Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Acorralada #129 Tuesday 7/17/07 Just another wacky day in Telemiami

Recap from earlier: Max and Pedro plan to go to the wedding.

Kike catches Gaby watching Larry on the novela. He is about to hit her with a belt. Granny M fortunately interrupts. Kike recovers and tells M to get Nancy to remove the TV. (I just love the show within a show conceit of watching character Larry act on a telenovela.)

Diana and Fedora meet for lunch at a poolside restaurant at some local hotel. Diana tells her mom that mom will be a beautiful bride. Fedora is still pining for Paco, though. Isn't it amazing, Paco and Caramelo have been away for a year.

Pedro calls Roddy, who thought Pedro was dead. No, siree, and I'm right here in town, and I see you're getting married. Sure enough, he's invited, and yes, he can bring his grandson "Alejandro Salvatierra"!

Octy and Fiona discuss Octy's divorce. Fi wonders about the Paco/Fedora connection. Fiona has come up out of the blue--Octy has not heard from her in a year. Octy fills her in on how she is reduced to living on what Larry makes as an actor (nothing to sneeze at, judging from the rabid fans) and Yolanda's pottery sales. (Poor Yolanda--looks like Rene is still in Germany with no return date in sight.) Fi asks Octy why she doesn't work, and of course Queen Entitlement says that she couldn't let her old friends see her working or they would know how low she has sunk. (Too bad she didn't sink in the pool.)

Eddy now joins Fedora and Diana for lunch. What a cozy trio. Max sees them from the pool. Who is that guy, he wonders. Le viene al galgo. Which supposedly means like father like son. I don't know who is is referring to. (galgo means greyhound. The gist of it is that the speed comes with the greyhound's genes, yada yada yada, according to Wordreference.)

Eddy laments how he hasn't seen Fiona for months, and still he wants her. But he is ready to reconstruct his life.

Silvia and Jorge frolic on the beach. He seems to really like her, and she is even wearing a normal wig. But she wants a millionaire. What does a millionaire have that I don't, asks Jorge. Well, a million, of course. She then goes into another one of her silly man-hungry reveries, this time about Roddy. She imagines him as Tarzan and she is Jane. I will not bother to recap in more detail.

Fedora sees Fiona and Octy talking. She goes over to speak to them. Fed and Octy engage in an insult match about which one is bringing down the club more by having been admitted or who smells worse. Finally Fedora pushes Octy into the pool. This time Octy can float, darn it. Diana and Eddy get a good laugh. Good thing Max didn't see this happen to his Mommy Dearest.

Cut to a shot of Max showering angrily, pecs and biceps exposed.

Now Lala calls Diego to tell him she just saw something terrible on the news. You guessed it: Pancho and his cellmate Halcon have broken out of prison. Yes, after a year of digging at the wall, they have managed to escape. They laugh about how they feel like the stars of the Fox show "Prison Break," except my closed captions say "Prision Brake."
They plan to kidnap Larry for ransom!

Next we watch Fedora getting dressed for the wedding with her girls. Diana compliments her and says she looks like a queen, but she says she is a sad queen. She thought she could love Roddy, but no, she was wrong. Duh, I hate her!
I must say, though, that Fedora looks better than usual in periwinkle blue instead of red or black, and she has a more flattering rose-c0lored lipstick, instead of the bright red.

Now Max and Pedro are getting ready. Max says that Pedro looks elegant. I just wonder again why he has no lower teeth. Pedro reminds Max to call him "abuelito" (Gramps) at the party.

Diana announces here comes the bride, and Fedora goes down the stairs to loud applause from the assembled guests. Even Kike is clapping, the turd.

Larry is exiting the studio and meeting fans. Silvia is there to greet him dressed as Betty Boop (yes, she has a curly black wig, a short red strapless dress and a stuffed "Pudgy" dog. She wants him to take her to the wedding. He doesn't want to go, as he will not be welcome there, but he agrees to give her a lift.

Wouldn't you know it, but Pancho and Halcon are in the back seat of the car, guns drawn.

Back at the wedding, Max is introduced as Alejandro. But the family members all recognize him right away as Max. Emilio says, but aren't you Max? Who? replies Max. Yolanda is impactada, and Diana collapses in a faint. Emilio and Yolanda are not having any of this deception. Dulce, the nurse from the manicomio (don't know why she is at the wedding, other than to contribute to this part of the story) recognizes Pedro. Diana should also, any minute now. Yolanda talks to "Max," and he says no, he wishes he could have known her nephew, and he is sorry for her loss. Come on--how can he put one over on Tia Yolanda. How mean!

Cut to the pool club: Marfil and Fiona wear dueling bikinis. Diego comes up to greet Marfil, and they now make out openly. Yuck. He greets Fiona, and Marfil is jealous that he even knows her (apparently from years ago). Fiona sees them kissing and thinks it's too soon, since Marfil's husband has only been dead for a year. (Side observation: I've been noticing how tall Diego is. We were so used to seeing him in the wheelchair, but now that he is standing up, I keep noticing that he is one of the tallest actors on the show.)

Max whispers to gramps that his "disguise" isn't working. No matter, says Pedro--everyone has a double (repeating the old wives' tale). We'll just keep working our story. I guess he figures if they repeat it enough times someone will believe. (Diana will surely believe that the old man who left the manicomio with Max is now the old man with a grandson who looks exactly like Max. This makes so much sense!)

Back to a warehouse, where the kidnappers are now holding Larry and Silvia. They overhear that the kidnappers intend to get the ransom and just kill them.

Diana and Fedora discuss Alejandro/Max. Diana recognizes Pedro. Will she be fooled? Tune in tomorrow!


Thanks so much for the recap. I haven't been watching telenovelas for too long but when I saw
one year despues I couldn't believe it. How can Maxi Maxi think he can hide behind that little goatee. He looks exactly the same and sounds exactly the same and he's with Pedro his roomate in the manicomo.
Also Kiki I'd love to beat him with a whip. I hate seeing women abused especially by a brute like him.
I know I know it's a telenovela. And who's going to pay for Larry since he's the only one working in the
family. Unless Max drops his cover and pays up.
And poor Tia. What happened to Rene the most likable person in the whole novela. Sorry just got
so frustrated watching this. Thanks again for the recap.

This episode was just NUTTY! Isn't it funny that of all the weddings on the show, the only ones where both the bride and groom loved each other was between Pancho and Caramelo and Pancho and Paola?

Thanks for the recap!

Amy, that is absolutely right! What a funny coincidence!

More food for thought: Why isn't Octy living the life of Riley with her new boyfriend Iggy? And since a year has gone by, have they ever resolved Iggy's medical license problem?

And there is still Pancho's unresolved trial. Wasn't Roddy his lawyer? Maybe that was just for the bigamy, but he never did get convicted of either offense.

Anonymous, I was thinking that they would ask the TV station for ransom for Larry.

I went back to review the comment about viene al galgo, because it didn't make sense.

Indeed, I had left a bunch of stuff out in my haste yesterday:

While Max is watching Fedora, Diana and Eddy eat lunch, Eddy says that he is so happy to eat with two beautiful women. Diana says that her mother is beautiful. Eddy, not Max, then says casta le viene al galgo, i.e., the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

It's funny how they used scenes from a real telenovela that Larry was in called Olvidarte Jamas. Gaby was also in this novela good thin they didn't accidently show a scene with her in it.

I don't know why I find it so hard to believe that everyone believes Max's lame story about being Alejandro. I can guarantee I would recognize my husband even if he grew a goatee, wore glasses, and gave up pastel sweaters. This show is sinking to a new low!

I want my Rene back!

Thanks for the recap! =)

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