstorm in LA. We switch to a long shot of slave ship, sailing under clear skies. All the sailors run around putting up the sails. Thunder and lightning starts – a fast moving storm, I guess. Esme and Garcia try to help Camba.

MP and Manuel are unsuccessful in getting FS’s henchman, Prudencio of the giant floppy hat, to tell them where Alfonso is. Manuel suggests telling Alej but MP thinks she knows where Alfonso is being held.

Alfonso is in a barn full of straw and lit candles – a good combination. FS comes in and tells Alfonso that MP is his and that’s it. FS asks Alfonso what his intentions are towards MP. Alfonso refuses to answer and FS hits him. Alfonso does not appear to be a very good fighter. FS ask him again what he wants with his woman. This time Alfonso tells him that he wants to marry MP. FS hit him again.

Montero ask Pizarro how Zorro could have gotten into the Queen’s quarters without any of his soldiers seeing him. Pizarro says that Montero knows Zorro’s abilities. In response to Pizarro’s practical question about how they are going to keep Zorro from repeating his visit to the Queen, Montero orders Pizarro to search neighboring houses, roofs and the area. There may be tunnels that go into the Queen’s rooms. Pizarro agrees and leaves and Montero says that Zorro will see the surprise he will have waiting for him.

FS tells Alfonso to leave town or he will become worm food. In comes MP and tells him to stop. “Do you want me to hate you more?” she asks, “You are a beast!” MP apologizes to Alfonso. He tells her that they are a couple and FS can beat him up every night and he’ll always stay by her side.” FS starts beating on him again and MP screams how much she hates him and orders him to get out. Manuel thinks Alfonso needs a doctor but MP says that she will take of his wounds. MP apologizes over and over to Alfonso.

Lying in bed with his crying baby, Diego dreams and rehashes about when PT warned him against Zorro seeking vengeance and the moment when Diego almost told Alej that he was Zorro. Suddenly, there is a flash of light and Diego hears Esme asking him to help her. Diego sits up – was it a dream? It felt so real.

We seem to be having a storm on the ship. I guess the budget didn’t run to a moving platform so the ship-set is rock steady while the sailors stagger about.

Renzo tells AC that God will protect Camba. She says that Camba is an innocent person. Renzo says that sometimes Camba is a gentle guy and sometimes he’s out of control. AC tell Renzo that Camba is possessed by the same evil force that possessed her. Renzo says that he doesn’t believe in those legends but AC assures him that it’s true.

On the ship, Esme gives Camba some water. Evil slave trader comes up and kicks it away saying that this isn’t an inn. The slave guy snatches Esme’s medallion. Esme tries to get it back. Then the devil takes over and Camba breaks his chains as if they were tin foil. He attacks the slave trader. During the struggle, the ship catches fire.

Montero comes to see FS who says that he is busy because his daughter just gave birth. Montero hasn’t heard about this. He tells FS that he needs some of his men to bring the shipment of weapons that he bought in Mexico into the City. It appears that Montero is setting a trap for Zorro by having his men bring in a false shipment while the real one is brought in by FS’s men. FS agrees to the plan. Montero tells FS that Zorro got into the Queen’s chamber and spoke to her about SK. “Does she know everything?” asks FS. “No,” says Montero. Zorro is coming back to tell her more with a witness present.” FS is angry. He says that Zorro cannot be allowed to see the Queen. He agrees to lend Montero his men.

Alfonso and MP are walking in the woods. MP apologizes again for what FS did. Alfonso proposes to MP. She tells him that her long relationship with FS has left scars on her heart and she needs time. Alfonso responds that maybe now is the time to make a decision.

Olmos comes to see Mangle. He has doubts that what Selenia told him was true. He knocks. Mangle tells him to come in and we see what she sees – a non hunchbacked bald guy. He’s not exactly handsome but better looking than Olmos, that’s for sure. To Olmos’ joy, Mangle tells him how much she wanted to see him. When he kisses her hand, he tells himself that Selenia was right – the potion worked, it worked!

Apparently, MP had never introduced Alfonso to Alej in the six months that they have been seeing each other. Now that he is going to ask MP to marry him, Alfonso meets Alej. He asks Alej’s permission to marry MP while FS enters the room behind him.

Diego asks the barmaid if she has seen Garcia. She says that she hasn’t seen him for several days. Agapito comes up and tells them that there has been a terrible tragedy. A ship loaded with slaves burned and sank with no survivors. At this moment, an old guy staggers up and collapses. When he reaches down to help the man, Diego sees that he is wearing Esme’s medallion. Diego is impactado. “No puede ser,” he says.

On a beach covered with flotsam and jetsam, is Esme, alive. She thanks God for sparing her life so she can continue her path of vengeance.

The credits roll.


Jean - thanks for the recap!

When DJ was grilling Montero, it occurred to me, why wouldn't Montero at some point have used his powers (when he was in crazy mode) to round up all the men in town who might have studied in Europe? Or all the richest guys? Then he could have Pizarro torture them one by one to try to discover who Zorro is...

OMG, you're so right about Don Alfonso having never met Alejandro! That was a real WTF (excuse my virtual language) moment for me. The 6-month time fast forward has really exposed some crinks in the story.

I also thought it didn't make sense when Olmos said the Duke would suffice to have Esme "disappear." Maybe he was just lying for Esmeralda. He and Pizarro and Montero need to die long, slow, painful deaths.

Fernando and Alejandro grandparents to the same gatherings at the de la Vega household are NOT going to be fun! ; )

Olmos and Mangle, together at last! It was worth the wait.

I had the same question about the fight promoters and the slave traders. When they dragged Kamba into the woods, the promoter was saying what a great fighter he was and how he needs him back. But then Jonas says slave traders were in the area and then Kamba turns up on the slave ship. Maybe a scene wound up being edited out. Or maybe the editors just messed up. Or maybe the slave traders captured the fighters and took them all along with Kamba. (Hey, it at least bridges the editing gap.)

Also, even allowing for "poetic license" and all, did el Gobernador just stroll into the De la Vega hacienda with nobody noticing just as Don Alfonso was proposing?

But we had a Selenia scene and the first Mangle-Olmos love scene, so I'm willing to forgive all editing gaps from last night.

At last Esme's out of prison! It's a miracle she didn't drown with her heavy dress and petticoats.

Yep, there seemed to be some real continuity issues last night. My gripe: a beautiful shot of the ship at dawn, all the sails unfurled, cut to Danny Gluck shouting at the crew to hurry up and unfurl the sails. Thank you for letting me vent.

I love that when Mangle saw the 'handsome' Olmos he was bald and sans his horrid toupee. I'm looking forward to this story line.

Thanks Jean!!

The editing and writing is sloppy and stupid. Why not just assume that Alfonso and Alejandro had met in the intervening 6 month and go on to the proposal? The whole introduction scene wasn't necessary.

The same with Camba. If his supernatural powers are needed on the slave ship, just have him captured by the slavers. Why make it more complicated with the fight guys?

Obviously, the writers wanted to get Esme on the slave ship so she can escape but they didn't establish any reason for Olmos to prevent Montero from killing Esme so he could sell her to the slavers. It certainly was not done to help Esme. Unless I missed something, Duke Jacobo has had no contact with Olmos since he came to town. Olmos' being an agent of the conspiracy against SK and her daughter just fell out of the story.

Jean I had the same issues about Olmos selling Esme rather than just killing her, but then I thought about it and realized (other than keeping Esme alive for plot purposes---really bad to kill off your heroine) that perhaps Olmos was in need of some cash to pay Selenia and he thought this would be a good way to make a quick buck.

Jeane, thanks for the terrific recap! Great details!

Well, Olmos is a villain, for sure. We knew he worked for the Duke but never knew how far he would go until now. It seems like I remember there was always a question about whether he would work to save Esme and SK or not. It looks like not. OTOH, he didn’t flat out kill her or SK. So, maybe there is hope still.

It’s probably a good thing that Diego has Bernardo as a conscience to remind him not to spill to his Dad about being Zorro. Alej isn’t too far wrong about him being liable to do some crazy thing!

Wouldn’t it be nice if the Queen catches on to how she’s being manipulated? Maybe she already has. I can’t imagine a queen giving up a crown if another family member comes forward, but who knows? She might be way tired of this gig.

“The Don King of old LA wants his talent back in the ring.” LOL! Very good!

“To me you are just meat and I am a carnivore.[This works better in Spanish because ‘carne’ means flesh and carnivore is the same as in English.]” Yeah, I thought that was very clever writing.

FS is such a sorry excuse of a man. I know several of you think he could be rehabbed, but I don’t see it. He just won’t let go. It’s not love. It’s sick. (And Arturo Peniche is doing a great job making me think that). I’m glad MP got there before Alfonso was dead or something.

Well, now we’ll have a few weeks of Mangle looking really wacko and Olmos not looking much better, following each other around. That should make for some interesting scenes. I wonder what Diego is going to think of this?

It was fun to read everyone's comments so far. I wasn't as put out by the editing, but I see what y'all mean.


Jeanne -

I don't think FS will be "rehabbed" traditionally, in that he will have a happy ending. Absolutely not! But characters like his (evil with a backstory/excuse, slight vestiges of humanity peeking through) are generally destined for a last-minute repentance, one episode of goodness, but then the next day he dies in a fiery end while saving someone, in a truly selfless act. In FS' case, I think he'll save Esmeralda (making up for all his treatment of her), and be held in MP's arms as he "crosses the wide river."

Jen, good point. In Alborada Arturo Peniche's dichotomous character had such a demise. He started out "bad," was somewhat rehabbed midway when we found out he was abused as a child, the viewers were allowed to sympathize with his character, and he achieved full redemption when he gave his life fighting for the honour of his wife, the woman he had more or less wronged for years.

Okay, Jen and Sylvia, that'll work. Arturo Peniche did a great job in Alborada with that turnaround.

Jean, I noticed I spelled your name wrong earlier. Ooops. Too used to spelling my own, I guess.


Jean - thanks for the recap!
Seems like we're back on track now and moving along. At long, long last.

I'm glad Esme and Diego are back in contact,atleast,supernaturally. I love that kind of stuff.

I thought Olmos really did take off his rug..he looked a bit debonair. That was a clever scene.
MA looks like a goner for him. LOL

Can't wait for tonight's episode. Will Alumdena also get the psychic vibe that Esme's alive?

Does anyone agree that the gentelman show plays Camba is a really good actor!!!!

Wow, botched that one way up. Let me try again:

Does anyone else notice and/or agree how great of an actor the gentleman who plays Camba is?

Yes, I think Camba is terrific. (The actor is!)


Does anyone know if Zorro is ending soon? There are previews for another show.

Great recap Jean very detailed.

I like that the story ist moving along. Finally Esme is out of that shack and now away from the slave traders. Q: did that name Gluck mean anything? The fact that he said it made me wonder. How convieneit isn't it that she got the medalian grafted into her palm (per previews).

Mangle and Olmos scene was too funny. It feel so weird that she looks at him all funny. I imagine we are going to get a lot of happy dances and/or mess up in the pants looks.

That's funny pointing out Alej never met MP's beau. I didn't even think about it, guess it didn't bother me. What I did find crazy was that FS just waltzed into the house. Of course the birth of his grandson will be the excuse for nobody not to do anything.

I hope Zorro is on the plan Monty has in store for him. I don't think I want a close call for him. I also want him to tell the Queen the rest of the SK story and hopefully get the Queen thinking about the company she keeps.

Good one, Jean!
I enjoy Selenia, she's got the goods on Mangle and Olmos. They really deserve each other. I hope they let us enjoy this for a while. It looks like these telenovelas usually have everything happen at the beginning and at the end, leaving the middle sloppy and dull. At least so far, there's been a lot of action!

Does anyone know why a ship full of slaves would be leaving Nuestra Senora de Los Angeles?? Seems like ships with slaves would be one way only--that is incoming...

Camba's great, especially considering he says about two words only. Oh, and quite the babe too.

The slave ship in California is curious to me. Slavery was a big issue in California in the 1800's, especially around the mid century:

However, I don't recall ever hearing about slave ships actually hitting the west coast. I always assumed that the African slaves that ended up in California mostly came with the people who owned them or escaped here on their own.

I still think Camba is a dead ringer for my son-in-law who hails from Guinea-Bissau. I'd give you odds the language he is speaking is Fula. Or Criuolo. Those are both languages found on the coast of Western Africa where the slave traders popped in and out and grabbed folks (where Guinea-Bissau is located).


I'm guessing they're pirates using slave labor on the ship.

Now if Olmos & Mangle would just get it on in bed when someone (better yet, many ones) walk in on them! In 1800 could you get an annulment?

You could, Alice C, but it wasn't easy. However, with enough money, you could do almost anything. Look at all that happened in and title work miracles....

Jeanne (who wanted to see Luis and Hipolita TOGETHER)

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