Monday, July 02, 2007

Acorralada #119 Monday 7/2/07 The doormat has sunk to an all time low...

Warning: today's episode should get the award for the worst Acorralada episode ever. And that's quite a contest!

We begin in Max's room at the manicomio, where Diana is giving him options for how he can spend his day: soak up some sun on the patio, read, take a walk, get some fresh air... she makes it sounds like he's spending a weekend in the country or something. Don't these patients ever see a psychiatrist? While she's in the room, Diana receives a call from Eduardo inviting her to lunch, and Max is jealous, he wants to know if the call was from the father of her child. She says no and he tells her how easy it would be to fall in love with her. He stops just short of kissing her.

Meanwhile, Samantha hides behind a large tree so that she can call Ignacio to let him know that Diana stopped her before she was able to give Max the injection. Ignacio didn't expect her to be so useless! She tells him that she's not an idiot, it's all the fault of Diana, who stopped her. He insists that she find a way to do it or she won't get the $5,000. He hangs up and tells Camila what's happened, and she says that they'll just have to get Diana fired. Ignacio thinks this is a perfect idea, and Octavia is just the woman to do it!

Back to Max and "Azucena"/Diana, where he's still whispering sweet nothings. But she's a professional, they can't kiss there. Besides, she has to go give breakfast to the rest of the patients.

Gaby has returned to the mansion, and Miguelina and Lala are telling her how happy they are to see her, and they let her know how upset Fedora has been - especially since Diana has left the mansion! Miguelina tells Gaby that she'll tell Fedora that she's returned, and when she goes to her room, she'll find Kike - who's very furious. Doormat looks worried but goes to her room to face the music.

In her room, Kike is doing push ups. He's wearing tight jeans and no shirt and when he stands up you see that he's worked up quite a sweat. It might be sexy if he wasn't so darned evil! He says "finally my fugitive wife has returned." She tells him they must talk, and shuts the door. *RUN, GABY, RUN! Go back to Luscious! Don't look back!!!*

Larry gets a different homecoming. He finds Yolanda and Rene by the pool planning their upcoming wedding, and tells them how wonderful his time with Gaby was. Yolanda warns him that Fedora is not going to allow this, but he knows that he won't be separated from Gaby again. Just then Pilar arrives.

At Paco's little apartment, Marfil and Octavia look like a couple of little girls playing dress up - Octavia is wearing a bunny pink sweater with a huge ostrich feather collar, and Marfil is wearing a super tight white top with some sort of shiny fabric and zipper running up the arm. Marfil can't believe that Fiona is staying there, but Octavia lets her know that it's her husband's house and she can have whoever she wants stay there - without consulting Marfil. It doesn't matter anyway - Max won't be free for a while. The doorbell rings and Octavia opens it to find Dr. Evil.

At the manicomio, Diana is reading to patients when Samantha interrupts her to let her know that she's keeping and eye on her, and she'll get her fired if she makes any mistakes. Diana assures her that she doesn't make mistakes at her job.

Back to the big mansion of horrors, where Gaby is trying to explain to Kike that marrying him was a mistake. He grabs her by the hair and asks her if she's been with Larry, if she did the nasty with him. She admits that she did. He tells her that she's going to see who he really is now and pins her down on the bed as she screams for him to stop. *How big is this place, and why the heck isn't Miguelina listening for trouble?* Pobre de Gaby.

Again, Larry is getting off easy... Pilar has come to tell him that she doesn't understand why he asked her to stay if he had planned to get back together with Gaby, but there's nothing that can be done. She hopes that he'll be happy with Gaby. Sweet, sweet Luscious tells her that he's sorry, and he never meant to hurt her. They tell each other goodbye, forever.

Ignacio has come to tell Octavia the news - that Diana is working at the psych hospital where Max is being treated! Octavia is impactada, and we're saved by the commercial.

Back from the commercial, Pedro is telling Max how delicious breakfast was this morning. They joke about the cakes that Pedro ate, and Pedro tells Max that he's noticed how much better Max is, it must be from the special care of the beautiful nurse!

Marfil and Octavia tell Ignacio that they're going to get Diana fired immediately!

Back at Icky Mansion, Kike comes out of the shower wearing only a towel around his waist, and poor Gaby is curled up in a fetal position on the bed crying because she's been raped. He lets her know that he's only taken what was his. She tells him that he's bad and he better leave the mansion. He grabs her by the hair as he tells her that she's not kicking him out because if she tries, she'll see how dangerous and violent he can be. And she better not tell Fedora, tampoco.

Fiona is wandering the streets wearing what looks like one of Octavia's halter tops, carrying several bags from her shopping trip, when Diego pulls up behind her and honks. He stops the truck and gets out to flirt with her a little, and she's oh so happy to flirt back. YUCK.

At the psych hospital, Octavia insists that Diana be fired as Marfil and Samantha put on their best lemon sucking face. (They must have taken lessons from Max).

As the meeting to determine Diana's professional fate is happening, Diana is having lunch with Eduardo, who's heartbroken over Fiona. It seems that he's trying to get over his soon to be ex-wife with our glassy eyed heroine. Big surpise.

Back to the psych hospital, where Marfil and Octavia try to convince the doctor that many of Max's problems are because of Diana. He tells them that without evidence, he's not going to fire her. She's an excellent nurse. Marfil tells him to fire Diana, or they'll move Max.

We reluctantly return to psycho mansion, where Kike is pouring himself some tequila when Fedora arrives. He tells her that Gaby is in their room, and she hasn't given him an explanation for why she left, she only said that it was a mistake to marry him. He tells her that he loves his wife, and he'll forgive her infidelity. Fedora assures him that she can handle her daughter, luckily she's not as difficult as her sister Diana.

Diego and Fiona are still flirting, and it's still gross. He's so arrogant since he recovered from his paralysis! He tells Fiona that Diana will never get rid of him, because he won't give her a divorce.

Eduardo and Diana are having a heart to heart about their pathetic love lives. He lost all of his friends when he married, all he ever wanted to do was make money to buy her things. He takes Diana's hand and thanks her for being there for him. Again, we're saved by the commercial. We're almost halfway, through, kids. Hang in there!

Now: for the worst scene in the worst episode: Fedora enters Gaby's bedroom and finds her curled up in a ball wearing a pink fuzzy robe with a catatonic look on her face. Immediately Gaby asks for forgiveness and tells her that it was an impulse, a locura de amor. Fedora doesn't want to hear it - she doesn't want to hear about her love for Larry. Gaby tries to tell her what Kike's done, but Fedora cuts her off and tells her that she doesn't want to hear a word of it. What she did was unforgiveable, and if she abandons her husband, she will have to leave the house and never come back, just like Diana. Her daughters will be dead to her. Gaby wants to know how she can be so harsh, but you know Fedora's not buying that for a dollar.

At the psych hospital, the doctor tells Marfil and Octavia that if they take Max out now, it will interrupt his treatment (is that the poetry reading treatment? or the sunbathing treatment?). He tells them that he won't fire Diana, and Octavia responds that she's taking Max out of there immediately. Just then, Larry opens the door and says they're not taking Max anywhere.

At the mansion, doormat is telling Fedora that she won't do anything else to upset her. Fedora hugs her and tells her that she's good, and not like Diana. Now she must wash her face and forget the crazy thing she's done. Kike will forgive her and they can be very happy! Gaby is left a quivering, crying mess, como siempre.

More Diego/Fiona flirting... Diego tells her that he's got to visit his brother, and she asks if it's okay to call him if she wants to talk. Of course it is - that's why he gave her the number.

Max is trying to plan an escape with the help of Pedro Loco. Pedro warns him that if he's unsuccessful, they'll make him wear a straight jacket! Max isn't scared, he's got to get out of there. Then Pedro reminds him that if he leaves, he won't see Azucena anymore. This strikes a chord with Max, but he still has to be free. He offers to take Pedro with him.

Larry tells Octavia and Marfil that Max is not leaving, he needs Diana. Octavia and Marfil leave to avoid a scandal, and Larry lets the doc know that Max is not to leave the psych hospital.

Samantha takes Octavia and Marfil to the patio to taunt Diana. When they find her, Octavia calls her the damned nurse who keeps crossing their path. Diana is impactada, and we go to commercial.

Back from commercial, where Octavia tells Diana that neither she nor Marfil will rest until Diana's out of the hospital.

At psycho mansion, Gaby is flashing back on the rape as she lays in bed crying. The phone rings - it's Larry who wants to know how she's doing. She tells him that she's fine and listens to his update regarding Max. Kike returns to their bedroom and Gaby hangs up. Larry is confused, but quickly distracted by the nurse who's come to show him where he can see Max from the window. She predicts that he will be recovered very soon. Meanwhile, Gaby tries to convince Kike that she was talking to Silvita, but he doesn't believe her. He grabs her by the hair again and tells her that his dark side is very dark, and she shouldn't look for it. She better forget about Larry or he's capable of anything. Gaby is beside herself with grief. Commercial break.

At Emilio's place, Silvita is wearing a day glow purple wig as she asks Diana why she looks so sad. Diana tells her about Octavia & Marfil's visit. She's worried that if they get her fired, she won't be able to care for Max.

Fedora has come to Gaby's room to ask her to join the family for dinner. Rodrigo is there, and besides, she needs to be nice to Kike. What she did to him was almost unforgiveable. She should come down and have dinner at the side of her husband. Doormat agrees to come down, and Fedora thanks her for being good and not making her suffer the way that Diana has.

The phone rings - we see Kike's hand pick up the phone, then we hear Larry's voice talking to Gaby. She tells him to forget about her, she plans to forget about him and be happy with her husband. Nobody's forcing her to say this - not Fedora or Kike, she's just decided to stay with her husband, and asks Larry not to call her anymore.

At the manicomio, Samantha is screaming and pulling the blankets off Pedro and Max to wake them. She tells them to get to their feet - this is not a vacation! Pedro tells Max that she he warned Max - that woman is bad! Max tells him that he's not afraid. Then we see Diana, who's very happy to start her work day, where she gets to see Max. Samantha storms up telling them to get to work - they look like turtles. Then she proceeds to taunt Diana about Max calling her Azucena. Diana asks her if she gets tired of spreading her poison - Samantha says nope. Credits roll.


Hey, I never have watched this show but your lead line caught my attention. You poor folks - but don't forget, you VOLUNTEERED for this show!!! Heh.

No fair! I started watching this show because it had no rapes, like Duelo. Yech. What are we going to do? It seems like they have started all over again with a new series to fill more episodes, what with sex-machine Diego and the other new characters.

Acorraladeers, this is my suggestion: close up shop when you start blogging Amarte Sin Limites. After all, the rule here for recappers is: do exactly as much as you WANT to do and no more!

I have to admit that I have kind of a love/hate relationship with this novela. Some days I love it (usually when there are Larry & Gaby scenes). Some days are almost painful - like yesterday. I'm sure today's episode will make up for it. Maybe I'm just a glutton for punishment!

I have to agree with you, Amy. I have a love-hate relationship. I sound like the biggest complainer, but I still keep watching. I will do today's recap, by the way.

Poor Gaby! What has she ever done to deserve having so much dumped on her?!

My excuse is that I hate to not finish something I've started.

Here's hoping today's will be better than yesterdays!

If this novela gets any more over the top, we'll hear those famous words of melodrama: "And he tied her to the railroad track. And the train was coming...."

Poor Gaby! Not only does she not need a mother like that, but granny M who raised her is no help. First she fought off Andres in the parking lot, then in that same room, now Kike. I can see the writing on the wall that she'll turn up pregnant, Larry will think it's Kike's (after all he got Pilar pregnant twice - tho I don't think Larry knows that). Larry will desert Gaby; Pilar will make another move.

I thought last week that Fedora might testify against Gaby to send her to jail... didn't she tell the lawyer that anything was better than Gaby being with Larry? Now I'm hoping Gaby says she shot him in cold blood and sends herself to jail. At least she'll be away from Kike.

By the way, thanks all you recappers! Your summaries are the best part of this novela!

*How big is this place, and why the heck isn't Miguelina listening for trouble?*
I asked that same question!!
You guys said it all!! It's getting ridiculous again! And we have what about 3 more months of this to take? Ughh, that just seems so long with the way this novela is going. What's worst is that you recappers suffer the most and you don't even have to, but you still do it. Again I give you guys credit for doing this. I understand if you recappers stop though, why suffer anymore right? I really only care for Larry and Gaby anyways. There wasn't too much of them today though and I have a feeling they're going to be apart for a while. Well, thanks again for the recap!! =)

I'm with Amy; this was the worst episode I've seen yet! This was even worse than Max hanging from the rafters being beaten by Diablo.

What on earth has poor, sweet, petite Little Doormat ever done to anyone to deserve being repeatedly and viciously attacked either physically or mentally by everyone including her own mother? The only consolation is that she lost her virginity to Luscious and not Kick Me. I am so disgusted with these writers!

I just want Luscious/Gaby and Rene/Yolanda to hurry up and get married so the show can end SOON! I really couldn't care less about what happens to the rest of the yahoos. Even Granny M seems to be on Kick Me's side!

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