Saturday, July 07, 2007

Acorralada #122 Friday 7/6/07 Sisters unite! (no, I don't mean Diana and Gaby)

At Paola's bedside, she has a close call. Caramelo reassures Paco. He wants Paola to live and to forgive him. Paco lashes out at Octavia--it's her fault this all happened. Larry tries to calm Paco.

At the manicomio, Samanta is lecturing Diana about Max. He should be in a straitjacket (camisa de fuerza--shirt of strength). Diana lectures Samanta on how heartless she is. Samanta threatens to get Diana fired.

At the hospital, more worrying about Paola. Paco tells Octavia that it's her fault their daughter lies at death's door. You were a terrible mother and a killer! Larry seems to be stifling a laugh in the background.

Max and Diana discuss how he's confused. He still thinks Diana and Azucena are two people. Max also has a three-day growth of beard, the better to make him look loco.

Paola now lies alone in her room. There is a flashback to a fight between her and Caramelo while Puncho stands by. The girls wrestle in mud. She also flashes back to her wedding.

Iggy and Camila have an argument about ridding the world of Diana and Max (in a fire? not sure what he is planning). Camila doesn't care if Diana is burned to a crisp (achicharrada), but she doens't want to lose Max. Iggy reminds her that Max will never go back to her even if Diana is gone. (remember, she's about fifth in line. Virna Flores should get a new agent about now.) Better he dies.

Eduardo calls Diana to check on her conversation with Fiona. He is despairing. He doesn't want to keep throwing himself at her feet, but he loves her. Maybe another chance?

Fiona pays a locksmith to fix Octy's door. She is outraged that she being penniless has to lay out money, but she figures she'll get reimbursed later. She gets Octy on the horn to chitchat. She starts complaining about Diana and wants to gossip. But even Octy has limits. She says she can't be bothered right now.

Max is watching Diana from his window. Samanta sneaks in and gives him an injection in the shoulder. He attacks her back and starts strangling her. He gets caught and put in a straitjacket.

Kiki tells Gaby to go back to work so all will look normal. Then he has her massage his feet. Gross. He tells her that Gaviota let him know that her trial date is soon. She had better win, since he doesn't want a little wifey in the carcel. Then he doesn't like her massage, so he kicks her and orders her to draw him a bath and makes her say "mi amor." He mutters that her life will be a hell. She will pay for cheating.

The other nurse (don't know her name) reports to Diana about the attack. Diana doesn't believe it. There is a scene where Samanta and Diana try to tattle on each other to the head guy. The boss says that Diana must have proof of her assertions.

Caramelo talks to Paola, who finally wakes up. They have a touching scene. Both always wanted a sister. Now they can be best friends. Paola says that Larry and Max always had each other but she was alone. If she had known about their being sisters, she would never have taken up with Pancholon. Caramelo says never mind. The only important thing is that you get better. She says she has renounced Pancho, and when Paola gets better, they will go to Lala and get him a good lawyer and then Paola can have him. No, Paola says. She is dying, and Caramelo can have him. She is the true wife. Paco comes in, and they have more touching togetherness.

Lala visits Pancho at the cell and tells him about Paola. He is overcome. He creates a ruckus and seeks special permission to go visit. Sort of ridiculous, in that he is in jail for the crime of marrying her. Well, the DA won't let him out, because he is there for too important a crime--now he's in for some jewelry fencing thing! (funny, he never got arrested for that--I think they have to arrest you, indict you, etc. Well, so much for due process in TeleMiami.)

Gaby flashes back to her happy time on the beach with Larry.

Diana lets Max out of the straitjacket. Samanta catches her and runs to tell the boss. Diana puts the straitjacket back on. When the boss comes in, they act like Samanta is the crazy one. Samanta says "You put the straitjacket back on." Diana says "I don't know what you are talking about."

Paco and Paola talk. He promises tha they will all take a trip together--him, and Paola and Caramelo. They will all get to know each other, and it will be wonderful. Paola says that there is no time, Papa. It is too late.

Octy has now gone home and is chatting with Fiona. Don't know why she would leave the hospital. Fiona tells her that she should never have let anyone in on her secret. Octy says that she was nervous and needed to confide in someone, so she told her sister.

Later, Max and Diana chuckle over how they put one over on the boss. She tells Max that it is good to see him smiling. The boss comes in and says that he can be released from the straitjacket. Samanta protests to no avail.

Max tries to get Diana to kiss him. She protests but finally gives in.
Meanwhile, Marfil arrives for a visit. Samanta tells her that Diana's in the room with Max and prepares to catch them unawares. Max and Diana begin kissing, and we see the doorknob to the room turn. Who will it be?

Will it be Marfil, or just Pedro returning from the bathroom?


Thanks for picking up Friday's episode. I can see I didn't miss much!

I'm happy to see Caramel and Peyote bonding. Perhaps they can unite against Puncho now.

I'm glad I didn't miss much either! Thanks for the recap! =)

Yes, there was a lot of filler, what with all the long flashbacks.

The mud-wrestling scene was hilarious. Did that actually happen on an earlier episode or was it just this flashback?

All those flashbacks actually happened on previous episodes. Yes, there have been many hilarious bitch-slap fests in this show, for those who have only started watching recently.

Those hospital scenes with the sisters were nice - looks like a potential pleasant story line. But if Pao survives, where will she live? Not at the mansion with Caramelo and Fedora; not at Paco's with Octavio. Emilio! Open you doors again. If that happened and Gaby ended up there too we'd have Emilio and the 4 sisters.

This episdoe had its share of oddities:

1. as pointed out in the strange that Octavia was back at the apartment with her daughter between life and death. It was typical Octavia behavior, BUT she'd actually seemed to be affected at the hospital.

2. how funny the Fiona was 'paying herself' for the lock. She didn't have a cent when she arrived; borrowed $$$ from Octavia to go shopping. Actually she was paying with borrowed $$$.

3. what was in that injection Samanta stabbed Max with anyway? Didn't seem to make him any worse

4. Lala was in the know about Pao in the hospital. Was she never updated to the fact that her son had married sisters? Or did she just neglect to tell him? I kept waiting for that bomb to fall.

Question 4--a good point, CC: I don't think Lala has been told. There are so many loose ends in this show that the writers must lose track. It takes a crack team like this one!

As for what's in the injection, I think we have learned not to ask anything logical of these episodes. Consider just a couple of Iggy's special effects:

1) acid in Max's eyes--no ill effects, complete recovery.

2) Diego gets shot, Iggy does something to make him paralyzed, but he recovers anyway.

Yes, Iggy needs to also have his "Evil Doc" license taken away since he's so bad at it.

Where can I find recaps for novela numbers 123 and 124? Thanks

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