Thursday, July 26, 2007

Amar Sin Limites #6, Wednesday 7-25: Gala Night and the Morning After

Previously on Amar Sin Limites: There's a very long "previously on" segment including such events as Azul and Diego's googly eyes at first sight; Piero and Lidia trying to eat each others' faces (por dios! Get some kissing lessons, people!); and the teeny-tiny strap on Azul's dress breaking.

Azul finally agrees to let Diego help her with her dress and he proceeds to very, very sexily sew the strap back on. Frankly, I don't see how anyone could get that excited about having a sharp needle that close to a sensitive bit of anatomy, but whatever. She tells him he knows how to sew really well and he says that’s what he's been trying to tell her all night. Meanwhile, legions of adolescent boys wonder why no one ever told them taking home economics could get them some play. Before they can consummate their wardrobe malfunction, Azul and Diego are interrupted by someone coming into the bathroom. They hide in one of the stalls and Diego attempts to retrieve the needle from Azul's cleavage, but she smacks him on the hand and gets the needle for him. Did all of that sound really dirty? Cause it should have.

Lidia has come to visit Boss Man (Piero?) at his house, which gets him all hot and bothered. Apparently he has a thing for his mistress coming by and chatting with his wife while he puts his daughter to bed. And apparently, getting him all hot and bothered was her goal.

Diego continues sewing as he and Azul hide out in a stall in the ladies' room. There's more flirting about Diego's sewing and more shushing each other and lots more heavy breathing. It occurs to me to wonder how he's going to cut the thread. I typically bite mine when I'm sewing…whoa, and so does he! So wrong! ("It's sewing porn!" my husband exclaims. I realized later that I missed Diego cutting the thread the previous day because my DVR cut off and then they didn't re-show it at the beginning of today's show.) Diego says he'd like to live in the ladies' room with Azul forever (ew!). Mauricio calls Azul on her cell phone to tell her he's on his way, but she's a little distracted. She covers the mouthpiece and tells Diego to stay and not follow her. Mauricio is telling Azul she needs to make him look good when he gets there.

Silvana is nervously watching people arrive at the party and drops her bag. Security are keeping their eyes on her. She bumps into Diego on her way to the ladies' room and he helps her in there. Someone should tip him for going above and beyond the call of duty as bathroom attendant tonight. She's looking pretty unsteady on her feet, but she tells Diego she hasn't been drinking. He innocently asks her what she's doing there and she tells him it's a long story. She asks him if he's with the gal in the red dress, that she saw them, and that she (Azul) likes him. He tells her he's got to go back out there and chase after Azul some more. Silvana asks him to see if she's being followed since she wasn't invited. It does look like security is waiting for her to come out, so Diego tells her he'll deal with his unfinished business and then help her get out of the bathroom.

Diego's dad is desperately trying to get some, while Mama tells him she needs a little more time to get, uh, motivated. Ya'll I'm trying to keep this as clean as I can, but the writers sure aren't helping! He complains about not knowing when she's in the mood and when she's not. Mama asks for more delicacy and more time…and oh, by the way, it would also be nice if he didn't talk to her dad that way. She calls him on his "owner of the house" line by reminding him that Abuelo helped pay the mortgage a couple months when they were about to take the house away. Take that! He storms out of the room.

Silvana has attempted to escape the ladies' room without waiting for Diego. Security asks to see her invitation and she tries to tell them her "husband" (Diego) has it. Another Security person asks Diego for his invitation as they have a problem with his "wife" but he says he left it in his coat, which he checked. Security want names to check against the list of invitees. Diego gives them "Carlos Moreno," but they're not on the list, so Security ask them to leave. Diego good-naturedly escorts his "wife" out the door while stopping to grab Azul and smooch her in a not altogether unpleasant way before he leaves (Piero should take notes). As Mauricio passes Silvana and Diego on the stairs she starts insisting that she has to go back, but he keeps escorting her out.

Azul is being very subtly rude to Mauricio's business contact Burgay (?) telling him they missed the best of the music and there's probably no food left, except for some sweets. Mauricio turns on her the minute Burgay goes to check on the sweets, telling her she's doing this on purpose, he already explained why he was late, and asking her again in his subtly menacing way, if she can't be nice, could she at least pretend to be the kind of woman a man wants in a situation like this? She gives him a big fake smile and tells him she can.

Burgay tells Azul that since he got there, Mauricio hasn't stopped talking about her. Azul keeps up her sarcasm, saying that Mauricio exaggerates and that she gives him whatever he wants since she's not allowed to fail him. Burgay tells Mauricio that Azul is enchanting. Azul says everyone's said so, ever since she was little and asks if Burgay would like more champagne. He declines and leaves the table to go say hello to an old friend. Mauricio asks if all her clowning is because he has responsibilities other than her. Azul says she's just trying to be nice. Mauricio would like an explanation of what's going on. Azul says she thought he wanted a stupid girl who smiles and puts up with anything. She explains to him that one does not leave a woman waiting alone at an event like this and that people who do it to her (leave her waiting) can go to hell. She says he has to learn how to treat a woman and leaves. He calls after her, but doesn't leave the table.

Diego and Silvana are walking down the street, but Silvana says she doesn't care where he walks her to; the only thing she knows is that she needed to kill someone tonight and she failed. Diego says, "me too, but with kisses." Silvana assures him that she's serious and has a gun in her bag. Diego says that's why she didn't let her bag go all night. Silvana is surprised he noticed and says he's intelligent and that intelligent men are very dangerous. She has another dizzy spell and Diego puts an arm around her and tells her to breathe deeply and keep her head up.

Back at the party, Burgay has noticed Azul's absence. Mauricio lies that he sent her home. Burgay says she's immature and that's why she's resisting Mauricio. Burgay thinks she needs an aplacadita (some calming down). Mauricio says she's intelligent and beautiful, but Burgay reminds him that above all, she's Toscano's daughter, which makes her more interesting. Mauricio says she doesn't need to be anybody's daughter to be interesting, but Burgay reminds him that they need Toscano (for what, we still don't exactly know) and Mauricio shouldn't upset his daughter again. Mauricio promises not to. Burgay suggests they visit some female "friends" of his who aren't so "hysterical" and asks if Mauricio has cuerda (literally "rope"; I think he's asking if Mauricio still has enough time/energy, but I would be much obliged if someone could confirm).

Azul is back at home, telling Ceci that for once she (Azul) put Mauricio in his place. Ceci is surprised that Azul left him there. Azul tells Ceci that she saw Diego there and that he didn't stop following her all night. Ceci wants details. Azul only tells her Diego kissed her. Which I guess is true, but really seems to leave a lot out.

Diego has brought Silvana to his house. He says he's going to bring her water. Silvana tells him not to call the woman in red tomorrow because in life, you have to know how to wait. She says she's going to wait and everything will turn out well. Diego says he doesn't know if he'll be able to wait. Silvana either passes out or falls asleep on the couch. I must say, I know Azul's supposed to be the romantic lead, but I think Silvana is way prettier. Just my $0.02. Diego finds a note on the dining table addressed to "Clemencia y Diego." The note reads: "Children, the die is cast. I didn't tell you personally because I knew you wouldn't have let me leave, but the truth is, I don't want to argue with Manuel again. He's ruder to you than usual because he knows it bothers me and so he does it adrede (on purpose). I'll be with my friend Efrain for a week and then I'm going back to Tepatitlan. Lots of love, Aurelio."

Diego carries Silvana into his room and lays her down on the bed. He undresses and gets into the little cot. We see that Silvana is sleeping, but tossing and turning. Diego reaches over and takes one of her hands. He tells himself again that he doesn't know how long he can wait.

Looks like the next morning Azul is annoyingly chipper. She's yelling at Ceci to hurry up and she says she's fixed her some juice. Ceci complains that it's grapefruit juice and couldn't Azul have at least added some vodka (mmm, breakfast of champions). Ceci curses Diego. She says she understands that Azul needs to work out her frustrations, but she doesn't think it's fair that she (Ceci) should have to go out running when she doesn't want to go running. Azul denies that Diego is why she wants to go running, since it was just a kiss, and tries to get Ceci out the door. They stop when the phone rings and listen to hear Mauricio ask the answering machine if Azul is there. Azul tells the answering machine that she's already left and pushes Ceci out the door.

Silvana is telling Diego what a nice guy he is for bringing her home and letting her sleep in his bed. Diego asks if she wants more coffee, but she declines. She asks about the stuff in the room and he tells her his Abuelo is a sastre (tailor) and that he (Diego) is as well. She seems surprised. Diego tells her his Abuelo taught him how to do everything, take measurements, trazar (sketch), hilvanar (baste), cut, make pants, jackets, chalecos (vests), abrigos (coats). Silvana asks him if he does women's clothes too. He says he's an expert at fixing women's straps and flashes back to his intimate contact with thread the previous evening. He asks if she remembers the girl in red and tells her he fixed her strap in the bathroom. Silvana says if he likes her he shouldn't call her, women's intuition. Diego says he'll respect it faithfully. She asks if he's faithful and he says he's faithful to what's good for him. Silvana says she's faithful to those she loves and those who give her life meaning. She says she's leaving, but Diego says he'll lend her clothes (she's still in the peach dress from last night). She jokes that he makes women's clothes after all, but he tells her he has a sister. He jokingly asks if she has any color preferences before he leaves the room.

Azul finishes up her run and sits on the grass by Ceci, who either ran faster or gave up earlier. Ceci says that if this guy gets her like this with one kiss, she can't imagine what she'll do with the first revolcón (tumble; roll in the hay; etc.; and thanks for making the joke for me, Ceci!). Azul says she needs some peace, to think about what's going on: the two classes she needs to finish her degree, her lack of money. Ceci says she can teach Azul how to live on the cheap. Azul says she's dando vueltas (going in circles) about working with Mauricio. She asks Ceci if she thinks Diego has a girlfriend. Ceci laughs and falls back on the grass.

Diego brings Silvana into the kitchen and introduces her to his parents. His mom looks pretty shocked. She asks about Abuelo, but Diego tells her Abuelo left and Silvana slept in his (Abuelo's) bed. Mama reads the note. Silvana says she'll send the clothes back as soon as she gets home. She says Diego told her Abuelo was a tailor. Papa says that back in the day people used to wait in line for him to make suits, they waited in line because they had the time, but he doesn't have time, so he has to go. Wow, dude, way to make it all about you. Silvana thanks Mama for the bed, breakfast, etc., but Mama is distracted. She says she has to talk to Papa about the letter and asks Diego to serve Silvana breakfast.

Lidia and Piero are at the office smooching and smushing noses and just begging to get busted. At least they're not trying to suck each others' lungs out today. Piero asks where they should go. He suggests an apartment he has in Acapulco. Lidia counters with Puerto Escondido. Piero accepts, but wonders what she'll say to Paco. She says she'll say she's going with some girlfriends, but asks what it matters. She asks what he'll say to his wife. He says he'll tell her he's going fishing and that he won't have to give much of an explanation. They get interrupted by a woman coming into the office who thankfully announces her presence by loudly wishing "Daniel" a good morning (I'm guessing this is someone off screen). They try to act innocent until she leaves and then Piero says they'll go this weekend. Piero heads into his office and Lidia sits at her desk and bites on a green pencil.

Silvana apologizes to Emilia for being out all night. She says she didn't feel well and slept at her friend's house. She says it won't happen again. Emilia says that Silvana can't do stuff like this while she's under Emilia's care. I'm having a little trouble with the whole ex-sister-in-law/therapist/host thing, but I'm just going to have to accept that the rules of ethics are a little different in Telenovelaland and move on. Emilia tells Silvana she's still not ready and they should go slow. Silvana agrees and says that it's taken her off track from her objectives (she doesn't answer Emilia's question about what objectives she's talking about). Silvana says yesterday she only saw sad faces and that today she woke up in the middle of a simple family having conversations she hadn't heard in years. She said it calmed her down and made her feel there's something she needs to come back into her life. Emilia says she needs to go back to being a complete, happy woman.

Azul and Alfredo are chatting about an event Azul would like Alfredo to go to at some club. She tells him she's realized that what she needs isn't money, but the adrenaline that he enjoys so much. Meanwhile Diego is despairing because he can't get through to Azul on the phone. Ja! Once she hangs up with his dad, he gets through on dad's line, but hangs up as usual. Dude, you're thirty--you should have stopped doing that when you were a teenager!

Diego goes upstairs looking for some red thread and complains that he can't find any. Don Chucho gives him some from his private stash. Diego is planning to hem a piece of that red silk fabric from earlier to give to Azul, but Don Chucho says he can't just give her a piece of fabric like that. Diego says she'll understand, but Don Chucho tells him to wait and he'll see. Go, Don Chucho, work your magic!

Ugh, moppet time. Caty is sitting by the pool. She calls Azul to tell her she's sad because Azul doesn't come to visit her. Caty says her dad told her he and Azul were fighting and she wants to know if that's why Azul doesn't come over anymore. Azul says she's just busy and that she loves Caty. She promises to visit soon and Caty asks if she'll visit today. Azul says she can't because she has to visit her dad. Caty asks if her dad can take her to where Azul's dad is. Sneaky little moppet. I guess she learned from the master manipulator himself. Azul says they just can't see each other today, but that she doesn't want Caty to be angry at her, they'll see each other another day.

Diego is continuing his stalking by visiting Alfredo's apartment. He catches Alfredo coming out the door and hassles him about a package he wants to leave, but Alfredo is trying to pawn him off on the doorman, who isn't currently answering the door. Diego hands Alfredo the package and Alfredo hands it back, asking Diego who he is to be leaving a package for Azul Toscano. Diego asks if Alfredo can give the package to Azul and says she'll know what it's about. Alfredo wants to know if she's expecting the package and whether Diego is a friend of hers. Diego asks who he is and Alfredo says he's her dad. Diego says it's a pleasure to meet him and that the package isn't anything dangerous and then he takes off.

Azul is in a bar talking to Emilia about how bad she feels for not being able to see Caty. Sounds like she's already told Emilia about running into Diego the night before. She says she's confused because she doesn't want to get distracted from her objectives. Emilia asks what objectives she's talking about (ooh, let's see if she gets an answer this time!). Azul says she had a fight with Mauricio and she's wondering if she really wants to marry him or if she'd like to do something else and not think so much about the future. Emilia says maybe she should go with her instincts for a while and quit being so obsessed with money. Emilia thinks it would be good for Azul to see that boy again who made her think about and doubt so many things.

A man behind a desk is advising Alfredo to accept Mauricio's offer. Mauricio thinks that would be like throwing away thirty years of work. I guess this is his boss, because he tells Alfredo that he didn't want to have to tell him this, but cutbacks are coming and things are going to get difficult.

Ceci drags Azul out of the bedroom to listen to the messages on the machine. Ceci thinks it's funny that Mauricio has left four messages. The messages get progressively more angry and in the last one he says he's losing patience. Azul looks sad and tells the answering machine that she's losing patience too.

Silvana couldn't resist the lure of Diego's house. She came back on the pretense of returning the clothes she borrowed. Mama tells Silvana she should go to the pool hall nearby where Diego is hanging out and say hi. Silvana says she'd rather call him, she doesn't want to bother him. Mama reaches out and takes Silvana's hand. I think Mama knows something's up with Silvana, even if she doesn't know what it is.

Alfredo is practicing his fencing with Azul. He wins this round 5 to 4, so I guess they're pretty evenly matched. She tells Alfredo she's losing her reason. Alfredo mentions the boy he saw today who had something for her that Alfredo's not sure he should give her since the guy didn't seem terribly sane. Alfredo starts to spout some psychobabble, which cracks Azul up. She tells him to get to the point. Alfredo gives Azul the package and goes to get some water. Looks like Don Chucho made the red fabric into a rose. Diego included a note that reads: "To many more straps, Diego." The theme music plays and we end on a shot of Azul looking muy encantada.


Thanks for all that marvelous vocabulary help, Latina....I'm not watching the show but I read the recaps when I can and am always blessed by the help with the language.

Thanks for the recap - I am watching but except
for scenes with Diego and Azul it's pretty hard
going. Did they ever give any back story for
Silvana and her husband and child? Presume
they're dead and she blames Mauricio. Thanks
again for the recap

Thanks for the recap and vocabulary 5ft. I think most of us agree that Piero can't kiss well (its actually quite frightening to watch). And I completely agree with your husband, that was sewing porn. I've seen a few novelas but I haven't seen one this steamy.


Cecila has blossemed from lazy crabby to sweet advice and fun funny.
I wonder what will happen with Lidia and Piero? I wonder if they will get busted or he will knock her up!
so then who's the crappy designer who keeps messing up these outfits?! I thought it was Diego but i guess its the sewing team!
You could make a song out of all of Silvanna's fast confessions and clues lol!
We know what they need Azul's dad for but not all the way wasn't it in the summary some what?!
god i thought that was a dead body next to Caty!
This show is getting a kick off by promoteing lust ,thoughts,doubts and plains and ignoreing kids for the reason to give thought of staying with and for someone!

I think they are taking the mystery route of plot building on this one. Usually, the audience is in on the secret and it's frustrating to watch the characters muck around because they don't know. In this one, the audience isn't clued in. It's a bit more sophisticated and could be exciting. Mauricio is one bad dude.

Meanwhile, legions of adolescent boys wonder why no one ever told them taking home economics could get them some play.
Ha ha
Before they can consummate their wardrobe malfunction,
Double HA HA

I was taping this show for my wife, but after the strap-episode and double score with the woman in the peach dress, I've made a decision to watch the show for myself and take up a tailoring class.

I had to turn my fan toward the TV to keep the screen from melting. That was some great chemistry between the two romantic leads!!!!

Slightly confused about Diego's father. I know he's supposed to be a bad Dad and a bad husband...but I'm thinking, aside from his ridiculous impulsive and sometimes insulting comments, I think he may be just stupid. Sometimes, I think it's more that he just doesn't "get it!" than that's he's just a really bad person. Maybe his face is just too nice for the role of a bad person. i still remember him as the wonderful doctor in Mariana de la Noche. I thought he was particularly attractive.

I think a lot of what's up with Diego's dad is that whatever his wife's illness is, he's not doing a very good job of coping. A lot of the arguments they have are just a little too familiar to me. I was prepared to write him off as being mean and nasty for no particular reason, but after I translated a few of those exchanges for the hubby the light bulb went off for both of us. Of course, he could have been something of a jerk to begin with and then it just got worse, but who knows. He doesn't seem to have issues with Lidia that I've noticed, so he's at least capable of being civil to one person in the family.

Great recap. I'm having a hard time separating all the characters into families, but I think I've got it down now. I like Diego and Azul so far, and I like how they're developing the characters. So far, at least, it's not stupid. And I haven't seen a story where a tailor was the main character since the fairy tale, which I don't remember very well, but I think there's a fairy tale with a tailor.

5ft, I agree that Diego seems like a clumsy character rather than a bad character. In the rather hamfisted novela writerland, we are used to seeing clumsy characters end up being bad, just not usually meriting the comeuppance that truly evil characters get. I suspect though that there may be another secret behind Diego's behavior. It's over the top.

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